The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 27, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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Final Estimates for Street Im-, Council Orders Ordinance Statement Shows Congress-
nrovements Total $35,891- Causing Auto Companies to : man Has Appropriated 36
.07 Bonds Are Sold Pay Street Maintenance' i Per Cent of Funs Here
Final estimates of street Improve- An ordinance requiring all autonio- In n full statement Issued from
,. miillnir 135.891 07 were ttl- Mies drhen for hire to pay n street' Washington, Congressman Hawley
mltted by City Engineer Hucklngtaam license was ordered drawn up last shows In detail the appropriations ho
cieuuih u iuu luiiuuu luuowing a , nag recuiveu IOr 1003 Uay (luring U10
long debate rekitlvo to street hn-' past six years and points out that he
to the members or tne ciiy council
at their meeting last evening. Coun
cilman Wilson, chairman of the
health committee, reported that there
Is no health menace from the pres
ent location of the city garbage dump
and that the refuse Is being properly
taken care of. A week ago groat
alarm was voiced because the drain
ago from the dump Is flowing through
tho north arm of Mill Slough and te
first steps wero then taken toward
tho purchase of an Incinerator.
Pnr tho cradlnc of Front street
11,168 Dealers Make Applica
tions to Represent New Au
tomobile Manufacturers
The Times recently printed a state
ment to the effect that GGOO dealers
hnd applied for ngenctos In the Unit
ed Statos. Lnter this was corrected
tirovements end tie Hllbspntmnt ns- lias received overt- nniirntirfntlnn
" . i ..- . .... ..--. .!...
sessBionts. Hecause these machines, which has been recommended by tlie1" l,,e u,u:ci u,ai UHU ,m" l"""
J ' ' 1rt ASIA . 1. .1 n....lfn.l -trtantl
use the streets and are primarily the 'engineers and In all 3C por cont of
cause of needed improvements which tho total amount nwnrded by Con
must constantly be paid by property ' Kress to this congressional district,
cwners, the members of tho council ' The following- Is his statement of
thought the time has come that a tax
should be levied on these machines,
wMch at present pay only n nominal
running license, for the street Im
irovemont fund.
Stage lines between Mnrshfleld and
hntwopn Elm and Hemlock avenues North llend are absolutely unneces-
tho final estimate of the engineer ary now that the motor train Is run
Is $10,188.07. This Is exclusive of nlng. was the declaration of Council
tho spaco between the rails and one man Copple. They are serving only
foot outsldo them. In detail the re- to wear out the roads as fast as wo
nort contained these figures: 231C put them In," lie Bald, "and the
10,000 men lind applied to rcproeeut
1 this new car In various sections of
' tho country.
Today official 'announcement Is
mnde tl.nt up to October 10 exactly
11.1CS business men had applied to
Dodgo Hrotliors for tho agency of
the now car. Undoubtedly thoro aro
a number of applicants from Coos
county, hut it Is not known who
they are and no announcement of the
Congress, Second Sonslon. "phuiihimuih iinsyot iiooii nmo. .nisi
as mere uns neon notuing uoiiiiuo
concerning tho new auto and no de-
sunis appropriated for Coos Hay,
amounts Included In the House bill
and not Increased In tho Senate:
"Following sums havo been ap
propriated for Coos Hay and the
(mounts wore Included In the House
bill and not Incroased In the Senate,
123,920. Sixty-First Congress, Sec-,
ond Session, $40Q,000. Sixty-First"
Congrefs, third session, $10,000.
Sixty-third Congress, Third Session,
yards earthwork at 39c, 1903.24; re- property owners along there havo to IS0.000. Also I have secured ?G000
m6vlng piling, J2.CS: 2S0 square
yards of paving at 2.10. 15,2SS.G7;
3-Inch drain pipe, H.CS.
Grading on Eighth street from
Hemlock avenue to North Ferndale
and the Naiburg Addition, ns com
pleted br Moon Barclay, wns es-
pay for the Improvements."
