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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1914)
mmmmm PWfraWWBB WHMh4NP THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ' TKJ THREE E$SIQNAL hid McClure All the Comforts of Home v READlt r.rionXPA' AX i ,vw l-T. In all courts. A Dennett Honk Is found :ln qur coal nnd wpod, REATHHS. Prlco fi-pm $1.25 to;. $18.00. As nifty a lino as you will sco ELSEWHERE. Perfection.; Oil Stoto for office and Iiouseliold use. Repair .shop In connection Schroeder & Hildenbrand Hardware mid Plumbing. brCtic? " Jian6" Gjerdrum. to Wear UNO INSTRUCTION ludlo I'liono 350-J - . 1 r aigm.4m ' TBKnn AND HBPAIREn iuni' llni...i . rdd " " IP"r.. t..,nt Phono 103-L I gi i Riley Ballinoer inVlKT AMI 'ITwliinik 1'flUUU XV" Harper ..nttuK lltTlMlKH Ul'RepnlrlnB nnd Cabinet AIOKIUK' , Tompkins, D. S. T. (Wcllmcr Methods) known dlBeaso treated rug or surKory. Rooma 1 7 Rnnih ilroadwny. I,, MnrBhflold, Or Wright rhotio 1H8-R. Inr.MNQ CONTItAOTOIt . lattei furnished on requoat Shaw .,.M. aHil WltaMt at V ijuj ,t":r ,..,...; Ulvinsfta rnii'.w ATT1K 1. HIIAW , i of Women nnd Children phone 330. lloouia 200, aoi, 102, Irving uiock. when you put them on no breaking in if you select Tho Speed DatlVitetf or Tan (iui$la Calf. Hai$td lot anJ littl fS.OQ vW shoe! f It's not what you pay but what you get. Woolen Mill Store 1 TIRES FOR OCTOnKK. Below la given tho time and height of high and low water at Mnrshfleld. , ino lines nre pincea in mo oruor and bellevea that lie will bring soma, back that will bo especial Interest ing. , Hondo Hclter L)iin Lambeth tool:, PERSONAL MENTION of occurrence, with tholr times on a party to South Inlet In his auto yes tho first lino and heights on tho terday ad reports thu road good nnd second lino of each dny; a compar- dusty in apota. Ison of consecutive heights will In-1 Xetv ICngtuee!" S. B. Cnthcart was .dlcate wliethor it Is high or low todny appointed city engineer for the wator. For high watgr on tbo bar subtract two hours .14 minutes. 2G lira., 5.14 Ft... 0.3 27Hrs. . 3.20 Ft... 0.5 28JHrs. . -1.10 Ft... 0.7 SUiIIrB. . 5.11 Ft. . . 0.8 i 9.22 4.G 10.23 4.9 11.12 5.1 11.53 5.4 2.42 2.5 4,00 2.2 5.01 1,8 5.5 C 1,2 8.38 I 5.0 I 9.59 4,8 , 11.09: 4.8 j 0.0 i 0.0 . bin Ostlind tauinxa engineer and ahcihtect peei, 20G Irving Block 101-Jj or 2U7-J. uarsnnoiu, urogon R, Chandler ARCHITECT 1 101 and 302, Coko Building, Minhflold, Orogon IS, Turpen AKUJUTKUT Utnbflold, Oregon. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. HSU ilAtiXiXUK AN1I PIKU' ICAIi OVJINASTICS roit ai.Ij iisi2asi:s JoBoierclnl nvo. l'liouo 2121 KJll COOS HIVKU IIOAT I fiKHVIOK L1U.VCH KXl'ItKSS m JUrMiilcId cvcit uny I . Jicnvcs liond of river at :i:iiu p. in. WWMlJIt HAINIlOW I I head of river dally nt 7 j Lmtcs Murtdiflcld nt 2 n fn thartcr nppljr on board. JiOOUtS & HMIT1I, I'roprlotora. A stitch in time gathers no moss How are you voting Wet or Dry? You know the result If your candidate for the Piano does NOT win. ' Fill out the accompanying coupon and spend twenty five cents in any of the five stores mentioned below and make YOUR