MmmmmmKm !f!:!lffi iv n;i ir illW ''iiMumumifUmul 3ir"f Hilt!- 4 ? h ?. , 1 ! 1 ' . t '! I pWVKSlit fijVMnvlFtiJI'fluiv' ' '" 'V'-M&sre ., ?, mtTMo dAI 1 11111:5 - " ' ; i I WEAR ' ! Crossett Shoes and make life's walk easy. at the -Two Stores- Marsh'icld North Bend I , B The Cadillac Electric Will do your Cleaning WHY PAY MORE? Johns ott-Gulovsen Co. ?&afjESiimKKmrvwLMTr4 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E. Lothard McCluro attorxkv at law Practices In nil courts. ItOOIU lunilgall . IIciiiibK Hunk Hcnrik Gjerclrum. piano ixsthuctiox Studio Mjrllo Aiiiih. rimiio itfifl-O Joel Ostlind I'lNO '1TNI51I AXR HHPA1HHH Leave orders nt W. It. HnluoH' Mua lie Ccnrany. 115 S. p.xth Stroot. Phono 103-L Perl Riley Ballinner PIVNIST AND TKAQJIKR Ruldonco Studio. 217 No. Third Bl Phono .IfiB-L. H. H. Hamer 1IOUSIJ HUILHKH ueneral Repairing ami Cabinet n. Making. Phoue 31D-J. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (WVHiiut Methods) niverjr lt,10w disease, troatotf Hhout drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 "1 2, 2",7 South Broadway. Phono 132-L. Marshflold, Or J. M. Wright rimiio ihh-r. I'lLDINfl CONTHAUXOR 1-utli ;itofi furnished ou roquost Dr. H. M. Shiw lye, Fur, Nose ninl Throat. ,,. . fI'AS.SUS KITTW) wi. aivrriK u. shaw l-f ' V hiiiuii flint tMiiuim Wiifo P'jono 330. Rooms 200, 301 202, Irvlug Block. Benjamin Ostlind T lo.Nsumo icxnixiCKit and nmmi AHCIHTHCT Offlros, L'OC IrvUis Block Phone 103-i or 2G7-J. , Mnrshfleld, Orogoi W. G. Chandler ARCHITF.CT Uooms 301 mid 302, Coke Bulldmi . Mardhriold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen AHCHITKCT Marbhfleld, Orecon, Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. ! hWU)lJl! .MASSAGK AND MED- CAIj tiYMX ASTIfH R.1T o10n Au DISKASKS i -17 rVminnwini BX0. viiono 212-3 ' ri t i.j N r K00NT2 GARAGE I'Xcclslur Motoicyclo Agency LEE TIRES AITOMOUILES STOHKD UOOS COl'XTY'S MOST COMPLBTf MACJUXIJ SHOP MAniNK AND AUTOMOniLE RLPAUUNQ .., SOUNK VOIX SALE ftOllTH FltONT ST. P1IO.VR 180-J "ATTrUH'S Kl PAlItF.I) AVI) CHAKQEn 11168 Solid, usmess Men had, up to October 10th, applied for the privilege of acting as Dodge Brothers deal ers. They reason that with the knowledge of costs, materials 4 and methods acquir ed in manufacturing the vital parts for more than half a mil lion motor cars- Dodge Br are sure to produce a car that will play a ver' large par?: in de termining automobile values for the future. m ?j ? The VICTR0LA is always really with the music now shipment just received All the later records. Wiley B. Altera Lompailliy L L. Thomas, Mfjr. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST I Vi: FURNISH A RAG AND W'lX.h PAV TIIK l'U.vjwuu ON ITS RBTUHN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY phoni: r,7-.i. jnnsijFjnii) i On Hth 111 D Substantia other 5fic on litM H imisi iiuiiti. VlUUiUUiK lut on uradod in ott. Small monthly pay nients. "Jm'o IWUl AlMiut It." con on ,,er aLro ,,uj'8 n K0'1 utiiUU ('ou "Ivor much, In- ilui'lirK Ktouk n ml lmproo inenta. 