iKwrnsaMmimimm m "" -""iiyl "fl5pr"- !.r I BtsTMARKET ST. W. MItS. OMVB K. BROWN . I ,. prepared to do rirst-clnss I" .Mnklne nt reasonable rates. l!id bloMM. dnnclng frocks. IK requested. Soo our new " i .lrnqqPS. JV irilll Of I i,ll DOO "' n Commutation Tickets $2.00 L-hfleM.Xorth Rend Auto Line r", ten minutes from 0 h. m .in - - -, ,owRates for Handling Trunks .... t,ni trunks between nnr nolntt Kurthflcld nnd do gcnornl hauling Er reasonable rntcs. jilt TltAXHU." .v hiunm.i; uo lcl lleliner, rropriotor Itiones: !-. "'r' W-H CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES W. BAYL 55 Lrr Kind of Ilrlck Work at Prices Jiim aiu infill i-.i ..II Wrirlr Glliu-litittMl Csll at "The FlroBldo." Johnson Dldg., 137 Second St. Phono UJ.J. French Ranges. Boiler Work ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL. heim heat, hot and cold wntor in Lr room. Monthly rnto $10,00 mil up. Day rates 75c nnd up. (Want a fow Skat players.) MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. H- suiTs cleaned and press- KI Sl'ITS MADE TO ORDER HIVIi US A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOVLE & O. O DAGQETT 256 Central Avo. Phono 2G0-X. !- Pictures& Framing Walker Studio 0CILIX REACH AUTO LINK Iwu Chnndlor Hotel, Mnrshfleld ior tho Bench nnd Wny Points. 7. A. M 1 P. .M. I P. 51. Emplro noc Tar Heel 70o South Slough 7flo Bajtcndorf Roach ...81.00 Mussel Reef 9l.no Sunset Dny 91.00 Itlt lit II liVjilt. ltfitx.lt ss J.M A. 5I.1 P. 51 rj.SO P. 51 Lilt tilts hnnrh tiv H. rt.nt T)nnit Aatfl. T.niQanilrrnn n .. l,l l .,.. --- r"-vMf,ui iiuiuiiiuuuu luavcr nd'er Hotel throo times dally COnST AS KING'S FAMOUS AUTO J Vfw Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" alio principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSP I jj.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend I NO HAW EDGKS on VOUIt COLLARS W you Imvo them launderci WIN CIT1 STEA5I LAUNDRY ' . BOAIFK vg A. n. IIODOINr MarshfieIdPA,NT AND -i'" DECORATING CO Lbtlmates Furnished fkon SOD-J. Jliirshlleld, Orico THE COOS HOTEL wI.Jrmerly ' Marsbfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDE.Y STREET NORTH llEXIJ P. A. 5lclIIii, Prop. LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS nfr'.l &t. Trust Co., Abstracts. diM. sn,y uenondablo. Iintne tn .n,erv,(,e' Prompt attention ir ."" rterests of our clients. MINIMU5I COST S. KAUFMAN & CO. B1 .THE ALICE H. v,JnU.STO.V REACH SUNDAY n Mflelil nt 8 A. 51. MUke., U1VU Inlf que I "'""fPH"" with autu for Sun lrItLi ' ,n"' huorw Acres m 20l THE COOS why vou should vote f on BOOTH RKPPRLICAX CANDIDATE FOE UNITED STATICS SENATOR Aro you better off now tlinn you were under a Republican admlnlstra tlou? Aro you satisfied? If you believe In tho . TZW Drlnpllllna nxn tllO Keilllb Iran nnrt convinced that these principles tire lLJi2Jity, then l'rvo It by voting for your standard bonror, Hobort A. Booth, Republican candl- Ulnto for tho Pnltod , States Senate. Vou know Hint under Kopubllcnn ; Presidents the pooplo of tho United iStutos linvo good times. Acti know that under Democratic Prosldonts you hnvo Domocratle tlmoi. Komombor tho prosperity undor McKlnloy, KoomvbU nnd Tnft. Komombor conditions undor Clove land and Wilson. Tho Ihsiio In this campaign Is not one of personality. It. Is not ono of non-partlBniiihlp. It Is a question of whothor you profor proiporlty undor Republican ndmlnlstratlon. Do you haro enough work. Aro your wngos good? Is your business what you want It to bo? If you nro