wmmsm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION ' FOUR I 1 Si Ri 5THTi5ESnJrtiS ul I I rnlillnHl 1ST jjBasteJsj-A, !T7ri Pnner of Cooi County "SJSclS " the errle. . o the JT i. w no cood cause sball u:x rSSiPto." "Srt evil .hall not IhrlTO unopposed An independent Republican newi taper published erenr ewlnc except innday, and Weekly br . IT Ctoos Bay Times mbHihlm Co. Address all communication! to mra BAY DAIIjV TRIES. Hcrshfleld :: :: " KIMBALL WILL CARL EVERTSEN WHY llll IU1 IS CANDIDATE THE TRUTH? 1 W ACCEPT OFFICE il i I Announces That He will Be a Formally Announces He Will Candidate for Councilman , Seek Nomination and El Positions Do Not Conflict, i ection for 1-Year Term. Harry J. Kimball, Jr., after con- Carl W. Evortseu formally nn- OreKon'"! bo open for the city primaries ferring with the U. S. Customs offl- nounced his candidacy for the noml tomorrow morning exactly at S o'-'clals horo today found that his np-, nation and, election for tho one- clock and will close at tho same hour I polntment ns Collector of Customs; year term on tho Marsltflold cit rmuiinoTH CAMPAIGN. i .h. .ninr whnn the rniurna win . of the Port of Marsliflold would not council today. Ho said: ' " - -- o ....--.-...-,..-. I Three Councilmen and One Re corder to Be Named Can didate from Each Party. Polls In the four wards of the city bailor limes: i Inasmuch as I havo been attacked and my record In office assailed by Mr. Elbert Dyer, whb would like tho people to retire mo and elect him to the office of County Commissioner, I am putting tho following plain quootlons to Mr. Dyor. 1st. What roads havo you cvor Cotton ' W eek See Our Windows t. .... .i ...ti 'mnfilrf u-Hh. lil necentanee of the. "I bavu decided to be a candidate I built, to onrn tho belief of tho pco- THB dignified manner In which (jj bj namod canddatos from t,le,r, position of councilman in Mnrshflold. for tho one-yoar term on the Marsh-1 plo of Ilnndon," that you havo any, Dooth has conducted Ws cam- ,c8pect,re p3rtjcg nnd two of these They Informed him that since the n0d city council. 1 have served ns "ability to servo thorn? ' l palgn is in sharp contrast to the I . gcrT0 thrco and tho COcctorshlp was an appolnHve office, an appointive member nnd havo dc-j 2nd. Whnt lmvo you cvor done toy, campaign of his opponent. u tn,rd meinber for ono year There, not under civil service or elective, u elded that my personal business win, mane mu puuiuu ui ...., - , has refused to engago In personaii- . . . b cloctcd a candldato ' would not conflict with his holding permit mo to glvo up tho necessary ties or mud-sllnglng. Ho has met rom each party tor clty rccorder. another public office. In conse-itlme to the duties of councilman for nnd answered tne charges against' Votng jn ttie nortn precinct or dls-'quenco, Mr. Kimball made the follow- another year n't which time 1 would him, and has proved that these charg- tr,ct j. wj,( be at tho Woodcraft Ing announcement today: retire and allow someone else to glvo ca are without foundation. Everyone shop at 762 Front street north The "In response to many requests tnor sorVlcos to the public good, who read tho stenographic report of (otn, rcggtraton ia thl8 ward Is 93 from friends, I havo decided to bo a t ao,)0 ti,nt t wm not bo long