The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 28, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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iiirrlr.l Pt-brunry
lln ii.ui . "
""""noil, uho
l' IColntlto or K. It. Cutlirnrl .Succumbs Her moth
PTHTr nsmrnnm
ill Coltau.e Grove
survives her. "'I
'Enrollment at Eugene Shows
. . . MnnlfnrJ lnnrrtnri Owni. I Ocf
Uma f.r Pnact Rnnri Thrminh mui ivuu ihoiguoi, uvu uaoi
mvic ivi wwnoi uvuw iiiiuuaii
Coos and Curry Counties
Gains Enthusiastic Favor
An l!-year road
Year Local Pupils
EUGENIC, Or., Oit. 2S. Seven
h.inttrml and fnrtv -"tlldruta llHe
CaltfOnil ...... k. l'lvjllv an Ihla
rmvirii iut .. .... : ,,. -v .......
50 over the
at tho corresponding
.rear. Fifteen states ana
nearly every county In Oregon are
represented tt'i the big student body.
The r"rtaman claw numbers 300
and Registrar Tiffany expects
Hold Short Meetina Exten
sion of Time on Street Im
provements Not Granted
... ...... nf im. f . r tie iv-
,': -r ah.rmaa A. was asked " Co - rtrr, rUjih 0f ,
artafen.ngbr the Warrea Construe - "' '" rw""Z. ,ZZ enrollment
SS;i.t th meeting of the Club. ""L" time lost
North Mend " J IP.c Club. Three road to Callfor
.nU -member. e the councU de-
olar they .t " aJrIy w ,,
Cturowg w -"- "---- . fc m. ikfn.h Kaf. .--.-. -"- - ; - , -
Is completed ! auest.'so of ere- -- "TZIaZ .... .iL. ,H.r mor P'"""" " ". nirn . thwe or folr foreIg wawhll)i
" W' Raid.
Cottar n. cl
rnrt. of lo
...i. ... . , .. . r.......
, me iohuwiuk iiiHpuicii ti'oni Cot- -""", or CottaRo n l
tnge Grovu lellH of tho douth of and c. u. CMi "' V.
ii,,. ill.,,,.. r tini n... . e..t. ' . ' '"Heart Snd i.
of Mnrshfleld: , Starr. r Herm Z?pd'
"Mrs t.Vnntr .tlo.1 h'..a- Hnv,...... ... ,lon v p. p.,4"
- "" i 1IUO- ".' UIIII. Wail. I .. 'MUIK
dny nlKht nt the homo of hor tliuigh- lm, urvia iln'' , er m ,'
"- t J tA. "
i... ii.. i. limit will be dlecie4. w wntt Ba lD ou"r win brln. the total registration to
At tlM nwetta. two weeU ao, he Pcj,,,,r. H"hw3r vl tM over SO0. Coos County h nlm
Hie oHvtrtar toMiMity awarded Wlllawtt Taller. jtudenu in attendance hero, of
tk atrt.rt tor the lmprov.e.t W-J- C.,h!bBtd" Jrh which five are from Marehfleld. The
f Sttraau aveaoe nder the tip. " Amtoawblle Club, devlare folhWlft u st of the Coo
Mlten that the work wonM U com- the coW road will b eompleted o ,t the gtat- InaU-
-.-j .i.i. it t Jan. Th net!- and hj tltn dnrtnir tfte .,. -,! H.inni. x!,i,f lijr-
I -" ' ' , rc MJ "" . ,..!..... ..... ,.,t. lll.r. !!!
Max Keiaarrt, Albert names Attn "" i" iir u..
.ucv rower, of Marhfled: ilretrit- come up wltiiout a pilot ir hoi tor-
an rnaa naau1 n avam anw iirviuu ... . iai -i.. i..u .udimiu tfitt i ti nurn
! ar ucacea a araams - cbrwool. of Couuine: uai ji. ' " r if" -i
Biq Asiatic Lumber Carrier to B0JJSrSnh
fnio Parf nf rnmn nf Pu n M see aneous CaiaoBat -
keAnd WiAwBwi "ound-on SouthornTHb
HrlngliiK twenty-four caliln imraon-
I WltSIIII'S MCMt. Pers anJ twenty-two In tho Bteernxe.
' ' ' ' ( the Xann Smith cromwl In curly thin
l nnrlnir th naitt few daya. ' ' nioriilnR from San Kranrlaco and af
ter tliacnarftuiK ireimu hi iuu siuiui
Terminal Dock moved over to t"..o
tor. Airs. C. 1 Count".
