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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1914)
fzr-TZHtoRmmjmwmtl fill mi If U f1ff 1 HiPIJIj m "WWW I m't am (ecessarily PoBslhiedl Casts A Reflection STIRRING TIMES Are Ihcso day, of wnr nnd blooil ,bed. It Important that you have full UnowloilBo of the latest authentic news. Buliacrllio for Tile Times, and road tlin oi-entn nf tlio (&XW& EVERY DAY There appears nomo ltom of nowB In the advertising columna of Tho Time? nowa of tho dny'n "nost Duya" tfl bo found In tlio varloua stoma. Tho woman who roatiB nnd heeds these "nnwa Roma" la tho ono who conducts her hounoholfl economically. day racli evening MRMOKU OP TO 16 ASSOCIATED PRESS -'.i;pp'iwwhwpi"httwt A M Because H mn mum VOL NO. xxxvm. Established ia7g nw Tlin Const. Mnll. IE MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd f"nn llnr ArtverHwr No. 81 I It IIS BATTLES DF ALLIES JIHD BEHMAMS OM YSEH ! Report G A 1 "51 O A : billies Fkg, neral Advano VS msx. ueramains CHINA SENDS ULTIMATUM French, English and Other Troops Make Headway Against Kaiser COVER AREA BETWEEN NIEUPORT AND YPRES TO JAPAN W Troops of Five Nations Engaged in Greatest Slaughter That World Has Ever Known and No One Has ' Gained Distinct Advantage ALLIES ATTEMPT TO CUT OFF RIGHT WING OF ' GERMAN ARMY BUT HAVE NOT SUCCEEDED YET French Reports Indicate German Line Thrust Back But Kaiser Throws in More Troops Against Allies With Reckless Hand Situation in Russia. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Oct, 26, Tho supreme efforts of the fighting men of five natlonsjiave failed to turn the tide of battle al mg the Franco-Belsianiborder, The striiffelo. imnnrniininri in fnrv. is still In Drocress alone: the North Son. wUm 4i1rt Rar n. wntor "? substituted n Japan " lit II f w rn w-"i , in w i-'(.so flag for m,0 ciiliioHO ilrnL'fin mill Kcnurni niuuii niivuuco in mo reg on mans with reckless bravery, are flinging troops aga nst -bo attempted to tow awiytilo wrecked !,,ulwct, Newport mm vprcs n won yfCS I Gri,in torpedo bont. ns t0 tho cast of Anns." I ho rrencn oniciai statement indicates an attempt to rut off tho Gorman right wing has made somo progress, If, is it is said, tlio Allies have established a front from Ypres to nuuiuioi uiu uumictii iiuu ima uuun uhum uuuk hi a suarp an-i cle, tho point of which is considerably north of their forces on ' the shore of tho North Sea, The French claim the German OF Today fBj AMoUt4 rrni it oi D.r TIdm.1 PEKING, Oct. 2G.-Tho Chinese foreign minister has demanded tho surrender of tho Jnpaneso torpedo bont with Its crow which entered Chi- Cruiser Badner Re ports Ramming and Sinking German submarine tnr AnoclitoJ rrrtt lo Cool nr Tlrori.l LONDON, Oct. 2C "Advices from tho front this morning, tolegrnpliB tho Paris correspondent of tho Ron tora ToloRrnm Company. "Indlcnto n general allied advance In tho region MACHINE GUMS PROVE THE WORST WEAPON OF DESTHUCTIDN IM WAR English Newspaper Correspondent Tells Graphic Story of Ter rific Fighting Between Allies and Germans Along the River Yser Recently ONE SIDE FORGES AHEAD ONE DAY AND IS DRIVEN BACK THE NEXT HUMANITY MERE ATOMS All Agencies of Destruction Known to Modern Times Used in Destruction of Opposing Forces Tide of, Battle Ebbs and Flows Leaving Mounds of Dead (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct, 26, Tlio correspondent of tho Dajly Mail sends tlio following from tho front! "Tho battle rages along tno Yser witn tngnmii destruction ot nto, Air engines, soa EARTHED LI LENGTHENS TERMS GERMAN Sl'IIMAHINE SUNK British Di'Htroycr Ruins Vessel off j Dutch Const mill Is rndunmgcd 1117 AtiMlUnl ft... la Coo lit, Tluiv., I SHHERNE3S, Kiir., Oct. 20. Tho British destroyer Uadger ran In hero to mako sure