, i l,iJiTIW m mi m THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN World's Greatest War WOME From Day To Day BY ABIGAIL SCOTT DUNIWAY SAIjVATIOX AltMV IIKM'H l'UXSIOXM KOIt WIDOWS. mmmm AN APPEAL TO N if &M raiTifiniAl m th lJ V, i i l h 0 a 1 1 1 1 Earn I II By OSWALD WEST f Governor of Oregon 8) Iter M rw cL' cjfc QjfS-lLC Mrs. Abinail Scott Duniway, PIONEER MOTHER AND PATH BREAKER OF THE EQUAL SUFFRAGE MOMEVENT IN OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO, takes this method to extend her greetings; to such HONEST CHRISTIAN WOMEN as she devoutly believes are be- ing LED ASTRAY in the present Prohibition crisis by the CRAFTIIC3S;: OF AMBITIOUS MEN. J Have you forgotten, my inexperienced daughters, who are listening to HIRED AND IMPORTED AGITATORS, to consult your Bibles? Dtf you recall the fate of One, who, upon entering the enemy's country "to. seek ancMo save that which was lost," was ostracised, derided and1' -finally crucified by SELF STYLED "BEST PEOPLE," who still "love; to pray, STANDING IN THE SYNAGOGUES AND ON THE STREET. CORNERS, TO BE SEEN OF MEN?" Are you obeying the Divine command of Him who said: "Woe unto .you Scribes, Pharisees, HYPOCRITES?" Do you forget that he urged his followers to "RESIST NOT EVIL" but to "OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD?" Can't you remember that He warned the people to AVOID DRUNKENNESS, and, while graphically depicting the woes of the drunkard, HE AT NO TIME ADVOCATED THE MAKING, OR ENFORCE-MENT-OF ANY LAW, EXCEPT THE LAW OF SELF-GOVERNMENT, as applied .to the abuse of intoxicants in individual cases? When lie said "Woe unto him that putteth the bottle to his neigh bor's lips," can't you see that it was not the "TRAFFIC" but the MEN WHO MISUSED IT, that were accursed? When he admonished the people against "tarrying long at the wine," using such vigorous lang uage against intemperance as no man can equal, can't you see that his ; warning was NOT AGAINST THE USE OF THE WINE, BUT AGAINST THE ABUSE OF IT? As my space is limited and advertising rates come high, I must con fine this letter to such quotations of Scripture as can be paid for; "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, BE HOLD A MAN GLUTTONOUS AND A WINE BIBBER, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children." Again, to quote the sayings of Paul: "For why is my LIBERTY judg ed of another man's CONSCIENCE?" (Cor. 10-29.) "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, n'entleness, goodness, faith and meekness. Temperance; AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW." (Gal. parts of verses 19-' 21 22 and 23.) ,,,,., ' Now mv enfranchised daughters of the modern day churches, for whose PERSONAL LIBERTY and that of .other people I HAVE GIVEN LIFE, if there is enough of the spirit of ingratitude in your hearts to wean vou from tin above teachings of the Christ and his followers and to cause i you to approve the FALSEHOOD, VULGARITY, HATE and INTOLERANCE which is displayed by the Anti-Saloon League in an op en letter in the Evening Tehgram of October 3, you will cast your votes with the spirit of Anti-Christ as displayed by the authority of the SELF ORGANIZED CONSPIRACY that gave it birth. But, by so doinf, you will crucify the Savior of sinners afresh "and put him to oner? h After' the INTEMPERATE CRAZE OF PROHIBITION now going thrnunh the newlv enfranchised states like a holocaust of fire, shall hav exhausted I itself the advocates of GENUINE TEMPERANCE RE FORM, including the Mother Sex, can go before the incoming Legisla tive assemblies of such stat3s guided by the spirit of Christ, "who came to break every yoke and let the oppressed go free" where they rnnnffprn solution of the evs we all complain of, WHICH MEN ALONE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE.TO MEET AND CONQUER SINCE THE DAWN OF HISTORY. VOTE 333 1 1 'V T?fu7 V I -': v ll rv "I M OSWALD WEST ,9 J i& ,i7 M i i t HKUON should go dry be cause thuru douii not exist a siiiL'U' reason on earth why it should stay wet. The war news from Kuropo strikes us with horror; yet thh great war, with all ita carnage, past, present ami future, will not prove n drop in the buelcot compared with the ravages whieh are being made through out the land by booe. We boast we are the greatest nation upon earth, and in our efforts to preserve this position we boast wo must strive con stantly to raise, or at least main tain, the standard of our citizen ship, and to accomplish this end we must unceasingly fight or ganized greed and graft, stump out poverty, vice and crime, protect the home and miiko life more pleasant for those, who have been less fortunate than others. It is idle, however, to talk of progress along thoso lines bo lone as Kiutr Alcohol occupies the throne. Who grabs tho pay check from tho honest work man on Saturday night and makes bis wifo and little onco go liungry7 Mr. Boozo. Who bows tho coeds of poverty and distress everywhere? Mr. Booze. Who loads upon us most of our tax burdons7 Mr. Booze. The Wets protest ngainst our voting tho stnto dry because it will close Paul Wessingor's brewery and be equivalent to the confiscation of his prop erty, but they do not tell you how tho brewery was built through the ruination of homes and tho confiscation of pay cheeks. They do not toll you that every brick in tlio building represents a broken heart and tho color of tho building is em blematical of tho blood which has dripped thcro from. Whenever T think of tho dovil I think of boozo, and whenovcr 1 think of boozo 1 think of tho dovil, for thc dovil is boozo and boozo is hell. Old Hoozq is an outlaw who has been long pur sued Jintnpvnr subdued, ...At no.timo and under no circuinrijumics mould ho bo given quarter, and it is tlio'duty''oLovdry good citizoii to stand ready to fcand-hag him whenever ho sticks his head in sight. All Oregon will,lntvo u chaneo to sand-bag li i if i on iS'oveiiib'er II, and for tho Lord's sako lot us make a good job of it. IF YOU BELIEVE WITH GOVERNOR WEST, VOTE- OREGON DRY, 332 X YES rlct ntertlfmtnt by th Committed of Out Hundred, 718 Morgan llulldlnr. 1'ortUnd, Oregon. DIB IT SIGN PETITION - 4 ' T- ' Killtnr Tim on: III IooIiIhk qvnr tlio huni of your ltHir (ant tivunhiK I nollceil my iniiau as ono of tlia nlKnatunw for a wot llnkul and wotiM II Uu to wiy la rojeatif" it) tills inuttor ami to do J111JI& W jnynvlt Hint I wum novcr huou ndr illd' J jl(jn Hut iiotllliiii. Veiy rMiiootrnllj WIIJ. K. no.