The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 30, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i..rfna rw Pnuitv Term Will rhirtv-Hour Fiaht to Save Her of Gun While Returning to Rev. R. E. Browning Urges North Bend Cook Bound .Oyer
$fi UUiI PrZltvTEu Home Yesterday Morning. People to Contribute Re- mZd
5 Drainane System. gens-Feared Burial Alive. n.ting from night .. .t th. have Starving People. Chaige Under $3500 Bond (
Merle Cramer Held Up at Point
Smith mill about C o'clock yesterday Editor of Tho Time: If pross ro-j O. L. McWy, tlio North Horn! cook
cerns Drainage bystem. gens
.. . .- i- tfc cnv.?. r, . n tu r...,i sniun mm luoum o uock 1'enwraa) Editor or Tho Times: n press ro- u. u. aicvey, uio wnrin m" u
jBjge Coke oauuy ten. J BPOENB. Or.. Oct. 0-The Guard mornIng MerIe c , pa( wlfc ft (
circuit court will opea ai .me gar. Ing ln ront ot tne ro9jenco 0f i , , , . , ... ... '
on November 9, having been deferr- Aftw ta!rty-hur fight to save char,es ,lclgard at u27 Tenth street rolled upon, nnd everything pol.'j,s chnrgo proferrod ngnlnst him hj
od one eek on account of the el- lU, Miss Raay May Campbell. Somh WM 8U(ltlenly confrontod by t0 lhe truth of whnt u reported, j ,3;ycn-dC
ik1m.I mn CliMI'Ini llnlS .. .... ... . " i
ut;j "u""h "" .there aro millions of starving, neip- i,.f. iattnn r i, tinll.,. qiiimtnr
UU1UIV MMCJHV.V Wl (IIU ,ivi Kiaiautua
loss nnd homeless people in Holgluin 0f North Hond, nnd stifflclont ovl-j
lion of next Tuesday. The present of RlTecsHe, California, died from lWQ ,naskcd
Cramer was com-
who need assistance and nt onco. donco wns brought out to wnrrnnt i
schcduld of the docket contains a te -ffes of M-ealorlde of morcury un, ,nt0 ,,,8 f Crai
long list of cases but few of the tablets taken Moaday night while Mandcd t0 Bhelf out."
uainc pujbi- ,. m. ,. ,,.v.o
ited case of about 200 ,n ohange and te,nB Thoy have nlroauy snflerod beyond ''Is Ijo' uoiind over to tho grand
ath occurred hlm to et dlsappoftrod tho power or Inngiingo to describe, i; T ' D0"' woro l)lacctl nt
at the home down U)0 bIock , tho darkne8S. and now It, looks ns though those1 i'00' which tho prisoner wns mi-
I ' 1.1.. t k nrMA nk.l 1. n 111 1 t it lllllnnil
The holdup
....,...) -T T
are of great Importance.
Perhaps the biggest case to come daa terais an exaggerated
up Is that of John Hlllstrora a ad aerres prostration. Death
others 'vs. the City or jiarsniieto ? aortiy feeiere o ckk-k
nnd tho Port or Coos uay. in wati i iroiaer, a. u. uarapDcn. nn Cramcr continued on his way
theso property owners seek a maa- ejlcye of the Pacific States Tole- hon,e aI)tl no ro,,ort ot tne matter
The Man Who wants to be in the ht band.
it's time for a new hat.
will, a hat that's "brimful" of stylo, must know II, !
datory Injunction to force either pnoae aid Telegraph company, llv-
was mado to the police. He ile-
surfcrlngs aro to be aggravated by l,u, l" 8Wurc- anu " w'" "u ,",ccu
tlw thing, which Inellvubly follow ' Jal1 at tno count' Hcat-,.