"You ought to see some of those
machines hit the new pavement out
on Front street North." chimed In
tho city engineer, who has been do
ing a bit of private detective work
and has seen the machines from
tlmntod at n total of lC,S79.f.G. In ' North Hand hit the new pavement at
detail this report was as follows: on over-the-speed-llmlt rate per hour.
26,290 cable yards at 17c, $4469.30; Such taxation of hired automobiles H. II. 2SG32,
14,292 cubic yards too hard to be' Is already becoming a serious quos-. Law No. 4
more for Coos Hlver. Total of above
$rj3,!20. Not Including Coos Itlvur.
"The bills are as follows:
II. It. 2S243, G0-2. (Pub
lic Law No. 317) .March
3. '09 $ 23,920
II. It. 20GSG, 01-1, (Pub
lic Law No. 20 1 ) June
1910 , 100,000 J
Gl-3 (Public
6). Fob. 27,
loosened with a plow, at 3Cc, $6145.- tlon down In California whoro thoyi 1911 10,000
12; 40,682 cubic yards of fill at 17c, have the macadamized roads, said the IL It. 2S1S0, G2-3 (Public
16898.44; galvanlted drain pipe, engineer. "Where the truck lines are.
First tot (mate Lower.
This estimate on the grading Is
about $1400 above the original esti
mate, declared Engineer Hucklng-
running In opposition to tho rail-J
road it Is foflnd that they cut the
country roads to pieces and the prop
erty owners have to pay for tho re
pair. An assessment scorns to hit In '
Law No. 129) March 4.
1913 S0.O0O
Add' additional amount
cured for Coos 'Hlver
tnliH given concerning its construe-
tlon. Tho fact, however, that Uodgo
I Ilrotiiors hnvo one of tho Inrgost fac
tories In tho country mid have been
In oxlstcncn since the beginning of
tho automobile Industry, and hnvc
built tho working parts for over 000,
000 nutos Is sufficient guarantee of
their nxportncsB nnd efficiency.
That's why the announcement that
thoy would build a car of their own
hnti created such n tremendous Hon-
satlou and that's wiiy 11,1 OS men aro
anxlouH to secure tho nguncy.
boo Dingo mothers' unuounco-
moiit on another imgc of tonight's
TWO .MONTHS To-imnpi:.
1mm, though ho expressed the belief the right spot. This expense should
that thoro will bo a balance loft over not bo loft entirely to the state, coun
on tho curbing and sidewalk which ' ty and private citizen to pay."
will closo up tho deficit to a great No Opposition In Council,
extent. "If thero has to be a do- Among tho members of the council
licit assessment," stated the englneor, there was no opposition to the nioas
"tho cause may be laid to tho failure urc, every one expressing his affirm
to extend Pino street, tho contract atlon of the ordinance, which will be
for which was not let. Wo figured on . drawn up for tho next meeting. When
putting 6000 yards of dirt excavat- It was proposed that all vehicles
should be taxed the members stated
their opinion that a man who uses
his machine only at Intervals if or
pleasure should not be taxed extra.
"And freight carriers aro a nccos-'
G QOO ' Judge John Hull I'mlccMcd About
Two ICeiiiiilitliiK tears or Of
$C4 9,920 i fire Will llcchlo Lnter.
(I havo not Included In tho nhovo; Tlwt ho will leave his final tied
nmounts the $70,000 that I hnvo ro-jslon In regard to romalnlng In office
cently added to the above.) j until January 4, tho date upon which
The amounts named nhovo wore! ho wont Into office four yeara ago,
not Incroased In tho Senate. j was tho doclurntlon of Jutlgo John
Senator Fulton wns horo in tho Hall this niornlntr.
ed on Eighth street onto Pino street,
thus distributing tho cost for this
work," the council accepted the re
port on the grading.
