xwm mmwiwam uu ' ' 9mm?nfJ&f W &" ZfWl 1 1 WW ' loME FOLKS HAVE TO TURN FORTY BEfORE THEY DISCOVER THAT SEffiS STARTED JL STIRRING TIMES Arfl theio days of war find blooil- &$ EVERY BAY There nppoars somo item of nown in tlio advertising- columns of Tho Tlmos - nowa of tho dny'a "Heat Buys" to ho found In tho various Btoroa. Tho woman who roada and heeds those nowa itoms" Is tho ono who conOuots i I .v,i It 13 mi lorinni mat yon h1ro full knowiodgo or tlio latest " . ... . I , UlllinAMllla . ml i authentic now. ouuoi-wuu iur tiio Timps. nnd road tho ovonts of tho day each evening. MEMBER OP Tills ASSOCIATED PHESS ' l TH1 nor nougQiioid economically. WSUiHtflMUFIfilftl mmmmmm NffiffH? mmm VOL. NO. XXXVIII. FIEKU CUIIII NNG Established 1H7H no Tim Const Mnii. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ILLI ES SLOWLY S A Consolidation of Tlino, Count Mull iintl Cw Uiir AivoHIt No. 84 M W gain I GEfili E Report Offensive Movement of Germans to Be Relaxincj After finiin ess Assau ts of Grnar nmirn n,i S H,lLr by Countless Thousands y PARIS REPORTS VAGUE AS TO EXACT LOCATION OF WHERE ALLIES ARE GAINING IN BATTLE Unofficial Dispatches Indicate that Struggle Continues Along1 PrnrifiRn v Same Line With Rr t sh Float Ar,n; ai,i:- j Allies in Bombarding Germans - I (By Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) inwnflN. Oct. 28. Tho sronf hniilo fm- un ..! -r . rnnct mini llff fllonof tllfi North Sf,n frrmi ("Ictm-,-! nl! L ! said by the French to be swinging slowly in favor of tho Allies, ' The assaults of countless German troops, which apparently Mn nnr i ho hniffht of hnmnn offnrt. worn mniiari i,.hu ,;i rrtiirnno rind fnrnmfv rinrl tnrlnv ilio nffandun nffn.. r 4i. lUM,hW "(..v .--.. "..v. .v,v.vJ i.,u U IUIIOIVU GIIUIU) ui inu Germans is said to bo relaxing, For the third successivo day tlio French official statement said tho advantage lay with the ' Allioc. If Is nntioonhlo. hnwnvnr. flmt ilm PYcrmi, nii,v. !,, .filliwwi iv iw .. .ww..w, uiiwwi mill mv I fUWII ultllllld III each Instance are vague and without giving the location, Mnnffinlnl I'nnnrlx iiulinn 4l.n !., 4l. ..-' j. fl" . i uiiuiiioiui iiv.o i uiwio mat in tilU lllcllll Hie C0I1TIICI IS racing along practically tlio same line as heretofore and the rto.irllnrik not hrokon. Tho fioroost ftnrman ritinrlo iunm !! verted from tlio sea coast slightly to tho south, in a lino be twpcn Dixmudo and Ypres, This may be explained by the- as-, cnrflnn fli.nl fhn Rriflsh flnot. rlilvnn nff few n t!mn Uu iUn dm- man artillery, has resumed the bombardment, . RUSSIA CLAIMS VICTORIES DIED GERMANS AND AUSTRIANS TODAY (Ily Associated Tress to Coos Day Times.) PETROGRAD, Oct, 28, To tho south of Warsaw, fighting extends from Rawa to tlio junction of tho Rivor llsca with tho Vistula on a front 62 miles long, In tlio region northwest of Rawa, the Russians inflicted heavv losses on the Gormans. There lias boon furious fighting In tho forostsxbetween Kozlon ica and Radom, In Galicia, tho Russians are making prog ress, To the south of Sambor, in the narrow valley of Pocl buj they surrounded tlio thirty-eighth division of Hungarian Honved, together with detachments from the Landstrum and destroyed them completely, capturing twenty pieces of artil lery and a quantity of war material, In East Prussia, partial attempts at a counter offensive movement on tho part of tho Cormans resulted In failure, ajr ;A!lbi une lira mi-11 w !" j inn ILLINOIS MINE dt NUMBER 50 .-..in i!Ag;(yei.Mj i Effort to Oust Two Commis sioners and Chief Execu tive Badly Defeated ALBEE LEADS DIECK AND BREWSTER IN VOTE GERMAN LAND GUNS DRIVE ItlT AmocttteJ t'rna to On I1J Tlniri. UOYAIro.V, III., Oct. 2S. Tho death-roll In tho inlno dluistvr of V.o Kronklln Corl & Coke Company ye torday, Is estimated nt r, 0, nftur all but threo nion who had entered tho initio hefore tlio explosion hnd heuu accounted for. Forty-soven bodies wero recovered and It Is thought that tho three iiiImIiik men are still In tho mine. It developed today that there was no flro In the mine and the reports of tho flro started from the firct that several of tho bodlos recovered woro charred. WILL