FAVORITE the leader next time. SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND'- HARDWARE. Winner of prize last week, Elizabeth McCullough. SARTER'S CONFECTIONERY. Winner of prize last week, Elizabeth Krominga. MODEL CASH GROCERY. Winner of prize last week, Edna Hawkman. FOURIER BROS.' MEAT MARKET. Winner of prize last week Mrs. F. J. Brady. COOS BAY BAKERY. Winner of prize last week, Stella Christensen. ' I WKAT1IKK l-'OHKOAHT (Df AhjooUIM I'm, to Co." Hit TlmM.I I OlttiUON- Fair, with winds I mostly cnsterly. LOCAL- TKMI'KKATUItH HICCOHI) j For tho 21 hours ending nt I 4:43 n. in., Oct. 20, by BenJ. OHtllnd, special government me j tcorologlat: Maximum , 73 I Minimum 43 I At 4:43 a. m. , 41 Precipitation 00 j Precipitation Blnco Sept. 1, j 1914 16:10 j Precipitation snmo period I Inst year , 8:45 V. C. HHADLKY returned today from a business trip to Portland. II, K. HULTMAN wont up to CoT uulllo tblsmorning on a business trip. consolidated towns of ICnstsldo nnd SYLVESTER JONES nnd wife nrd Cooston for tho balance of the year. moyliiK to Myrtlo Point, where1 llody HiirVd. Corrinor Wilson has w, imUo tllolr ,, me returned from Lnkesldc, where the funeral of Mr Johnaott, the engineer, A. C. SHAW of Portland, nttorney who wns drowned by a pllo driver up- for tho C. A. Smith Timber Co., sotting, was held. No friends or rola-i - Is hero on business, tlves of tho deceased liavo been lo-.MISS BLANCHE JONES, of Myrtlo eatod. No luiiuoBt wns hold, the Point, has returned homo after causa of death being purely acclden-l visiting hero for n few days, tnl. (WILL 13. DUNOAN wbb In tho city On Elder. Fred Knudson, whui todny on his way to his homo formerly wns engaged lit the restaur-1 stead wlioru hu will romnln for nut business, Is now In thu steward's! some time, department on (bo (3co. W. Elder and. C, II, CURTIS left on tbo morning COUPON Cut this out and with a twenty-five cent pur chase you get 300 votes. ' Candidate Be SURE and GEf Your COUPONS STAMPED KOONTZ GARAGE pHiior Motorcyclo Agency IE E TIRES 4170MOHILE8 STORED COUNTY'S .MOST COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP XB AND AUTOSIOniLB REPAIRING OLINE FOR SALE- FRONT ST. PIIONH 180-J rEIUE8 REPAIRED AND CHARQED The Delicatessen Co. 113 North Second Street. OUR HI'ECIALS Ready nt nil times of (ho dny. Alwnyn fiesh cooked nnd our own imiko. Roast Reef, Pork, Lamb, Reef Lonf, ToiiKtie, Iuiili Stews, Reef Stews, Meat Pies, IN HA MRS Vegetable, l'otnto, Cold Slnw, (Ynli nnd Fruit. Si-nlloped 1'otntoN, Corn, .Spaghetti, .Macaroni, Roan, Hot Droit u Dread, HImmiIIm nnd Puddings. Cakei, Pies nnd Pastry of All Kinds'. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SPECIAL ORDERS l'KICKH HEASONARLE THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. 