mmmmYMim !?! Ifi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE ' like T? Mm v' I V5 I 1 I iBMlara Tit- 'n I 2" n V -5Wr TOTT-T-rP' I I jfx irx i J Wt; .v , nsraw-" I U 5? v mi i . , -j w AMKra lOU L afif'txsL. -fasw f'l Lnr- i - PrafflMa In Coos comity for tho Democrats. Ho will bo nt Myrtle Point tonight, Cotinllle tho next night, Uantlon Sat urday night, North Bend Monday , night and Marshfleld Tncsdny night. , Senator Smith Introduced hint to a number hero. STRANG AMONG THE SICK. Wl REVOLVER ns the mnn'bdrely rolled himself from tho track. The car brushed past the man bo close ns to almost touch his liiouut Hit h.iufii i. .Uu turns von octoukh. Below Ib given the time and "ulglit of high and low water at Marshfleld. Tho tides are placed In tho brder of oi'curronco, with tholr Ulnes on the rtrstMHtio and heights on the ,. , , , second lliieof each day a compar-1 '" ,1 A mnrrlngo llcenoo Ison of congecutlVQ heights will In , wns Issued today at Couullu to Mr, dlcate whetlicr It Is high or low ' Hurtholomow nnd Miss Kcrnutl, both water. For high water on the bar of Marshfleld. arbtrart two hours 34 mlntitOH ' '.. I!) lira. . 2.18 7.18 1 1C 8 19 ","' """" -According to mo msi (.j u.s C(i ubout Octobor 27 Uptake on luin-i -.Rfi 9.2G bur and imli shipments liurc ror 7.1 O.'J ' the Orient. i 3.37 10.15 Ft.. Olllrs. Ft.. 21Hrs. Ft.. 22llrs. Ft.. li.tUta. Ft.. 2lllrs. r..7 :i.on r..c 4.01 r,.r, t.r.i r..i R.fiU 4.8 o.oc 0.9 8.30 1.3 9.11 1.0 10.01 1.3 lo.r.r. 2.3 c.r.7 7.0 0.9 1.20 11.09 C.7 0.8 o.o C. f 0,0 12.00 0.07 They Rubbled Own Obdo M.i inohomlo, hunvlly laden with a big iininu and too intich of refreshments was boforo tho I'ollcu Judge this morning to rocuivu hla nBsessmunt or &, Mill Nick followo'd him and pleaded guilty to tho Bamo charge and was treated In a similar matiuur. I Mr. Griffiths, optician at, the, lied Cross, who suffered a stroko of par alysis recently, Is recovering and will bo able to movo from tho Mercy Hos pital to tho D L. RocTd" UOffle. ' Billy Wilson 1 ad Ills hand nnd fin- , gers quite badly hurt. In. nn accident Without a Word Harrv Carv- nt the Smlth ,n,u thls morning. ' . L...ii i i n i i y A- O. KJolland, whoTwasoperated mer Assaults John Doyle, In- on at the Mercy Hospitaibut two flintier nnM OamIm lf aiimJ WPfilfa nirn (a on pnnnViifnil til fit ti mutiny ujM oudlfJ WUU..U w,i"be Klo lo VturnV. hotao "They're after mo and I got one, at Kentuck Inlet tomorrdVi ( of them," wns tho explanation given Wen Story, a llttlrf foUo erf Por jby Cnryhier for his assAult upon nam Park, was bitten In ;tholpnlm 'John Doyle last night. The man ' f tho hand by a pet foxa'ftirrlor this 'had been drinking henvlly and Is morning. The wound U'ot-serlaud. ! Inbbrlng under the Impression that1 Mr. Manwnrjng of QjMljfllo. Is ro-; devils nro pursuing him. Ho waived i covering from his pnorhUon nt t''l I .examination boforo Justice Penhock. Mercy Hospital and ls'3M$Mcd to ro-, lln tho Justice Court and was bound! turn to his homo In a-foV dayB. ..... ' over to the grand jury undor $5001 (loo, K Hudson, wK6" l employed I MUUAi. (bonds. Ho was taken this afternoon i " tlio Southern Pacific bridge con. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. i to tho county jail In Coiiulllo by structlon nt North llqnll 'was qui o j F. I,. Sumner. iConstnblo Cox. badly hurt by bolng struck, on tho I by Uplscopnl Oulld. ' W'11' a 8,x s,,0ter In his hand head by a piece of falling Umber. Harvest Hall at 'naglcs' Hall I nnrry cwn wnlkc' ul to John1 f- i liuyiu, mi imer sirnnger, in wio , Nutwood saloon Inst night and a ... 'cracked SOC'IAI. t'AIiKNDAH. IIItSONAI, .MKXTIOX him across tho furohead with tho barrel of the gun. With out a word Cnrymor then turned on his heel and walked out of tho saloon. A moment ho was arrest-. Correct overcoats for correct' dressers rOU can have a big, roomy box back overcoat for fall or one that's form trac- pg; perhaps you'd like one just between the o all these styles are the right thing if they', e ; Mperly made These young men wear spec designs from Hart Schaffner & Marx I UHAI'IIHIt KOIUCOAST tllf AMiHltlrt I'rm lo (' Pi) nmra 1 I UltHCOX Fair, with eiiitor- I I ly winds. MM'AIi Tr..MIr.ltATUltK I iM'rmtik ,.. .i. .,, , It" I nil inn -i iiuiiih i-iiuiiiK in I Floroiico. i : iu a. in., on. 2:1, by llouj I Uxtllud, hpeclal govuinuient me I teorologlst KAY BOWItOX nnd wife nro In on a r.k. Mil.. ... . ,, ,. -, . 0 ... , VIBIl liUlli It'll UIIf, " - w. ...., .. ...... ....... Mioit Supplies Parties from Mor- (J, u, ,.KCK hllH K011t) td s.lU.,n nm, 'od by Chief of Pollco Carter who' umu iiiiii miiiiii'i iu luiiiuiiK KIIUI'IO nil HUH IIiihh was Imnieillntoly on tho rcoiio and aiwiii 1 iiiiri nu n rnu iir iir run ''. 1 mook and Patsy being harhotind In u ,,. 1 ,. 1 , . .S of Co,l,,1l,, ,H l ," ehargo of assault with a danger th Columbia and at Yiuiuliin for , r"llf .W.. l.'.iy on bl,",IM,M- oils wenpon was phucd against . Eovorai (lays. Tlio inminur is imr- "n. . iiuwaiiu, 01 iNoriii in- carvmer Dnvlo reoln.l friim thn bound at Floronco and cannot re- lt. was hero today shopping. !,.!. 1. .. .. . i. rn hem for a enrL'o destined to I'. K. l.AHHON was down til 8 morn-! l""" """ hi"-. woiuu iiiivu .. CLASSTIE fallen to tho floor had ho not been I I,cim-H Toil-iy. A. A. Semplo left luuny uir suuiiie, wuuru lie win lug on IuihIiiuxh from Allegany MltS. J. T. CUIA'HIt uf Catching In iui, wui) iiciu huh 1 inig louay. tlche worn liiken In lilu hphIii l,v It. II. MAST, Jr., Is hero from Co-l" .,M lnKun '" "l8 BCU,,, hy ll. KIUIBIUII I leaning against the bar, Hovcrnl S ::::::::::::::::Sa,rasal,eofla ffimra Pi. who c.n,.r may bo I At 1:43 11. 