satlaflod with prcBont conditions, woll nnd good; If you bollevo that tho protont situation Is better thnn undor McKlnloy, Rooso volt nnd Tuft, you know whnt to do, Tho way to bring back prosperity Is to help oloct n Kopubllcan Sonnto. i Tho Kopubllcnn cnndldato In Orogon 'is K. A. llooth. This la n Republican yonr. Voto tho tlckot straight. (Paid ndvortlsoment, Kopubllcnn I Stnta Central Comuilttoo, Im , porta! liJtol, Portland, Or. niTfcw nw 1 M Alfred Johnson, Jr. Republican Candidate FOR Sheriff Coos County If olocted, strict enforcement of tho luw, with Impartiality gunrnn teod ovoryout. If oloctlou, ocouomy In tho admin istration of the Sheriff's office guar anteod tnxpayors. If oloited, n wiunru deal guaran teed ovory man. Your support nnd Qpprovnl of this platform will bo appreciated. ALI'RISD JOHNSON. Jr. (Paid Adv.) For Representative in Coos County J. TOM HALL Democratic Nominee Uorn In Oregon and a Coos County Pioneer. EQUALITY NOT ONLY IN' TAXA TION" Rll IN" UI THINGS Your voto IU bo appreciated. -4 At A 'C'ttWtat.i i i 1 t IBklfSkSJaMAB-TClaBTHBBfBS 1 LkHiW SISskBHNl WWWm g'MBBwWTswIrl wmzmMzMmammtiBi txyffpKJmmWUJBJM BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, WET" LEAGUE IN FIGHT OVER GOIN Only Two "Taxpayers and .. Wage tamers" BREWERS PUT UP FUNDS KNOWING THAT OREGON DRY .MEANS BETTER BUSI- NESS FOR ALL LINES SAVE ONLY SALOONS. nv onros n. goodwin, Publicity Department, Committee of One Hundred. The grcnt cnnipnigu to miiko Oregon "wet" has failed. The exposure by Dr. Cora Tnlbott, secretary of the ' ' Taxpayers ' and' W a g e Earners' League," that the organization consisted of two persons, Mrs. Dunhvay and Dr. Talbott, and was fi nanced by the brewers and distillers to make Oregon "wet," threw the fat into the fire. The brewers and distillers know that all kinds of busi ness save theirs is better in a dry town. They know Hits lirts been proved by figures nnd facts from Salem, Oregon City, Roseburg, Albany, Newberg, Ashland, Corvnllis, Pen dleton nnd ninny other towns. Orcnntzatlon Spread Untrutln. So they organized tbc "Tnxpny ers nnd Wage Hunters' League" to spread misinformation nbotil Ore gon dry. They know bank deposits in dry towns have increased in number nnd amount. They know bud debts tire almost unknown in nil dry (owns. They know collections nro belter. They know rtrrcsts front drunkenness nro n t unknown. They know every U town In Ore gon Ii prosperous. So, they beenmo desperate. Taxpayers' Lengutf It "Joke." Then they organized the jolt a "Taxpayers' nnd Wage Iinrners' League." Dr. Talbott was secre tary. Sho became disgusted when she learned money was being col lected by the brewers nnd distil leries by the use of her name, nnd she resigned. Then Mrs. Duniwny advertised lavishly, announcing Hint the money tho "league" was using was pro vided by tho brewers. The campaign of misinformation carried on by employes of thu league, who tiro nlso employes M the breweries nnd distilleries, is now known nil over Oregon. Brewers Spending Your Money. Every man, woman nnd child V.as to spend 20 n year with tho .saloons. If you do not drink, some ono elso has to pay YOUR share. So, it is YOUR money, tho Ore gon brewers and Eastern distil leries have been using to persuade YOU Oregon wet will do YOU good. It Is believed they expect to spend over 200,000 of YOUR money. They know Oregon dry will put them out of business and help every other kind of business in the state. Although the breweries und dis tilleries