until tho Booth-West meeting saw how votcrg I candldnte for tho nomination and el- Mnrshflold can havo regular salaried Hooth refuted OVCry accusation Of Tho O'PnnnMI l.nll.llni-nf hn rnr-1 nctlon for tllO three-year term on the mnnninni nr nnnnnUsInnora lo bandlo West, and that West partisans rcfus- ncr of Markct Avenue and second Marshfield city council. As to my po-' Us affairs. While I nn a Progressive qd to oitend fair play to the Ilcpubll- gtrcJt g the ponlng pIace of tno Ccn. Biton jn public matters, I think It is r am ft groat cdmlrer 0f Presidont can candidate. n MKMOIUATj Wo novcr will know how It happened, "Tho death of that little child, Arid llko nioit llttlo children, ' Was so" meek and mild, , OhV'haw wo( shall miss her, 'When wo rcallre sho is gone, Fbr'nover again can wo kiss her, ' ' Sho has gono away from our home Dut'now wo arc sure sho Is happy, vf it now wo a tfpwllhtho . i'.i. .i- n wlin ino aokcib iuu, Fo'r sho was called to come, 'So sho went there And where' Is sho dwelling now? Up. with tho Angols fair, Itral ward, or precinct number 19., well known In Mnrshflold. ' This is the largest district from the nolnt of roclstratlon of anv of the for all. for tho strict enforcement o l " ' - ,four wards. There are 222 votcrajtho law and for a progrossie. uusi I registered there. ness-llkc and economical atimimsira I Central number one or precinct 19 tlon of tho city's affairs, has Its polling place located In the, I Williams building at the corner ot I Curtis Avenue nnd Broadway. This ' Is tho post offlco building nnd the polls open on Curtis Avenue. Tho total registration of this pre-, clnct is 110 votes. Voting In the south prccltfct or dis trict number 20 will be at 727 Broad way street south, betweon Hall nnd Golden Avenues. For the primaries there nro 1C2 voters roglstcrcd. Official ballots will not carry the I will Alison but I do not believe that pnr- nihor iilnco bolluvo. that you can "make a better showing with tho peo ple's money thnn has been made? 3rd. In the light of tiio fact that thoro haB not boon spent on the raids of this County, any million dollars In tho Inst five years, nro you not guilty of dellborato falsehood in mak ing such n statement? 4th. Why do you further stato that thoro has bcon spoilt "during Saturday, Monday and Tuesday AtThi Fair Diit wo will sec her when wc go thcro, Ho. who loves llttlo children Wonted her to come, So sho bccamo,an angel, Hoforo wo know It was done, Kpw sho Is with her father, 11 IIHUIl II 111. 1 II U 1IIIL UDHUIV lltUV !' - , This Is the largest district from the' stand for nn absolute square deal ( no8 Bno1(1 ontor int0 municipal 1913 tho Immcnso sum of ?2G4,S9S.- r' affairs. 1 will bo ploasod to have all' 28 for road worn, wnon jou . who favor my past record on the or oug.it to Know u you nro i.i i council to glvo mo their support." evon run for public offlco that this sum is grcany in excess oi mu "' funds nvnllablo for 1913, even Includ ing "special road tnxos" over which tho County lloard hns practically no Jurisdiction? Gth. Who of tho people of Ilnn don nro "dlBsatlsflod with the pres ent Incitnibont, nnd lmvo united In domnndlng that you make tho rnco," ( snvo a handful of dlsgrdntldd nnd , disappointed 'crilaiult'y .howlers, who nithnr lmvo iirfon