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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1914)
m iiiiP lywufi, r -w mki THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ',rn TWO ,1 gj a iuili i li-iimil j f i,mmjj jjri w.11fcf 1 JBff sjMfcfmTswlissMsssssWtMa71fltir'itfTlti i I HH iMmliMI III IIBHIflii BHillliHlllmMllnl Hi 1111111 H Wwmli I IIWWI'liMF I I'HtBWwiiI COOS BAY TIMES I II IS BOi M. C. MALOXiJV, KtlKor nml I Pub. DAN 13. MAI.OXBV, Jwwa 1-dltor Official Paper of Coos Cbnn-. Bntorcd at tho PmtoHlco at iKST. Meld, Oregou, for trammUilon through the malls as second-class biaII matter. , . ,, Dedicated to the servleo of the people, that no good causo sna , lack a champion, nnd that oTtl shall not thrive unopposed. F MAY LOCATE HERE FOB fill GYMMASUM fiSSQMTEO PRESS IS CHEW PRAISE Remove Congestion of East ; KegSrf?r?!leSl,5,lX HJ , -ndon Times Points Out That uyimo cum uuiiuiiiy yuii- H 311 S 1lf 1C ISC H iraci 10 j. ivi. vvncjni i NEW HAXKIXH CONDITIONS. John Soolt, of Southern Pa cific Asks Desirable Trad Asking If tracts of land suitable for a colony of nt least fifty Ameri canized Italian families ato available ... . . on Coos Hay, n letter was receivou Keeler Urothers of Denver, with a bid of t" nnd 1-2 per cent on the $10,000 high school bonds were the, MtrcMsfiil bidders among tho three; submitted and opened Saturday evon-l school right, ed the award for tho building of the gymnas ium and the work will comnienco lin-, mediately ns tho structure must be IT HAS beon definitely decided to this morning at tho Chamber of Com-, '" nt the meeting of tho s open the Federal resorvo banks on meree from John M. Scott, general l,onr,1 CoiUractor J. M. A Novombor 30. This announce- ,,SMenger agent for the Southern Pa-1 wltl a low bltl of fsl2C "reive went horalds an era of prosperity, it t,fjc In Oregon. brings about new conditions, hotter ..t ls Slaved," the letter states, .niwtninna fur tlin hanker, hotter con- timt if timso npoiiln pnn bo located. dltions for the public and will result ,,, wm iw thc forerunner of n large ' complete within 00 days, dating from In hotter conditions for tho country roIonv rrcrll,0( from theso Ainorl- Saturday. Tho Pioneer Hnrdwnre Co. nunut.nto. H will wlno out the pot- n.,,,1,,,1 itallnns." ' ostlmntlng JiilT.SS were tho low bld- Elbllltyof panic by building up ootif'-, Hanked among the most versatile l'or8 t',e Plumbing nnd also for comparo with It. Its statements aro denco In the banks to a degree niver ,, b09t Kardenors of the world, the tho heating at ?f17. generally ncourato nnd aro Implicitly hoforo attalnod. Italians In many communities have1 For the bonds thero woro three 1 ""'' J1''"1'" jJ .'V"?"'," Among other benefits, the now cur- converted tho raw land In vory vnlu-, bids submitted, none of them by local j ws'v- rency law, by Its direct system of i able farms. Kspeclally Is this true In concerns. Krotl Glonn and Company) hontlng of thc building, though tho clearances, will reloase and mak! sections of California where, as truck , of Portland, offored to tnken them up u,tl of "10 Vnlloy Hoatlng and Pliimb avallablo for purposes of trade and doners, tho Italians have cultlvnt- nt six por cent nnd the Sweot, Cou- '"K Company totnled 1.37. for By Censorship fnr Atiolte.l Trm In Co nr Tln.M.1 LONDON', Oct. 20. Thc Times In an editorial todny dealing with tho censorship question, compares the treatment accorded Associated Press corrospoudontH by thc English and Gorman govornmont to tho disadvan tage of tho former. It-says further: "Perhaps Premier Asqulth and his colleague ncvor hoard of tho groat American Institution known ns tho! Associated Press. It Is tho most) wonderful news organization in thei world