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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1914)
mmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmBmsm ' li t) H L FOUR THE COOS' BAY TIMES, MARSHFfELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION. " ,T,,rf YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS 'tow1 good can with cfnl drivers IIImco BUUnl Parlors. WVor Eight service. Phone 2MO-L D. L FOOTE. PORTLAND WHS IT Waller McCredle's boast, and It Is' Colts and Catchers Yantz, from the one that ought to go down In Pacific i Nops and Drencgan from Pittsburg 0 PERU T; SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic uriim a history. In some respects the 1914 pennant ii..i.. .i .1 .!.. 11..1 .11UU.U& I'UUIUIIIitUUIl rBUIUUICU IIUII' of the year previous. Doth got away like hobby horses and were down ' near the cellar about two months af Captures 1914 Coast LeaqUe er everybody had nbandoned nope. , .1 Tn,s ?ear Mack left training camp BaSCOall Championship 'with one veteran catcher, three vet- Fifth Time. eran pitchers nnd a bunch of rooks, Likewise Pitcher Pane was Induced to leport and his presence cost the Mc Credles about $1500, although he wasn't of any uso. Daneroft Gets Credit. Howevor, even with McCredln spending his money like a drunken longshoreman, It Is doubtful If the Ueavers would havo boon ablo to come through had not Dave Hnncroft SHIPPING NEW ELDER RESUMES HOHMilL SCHEDULE none of whom was worth a nickel toi forged to the front like a meteor. YBUITfl CLEANED AM) PRESS- " ..u rrv-4 nnm.'.n GIVE US A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE & C. 0 DAOaETT 66 Central Ave. Phone 250-X. PORTLAND, Or.. Oct. StS. With him. As a consequence the Deavers Shortstop Davis got off to a bad -J tktc ulMlap of the 1SH Pacific cot were In fifth place Ks late as Juno 1, stnrt, duo to n gamo leg, nnd that anat. tke Ckvjlnp yotrsiKCand did not clUubJuto the first dlvl- gavo Uancroft his opportunity. The SS. I J. --.- .. ... ...-..... -1 .1, .... t?J 1 t.... . I.Pnll r,l.l..,.l It ...I.I. .,11 .! Arrives in From Portland This Morning With 72 Passen gersSails to Eureka Tho George W. Eldor arrived in day, Walter McCrwIte established, a slon uutll tho foro part of July. ex-Colt grnbbed it with all hands nnd maw 1a. ma iwkrl f a tMMAiAA m.ii. .. ... . ......... . rllfl annenf Iminl itnr1f f.!in rnmnlnilnr nf Pop Dlllo. guMl.g the machine most hU monev with nrodlcalltv. for he' year. There was no dislodging, Ills morning fro ml orllnml brim, of the time, bad previously been tied saw he hnd t0 ,nJdct new material In-, ' nco he was there, for ho was B " J'"" .V" ,,," n. i. T1..l ...- A..1.H. ........ ... .- tlin inhnnn n( olmrf X'itl tlin inn. -v--' .i - --- - wivn ivtuaH d., luui hvuiniuiia tn hi rirntinf arrnnrin in win. nn "" Mi"u- v oiiim . .i- . PISnflAHt . . lLl.. -t it. ...I.. ' ... .(. IILIILIIIK niltllKlll ll M til. A- - I J. .. .. . 1 Y.. 11.1 . ....... AM.. .. ..,1 ..... .... .-... i . ". . . " . . t - . i.i... -...1 li l ..i.i 9 O CHICK mill 111 HUH wy lunnmw mytv, uui .Wks fwi ienn.i- boilCllt PltClier ItlCECr from Sti Paul. J"'B u,- ""T """ """ " '" """"... . ..... -. -i..i..i ...1.1..1. .. . .. .l- . - ..