alio sustained no ' movement against tho Yser is checked, All accounts agree n . . , .?,, r Ci,,nrtffi0i.,il that the tolls of human of life of this crucial struggle is eno0?""1 Judoes Hold for Two mXoVt'K'D'ui SECURE EVIDENCE , HorlotiB dnmngo In her bow In mm tho (Icnnnn sub- fliiffll. nnna t-i I r . ... ,- -ww- - -- RilM Vn I- P.!! - l . . . .. .. . " . mnns. nrea meadows near us mid. n Kntsh nnrmsnnnrifint i'"i iuuij., ij uuuision 01 i a momnor or tno nadBora crow reports, are heaped with German dead, Supreme Court Sfdl H Xdusi w.lon Having thrust strong forces across tho Carpathians In face a law passod at tho general Oioc.in1,ul",,c.,ou" ,onk,,,B ol,J ihobp- of a determined resistance, the Gorman and Austrian forces " of November, iojo. mm ovor. S,SI,S,,l1:m VhocS?omnrn,imi "won liavo not a strong wan ot troops facing tno mam army ot kus- " ". i nt mii speed. Tho submarine done In Pnlonrl. nrvwHintr in Pnlmrrrnrl Hlcnniphoc. Iho nB w,th tho cIclln o'y wook1 wont .down iinilor our bows, nnd ns GUllioi hi , uiumui wviuiipi iy i wiiy&iMvi uiuuiuuiiuo uiu AG ST BARRY Speculation Over Action of Government Man in Charges For Application Germans aro continuing their "precipitate retreat" and have evacuated Lodz, off may entirely upset tho hopes of i wo ,,row ott our Runs fired nil aspirants for tho eighteen county mru" B,UUB l; d u n T VDN MDLTKE T NOT SERIOUSLY ILL IM BERLIN (By Aasoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) BERLIN, Oct, 26, General Von Falkenhayn has been act- INT THREE TO JiiiiKo Boats of tho state. This law i provides that County Judges will hold their offlco for n porlod of six years nnd this, by a ruling of tho Btnto Supromo Court, Is lipid to ap ply to County JudgOH who woro at that Riuno election put Into offlco. , Judge John Hall, oloctcd In 1910,' according to this Interpretation of , tho Inw, will contliuio In offlco until ..cJnncc Mnn Pnncf Harru 1016. A telegram to this effect was tJ1lJ?in1CS?1 en. .j00 "arPV rooelvod Jalo Saturday ovonlng by Kimball, Call W. EVertSCn Judgo Hall from District Attomoy and J. W. HlldenUraild RUNFDRCDUCL ,.,..,... . ... - - r. - , dUUhU mg as en or or tno uorman stair ouriuj mo 111 oui uomoiui wucr u. rvbm. of Portland. wl(11(linMm1(llllHlvnrlllinrlB VOIl With this construction truo, nndnoxt Snturdny to select candidates thoro scorns but llttlo doubt hut . for tho annual munlclpnl election on- lllw CIO UIIIUI Ul UIU UUIIIKUI OIUII UUIIIIH lliw iliuwuy v, Von Mollke, who is suffering from bilious complaint, Mnltlnle nnnAMnn !o lint corinilC. Moltke's condition is not serious, FRENCH REPORT ALLIES HOLD GERMARiS . . BACK AND INELIGT HEAVY LOSSES what tho ruling Is correct, Jniuos Watson, Republican candldnto for County Judgo, J. J. Stanley, tho Democratic nnmlnco nnd W. 'C. Woavor, Socialist aspirant, will find their cnndldncIoH voided nnd their oxiiondod campaign efforts and ex pousoi fruitless. Tho law so long overlooked hns Rlumbored on pago 1 ot tho 1011 Session LnwB of Oregon. It Is u constitutional nmondmont to Article i ,inyH, t)10 wof nnd "dr)" Issuo Is "(By ABSocIntod Pross to Coos Hay Times.) PARIS, Oct, 26, An official statement issued this after noon says: "Yesterday our front along the general lino be tween Nlouport and Dlxmudo was maintained, Tlio German forces which crossed t io Yser River between those two towns hoc nnt Nnn oMq r nmoTflSS. OllT fmilt 16 (1 a SO m tlie IIUu J UUUII UUIU VU iwji wuwi w-. ,,-..