In tho wnkt of war. I '" f,xl,1B n hcnv' ,,al1' J,,,,K0
n.... .i,..i.i ... , rt.. ..nil,,.. jn'Shustor doclnrod ho did It tnklng
xiiib " w wv itii
lm I'ort or tho Cliy or own 01 isg ai t4 i-s rean sireei ore sue ,.. M ,in . ,.ln .. nq - ,nii
. .fl.4.. Y !..!. In4. iltn HnHlnllHtrtMit f I f
them to Install a proper oramage has eea vihusr wna ner momer felow and tho OCOnd of aturdor fly l0 their relief without an Inslnnfs ",l" ""-n um i.i...ui. u
system, on tho north arm of Mill .Mace last Thursday. buld and nillch shorter. Handker- hmltntlon. Ours is a prosperous nn- tho cllar 1llllrt ,ho Ponnlty ImpoBoil I
Slough; This case will be tried la Daring the time the fight was cht.fg ,iaJ beon used by then, ,n on ltpon l t;(J A)mKtity has1" caso BH,,t ,B ,rovun- rho maxl"
Marshfleld on November 5. made to save her lire she suffered mak,ng maskg to concoa, thor fca ghottorml hIa ,lo81(M. Kr most of mum noimlty for rapo Ib twonly yonni
For the equity term Judge Coke lateare pala. but was finally con- ture8 U8 lhoru ,s pion,yt for mny xury. ,a tho stalc I'-'Jiontlary.
declares tho trial Jury will not be stlous. She Implored the physician e had naId no attcnlon (0 thor and but few aro pinched by want. To! BvMonco wns submitted Inst ove-
cnlled, nnd there will then be no to be sure that life was fully ox- approach and hencc had no ldoa of gtand hy i,oodiOMiy tnd thn poo- nl" boforo ''rosccutlng Attorney
need of them until the setting In of tlnct before barlal. raying that she rrom what dlrcctlon they cani0. Very pl0 of n wholo nation stirrer when" A- Wlimivlst, and Attorney Ilrann
tho next regular term, which opens bad a fear of premature burial. She Utole wa8 ,ald t0 hIm hy thc mcn tho rosporty that 8 rolling Into luolont,tMl "vojr. ino cxnminnuon
tho Bccond Monday in wecemier. aiso asKea inai sne oe ounea oesiae who seejned anxlous to bo on their our laps inltjhjt supply some of tholr
'tfee feodr r her father at Marshfleld. wa Cramer had boon helulnc with nn,i. nmi .H- Bmo nf nrnli.
. aA W " mw...w B
me wwy is at uraBs;eers un- ,be nght ioadInB of the Nnnn Smith
. dertaklnir narlor awaiting shipment
, H... t.H .H t n..(i.n.i !
With her mother she left River
side tno months ago on a vacation
in soarca oi aoaiin. ane Has ueon u. HAVSH.V Pntnn ilnwn frnm tiln ..nil ti!..m i .1... .. .r .it-.
visiting at Marshfleld where her hon0 at A0Rally today. 0 ,,aB , e, hm nt tlh, mo,n.
brother, Ray Campbell. lived, and he ,,... P0lrn.,l from Cnnniln. ... . r .1 1 i. i..n.i
p. ..-- .- . . 0111 nuitiu ui 11111 i 111 11 141 j ii-iiniiiiinii
hlie ' pn IlVKII rolnrnn.l tmlnv frnm llu .1 ,, . - .... .1 1
..... ....... .w. ..., ...... .... uiiium iiiUKiiiitur, ui mi riiiir, uiuj j
tDr wkUIJ Tn f ei tt Tl.l t
Hi! .Tho battleship Kansas and
tho transport Hancock, with a
I ii:nso.v.r, ovi:rkiw
loins Ik tho very contradiction of nil
tho roollngs of liumnulty, to say noth
ing of ti.e tide or frleudshlpotnshrd
Ing of tho tlu of niuudllnoss nnd
1 brotlwrly loyu which should hind olio
regiment ot marines aboard, arc accorapaaled them to Eugoac.
hurrying to Haiti' to protect I ' wag 34 j.esra and f0Ur months or
Americans. ' .
did not go Into tho dotnlls or tho
case, but moroly to tho extent to Jus
tlfy tho hoIdliiK of tho man.
llolllstcr Iloinc Kn-il Hnlllstor
litis returned from his cniupalgu (our
through tho valloy.
ago. .
i : , .
Tho Yellowstone, of the Swayae JAS KKLIX)ND Is spending tho day
&. Hort line, crossed In this morn-' tB Salllvan ranch at Cooston.
Ing and nt noon docked at North MRS. PETER MARSH came down
llcnd with 100 tons of freight for from from Haynes Inlet today on
Coos Hay. She left out this after
noon for Portland.
