Bf-TS ,,-i.. 1 ;rB fi!l t t ' LIST OF fMilf RED III COBS COUNTY BUSINESS OETTEfl TIMBEBB S ICHT 01 er m if BR Manv Accidents in This Sec- All Lines of Legitimate Indus- J. 0. Elrod, of Portland. Gets lion Reported to State La- try More Prosperous Since 8000 Acre Tract North of bor Commissioner Town Voted Prohibition Gardiner for $500,000 ' SALEM, Or. Ort. i A total of Kdttcr Times: The uregonian s.-.ys: Timber sate 92 accidents were reported to Labor A atnaiter or lairaess ani in an- records for several months past were SHERHMH CSSE IS BEGUi .Mrs. Iiiiia M. Vol roll Sues Kovolmrj; Jtank to Hoc over $.1000. Tlio Itosehttrc Heview pays: Sirs. Laura St. Verrefl, of Kdonbowcr, has "A Political Party, a Person or a Candidate Who Will Misrepre sent an Opponent Will Misrep resenta People,," WHY filed suit in thu circuit rntirt asains' rvimmiwlnnpr Hoff dorlar tart week " to the artlc'e by Mr. Turner of broke a when J. O. Elrod, a Portland the First National Hank. In lier suit " " ... .a. a a - . .. .. . . . 'alannl. a.. ...-... i. nnrtihere mm one fatality. The fatal aia cnwininp: mat proamnion . ad capitalist, announced tjiat he had accident was reported from nar.rt nsstaesc there. I want the fol- paid A II. Hlnkson. of ICnsene. le tnr.hfit.i. ihere Jtaes Tracy wa 1- artie. n-hlea appeared in the twee Hoe.oflo ami $50o,ooe for killed while cnaseed ia lowtlo. Ac cidents connected with sawmills aud other woodworking Industries aad logging totaled 24. beta one hi t ccm of those ocmrrlBR on railroad The following Is tbe It of tloae Injured In Coos county: J, Wilson, near Msrsnnew, kip bruised, loggia. Portland evening Tehs-ram of Oc- noarly acre of yellow and ral tober XI. p -luted: BV K. B. LOCKHAUT. City Editor Salem Statesman. SALKX. Or.. Oct 51. If anyone doubt that Salem has not been bene fitted by Totlas: dry let him come to 'Salens. Ho will find the moat eon- Carl Newman, near xarsaneM. Timws; arguments, ne win nnd mat side and trm brained, lopdnr. j seerebaats. as a rule, are strongly In Wi B. Stlasea, North Bend, arm or of a dry town. He will Had bruised, shingle mill. compared with periods when t. e C. McCar. Marsbfteld. hand ao-, town was wet. baslne conditions soncd, lath mill. r bet lor. and this In spite of a gen- John Brlcksan, Msrshfleld. ankle 1 rfaekontna; elsewhere. sprained, lumber yard. ( The flrat man to feel the adrantage O. Thornton. Marsh field, arm aad of a dry town la the merchant; that side bruised, sawmill. ! everyone fees It too. In abort W. E. Cenlcy. .MarsnfleM. Noser order. The efcecM the workers used cut, logging. , to oaak in saloons are now csslted in Itoy Conger, near Marsh field, ankle store. It means prompt payment. sprained, logging. , H la only reasonable aftor all that James Traer, near MarsfefMd, fa- when each person In a city Is aared tal, logging. , $S lor capita, the amount that or Gust Jcffery, near Marshfleld, knee dinartly goes to the saloon, someone bruited, lath mill. win benefit. h. h. Cole, near Marshfleld. arm, The National mercantile agencies sprained, logging. AH.MV MUX. . aare reported on the stringency of boeiaess condltlom as a whole over the oatire conn try. Of course Salem Lm fit this depression, too. This iBiAmruuj rr u cw mr tkmj 'depression the liquor advocates have LONDON, Oct 2C Why England taken advantage of aud would la should restrict recruiting to men of stance Salem as a dry failure when the minimum height of fire feet six Salem Is real!)' in better rondlt'on Inches In days when battles are than other