MarKnret KUen Cnthcitrt was horn
Jit nun ry 10, 1861, nt Uniniiun Vvr-
ry. Douglna County. Sho cniuo to I'ntistnulr, mourn
fottngo Orovo In 1S70 nnd had llv-
ed here Iiko thnt time. Sho was
t'linrln. ... ,1 a1ltl
"Mia I11.L.. "'
M. Cnrraii i-.... '"u,D('i
H.-ou.. a(l r : C.(C
" " Adrift ht . i
H ... . . -- u let
''fr death.
Times Want
have been off Coob liny. One ,
I wan a Jnnanoie man-of-war nnd
! the others are thought to have
I been English and French, but It !
! Is not certain. I
Ion of but ( declared thr wit to rear. TN cowt roaa.
' e.-e-red the work and at ; It will b taow, will take I. ;
Smith mill to receive a caw or lum
ber. The following mtMougura eauie up
on the N'anu Smith:
Miss K. Hngemelstur..!. K. KtnvonM,
K. (5. Sherman. .Mrs. 0. X. Holt. Mrs
M. II. Guernsey, F. V. Maok, Frank,
Haln. J. Xlchal. Sinn Wo. J. C. Fuller.
II. Johnson, S. Got don, II. II. Wilson,
. . . . fAA aa aawttl iMM( fl nam f . . . .. r & lit f. Il,.t.l tint ttit tlta
.bat wlUi th eonilBit or tne raiay v-. - ---J" - -- Kin!: Mll r. MCcioixy. or iirn:a '-t- " ""H"' i"" "- - H s Tower, Mr,. U. S. Tower. Mrs.
atar thar UI be forcad to dlt- Oiy wltfc th Callforala hlw'J loint. and IltfKh Watklns, of Uan- coast nnd Into the Hay and out again. Klani Mrg , h HirnH ,,, rnv
oonttaM tlHiroTneot aad tUn- that contlnae. down to San Fran- sho ,8 t0 arrlve cnrly Sunday. ,W00,t , , Umb ,,, v Noff ,,,
for waaJd hat. tbtlr contract .- mcntlmfl' alor In- llesslo Dollar wl I tnko m ,,,,.,,, c h , Mrs w
t.Md.1 t0 Jnlr 1. On Sheraa Iththa WMlepMtaffe this j for ,B01lt 00 tons of ,. n which Mana- twonty-lwo
Amhm the residents are alraadr " !. thern " ' on ' rlle of rts Rer Nonlriiiii has sold to Jajwnose , '
SEfmr M .Mewam and that Cre. loag to ii. "JJ ,M i thU ,m,,er mms' 8h0 wl" ,S UkC "
th mr b. laid th. Warn .al rt-er trarler. h beach TTkJuiZ! mi be wl 'J thousand feet of.
CawM co-panr w ojwraa ------- -w - T ;- 8J 9(Wtleat., In the Mtlllwil "". , ., ., Waterfront.
aaaaaan rntaaHBIBnaw IR KBilirrw law w ww ... , .... I Hrf tlHAHIP 1JUI1HI Wlin n.IITJVtT71i IU
" - - riu.aiiMMH m f'nrfiMitai. :?ti in int?
Staild. but la maay cas better. "f-" - "".-; ". " '
ijw lieparimeni, no un !.
Clothing Sale
Oct 28-29-30
1o ."t
and MKttef before a dine Mi
sinn iajkat be granfad.
S:lil Improveaieat bonds of now
more jhaa It, 10 were unable to be world,
dayr but she was delayed In unloading r(ll,ip,i win, mlsrollnneous frelulif.
i .. . .. .
1 " " nrmmmmmmrr n I
WW-aaW?aawjaMaMaBt !!! fcj Jaw. W ll IBM llliania lajaaaia-iii ga-laB
tho gaeoliuo achoner Itustlcr
There arc mora acaalc attraction!. V" ". . . .:. . ..Z... her return carao from tho Orlont
,in w -. .- .w. dence wtr uoems. s "" . . . . ..... ..... ...,,,
PZ u .: .h.- in the Music D-rtment. 823 .tu- ' M'' ,"", ",e, ,W1" "" ,S ave Into G.Ih iftarnoon for
"" " w - . . utMi lllllinr HP illlCI IUHII Unft lllt. lt....A 1II....H 1 ltf. 1. 1....1. ......
dents in tne axtaanon ri --- - ""n"" im.-i ami nnmmimiii,
In need of a new wheel nnd minor
piiigor lion (
th Inlet, waa off
er place waa tak-
liTe Delicatessen Co.
M." Norlli Kccoml Street.