For the paving between tho rails
on Fronj street from Hemlock to Elm alty," said City Attorney Goss. "Put
avenues tho final esUnmto to tho
Warren Construction Company wns
$2812.44. Of this there were 250
yards or earthwork at 39c, $97. GO;
800 iquaro yards of pnvlng at $2.10,
$1681.05; 26S1 linear feet of wood
en blocks at 39c, 1,033.89.
Iluy Imprmciucut ItouiK .
Improvement bonds for ICS0Q were
taken up by tho Warren Construc
tion Company, paynblo In ton years
a tax on lumber wagons, for Instance
and tho people wll hnvo' to pay tho
dlfferanco for tho prlco of lumber nnd
wood will go up. Those aro neces
sities. Tho hired automobiles
moro In the lino of luxuries."
What effect this measure, If
passed, will have on tho automobile
companios of tho city Is d question
Somo nntlclpato a change of rates,
in tho
COth Congress, Senator Hourno In tho
GOth, GlHt nnd the G2d. Senator
Chamberlain In tho Gist nud-G2d.
Tho following table may ho of In
terest to you:
Yoars In
Hlchard WIIIIaniR 2
John Whltenkcr 2
M. C. Goorgo I
Hlugor Hermann 10
aro Tnos. II. Tonguo I
W. C. Hawfoy G
Amt He
cured for
Coos Hay
$ 40,000
hoiiiu point out that they will hardly
nnd redeemable at tho option of tho r' nny h,K,,or' ,,ut nB tho mem-
comnany. Exact v t in bnn.L ui, "u' u ",u """.' muro suumou no
for $6612.15,
city will buy
(This doott not tnko Into account
tho prosont congrowj, which hnu an
other Houston.) i
Thnt Is, I hnvo secured for Coosl
Hay In tho six yoars, 3G por cent of '
Confronted with tho Intelligence
n decision from tho supremo court
that ho still has two years to servo In
Ills office, Judge Hull Ih at n loss to
know what his decision will ho. - Pri
vate work has been constantly Inter
fered with by h'.ii official duties i:b
county Judge, &' fact whloh linn led
tho Judgo to fuel rntlior happy that,
his term was about over, but nil thin
fnded awny with tho message of Sat
urday ovenlng from tho district attorney.
of rosponslhllty and no knowledgo
of tho rulo or policy ndoptod by tho
IIoubo that tho upproprlatlons for
projects shall ho busod on tho ongl
noora' recommendations.
I tnko somo prldo in tho fact that
IIMt 0. ,!, h,,d, ,! '' " i'" !. U1 .l,o . Th. , , ." " ,". "" , , '
even tho amount
DcrMou Is Voidable.
That tho late decision of tho Su
premo Court In tho case of Lapp vs.
tho City of Mnrshfloid, In which the
court deflnltoly decided that street
assessments may be made also on
maintenance tax where It belongs.
Tho famous First street case, tho
fame of which In tho annuls of city
adjacent as well as abutting prop- l'rw,iiro Is only approached by
crty, Is a most valuahlo decision, was u,at of 0rBn nvonuo, has boon sot
tflo statement of City Attorney Gos. tloJ "' a compromise botwoon tho
"It has cleared up a host of mat- cl,y an(1 tno Iroporty ownors Involv
ters," ho declared, "and will ho of " "'"' wl" bo lroi'lml for all time.
uo to overy city In Oregon with a "y "10 l""vlslons of the coin pro
charter similar to ours." This case "l,' ,,, olty Ih t"'l tho cots
Ioudfd In tho courts for six years. of 'lrtlsliiK. wle, etc., of the
tho decision being handed down but a Property, which umountod to np
few days ago. proximately $53 nnd In consider i0n
Commendation of City Itooordor "f w,,,c1' l,l property ownors . ,
John W. Uutlor for tho manner In ,0 ,,ay l,, nssesamonU and Interoft
bUU he keops tho books and ae- nt 8lx ner co,lt 0I1 tno nmounts In
counts of tho city, was tie gist of a V0,V04' fro"' l" 'Into of sale until
letter read by tho city attorney which ,ho nn',nont" ro inndo. Ihindnn
Just been received from ttoso- Wol,
rg In which tho officials there.