cities of the same rtae fought with long range weapons la- t-at are handicapped by the liquor stead of broadswords and battle axos traffic. is puzzling many young patriots of On the other hand a steady ad under size who are anxious to go to ranee is reported bore In many line, tho front. The eld rale has already' and In lines one would hardly oxpect caused modlca men to protest both so to report. More cash business Is In print and to the Army Medical reported by merchants. Better col Advisory board. lections all round seem to be the Ono of the medical Journals points order of the day. out that what Is needed those days Is The Barnes Cash Store, one of the not brulo power to wield heavy big department stores, reports the weights, but a wiry physique able to beat business this yoar In Its long stend bad weather. Irregular feeding, history. The establishment Lad to broken sleep, long marches and remodel and enlarge to cope with the Lralns to take cover and shoot with growth. Mr. Barnes tells me that fcklll and patlonce. The short man the cost of the changes was $4500. velghs less, neods loss food, is oasler' The Myers Department Store expend of transportation, stands hard march-' oil ISoaa n bettering Its facilities. Ing without his feet giving way, of- The senior partner has Informed me lira a smaller mark to the enemy.' that his business Is 10 iter cent bot kicps Jilmself warm In a smaller ter than lant year. H'wo and can shelter In a trench bet- The Chicago Storo. another large ter than a big man. The heavlor the bouse. report Increased bust hms and mnn tho more food needed to keep up plans for a J12.e addition to cope a given amount of physical exertion, with heavier trade. ' and a man of 17 pounds requires a Of tho U saloon building, but! fifth moro food than one of 1 to four are now vacant. All the other . pounds, It Is scientifically estimated. ' liquor boneea hare been absorbed by Jlrnco flvo feet three laches would growing business open recruiting to excellent mat' -la! New business bouse. re coming to Salem. Other booses than those I CXXjUiLMt ItlVim HOAT have mentioned are enlarging. 1 Tho stoamor Telegraph, owned by, mits for the first nine montlis of ibis1 tho Myrtle Paint TreusporiaUos Co.. year emonafd to 1SIS.000. The full was put an the dry docks at the total for the yoar will b over I60 . Prosper ship yards the first of lb' ee Nombers of now homes are so- wNI be lag up. just aa maMv mm uv nth,- vi rainier, wnien year, an oM-tlmer tells m. fir timber in the Smith Itlvor Dis trict of Douglaa coHtity. A large art of the consideration wa cosh, to be paid '" aiibstatttlal Installments and securities. Mr. Illnk soa accepted Income-tiearlng Portland property ne part pcyment. Mr. El rod also Is heavily Interested In tim ber In Tillamook county. "I shall develop the Donglse Coun t timber probably next year." said Mr. Elrod last night. "Smltj itlver Is a good loggtag stream and is not far removed from Coos Bey. Tbat country la destined to be n lumber market In the near fwtnre and It la therefore bound to be a good log market. "My present plan is to log It down to the ih1.1i on Winchester Bay. where the Porter Brothers are build ing a new mill. The new railroad being built front Eugene will plorce that section. My Judgment Is that the lumber market Is now at its low est ebb and that It will lmjtroe stead ily from this time forward." she asks to recover the sum of $V 000, toget'.