'Sfo Hold Abuiit It." CM Oft 00 (MI''1 wl" lmi""u 0'11 ijlMUUiUU (MttMbllHhotl Inuluoi netting $250 pur mouth. "See Itolil AlMiut It." W. A. REID ISO Front St. Offico Ojicn l nt Inns 7 to H Phono 2U1-J. SOUTH COOS RIVKH ROAT SICUVIOi: LAUNCH K.YPRIWS lonos Muilifuld every day ( 8 n. m. I.otnos head of ihur at !l::l() p. in. STIUMKK RA1NROW Iwivtis head of rler tl.tlly nt 7 ii. in. Loaves Mnibhflohl nt 2 p in. For (li.vtor apply on board. HOniSKS & SMITH, i Proprlfetors. - - V. L. ADAMS & BOX Dealers In NKW AXD 8HCOXIMIAXD GOODS. 3C2 No. Front ht. Phone 340-L .- tirks von orronun. llolow Is glveu the tlmo and height of high and low water nt Mnrshfleld. Thb tldea arc placed In tho order of occurrence, with their tlinos on tho first lino nml liolghta on tho socond lino of each day: a compar ison bf consecutive holghts will ln dlcato wjiothor It Is high or low water. For hlgli wator on tho bar subtract two hours 34 ro'autda. JCllrs. . 2.U 9.22 2.12 S.3S JFt. . . 0.3 4.G 2.5 n.O 27llrs.. 3.20 10.23 1.00 9.G9 Ft... 0.C - 1.0 2.2 1.8 28Jllrs.. 1.19 11.12 fi.01 11.09 Ft...0.7 C.t 1.8 4.8 SOIHra. . 5.11 11.53 5.5C 0.0 JFt...0.S 5.1 1.2 0.0 A WKATHKR FORHOAST Illy ArioOtlM Prtt, la IW, Dar ritnn.i ORUnON Fair, with winds UNttorly. local tfmi'rratuhu ri:cori For tho 2 1 hours cntllng nt 1:13 u. m., Oct. 27, by lianj. Ostlind, fipecllil i;ovorumcnt nio tuornloglBt: Maximum 71 Minimum .'. i 10 At 1:13 n. m II Preolpllntloit 00 Preiilpltntlou Slnou Sept. 1, I j 1011 10:10 j J Piualpltntlou Hitmo period j j litBt yunr 8:15 Wind: Calm; clotir. . 4 ItiiMfddo Sol vlco. Rmy. Uiimtford will pioaclt TuoHday uvciiIiir nt S o'clock nt tho KtmUldo ncIiooI Ikiiiho. SPVI WediifMlny. Tho Woiiioh'ii Homo MlHMlnuary Society of the M. U. Church wllj hold Its roKiilnr monthly ineotlug In their hall on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p. in. Fiuiuhd Toinoiriiw Tho funeral Itertha Freolaud, tho llttlo dauKhter of Mrs. iko Freolaud, will bo hold from the rotildonce In Old North Ilend Wadnowlay nt I o'clock. New llutldliiK .The Noble Untitle In flKiiriiiK on putthiK up another IiiiIIiIIiik nloiiKalde the new Star Tho itt Br, bulldlui; between (hero and tito (Soodruin xaiago, u Hiaca about 50x100 foot. It may ho orooted nt onoo. llmiliH T.o.Alred .Tohiuon, Jr., came ovor from Coqullle today to tmnipnlan a llttlo In this soetlon. Ho enya that Ooiiulllo mill hand wtif ferad a peculiar nbcldent. A uhort time nko tho mlHmVtn struck lilmsolf In lht log with n pick, iufllotliiK what he thought was a alight wound. Tho other tiny he tin nod quickly on IiIh foot and 111 log snapped in two near where he had struck himself. Indicating tho pick had cracked tho bone. I PKRSONAfi MH.VTION FH1CI) ClAOti, while runnliiK a ullage chopper yeatorday aeoiilenlally cauxht IiIh left hand on ono of tho knlvoH ufliiiulotoly sevorliiK two tondmis. Ho oamo down at once ou a .special boat to hnVQ tho wound dreiwud. MHH. FUND LKDWAHD was taken uddonly and violently ill yoatorduy and after a doctor had been hiiiii- I1II5N SMITH le expected homo In a fow dnj'H" from California, wlioro ho ha been eujoylnif a trip. Mrm. Smith wont to Weed, California, to lull hut' parents. MRS. O. W. RAUD returned homo yesterday on the Ceo. W. Klder after un o.Ntiinded lslt nt her old homo near Sheridan, Wyoming. Tl'ulr eon, T. R. Rani, lotunted with hor. i OlCOUlJlfl .IKNSKN. n former .Marah- I flHld baker, pntiaed through horn yeaterduy on muto homo to Co- tilllo uftor a three months' visit In tho Hunt. PHONE 1 0 Cent Rriessenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY SAVE by ortieii by ortleiing (bo famous Henryvillc Coal Nut coal, por ton $1.00 Lump Coal, por toi Sd.oo or, lutif ton of both ...... .s.1.011 li. .MUS.SOX, Prop. ! Phono J 8-J, or Iwiio ordois IMIIjoi'h C'lgur SJoro. at TV VT &.P V X 7 -"fc Jf XF ' J5&4 K WH Jl& J, AT CAMPBELL'S W,00DYARD North Front Slroot, Phone 7(l. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, A ' C o h . K- rr-h IJO-ll; K . f SOCIATj CA1,KNM)AU TtTR8DAY Willing Workers with Miss Helen 1'erklus. Chrlstlaif Sisterhood with Mr. Mctiufry. North IRiiul Itoynl Nolghhots ontertatn Mnrahflold Lo'lu at I.okkIb Hall, North llrml Socialists Club with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mc Donald. 0 1 D. i, Rood announced today that ' he would bo a candldnte for tho three year torm on the Murshtleld City' Council which will be filled nt the November election. His nouiluntliiK potltlons will bo In circulation soon. Mr. Rood is one of the old rea douts of Mnrflhflohl and hmi loiij; been actively Ideutlflod with Its growt'i ami development. He la ono ot tho J.onvy taxpayers of tho community. Recently his tlmo hnH not been ho much tnken up by his private nrfalrs and ho fools tlmt ho can devote the iiecowuiry time to properly caro forj tho dutlctf of u member of tho city council and Inn conceded to the ur lug of friends uud nelxhborH to n cHUdldnte for the place. , 1T BESSIE DOLLAR in B The llCHHle Dollar, ono of tho big Aeiatle carrlont of Iho Dollar- oom lauy, will nrrlvo hero next Sunday inoiulug from San Francisco to take ou part of u cargo of pulji and lum-j her nt the Smith mills hoio for tho, Orient. I AMONG THE SICK I 4 Charlei McCoorge, the young tilx onr old sou of Charlos F. Mcdoorgo 1109 Central avontio, was taken 111 this morning with it Hllght oilso of scnrlot fever. Hoth tho father aui Hiii older son Rounld wore quaran tined away from home. Mrs. W. F. Irish Is reported ou tho sick list today. MI18. I.KDWAHD la rapidly recover ing from her operation of Sunday evening, which for a time waa very korlous. Aliifliififim Ware See Our Window GUARANTEED SOLID CAST ALUMINUM Teaspoons, 3 for 10c Tablo Spoons, 2 for 15c Knlfos, oach 5c Fork and Knife, pair 25o 12-inch Basting Spoon. -15c 12-inch Cooking Sjwon 15c 12-inch Slotted Spoon... 15c Largo Boator 15o Always Something New People's HQ-'fe Store eyas ineaire I0NSGHT Our extra big font tiro tonight. Dan lol Frohiiiau proeeut tho famouH ro mantic play "TIIH PHIDH OF ,IIX. MCD" by Abby Sage Hlchardeon and (J race Llvlngatouo Furnlae. A dramatic conflict of hearts and swords enact wl by tho Fuiuoua Players' Slock Company. In roula. The Kuropenn War Picture will bo ahown here again this evening. ' The plotiira dopleU tho'Kngllsh army In action In tho present war. Miss Orgeo Hide, staging popular ' ballads and up-to-date rag time songifc Mlts Hid 0 was well racelvoil last hlghl and Is euro to nigko a by her pleasing ap .host of friends pearance. Admiaalon, lowor floor, lfic; bal it ny, 10c. Here tomorrow night. World Film Corporation presents "(icrmanla" In fixe reels A powerful story flln ' Altli stirring steneti omploylug thou sands of inert deputing the War I of 1911 between the Freurh and l OormanH, and showing the linri.u iof war. 0111 n!J CfllCLI SUi biw3CM&Hd!L.tMmzmnm The BEST ONLY LUWtSI" is the ski: what vk ari: oi'kijrino for whdnfsday, tmurs day and friday. 