Watching her chance, the gasoline
riqhooner Rustler was able to cross
out otcr the bar yesterday and sailed
nfuth for tho Rogue River carryl
a short shopping and visiting trip. DAVE ADAMS, or Tomploton, wns
ARCHIE KRUSE. the Prosper shin- here today from Haynes Inlet on
gle mill proprietor, Is In Marshfleld business.
on business.
II.. ..I. tl...l MM... ..In.. I. I.... ..I II...
C..M. Pnrb n.t h.. fin..lll.. u'lmrn -- " ..-. ....! .. .... - ....I ' """k il HW MlllHtlIK III .hit
" " - " - ...iv. nro our itruuiura uy uie cuiiuiiiin iiuir,.,i (1. itnv nn Mm r,,mio ,.
he has been supervising tho tin- wch ,nakM . all cMMwn or our, .7 . ,B, k. ,, . , ,
l.hln. nrl, n , n- l,rl,l.. .! .. ' !' " ,. . " "" . , . , . . ..' trllslltOtl llOlO nild lit NoHh lloilll ttUll
" B .--... n I'uwiur 111 na veil, invir xnui biiihiiii , ... ,1.. ouisnt v linn linmi Htnrliul nmi
IBC Til AVPIII.' CIITI III -nturtKY.1 tn . .. . ..... .. " ,,m ' ol"" J iih "ouii Hinru II nun
c; 1"-;; n. ; v; ,:,,:. " ..i"." .co""'".rr' n v '-i win co...i.u.o ....tu u i cn.pioiod.
... ..w...w v... .......v.,, .v.. .w...., ntringH 01 unman pny ami Hyiiipuiiiy
altor a short visit at the homo or hould be loosed and wo should help
Mrs. Guy Chambers. ti,om ,0 benr tll0 )irde.
ROHERT STEINLEICIINEIt .wns The people of this iintlon nro liolp-
hero today from Haynes Inlet on JnK in Innny inccg. esnoclnlly In tho
oustem stattw, nnd funds nto bolus
rushed forward through the channol
of our credited representatives abroad
who havo mado known the need.
MRS. GEORGE HACON of Temple- xnrahflolil Is n nart of tho nation and
led WARREN REED, tho Umpqiia rapl-j - ton was horojtodny on ft 8IUJnBj should not lot this opportunity go by.
BK tallstv and booster, came down last trip. " 'HaTi; J w , ,. t ',, In, ,. 8 w
ni miscellaneous cargo. evening 10 nave ins injureu nanu uitu. ,. vinu ami who arrived ohj ,.,. ..i.i-- 1.... 1.. Ilfnm,rinil , ,llir
j At noon today the Gleaner arrived drewvd. , tho Ilreakwater yesterday and are' gj74) RQ cnn s,n xvo ,ot m H,(ow
lljroni Umpqua and Is now at tho W. E. HEST came over rrom nandon guests In tho Rov. Gregg homo atj gu,r"fijortI'nnd our grntltudo for lmv
Smlth T7TmrnlrTJock-loadlng-ft-gcJit4. today on business. He stated that their new resldcnco nt Sprlnghurstj jnj? (1U(J fap ,)0m Bparod nny of tlie
Mother III Dun Smith linn return
ad from California. Mm, Smith re
mained at WumI owing to tlio lllnoss
of her mother mid probably will not
return to tho Day for a month or so.
Injure l-'oot Hurt Dyer, a follor
at tho McDonald & Vaughan camp,
was brought to Morcy Hospital to-1
lny, having Injured liU root by n
glancing blow rrom tlio axe, 1
enrnricwer.wnisrJI . . ' ce uoirarni.iroiajiiare in rernnm rarn. uiey wu. .. ,loqilvon, fic& nd i,rrors or war,
Jf Tho gasoline schooner RoaracfiUsylay..mjhsr, Jaat trip until In fipCclal-mefltlnga.XoJ'P.hold li( J d Jnvdlvod us too, wo might
not yol crbrted the bar (or the Slus- the wllla on tho low' CUrJjUwi churchos nt ffoPlft j nyo j d 0,n t0 EVo i,0,B nH
lILL -,' mm ". nonil nnd MtTrSKWoW.- - --. ,,,.. L tfto ibiKinil. 'are today.
, ; , J
"1 1 1 ri ,
' 1 I r i- . ' ' '
I 'tint 1 . j , ' ', ; ' '.'- I - 11
.;,'" ,. ,;, ;;-; : - v.., -
"Fortunes of War"
" HI
'1 1
Tlio present European conflict fairly staggers the imagination.
