lrtitimtiiiH THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFlELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. six t , i ! ' !' SUP MILLER IV BULMG OU E RETURNS HEHE JUDGES TERMS i XERTKS Head of Local Southern Pa cific Lines Says Republican Victory WW Help Business Supt V. 1" Miller of lb local Southera Padi returns vtwraaj fom .mi Mum Orea-oa. watre o wt Attorney General Crawford Hands Down Opinion Keep ing Nineteen in Office R hM rm 1 On l Tine ) SAUJM. Or. OH. . Attnrne To Portland every Thursday assEsrassfasaoassEsan THK PAST AM) COMl'OltTAP.IiK S S. Geo. W. Elder NUWIA KQUIPPKI) 3 "A PAi;-;al Pnvftr a Pai-c. every lVlOllUay j uauumaic vvuu vnu maaicpi-e- ! sent an Opponent Will Misrep- Noinii C. F. .McGKOItflK Phone 4 4, Marshilold PACIPIO STKAMSUIP CO. AGK.VT W. H. PAINTKlt Phono 121. North Bend resent a People,," , iri. to Portland. Saa FraaKJaw fX' Crawford jravo an Important saxiJtSjii:t!!i-:w p ' -ZL - - . fwbai opiate today m the 191 : fixing tfc ... - i MactJtattaaal alBadinetlt. . -.. v aHiiir vnn in imnuH - .Twn.n. Wall.. way tmw of,. which lie was "" , tJw rUoo of roJly Judpe rcaardtaK W ZT-i. SSL h rathw qIK cm U ' S outl. Ih. M -H- -PP- SSillSSi'1 " " . . ... . .. .. w .. w. to follow ! election. cntiy www; - ... . war Is." MM Mr. Miller. Tbn , Ho k14 first tfiat all rwmty Judge PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE Arrow Line Steamer n Eeaoral aattef Hurt Rnrtlleaa Tic- wm h.j - " '--fori?? U? polk will Mr bi f tht .edeBt I. ll .tall tisprtrttth.toRo.wig:T. '-" off r r: wondir. ISMR. W WtV . wv . d riftce? rrtSoa la ife oonntr jn4e- AtiiMtJuittitt K6PMkaa niilontr ail n Im Ima IhA. TKe iMl Mapletcn tbonM b P rwlpitUon or dMth. and a corneal or t Moodmy. Co.- hd bt, appointed, .noh irad r rorttaR the work erwy- PPlt rt.ll hold office until the whwo. In eoMWembly km tkmn a Am fenernl 1rUoa aftor hi. ap yMr. e honM haw train aerrfc PoUHt, nnd thirdly, that If. ater. Into Cook BV ll. a rocall election had been held. "Today the BreaJnmter bronaut the candidate who retired the high In nkmt twnty-fiee workmen lor rote I deemed elected for the the conUMtm. Abont lfHtmK remainder of tbe urm of the Judge tirld'go steel Hi lytag on the wharf at reai. Oakliwl for i)pment here and this Aceordin to the rallns. only In the nlll be broofifct la nc aooa aa the taetance wi.l the election of a bridge proamm far enoagh to re- "r " Xorember a be ral QUr JL id. la the other two Inftancea the "Mr Millie I well hot very bnay " of nomlneee should be remor and wMod to be remembered to hie b ut of frlaadi here. Mr. MHlia has not 1" time, hewoter. ttls cannot lfon Tery wn totely. Her iter. be dene Mrs. Itobfnaon, hi there from New -SAIf, rito.ti- San Krancljco Pier No. t. Krery Wednesday & P. M. Plume UTS. Cant liny t:ury Friday To Port land And Tiiealay To San Prnmlsro THOMAS II. JAM ICS, Agent Ocenn Duck Portland Albers Dork No. 3 Kvory Saturday a A. SI. Mnrslificltl KQIIPPKD WITH WIUKLKSS. ;teaiiishm akwater AI.UAVS ON TIMP.. SAILS PnOM P.AIUtOAD IKK'K, .MAItSIIPinLD, Dl'ltl.VG THK MONTH