NOT ili! FRENCH REPORT GERIN ARE REPULSED I SLL ATTACKS (J)y Associated Press to Coos flay Tlmos.) PARIS, Oct, 28, Ail official communication issued this af ternoon says: "Yesterday tho German attacks In all regions between Nieuport and Arras wero loss violent, Our positions everywhere wero maintained and wo continued to advance north and east of Ypres, Wo also made some progress southwest of Labasse, On tho right bank of tlio Aisne the Germans attempted a violent night attack In the Craonno re gion, They were repulsed on the heigths of the Highway Des dames. In tlio Woevro district, our troops continued to advance," Well-known Business Man An nounces That He Cannot Devote Time to Office ;l. V. Illblonhrand, who Iiiih boon urged ,to be it enudldiito for tho Marshr'leld 'city couiull, announced today that lie would not enter tho rrtco. lie Htntod that ho appreciated the honor shown him but that Ms private IhuIiiobb took up his tlmo so that he would bo uuiiblo to give tho attention to the duties of rouucllmeu that he thought the office should ro celvo. Mr. Hlldonbraud, Harry Kimball and Curl Kvertsen woiu tho three lo on I business men who were urged for tho place. Just who will tnho the plnce of Mr. lllldenbrand -Is nt eortiiln hut both W. II. Kennedy nnd J. 1 Telandor havo boon urged to do so. No other now candidates havo boon brought out today although thoro Is considerable talk about tho primar ies. Othor candidate will probably ' bo ontorod soon. Alva Doll statod positively today 1 that ho was not a candidate for reelection. Amendment Providing for j Property Paying Water Tax , Adopted by Small Margin tllr AMMrlttM rrr to Coot llir Time. I'OIITI.ANI), Or., Oct. 1!S. Tho attempt to iccull Mayor II. It. Albeo and Commissioners Robert (,. DIuck and William h. llrewstor was defeat ed yesterday by a heavy vote, lle tweon r5 and 00 per cont of the-registered voters of tho city went to the polls. Complote unofficial loturns show that the recall Kcutmilly was d of on ted two to one. Tho latest ro vlsod comploto returns show thnt Al beo received :i:t,3 13 votes ngnlnst his roeall' and 16, 473 for his recall:, Dlock 28,12-1 against recall and -0.- ; -i 12 ror; llrewster, 2S.80!) against re- i rail and 17,81)3 for. Tho water paymont amendment, by which the cost of water consumed Is acsessed axntust tho owner Instead of tho tenant, carried by 1SS0 on tho I completo returns. The count on all loturns Is unofficial. Tho recall cnu- ' dldates weto snowed under, oven In their own piocluctR. The retail was Initialed on charges that tho mayor and commissioners wero Inefficient and extravagant. iHGHEST PIES (tlr AmoMIv1 rrri lo Cool HJ Tlmn.J AMSTERDAM, Oct. 28. TrtiwJora arriving hero from Ostornl say tho (lermnus posted heavy nitlllery on tho sea dyke which was successful In driving off the llrltlsh warships. fi00 Hrltlsh prlsoueis were brought Into Ostend. Tho roads to Ghent tiro Jam med with marching soldiers. GEifti REPORT HARD BATTLES OHIFRONTjER WITH RUSSIANS Declare That Germans and Austrians are Greatly Outnumber ed in Engagements Raging Along Vistula and San Rivers Struggle Lqual of Belgian Fighting WIRELESS FROM BERLIN TODAY MAKES NO CLAIMS OF GERMAN GAINS ON EITHER EAST OR WEST FRONT RUBY CABELL is f Rice Swiss Newspapers Claim That French Have Lost Over 40,000 in Battle Line Between Toul and Verdun During Last 1 Few Days Only News From Germany. Uy Associated Tress to Coos Day Times.) BERLIN, Oct, 28, (Wiroless to Sayvillo, L, I,) Austro Gorman official reports from tho eastern theater of war in dicate that sovoro battles are raging along tho Vistula River and San River, Tho Germans apparently are engaging nu merically superior Russian forces and tho battle is attracting equal attention with the struggle In France and Belgi un, Tho Austrians southwest of Ivangorod aro combatting numerically superior forces of Russians, Swiss newspapers report that since tho capture by Germans of Camps des Romains, French losses in battle line between Toul and Verdun havo been more than 40,000 mon, GERMANS CLAIM GAINS. FOR CAITLE Stock off Ranges Bring $157- i .20 Per Head in Chicacio Market