. .. La iaa AANaa 1 lata atAMlaiai twala WOT faul liniintV HBM IKI1 mr
p - t .. ""r T -. : " .Z "".' ia I. th. Summer School. This " " iwrmem ....-. . ..i
under tM etaerfeac, jeaua, ..era in ". J l;ar' txm toU, or ,,79 and ' show. fM d carried a Chlneee crew. repulra. tho wnwdlno
wv .r ..-r p.. -. - v- - -.-. .-,... DcreM in enroll- Arn -,,OTn ,ne ."- " North Star, of Nor
Z2ZZrZZ?.!?ZZ :Z! . ".".".-T:"' " meat fc the University since this ' " .'!!?. I" the run today and h
ui nrwTBimiitT, ..-r ,r v p..- ,. ..-.. .w. .w .w.WWQ. .-. tls Mil aiitiui Mtiun. jiir. aiuun w en bv the TlOKfl
.. v ... ,. .,.,, . a - m, t ftCIVJ Hilll IIVII II V F ! II V n'C T- I.
tsra aveaua between 8heratao aaJ From the north this Coast road ceu(-
ShTidtn streets. The work kaa has already been completed as far
Wn completed. The third leadlnf as Tillamook and her beaches. The
of this ordinance will be made at the main road-buttdlng would need to
next aMvttar of the council Xovem- be through Lincoln. Coos and Curry
bcr 1 Counties. "It will be but a short
f.ra.llng of Talon ATenue for the time before we shall have this road."
three btaek stretch betwoen Wash- declaraa Mr. Clemens, who long has
incton aad Oregon streets waa been partial toward Coos Bay. "It
brouxb! op far the first time and If an economic necessity and will
was the rftwaa of ceaslderahls die- mean thousands of dollars to the ( rou werr member of the Leg
tslon At the present time tho places en route." 'telature. bow many of the vicious.
nui is aiMsei impaasaoie tor ine Portland Automobile Club Is 'baslnes. destroying bills that are
to come to the Hay Is uncertain.
1MCV. A. .T. HOGG C.W.U;i
xpecteii that the gasollno
boat Mllllcoma, now off the Allegany
run, will go on the ways for a com
plete overhauling and a new roat of
Loaded with lumber, the Hardy loft
out yosterday for San Francisco
She Is a trlflu late on '..or schedule
this time because of. being bai bound
OI'll SPECIALS ltendy nf nil time of the dny. ,M, .
nxikcil mill our nun ittnko. Itoiist ..(.r, (,. l(.lml) ' ,p
Lour, Tnimiio, Unnli Stcuw, llcef Mens Meat V'
I.N SALADS Vegetable, Fotnta, Cold Slnw, ( rnb nm rn
Snilloped I'oluU.s, Coin, SpHnheiil., Itw.n, t iw,
llreiid, IUm-iiIN timl I'liddlngs
Cukes, Vh'H null 1'nNiry or All lilinlf.
i'i:iri:s iikako.vaiu.k "i,ih
Welnetlay evening, Rev. A. J.
Hogg, of Seattle, Washington, con-d-i-ted
the prayer moating service
at the Presbyterian Church here., here on her last trip.
.Mr. Hogg, who has been In this Knrly yestorday the big Navajo.
country but six years Is n native of of tho Swayne & lloyt line, crossed
the north of Ireland and graduated In over the bar and proceeded to tho
ordfntrr traffla aa It has a mora now m . aj.ii.. .rf.n.i.. ' .v w.nn - ..i.i .. vi at Queens College there. Ho also ocean dock, whore she discharged
'than 17 per cant grade. To havo campaign for the opening of this for? Wa art all Legislators In Ore- hoW diplomas front collesos In Eng- more than 110 tons of freight from
this rtt down or graded off mak- Coast road that will bring the tour- pon, and as cltliens voting to make '",1 r'l thl ""owntry. The church Sau Francisco and shortly after noon
Ins It accessible to traffic m the 1st of Portland and the Kast. as lsw, we are under Just as much ob- hore extended him n call to hecoino the Navajo loft out. bound for Port-
piopel(lcm now before tho city well as those from th South Into ligation to use good Judgment In " l':r. but It will not be known land. The Navajo Is 5Ks feet In
fntucm. a bettor acquaintance with the l- voting for measures on the ballot 'or ft we, or two whether he can lensth while tho Nairn Smith Is 277
Grading of tho street, declared vantage offered br Southern Ore- as we would be If w were In the -U'ert. Coiiullie Sentinel. feet In length.