OK OCTOIlim ON TUP JIHD, AT 10 A. M.; KITH, AT 1 P. M.j 17TII, AT H A. M.; 21TII AT 1 P. .M., AND UlST AT S A. SI. Ticiurrs ON sali: AT POUT LAND CITY TICKKT OKF1CK, (IT11 and oak sthi:i:tm, POHTMND. pimno n.1. r. it. ii.xi)Kns. Amm York to spend the winter and Mlts Bdna Iwts 1 also rltiUag them Iter, and Mrs. Shier, the latter U lug fonaerly Mise Mabel MUHi. sr in Jerome. Arte. "I cannot giro ont aayt. ice ri'.:. tlre te onr propoeed train Kbcdu. over the new Smith-Power ltaf t-jt of ilrrtle Pent wntU I har t.kfc it ap with Mr. Power." AT -THE, HOTELS nrnnn wryiiM jtuut m-imgnVI MANY PAI.SU KUPOItTS. Tlio (Itandlcr Hotel. Tred W j? Io AnIes: F-snk Laone Saa Francisco; C. L Barrett. Sen Krn leto, H . Liagh- Pari y, Portland; R. E. Hutchinson. Port- nwdi 0. W. Surr. Coqullle; William OnadHa. Ooenlll; B. K. Hotcomb and wife. Lakeside; L. A. LIIJa.rtst. Co qnllle; I). X. Biggs. Baadon; Mr. Inter-Ocean Scmi-wocklv sorvice Transportation Co. Coos Bay and San JiVaneisco. So S, Redodo .Great Storla Circulate la . Conccrnlnc IPp OrnMan IjeMt.. Mr ImM't Pna t c TMMa; PAKIS, Oct. "One hundred nn.l fl)v IkuiMil nl mail, hiirful nder the rk. of the Alan. fu- ?' BSi WT rly JCrtr tkowm," -orty l: C Ke"jr' Co' hnudreil and thirty theneand prison- ",,to'. , . ... on;" seen are the stories tWcl.Uax w l'T ! -. Jn Paris from day lo day. added to' w" '"' urg: J. A. Martin. msny other, eanelllnt startltag 4 Z'jf ?' S!1 Iur tac daya thai preceded, and mmich Zr"..?' Portte"d: Wl 0,' trfll no doubt be followed by othera """ ovea more uMatlonal. as brag aa the cewwr keeps the public hungering lor authentic newt. The l.loj (1 Hotel. D. Pomeroy, Baadon; Charles OMley, Oooa Hirer: M. II. Hersey. CofnlUe: Chuwace Walker. Gold SAILS ntosi SAN FItANCISrO FOK COOS HAY .MONDAY, .NOYKMItKIt 'J, .' P. SI. Equipped wltl' wireless nncl subrnnrlfit bcti:. Pnssnngors and freight. . S. .S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and snbmarino' boll. PassoiiRero aud Creiglita SAII-S FOIt SAN PI5ANCISCO AND HAN PKDIIQA 1KO.M SIAKSIIFIKI.I), bATl'HDAY, 0C31, AT S A. SI. San Fnuiciaco office, Civconwicli street pier Jo. 23 and GOO Fife building.' Coos Bay Agent O.I'caitouoifhono M. IIAMIITO.VS fN II.U The Mnaeiie Owrd nsys: Judge R. fi. Morrow, ef Pertland. occupied the drcnU eourt bench of Judge L. T. Harris, in Kugeae teday and Judge Harris is occupying the beach ef Judge Morrow in Portlaad. as a re sult of the lllueas of the ana ef Judge J. W. Hamilton, ef Boooburg, who H)ught to relleire Judge Harris that be might make, a brief week's cam paint trip before election. This rlr tuslly leares Judge Harris without any campaign, but the beach la Port-' had wiU aHow him to ctteioaww moag bis friends la that dty durta the aaajudkial noun of the day.' Judge Hamilton eascslled borne Saturday. The IMuHeo HMtil. ' Oeorne B. Waason. Milliagtoa; J. B. iMTia. Coquille: B. Hyde. Blue mtrm: Dears Pariah. Blaack. Call-fornia. with Ml. lrt futurL il iagi' nail llttwi,.'