and nothing In Europe can TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a hobby with ha for n good many years nnd n lot of our customers will tell you when It comos to getting good, sound, durable framing material nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and tho amount you want to spead and wo'll get busy with our poncll nnd flguro out tho boat your nonoy can buy. Try us. s(lteiJld'..i.i ,m C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg;Xo. DETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THK FUEL HILL 1 TWO 111' USING OUIt WOOD PHONE 1 OO. 182 SOUTH DHOADWAY """""I W1,r 1'OU SHOPr n ,Z " -, 1 BIIOLMl VOIR Pon OIIUL'IJ) VOTW BOOTH KEPUItLICAN' CANWDATP r UNITED STATICS SPv ,L P Aro you better oft J "' nderanepub,,canVinl8S Aro you satisfied? !f you boliovo In the t.i i . tho Republican party " j'" ,p,M ' convinced that these nrL.?" ar best for tho coun.rJ ?, "Clp,es -juiiprove t, . r . . . . ... . .. . .. - . commorco iiuntirons oi iuiiii - oj thousands or ncres ana nave ter-isoy, j-osier ami uomiinny, or uenvor dollars which, under tho jirosent svs- rtlce,i tjl0 gt(,e, hlllsldoa to make way had n slmllnr proposition. Tho Kol tern, havo been tied up In tedious for tnolr vineyards. lor llrothera will recolvo $350 for ptoccsscs of collection. Tho effect Eastern states are overburdened attorneys foes. Tho bonds nro Issued of tho operation of tho law wPi lie wtn n large population of theso peo- In 40 coupons nnd redeemable, soml immcdlate. pie who have congregated In tho cl-' annually for n jierlod of 20 years. Tho law dpes not require a slnle t0S( cUng out t,0r uVnK as best It Is mndo optional with tho com-bt-slnoss man to change his accounts tu,y imyt KOnerally through tho keep- pany whether or not tho bonds aro re froni tho hank In which ho has kept JnB o anmj fn,t 8tnn,i8 nnu tj,0 deomed In 10 years. It, or nny buslnosa man or bank t j pedaling of garden truck. To send a There woro flvo bids submitted for puspond dealings with tho bank ilr glinr0 ot (i,tg0 ,,co,,j0 to the West ti,0 erection of tho building. J. 1 batiks in tho central reserve cIIIm , a ,,rojoct Iong vocod by economists Telander estimated I8.2S5 for tho rlth which they have In tho ptst n wc 8 ,ho rarond companies, work. Ladd and Hurrls, $S.07r.; Fair been doing business. This letter from John Scotj declares chllds ft Oulmctte, $11,320 nnd 12 F It says to tho banker liml ho can fol- ...... oriKnnU.ri vw-Itli. n "Now t,,i-rt,.v tmnn i,..i. m,iu (. . .. .m .nlltllll.ilttd 1I1 . .. . " " low ins prciereiicua. iiiui. - Vork K0nti0man," who, It seems, is habit In sulcctlng tho source of bis vory desirous of furnishing somo of borrowing; and tho member banker (hwj0 I)0Ol)Io wlth fnrm (rnet8i of any federal roserre district may j,ut two wook K0 ,aaua woro ro feel freo and at oaio when ho knows covoJ loro by tho Cnnni)er of Com. that ho has In his portfolio notos, mcroo from ,ho Orogon Immigration draft and hills of exchange arising commission, In which could be listed out of actual commercial transactions tloHrabIo nmlg for sai0( tJl0 gale prlco which ho can convert Into money nt ,, description. Secretary Motley, lili rederal rrsorvo bank with gretor .... ,.... ... tll0gQ ,.innkg. .,.,-,. ro nlso Included the plumbing nnd hent-. Ing. Three bids were received for tho both tho heating and plumbing Tho Ploneor Hnrdwnro Company es tlmntod $7(51. 