Today I Ur Amo.'Iiot l'ri In 0)4 lltr Tlm. CHICAGO, Oct. 2K. Hkuko cnttlo "off the grass," that is, cnttlo that , had nover outon grain, wore sold for $ir,7.20 a head at tho Union Stock 1 Yards, the record prlco for tho Chi cago inurkot. V. S. DKHTltOVKU AGHOU.VH. KQIlPOMv, Vn., Oct. 28. Tiio tor pedo boat destroyer, which went on ; the sand bar In I.ynuhavou Inlet dur ing tho storm yostorday, was still fast today, I (or orew Is on board and neither vossol nor men nro In any daiigor. Warships standing by ox j oct to float her. ' Well-known Young Woman Succumbs at Eugene-Had Just Left Here for Honii A. II. Campbell received word to day that his sister, Miss Kuhy Camp bell, died at !l o'clock thin morning at Kugeiie. Tho news, enmo us' it snd shock, as Mlsa Campbell loft hero a week ago today .after a pleasant visit nt tlio A. II. Campbol homo. Hlio was ailing then, but she was not thought to bo In a critical condition. She was accompanlod from hero by her mother, Mrs. M. l Campbell, and her brother, Hay Campbell. The body will bo brought to Mnrshflold noxt Monday for burial boslde her father, who Is Interred hero. Miss Campbell was 2 1 years old and was bom In Marshtlold, but had spout recent yonrs In Hlverslde, Cal.J with her mother. Sho had boon In poor health and came hero with hor mother, hoping that tho Coos Hay eltmnto would bo beneficial, but it was not, so she and hor mother left to visit relatives at Kugono nnd Kla math Falls beforo returning to Hlver slde While hero, many parties woro glvon in honor of l.er and her mothor. i Hesldos her mother, she is'survivod ' by six brothers and sisters. They nro A, H. Cnmpboli of Mnrshfleld, Albert Campbell of ICugone, Kdgar Camp-j boll of nivorsldo, Hay Campbell of Mnrshflold, Mrs. Hobertsou of Kla math Tails and Mrs. GoqikIu Drew of Los Angeles. HEW UPRISIiff BOERS II SOUTH GARDINER CASE AFRICA ALARMS BRITISH OFFICIALS MEN BELEASEO EBITISHFLEETSFJRE DESTROYS MHLGIMGOtS t!T VILLAGES (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) .LONDON, Oct, 28, The Times' correspondent in Belgium wires' inhoni-o !,.! f.-,Mv, o cntiwo Rritish hfl mon has reveal- cd how effective has been the fire of British warships on Os ItnA HJIiJJI. 1 l I . l I- I l inr nnnot MlllnOTOC NC i'u, ivuuaie isern, Lomoanzyuo uhu umc wo.mu h .... gsinale wall remains standing in the villages of Westkerke, pe and Novio, Several other villages are also in ruins, DUTCH TRAWLER SUNK BY MINE (Uy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) .LONDON, Oct, 28, A Dutch trawler reports tho lugger flaardlngen struck a mine forty miles north of Yrnuiden, Hol ,'(nd. according to a dispatch from Amsterdam, The crew and were lost, FIGHTING IN SOUTHAFRICA ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. I n PARIS, Oct, 28, A dispatch from Havre reports that Vice frrfrnor General Tombeut in the Beteian Cono announces ."Ciwttll troops COIlipilHtJiy uriraiiu i..v -..-- 5-, . e. on Lake Tanganyika, which lies betvve n the Belgian iL"go find German East Africa, . Mim.. . . iiinmminMMMB MM tM (By Associated Press to Coos nay Times ) . LONDON, Oct, 28, A now rebellion in South Africa, whore Boer loaders, General De Wot and Beyers, have taken the field against tho Union Government on the heels of the check ing of a rebellious movement under Colonel Maritz, was tho news of the greatest moment today outside of the battle in Flanders, Do Wet was a famous antagonist of Lord Kitchon pr during the Boer War and tho uprising he now is leading is tieated by the British press as far more serious than the Mar it? outbreak, An event, second In potential importance, is the reported German invasion of Angola, a Portugese colony t in West Africa, Thirdly, unrest In Albania seems to growing, Not only have both Italy and Greece announced their intention of nYotecting their, interests in this territory bv force of arms, but'the Turks are said to be in an active camoaien to send troops and proclaim Albania a part of the Ottoman Empire, THANKSGIVING OAI PROCLAMATION? I PRES. WILSON TODAI (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C, Oct, 28. President Wilson today is sued a proclamation designating November 26th as Tnacks dvi.nff Day, The piodamation states the principal reasons fc t'i nk is bociuse the United Stat s is at peace while the rest of the world is at war, and uecuuse ot uounwui crops. District Attorney Browi and Sheriff Quine Decide Sus- I pects Are Not Guilty llir AuntlatM I'm to Cuo nr Tlmn.J I POHThAM), Or., Oct. 28. Threo men hold here as Gardtuor robbery suspects will bo roiouseu touay, as District Attorney Drown of Hosubtirg, who caino here with Sheriff Qulno of Douglas county, decided there was not enough ovldoneo against thorn to warrant prosecution. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) AMSTERDAM, Oct, 28, Only nows arriving horo from Bor:' lin today, and is to tlio offoct that fighting on tlio Ysor canal is going favorably to the Germans, GERMANS PDUR MEN INTO DEATH TRAP OF BELGIANS 01 USER CANAL tfly Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Oct, 20, A correspondent in West Flandors, un dor dato of Tuesday says: "Tlio Belgians novor ontlroly dlsr lodged tho Germans from tho fooling thoy obtained across tho Ysor near Porvyse, though tlio Germans suffered torriblo losses in keeping tho strip of ground thus won in tho bond of tho river, Again and again thoy have been practically swept away by Belgian shrapnel, but thoy continued to pour men into tlio death trap, At Dixmudo and Niouport, tho struggle has bcon equally sovoro, At Dixmudo French marinos woro obligod to withstand forty hours of continuous attack boforo they woro ablo to oxpol tho Gormnns at tho point of tho bay onet, Last Saturday tlio Gormnns mado anothor crossing farther south near Saint Gcorgo Capollo and a frightful strug gle onsued," IE TO MINE HAHBDH AND FDHTIFY NEAH THERE (By Associated Press to Coos Hay Tlmos.) FLUSHING, Holland, Oct, 28, Several mines washod ashoro along tho coast bolow Ostend and oxploded, doing no serious damage, Tho Germans have fallen back slightly from Westondo, Thoy aro putting the coast from Ostend to Knocko in a state of dofonso, At Ostend preparations aro being mado to place mines at tho harbor entrance, During Sunday 400 vehicles loaded with Gorman wounded passed througli Ostend, The Germans havo commandeered a largo quantity of lumber at Bruges to build a giant air-ship shed at Geldonck, GERMANS PHEI OSTEND i I O.VK WATCH FOUND. ISSUED B The Ilosohurg Jtovlow says: "Dep uty Shorlff Prod Stewart received a letter from the cblof of police ail'ort If.rul to the offoct that a valuable, watch, taken from tho store of the, Gardiner Mill Company nt the time f olr offices weio robbed, has boon located In u pnwnshop there. It was a gold wuteh sot with diamonds and valued at about (2G0. Tho Portland of fkers declare the watch was pawn ed by a man who sld ho lived in ban Francisco. It way bo possible that ho wiii un Innocent purchaser of tbe tlrue-ptcto, or was acting as n go-between for the men now lit jail at Portland. lit the ovent tho sus pects ato returned here fur trial, they will bo taken befure tho grand Jury duilng the regular November torm of the Circuit Court, whUU cmivonrc in about two sLClm. EMDEN NOT SUNK BUT IS STILL SINKING SHIPSUFT8E1LLIES (By Aksoclated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) LONDON, Oct, 28, Tho Gorman cruiser Emden, recently reported sunk, is still at large and has sunk tho small Japan ese steamer Kamegasaki Maru while tho latter was proceed ing to Slngaporo, according to Contral News dispatches from Borlln. , ... !-!i U. S. SHIP AGAIN HELD UP (By Associated Press to Coon Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C Oct, 28, Tho American ship Kroon land, from Now York for Naples and Greece, with a' cargo of copper, lias been dolayod by tho British at Gibraltar, accord ing to a report to tho State Dopaitmcnt from American Cpn sul Sprague, KING GEORGE'S NEPHEW KILLED ' wggwyggfflrrrrgMiEm''iJiLiag (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay TlmeH.y 10ND0N, Oct. 28, Prince Maurice of Battonburg, nephew of King Ceorgo, was killed on tho battlefields Frtnc. ' t'J ' joil MCli"'"',!? 'rf '"" T"'7'tTlT,J'lWllBM i-A m a -ii WMraiKlMlliilllSi itMilill