300 yards Renfrew Devonshire Cloth, tho most boaultfut pntterns, 32 lnchoH wldo, nboluloly sun-proof QOn and tub proof. Special per yard 'tLllli Curtain Scrims, various pattonis nnd shades. Roinunnts. lO1, Values to 20c, On snlo at por yard . . '. I C.'b . u Latest Tanpo Flaro Collar Supporters. On snlo at Railey's Host Talcum Powdor. fn Spoclnl por can , , Hit Just arrived, the latest nll-wool Middy lllouscs," neatly fJQ QC trimmed with allk sotitnclio braids. Specially priced ....i)JiUu Carpet Warp, half-pound spfldls, best firndo. , IQ1" On snlo at por spool ....-, I ,"h Clark's Heat Spool Cotton. . OPo S spools for , . . U U, Hoys' All-wool Jersey Knit Sweaters. Turtle-Nock. (Ji Pfl Tho $2.00 kinds. Special iD I iUU Now Idea Hmbroldory Hoops, wllh pntont fnstqnors. ' (fin The 15c kinds. Special -., Ob All silk, Wash Uaby RlbboiiB, Nos. 1, ltf,' and 2. 0- v it t.,.u ..t per bolt 3b Hick Rack Wash Untitle. Kxtru All sires. Vnltiea to 20c. Special SATISrAOION OR M0MY MIUNDtD "The vsanaHQSKsa :n Preliminary Hearing in North Bend Before Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist ' A cook, O. L. MeVey, In tho Coos Hotel Noodle Parlor at North lleinl, is as arrested last ovenlng and churn ed with rape, following tho confession or Corn Kstepp, a girl not quite 1 1 )enra of age. Honds wore fixed nt (2500, which the man wiih unable to furnish. Ho hue domnndod it prelim luary hunting before Justice of the Peace Sinister and this lute beou sot for I o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist will UB I'foeont for tho oxnuilttutlnii and It Is probnhlo that MeVoy will bo bound over to tho grund Jury which ntuelH In Dei'ember. Corn ICstepp lived with lior pnr ouls on North Inlet until n few wtiokn ago, when alto cnujo down to Not tit Hond mid there entered tho employ of Mrs. John Hlunist, wlfo of the proprietor of the North Hond llotol, na tmrolokor for her children. It was hero that tho girl became acquainted with McVoy, n aliiglo man about 30 years of ago. Tho glrl'H father, suuplclonliiR that J all waa not well, ennio down from North Inlet to make an Investigation. I Tho girl coufeaioil to him yoeterday ami hut ovonlug it warrant was aworn out for tho nrrtwt of MoVoy. Foi'iuorly iloVey was one of tho proprietors of tho Mack and Jack KiMlaurant In North llend. Leaving there he went to the noodle parlor i as cook, a position whloh ho has held for uome time. Ho protests his In nocence and places confidence that the hcnilng tomorrow will clear him. SALE OP COTTON Local Merchants Offer Special Inducements to Assist the Growers of Product Coos Day moreliants tomorrow will tort a throe-days' aalo of cotton g'oods, offeilng Hpeclul prlcu Induce inoutH, with a view of aiding tho cot ton growing and inituufnnturinK sec tions. With one of tho biggest croiia In years, the Industry is almost par alyzetl as a result of the Kuropoan war destroying n largu poi Hon or tho iikAi'ket. Tho south litis made a