know Oregon dry Is for better business, prosperity nnd more work, they nre fighting it. No Saloons Better Business. We have had bnd times with the saloon, haven't we? Why not try no saloon? It can't make things worse and Is certain to make things better. The reason Is: Money spent on the saloon can not be spent for groceries. Money spent in the saloons much of it goes East. Money spent for dry goods and groceries stays in the towns and makes better business. The members of the Committee of One Hundred ere all Oregonians. Most of them are business men. They ask you to vote Oregon dry, because they know, as the brew ers also know, that Oregon dry means better business, lower taxes, more work and a return to pros perity. For the experience of all Ore gon dry towns has proved this to bo the cose. Fail tdverUitment by Commutes 0 Oct Hundred, 718 Jlorjin JBIg., Portltai, Ore. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To sit knowing toStrtn of rbeumstUm. wbeth. rr muteuUr or ot tbe )olot. .cLilca, lumbago, UcUcbt. I'lu In tbc Uduw or umrtlgl to. to write l hfr f"r a -Uomb lr.ituwnt alt n bts rejestedlr cure4 sll of ttw tortures. Kite feU It br UvUX to woil It to all aerr I Itl.l- u cure our..' f at b ae tbouol ! u-.lri j ii.i "t ".' Wnf I'K-wi-u'i Tbn simple uwooifrr bnl.b uric ailj t.-m ih. Lt-1 lccu. tb ttlTro4 Joint, our I6i-i t!t Uioa soil br'gbtf" tin siring .lMr it no tone ta lb b .le yHei If tbs tore IntfrrtU you, lor prooi naurew OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER PROPELLER 10 Brother of Joaquin Miller Thinks He Has Invented a Great Device ALI1ANY, Or., Oct. 24 Construct ing a propeller that he claims will rovolutlonlzo river nnd ocean naviga tion throughout tho world, James Henry Illalr Miller, a brother or the lata Joaquin Miller, Is living tu a small house on tho bank of tho VI! lamotto river nt tho foot of .Mont gomery street, where ho Is doing tho work. At tho ago of 74 years, ho fools, ho scys, that the ambition of a life tlnio Is about to bo realized. Sixty years ago wl en ho first saw a river boat with stern propeller, Mr. Miller says ho mndo up his mind to build a propeller that would not strike tho water with stten rcsistanco Tho propeller dius eight blndes, each six feet long nnd 12 Inches wide nnd ench working on rntchcts, so that tho edgo of tho bladn strikes tno water ns It enters, falls Into pro pelling position whllo In deepest water and continues to ndJtiBt Itself as tho wheel turns, so Hint It emerges from tho water edgo first. Tho flat side of tho blade never strikes the water. As tho wheel turns, tho blndes enter and lonvo tho water edge first, with ns llttlo rcsistanco as a feathered onr. Mr. Mlllor Is an Oregon ploneor of 18r2, ImvlttR located nt Oregon City 02 years ago. Tio Spanieling Logging Company nt Salem Is considering putting In n pulp nnd paper mill. Wlllnmotto Valley Southorn Steel Is to bo In Molnlla this week. HASTEN BOATS COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM HAN FRANCISCO EVERY TEN DAYS SAN FRANCISCO DOCK UNION STREET NO. 2, PIER 10. 15. J. LINDEN, Frt. Agent. Tvlephono Doug". 