tuiiiod down In1 J. V. Tolnnder In announcing hlsi HOmo nttenu,t to graft the County, or cnndldacy for th, three-year torm on lmvo ccn deprived of somo "easy the Marsliflold city council today vcnf' ' gavo out his platform as follows: ( ctl,( 1IoW do you sustain your No Axo to grind Etntemont that "tho people havo una- No function to enter to nlmouHly urged you to become, a enn- "Kqiml rights to all and special , didnto," whon tho record shows that privilege to none." , ' nt tM0 nrlmnrles I received, right In A plnln liusltiMW proposition to Unmioni lv ninjorlty of votos over tho bring nbout tho greatest goon to tne BtronK0Bt mnn my enonilos could run GEO, ft, BIES PLATFOBM OF : ic PAunmATP J .1 F TF! ANilFR hi I IKli 1 1 1 1 Ifi I I la U ' iub.iiiKui.ii IU UllltUILlM l. 0 x..esrw.f " - I Therq aro so many Angels with her, j names of any candidates but n differ ent color Is issued for each party. Tho republican ballot will bo a white' Well Known Marshfield Man Decides to Run for Three Year Term. finnrrr A. Ilalnos has concodod to slip, tho Democratic of blue and tho the Importunltles of his frlonds nnd Progressive of yellow. Voters will , w aow h,g namo l0 g0 boforo the voto straight In tho party under .., , ,oniorrow.a munlclnnl rl- , which they registered for the prlmar- marIofl for tho nomination to tho les. Tncro win uo no cnanco oi rll pnlinrii nP .i, thrnn-vonr torm. i)i:monstuatix the aiiimtv ok this stoiii: to sin you MOXEV Uoys' SuspondorB, cxcollont pntlorns, tho regular j 25c kinds, special jfj Host qunllty Calicoes, va.nlous protty patterns, hi greys, iij rods nnd blues, tho 7c nnd, So kinds, special, per yard .,.4 (1 Mon'o Hoston garters, all colors, special, per pair Now Idea paper pnttoriiB, none bettor, any pattern. ..., ,M.ioe Mon's groy ribbed shirts and drawers, nil sizes, good values nt GOc, special, por garment ,... Middy lllouscs of nil wool rianiialH, tho very htost fn nr ?"..00 values, only. .. OjiJJ Clilldron' Wool Cnpos with 'liooda, 1 to 1 1 years, In i i i, ,.... ..t...... , r nn ....I.. rUIIS IllHl III11UB, f.llllUB ll III.UU, Mill) U Extra spoclnlH li Droiw nuffllnga In wh Ho, .cream QPj nnd ocru, I0o (o'ooc values, only, par yard w) A large lot or 1). M. C. Cotton Just arrived. SAiisrAnioN or CTTB sP ?? cwiwitti MONLY I tlA aTSIllt" NtXTDOOtTO litfUND A AU A U.&B. CHA.SDLIR Mill iwsno l wim uvr Kiui-i. - - -- ciiy council lor lllC liiruuvuui lunu. ... ,1,1 IIW,n Thill's lie Is away from sorrow, grief, and 'breaking up tho ticket and In fact MT mxinoe ,, boon a roB,d0nt of prRwi ,II,mboP of cUlzo"-1 n,,l8i against mo fiiim:i...i.. l:.V'Hyfl "I l ..!, H..1I i. li Ho Wa got hK' darling1 with hini, Ling oblo q do tWs In n Jr tuary clec ''--Thcr aro waiting for us there. 'tlon.,l J I l U nhiriwlaji.wieihrsshw.' ; W f '! fcront M' li" nn ! iii.r volcn was always ringing.. N'ln'vv'ln hllhA fei tortnlii' u an Mr. tlu there would bo no ndvantngo In bo-MarBhfold for many yours nnd has ni. nliln in tin ffltla in n ir ttlfiri OIIW. . . .. . . t ....