. Mi,,, lkUt. ' kr til. Sluritit' 'Tisssii Ij a SOCIAIi CAI.KNDAIt THPRJOAY North Bead Sisterhood Mrs. H. J. Isaacs. A. K. W. with Mrs. Irwin. Keetside few lug Dob with Mrs. A. 1- roster. Miaa-e-Wts with Mm. Chaa. La Ckaaeiie. Carietiaa Church Tea at the name af Mrs. W. A. Held. FRIDAY Thimaie Club with Mrs. A. H. iierbyaalre. Ladies' Art Club with Mrs. Win. fto Kuiiib. N L. Y. P K. ut Norwesl-fi lttberaa Church. : Just received, a shipment of -tev;CR0P WALNUTS. Special pric?, TWO POUNDS FOR 45c. Palace Brand, Sliced Lomon Clinn Peaches, per Can, 15c. COOS B W TEA, COf PEE AND SPICE HOUSE Phono :si)l-.r. (We Save You Money) PleOOltlteei f'M'IS. - For Representative in Coos County HHamaUi aTf XA Ja SUnrMhscnBBB nnnnnKsyaaaT lir WaHLwEsaaaaaaaaal JnnLnnnamW israir amWlncnmlummmm Tfce Portland Journal sss. T troxreea CUt Of Matablicd. hl-. i Urtti duieu splendid itutru"lw ' uitftl vr for tbe pasi teu -r . : M.b id iu )ears wers. Tl.- k-u-- O) for the year's study . u tlif I'sited lute. Cunadi i " T. Is stud) will be nmd i J i :- follvwiag heads: Ilalon " i i -'. Sew York state, Our ' tul 'lwt Neighboring ('lti l r loath. Mlddli ci t ,te MiMisalppi. PaUi Cat i k4 Alaska. ' I M Bltae Is prlden' of K'.J Utr UiCI(iUJshli' BJIIi- ' .'.t smU wt'i.ljLf. an I J. TOM HALL Democratic Nominee Horn 1H Orenjtt, Cw,,.il, IHuaev, HQUAi.riy sr qhw j , . . TION III i jn ALL Tin v. Your vf it III In- imuu . .... . .UMMAav.J A Wet Day ? ' vvt t.i t!e REFLExf SLICKER ai bi M y$ i i t 1 KH l lit I I t i J V t to . s M 1 tj 'f J f.i n iif il Mr ILuttAO. 0u riruJ ? i (h rr tv It: i SatUfociUn Cuarsnteed U J. lOWElTcO., Bottou enewvemHiaBoeanwwninra mwmmmi3mmmmmmmmktmmmmmwmMmvmmmmmaA Ojeamaenemeaauau)aaejeamnHteai I A MM OR A WLD-WHIGH? The propoacd Dcntietry Dill gives tbe preference to the 10 Totreat n horse, a vetcrinnry surgeon in Oregon must have three full college years of special study and n diploma of graduation from a recoguized college. To treat the mouth of a child, the Dentistry Bill requires of a dentist but 12 months" training. The mputh of a chiW nmy be disfigured for life by neglect or unskilled treatment. DOES YOUR CHILD DESERVE as RUCH AS YOUR HORSE? VOTE 341 X NO. lld Adr. OtCoa 8Ktttr for 1WI rJiMUi. M O H.rmociS, Ut., BSS BJdj, Aliovo Ij all thnt Mr. llnwlev will lmvo to my to tl lu conununlty rcKtml Iiik the RtuteniPiitH of his opposition. Tlio egotism, borubnst nml Hinall at tempt to belittle lila opponent' work In Coiigroim by prlil ndvortluoincnt slioulil In ItHolf bo nuswor onoiiKlt to tlio pcoplo of tills dlHtrlut to show tlio calibre of the ninn who Is eeoldng their snffraKe; Cooh county should KNOW that Mr. Ilawloy hns Bueurotl ovory npiiroprlatlon for Uh hnrbors nnd livers thnt thnt wns recoiuiuoniled by tlio Ilonrd of Army EiiKliicors, nnd appeared boforo thorn ninny tlmen to not fnvorablo nctlon. No other CoiiKruflRinnn In tlio United StiUon hns done nioro, no tnnttor whnt stnto or dtstrkt they ropronented or to whnt political party thoy inny holoni;. (Paid ndvurtlRemout by CoiiKiosHlonnl Conuulttco). ., ,uiii&tff-niiib)i;JXf.rariin.iji The Union Market OUK COLD STOIIAOU 8YHTI5M IS SUIIH A SUCCKSS Our Prima Ron'sts of Ilecf, Lamb, Mutton, Veil and Pork cannot bo oxcollod. , . i . .'