The tremendous armies and navies involved, the great loss of life,
the stupendous destruction of property, all are so great as to near
ly defy our comprehension.
And there is still another side. The little French girl who "
mourns a lover at the front finds herself jobless through the clos
ing of the glove factory which has given her employment. The
German hausfrau is troubled hecausc of havoc Russian C'ossiielca
are making of thc wheat and barley intended for Prussian hread. "
Young Sandy Mcintosh can't go to war, because he is crippled,
but sits on the doorstep. The mill in which he worked is now
closed. The mill hands are giving their attention to the business
of war.
Meanwhile, thc world's work must go
the burden of commerce while those neinl
on. Who will shoulder
f'lihm'K iiiiiK'ii win' nn m(.i
other Who indeed can, unless it bo the people of those Unitgd
States of America'
TIiIh ought to nrrnint tu to glvo a
IHMe of our suWrnico, een If It moan
n small sacrifice 111 somo quarter,
I would advocate tho Holeotlou of !
Son Injured Mrs. I'otor Scolt has
returned rrom AHtorla whuro hIio has
buon visiting hot- sons. Potur Jr. I
and .JainoH. Potur has n flnu posi
tion on n drudgo thnro. tfmnos Scott
Hiiutajuod a bad Injury to 1 1 Its foot
while alio wmTthoVo.'
OelN Huclc llororo Hival:fiiht-Early-th(s
morning It. J. Monsou,, eaptulu
of tho MoSHciigor or Haynes Inlot.
tho Editors of the papors us n Joint 1 lirought out his (rusty rlflo and bag
committee to recolvu coutrlliutlous I god u 177 pound four point buck
hi money nt tholr respectlvo otflces, tho head or which ho brought to town
which monoy cnn he Hont forward to this morulng'to havo It mounted:
tho proper authorltliw In tho onst 1
who will hoo that It goU Into tho ro- now Stovo In According to tho
llof chnnnol nt onco. Lot ovory cltl- Snn KrnnclHco Exnmlnor arriving to-
zon walk Into ono or tho nowspapor
officos and glvo something, ovon It It
Is only a dlnio or n qunrtor, mid do
It at onco. Somehody'H child Is cry
ing ror broad, Just Hlmply tho luxury
or brood. Do you hoar that cry?
Look at tho cover pago of tho last
jcopy or tho Saturday Evening Post
and Restrain your toars ir you can
day, tho Adeline Smith hnd hor star
board bow crushed In by tho colli
sion with tho Svou orr Euroka nt
3:20 o'clock Monday morning. Sho
will probably ho about six or eight
duys getting ropulrod.
Moc Office Tho U. S. Customs
ofriclals who hnvo boon hero havo
Robert Evans llrownlng. "intlo nrrangomonts ror now collector
II. J. Kimball, Jr., to movo tho orrico
Into quartors with tho I. S. Kmirmnn 1
Company on Front Strcot, November 1
1. Tlio now looatlon will bo much
more convenient.
A Famous Screen Star.
A ill it ho worth while? Shall we get adequate compensation for
our ellorlti. if we put aside our doubts and fears and vacillations
and buckle down to work' Head what this great Englishman
wrote about it but a short time ago :
"A ureal wav hi Eurojio will amble tho United Stales to sell Us
emu, i places which will tive a much frculcr income than if
litem wax )in ii'm- .11.1... .......... :.... ...i m .!.... .. 7,...
ep j "' . 4tiiini iic-f muuifiri irm tumult inuiu ur twn
mivuntute, Should I ha Ami ricatt people talce (tdvaniuqa of lha
Mtien opportttnili afforded them tho outbreak of tho war, U
WlmcjtH not diminished, but inureasod prosporid for Uio Unilad
Stit I os.
?ir Cleorgo Paiih, lUditor of tho London "Statist."