1 I Wind: Northwest; clear. I Tlilmlilo Club Clutnged. Owing to 1 tho serious llluuss of Mrs. Knthrlno Bettys nt tho homo pf her grand daughter, Mrs. Ira Rartlo of North ' Rend, Mrs. A. II. Dorbyshlro will en tertain In tho plnco of Mrs. Dnrtlo on Friday nftornoon. ' They Were Drunk. Rut two men ' wero Intercepted Saturday ovonlng In their eud-of-tho-wcek celebrations. ' They wore Charles .upn nnd S. Carl- son and both wero nblo to pny their fluo of f 5 Into tho city treasury and tho pollco Judgo seemed quito happy ns ho ouco moro heard tho clink of tho "yellow boya." Hoy IlrulhCH Ankle. "Rllly," tho two-year-old son of Herman Hillyor, , cqrnor Twelfth nnd Elrod strceta, 1 wns pnlnfully hurt Inat ovoujng wjion ho tumbled down thrco stairs ali;lit ing on his hend nnd bruising his an klo, Tho llttlo fellow had protcatod ho could go down tho stairs nlonc, hut trlppod when ho nttompted'tho font. Ilia hurts wero not sorlouk. (Iwk After Exhibits After' fur ther exhibits for tho Cppb and Curry county exhibits for tho Panama Pn i clflo Exposition J. A. Ward, who line chnrgo of tho gnthorlnR of tho oxhlb Kh from this section, loft this morn ing for n two wcoks' trip through Curry county. WhUo thero ho will look nfter apodal mlnoral exhibits visited friends hero today AiiIom to (Miitll( Andy Erlekson motored to Coiiullle and buck yester day. Ho reports tho road between hero nnd Couledo u fright and beyond there It Ih fair. Very Hl.-k. R. F. Williams and wife yesterday visited Major Morton Tower nt Emplro. llo Is very 111, suffering from liver trouble, llo Is In a Htulor u eousldorublo portion of the time, although not suffering much pain. RooHt Rnllrund. Tho Roseburg Railroad Commission, elected to i bundle the $500,000 bonds voted by j that city to aid in building n railroad to Coos Ray, has sent word that It I will visit Coos county towns early In ! November and utart a movement to try and have tho towns hero vote bonds to nld tho project. .1. W. Per- I kins thinks that Coos county will vote between $300,000 and $500,000 for thu project. Post SureesHful Didder L. J. Post was the successful bidder with nu es timate or $2249 on tho now fvo-roani bungalow to bo built by Thayer Urlmcs nt tho corner or Flanagan avenue and Twelfth street, (leorgo D, Hughes was second with $2319; C. O. (losuey bid $2350 for tho work; P. M. Tully $2305; 'A. O. Snffela, $2305, J. F. Tolander $2700 and Lndd & Harris $3013. COOS DAY (HRI'WEDS. Miss KIIjiIh'Hi Tellefhiui Dccouies the Drldo of Lloyd Preseott nt Portland. "Word wns rccolvcd hero todny of tho mnrrlngo of Miss Elizabeth Tellof aon, dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tellefson of Enstsldo, to Lloyd Proa church last Tuesday, Rov. Dr. Tom ploton offlclntliiB. Tlw announce ment enmo ns a Hiirpriso in ino ninny train for llaudoii, where ho will be gone for n row days on his wookly trip. MltS. WAULDE of North Inlet punn ed through hero today en route homo nfter receiving treatment at Mercy Hospital. ' A. C. HAMLIN returned to his homo In Heaver 1 1 111 this morning after spending sovernl days hero on buidiiesH. I LEWIS J). MOONEY, a prominent attorney of San Frnuclsco, Is a business visitor In Mnrshfleld. Mr. Mooney was formerly n resident of Now York City, but expresses hlmseir ns must favorably Impress ed with the Pacific const. MR. AND MltS. S. FARNSWORTH ROCK, of Portland, who have been I aa (w mini tUMHrillL UliaOt Bl r I FIRST AID . 1 m T0 THE i !