-cr with Interest at the rate of eight er cent since April t 1911. Mrs. Verrell alleges tli..t on1 April . Iflll. ghe deposited in the Plrst National Unnk the sum of $! -r! which was placd to her en d It. When the First National Hnnk retired from liuslnosg in Uoselittr and transferred Its accounts to the Douglas National lli.iik. Mrs. Vcml claims alto was credited with but ?!. 603. S3. The ron.alnder of f. c glnnl deposit, amoutitlng to $5000, Mrs. Vorre'l alteges was approprlntcd by T. It. Shcrltian without her nu Uorlty.i Mrs. Verrell now aslcs that the officers and stockholders of tho First National Bank be compelled to make good her los. 1X)MCY CATIIAKTIC TABLETS. You will llko their positive nctlon They havo n tonic effect on tho bow-' els, and glvo n wholeaomc, thorough I cleansing to tlio entire bowel tract Stir tho livor to healthy nctlvlty and kcop stomach sweet. Constipation headache, dull, tired feeling never ' afflict those -who use Foley's Cathar tic Tablets. Only 25c. Specially comforting to stout persons who en joy the light and free feeling the) give. Sold by Owl Pharmacy 101' Hiini,,. 7--M " 0lE DUJTH A-o you better off , ,Uw- A-"o you BattBfi4, " W bcllevo In tha t'io Hepubllcan convinced tw isis Zii convinced that thM J .' M hrln.i.t -"nafj Prot j ' .,,' ' v Be Fair To All OREGON " NOT ONE OF SOUTHERN OREGON'S COUNTIES HAS AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION TO WHICH THE STATE CONTRIBUTES A DOLLAR OF SUPPORT J) voting for your lUndirtta,' Ilobert A. linmi, t....... date for the United Stale, Stm Vou know that under Reptj Presidents tho people of forS States Imvo good times. Yr-u know that under Denoa,.. Presidents you hve neaom times. Homombor tlio prosperity ; SIcKlnloy. Itooicvelt and Tilt Ilomomlmr rnniMllA.. i. the in I lire of tho man wlio In Hinllnt; their Riiffrnirn? Pmu nnnniv .tmuM 1-...1 u"rut KNOW that Mr. llnwley litis aecurod cery npproprlntlon for ItH Lnrbora Tim i..,,n 1. Vi Above h nil fiat Mr. Hawlcy will hnvo to my to t in lommunlty regard ing tho statements of IiIr opposition. The citlnni, livubait nnd uninll at tempt to belittle his opicjiicnt'H worlt In C'oimrc a by p Jil ndvertlsomont Biioum in ifseii uo smswer cnougn to 1110 peopio or tnia dlatrlct to show an! rivers that that wns recommended by tho Ilnnrd of Armv Enclnenm. unil appeared before thom'lnany tlmos to got fnvonililo action. No other Congressman In tho United Status linn done moru, no mnttor wlint Ktnto or district they roprosented or to what polltlcnl party thoy mny belong. (Paid advertisement by Hepubllcan Congrosslonnl Co mm It too). i.....,a I tA rg f n zsL Arl 1 I Wl f I The heavy lines divide the srato into three natural, geographic txibdivisioMS. Our one normal school Is Indicated by dot. It U doing excellent work, but Ha sphere of service Is LIMITED to Its OWN SECTION; n fact that la equally truo in every other stnto. Evory school In Oregon abovo n high school Is Indicated on this map. Does not slmplo fnlrnosa dlctato that the normal school In Southern Oregon should bo mnln tiiinod that the common nchoola may havo efficient toachors? A COMPARISON balding atso cost I pj.