-..... i iii ..... i i. ,..... ncniu nor nornim nunuuuiu, iiiuii - wins puis aim one rag 10 me goou Kvans and Lush from tlio Clovelaml. "- "'" "0'- "u UUK '"-1 -" IlllI Ilodgcrs and Gus FIsMor mid Pictures &Framing " Walker Studio Five championships since 1905 is Naps, Martlnoni and Kastley from the. big Irve Illgglnbotham also nro en titled to n great deal -of credit again her normal schodulo, wns broken Intp last week on account of being hold for two days off tho Eureka bar. Tho Uldor did not go SPKRDvVKM, TiHAVKS SATUIIDAV WITH PASSILVGICHS AX TIIM Sails for Snn Puinclsco with Tmrct' Cargo of Itiillinml Ties ill PiisseiiRcrs. Sailing Bouth for Snn KrnnnlHnn i on sniurtiny nimrnoon the Speedwell I carried twonty-fotir pnssongorB and a cargo of rullrond tloa. Tltoso who wont Houtli, with the ex ception of a flnrty of bcvoh from Co iiulllo, wore: J. II. Wright, Mrs. Annn Olios, n. Giles, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C, Itlglng, Ida lloice, E. Campbell, N. Domot, A. Campbell, P. Poroiito, Tom Stella, Y. Geo, J. Smith, P. Snyor, P. Penock, John DodlslL nnd J, Hobs. ISsElSi mm m MERCHANT'S CAFE , Popular place for Good Meals. t ' Prices Reasonable. Con Commercial & B'dw'y js HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW I Phone 3171. JLtowRates for Handling Trunks I ' ;W8 naui trunK? Detwecn any polnti In Mirahfleld and do general hauling. tor reasonable rates, BTAIf TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Levi Hclsncr, Proprietor Phone! 120-J, -4D-L, 08-R I CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Apy Kind of Drlck Work at Prices That Are Right 'And ll Work Guaranteed Call t "Too Firoslde," Johnson I fild;., 137 Second 8L Phono J434-J. French Ranges. Poller Work If'. , ' ' i HT. MWRENCK HOTEL. 'Bteim boat, hot and cold water in Terr"room. llonthly rato JIG. 00 nd up. Day rates 7Cc and up. , , .(Want a fow Skat players.) Yes there's a difference between being waited on . and being served "When you come to this store you are served not just "waited on." Each and everyono of our- salespeople takes a personal Interest in sowing that fou get Just what youwaut. You may not know Just what you want our -storo servico sug gests and displays goods until you find what you want. You may not bo sure of what Is proper for a certain occnBlon our servico helps' you by careful and conscientious suggestion to select nhat is right. Wo arc not hero to get your money and lot you go wo want to servo you so well that you cannot afford to go anywhero olso when you need something we have. HUB CLOTHING 8c SHOE CO. Bandon Marshficld. Myrtle Point Portlniiil'n nnmmntB havo nil boon I tl,oro " ,lcr ,nHt tr'"' won by McCrodlo. Tho clmmploiiBhlp TIlos0 vll cnmo '" fro' Inland years: 1000. 1910, 1911, 1013 and murniiig wuru 1014. COAST LKAGUI It. H. E. 13 S 11 3 and re Commutation' Tickets $2.00 Jfaohfteld-N'orth Rend Auto Lisa Qui every ten minutes from fl , ra , to 12: 0 p. tn. OOROT & KINO. Props. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly servico Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo 8.1 IKS FROM SAX FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY' KATL'IID.W, (Mvr. :n, AT :t P. M. Equipped witli wirekss nnd subriarla hotL Passengers and freight. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" . alio principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE jS.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend i S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. 8AIKS FROM SAX FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY MONDAY, OCT. an, AT it. P. M. Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeorqe, Phono 44. M Portland C San Francisco 8 Uatterlcs: Illgglnbotham Yantz; Raum and Schmidt. Mission 2 10 3 Oakland 12 19 Q Ratterles: Abies and Alcxnndci: J. WIHInmB, Krommer 'and I.unn. Venice ., 3 11 0 Los Angolos 1 9 1 Untterles: Rcnlo nnd Elliott; Ho gan, Musscr and Meek. Venlco 8 10 1 Los Angeles 7 12 3 Rntterlos: McQIunlty, Klnpfor and Elliott; Hughes nnd RrookH. I SUNDAY'S (JAM MS. I t MORNING Portland 0 0 2 Snn FrnnclsctL 7 13 1 Untterles: Krnuse and Ynntz; Fnn- nlng and Schmidt. ' AFTERNOON Portland 1 8 0 Snn Francisco 13 10 0 Ratterlcs: Panics, Evans nnd , Ynntz; Pcrnoll and Clark. MORNING. I Venlco 1 11 1 Los Angeles 7 13 0 Untterles: Decnnnloru and Ilognn; . Ehmko nnd Roles. , I AFTERNOON. Vonlbo ...2 SI 3 Los Angolos 7 13 0 Rnttorlos: Smith, Klopfer nnd Rllss; Un)lts, Ryan, Woltur and Meek. . MORNINO. Oakland n 12 0 Mission G 1G I Ratterlos: Klnwlttor and Mltzo; Gregory nnd Rohror. AFTERNOON. Oakland 3 10 2 Mission .;., G 9 1 Ratterlcs: Klllllay, Rromloy and Alexander; Stroud and Hauuah. Geo. Jensen, U. Klrkhnm, J. L. Ferry, Mrs. D. Klrkhnm, MrB. E. Wat son, Emma Watson, John Rllss, E. II. Gobs, S. N Hnnor, Harry JJrown, A. C. Shaw, Ralph E. Wood, W. W. Con nors, Arthur McKcown, Mrs. Mc Kcown, Mrs. Geo. Hugnlni, Rny Hop kins, Miss Evelyn JiiHtln, Ed Tapper, A. J. Sherlll, David Rrown, Mrs. M. J. Dewey, Mrs. W. J. Dewey, Grnco Eldo, J. R. Royco, O. W. Miller, Robt. Ayro, Charlotto Ayro, Geo. Ayro, Emnm Scott, Mrs. W. C. Cnmpboll, Miss L. Dowey, Marjorlo Cnmphell, A. S. Dur- dan, Mrs. Durdan, Mrs. Annlo Mn- cnuley, Ruster Rrown, LIU K, Poolo, C. E. Ronicll, R. Von Shlpmnu, Mrs. E. M. Smith, Allco Sm.lth, E. R. Smith, l O. llorton, Mrs. Annlo Travis, II, W. FoIIowh, Mrs. R, Rowos, Gom Rlnkoy, W. C. Rrndloy, Jim Usher, Hud Alwnrd, Henry Porter, 13. A. Mooro, J. Gnnghofor, A. Wron, Rnlph Phelps, Robt. Pholps, F. Cnrskodon, II. Rlumblndo, John Nlcderor, Mrs. Nledoror, W. Lcflnr, Mrs. C. w! Rard, T. It. Rard, Theo. Justin, Mrs. Justin, Fred Sundn, Mrs. A. M. Larson, T. Goot, II. Mlllcn, Elmer Larson and Mudellno Lnrson. I - Along the Waterfront. Tho PnralBo cnmo In this morning from Poitlnnd, bringing a pnnsongor list or olgliteeii persons In tho cabin nnd flvo utooingo. Among tho no tons of freight from tho north were 25 tons of Bteel glrdera for tho big railroad brldgo nt North Dond. This Is tho second Bhlpmont received. Tho Pnralso leaves ThurBday for Snn Francisco, moving down to North Rend this nfternoon to unload frloght for there. Th. gasollno schoonor Roamor nr rlved In this morning from tho Sltm law, bringing canned salmon to the Arrow Lino dock for flhlpmont north. 