& 1 1 PHYSICIAN & i sucI iaSvE1 PJJ SQUIBB'S Wfl U CHEMICALS I M VPwijh.!r,w' i . -i I . imiiw ii i 'i,. immmmmitmmmmrm CiAssint s mk k aW -C k Vm I wvrm r SIXdElt AND WHEELER iVVD visiting ut tho homo or her parents. wil,SON Soiling' .MmiiiiicH for alp Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tellefson. of , , SECOND-HAND MACHINES Easlsldo, uro planning to spend hoi"rrt". . ',. , , .,j'- wlnter on the Hay. Mrs. Iloek was f H ClennliiK nnd rejmlriBK formerly Miss (leuovlovo Tellefson. CHAS. Q. VAN DUYN, cleric at Tho Chandler, returned today from a six -weeks' visit nt his old home In Indiana nnd nt Mrs. Van Duyn's homo In Oklnhoma, Mrs. Van Duyu remulned In Oklahoma for n longer visit. ROY LANDRITH returned this nftor noon from Eugeno to where ho ac companied his mother, Mrs. Jennie Lnudrlth, nnd young brothur, who aro en route to Southern California In hopes or benefitting tho Inttor'a health. They hud a good trip up tho const, and nt Mnploton his mother and brother got on n con struction train for Eugene. Re turning, ho left Floronco nt C o' clock this morning nnd reached hero ut 1:30. ull iiiiuliliieM. . J, 1SHO-X. llll Pnrk Ave. lUTZf phono TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 A. WANTED -fllrl for ireiu'ml ! Iioiwe work. Euuulro 771 So. 4th St. FOR KENT Funfcliod iutt tnu'tiU with piano In Williams Uldif. Bco 11. F. Wllllnius. FOR RENT- Ing rooms'. -l'unilslieJ lioiiKeUeep Apply 095 1st & ilirci.. Wedgewood lr r- t ' t -"T-5 i YOUR L AIIWnRY I0.US BY PARCEL PPST FUnVimi A n in xjn F'Uj PAY THE 1'OSTAQE ON ITS RETURN COOS BAY STEAM .. LAUNDRY 87-J. MARSnFIELD SON u. ADAMS & W AND SECOND-HAND UUODS. L9- Front St. Phono 340-L M'E MAY Ntrr HP. CLASSED ns tho LEADINO (IROCERS IN THIS CITY, but when It cornea to soiling grocorlca and Riving GOOD QUALITY, PRICE and SERVICE, wo nro thero, nnd If you want uu to provo thla to you, como In nnd aco us nnd wo will bo Bind to seo you nnd YOU WILL RE (JLAR THAT YOU CAME. TRY IT COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE You Cannot, Come Personally Call 39I-J; Ask us for a sample or Ruckeyo Vanilla Extract. COOS HAY wiMva tR MAPS. TEN CENTS AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE MAP WHILE THE hl'ITLY iaSTH TIT Aro Going Fast IS AUJ? & TAXI CO. '-..iiniifia ii.'i iix.1 r m , ... ,--..v u, fpKui viuie. i waring cars, phone 20 I Chnn.llo- ii..., i rVN LAMrtETir r..,, "i rup. j rtCIT ittl Siadum " IRVING BLOCr Marshf leid's Leading Fashion Centre. Watch Our Windows. VV WOOD ELL'S W00DYARD JPront 4 SAVE MONEY by ordering the famous Henryville Coal'8 Grand Orcheotra, Ph. 231X Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU lint ALWAYS USED. Phono 78. Pacific Lltery and Transfer Company. Nut coal, per ton , .i-"! SO.DO T.iimn Coal, ner ton . Or. half ton of both ' D. MISSON, Pi op. i?5,00 158-R Phono 18-J, or lenvo orders 1 llllljer'fl Citfar Store. PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY -- IV Stoves and Ranges Your Neighbor has one Ask-her-about It.' Let us show you a list of, a few of the satisfied users. PERFECT BAKERS ' FUEL SAVERS Absolutely Guaranteed Passes Har Hvniiiluntlnii, J, T. Ilrniid hnn recolved word from Salem ihat ho was succosstul In nasslng tho lllITllL.lUlllUlLnitUltlrIwwu.rr-tf . . . , .