gen oral uppeul to tho United Statue to utilise as 111110J1 cotton stuff as poaaL blo, tlieroby naslstlug a portion .t our oaiintry as well as the uastoru manufacturing centers, aiding grow er and mill hands. The Mnrahfiuld Progrose Club en dorsed the movement at Ha mooting MCVEY 5TEB OUSG E MS FOR SOOTH fho'at tho home of Mix. A. L. Hut yos I Ipnlay uud in addition to the direct advertising by u,0 morohnulH, tho h inopibers will ondeavor to hnvo "a ,u,,,y powlblo nvull thoiusolvoe Of thoknlos. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, MAHSHFIRLl), ORKGOX STABDEN ALL KIXDb of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Hroiuldo Fjilurglng and Kodak Finishing. at "PRICES THE I Motto or the rair 7c. Rood quality. por bolt .... Ub Fair" CENTRAL AVL NLr DOOR TO CIIANDUIt HOItl C1IA8. HAXT12K nnd wlfo wont to Coqtilllo yesterday to visit, ac companying Mlits 10 va Schroedor, who spent Sunday hero. C. .Y. 'FUIIHMAN'nnd wlfo and Mrs. lOuiiua LyoiiB have returned to Coqtilllo after n visit nt tho J. J. Lyons home hero. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTRD Hid for uxriiviilliig; kIIo of now Mnrshfleld High -School gyinnnHluiu. About 2000 yards. J. M. Wright. Phono 188-R. - - FOR HUNT O-rooiueil TurnMied limine. In South Mnrshflold. Ap ply 55 1 2nd nnd Fluungnu. , ,i-rr, 1 1 FOR SALU CI I HAP 1 iicicm on lalh inns Slough. R., caro of Times. WANTKD Olrl for Kciierul Iioilho work. Knqiilro 771 Ho. 4th St. FOR Ri:XT FiiniVdicd ttpartincnt with piano In Wllllama Uldir. Hco It. F. WIIIInniH. FOR HH.N'T Viii'iiInIiimT hotiM'kcep Ing rooms. Apply 095 1st & lllrci., 1'XHl HUNT Nicely furnished rooms for light housopcoklng. 3rd nnd Anderson. Phono Dr. Leslie. WANTHD Hoofing woik. If yon uood your roof repaired boo J. L. llrlco. Phono 89. , 1 - ..... 1. - ' WANTIID WORK Compoloiit mill reliable woman wishes steady work. II., caro Times, ( WANTIID NUHSINO ComKMait nurso wlsliea jvork. Host of rot oroucoe. M., caro Tliiieu. FOR RENT FOR HUNT Four unfurnished roonut. N., euro of Timus. FOR HUNT - Furnished flat4, bouses, Central and -tth. Phono H3-J. FOR Ri:NT -Xewly furiiWicd rooms, 3 "per weok, with bath, hot and cold water, flue view Of 'Ray, Cloco in, 11 IG 2nd St. N., phono 35C-R. I'OH HUNT Seven niom liouso nt 1 OCli Central avenue. Phono G t-X. FOR HHNT Xlcely fiirnlsbed five room bungalow. Modern conven iences. Phono H2-lt. ?2G por mo, 12th and Coiutuurclul. FOR RUNT Dairy riiurli, aUak for sale. Call or write, W. A. Gage, Allegany. FOR ItKXT Lurgo front toouis, nowly furnlHhcd, vlth hctt. Apply 20G 1th etroet North. FOR RUNT Rooms wltli bath. MIO North Second Btroot. FOR HHNT DoHlrnblo furnished o unfurnished liouuoa. Ii 's. Kauf man and Co, FOR RKXT DohJvablo nnd nicely furnished front rooms $3 weekly; with board $7. 23P So. Fourth. FOR SALF A l-ooiidng liouso Ht North Hond. C, caro ot Thiica, FOR SALK OR THA1JE FOR R1UL 1MTATK 1013 Cadillac, easy tonus, no Interest. Apply Emer son Ferry, Hlauco Hotel: FOR TRADKModern liouse, O rooms aud bath In Colorado bprjngs, Colorado (u wprjd fam-. 0..8 health rooit for prpperty 1 1 Mnrshfleld or .North nVntl, Boo I, 8. Kaufman & Co. CLASSIflE Ad (L dttl- J. jfa.t-fc.JM, HLk. u . - unvASyejBaaj wman ii.SBHOriSBl