'Plln tlltflinnf Ifnunnn In !.. ....1 fmm ti,iT.:rv; :x.. .J ..: :rmv,i nml s""'" quimi last trip this Benson. On tl.o return 1 , l M ",Cn nrrc,,cJ t.i 4lin nnrlli M.n l)n.... i- .. "ll,rl lll,1 aRO nro thft m.. . w ... ... ..., i iiuoiuu la uaiiuuiuu r Men Arrested In PorHan,., Miiico :?.ia .Tfce charges of , ' of tl10 ..- H l,nJ- at aardlner. n ""t- roiiMMio, $l500wa'.:r,, r1 "' do inki'n in .. . "'"n Iff Qiilne. ,Maei,"ll.6 The three vn cro arrest , Plon Hint tin. ...i.... .e,lo' or more safe ;r'Zr IIIUIIW1B. '"' I S'irlff Wor.1. n.,.,... railway il()rn rr ...... 't Salem roc,,,... "lw Un, - Word was recclvo,! n.. .. Of tlin linn.l ... l, Jri bmgnlry ami ,. .! .?,e0B Sheriff i:ni, :,?." " 1 OVIH li. I, m.... . ""'"V i.n.r; :.:?". "-i ;i ::.? :,lv tn-m. "" " """ l,,D "ni"o of tbe u not known, it Is tun,u " Still .l.r ..!.. ""' lor,i lnr". " - oc at toi, Froseciittng AHorncy Geortn Drown nml Sheriff Chii ... ' NO SAW EDQES YOUR COLLARS II yon Iijito them Uunder rWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY . . HOAIFE" A. H. HODQlNi Hfrshficld PAINT AND ?i&l"IKia DECORATING 'CO. Lstluuitcs FurnUheU 1 1 ! W-J. MarshfleH, Ortoa ' I EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAY8 ON TIME. BAH FROM RAILROAD DOCK, MARSHFIELD, DURING THE MONTH OF (MTORER ON Till J1RD, AT JO A. M.; JOTH, AT 1 V. M.J 17TII, AT H A. M. UlTII AT 1 P. 31., AND HIST AT H A. M. ' TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, OTH AND OAIC STREETS, PORTLAND. Phone a.VJ. . . d. II. LANDERS. Agent NORTH WI-ST FOOTRALL. Orogon 15; Idnho 0. Washington 23; Whitman 3. O. A. C. 7; Pullman 0. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS; TIIIIT til'' Ulllvt.U.V. In tho matter of Mlncqno Oil and Gas Company, a corporation, Raukrupt. Notice Is lioroby glvon Hint undor nnd by vlrtuo of nn order of Honor nblo C. A. Sohlbrodo, Roferco In bank ruptcy, of dnto August 17, 191 -1, tho undersigned trustco will, on tho fifth day of November, A. D. 131-1, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in., of snld day, sell nt privnto snlo all of tho property of snld bankrupt, and will, up to nnd Including snld day and hour, receive written bids for tho purchnso of snld property. Snld trustco roserves tlio right to reject any and nil bids, nnd such salo Bhnll bo mndo subject 16 tho approval and confirmation of said re foroo In bankruptcy. Dated this 2Gth day of October, 1911. W. J. CONRAD, ' Trustco In Rankruptcy. i Don't forget. Miikqiicriulo lmll, E-iglcH Hnll Hallowe'en night, Octo ber ill, Mnitln'H Orchestra. to bo overhauled. Yestorduy nftornoon tho tugboat Glonnor cnmo In from tho Umpiiun and this nftornoon loft out, currying freight for Gnrdlnor. In tho morning tlio gnspllno Bchoonor Rustler In oxpoctlng to loavo for Oold Roach and Waddor bum with a mlscollnncuiiM cargo of freight. Coming for enns to bo used In tlio co-oporntivo cannory at Gardlnor, tho Patsy cnmo Ip yestordny from tho Umpiiua nnd left out for there this nftornoon. For ton dnyB tho Patsi wa bnrboiind at Astoria on hoc Inst trip, iiunblo to got out, while tho can r.orioa of tho Ump(iua wero iiunblo to gut cans, Tho Navajo nrrlved In Into this af tornoou from San FrnuclRco. nnd If thoro is good moonlight this ovonlug Hho Is oxpectod to leave out for Port