- M-ek for rvbulldlng. mado tnnnty . ' Bersoiy more Tlioro bss W-n erected during the speed. The mote Is no doubt (be resr a m.i -.i c. .. r,vD..t. .. !,.. ....... ....... .. "' --" Ti.www. 111 .v.. , nmm ninpniuag otnweon Kodgets brtrk uiai campny sud tse Coqullle Klve,' fr rmnspqrtatloH Compsny, wbicb' Tlss Sosnlsltas ltzsiH. fv,.n. .. .... l.o Crm-ltandon Wortd. j rT!nTj!l wta" LMiKTMiwrs auk ri'HKi.n , !!r 1?er! ro ,T mn " ' M mill. Instead 0 letting out llwlr V. 8, hiiiircnic Comt Suifllii in.. " ' ' oa mors. V. a. California has cfif Normal Schools and eighty Jivo percent of the teachers now employed In that state have had normal school training. Oregon hat one Normal School. Eighty percent of last year's appli cants for teachers' certificates had no training above the eighth grade. ARE YOU RAISING CHILD- H017 ABOUT THE NEW- SAVES 1 Tho Issue In this eampilia 1.0 1 ono of porsonnllty. It Is tot 0:1 i non-pnrtlsanslilp. it t a $, of whethor you prefer proiprtj 1 under Ucpubllcan ndmlnlittit!;t, Do you have enough wort it your wages good? Is roor hiut what you uant it to te? If you nro satlsflcl ivlta prtwj conditions, well nnd good; If jn bcljovo that the present situtta 1 bettor than under McKlnle;, lm volt nnd Tnft, you knoirnhtti Tho way to bring back proifirt; la to help olect a Hepubllon Sti'i Tlio Itcpubllcnn candidate la Ottpt Is H. A. Booth. This Is a Ilcpi'bllcan rear, Tcts tho ticket straight. (Paid advertisement, Rtjttlai Stnto Central Comrclt'w, la porlnl !'Jtel, Portland. Or, ClmrgiM AelnM Mhimu Hon. manager of the logging depsrt- ID iHvttM hH,i,twtt, DM. j mma1' , b mi s 1 per rent VASHINrSTOX. I), c. Oct U kmir k,c, dsssawd for building Tlio" United Wales Supremo Court so- w"sl this t-mr titan but. in Mined to dlrwt the Xew York Kei- br words, lbs 'city ssl" lscroase IMttt II. Mrg.o7fornT1resrer . Th "r 0l tort wtek l'u,,d of, tbo UnlM suiS srttT", ' ,,ta " the town s. ntii J 2fw York- bsrgsd vim w" bo bad to real bis building from atoff W 0t lh ,1,h ta ,,,,B m9Uk lo mot,, A" " S . 4ry It rested it for long I'lKHIXO AT I'MlHPA'Cif lWSU lnenam UI. ... ; IWoW thai ib ittou manufac Vir (Hmmi hIh,h IMi rim- of soft drinks bad suffered a Mbt. (docrssse. The proprietor told me bo jl.i!"),,,JKC. Or . Oct. z Tb h- " big butdnoas without sa- iftiffsf 2?wta 'H riw ! Ml it. yet bo found that a bear-' MfW'32?i "2 4r" . " '" oon IX dMrminifcT1 1,w nV oas 'trios. with ikm reautt L flads tl1JtomEk CiL.W,," ,h! kU Uwt of Inst r W out of asvua trarelln.i wen' I'flfill I VhlTmTZ ' WUsw teloM loll mo bssiness bare ! MASTiatii fMorr. ,ls ahead of tkai In PortUnd. lao ,- Foloy, nLZZZT. ' J-- " -" 4mj toa- um aaTL ;SL "?!" "d PmMt rm9lmM ot ' ' tae t pwmtZErS?' s " fc,f tor " lim Uir-JWkrtors ef ! utmfr. rUtZSl "!? km "" ,h V'-nx rmr racood tho receipts ' for KZtt,' l'9t ,or ,B MIB ,,m u,i rw by over . -J j- "f?i T.!L '"' l,0-0B' bs asalsuol uostmast- Slui ,.' .L. " 'ru jrg. r. la svry ltn of city lilo Usro has Ih aa improvotucot, says Msyot i'rvcs I Paid Ad.. B. H. Caaiphoil, atsrsh (Kittle fkld, Oregon. I REM FOR EXPERIMEHTAL PURPOSES? A noted oculist uns ouro coin jillnlciiliil on Ids uouilerfnl sUill. "Vtw," lie niiMU'ied, "but I oI)(il ii liatfnl of eye, leiiinln." Hitllutr luinl on tlio peojile ulio fiirnlhliml tlio o)(! Yon, but limr nlioiit llm clilldreii nil own- Ohikoii that mi furiiitli for iiutnilned twulinrH id pnicticu on? .Moral : Let Oregon's srliools linxo trained irjicliui-s by furnUli. Ins tlio niiinml sdiools ulictchi biicli tl-.lllllllg Cllll lio otit.iliiud. GOKERS? CIAS KOOAr UI3ATI3RS arc inexpensive to buy cheap to operate. Thoy save their cost over and over again in the colds, sore throats and other ailments thoy prevent. ."For Fall and Spring heating they are ideal. Useful during the eoldest months Tor auxiliary purposes lo help out the regular stovGS or furnaces -to warm rooms quickly in thg morning. OrcKon wants moro settlors. "Will tlio mull ulio Hii)M, "ti'lvo inn tho Mnto Hint Is