i... ., r.u.u. ... mr ravin. IgUiatur. when a man goes
means of opmmg th street maltteft ,BM th bootn November ord to
It tutful. To the expense necessar- HAD 1'I.OSII CALL. CMt h w. 0M tbw ,ntiatlve bills,
ny lUToirea in tsis proccQara reel- h .hou - lu,. . coHsclentlous
has boon n hobby with ub for n good many yean acd a let tl
our customers will toll you when It comos to gctt ng c;od. iomI
durablo framing inatnrlnl at the right prlco we koov our bed
nuss. Just tell what you want to build and the amooat jn nit
to spcid and we'll get btiBy with our pencil aud flcureoctUi tut
your nouoy can buy. Try us. ,, H ,
C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co.
dent on the, street make strenuous ' Tieaw" eifus Sen Altm.t Claim. Old careful and thoughtful of the pub
objeitlon. No derlsioa was mad la Ma h! lM lleacli. c -lfar as he would be If he
to this improvement, the Samuel Botbwell. a new arrival In
risaru iq wi improTemeni. iae wwi cmiiwwii. a new arnvai in Wwfw a mmbor of the Legislature
question hateg left ops until for- oar town, bad en sxperteace th oth- tm, tn . biUa cani, up ti,ere
ther MjManosjitloa kg th Council. ! r day which ho will not forgot soon. t0 aetd wpoM
Mr. Bothwell Is an old Indian War whar. eou don't know that a
veteran, put seventy. four years of proposed law will benefit of the state
ago and Ilk all pooplo coming from .. . .1..1. . nw t tv.t..s- to
.Mayer SlmpMiii fivMMt. XorO Itend ,h ,Btr,or- h interest do u ,0 vots ..No
On last Thursday th old gentle- 1VK ASSOCIATION
maa took a ttroll upon the beah. v. lllilir., Portland, Or.
and. for aa advantageous rlew. safe- ,,i a.h- i
Pollee feoHi ImInIxIiix.
Th North Bend Harbor says: No
"" w.. w. uixai.H m .iimu . .w . ... . , . ., .
Rsad Is th ultimatum Issued y . " .J "-" " "a
It is a arr """ "' ,vul u " wnicn uaci
. -. " IIZ k" ' twd up for wood Thli
Mayor 1. 1. Simps
Ctraaftw iirdimr IAA Aa It arfakwaa laA
'waam. JBaaavo rja ivi aa asaamaara .jmania.
i fhiisj win maa ilwharw ' , ,- ' "V oo a ridge of
li.iai Cho tam " """" " "' " a.uuan.
.IhoboUcemenofNortUllaid ! ? ."TiT! B'1
-- .w .. W. IVBK iin.f
MiPtf la thm h.lali a iikU. . Kmw
--"- " - W .Vavaa, aVafu a.- . .
.'ii.i$ UN etnnot er.. ,rr Just :;.,7. T,. . W" "
n.. U will be m bad to -Up Jrt iSnJ n ""
u. 4sr a. It will to go out on J, 'N' "d ,co h'm do "
n hi-., u. . ; throua th slough towards the ocean
lVrUaa th mayor Insists on tho &t ,rrif,e l'M- fortunately for
danrer IT taUn" r one! but ,h ? " forc- ot Jh Slips FrOIJl SljOrC 3S
jt an is as bad as ; hundred ami ff" ovr him bfor M nad ""' Team Steps Aboard Fell
the firs, offense win be di harg. M tolS.htrfLTV'' m4 h """f1 Strutjfllinn Into Water
the orJsr. U issufd. So t!.e polk . ta hl fl '" W"r bo,H WU,
H bo a dry lot in North Bend oswa P wa4ki out bfor '' A lMm be,un,n5 ,0 s,eve Stewart
they abosld have ,.n Uellnatlon bmkr W m. Had ibis f"ner residing near Rlverton.
to wet their official whistle a-Weut happened on a straight beach w drowned yesterday morning u
In all probability th old gentleman the Coqullle River when the own-
would hate b9n carried to sea and r attempted to drive them aboard
, drowned. Gold Beach Olobe. a ferry. The farm wagon, to which
, . they were hitched, sank Into the
POItT OltlMIlD Ill'SlNUSS. stream not far from the bank, draw-
Ing the team In and holding thorn
C'l. ft.KtllmU irilNk U Will 9ski be
5elf SapiMHliaB.
i"V.MA, Get M Notwlthstand
The business that has been done struggling helpless In the water.