21)70 V l.EdK.J Anywhere at Any Time. ir I w Does F'nc Dccoat'nfl V lliu Paper in Coos County VIERS VIERS VIERS May Front s AVES EPAIR oiLLu CI AW ROOM IUUAT13KS arc inexpensive to. buy cheap to operate. Thoy savo their cost over an'd over again in thu colds, soro throats and other ailments they prevent. ' J?or Fall and Spring heating they are ideal. Useful during tho coldest months for auxiliary purposes to help out the regular stoves or furnaces to warm rooms quickly in the morning. " Oregon Power Company Second and Central, 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. GUST LESGUE BALL SCORES , I COAST LEAGUE HALL SCORES I , Portland n 7 0 San Francisco 3 5 2 Mnrtlnunl nnd Ynntz; Standrldgo and Schmidt. Missions 7 3 7 Onklnnd It lf 1 Mnlarky, C. Williams and linn nab, Prough, Klnwittcr nnd Arbo gast. Vonleo t 0 2 Los Aimelos G '.) t Kostncr, Dcenuulor nnd Elliott; Love, l'errltt and Doles. ' ' ! Riihliy's Grand Orchestrii. I'll. !:UX IVo only TORIO I.ENSEH nnd1 "Sllt'R-OX" MOUNTINGS OPTI-i CAIj REIT., lit RED CROSS DRUG STORE. I CHECK KIDNEY TROUBLE AT ONCE. There Is such ready notion in Fo ley Kidney Pills, you fool tholr healing from tho very first doso. Rnckncho, weak, sore kidneys, pain ful blnddor nnd Irregular action disappear with tholr use. O. Pal mer, Green Ray, Wis., says: ".My wlfo Is rapidly recovering her health and strength duo sololy to Foley Kidney Pills." And W. T. Hutchons, Nicholson, On., snys, "Just n fow doBcs mndo mo foci hotter, nnd now my pains nnd rheumatism aro nil gono and I sloop all night long." Sold by Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chaudlor Hotel. Phono 74. i Will Furnish Estimates Free. Is the Man to See for Any of ths Above. ' be Found at 376 North street. MbVi f K ' f ' .; Telephone 178 NOT ALL WED 10 I EXTRAS New Regulations Prohibit Dcal-'E. H. Dodge Plans Vessel Car ers From Charging For Pa- ' rying 5,000,000 Which Can per and String on Bundles Be Loaded in One Hour I). L. Rood, Coos County Senior of Weights and Measures, will probnbly get busy soon enforcing n now rule that lins just been Issued by stato offlclnla to the effort Mint custo mers cannot bo charged for thoi weight of pnpor nnd string around n' commodity. This Is particularly truoj of. bacon and ham when bought In tho full slr.o pieces. However, tho1 rule nppllcs to nil rommodltles. ! "Hams nnd bnrnii nro soiling nt from 20 to 40 cents per pound," snld one official, "and as there Is a pound of pnper and string on every hnui und ench sldo of bncuu, you can see what tho purchasing public Is up ngnlnst Tho local merehnuts nro probnbly not to blnino for tho prac tice, as I uudorstnnd they nro com pelled to pa" for tV.o weight of the ment with tho wrappings. Rut If they nro compelled to clinngo their practice ns they surely will bo, they mny also demand tho snma kind of trcntment from tho pneklug houses," The Instructions sont out by tho statu department on this subject say: , "If n purchaser buys n hnm, ho Is un titled to tho net weight of the hnm and should not ho mndo to pay for n canvas cover nnd sevurnl ounces of wrapping pnper. Ho nlso Is entitled I to buy tho hnm nt Its truo wolght at, tho time of snlo und not what It did weigh ono. two or threo months bo-1 fore: and this applies to tho snlo of, all commodities that nro subject to a Iobs or gain In weight whllo In storage or being held for the purpose of sale. "Whllo tho los? of one, two or threo ounces tu weight, In any certain snlo and to n single person, mny not' amount to much to htm, Individually, In tho nggrcgnta tho loss to tho gcn ornl purchasing public Is largo and for this reason tho senior should glvo; his eloso nttcntlon to this practice i nnd Insist Hint purchasers receive tho true not Weight." i Roofing If you need your roof repaired see J. L. Rrlco, Phono 80. Full Dress Suits for Rent. Unique Pnntltorlum. ! NOTICE OF FILING FINAL RE PORT. ! Notlro Is hereby given thnt on tho 17th dny or October, 1914, W.I U. Douglas, tho Administrator ot tho Estnto of O. It.