R95BSS2ii Ty-ft""' t WWT P"".J """- WT -Wivt" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE r - . f- The Central Avenue Booster VOIi. 1. CKNTltAD AVHNUK, Kill DAY, OtTOlSKIl :), 1011 NO. t3 ixMuziMimmimMimKtmm PFMFMRPD the COMPLETE lllUCiHDtiK DRUQ STORE Here we are, ready to serve you at any time, ready to supply you with the very best grades of medicines or drug store goods, ready to serve you in an absolutely satisfactory manner, ready to save you money, time, travel, both er. Ready with a full stock of Squibb's Chemicals (acknowledged the best since 1858) to aid vour doctor in case of sickness. May we not fill your next nresnrm'inn? N your next prescription? WHY NOT COMMAND US? IRESGRIRTION. ,,. ,nu!iiijwvjt'Mnrr?) JIANK D. COMAN MAR3HFIELD. ORCOON. . . THK rr.XTUAri AVKXUIJ IJOOSTIJU imlltlonMmrkor, iwiil the nlontlors for, Vflrd multiply by nine, mid four I wet or for dry. Along on Novom- nnd carry eight. Go at iiign spoon. ber tho thirdly thore will bo uutto 'Tnko nil cornors ns rapidly as posel la Trost. Wo will innrvol that folks I bio nnd'roloaso you,r clutch aB do voto absurdly, while wo Tst to tho 'sired; Do this until tired. ICa n walls of the lost. I nobby lronu" Alf Johnson will bo bark In Co-1 Thu.llobstor thinks that Dorsoy Is aulllo, a-votlng for Gago not at all, j tryliig to boost OooJ-go Goodrum In land whether wa put tho said froit on th's now dance. ' I his hope here, ho'll uullo thruugh It i ' . Rll. Published P.very Trlilny In the Inter est of Cooh liny In General and Central Aetute lu Piutlciilnr. Subscription Prlco.-'-Vour Rood will, u inentborshlp lu tho Uoostor Club. O TIOIPOltA! () MOItKSt E. I. CHANDLER. Murine Jiii'o Auto Insuran COKE BUILUTNO CAN YOU ACCEPT A TIP? wi: do a oKxniLXfi w:.i, i:stati: iiusixims; jssci: aijIi KINDS OP SUIU5TY 1IONDS, WIDTH AIiIj kinds op insuk. ANCU IN STANDAItD COMPANIES, AND lIUPItKSHNT 8KV KUAIj OK TIIK 1IKST TltANS-ATLANTIC STKAMS1IIP COM PAN irKuri.i, avi) skb us. ,.. ... ,. - aajriAvsaauvj.; - , ju.r Aug. Frizeen, Mel. G. Duncan 8(1 Central Avenue. I'liono 1H1-J. Create ami Estate by Insuring yoursolf In tho MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAli l.II'IJ ,, insuhanci: CO. at SHIP MAN BROS. .'I()7-:iOH Coko lliilldlug. l'lioxi: aia-j WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK LADIES EMPORIUM Mrs. Nellie A. Owen Central Avenue The Eight Cylinder Goodroads Goodrum's Garage Central Aiemio PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chasudler Hotel Tho fateful November approaches, the tltuo for tho casting of votes. George Seellg Is fighting tho' Allies and (onto of us long for now coats. Up and down Central uvcnuo candi dates hurry, some of thotu wild In their rago, and I.opianskl admits without worry he has booked all tho stars for his stage. Soon tho rain will chase In rain less Parker. Soon the tumult and shouting will die, we'll forget onoh PJJUSONAIi MKNTION Accident Pinto Olnss Burglary Marshfield Oregon Roman M ea TDK N I:VKST KOOD PRODUCT A Real Health Fcod columns and imp'sovks DIGESTION PREVENTS AND RELIEVES CONSTIPATION USE IT FOR GEMS, PAN- CAKES, WAFFIES, .MUSH, MUFFINS, NUT LOAF, GINGER DREAD, ,AM llUOW.V DREAD, ETC. del it at Cook's Grocery Tho Oldest Ornrery Sloro on Central Awutic I'lioue 181). The Time all Over the World 1 at the MARSHFIELD HARDWARE STORE See Our Window, ' Alarm Clocks from $1.00 o $3.00 . Correct Time at All Times. Halloween Novelties of all kinds Place cards, Tally cards and everything pertain ing to party favors. AT Norton&lianscns TWO STORES: CENTRAL AVE. FRONT ST. Before Parting With Your Money IN HIVING REAL ESTATE SECURE A COMPLETE AllSTHACT FROM I'll I J j Title Guarantee and I Abstract Co. j Which Is proparod to turn out First Class Work. This will save you an noyance nml oxpensu afterwards. Wo also look nftor assessments and pay ment of taxes. ' Mni.hficlil offlco In Coko Ilulldlng opposite Clinudler Hotel. I'liono II-J. Coiitilllo Offlco ndJoiuiiiK Funn els' Hank llloclc. I'liono 11)1. llnndoii Office, McNali- HulldliiK. I'liono 482. Henry Sengstacken Muiuiger, SUITS CLKAXIJD AND I'DKSS i;i Sl'ITh .MADH TO OUDCH OlVli VS A TltlAI. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM ,JAV DOYLB & C. O DAGGETT 256 Central Ave. Phono 250-X. "MAN l'OLND DIWD" ' pleaded In working for his own com pany. Ernest Hue he has resigned his portion m palutfr Tor Mr Vlors He ho oi inl' J a mi in that milt lie Kn 'nnas I lu ( on Da IMinilne . srr Co for Hie lalnUn, of f n-r,fre in . , . , , ...... n t rPha TlnlP.R Office '. ,.n. .. i i spinas or jou rrimniy jjji -"" ' ru-zz, jjuiiiiiMijffiu a Good Menu The Hub of Centred Avenue CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND XIOIIT 8KHVICI-J For taxi, phone 193, Ideal Cafe. For touring cms, phono -0 Chandler Hotel j IA'NN IjAMIIKTII, Prop. I New Cubs J : New C.n-s - - Having thrown our nnllilrnl spamu, we'll subs'ds with a satis- I flod pouU till Wo try to strotrJi over ; tho Phmm that Is niado by the bill JAMKS WATSON la-taking uulto an for Dnvc .Musboh's coal. l"torot In politics theso days. Then we'll plot how to got n fat J,m wonders wliothor ho Is or turkoy, at a prlco that Is not a1 wholhor.lio Isn't. plnlu theft, when tho ovo of Thanks- , KlvhiK Krows murky, we'll pay tho c- s' WINSOll wna over from worm top notch for what's loft. And then, , as tho yoar, llko a candle, Is fllckor Iiik down, down to dlo, wo trust ' that thoro will bo no scandal In tho I Uond Tuesday. Ho says that North Hand Is moro excited over politics that It Js over tho war. kk 1 1 way folks bid Ml RooiMiyi LapoloKlos to tho Crnwflsh. -With &. ttl fM CHOCOriATI'JS "Tho Candy of Charaitcr" STAFFORD'S WELL KNOWN STANDARD IS EX CELLED IN THIS LATEST PRODUCT Heinz 57 varieties COURTEOUS TREATMENT BEST WORKMANSHIP PIMM; AND HIOll CIjASS TONICS AND Sl'PPMIJS WITH ChKAX towui-s foi: i:ch patp.on. IS MY MOTTO TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop CKNTItAI AVK. OP COUIIHK. Money Plays No Favorites Tho man or wemnn who kooh after It with tho grontout do termination Is tho one who xets It. .A chodc account with this bank Is n bit; stop In tho rljjlit dlreitluu. Hy l!io staady snvlnif of small amounts you will soon build u wodgv to opportunity, How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. Wiley. B. Men Co. L. Ti. THOMAS, Mur. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. I CKNTIIAIi AVKNUIC JOITINOS I ' HAIUtY McKKOWN. droppod Into tho Ilooster offlco this wcolc nnd told us that ho didn't object to our put ting his nnmo In tho paper If wo r.eoJcd It to help fill up. Coutial Amine lleauty T'jo lloos-' ' tor's bonuly editor Is to hove oompo-, tltlon. .Mrs. Cenla Travis has estab-j i llshcd a baauty parlor on Central Avenue In tho I.Kdloa lOmporlum wlira sho will do nil kinds of hair, drosahiK, manleurlng, acnlji troat- . T. HAINlon has a lonesome look but It has brlKhtcnod a ltttlo nlnno a lottor tmld olio wns on her way home. There's nothing llko nbsenco to, pinko tho heart grow fonder of hot rakos llko "wlflo" makes, , CHASE & SANB0RNS COffEE THHKIC IIM:NDS. :-(, I0c and He PKU POUND. TIIKSi: COKI'KKS IIAVIJ IIUHN STANDAHD IN TIIH UNITKI) STATHS l'OIt I-'IITV YHADS PIONEER GROCERY CO. SKM.INn AOIJNTS KOII .MAHHIIKIKM) Phono HI. 81 Central Axcnuo I WKAKHNOW ItKAlVVTOI-'IM, AMj (l(HfH WITH A KltUSlI STOCK OI.'' Preferred Stock nr.NT's srpitMMi: qpamty cannkdooods , , PfllMi'OOD PHODl'CTS AIAVAVS IICIIIl DON'T OVimi.OOIC Hi:iN'S .MINCIJ MICVT Ollnvaoll: & Weaver PUHK POOD OltOCKIIS. Corner Central Axcnuo nml Third Street Phono 11)1) mont, ote. and will It ploncod to meet T0M AI;Ii ,0'ok homo n ,, bnl. tlu. ladles of Coos Hay. ., fpnll, ,riin -,,. nff,.n . Hack to (Vntnil Clmrlw Van Diiyn, of the Chandler Is hoiue from rii oxtttiii'od trip throtiRh the princi pal oltlos of tho United Stales but no tL'lf.tp,, l, lila 11,1 .11.1 It.l Ujlik n,.t alKflnt ' ...via u ... ...a t.,, ... MU nVU ...IJ DUVUi that looked