lnud. Tho Navajo Ib ono of tho larg est ships of tho Swnyno & Hoyt fleot nnd gonornlly jilys between Snn Fran cisco and Portland, but this trip Into Coos Rny is mndo to tnko tho plnco of tho Daisy, Putnam, whloh wn bnrboiind hero for eight dnyB and knocked off hot schedule Tho. not tonnago of tho Navajo Is 27KG tons, Hint of tho Nana Smith 2009 tons, though tho' latter Is 19 foot longor than tho formor, having a length of 177 foot ngulnfit 2C8 of 'tho Navnjo. Tho Nairn Smith eclipses tho other cno foot In boiun, liavlng n width of 43 fcot. ago nro thn m ... I r .!. ...... . . " '' .... mo roiiuing of tho Oirdiws Co., safe at (laMlner tome tlatti Their photos havo been ii... place nnd a number cf pcrwmij recognized thew as nwi in t-J mo town a Mtorf time prior bt rounory. Wlial coninccu moro than biotlilng eluui mon had mono on tticlr peus " " "' ",l" "'"-'si is fcrri ponus to Hint taken from foal nn they Iinso bocn nnil'tteij satisfactory account of aim m Bot It. BUSTER Bill AITIGE1 Full, Dross Suits for Rout. Unlquo Pnutltorlum. Ruster Drown nnd Tlse vt town. Tlicj nrrlved on the CtiiI Eldor this mornlni,'. Thr l rj'l a froo ontertnlnmcnt In fronttlt Golden Rulo store tomorrof ttti noon nt I oMcrk, Tlgelmnrs dog. Yoji .I1I enjoy bit tricks. orybody lnItod. Souvenir ftr 1 1 tho children. lluator Is n dwarf nml nltbeisicl or forty years old, he U irtU'J Btature. Tlgo Is tbe det W ovor and tho pair beat tie en pictures. The arc tent out 1 Hamilton Rrown Shoe Ctam young nml old should M tbem. Mrs. Uken's Illj: JIIIT ' ' iinro Snlo centlmii's ull llil ' P THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marsbflold WASHINGTON AVENUE 7. NORTH HLWli I O, A. Metllu, Prop. M ;- i 4 J LETT US MAKE J YOUR ABSTRACTS 'tb an ,!ry'ce. Prompt attention U I i",,re,l,,u of our c,lent HlIMOJI COST ,,J. S; KAUFMAN & CO. PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE Arrow Line Streamers -SAIL FIIOM- San Francisco Pier No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Phono U7H. Coos Ray Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS II. 5.VMES, Agent Ocean Dock Portland N Albora Dock No. 3 Every Saturday 9 A. M. Mnrshfisld. I THE Alinp u" mram'' WCfllSION TO TSSII HVSUAY . ROUND TRIP 50c Makes connection wW, au. fr Sun w ... wt ""y nd htiiiro Acrti. .wrltlnjf for appointmont. MaralifiHj, Oregoa 'I xx, . MAVr MAY t I woatorn Oregon Reprcentatlvo JL1AK RROTHERS Jmimii'VH uiul Wolonl,. Unteer I ,. ..Marnliflold, Ori-n'n , aiyruo Arms v'il 301-it I To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFORTARLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEA51SUIP CO. O. V. McOEORGE AGENT V. U. PAINTER Phono U, Marshtlold Phono 421, North Bond mmmmmmmmmmm0mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?ms0'mmMmmm'-' zz. i KINDLY REMEMBER AND GUVE US A TRIAL EVERYTHING! IN TUB RAKERY LINK MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY 183 NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL- AVENUE. PIIONK 4M. i v v ' tu t ' ' VMiiiSBsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili N ' if 8raliliFi' 'it 't L i(M i ' J H5i'j3C? tftKr Miwf jSIMtk. jiM. -rfflTfc -& ft H SPi!i;l';,lS,-' 'V '-'"" 3LQ w0TlJP m