111 37 I btK lumber brokerage coinpnny. Ho ,5?,V f," R.AVl'li l"18 "ofiiniK. he lilt him Is still a I Precipitation 00 I ! hs bey .with thu Iteynolds mill on "'Cn liinv r. ....ViV 1..1-1 ,)o'10 who eiitp ho nuu .' .. ... .. . .... '. kmllll Mini r.w..,,.lU. M r. O. In UIO CIt' tOtlflV frOlll hOlltll IlllOt. . ... . I rrecip.iauon sept. 1, j; . ; ,,.,. ' lVorM .t tl. Ml,s- ,'Y0N,S of CnullHi Is visiting f0KC l " '"" niu only I. 1914 10:10 n 11 .liirkun.i lininn fiirn vluii nn.i at tho homo of her sOii, J. 8. Lyons. ' "Im once or twice on tho I Prei'lnltnllnn nnmn nerlnil mm. .... i l.irotin l,,f,. i,i.,l.... MHS. Wll.l, IIICKWOHTH I'llllieAH far an known Ciirvmer , 1 --,--. - J .....J fyW .1. ..1...1M.. I'VIUIV JWIt,, , I ImuI vim r I Mr. Sninnln In thn north. "- I -. -- - --- 1 1 1 Inst year Iml: Not th; clear. and whyj mystery to r hna nu oeou stroots. en inn .I....... r..... . .,.. .. visit. ,u'ro ,l lno,,lh "B ft",, for abDU 1 11 iiAvia n.i.i ,m,,. viuiinru i tlirco weeks has beou living In n Initiate Tliree. At a mooting of ' m. ,.1,,. .,,,i,. ., n,.,i niinik lmlnu- Hw, niiv iinrk ti,.. j tho Mnrshflold I.odgv of Klks on Tun Mile. foot of Aldor Avonuo. King has Wednesday evening, threo new mem- CIIAHLK8 NOHUSTUOM camo up Uoylo, who for two years has boon You'd lit'llor conic and slip into one; you'll not upprc- .1(0 real ovcrcoal lux'ury until you do. There are many eights here good for the colder days this winter really Icj'iv double-duly overcoats. .Any number of fashionable models in rich colorings and new weaves Pay $25 if you can. Woolen Mill Stores Thin .store is (lie home of Hurl Scliaffiwr & Marx (jood dollies. The Delicatessen Co. 11,1 N01U1 Second Street. Lenses Italic ti. Geo. W taken over Marshal Nay's lease of b0rs were Initiated. Jack McDonnld, TOO LATE Td CLASSIFY I . ... I'OH' HUNT Sleejilnit nnd house keeping rooms, $l.f0 and i$2 por week. Hoy CniBt, .188 N. 1st. I'OH HKNT On county rontl Hiiiik (iw lUII.Vlow flvo-room biingnlow, iilac-1 d-footii 'flat, uoth with mod ern 'Iniprpveniunts. Inqulro on uruiiilihM or phono' 141',. ."North Pond. 1'OU.NU ailcjch' 011 SoutU .Second Ktieot, owyur can navo samo uy furnjKliIng Identification nt 'Times ofjlov. today on business from South Inlet. In tho employ of the c.ntth Powers lly andl0wlllU pmbnbly" 1.80 tof n' L MnBee nml Em McCorInc' ' CLYIIB OAOB. deputy sheriff, has company In camp 7 at Conledo. Una stock for hlo meat mnrket. HurlMl Yesleidav Kills Brick son, the nine-year-old daughter of . rut'8 conferred. Mrs. lMln Krlc(son of Commercial nvonuo, who died two clnya ng of latter being second assistant engineer on tho Nairn Smith. Later a lunch wns enjoyed and some special de- boon heio serving papers In some been horo getting his foot healed MlToEOIlOB ROSS shopped here! ",,' ,n"0,U" nilBl,,0ri;?r '""'V today from her homo at Catchlhg 0, b nn nxe wh,, nt work- Inlet. wns standing along sldo tho bnr CHARLES PBTBHSON was down nt the time of the nssnult chattlnir WANTKO HerviuVtintid H h."p. ho'lN vt tind'cnglno. Address W, c'afi TllncB. ' . il' i ' WANTKH ItfMiflnie work. If you need iyour root ropnlrod boo J. h. llrlco. Phone 89. Mnuo Hunt Stranded. Part es ar- i8 ." orning on nusiness ironilWm, rriiin.t nn,t fniln.i to n,n diphtheria, was burled ycBterday ' J,, B,,0 ".'oraHnSg M. 