20 for tho hontlng; Pon nock HrothorB, $770; and Schrooder & Ulldeubrnnd, $810.30. For tho plumbing tho Pioneer Hnrd ' ware Company again had tho low bid ( 1 1, nnu ponnook Urothers put In an ostlmnto of $rsi for tho work. Tho gymnasium Is to bo erected along sldo of the high school nnd tho uppor section will bu built of wood with n coucroto bnsomont. Willlnm Chandler Is tho architect for the building. rp-to-duto millinery styles nt niioiit Imir pileo at Mvs. Aiken's grow rlcm-uiM'o vnU; FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK i OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 'interest Pnld on Tlino Deposit orricors: .L W. Dennett, President. I. II. Fluimgiiii, Vice-President. It. !'. WilllaniH, 'ashler. Geo. I- Winchester, AhsI. Cnsliler. f " ' """ ""1M by caso and promptness than It has joK fc, 0t by 10H0 who wJg)l to lomoliniM been poMiuio to uraw on dlsposo of farm lands, will ho able 3 to send tho desired Information to New York. TIIHIIt STOCK TO EXPOSITION credit balances with any correspond cnt. Ua Is not depondont upon the whms and fortunes of nny bank. Il need not ihlvcr at tho prospect of viTE 1'Alt.MEItS AND nbununnt crops for roar ho may net linvo avallablo tho funds with which to meet demands for moving thorn. Ho will know that If ho needs money to accommodato tho bank's customer ho can, ns a matter or right, call on his federal resorvo bank. Tho banks will have behind (hem substantially tho combined strength of all other banks, nnd supplies o' currency ready to answer their needs. Ilmltodfpractlrally only by tholr valid nlurs. rS Pacific International LlvcaUx-k Expo nUIoii In Portland December 7 to 12. To the furmors of Coos Hay a gen eral Invitation hns been received, nt tho Chamber of Commerce, for them to attend tho annual Pacific Inter national Livestock Exposition which will ho hold In Portland December 7 to 12. Especially nro tho stockmen MMil fnrtil.ira nf tlila u.wtlmi nulnjt 111 Ilankt nnd banker will no longer MaK jy 1vffl-,ocl whMu i)omWo QOGr lOt CIGARETTES No Premiums with Camels THE cost of the to- II rturdttttt ClPllupplfytii, Mi U for I ftdilictilM , lor a inlta of It" Pitkifti pttltgipupili. Mil imckh 1 tuktgt, II rou dea'l find CAMUS imp. rittslid, ilium Ihiothtiipitk' aimnd wt will itluad. your neif. RAINY SEASON IS COMING ARE YOU READY? THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE WORLD IS JS A BANK ACCOUNT Open one in our Savings Department. Interest paid on time certificates of deposits also in the savings de partment where deposits are accepted for any amount. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. democratic Uomocrntlc bo nt tho mercy of tho so-called mon ey trust. During tho panic of 1907, If tho western banks could havo with drawn their own money from New York, Chicago and other oaitoru fi nancial centers, tho west would not havo known thero was a iwnlc in ex istence. Such n state of nf fairs with tho rcsorvo system In operation would not bo possible. Ilusiness Is going to bo bauofittod Immensely. Tho new law will guard straight business from crooked 'jut-l-nous. It will provide no artificial stimulant or prop, but It will re movo barrlors to prosperity, uanee. sary burdens, perils and Impediments. Kugeuo Quard. SCENES TOO KIIOCKINO I'OU FILMS. All oxponsos nt the exposition will b imld by the business men of Port land, who soek to stimulate lnteres In t'uo northwest growing of livestock The Invitation, which came from O. M. Plummor, manngor of the Union Stock Yards, declare thoro nro sev eral hundreds of dollars up in special prizes and theso nro held out as the especial plum Inducing tho farmers to ship In tholr onttlo and hogs for the big show. In addition to tho lottor from Mr. Plummer thoro was nlso one rocelv od from tho Portland Commercial Club supplementing tho invitation and asking that special attention be paid to this exhibit by the people of Coos Day. The exposition doe not guarantee, expotikoti for shlpme ot wilds to the show. 1 baccos in Camel Cig arettes simply forbids thc giving of such induce ments. 