- .. - ll4 uillll Ullllf rcarn Kahuoon YnmQ fine Knil nrs. U6lW66n MrmOIUIOIBb ctllU nomnli County. Passod on a loriK Lilfe, to the west of Labassee and Lens and to the East of Ar- bmiot, with many other amendments' ras, During tho tigliting or recent aays uw uiiuiuy ooomo w;,;-' iitivu busiuineu uuiiaiuumuio luoyyfj ly n fow days off, Intorost In city politics Is becoming grentor. Today u uumbor of IiiihIiiosh inon woro urg Init J. W. Illldonbmnd. Carl W. Kv ortmui nnd I lurry J. Kimball to bo roino cniidldntos. All aro woll known bus'iioss mon and will be strong can didates, Tho tonus of Couuellmon Hvortson, Doll nnd Wilson oxplro and tho latter two hnro not (Infinitely Htntod whoth or thoy would bo candldntoa for re ' olectlon or not. Aecordlm; to gossip tho last fow 7, Section 1, nnd was found In tho search of tho lawbooks that I hat, followed tho recent doclslon of tho Supromo Court In tho widespread effort of tho Portland attorneys nnd othors to establish tho local status of County Judgo Cleoton, of-M'ult- on n mondr found law romalnod tin- llkoly to bo Injected Into tho cam palgn. If Oregon votes "dry" in November, tho "dry" law will not go Into effect until a year from January 1, but somo of tho liquor man fear that If u majority of tho council aro "dry" Mnrshflold might do the sniuo ns Coqulllo did mid closo tho saloons! horo before the law went Into offuct. DUSTGARRAWZA FROM PRESIDENCY Mexican Convention Will Ap- ,. point Successor Publish Mexican Notes 4 OUST CAHKANZA. I (Bjr AiKKttfea rrtu to Coot Dtr Time. ) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. I 2C. Official reports received I hero today Indicated that tho I Mexican National Convention at Aguas Callontes would today or I tomorrow depose Carranza ns first chief and substitute a pro I visional president. I JUDGES TERMS ARE NOT CHANGED Tho nmondmont changing tho terms of tho judges, snys It applies to Judges of tho Supromo Court- and nthor courts. This Is hold to moaiu courts of record, which would In-j cludo tho Supromo, Circuit and County Courts. Tho term of Su promo and Circuit Judges Is already six years In this stato. It Is con n f , i sldorod Inoxpllcablo that tho law CraWtOI'O romainod a dead lottor for two yearo In regard to tho County Courts. County Judges woro to- bo elected In tho coming election In tho fol lowing olghteon counties of tho state: Coos, Baker, Bonton, Claok- Clatsop, Douglas, Gilliam, Attorney General Passes on New Devision About Terms IDr AuocUtel rre l Coot Bir TlmM-1 SALEM. Or., Oct. 2 C Attorney r.miernl Crawford ruled today that nmns tf.o 1010 constitutional amendment, Grant, Harnoy, Josophlno, Klamath, fixing tho terms of Judges at six.lako, Lano, Lincoln, Tiuamooic, years, did not change the tennB of Umatlllo, Union and Yamhill, offlco of the Justices of the Supreme Judg0 Hn Js not ot nlj t,i0asod Court, and both Chief Justice , Mo- t ,Is work 11UUII UIU BJ . ' , . . . . I .MILS. COXKI.IV l'UKK O.V Iji.'OOO llO.M) Ilr AumUI4 I'fni to Coot Ur TlniM.l NKW YORK, Oct. 2fi. Mrs. Floronco Couklln Carman, who was on trial In Mlncoln last week for tho murdnr of Mrs. I.oiiIko I Bailey, was released today on I $2r0U0 ball by tho Kings Conn I ty Supromo Court In Hrooklyn. I Accompnnlod by her attorneys, I alio started Immediately for her homo In Frcoport. I 1VKTIAI COST OK POLITICS IS TOLD (Or Awoilitijil'n-tt It Lvct Dir Tlratt,, WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 2G. Tho total expenditures of I tho Republican congressional I cnmpnlgn commltteo, according I to a report filed with tho clerk I of tho House for Itopresontatlvos I for tho November election wns I J24.7C7.88. t" re-election at tlil. .Voctlon and In thq County Court, ho declares, their names aro property on ,iiu ua.