( m.v ,- 4 --y- u, - v.j- inrgo property inierosis .iierc. all. "y(Ud"ho'i- sno'lK'with tllo'Agels, council, and voto for him. Howcvir;!.itr vlth Angels sho Is singing. all of those .TCtoiwHli not bo totalod Wedding .''' Contributed. iln favor. of this one candidate but I'llw ,!in'i, ... ,, , ' AITI.E 1'IB AND rOETItV. I rattier they will be- ranged according i-to oath party, and he will bcoomd the. candidate of. tho parly giving- him TWO Altlt .MADE Q.NK CTCf I TPIIQT o CouVt Siono of ArVct'iHMiu u I LLL MIUU I coupio'i'iiv lAiiving t" ' ' "' nHnl (IT w.. .. 1 : . GASlGL jtlco of 'the Poaco Vea,f, n , u,.,ul- v'u N i .i i n i "Ileforo Justice fM'l' -V .,. .. i.i iimt vmi "nwn llll. IUU BllltU lllllw jwi, ..... throo ranchos" but you noglcctod to stnto that you Book election to tho County Honrd for tho solo purpose of using yoii'r 'ifoalrioli Vii'ficniiipVoi-o-inoiits to roads whlclv ,wlU lieni'tlt. s. why do you not toll I I,, iiinii.iimiwini.i'ii' "' I' ll- nock this afternoon In th JiiBtlcdr iut .. f M'V"-.l!LVi,L',JLt UamJ wfliMAn il' rfiv fnftv lm rt nhnnrn nf u'nlnli homo of Mrs. P. B? Wheeler havo. Democrat running on a republican' AnBuU lko. Thoy aro Tioth of . . !.... l.'niiAfitt n irilllllUII IIIU. . . too most .votes, In thl, way there -"''" "j """.;.: . ." T ! ' ft'W nrnm' nl'c Ptnnf ArnimiAnt lllng a gOOd Kcr' w n"" " i"h iu-iin,i,MuiviMif.ik, U"' niOM'HVi w ' Angiisia i;jiko. 'i noy nro iioih ui . lt.-t.fl.1.1 ...1 I.!. a-itiattK tiA itAJI-i sent (ho following, to Tho Times, re-1 ticket or vice- vrn, ' " """ '""", h'"u ".' . 7 SK.rS.'i.fi:..!-- M'i lnff, Imm..llntnV nflnr .., oln.ln,. of 23 years. So embimS(Ml mid 0X; ,thaV It I. dedicated to Dr. (1. W. Les- tho polls tho votos will ho counted ' " th V""" Tr'X ' ',.' .1. '.l , .n..i- .1.- in ... .,,!. n.i i. i. . i.uv fled loftvlng liohliul their umliTolln.., ed all returns will bo In by nbout i T" co,,rt wl8,,,p1 thlrt "iiy happy; nlno thirty Saturday ovonlng Discussion of tho Inst few day has settled principally on six prom Jlffj. but they rcfuso to dlvulgo the In each product uidjt Is. ;iow bollov noma of tho author: lfor,.Disso),u,tipri..of, Gat .'.'Corporation is Made' ' thoso randies tho wholu truth wlillo you nro nbout It? 8th. What "movements that woro Intondod for tho best ItV.rpMs .f K1??, County" have you boilriMiytlr with" during your fifty jftars trentftdil l resldonco In Coos County. i. ..iSith.-,. ,You brag about lr :'n,b yty." nnd your "proporty", but havo on cvor donionstrntod any oi huh. KIKKNT NUillTt A dozen girls a dozen forks, A dozen pieces of pie, Incnt men ns candidates for tho m . .you cvor iioiiuhibwhiuu "' .. v. fled leaving bohlnd their umbTolln., . n w (o Cm ftofiUii, 3llilty n Mt Ucalrc.if t of Jt ; Tho court wlshod thorrt infliiy happy ; p,,',-.,,. 0ct 30,T,l() n-rajmportr that- you-d not- In- , years of woddtd 1,11- Iwl , -h tl oy - , , from yoltVOfOlhtlroB.." n smilingly accopod and loft tho court , on ow con8l(1Kor0(1 y 10lh. why did the people of Han- ' 'T.nVnnlTl ;,.t .toul ' court opened with Jacob M. Dick- .Ian. four years ago, select me a now- "And thore'a n good point nbout i. .. ..