as Rood to him ns Central Avenue, (lood boy Charlie, we'ro Kind to give you tho Rlad huud bnck. other uIrIiU "I nlways tako a ballot homo nnd mark It for my womqn folks," Tom told us. "I mark It for tho candidates I don't want to gdo eolctod. Then I know they will voto tho way I wnnt them to.',' Dll. IIOUflJSWOUTH clalmB that through n TlmoB wnnt ad ho has found $1.2ii purported to hnvo Iiiibii lost by him ono night thliV week between tho Catholic churtV and his homo on tho hill. If , Willy luut It In pool with Kroltzot (;raH,ih,wnto and C, It. Pock an3 ho says they put tho ad In Tho Tlmq,, (Vion,.( Tlinon want ad nan recover money from audi a nimbltintjon It ,c,qrtalnly gets ro flUlts.) , , , . f i , i ii Dor l'oi(it the I'ronch. Accord Iiik to tho ilonday Crawfish Dr. An dy Smith, tho w. k. Portland physi cian and also well known on Cons Hey whore ho hint visited, says an Ideal solution of tin snr would bo to1 hnvo tho tlernians lick the Itiuslaus, the HhkIIbIi lick tho (lermaus mid tho Irlidi do tho rest. .!.' T. Hnrrl Kan says Dae Is 'just rlicht. ' , I . I u ' Plenty nf Tlniu If you luck llmef time Jtmt look In. tho Mitrshfleld Hn'rdvvaio Co's. window 'on Central N 'itlJItylJCTIONH, O Ai IIAIIIIKH Avenue. They liuvo Clrirtts that toll . '. tho time nil mer world as It cor-! First National Bamk Of Coos Bay t Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon respondit with llnio In Mnrshi)ld. ,. T. Harrlfpin says tho Idea was A. K. NoffH but Noff says tta KdrrlKan wanted to know when the flchtlu;; was coins on In Iluropo nnd he had the clocks fixed up. a .i 4 KO.Mi: SWHI.D NI1W DANCKS. Till-: ANTI.SICID. Dorvuy Kreltxer submits tho fol lowing to tho socloty editor of tho Doostor ns ono of .Die swellost of the now dnucos, nnd as Dorsey Is bo mo authority on social affairs It Is glvon a plaro lu theso columns: Tho orchestra substitutes an auto mobllo horn for tho flddlo. Gent takes ntomlzor from his loft pockot nnd prliuoH hlmaelf with gasolluo by spraying his uecktlso. Lady and gent both romnvo gum from mouth, divide ouch ploco accurately nnd stick firmly on solos of show. Kiich takes three steps forward and seven back- . , Bplnctod . lo'i J. I. Torroll. If wishes woro whiskers nil young Qrs opulrtlmyp,,, , , A rolling dome gjithors sonio gloss. fill ii vo his neck; ho'll go away, but comu right baol anothor day. A clip In time saves n dlmo. Wuon hairs fall out, wlg-mnkurs gut thulr dues, There's mony shnvn and tip. a Blip 'twlxt tho Ono touch of whiskers makes tho wholo world's oliln. How to tho skin, nnd let tho tips full whdro they will. A Good Cigar A Good Game of Billiards ON CSOOD TAHI.HS A OOD PMCK TO SPI1ND A PliHASANT noim A COOD PIACK TO MKKT t YOUIt PHIKNDS VOU'IJ COMIJI nooiH ft The Smoke House Chaudlcr Hotel llloclc, Central Aie. A UAItA AVIS. A worthy muii Is Thomas Wollor. Ho never woro A rubbor collur. II. J. MIKEOWN, A sturdy youth Is Ouy flnblatz; Uh novnr woro " A pair of spats. FRANK COHAN. A cultured youth Is John Von Tumps; He never woro ' Whlto socks nnd pumps. V. J. CONRAD, , . STOHV 1'OH TIIK DAY. , AM AH ONi: VIKWS IT. An Irish girl callod at Mrs. O. recti's ' to get tho place ns cook. "Are you n plain cook?" inquired i!r. Oroou. "Well, Mum," ropllod tho girl, "yoz may think so, but Officer Mul ligan was aftor tollln mo thot mo ejus wor llko th' Lakes nv Klllar ney." -Long Green. T.lbby COAD. Tlio Kind YOU liv AIAVAYS USUI). PIioho 7. Taclfle I.Uen- JHHl Transfer Qniniuny. 1UJYINCI A TVPIiJWIUTlSR? If so, lmvo the following fntstory rebuilt mach ines on lmml: IteiuJugtoii No. tl 8!U Ti. C. Siultli , $35 lUimliigtoii N". 10 8.15 I'lulcrwund No. 5 " lStt() ij.l.oo cash; fi.ot) per inontli. All iiiucliluas uuaraiitctHl for ono jour. Also ilbbous nnd cat lion paper. CARL L. STOCKIN 1 ' s 22 Central Avonue. Telephouo 'JoO. Sa'eH Auoiit, Inderwood "" powrlter Co. Wales Ylalb Adding Mnohlnf- ill A j 'I HtaasatfBWWattUmaKiii9ErnPi P ' - VKWnw'mWM ----- i im irnrfBMtlMii nfc mTMtti V