. ifx WW mmmmwmmmwmm rshsbihri THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914-EVENING EDITION. 5Jr, KW - B-fluSawy - i 1vnnnMi'AiA,iiDi 1 a". JaHaSBklBBBBBBF Ut avSlTAV Marsliflelcl complimentary to .Mrs. MiXel". The decoration sc'.iomo was in b!nck and yellow, autumn leaves . nf Hallowe'en novelties reflecting the Hnllowo'en season. A fortune telling hooth was ontr of the fea turps of the ovonlni?. The guests were members of n Coos Itlvor party last summer. Tliey inciuueu .mishus den, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. h. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. It. N. I'enton, Mr. nud , Mrs. J. Q. JnrfvlB, Mr. and .Mrs. Hen ry Fourier, Miss Amy Isaacs, Mls Until Matthews, Kdward Steele mul j C. IJ. Landers. ' SKWIXO l'AHTV. Mrs. It. von Slilniimii enioriauu-u .... .. i..i i..r.iHi.nl n fttitinnti n( Irene I'rouss, Mabel Lang, inoz Jonn- at a iicngiuiui uum. .......-..-.. - Mav Myrcn, Irene StnrK, v ran- sowing ni nur numu m ) TKVST. "Can you toll me e way to Jojr?" j slis twill; "I.ovo promtoed to t tar." Jfut the fttrirch shook his hoary lioa.l) " 'Tli t Sorrow if awaits, my V donr." "Nay, nay! TwasafJoy, I prow Iwjil to be: . Sweat wore the tanas of III roles. Why, Ho I here, ray brother:" Mid (die, "Waiting for us to rsjolcs." Amy imth Wsnwrt. CONTRIBUTIONS concerning aodal kappenlnps, Intended for mbiintloa In the society depart ment of The Tlnw. most be sab slued to the editor not later than 6 o'clock p. at.. Friday of each week. (Exceptions will be allowed only la cass where the treats oceorrtJ later than the time Mentioned.) A I bee wl.l be la charge of the enter tainment. Those present this week were Mr. H. M. Albee. Mrs. Carts im'iwai. r.nticp of visitors In the city, or of Coos Hay people who visit In other cities, together with notices cf social affairs, aro gladlv received In the social de partment. Telephone 133 , No tie of club meetings will oe n,tituttad nri secretaries uro I kindly requested to furnish same, j sun, tes Stack, Frieda Holm, Mrs. llal llnger and Mrs. McNeil. ' mukv wkda'ksdav The Coos Day Women's Club will meet with Mrs. J. Wright Wilson on Annrtniniitn LYIilav afternoon. Hor guosts Included Mrs. Ittiobol, Mrs. F. K. Getting, Mrs. W. A. Hold, Miss lludzeln nnd llulon nnd Warren ; Held nnd Harry Oettlns. ; a I .MIIjIiK'OMA IJAIili ' Tho Mllllconm Club will glvo an Wednesday evening initond of- with Informal dance next Friday night. It Miss Topping as was previously an- will bo tho first of a scries of dances nouncod. to be given this winter. all were the table decorations which brought shrieks of ecstasy from the" little folks. In the games. I.ura ll.M.OWHi:. PAItTV 11APTIST MISSIOXAV tenson. Mrs. Hrcckmueller, Mrs. A. L. James won first prixe and Catherine Data Mr. Johnaoa. Mr. I)av!. Mrs Olson. Mra. F M. Marhoffer. Mrs. George Kourke. Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Ron. j. . .;. Going wcond prise. In serving and entertaining. Mrs. Bertam was as sisted by .MIms Grace Urown and Grace Farrln. Those present were Lura James. Ruth. Catherine and - The Ilnptlst Missionary Society will , Ms. J. G. Kinney was hostess at ,cot with Mrs. Wheeler on Wednex- charmlng afternoon at 500 Frldnv ,;ny nfternoon her homo In South Murshflold. - Yol can buy Buster Brown Shoes only at He a at Corn, autumn leaves and Halloween features predominated In the decor ations. In serving. Mrs. Kinney was assisted by Mrs. J. W. HlldenbrnnJ (Continued on Pago Three. 