- nns rc,,mi:i(ju mm Biun i;anti8t church will bo hold at 7:30 n, lot Tho amendment, however, did ,vato buB,ncgB and ho was In hopes I SCndav at the (nmroh. All mom' - . t - 1, rt Ainli3 rT Tlin fflllIlL V JIIUK- .. . ... . i. ------ r tB, b ' ; '" " , BBid and any '' cnur0 0I 0,tICO W0l,ia " . ov"r ! aro urged to auonu. WASHINGTON. D. C.,Oct. 20. I elected simultaneously with its pas- with shortly and that lie wouia uo 7 The Mexican "Red Papers" are the; JJ0,eB(orv0 (0r six years, and any ap-jablo to turn ovor the affairs of tho "'V1? i.'1. ""i io ine puuucaiions oi ul,u"u:i nntni ALLIES SEND WOUNDED TOGLAND (Df AhocUIM rrett (o root Vtj rimn.J FOLKSTONH, Oct. 3d. With the shifting of tho fighting toward tho Channel, Folkstono has become an Important hospital point for tho al- most of the time and h akm dniiv engines and land engines of doath.swoDt this desolate coun MmTyth.rgonl,hotefi0rhero0 ha'Son !,ry vortically, horizontally and transversely., Through It, llt- convortci into hospitals ami aro no, iraii numaii oiigines ciawi ana aig, waiK ana runi SKir i crowded with wounded. iiilsliing, cliargiiig and blundorins in little individual files and tunnels, tired and puzzled, ordered hero and there, sleeping i where they can. never washing, and .dying unnoticed. Friend may find hlmsolf firing on friondly forces and fow aro to blamo, Thursday the Germans woro driven back over the Yser, Friday thoy secured a footing again. Saturday they wero hurled back and Sunday thoy crossed again, Now a bridgo is blown up by ono side, is repaired by tho other; it "Is again blown up or left as a death trap until the enemy is ac tually crossing, Actions by armored trains, some of them most reckless adventures, aro attempted dally," "Our men push out on these dangerous explorations, at tacked by shell fire, in danger of cross fire, dynamito and am buscades, bringing priceless support to tho threatened linos, As an armored train approaches tho rivor under sholl fire, tljo car cracks with constant thunder of guns aboard,' Ovor head air men aro busy venturing through fog and puffs of explod ing shells to got ono small fact of information, Wo usod to regard tho looping of loop of tho Germans overhead as halr bralnod piecos of impudent dofianco to our Infantry flro, Now wo know it means oarly trouble for tlio infantry, Bosido us, as wo crawl up, sniffing liko dogs on h scent, grim train loads of wounded wait soundlessly in tho sidings, Further up tho lino ambulances aro coming slowly back, Bullets of machine guns begin to rattlo on our armored coats, "Sholls wo havo loarned to disregard but tho machine gun is master of this war, Now wo near tho rivor at flat country farms, a territory scarred with trenches and it Is impossible to say at first who is in thorn, so incident and soparato aro tho fortunes of this riverside battlo, Tho Germans aro on our bank, assailing tho lines of Allies' trenches. Wo creep up and tho Gormans como Into sight out of trenches, rush to the bank and aro scattorod, Thus tho tido of battlo ebbs and flows," GERMANY SAYS CANADA VIOLATES , NEUTRALITY BY SENDING TROOPS (By Associated Pross to Cooa Bay Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D, C Oct, 26, Although Germany con tends Canada, by sondlng troops against Germany, has vio lated tho spirit ot tho Monroo doctrine, Germany has no inten tion of attacking Canada, nor attempting to colonize that dom inion, according to a statement issued hero by tho Germany Bertha Freeiunu. Aged inree, embassy. Falls Off Old i own wnarr M . .. tho ' loniMiioraDio speculation has been ntVIIIUfij, Imfrt In .. If U ...... .!.. 