20 for JOc and you never smoked a better cigarette at any price. They're pleasing; In flavor and fra grance. Besides, they will not bite your tongue or parch your throit, nor will they leave that eiarttty tajte I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. milon-ilcnj, N. C. im TYPEWRITERS-AII standard make cnlfl nn nacw nt.. wi uu m Ull uuov uav- ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, OHver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, rcpnlrliiK or iiov plnteii, work guaranteed. I Ibboiia i ind rarlwn paper rtellvercd. Phono us your ortler. Phono -11. Alllnnco atttvn. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. lj Hkv l& m x, sa: T lllOUSANDS of Hmt ot mavlait pictures, taken on the lwttln flolds of Kure, havo arrived h Nov York, but, at cording to one of tho leading protluters, no publU aiullenc will ever m them; tb&y nro too shocking, too horriblo for proscntatloo. Fow are pkturea of tho actual lighting, which R was found practically impossible- to ol tain (except at a distance), owle to the strict lensonlilp and the dn-l ,or. .Most aro Pictures of wenes on ' tho battlofleUls aftor the armlea hud moved on. They show nonps of elaiu men and horses, roeallng In i3y cases frightful wounds and dlsfUern mont Tliey show not the "glory." hut tho ghastllocss of war. Vastly different aro these from t e pictures of war. carejully ufe,l u fore tho camera4 n whleh the wouud ed and dying fall theatrically J bloodlossly. IteaUsUc as these may eeojn to tho peaceful stay-at-home 1'opuln'ion that thrills or ihm. they nro but a slwdowWalnt, ludeod. nt that - of actual warfare. Other modoru Inventions, the !-e kss, the ueroplano. the dirigible and tho nutomobllo, may Uud Jhelr us- in modern war; but tho moving ph turo camera, like tho war eorreH,n. dent, must bo tabooed, and far toe eamo reason thoy would toll ton much. Yot, If humanity could ber tho sight of war in all Its nakwl hor ror, those films of tho battlefie. 1 might do moro to bhook. mkiu,j into ondlng all war than jdl tHe pence propogandlstu n toatb,,- Pittsburg Dispatch. SOCIAL OALKNDAK "A Political Party, a Person or a Candidate Who Will Misrepre- ;; sent an Opponent Will Misrep- a People, Progreas Club with Mrs. llutz Mrs. Otis Wilson outortnliilng for Mrs. McNeil. Tl'ISSDAY Willing Workers with Mis? Helen Perkins. Christian Sisterhood with Mrs. McDuffy. North Dead Itoyal NeUhhois wntwrtaln Marshfteld Lodg nt I.oKRle Hall. North lteud Socialists Cl.tb with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M( Donald. WKDNKSDAY Young Matrons' Halloween party at W. A. Hold home Thimble Club Hallowoon par- ty at Win, Vnughau home Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Heiry OUeu. JUptlst Silver Tea at the A P. liaaaford homo. Marabfleld Drldge Club with Mrs. U. O. Flanagan. Narelaaus Club with Mrs, Kl mer Vineyard. THPRSDAY North Ilend Sisterhood with Mis. II. J. Iwiaes. A N. W. with Mrs. Irwlu Kastslde fewlng Club wlh Mrs. A. L. Foster. ' Mlnn!-Wls with Mrs. Chns, La Chupolle. Christlau Church Toa at the come of Mm. W. A. Held. FHIDAY I Thimble Club with Mrs. A H Derbyahlre. Ladlea' Art Clwh with Mrs, I Wm. Hums Smith. N. L. Y. P. S. at Norwoghu i Lutheran Church. sBkiQI-sVsssbiHsBCjp & f?t, X w rws0IIIH(r "3p T9P29VktMB IMSMaRaaaBLrV rWHm ' Qtt90nb!Hm$Krt li OfrSivlSk v "T .VQHsaLnssHBsK BMpssKdsssssKeX AlaMrV W jCrjfijaYlWgjjy h XBb tT V VMlsVislH eMBsVVsu3aiHK9aCisssHVIU -fcJT3' F r kvftKKtWlfSSLvikt yMMCKMBsWjil IrMsSsWKOPm' Be 'iKSw'TCffissssssssB'sH sssPjssssHJHs: ihMssssssVlBsl IssVlssVVislsaFssHsMS' Wtf t & aflsUiwWM W' lisssHsssssH sssFlyifl mML fsssssssssl I voting for your stamlnr.i !..... ,dnlo for tho Itfltcd .States Senato You know that under Hepubllc'an