-.. -i.i.. ..r ,iw i,nrn Mm fntniiv tato bar exam I ii nt I on iiolil thero having kopt tho innttor Hocrol. Tho "''t two weeks ngo. Mr. Ilrnnd Is i.ri,i wont north n few weeks hko u .ow attorney on Coos Ray, having to meet her husbniid-to-bo, who holds arrived hero September IB. Ho la n n rcaponslblo position with tho Nor- r,V,"n,1 of Oborlln co lego and later thorn Pacific Terminal company, Ho nlHhod a two year law course nt nnuin vviR frnin Mrlo. Pa., a fOW vear '" I'lmuinuj. ago. Tho youiiB couplo will bo nt homo nt 215 East Hroadway, Port land, after Novombor 1. Tho brldo was formerly In ehargo of tho C. A. Smith company's telophnua exrhnngo nnd her ninny friends on tho Ray will wish thorn all tho Joys and Biicceesoa Hint time can bring. FOR RENT Nicely furnlslicd rooniH for Unlit houHepooklng. 3rd and Andorson, Phono Ur. Loallo. .. Tho Women of tho Woodcraft de hire a full utteudaiiin nt their next meeting. Monday, October, t!(l, .Im portant InihlneNN, Giiuiillnn Nelglr lior. Sato money by buying your inllll liery lit Mrs. A&cnVt big ilearnnce Kile. The Grand AMONG THE HICIf. : Allan Todd's young eon, who hits boon suffering from lung trouble. Is L reported much Improved. NEWS OK COALEDO To-Night Spoclal to Tho Times. COALEDO, Or., Oct. 24. C. R. I Rtnllurd moved his family to Myrtlo Point Wednesday where they oxpeut to spend tho winter. Mr. (leddklo moved his family to Myrtlo Point where hu will stay for awhile before going to his ranch In Douglas County. Tho friends of both families wish them good look WANTED WANTED Roofing work, uood your root ropalrod L. Hrlco. Phono 89. 4 If you BOO jJ. -1 WANTED WORK Competent nnd rollablo woman wishes steady work. R., enro Times, t J WANTED NURSING Competent nurse wlshoa work. Rest of rot oronces, M., caro Times. .' . !. FOR RENT v ' i - iy FOR RENT l'our i unriimUljc'il rooms. N., caro of 'Tmos, v Wn RENT FiiinlNlied flats, j.oiimm, Central and 4th. Phono 443-J, FOR RENT SleepliiK nnd Iiaiiho. keeping rooms, $1.50 nnd 2 por week. Roy Crost, 388 N. 1st. CAIT. ALVARIi. A Droadtinr Stnr feature In imilf, fcatiiilng , EDITH STOREV This attraction wns shown at tho Hroadway VHaurniih Thoator, Now York, at granil opern prices. ADMISSIONS- Adults, lDc. Children, fie - - SEE IT TONIGHT fie I Re. FOR RENT On county rood Hunk. er Hill, now five-room buigulow, nlnn n-room Hnt, both with mod em Improvements. Iuqiilro pn promlsou or phono 141, North lloud. Royal Theatre TONIGHT IBS When you buyfmi t. Buy the bestzjK -)- New slncor tonight, "Miss Ornoo Eldo, singing popular ballads nnd j up-to-duto rag-tlmo boiiks. Miss EIJo icomoH direct from Ponttlo and Is well recommended. Eight weeks ot American Thontor, largest (heater In Spokano. Seating capacity 2300. Animated moving pictures or tbo present 1-Juropea.n war now going pn ' entitled "LIfo in tho King's Borvlco." "Tho Mystery or Sydney Street," In threo reels. A thillllnK story ot action and power. A romarkablo detectlvo reaturo Involving a doublo. crlmo in ono day. . "Won In