1...n4 Inspector securing affidavits from lo cal mon who havo mndu application for licenses to opernto small launch es, that they paid T. II. Barry, local ctistoniB collector, for nldlnj: them In making out tho application. It scorns that n fow wookH ngo tho locnl Inspectors wero to havo been hero to pass on tho applications, but woro detained by tho Illness of Cnpt. Kdwards. Thero woro n numbor of applicants ready for tho examlnnrs. When tho government mon foiled to como, tho applicants mado out appli cation blanks, certifying to thorn bo foro T. II. Barry, tho local customs collector. Yesterday or tho day hoforo. a gov ernment man asked Tom Smith of Coos River, ono of tho applicants, nbout It, am when Mr, Smith told him that ho had paid Mr. Barry 91.00 for tho application, etc., tho Inspector Immedlntoly asked him to sign an af fidavit to that offect. Tho Inspector Informed Smith that Mr. Barry had uo right to ohnrgo for this work. Just wltat It means will probably soon bo known. BABY IS DR01ED AT NORTH N -Went for Milk Bertha Freolund, tho throo-yoar-old duughter of Mrs. Iko Freolund ot North Bond, foil Into tho Hay at tho Old Town wharf thoro this morning nnd was drowned, llor body was found about an hour later near tho aid Hay Barn by a couple of flshor ormeu. I.fforts to resuscitate hor by tho uso of a pulmotor wero In vnlu, Tho llttlo lass wont to tho wharf with hor go-cart to bring bnok a can of milk for hor mother. Whou sho did not return soon, hor mother bo camo anxious and went for hor. The go-cart was found nt tho wharf but tho child wns missing. Mr. Noblo nnd REIVE DA I NORTH IUCND CONKTAIILH HL'KD FOR ATTACH INU GOODS U.S. SHIPMENTS Claimed Attached iUnnU of Yl'rmiK Man Who !Kcii IVont hud Waxes Indignant. Bocause. It U clalmed,"Robert Em ery, tho North Ileud constable, attach i ed tho goods of another man, he U , , . ,, now to bo suod for nbout 25Q. J. II. Ennland Notifies Shippers Tnu . oimstoad, tio complaining witnew, ""!.' '. . mm i (. ilunlnrnii (lint twn (riinlrn Rnrt until Neutral uargoes musi uu , tl woro Uac,10d 0I, tUo dook Bt North Bend under tho belief that thoy belonged to Joo Wills, who also hd goods on tho dock attached becauso of u back bill which It Is aliened he Properly Consigned (11 AuocUM PreM ( Coot Utj TlmM.1 WASHINGTON. D. ('., Oct. 20.--I British Ambassador Sprlng-Rlco, by Instructions of Sir Fdward Grey, Is- owed tho CoosBay arocory Coiupany, instructions ui n.r iwniim ... t j. n. ui.i.biuuu is a lormer ejv suod u warning today to American p)0yu of tho Southern Pacific and was others at onco bogan soarohlng for govornmont or n specific conslgneo shlppora through tho Btnto liopnri-i t( Enll north Inst week. His goods ment, to consign nil cargoes uoumi wovo iouBht to tho dock for shlp- for neutral countries to u iiuiuim iting Und pluccd uoxt to goods belong- hor and nftor a short tlmo a couploi Two notes addressed to Acting Soc . IIUI . IIIIUI li iii I, fcw ww'w I nil Hiiiwa Mtf-vn - .--.--.- ltiMIU Ull fc .. . ,. i ' nr fiBlinnnon ronorted that tho child's rotary Lansing say that British cruu- by oimstoad HuptJt In Meet. The regular j fUhermon rejiorie u inni inouiiiasi jtorforo with noutral , BlKnti ta nuartorly business tnootlng of tho body was found floating near tho old Uw0'rC0 whon tho shlpmonts are oinistoad, w camo down morning from his homo at this Tom- &nXK? .""'X'.can.Hdates, will be elected for six, wlh the MUM ballots already wirLlCVlAM BERLIN, of Haynes In mi.. " "' '-- '--",: : jears, mm "i -- voiume wnicn mauo hb i- ;., nr thB r lireuecoisors. llttlo pearanco today purports to contain printed another question arises and i lot. was horo today looking after (i,nf K wimt notion must ha taken I. somo matters of buslueES, JOHNSON loft ', s.rikinrr tho ludco candidates I "US. P. F. CROUCH camo down this " -- - ia i -,. I. . ah n -! rtiln r trlh frntu .u. ,...,(,i.r fnr uonuiuo. wnoru . .,. ,.i,i Tt ,,.. ii,.hi i .uwii& uu ""w" ( " K.niS5'aWOTS0ni! h XtST" SOra 1 -t f'lrst that they would bo Issued' SRTS was In tho city v- ' a- n..iiii. na nrininfi nnii inn iiiu.Liiiu ul liiu mi nv nil iniHinnRR irnm fiiH 111111111 at Totuploton. the official correspondence betweon TnHN and ARTHUR Carranza,- Villa, Zapata and Villa-,JU"4. morning for C ate Don Yenustlano Carranza." in,S nn nt un to Coqulll'. las printed and tho blotting of tho Consul Sllllman ronortcd that ho '". ' . , . ,.i,it win. hla nnnina -vnnlil lin tho dutv of the' was reliably Informed that Carranza's "hu 0B,3 m thoro. judges In each voting precinct. Tho T. A. BALING and Lester Baling ntentlons to retlro under tho condl- . uSS;!!tti$i wnwi. nr nnks. Ore- . . ..., .