"bout to simplify tho books of the bids will bo opened by tho Council ut
tern' Jr ,llformftUo" " ! 8ys- their mooting next .Monday ovoiilns,'.
liril . , Co,,,oy' of 'k ",al,- T,,w, ,,,',8 W00 received and to hnvo
ls.. deiml",c,,t at Washington., been opened a month ago. hut lion
m commended the system In use by ry Sm.gstackon. nppwirlng then on
load ho M. f MBr,n"w." ,'oha,f ' ' 1'ort Commission, do-
wni ."' ! claml t,lu fl11 ""i1'' ' t "8"
WlUajuclto I'nrlflp i,..i ,i ..,. .
! l,H, .......l.l ,U, j UIIUIH i, emus a
ri. ." lroioaca opening of Frry ard, tlum making a grout vavliiK to
tho property owners on Pino streot,
Though sovurul bids woio on hnnd
the opening of thorn was put off for
a period of thirty duys.
Miu-Hliflclil "Wide 0K'ii."
That Marshflold has been u "wldo
open" town long enough was tho de
claration of practically every mem
ber of tho council, who staled that
tho pavement holes must bo closed at
oiico as a means or projoutlng tho city
against possible law milts reuniting
from accidents.
securod by anyone as I hud approprl
utod ovory dollar roconmiondod by
the engineers. i
I havo ponding heforo tho ongl-,
i noors n survey, authorized by Con-'
gross, for tho reconstruction nnd ex-,
tension of tho Jetty, or In othor
words, when tho d rod go has boon i
tried out and Jotty work Is nocossnry,
thoro need bo no delay In tho recom-l
moudatlon of nn npproprlntlon for'
tho Jotty work.' Ab I hnvo socurod
In tho past ovory dollnr roconimeiided .
by tho Kuglueers for Coos liny, so I
expect to do In tho future, for I bo-!
Hove the people of the district have
determined to reelect mo, nnd for
their good will nnd confidence I am
profoundly grnteful.
It Is easy for an opponent In a
campaign to speiik largely about
what ImmeiiBo sums ho Imagines ho
will Bocure, having no sobering bonso
money rocommonded by tho engi
neers, for ovory project In tho dist
rict, whon tho bill wns made up. Tho
Tillamook project, being now under
continuing contract, is provided for In
tho Sundry Civil Dills ns noodud,
I bog your pardon for writing so
at length. I nni horo working nt tho
public bustnoss. I would like to ho
In Orogon participating In the can
vass. I havo hoard that n most un
fair und un-Aiuorlcnn campaign is
bolng mndo against mo, Including
mlKstutomouts nnd misrepresenta
tions to use parliamentary Inn
Kiui(to." ,
JUDGK COKB has returned from
Lukevlow, Oregon, whoro ho hold
n four-day session of court for
Judgo Peitson.
street and to the appraisement of
mlU.iT I?0" f Khkh wu" "
'J ""council, tho Willamette
;gC'rCDtle"'"K made formal pro
es setting forth their reasons, the
ma 2 nM,n. Jur,8jl"' over the
Zte 1? ,l, A,B'dMlad the written
Protest, the coUncll ,
they aro without authr.ri. . ....
iirnluft Ti,. ' lu ""
lira so. Th ,,..,... " ' w "' ""'" -".
Sunoplnlenden ul i .". lKnod by To t,,,,, tho clt' enshiPor replied
.. " .. . . '" r- mer and At- that the 111111117 n v Il..i. .. -. "" "U Ol'
-AIcKnlght. ' u u ' '
No action was taken on tho i.rotost
Schwas laid on tho taiira , g,'
wnio of the councllmen inform Hy
voiced tho opinion that Ferry c"t
.yould probably not le 'J
through to the harbor line a th i,
mudlato future. "
that the filling on Front streot would
probubly ho completed today. For
the city thero romulns only about
flvn yards of pavement putohlug, the
remulndcr belonging to We other 1
concerns who will be asked to com
plete this work nt once.