- Iltilght, deceas ed, fllod In the County Court ot tho Stato of Oregon, In nnd for tho County ot Coob, his final account as such Administrator nnd that tho1 court on cnld ditto duly mndo nn order directing that notlcri of tho filing of said final account ho given' by publication thorcof In tho Coos liny Times for n period of four weeks, nnd to-wlt, for ftvo publl-' cations thereof, nnd further order ing thnt Moudny, tho 7th dny or, ucccmbor, 19)1, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., In tho County Judgu'u Room In thu Court Houso nt Co qulllo city, Coos County, Oregon,1 bo nnd tho sumo Is tho tlmo and placo sot for tho hearing of ob jections thoruto nnd tho uottlomont, thereof. Dated this 17th dny or October. 1914. W. V. DOUOLAS, I Administrator of tho es tate of O. R. Halght, do censed. (First publication, Oct. 17; last publication, Novombor 14.) REPUBLICAN TICKET Election 1011. For U. 8. Sonntor K. A. Booth. For Congress W. C. ITawloy For Govornor Tames AVithycombo .jiuiiun , iiiMwiiiiu For Justlco of tho Supremo Court ITeiiry .T. Hcail, JvawrOllCC D ir(.,.i.io 'PhnnmiiArilhMilii I. JIaiTIS, .1 lloniUr. iMClil'lUO, Henry h. ISCnSOlI. (JharlCt1 T ArnM.ii.if U ALcJNlUy. For Attornoy Qonoral George r. Brown. For Supt. of Public Instruction .T. A. Churchill For Stato Engineer John M. Lewis. For Commlsslouor of Labor o. iroff. For Railroad Cominlsslonor Frank J. jnilor 'For Supt. Wales Dlv. No. I. iTames T, Chinnock. For Roprosontatlvo Dtlt Dlst, Charles R. Barrow For Roprosontatlvo Cth Dlst. S. V. Peirco For County Judge. James Watson For Shorlff Alfred Johnson, Jr. For County Clork. Robt; R. Watson For County Trcnsurer T. M. Dimmlck For County Surveyor. C. S. McCulloch For County Coronor P. E. Wilson For County Commissioner Geo. J. Armstrong. for Coinm as oner Port of Coos Ba . Tr . . 1: A. If, Powers, AnSOn RogOl'r For and Jlemy songstaeKon Published under tho authority aur riy tho order ui tho Coo- County Ra publican Central Comuiltteo, ubllcaa Central Comuiltteo, SEVEN UMBER W: 1 VERY UNIQUE PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 23. Plans of tho now drydock lumber stoatnBhlp designed by F. A. Biillln, a naval ar chitect, nnd 15. II. Dodgo, for which they hnvo obtained a tgovornmont pntont, nro for n vessel with capacity for handling C.000,000 foot or lum ber at n trip. Sho Is to bo C10 feet long with SO root beam nnd a hold depth of 41 feet. When put In shnpo ror loading tUo vessel will bo Btibniorged. Ton barg es londod with lumber, each carrying 500,000 foot, will bo floated through how gates Into conipnrtmonts ot tho craft. It Ib oatlnintod thnt tho vossol rnn be loaded In nn hour. Tho claim also la mndo thnt sho will bo nblo to complete tho round trip botwoon Portlnnd and Snn Frsnclsco In Bevon dnys, Including loading nnd dln chnrglng, On tho return trip iiho can enrry fuel oil, asphalt, cemont, or most nny other c nss of frolght, Tho Idea Is to hnvo uhout tl.roo sots of barges, ten nt each end of tho Una nnd ten en route In carrying out thnt plan It Is oxplnlncd the oxtra barges can bo londod whllo tho vcbsoI Ib In transit. Tho bnrRcs may bo dis tributed among tho various sawmills and, loaded Ail thu lumber la cut for thorn. STATE HAS NO Jl'RISRlC- TION OVER INDIAN MATTERS St) DccldcH DoNirtuiont of Interior In liwdo Mny Wiley Owe. That tho Dopartmont of tho