- . ii.- o ... camo down today from Golden ons that no objection would bo in- a. r """ r,"""orlInK traln for'"" " B ., , , terposed to his candidacy at the rog- Bon, left oathemonUKWi n for c,erk,s offce mu8t arrang0 Ul0 ba,. lar election and that tho tenure of Coqull o and Curry touniy JuBt nrQ q gyen the provisional government should f;e"ra',lI5. "p"; ,ioWn today out to voters and this without wait- lnllAAf.. .!. i . r. nVwniilOfnn nrliv. ova nnnrnv inntnlv III linn IlflU ;-.iiYo in simmimnB is -- ""-Va n. Tnmn,eton. was Ini """' ." . "" ""..'.: '"..... 'IlBNl tio?...BL!X .Uop- ?b mtm. county iua -.eanwaaJn tho city today on busl- hay barn. How It happened will novor bo known. A few months ago, tho child's fath er, Iko Freolund, was killed by tho explosion of a sawmill boiler at Ten Mile. BMldes tho mother, threo of or ohlldron survive, Bertha being tho youngoet. SMITH COMPANY WINS. Judgo I ten n Nun-Knit Action of A, X. Aiiiok. PORTLAND. Or.. Ort. 2C On tho urounds tliut tho nla lit if had no lease. Judgo Roan throw the case of I A. N. Ames agalnBt tho C. A. Binitli lug to Wills. The Constable then ai poared on tho scene and. It la alleged by Oimstoad, attached al) the goods king part belonging to wlin. nt (lin (liiiri wsrnad nroporly couslguod. 'llio documonts j3mory thnt they belonged to him. specifically oxoinpt cotton from mo- , tho monntinj0 tlio bont had coiho lostatlon, oven though dostluod to nU(l ROno oimstoad declares too belligerent countries, us this article vnjtua nvo days before tho goods Is not contraband. i wero voluntarily roloased and by tlmt - tlmo ho not only lost hla passago M ORF.GON MINIMUM WAOK Portland but hla Job In Hood Rivor. ' It Is bocauso of tills that ho Is ludlg- mr Acut4 fu to coo d tiipm.1 i niu,t nnt now sooks money to sootho WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 20. his foolIngB. L. J. Simpson and John Tho Sunremo Court todny advanced. Horn aro bondsmon for Coustablo for hearliiK on uecomuor i, mo Orogon minimum wage law cases .MARSHALL CAMPAIGNS (Ilr AmoIiIJ TrtM lo Coon frJ Thau. Txlv,irti.ll M. Of. Xflrtn-Drnulflmit Falls on business. 'A. N. Anies against uw i i a. wiii "T,""' ",":. o' iZ: 'v,;: .'.,"; Mil AMD MRS A E KARDELL. ' Mimuer uonipany out m uiu um aiarnuau luuiiiuu v-wiu.uuw iw.; v with their children camo down ! States District Cou.t Ames had aid tho Democratic stato and Con from AUoBany thli 'mornlnn and BUC, for ?a:'00' ''"""'"B tl,ttt "',? sresslonal candidates in their cam iTvtaM St w8dayswKM?" WfflltaM.lm fill pa.gns for ro-electlon. Kardwell's .lster in Eastsldo. , a contract for timber cutting. -- , ,. . , , . wK KMuiiwa aim who witn inotr iioni miss .nm. aiHVHB v-..v aaURhtor lyy, returned iisr. Kmory, liavlnj and Attornuvt aro appearing for Olmsttead. nut un $1000 bond and Attornujs Clravos & McIntttnC NED GALLOWAY returned today to take charge of tho North Star having been absent for a week on hla placo up North Inlet. CHARLES BUHHOP. of Lakeside, was In tho city today, looking aN tor some matters of business. OSCAR OUMAN yaa Here today north lutot a bus nets. m ptwu U) th 1 i it nt 1 1 ?;, C I !3 ' H. : ' - uiu. k.' ,"' - . . i . . . its nino bxsv.Gu i ! iM-ai r i mi inmu mwrnai -"- I ! J" .!- --: "" IIIIHIIIT MM inmsuaiiut 1.1 U. ., " " ""'V uv '."' ' ,VV" . "? " r T - vtMatM. . - . - -- - - l;L-ti