(ii'i) .In fnlrnowi to tlio inun who cliun-1 Inloil tlio iiulltloa I lUwIro to my t'lutt Mm imtltlon wan iIkiioJ by Will I long Ittiid wlilt-h wiih oviduatly mlstiilioii for my imnto and tlicru wax npiinrtuiU ly no (1m I re to laUroproiMint mo or a' dealro to do nnytlilni; unfair. Ily Itecioiitlon Touts. tt v Amo Utel I'ntK to Cchki liar Tlnipj 1 LON'DON, Oct." 30. Tlio Solvation I I I I MnkcM llll Willi .Ki.1N:i Soldiers Mvi' Slillllngs Per Work Is Allow- imee to lleail .souuers inniny. (Ily AMnrlalo.! I'rfM to Com Hr TlmM 1 LONDON, Oct. 30. Plvo shillings Army tins inndo n hit with Tommy v-ek to tho Koldlcr'n wlfo wtio has Atkins. Three tiioumi'd men inny ho '08 'lor Mismnu in iibiiuiib ihb coun. men t ny day at tho rocroutlon tent tT's hntlles! which tho Salvation Army nmliitnliiR ' With this exclamntlon ono of tho nt I'oU-licBtor, dovonrlnB boiiio twen- lendliiK Guidon liaporu nttaeks odt-tj-flvo iloioii iiork ides, lmvlni? n look ' lorlnlly tho RovornnicnfH pension By nt tho huikimIiius and nuwapnpors, torn which tt snyn In duo to tho old wiltliiK lottuw home, nnd occafilon- tradition numtiioil tip In Wellington s ally pnrtlclpatlm? In boiiio lolloua.sortltm thnt hlfl troopB in tho Span Borvteo. Hut tho doinnnds tor food ' lh cnnipnlKii woro only "tho Benin 1- ivo heon bo ?rcat thnt tho Army CaHl "f t' earth." Tho War Office, nc liutl little tlmo for hour or prayor. cordliiR to tho writer, rails to roulUo Tho Colrhestor camp Is only ono of thnt Uiuoh nro dlfforotit now nnd tho many whom tho Salvationists mnlii.lvo.it mnjorlty of volunteers nro men tain these popiilnrreorentloii tents for, who In civil lire onrnod Rood wagon tho volunteers. An npprentntlon or' factory, flohl, ofrico nnd nhop. the work Is Instanced at OamhrldRo Indlisnallon haM also (icon oxpress whoro Aljntant and Mrs. Wlndlato ed In parliament, r.o thnt Is Is not un. ot the Salvntiop Army Borvrd tho sol-; Hlb' 01"" ratorm In pensions may dlorw ho rnlthfully that tho rolonol ' follow. In command presented Ha dress I In tho Hrltlsh nrmy tho poy of of- iword to Adjutant Wlndlato. llo and i "etati and mon in noponuoiii on 1110 his wife particularly dlHtlnrinlsed thomselvoH In rnrlitK for boiiio 150 wounded Boldlern. Commissioner I Mucins, formorly In New York with Cominiinder Kvn llooth, directed tho wol-k if these recreation centers. In uddltlon to Horvleo at homo, thoro aro flvo hun dred Belected Bnlvatlon Army offl- roKlment. Thoro Id no standard scnlo of pay na In America. Commla. Blonod oftlcors, an a rule, rocclvo a mini InipoBslhlo to llvo on nhout ?3G a month. They miiBt luivo Indopond ent means, nnd In tho crack rcgU nients, Hiich ns tho Scots' Oroya or tlio (Ircnr.dler Oiinrda they must ho wealthy. Hut In certain of tlio colon- corn who hnvo nfrored themselves for '"1 troops doliiR police duly In lands work with tho llrltlsh Hod Cross and bordered by savnKOB, thby must got stand ready to enter the fluid when over needed. Although tho ohnrgos mndo foi food nnd drink nro very slight, Qua 1 as good pay as American ottlcora and do not hnvo to hoop up expon 1 slvo estahllshmontB. Tho ordinary Infantryman In tho oml Uooth ostlmntes ho can ninlatuln "ov: volunteer nrmy of a million a refreshment and nmiiBomont tent "'on. pledgo to forolgn norvlco, aro for a year on aovon hundred nnd flf-! "tnrtod off at Jl.CG n.woolc, clear of ty dollars. Tho Salvationist chnrgn' oxponscs. Mnrrlod men nro allowed only two cuntB n cup for tea and tho, la addition Boparatlon pay for tholr same for broad and butter or a fiork! families nt tho rato of $1.90 a wook pie. Cool weather Is ninklng tho for tho wlfo nnd two penco a day tents unsatisfactory and movnblo bulldlngH of corrugated Iron nro rupl dly reploclug tho canvas shelters, i;.