- ,-- ,,! u.lii linil nllH' llOOll 111 tllO uv rm.nMt ,rM,. uhn Ti.n w. marrying pooiU, too, assented tho nnu.Vlv months, ns ft cnndl- Then silence rolgns as all tho girls Ilutler seems to havo no open oppo- J,,,,f "' "'"J" ',n'1 " ."i J J , oral continuing his addross urging date for this offlco, (without ovon For a trip to tho movies try. sltlon to his position as city record-1 nf "'Bl,nt,n,ep"r81 ' ' R' "!" ; n "" Z that the United States stool corpora- I consulting mo whether I would have or. J. Wright Wilson, now a mom-, '","",, " " " ,,. .,,,,,.: hava tlon should bo disintegrated becnuso It or not,) nnd ovoriooK suon nn om ( .ibcr of tho council, Is again In tho b,t " if S? "ward, for a dlvo co" of the violating of tho antl trust laws.' rosldent ns you, If you posess tho race and so Is Carl Evertson. but oor applied arterttiirus lor a unorto. I)Ickngon.B rglimoIlt wag ,arKeIy , copies' confldonco nnd tho groat nbl- Tho doctor stands with bated breath And a sad tear dims his eye, While the silent ruih on tho pics Is, Alva Doll has declared positively l" '" made,' ! that ho will not bo n candldato And tho forks begin to fly. ' for re-election. In addition to thoso men J. V. Telandor has consontod His anxious comrades stand about. ; to becomo a candldnte; so hns I). . And Joke with might and mnln, i ' Hood, a proporty holdor and , Buch' wit has seldom o'er boon heard, i long a resident of tho city. Hv J. Hut alas! 'tis all In vain. j Kimball, Jr., has boon urged Into the race, as well ns (Icorgo A. For the ladles alt with downcast eyes, Haines. Charles I. Ilolgard has boon And at their plates do stare, ollcltod by his friends, but has As tho brilliant stream ot wit flows Iniado no definite announcement of T i SALOON 10 1 IT on, his Intentions. Falling flat on tho silent air. As. silently, swiftly and steadily, Tbo pies begin to fade, .Bo.sllently, swiftly and steadily, The Jokers steal away. i Till all are gone but the doctor, Who makes a halting bow, Attho ladles quickly crowd about, .'WUIe ho mops his blushing brow. '. i , ' TJl?? down tho street they follow, .y doctor striding fast, Ail4HUe staring, wondering crowd Ttiat smiles to lot them pass. All out of breath from the rapid pace, Thr)?'reach the nearent show, Whereltho doctor sadly counts them ' 'all, Then teats them, row after row. I, The fculoon Is an ov robuttnj of what six corporations law- 1Uob or wlilcli you noasi. yors said In defenso of tho stool cor- l"h. If you nro such n paragon poratlon. Dlcjtlnsoit wnld tlmt tho' of porfoctlon for thla offlco, why stcoJorporHtloimv hnd tlio'po'wor to lmvo you not conio out llko n mini, crush' out nil competitors If it o do- nnd mndo a clonn. open nnd nbovo slroVbut It realised that U It pur- board coiiipnlgn, for olootion, In suodsuoli polley It would be swiftly' stead of wnlllujr till tho last mlniito crushed by the government. llut,,o to Bpoak, nnd resorting to tiio lin n!,l ll ,lm,tn,l ,, .Hffnn.nl M,atii ' COWnnllj' "BllOOt Kllll rilll' IHOtllOllB It entered Ipfo ihoI, ngroemonts nnd- which you havo adoptod? combinations with Us competitors by 12th. dm you clto a single in- .. ...... means of which nrlcos woro kont un "lanco of any projeci nun ... 11 llllllg UlilV , , . i . . H3 " Hot Gafces and Honey iioydyooilridoosiVt-W?.