iillvo unil nbiviiht Willi other Mntcx, ospeelnlly iiIiiiik HiKih of public bdiool nilvnutiiKes," cliooso Oiogim with ono normal or California ullli oi(;lit or Wash, intoii with tlirtv, (ill better equipped Uiiui our ono? KCONOMV. Oregon, hpcmls over !5.",ono,00() iiiiiituilly on Itn coinmoii hchooli. liy hlioulil HiIk vimt Mini of lav ii)i'n' nioiiey lio iinecoiioiiileully spent thi-oiiKh teachers who liao not been 1 1 allied for their nlMni K)r(ant work? o ower Company Alfred Johnson, Jr, Republican Caididile FOK Sheriff Coos County U oloctod, strict onforctnBtd tho law, with Impartiality P tcod oxoryono. If olorllon, oronomy la tho aamla- Istrntlon of the Sheriff's offlci pa nntood taxpayers. If oloctod, a sijuaro d-alp" toad ovoty man. Vdiir support and appronl cIM lilntfonn will bo apprcclatfi ALFIU: JOIINS0.V. Jr. (Paid Adv 1 m . itW""- For Representative in Coos County Second and Central. Ml relephone 178 Tlie Southern Oregon Normal School has a plant, owned ly tha state, sujficlent to meet all requirements for many years. Mat rH it ' d " "'ive rol '' "' ' .'lUren ,ur ' " - ulefel' ' . I, walked f v, u i ..... .. "It is n fact well supported by osnorleHio that the majority of the students in any ariurational institution coma from a territory Included within a circle with tun Institution as the eomcr nnd a radius of fifty mites, it Is tbero foru ImperHltvs that each Impor tant division of the state should have a htrong normal school." William M. Proctor, Daimrtmont of Kducatlon. Pacific University, Poresl Orovs. Ore. "There could be no greater ox trajanc than that of speudiug larte sums of money on public Mtboels which are 'kept' hy in oomuetent teachers Not only U money wasted, but thu injury dona to the raw nmttrlnl Is Incal culable." P. L. Campbell, Pros. U. of O. "No school oomoK no near to tho peopio and confers tho lmmodlato bouefits that tho normnl schools do, for they train tho toachors who ttaln our ehildron, during tholr iRiproesIouabie yonrw. Rood tchools are only possible by hav ing trained toanhors, nnd wo can only have trained tonohors by traluhvtf thorn." C, 15, Sponco, Maotor State Grungo. "Ko moro meritorious mcasuro will lie on the ballot than tho ono for the support of tho Southern Oregon Normal Sohool at Ashland, It is tho height of business folly to allow It to lio idle when thqro Is so much urgent ncod for trained toachors." Doan A. 13. Cordloy, O. A. G. . BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield Creamery UTTER oo 00 4 O 40 0 sr.vnrj U.N'DKU SAXITAHV CO.NDITIO.VS IX A CI. HAN AXO MODKH.V l-'AOTOHV. lHn't iiiIkx Mm. I wile this wuvL. . All.-en'h (learHiirv To the man ivlth property assessed at Sd.OOO'thls school means tha price of one cJgar a year VOTE FR THE SOUTHERN ORESOH STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 312 X YES Paid Adv., Aldinut Atsn. 3. O. S. N, S, STi:uiLizr.n MILK A.M CHUA.M. PURE ICE F"roo delhtry, H n. ni. and Phono 7 o 0 a p. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOMR OF THE ' CADILLAC and FORD I AL'TO SUPPL1KS FOIt ALL I I SIAKKS OF OAHS i I :il7 Central A v. Phono 373-L Mbby CO L. The K nd VOF h:ve ATAVUSlsrO. Phono 72. Pnclfle I U cry aud Truubfer fouiiniuy. x SSSSSSSSSSSSv " bssbsssssI saliwWBs! LbbssssssssssssssssHLbu J AJ91ssssssHsssssssssssssi HssVs DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue I J. TOM HALL Democratic Nominee rooi W Dorn In Oregon aud a i. pioneer. EQUALITY NOT ONLY IN TIONHUTIN' Uffll youriotowilleW,reCli,e4' until AdV). -"' tirti Ukj.