Inc thai ... ....'. . &,r tho new wharf during the sum- County Commission G. J. Aru-
ljlppiug Mtvith)s the Caus! traffic Wr bB V9rr rt,r',n to ts strong has gone to investigate the
WTM Jfct sif weeks k rMi.r A fw weeks sgo the Trlb- matter and to determine on whom
n hi . " w tlBlati Vla.HlltfkatjS tk I1.. k.- e Wo. LUttin am ilm aaal.lmii ol.nt1il
OOetaall Ihr-n hJ k. """" "-""" " J VOari COW- u ll.l l lo n-.llHt. uu.ii
4 Indirates that within ' bumin ,h,r warehouse be fixed
What Judge Hall Says About Liquor
Judge Points Out Cost of Liquor to County
(The following statement by Judge John F. Hall, Coos County Judge, is taken from
the Coos Bay Times of May 8, 1914.) '
(Special to Tho Times-)
COQUILLE, Or., May 8. Two more women were granted mothers' pensions yester
day, Ji
Judgo Hall states that with the exception of yesterday's two pensions, ABOUT ONE
He pointed out that the county will likely have to pay $17.50 per month to the fam
ily of Jas, Feirarli who was convicted yesterday of murdering John Kelly during a drunk
en brawl at Henryvillo, and also to the family of E. Maksutis, who hanged himself at
Lampa and also to tho family of another man who killed himself a few days ago on ac
count of liquor.
THINK, CITIZEN, THINK! Vote Nov. 3222 X Yes
Issued by Row A. F. Rnssford nnd E. II, Campbell.
HV b'
us, iiianua
Her 9MphMo
As the ferry belongs to
extra large In view of future business, the county, If trie ferryman was neg
llowever. rlnco that time the bulUUna; ligant - In rnstliip; his boat to the
has been piled full of freight aM3 , bank, there M'U. be possible grounds
rapacity tased. in addition tjgj for a damage suit against tho
irelght. 40.000 ruilroad tie. TSre county.
been shipped over the wharf and The story of the affair, as it has
bout so.ouu more will go out this been beard here. Is that tho farmer
tell. port Orford Tribune. dismounted from his wagon, prior
to driving aboard tho forry. The
EIGHT HURT IN WRECK team brought the wagon to tli
ahit.a ....i . ' ' ege 01 me sirenm ami Bioppe.i
thioitgh.silg. (,, Jter!k Hrttl.sulu-ly InJuriM Xeiir voard the craft, which, boing In-
a,d Holland; The P.ruvi4U .oro.! ilTJiL ISK.', swurelJ" faitentU' 1",od awav fro,n
boat TMUahlt HoJrigucr a41 th,' MrKTIKGuT W ?5ZL M. T "k dTWln won into
ilously. whoa three Pullmans ami a . ...., . ,," . ......
nvn .muiffi iMfis ii.u iva.ii ..hi.
um may be tutficlaat
lhjeTating oxiiensen.
thus far erud t36ft,.
August IT, and OcIlh
seH-jro..lld ts-
VJ Of it. il .,; .,( ha
wereawaMf AnttUnu uutr, those
flyltirthltJll- tUg mere second.,
ulr w.,' Uer4"" "bi- l
lullau. Vrmk or japan.,, tessi,. i
.' ui.r mormietan
W l.l IN IljDo'KMUtG.
A nmrriiiKc llc,os .. ,a a.
tho County CWsofHc. M L,i. (.,
Froil m iirant ofAi1ni. i. ai..l
MiBs M 1 1 Hcrtnanq, vf H,j , .. .
Hosoburg Review,
day coach of the Chesapeake &
Ohio passenger No. 1 were derailed
'near here. Two Pullmans rolled
iion nil i iiibaiiktuent.
i. !u t 1 iaUM 1 tlH- Wllik.
A brokou
no ohatice to oscapo, but wero haul
od Into the water where they drown
ed In n few minutes while tho driver
aud ferryman were helpless trt let
thorn frco.
The above dodger is boing scattered about Marshfield today. .
It is admitted James Ferrari killed John Kel ly in the mele at Henryvillo.
The authors of the pamphlets, however, omitted to set forth the fact the crime took plac
IN DRY TERRITORY and that it was aB00TLEGGER, of whom there will be many, if the
dry amendment prevails, WHO COMMITTED THE CRIME.
E. Maskutis committed sii'c'de at Lamp.1 t because he was addicted to DRINK, but be
cause of affairs which had unbalanced his mind following having been terribly injured while
.working for the Conlogue Brothers,
How many widows are there receiving pensions from the
county at this time whose husbands did notmeet their deaths
through the use of liquor?
VRIISH VPl'f.K CIDEK delivered
In jiiiv quuutlty to your home. Cnpo Nfc'H l KhLIA or Coqulllo Is in
Ariigo Soda Works. I'hmw aiO-L. I Mnrshtlold today oa buslaess, I
(Pah! dvt . Mnrshfleld Protcitlw ss i,lon )