Well, Let's Go To Work
11 Ou re It Is stated that Mr.
llaniinoll, formorly or Albany nnd re
cently managor or tho Gardlnor ho
tel, Ib to tako over tho Dlmico Care
which Harry Fourier has beon operat
ing slnco ho took on a mortgago
against Mr. and Mrs. .Powell, It
has boon named tho 'Whlto Elephant'
and Is temporarily closed.
t7ia J?7ttevicn-ITuiu(?'( 5fyr
To New llulldliig. Tho W. II. No
ble cstato Is negotiating with tho
Perry-Nicholson KumUuio store to
occupy tho now building which thoy
will put up on Central Avonuo west
of tho now Star Thcatro building and
It Is llkoly that tho doal will bo clos
od. Tho Moobo lodgo may leaso tho
Hocond story of tho now building.
One at a Time "Tho animals como
tp1.- lit. luinloAii of tho TMiib A" " u' ono" h,notl l'ol,co J,1(,SO
Company h onco tho limulsomeht nnd Hutlor this mornlnff when for tho
'.ho mobt villainous a Uinta appe.u-. third consecutive tlmo ho . opened
and the most llMltious villain appear- court with only ono offender.; J. It.
ling on tho screen, roituuately for all n. Sandorson, tho man on many Inl-
foiu-crned, Including Mr. Itkluiulhou. tlals, had succeoded in wlnnW a
,tlu villainous villain stuff U reseivcd ,,omo Ul0 n,K,lt iu.ovious aud roport-
for liU work liofoio the cninera. In , t niornng to puy ,,,8 reapect3
private l f 0 ho still N hiindboine, but,,, , , . . ' , . ,
, ,0 ill, H one of the gentlo-t, mo-t Z ? , 6? "B? f?,CU
llkulilo of mon. for ?G0 n fact wh,oh t0I"'l tho
Some of the compliments ho receives Judge to lovy n $5 indemnity for tho
are made with such, evident sincerity) "Jingo war fund" and Sandorson nnd
i that they are almost alarming. Ono, his Initials flod from pailoy with
' woman signing herself '-Mother" tho minions ot tho law.
' writes that alio has raised four boys,'
but If nny of them wero to develop I
ins ovll looka iih Jack has she would' , -
I sure poison them. A preachor writes AMONU THE SICK.
i "that no man could act tho paits so a
lealUtlcully without being a bad man' Hermeu Hlllyer Is recuperating
at heart " ' from a soveio case or poison oak sus-
Mr. lllchnrdson Is five feet eleven tallied while clearing his lots the
, Inches tiUI. weighs 175 pounds and has ot),cr day
hromi hair, blue tfiea and a fair com w T Morol,aut ,3 recovorlnB from
1 " an Infection ot a Binall wound
as: . , , .,,,, , ; u . ....,
Ready, Mr. Mnn whother your preference Inclines
fully styled derby or carries you to tlio "extreme" m
year's latest arrival to tho Soft Hat Kingdom. mark U"1
Stetson Hats in All Styles
and in Shoes
If you haven't yet InvoHtcd In a pair of shoos-y01, ,h
talnly como hero now, for nover In your town woro tli 10U "'"
leally good footwear Btylos for :.)en. N mnltw "
tastes run to black or tan, you'll rind a pair hdro t0 vJJulT
Lot your next pair bo "Wn&
Stetson Shoes
M 1 Ho Point
The Double
Nationally advertised
goods sold by a reputable
dealer come to the con
sumer, with a double guarantee.
' llohlml tho ntorukeopor stands tho manufacturer who
hns'n reputation to protect.
'Tho' customer' cnn oIjooho y 1 1 1 1 nsHitrnnco of ipmlllv
mid 'fair prlcoK, flxfd by onon compolltlon,
' T 1 1 1 1 ,
Tho best' brands nf iidvurtlsod goods nro exploited
from tlmo to tlmo In Tito Tlnies .
Itcailcrfi of.ThoTImqs ndvertlsIiiB nlwnys possess tlio
Infrtrnintlon Hint lends thorn to purchase with security
Is Your Oilice n
1FWC1 iT
11 k 1 K 0r
V ll'l Dealers everywhere
' KSr Standard Oil Companf
ataSsHsaWiXJB sVsaBasaaaaacBaaBiV lL maun aaaatMgMattaMiaiaiafraiasaiatMsaMsaWsaMaiaBsaiaBIBsi
You can work in
comfort by using a
- u ,
It burns all day
without rc-filling, on
a. gallon of oil.
Needs little atten
tion. For best results
use Pearl Oil.
A full line of '
Always to be found at &
Ekblad ( Son,
Also Camp Stoves, Ranges, Etc.