(JI,ISII maici: TOVH. I'.Vot Made in (ieiiuaiiy" N I'opulor Trademark lu C.'ivnt Itiltaln, Ur AworUtixl I'rtM tu root lUx TlmM.) l.O.S'DON, -Oct. rt). Nuromburg has boon reproduced lu linker street, whorri t". a Woman's Kmorgenvy Corns linn nrovldod toy-mnklug work for 'oiio' huudro'd girls nnd women. Tho workers nro pnld $2.00 n week, hut as noon ns they heenmo proficient they nro put nt ploco work, wh4ch y'oldn tljoin a bettor Income, Doll hoiiKod, doll furniture, not dlers, nnlmals and othur toys made of wood fut tu tho greater part of the Improvlsod toy factory's output. KnU I sawn have boon Installed aiit In au atmosphere or snwduut, gluo and pntnt women who worn roeontly typ ists or goveratiHsori aro count reeling playthings which will fill tho stock . IngH or KiikIIsIi eblldron formerly do- I'nudont on coiitlnoiital mnkers for their toys. "Not Mndo lu Oormnny," In tho slogan nomo of the women paint on tho other aide of tho toy carU and doll (Kirrlagns which aro going to tho warehouses of Kuglloh dealers. Alonn tiie Waterfront. ! i The I'a nil no left yostordny for i tlau I'raiK'IsMio carrying with her 31 puwoutfors mid a cargo of ooudeused milk and boxes. NOIITII HKND fO.NTHUT, Tho Noith Ituml High Hehool Hand will give a eouuort at I.ogglo Hull Oct. 80 Mr tho heuafit of tho North Head I'ub'.lc Library. Thoy will be cmtlstod by Mr. 0. S. Knlsor, barl I toiiu, and Mr. F. Hhlmlnu, Mrs. l'red Kruso, Helen Monde, vocnllaU, and Kdltb llaab, jilanlst. or 28 cents a week for each child. In tho county of London thoy arf given n further sum of 80 cent' wcok, owing to tho higher cor living. . , All married soldlorrt serving at aro obliged. to allot nt least 85 ' n wook to their famtllou out of tt, own pay, Worked out on this ncnU tho lowest sum n soldlor's -wlfo with out children can recolvo Is U3 shlll lligH a week lu tho case of a warrant officer, 22 for n legliuoutal (itinrter mnstor sergeant, lu slillllngH lx ponco for corporal or private if tho wlfo has four children to support, slu) will recolvo on tho sumo scale, a Bum ranging from 35 to 22 shillings. Widows of thoso who dlo on nctlve sorvlco recolvo from flvo to ton shill ings a week, according to tho rank nud pay of tho husband. Hut the luani of thorn will not get ovor flvo shillings. An extra nllowauco vary ing from forty to fifty cents a wook for each child In glvon, howovor. While thoro aro no government liomeji for old soldiers In Great Itrlt au, tin In tho United States, There are cm tain homes maintained by private charity. Of these, tho largest and most famous Is In Chelsea, Loudon. Tho garden party given nt tho Choi sea homo for Its benefit Is ono of tho big nodal events of London's aprlng season, Much suffering waa caused by the government deferring payment of separation allowance to aoldlors' wives during tho first two months: ot tho war. Not until October 1 "wbb this money put Into tho hands 'of the destitute women. War office rod tape also hold up pay allotments, AMONO Till: HICK. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. HK.VUY BKNGHTACKKN. Mannpw FAitM. coal, 'minim AND i'lattixo LAVDW, .1 tiPZUI UTY. qKNUUAL AOH.NT8 KAHTSIDK MAnHHKIiai) OWII'K, 1MIO.VH l-J. i rOQlHLIJC CITY OKI'ICK I'HOMK 101, Konnotlv ltust, sou of W. J Itust, Is laid up with an Injured ankle sus tained lu an nuto accident the other clay. Andrew LondloB, who In nt'Merey Hospital, where ho iiuderwcntfaH op- 7n.l.... n 1.... ' . . . CIIKCIC JCIDNKV TltOUDLU ATj ' '" "K", a roporiea to ONOK. I ho doing nlcoly nud will soon be able i Thoro Is such ready action 1n Ko-'to return horo, loy Kldnoy I'llli, you fool tholr j. c. steckies' llttlo son Is con hoalliig from tho vory first doso. , , . . . . ,,.,,. " " llacknpho. weak, soro kidneys, pain. N"0'1 to M b0(l ' MmUWb todsy. I ful bladdor and Irrogular actloa Mrs. Kdgar Mauiey was taken to d'sappenr with tholr uso. 0, Pal- tho Mercy Hospital for troatmeRt yos inor, Oreon Uny. Wis., says: "Mf , tordnv m , , b, ( ' . wlfo is rnpldly recovorlng hor honlth ,, ,', .. , ,""",u lu " and strength duo solely to FoJoy cr ,10,no " & Kidney lMlls." And W. T. Hutchons,1 Mrs. J. M. Wright of South Fifth Nicholson, (in., says, "Just a fow Btreot U sick lu bod today, dosos msdo mo fool bottor, nnd now, ii piy pains and rhotimutlsm aro pl) . - igono and I sloop all night long." HTOl TIIOSI3 KAHMV flllONQIIIAJj i Eold by Owl Proscription 1'harmnoy. COUGHH Krauk D. Cohan. Opuoslto Chandler, i - , Hotel. I'hono 7-1, . Thoy hnng on all winter If not IcnecKe-i nnd pavo the way rdr ser- Pr Iiy towns will May lry If the .nP" I"-""'""""' """ l" ". '"'ll " !"' ,omI al liomo rule statutes will continue In ton-?. (Paid Advertisement, Taxpayers & Wage Earner L a5. of Orcn. rc.tl.nd, Oregon ) option t IKe Delicatessen Co 1 15 North Second Street. Will SI'liCIALS Heady nt all times of tho (lay. Always flush KMiked ami our own make. Itonst lleef, I'oilc, I.anili, llcef lf, Tengiio, Iiimh Stews, Hoef Kloirxi .Meat IMch, IN SAKDS Vegetnblw, I'otato, Cold Slaw, Crab ami I'riilt. Scalloped 1'otatos Corn, Spaghetti. Miicaninl, Utuiii, Hot Itioun Dread, liliculti and rnddliigs. Cakes, I'les nud I'antry of All Kind, I'lmSONAL -rrKTION (UVHN TO SIMX1AL OltDKIlH """ 1'ItlCIW HKASONAHLi; THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. .loiis throat and lung diseases. Clot a uomo or Foley'B Honey and Tr 'Cotnpound. nnd take ir iniv ai.w coughs and colds, hoals raw inflam- UOTKfi DOTSON C. A. Hanson, Proprietor Now opon under now manugomom. ed throat, loosens tho phlegm" ami 'A homo place with homo cook. J ltlly lnxatlvo. Olias. T. Wlllor, I lag served in family stylo Hoard &neW.l'? und room, Jfi.r.O per week. 31fi coughed constantiy from 7 tlcffi t,,r.oa'; "o U8e(l only Foley's Honey , . - - n, T compound. Was entirely l SKWJNC1 rAOIONES ,rP, l"'-,. Wta others to know if Foley s Houoy und Tar. Sold by Owl SlNGim AND WHICIXim AND Prescription Pharmacy. Frank P. WILSON Sowing Machnes for sale ,0,mn- Opposlto Chaudlor Hotel, or ivnt. SHCOND-H AND ?l VCHINKS ' ' of all kinds. I leaning ami repairing """" ""' ' i i - ill machines, W. J. U1TZ, phono' Full Dress Suits for n tti, , UKti-X, JU1 1'ark Avo. I'antltorluw, ' J t X.. 1..-.--. -S-, -i-w'- . 'xuAVwi-tMfcv mi