0K'i Pino Htivt't Hid.
For the oneuinir of VI'
Open Grocery. -II. It. Mynatt la
oponlng a grocery' store In First
Addition. Ho oxpects to hnvc n
reet.iiomploto general storo there.
Headache, Eyestrain
Nervousness, Poor Vision
and Squinting;
Red Cross Optical Dept.
Beginning Wednesday Moming aed Ending
Friday Evening
In a willingness to do our share in this work of co-operative helpfulness we are
making a
Reduction of 1 0 to 40 per cent
on all Cotton Goods
We wish to particularly impress the women of Coos Bay with the fact that this
sale is not initiated by us and is not an advertising idea, but is given in response to
the request of a number of the women of this community who desire to assist in a
worthy cause.
Here are the Prices for Wed. Thurs. and Friday Only:
Ladies' Wash Dresses
This lot of tub drosses comprises
all colors and materials, Dresses of
Ratine, Plisse, Crepe, Voile and Lawn
are included, Some are plain, some
lace trimmed, others silk trimmed,
High nnd low neck,
Regular price, $4,50, Cotton
sale price $2.35
Regular price, $4,83, cotton
sale price $2.60
Regular price, $5,00,. cotton
sale prico . $2.85
Regular prico, $5,85, cotton
sale price $3.10
Regular prico, $6,85, cotton
sale prico , $3.60
Regular price, $7,50, cotton
sale price $4.05 L
Regular price $10,75, cotton
salo prlco $5.80
Ladies' Crepe and
Flannelette Kimonas
Over 200 Kimonos of Crepe, Flan
nelette and Duckling Fleece, All the
desired colors and styles, At tho un
usual reduction of ONE-THIRD OFF.
Rnm.lo,- mmn CM OR
nuuiui ,juiu, 4)iii,
salo prico $ .84
Regular price, $1,50, cotton
salo price $1.00
Regular prico, $2,00, cotton
salo prico $1.35
Regular prico $2,25, cotton
sale prico ,..$1.50
Regular price, $3,00, cotton
salo price .., $2.00'
Regular price, $3,50, cotton
sale prico $2.35
Regular mice $4,00, cotton
salo prico $2J5J
All Knitted and Muslin Underwear goes in this sale
at a straight reduction of 20 per cent
Broken lots of Muslin Underwear to go at
1-3 to 1-2 off
All Cotton Blankets and Bedspreads
go in this salo at TWENTY PER CENT
Regular price, 75c, cotton '
sale price $ .60
Regular prico, $1,00, cotton
sale price $ .80
Regular prico, $1,50, cotton
salo prico $1.20
Regular price, $2,00, cotton
salo price $1.60
Regular prico $2,50, cotton
salepiico $2.00
All linos of Corsets, Amoifcan Laity
and Modart "Front-Laced" on which
tho sizes aro broken will be sold dur
ing this sale at
20 per cent Reduction
Ten Per Cont Reduction on all
Slieotings, Tubings, Sheets, Pillow
Cases, Art Ticking, Toweling, Seer
suckers, Nainsooks, Outings and
Duckling Fleece,
20 percent reduction on
all Cotton Dress Goods
Hub Dry Goods Company
Corner Broadway and Central Avenue
Phone 361
m uranu
Now U your chance to pot some of tlioso oggs t: at wo aro selling
two dozon for 05 cents. Wo hail so many onlors last wook that wo
wore not nolo to fill thoin. but whllo thoy Inst wo will soil them
as statoil. Try thorn ami if thoy aro not a8 good as somo you havo
been liming -15 cents per dozon for, wo will prosont you with a
IMioiiu 301-J,
Republican fo