- Aiulitakc our word, it Is just.as fjpqcl as.it sounds if you (jet the materials, at ft, ""Good-Housek'eeiiinn Store. .Maybe you prefcrJafe Syrup. If yoii'tlo, we1 nave 'the orijjlnal piirl'vcfftfcnt. Maple Syrup direct from the grower. ' Then there's the pure California flapjack flour, Golden Rod and Roman meal. Let us make your breakfast a good one tomorrow. Nasburg's Grocery, , THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STORE. That tho saloons must closo for, has not one redoomlng thing In nil t all day Is tho opinion of City Tto-!H history to commond It to goon Icordor Duller, a provision Instituted men. It breaks the laws of God under tho state Inw, though the n,l mRn'. It dosecrntos the Sabbath; jcliy charter provldos only that thoy It profunos tho namo of roiigio must closo durlnc election hours, dofllos puuiic oruor; u iranu i With tho saloons closod all dav to- der foot tho tendorest foeilngs morrow this will moan a total ab- humanity; it Is a moral postllonco istlnoneo boginnlng tonight at 12 that blights the very atmosphere of .o'clock and running through until town and country; It Ih a stnln upon ! Monday morning and again all day .honesty; a blr upon purity; n clog enormous watored stock. Tuesday. and larger returns rocelvod on Its huvo boon Identified, that has prov- pd n BUCC088? 1 13th. If as you stato In your pub lished ndvortlsomont, you roally can not afford to spare tho time requir ed to fulfill tho duties Incumbent up on" a coninilsslonor,''hov do you ro concllo this statement with the clos ing pnrngrapli of your "paid adv." whoroln you stato that you will "at tond to same to the exclusion of your prlvato affairs? ' AND FINALLY, HOW CAN -YOU HOPE TO (IAIN VOTES DY INSULT- II PORTER BROS. Ill E L M AMilWANV ITEMS (Special to Tho Tltnos) Schooner Oakland in Collision ixg the intklwobncb of the A7hlln Fntni'irm Rnlrlnn fiotn VftTERS I1Y USING: DECEPTIONS iiiii l.1 lui iiui uuiuiiii unit; , - ,, upon progress; a clieck upon mo noblor Impulsos; It Is nn Incontlvo to falsehood, docolt and crlmo. Search through tho history of this hnteful thing and find ono pngo ovor whloh somo mothor enn bow her grateful hoad and thank God for all tho saloon did for hor boy. Thoro Frod Gage has Just finished flll-i. I10 8nch reoord. All Its history Is ,,,, Minr. ... Ing his silo Ho got quite, a serious wrItton hl tors and blood with-, , H connat.tlon- vlth UlQlr llunber cut on his hand while cleaning tho(IimanrB 0f shamo and stains of crlmo . nt'KloreJlce nml fo9t Z. ,..,.. I and Badly Damaged. IN YOUH PUIJLISHED STATE i vpvts WHICH AltE SO ENSILY Tho following dispatch from San nROUGHT TO LIGHT? WHY NOT Francisco tolls of moro hard luck. UK' HONEST? NEW HEATING PLANTS cuttor. His mothor and aunt nro mak.ani dark blots of dlsgrnco. Ex. E,,,, .... ; Ing him a visit and old frlonds will """"'i i mo nit picture on When k ...i .. ... " h-"V.D LUCIII I1U1CKIV ,1111. n !... .1 1....a . n in. i ui,. .!.... iu u uiu iiuihv. Tuosiinv. rsov. t. And, Jlk? the Pled Piper of Hamlin, Mr.. AIfrad Tyl)Ui h Jllit rolurn-P ".aid Adv., E. ". i.l 4 1litniM n tit rt lmriHAk I rt l.t.l f-n They follow him f..i .1-... w V" rt""h""' -. '". "'"".'" i .Mnmiiimiii, ".., 1'ho American echooner Oakland, II. ml,, nlnnonn T in ril vH rill ColllDany If you don't llko this kind of an 1S . ., RlllBln. ,., ,,.,,. J Ji .... ..nJ nnn.i ihls be glad to welcome Mrs. Gage back lnitllntIoB Yoto dry, 33. X Yes next " Hn.r U- TL Z Sl7ln the line noned. noa In the fog outsldo the Goldon Thoy nro now Installing plants In tho Camp o , On,0 Japt night, was towed Into port rosldoncos of J. S. Lyons and F. 11. ! ti llin flffv Tlnflntirn Vvnlai ftnntlrw! w n .1 nl.n Iti Mm llrtvV thnatTD ,...., o...,l ,.f uI.,I,..,.od Ihn ' ' " -- U1UBOHI, Willi "" Wnll u,i wuu. u ., .,.. hor hold, but tho nnmiis woro kent i..,ii,M.,.ri,nini?nropted bv Noble Urns. Then north and south and east and lliTr1 W,"C" " " -"i hvrtan SmnHm iolrt Z, nnd aided by her lumber the" Star Theatre at Third and wt. , u...ii t ai...