tho First." A shrloklns la mistaken tor a pugilist 'carries opt tho Jok.o and knocks daylight . out ot tho lightweight campion, j Jpkor. "A Dainty Politician." A Thann houEor gomedy-dramn. I Six reelB or ull now pictures , , Admission, lower floor, 15c; bal cony, 10c. ' Here tomorrow night: Danlol Frohmau presents "Tho Prldo of Jennlco," In flvo reels. Yoli can bo euro that a progrcaslo foatuco is O. ' K nnd this Is o Progrosslvo Fenturo of note, .. M . i In tholr new homes, but wo miss tho elillilron In our schools. ' Saturday otenlng tho young pen Mv plo mot nt tbo homo or Ward Wll i Hums whuru (bey spent thu evonliiK. playing games nun pulling tarty un til a Into hour, when delicious re freshments wero served. Tbosn present wore Mr. Williams, Wurd Williams, (lei aid Williams. L. Mod- ley, Henry Medley, Erie Williams, I l,yuu mouioy, uoiueri juiiiinoii, iiar vey Williams, tho Misses Mary John sou, Amanda Anderson, Tlielmn Hutheiliigton, louii Anderson, Ger trndo Williams uud Mrs. Wllllnius. Ilallnwoeu evening them w'.'A bo i social held In tho chapel. Mrs. Iloulalu nud Mrs. irarkor went to Coiiullle Wednesday to spend the day Mrs. Smith and llttlo Johnnie Were business Visitors In .Coiiulilo Wednosday. Mrs. Geildos spent n few days nt Gump 4 with hor lnibbaiid, returning "" " ' ' ' j nomo iiuviuuy. vin m:ii uiugo front roOnw, .Mjrwu layiur, oi nuiver inn. is newly ruriilshed, with heat. MiVanu .iirs, tvnner wesimonnuu re,tirrued from aji extended visit to their homo in St. Louis, Mo. FOR RENT Nottly furnished rooms, 3 por week, with bath, hot nnd (old water, fluo view of Ray, Clovo In. 11 IG 2nd St, N., phono 3GC-11- ' ' '!, y ', , ' III 1)R HEN'I'-7-Seven room toiiso t 1009 Central avenue. Phono 51-X. -rr l FOR RENT Nicely fiinilshwl flve- 1 room bungalow. Modern conven iences. Phono 82-R. J2G por.ini;, 12th and Conimorclah " ' FOR RENT llniiitokocjiliiK roonw I In the Rlnuk Apartment IIous', Phono 1Q8-R. . .u. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, stock for I snlo. Call or write W. A. Oagel I , Alloguny. ... ' M$k 'FOR RENTRoomu villi I North Second street, hating 8 "MAN FOUND DEAD" -u pleased In worklni; (or his own com pany, Ernest Huclie has resigned his position as painter for Mr. Vlers. He has organized a company that will bo known us "T ho Coos Ray Painting Co." for the painting of scenory, fros colng, automobiles and signs. Phono 24C-J. Office 150 Front St FOR RENT Reslnibjo furnished ver unfurnished Iioubcs. I. s, Kauf man and Co. "",-. FOR RENT DesJrnblo nnd ' Bleely furnished front rooniB $3 wefeklvT" .Z'w9 COOS DAY TIM1CS WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS RIY AN IT-TO-TRE-MINUTE WAR MAP WHILE TJIE SUPPLY LASTS They Ao Going i,, with board $7. 239 So.. WnM. l'OR KALI A niomJiig Iiouo nt North Dpnd. C, paro of Tbioj ,T" - I SOU S.LE QR TRADE yoi iw&h -, 11STATE 1913 Cadlllae? u tonne, no lntorest, Apply Emer son Ferry, Rlanco Hotel " l'OR TRADl-ModH JIioiim, ft rboms and batji in Coloradn Springs. Colorado worW ous health resort for1 pWinertv Hi Marshfleld or NarthSwiwL 1 I. S. Kaufman "c. T W i . (fivfVfVfff fnttfmwm mm '.