In terior has nil Jurisdiction ovor mut ters relating to Indian matters nnd henco tho legality of tho adoption of Jessie Mny WHoy nnd tho resultant suit for half Interest in tho estate of hor ndoptod Indian mother can not bo fought nut In tho atnto courts. This Is tho decision rocolvud today by Attorneys Hoy and Mlllor from E. R. Mcrltt, assistant Indian com missioner. With this decision Ih again brought Into tho llniollght n bit of human In terest history, Intrlcnto nnd Inter esting. Years ago, a white man, Har ry Hanson, married nn Indian woman and thu couple had ono child, who la now Mrs. Maggie Sncchl. Mrs..Ilau son adopted Josslo May Wlloy, daugh ter or Chnrlos Wlloy, who had also mnrrled uu Indian woman. Several yoars lator Mrs. Hanson died and hor foster daughter was sent to nn Indlun school. Tho girl, on hor return, nskud n halt share In tho Indian nllotmunt which had be longed to her foster mothor, Mrs. Hanson, nnd which was all then be ing hold by tho daughtor, Mrs. Snc chl. Th iff half sharo amounted to about 12000, property sltuntod on thu Randon road, south of tho Coos Ray entrance. To tho Dopnrtmont or tho Interior was submitted tho Question its to tho legality ot the claim mndo by Jessie May Wlloy, tho adopted daughter. Tho decision was In hor favor and tho dofoudantfl In turn askod that they bo allowed to deqlto this ques tion In tho statu courts. Tho now decision Just reached Is that tho stato tins uu Jurisdiction In such mat ters nnd hence tho first decision ot tho Department will stand and Josslo May Wlloy, now rrciI olglitcon yearn, will recolvo n half ulittro ot tho al lutntont. THE (HOTELS Tito CliundU-r Hotel. J. C. Warnur, Portlnnd; A. Q. Hiimp'.roy, Portland; II. A. Edlln, Gobi Ilonehj J. I). Wotrh, Portland: II. 0. Skinner, Portland; E. II. Fui- -, ,, ort Im; N. c. imcmw, Port- ,,;,,. T,10II1Bi; 1)lx(,, KKcno; B. E. Ornut, Portland; F. D.Layton. Port- lli,Ml' ' K- Nr'"i CoqillllOS c. HrowiiBtono. Ann Francisco; II, II. '! ox. Lako Crook; Frank I.oatlo, nulllo; Mrs. Emma Gross. Mj iPojlit; J. 8. Barton, Coqulllo. Co- Myrtle Tito ltliinco llotol. Dr. Llghtbody, Ashland; J. AVoU keStratord, Wash.; (loorgo R. Har i tuug, Tar Heel, O. II. Sehrode. SaH i Diego; Vns Austin, Myrtle Point; I F. II. Mann, Lakeside, Simon Krlek-. son, North Bond, T. J. CottolL Beaver ! "t'i - ' l-" iiu..t riiv.,,1 n.ti III? IWJ1 t'T J. Keiiuoy. Chicago; M. Loyels, Myrtlo Point; W. Fowlor, RoseburKS Charles A. Welch, Denyo'r; Otto F, Tliniu, North Uond; John V, Rlordun, Empire; M. M. Abbott, Ashland. 'the Kt. Ijmreiico Hotel. W. II. Ratio und wlfo, PprtUud; C. R. Burrow, CoquU'o; W. O, Warn- ..m 11 mill , , fnlnna ntl.l.a nn.tl.ut l Jamos PutCorson, Ban Franclseo; AV. T, Bartholomew nnd wife, Empire, VMJi only TORIO LI5NHI54) and i"SUUR.ON MOUNTINGS QVXU CAL DEPT., frt V.K1 CROH8 DRUG STORE, r . , STOP THOSE EARLY UHOXGIIIAIj COUOIIS They hang on all winter If not oheoke-l nnd pavo tho wny for Bor lous throat and lung diseases. Get h bottlo of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, ann tnko It froely. Stops coughs and colds, hoala raw intlam Qd throat, Ioobqiu the pjilogni and Ih mildly laxative. Chas. ft. Miller, i.ii r.i"iuui, uiiiiotion, inu., naa "f,1, U '" ? sot V0P3f .V,a.r.B0' roughed cons.tnntly from- a, tickling throat Ho usod only F'h Uoaoy , l0,evej' a ZaUJ t? k2 ft ?c;ys , iTo.Voy and i Ta?fid SrOw Proscription Pkirwsf'. Kraplt D IV?,,,,n'-. UPR. ChaAr HoUl. C,?,11U1,7. 0jPJ AT kf . II u. c i l ...l M 3 l I !.. P'J