1 SISTIiltllOUl) .MiiirriNG c iAN a woman lovo more than onto?" wss tho question put to a lady of igreat sagacity In such mutters. "It depends," ho 'replied, "on the ability to decide what l real love und what Is moro fancy. "Many a woman Jibs apparently fnllcm In lovo with a. man, and then itoniolhtng has occurred to separate thorn, says a well known woman writer. Vet In a fjw years after ward mIio lias been happily married to another man. I ni)oiild say, how over, that a woman nt doep affec tions fuels tho groat paaalon only onco In hor life. If tlm man of her choice illiw or Is iHtparated from hfr, thou lovo has no morn to offer her. Hut such caic nro nyo." I The Marabfield Christian Sitter hood was entertained Tuesday after noon by Mr. McDnffy. Needlework on article for the baaaar which, is be ing arranged was the afternoon's diversion. The meeting place for the next somion two weeks hence was not decided upon. Those pres ent this week were Mrs. II. W. Pain ter. Mrs. W. A. Reld, Mrs. Hlaln. Mrs. It. A. Copple. Mrs. J. C. Jones, Mrs. S. J. Immel. Mra. h. A. Whereat, Mrs W. II. Cox. Mrs. Ora McCarty and Mrs. J. W. Motley. p MHICT Tl'HSDAV Neat Tneaday, Mr. It. A. Copple will entertain the C. W. II. M. and th program on China will be In charge of Mra. Mtfarty. Norman Going. Mary, Alice and Jan- Mh jUjth MnttneWBi Tlw ,,rlzc (ilVH.V Kt'lll'ltlSK . HIGH SCHOOL PAItTV i Tlio 11101111)011 of the Coos liny Hranch of tho National Awoclntlun of Htatlonnry Knglnnors wore glvon a ilccldod mirprlso at Uiolr last niiNtt lug whou tlw'Jr wIvoh droiped In loaded down with lunch Imiketa of dollnaoloa that chaiiKod tho hoIom In to a uiiHit ddllKhtful HooJnl.' Amoiig thoae ciiJo)Iiik It wore Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Chapman, Mrs. A. .1. Surbeck, .Mr. and Urn. K. J, , Vinos, Ciras. Dunl hoii, Alex Pulorwin, vM. K. Itouro?.nti win, A. J. Ritrbcrk', Mr. and. Mra. Ilimry O'.MRia, Mr. and Mrs. Waller. John Politico, Jo vehott. V. II. Mooily, 0. It. Dixon, Mr. nnd Mra. C. II. Wilson. August Putonmn, Mr. nnd Jin, J. V. Meyora and Mr. an! Mrs. Alfrod OImii. : , NOHTII IIKNU'CONCKiri' I Tho concert given Int Friday ove ulng by the North Head High School Jlainl for thu benefit of the North This evening the Marebflold high 'school students are enjoying a Hallo ween iwrty at the school. IllltTlfllAV PAItTV. Miss Marlon Gldloy ontertalned a uuinhor of her little frlouds at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Gldly. In South Marshflold yestenlay In honor of hor fifth birth day. Tho decorations reflected tho Hallowe'en season and a birthday rake was the centerpiece of artistic table arrangements. In entertaining Mrs. Gldloy waa assisted by Mlates Margate Powers and Iouls Oldlty. Those present were Loulae Lockhart, Grace McKeown, Louise Maloney. Helen Hansen, .lack Ilanaon, Thelma WIIsoh and Katharine Toye. ! I laniiw aut ci.i.'ii. i . Mm. W. Itoaa Smith waa hoatew to the l.adlea' Art Club yatrday after- llend Puhllo l.lhntry, waa an affair noon. Flowers and green prwlow Hiirli as iiialies a city Inku jirldu In luaiwl In the decorations. In irarv Ha own pooplu. The boya composing Ing, the hostess was assisted by Mrs. (ho baud uupprlsod their frlenda by Hlaucbaid. Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Sum tholr niarknl luiprovemont In their 'r. Those present were Mrs. J. A. musical ability. Tho piano duet by Ulatt. Mr. A. 8. Illanchard, Mrs. Misses Itaab and Mamlo was one of Jas. Cowan, Mrs. W. II. Curtis. Mrs. tho best plewa or home talont over'Olhla Kdman, Mrs. J. M. Flye, Mrs. rendorod on Coos Hay and received W. II. Foley, Mrs. W. K. Iltwgland. a warm enrore which was resKndtNl Mrs. A. U Houseworth. Mrs. L. G. to with a selection as well renderH.1 1 Ui), Mrs. Chas. UChapello. Mrs. as tho first number. Fred Shim- K. 1). McArihur. Mrs. N. Itasmus mlan gao two vocal solos of Hiwr sn. Mrs. F. L. Sumner and Mrs. and wonderfully clear oxiuuaainn iv (,.,!.,., ft TIII.MItLH CLtm I . The North Hind Thimble Club en Joyed a social session Friday with Mr. A. II. Derbyshire. The decor- , atlona reflected the Hallowe'en sea sou. (towing and social chat nn followed by rorrcshmeuts. Th nxt mooting will be In two weeks, with Mrs. irurmester. Those present y-- Itorday lnclud.d Mra. F. Glaitfcr, Mra. "Ud m&lh work wr..r,.iiK ....... " " ' MrH ' ""'" Mri Ik-l...S. i-"wu , ,v frm Kriiaus Vff M Iff If ..,.w.,1 , - -- i-l " m, ft. ! '! Chas. Kaiser, barllone. with hla wife his accompanlat, recuiviHl and re N'ondsd lo two lioarty oucores. Thw cun.ort nulled the library RumeHiIng "w ' dollars and is to Iki uso1 for laoks for boys. -. xaucissis ci.ru TNarclssus Club members uutei twnsj Wedinaulny at tin homo of mw. mt)r Vineyard. Kwlul chat iriMUlltiAit.. till. "!HIUi. 1 1111 IlikVt .......I .... . in i. mm;m ,'"r."'r"nm "'" Mm. n. VW" IIIKYHl I'lllliI'Mlll J. Llnduu. Mra. I. (! M-H iroaenlfhU Wttuk w T ,1 . , ,' Wtt"er " Wra. J...- Ol.ri i . ..... w,ui HtiNklii and Mlssss i..nche TJefson. Thora and Anna l.mid VMatmiiiur West. yiSS HAXCH T' JJrSarf-tb7.Ma iua flehool hi I lahritild PWIIUIIIg (I) BVtt guests, - - - - i GI7IS A.M.US .IKWKI.ItV - F. W. Itartram has Just return.'! from a buying trip to Ran Fraui-laco, whom ho uurdissf-d a fine stock of the latest design In holiday Jam olry nud novidiU-a. rhmut will mtuu arrho and bo on dlsular for toe mas trudf. The Christmas site. ilaas 4ane nett WUoi!ny ovoiiIhr "!"rhw lu tho Williams bulldlm, K fhilatt a lelalltles are better than vr b(ore, . covering a wide rang at art lets. JOI.LV DOZKy PAItTV. Hurt rs in liomi- in w was converted Info a rg- fulrylaud bower last fwoliig Thai Jolly Doun met at Uu, 1,1 l "HII,I)IIK.VK i.f Mr. Henrv Olmn lu ).,,!. ..... .;. - - l lllll Tlii, p w - -- JUHoson Doing MMr,,hfieij . --vo oiusr- nlar - --. r a unmi v-m i . . ' "" "" WIIKII MlM II. .Mr,.... . . I.... . I.....I I,. it was Jwldsa , Kllianop M)i '".is for (ho fu drc8S(1(, Il( v ni by Mra A. .sitH-j jiiv.'cin v CP ' P f nti n Ice McKlnnon, Katherlne Toye, Alice Douglas, Brewer, James and Mary Kleanor Mills. George Williams, John Butler and Lawrence Bertram. KVKXIXG PAItTV. Misses Irene and Frances Stack en tertained a few friends at a delight ful evening party last Monday at their home on South Fifth street. HOXOItS VISITOR. Miss Klvlra Frlxeen was hostess at a charming party Tuesday eve ning at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mr.