PrealdontB tho Imoplo of tho United StutcH hnvo good times. , leu know tlmt under j Pro8ldonta you havo tliiios. nomomber tho prosperity under 'McKlnluy, Itnnsovolt nnd Tnft. I Homombor conditions under Clove. I land nnd Wilson. Tho Issuo In this campaign Is not tono of personality. It Is not ono of non-partisanship, it Is a question of whether you prefer prosperity under llopuhllcan administration. Do you havo enough work. Aro your wngos good? Is your buslneu what yon want It to bo? If you nro satisfied with present conditions, well nnd good! If you boliovo Hint tho present sltuatloa Is hottor than under MeKlnloy, Rooh volt nnd Tnft, you know what to do. Tho way to bring back prosperity in to holp olect n Itopubllcan Senate. Tho Hopubllcan candldato In Oron Ih It. A. Dooth. This Is n Itopubllcan year. Vole tho ticket Btrnlght. (Paid ndvortlsomont, Republican 8tnto Contrnl Commlttco, Ira porlnl Hotol, Portland, Or. I ttmmmkmWMBmimmommmoai ijhi s sif Alfred Johnson, Jr. Republican Candidate FOH Sheriff Coos County i A HORSE OR A GH1LD WHIGHP The proposed Dentistry Bill gives the preference to the the horse. To treat a horse, a veterinnry surgeon in Oregon must have three full college years of special study and a diploma of graduation from a recognized college. Totrentthe mouth of a child, theDentistcy Bill requires of a dentist but 12 months' training, The mouth of a child may be disfigured for life by neglect or unskilled treatment. DOES YOUR CHILD DESERVE AS HUGH AS YOUR HORSE? VOTE 341 X NO. C. llirmond, Sec, B3S Morcin Bldf. j If oloctod, strict onforcomont ot I tho law, with Impartiality guaran teed ovoryono. If election, economy In tho admin istration of tho .Shorlff'a offlco guar nntcod taxpayers. 1 If elected, a squaro deal guaran teed ovory tnnn. Your support and approval ot tbli platform will bo npproclntod, ALPIIKI) JOHNSON, Jr. (Pnld Adv.) For Representative in Coos County v. Pita AdT. Oroeoa Soctctr for Dental Education, St, I'prtUnd. Oregon, Mllllurry for iilxuit oiiv-luilf prlco ut Miii, Alki-u't. nillliiu'i-y bale. Don't forgot. MiiMjiior.tdo hull, Kugloi,' Hull ILilhmt'Vii night, Octo- KltKSH APPLi: Cinril dellvcivd l'tr '',1, LurUM'H Orclut.ts-u. HiMifliig If you need your root repaired co J, L, i.. ...... ..i.n.itii.. i.. - t .Ml,.,. Boilll 'll.i ll. ...... ..,.' 1 """ --. ..., ,VU ,U " 1-1 lo-V Aboc I all ?tr Hawln UUiae to a tot Is coiiuunlti regard ing tin- statements of his opposition Tho egotism, bombast nnd small at tempt to belittle bis opponents work In Coiigicta by paid advertisement should In Itself be anawor onough to tho people of this district to show tho lallbro of tho man who Is seeking tholr suffrage: Coo county should KNOW that Mr Hawley lias secured every nppioprlutlou fpr Its hnrliora and ilvers that thaj was rceoinuiond,d by tho Doard of Army Uugluoors nnd appeared before them many times to get favoruhlo action. No othor , Cougrosainun In tho Pulled Statoa has done more, no mattor what stato Brlce, Thouo 80,1 pr d,l,Blr.t l'oy represouted or to what political party they may belong, , i.w, vu v, tlgd dvertlseweat by KepuVllcau CoarS3loual C,owUte). I ----------------. - - hLsLshPLLLLLI r IbssH ssssssLv M- CiLLLLLLH sssssLLw t fiassssLLLsl M 3j llailMassB m OX " nMssIsbbssssH V,sfs1sBssssV sIssssH HsHBsfsisBH Abstracts, Real Estate. Fire and Marine Insurance TITIE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HKNKY PKNQSTAPKI5N, Manage, TAHU, COAL, TIM1IER AND PLATTINQ MNDS A hpvp,iv MAILSTTK1ELD OFFIOK, PHONIfl UJ COQUILLK CITY OPt IOK "lYoNK ', I J. TOM HALL Democratic Nominee Borp In Oregon aud a Co"3 County Pioneer. EQUALITY NOT ONLY IN TAXA TION HUT IN ALL THIN03. Your vote wijl ho appreciated, i l .-J M..-i, .(PoiaAdy.l A. mmmm