.''' i ' '" Try. one of our Fat. Huns or fryers Jor your Suiulny dln'nor, that hap )cw proporly poolod, andnuto tho.dlrforcuco, ' J. E. FORD & CO. 171 South Uromltvny W.wB I.VS.I Phono r,H KINDLY REMEMBER AND OIVE US A TRIAL KVintJ'TIII.Vfl IN- TIII3 1IAICIJUY LINK MARSJIFIELD BAKLNG COrPANY Itlit NOIITII KKCOM) ST., NUAIt CKNTIIA1, AVKNUK. PHONi: lb. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remliujton, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchanne. ClnnnlnKi reimlrlnjr or nuiv plnten.s, work K"rmitce(l. ItlhboiiH anil I'ttrboii paper delivered. Phono uh your order. Phono -1 1. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDKST HANK IN COOS COUNTY KMnhllMicd 1HSI). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 . Interest Paid on Time Deposits Otflcera: J. W. Iloiinett. President. .1. II, FhuuiKau, Vlce-Pio-jIdent. It. 1 Williams, CuMiicr. Geo. V. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. RAINY SEASON IS COMIN'G 1 ARE YOU READY? THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE WORLD IS IS A BANK ACCOUNT Open one in our Savings Department. Interest, paid on time certificates of deposits also in the savings de partment where deposits are accepted for any amount. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safc'y Deposit Bores For Rent. wTwS HUOTH "'1-uiif.ioA.j, 0IVn, I Aro bcttcr J uH tion? '""Hsit, Aro von bh.. .. i 'Hiuei7 ll Vnn l.l. the ..,.,.: ,n 0 C,BrtJ convinced that thl' " '! bv vntlni- tn, - . . Uobort A. Booth, ntpoMh." unto ror the United Suta fcj ".. ,uluw mat under Rb, Presidents tlio people ol ui i r amies nnvo sood tlmej. Ycti know that under Dv Presidents you hare Dts , tlmos. Itomombcr tho proiperitj McKlnloy, Itoosevelt and Til ' itomembcr condition caderC land nnd Wilson. Tho Issue In this canpiln.J ono of personalltjr. ItUtctaj lion-partisanship. It li t of whotlier you prefer m under ltcptibllcan vdmlnlitn&i IJo you havo cnouta tort your wages good? la your 1 whnt you want It to te! If you nro satisfied titan conditions, noil and rood: Ki bollcvo that tho pretcnt i!tu3 hotter tlinn under McKlaltr. I volt nnd Tail, yod knot fhtbl .Tho v.'ny to bring bict fnntm Is to lioln elect a Repnbllcu la Tlio Ilopubllcnn candidate la OnJ la II. A. Dooth. Ths Is n Republican jtir. iJ tho ticket stralGht. ; i (Paid ndvortlacment, P.t;:& I Stnto Central Comclttw, l pqrlnl HMcl, rortlui OU Alfred Johnson, A Republican Caifl ron- Sheriff Coos dm If elected, strict enfomcert' tho law. with lmprtUriT Pj teed ovoryono. I ' If election, economy la tU i llstrntlon of tho Sheriff cffinlj nntcod taxpayers. J I If oloctcd, a square dl P toed ovory man. 1 Your support and approl platform will bo ipprew" ALFHKP iw"'-. (Paid Adr.) ! DEVELOPING PICTURE FBAHlfSj ENLARGING I AND SUPPLIES , REHPELD BROS. ! Russell Building Central mw i i RlJYTHE VERY BEST Marshficld jJljTfl Creanicry JtWB L'.VUE". CONDITION8 IN A CI.KAX AS t. M01)K FAC10R1' ANI CREAM' PURE ICE , Pr) tWItery, , I p(M