-- August Frizcca, In South was won by Mrs. C. U. Wells. Her guests wore Mrs. C. U. Wells, Mrs. T. S. Harvey, Mrs. It. X. Fottton, Mrs. Harry Hultman, Mrs. K. F. Lc Mleux. Mrs. Wm- Schroedor, Mrs. J. W. Hlldenbrand, Mrs. J. A. Stadden, Mrs. II. L. Crawford, Mrs. Guy Chambers, Mrs. Norls Jensen, Mrs. L. F. Donning. Mrs. J. W. Mltoholl, Mrs. L. T. Matthews, Mrs. J. Q. Unr vis, .Mrs. Henry Fourier, Mrs. Ander son. Mrs. K. Klllott. Miss Ruth Mat thews nud Miss Cnrrlo Ross. This ovonlng Mr. nnd Mrs. Klnnoy will entertain at r.00 again. 'Heir KUPt-ts will Include Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Hlldenbrand. Mr. and Mm. Win. Scliroeder. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Stud- l'mm& REMEMBER THE WEDDING YOU WNT YOUR OUT TO HH GOOD, CORRECT IN STYLE, AND ATA PRILL YOU WANT TO PAY, DON'T YOUV THEN COME INTO OUR STORE AND LET US HELP YOU MAKE THE SELECTION. OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE JEWELRY BUSINESS AND OUR YKARS OF EXPERIENCE WILL HELP YOU TO SE LECT SOMETHING APPROPRIA TE, OF LASTING YOU WILL HE PLEASED WITH THE GOODS AND VALUE, AND THE PRICE. H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. GORDON'S shoes of M ERIT SATIN SLIPPERS Dyed to Match Your Gown See Our New Spring Heels For Children First Steps For Baby I Sperry Puremilk For Dairy Cattle I .til. i.j, i,t Jty 'I Li h' I. y iM v, U .1. ii ,i 1 tie iws I i i t r y ''j"' jtixs i f rii'i'is nud A Balanced Feed AtAREASONABLEPRICE Fed to Cows Increases Their a YIELD OF MILK SEE IT- -ASK ABOUT IT The Greatest Golden Rule Store wypsjHilirni T' """ ' ' sww'iissMims maau isi siiasss ! !! isi mtmt 'IW H Mm -., - - - tlSW IIIIMll in H tf a OB oeaier d EOW ing in All Coos County or RYeoudy " . . i SSnSMMWWMBSSSMM twssf sasiiiii"iwi w'"" I There is surely a groat deal of Hatisfnclion in .scluclmg a lvcnitM' from surli an assortment as von will find here. The price is (he second cunsidoi'iition; qnalitv ranks above everything else, ami yon are absolutely assured of obtain, ing vonr idea of heater value when yoncoine here. We probably sell nmnv heaters and there certainlv nnisl lie some good reason for it. This reason iscvi- . i it. 1 ... I ... . !.-... ......11.. 11. J .... . dent the moment yon stop imo inn display jui- reuny guoti neuters were never Di-iced lower than' you will find them hero. , ij Our Showing of the Celebrated Z - 'mimW- iffsw ' ft yCciUnm Iron a..AgVvsimaaaiKr,f'"Lj , ,., TMiiz.vitfP ii neiyw oo's in. . Stering Ranges Is Equally Complete. Cast Bisa ii Yon Know They Are for 15 years "WIT PAVMOKl'W" Co Johnson - MMIK OIUI.1TV XAMIO WITH TILB SKUViOlO JWM1S w pany IBWHW itasanBrauBsssssxracscinEzsaszsEExa cBrmsst THE FIN AL CLEARANCE SALE :OF: I FALL AND WIN MILLINERY begins MRS. A JL-4 Monday, Nov. 2nd at Q AIKEN'S j " .ii uruer uv l( I... i I ('Csb.. I T V f "i di'tiur in tv i .'.. ii I. 'Kn ,1 bf .t tlHVI1t.ll. f hi unit Hjttihi tln 'tJ, vc ti in