-..ni o.. i'r.-i ...i.. ..ti..rrvXlcliolMni'nfctoro!c"So Kl't "or afloat. Tho Mnnoa control. Thoy also Have tno con Thrn' l.v.... .1... ...., .... -wW ..v..... .... Wv ..-.. - , , - --,. uarK ana lone, 0ould Just returned from a trip to Sntunluy. O'er rocky tralli and mnrt,iv ni. ,..u..- .. '... - .. .. -- ..-.-, DIHIKTII. lllUr nillU KUIIU IIUUII1 U I r-.... . ...1 t.l ...l 1 -l.il. . . ... . . . ,.. ... nesces mom safely home. VIM))( on a hunt for.cattlo, door bonri KNIGHT THMPLAU Hoos your l " "" "uiin .looan.. ar0 rlgnt up 10 muo u. ub....., v.ooK on n"H "rw"'" wr "ou' ( ,",',,,, .,.,,. it. and for a tlmo was npprehons vo of this moat efficient, satisfactory and . - . . . ,andoto. They got tno cattlo but no coat uood pressing? l.Molhiii.M' ' i' w" "" ,.., ,i.i AntT when the last one he bids good-1 UK deer or bear Harry gathered up ATOltlVM. tbolr 8llfo,y- Aftor tbe cni8h tho economical way ot making their night. UomeciwsS iouS cT tS- Manoa got a lino aboard and stood homos comfortable. Tho Pioneer .Tun era the break of day, ' 55, Sin to hi. lowe place to win- got somo fine bucks. Mr. McCol- by until the tug responded to n , cheerfully make estimates o WlOii Hiwbc so brfeht ..,h . b .."",'..' , .. .... ,.., , x...,r nmnn ti i.ariv wlroloss call. No ono was Injured iftts most suitable for any kind of .. .... """" " er. 1115 BIOIH III III1U IVHUIIIUII . ,u..hll .. nw.. ..v,. .... ........ ,.,, ,,,, ,. ,..,,,., .,,. : .... ..,,.... 1.. ov nhllL'n Hunt ,i.ii , .1... i.iii., w... ,.,n ..1n..t.i 'I'm., Pnrlor. nnd Mr. GniV KOt a "v """"' "' " ."..v..i " 1UUUUIK ui ....h.- "- ; stove In her storn, tearing off tho tract for boating and plumbing tho : ruddor and steorlng gear. Captain now Gymnasium. Marsliflold ppoplo Bargains in Underwear Wg have a fine selection of men's women's and leg; dren's underwear and quote a few prices to inaiww great values now offered: Men's three-season Union suits Men's Besto Union Suits , 5300 Men's Mesco Wool Union Suits 5200 Men's Mesco Wool Union Suits s1oq Men's Mesco Shirts and Drawers ir"V"si 50 Men's Glastonbury Shirts and Drawers, aarr2.50 Men's Medlicop Shirts and Drawers, perflarmem, Men's Heavy Cotton Ribbed Shirts and Drawers,.- per garment - j-n-piV - Boys' Heavy Cotton Ribbed Shirts and Drawer?,- per garment ...---- Vkp o75c Boy's Vellastic Bodyguard Union Suits ---vbn7tl075c Children's Mesco Union Suits SSto35c Children's Derby Vests and Pants ,50 Laides' Fit-Snug Vest and Pants einhTo"Sl.25 Ladies' Mesco Wool Vests and Pants 5i"nn to S1-25 Ladies' Mesco Union Suits $i.uuu These are but a few prices 'from our line. W. H. DINDiNGER & CO. , BUNKER HILL DEP'T STORE. rl " Phone 32. Times Want Ads Bring iammemm- Rest)!' JIU wuiitli li(u ftrtfistward way. While In tho hills they met eleven1 men from Mapleton on a hunt, they bear In their traps Tuesday. vir repaired." Hon ot any kind ,A7 Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Tiwes I