'cAIlMICHABI. was hero this " "llu nPPronch of Carymor .11 tho 1. u. u. i cemeiory. 1 them from Ilnrrett's laiidlim to Onr- morning irom hoiiiii iniei on a " "' " nww inuiung 01 'diner got stranded on tins mud flat huslness trip. 1 his presence until lilt. nvf 7-t, .-, ",:"' n'"l "icy had to remain Ihoro from KAY WHITTBO wns a visitor In tho Carymor declared Doylo had nbus- N.i.noe l)i.. Un. Tlie 11-' "" c" nhout C.'.'IO In tho owning until mid- city this morning from his homo ,,,,,' r ."" ,.n u hnr. i yolopment Cqiiipniiy has let con- , ,,t ,Mgmnrk wll0 H rung tll0 at Allegany. od, " " n w in nutcs boforo, out- tract to John Johnson to build a )nunch from uarrett'B landing to J. 8. HAHTON, of Coiiulllo, wan n l'le tho saloon. To this Doylo mado now pleco of wharf connecting up (ln,(nnert Ioat ,,, way, MrH c;,1r. Mnrshflold business visitor Inst omphntle denial stating ho knew nn .ST" !l,"vHl,1,n.,,. .mvo8 hl,,?,ni .,!,'V.r.' wlfo.of of l,w 8wtlHrn lyvonJiiK. nothing of tho man nud had never w ........ .. . - -- laciiic ougineors, wai ono or tie 1 imuwi ikhwuouo wun yimiur Hllt,.. , ,.., 1 1 , , penranco of ho waterfront nm will passengers on H 10 bont. 1 In the city today from his J.omo (jn , H""kcu ,0 '""'I I " " ' ts s, bo n decided convenience In luiiid-i n Waynes Inlet. ! 80 quickly was tho doi'd dono I'OH HKNT ftvwlyiin&h&l rjMiuij, ling freight. Vow KUh ,,n)MI)t,,.( T nl tll() ' MISS NBhMB CHUIICH enmo down Hint no ono hnd tlmo to catch I 13 per week, with bath, ho and .. .""! r. .run of salmon In tho vicinity of from Catching Iniet to visit with Cnrymor boforo ho had gained tho' cold water, flue view of Hay Cloilo noun imniy in 1 inn-. ah nn- Prosper has barely heon on tho l'()ltf HAIA&r-A WMiinliiB liniimt at North llond. C, care of Tlinos. , I'OH SAI,F'J!( Hliode lHhtlitl'lUdj, 'Phono TO-J. 1 1 1 -- -- -.. FOH SAI,H OH THAISK FOH H1L l-MTATK 1913 Cndlllno, oas'y turius, na.,lutorest. Apply Bmcr son Ferry, Illanco Hotel. ' , street. Chnrles Connor, followed! In. 1HG 2nd St. N., phono 3p(T:U. OK HUNT Ho'veit tm Iio'uho At 1 nr.n fv.intinl iiviniin PhmiM H J.V. lit! , . , ,!. .... ... .... - ...v ....... .v ... .,..,, uiiun II, n' . w..., ...v....". ...w.. S Xit';rw.tT,0fr.endysm,0,,,,,,,B """, '-tweeu some hu.ld.ngs. .'. , OKOUOB MAA8, of HnyncH Inlet. '"' Chlof brought him oown ,'1 . . .. ..-..,.-, ....n .....u wv.. v... nu m r, f milllU ....,.,. ,1....... twntn " "'"" .r" "..r; Jill,rJT Hiu $ M this mom., ;,, him. hailed Clef Carter across the'. i....i.u,i, ,,,. ..... ... y -:-" ,;:- ""inn v'l shopping trip. street who Immediately Bet out nf- I iohenrorto..oeiii.ei.o!iautiwnisii mcnB, cnnor; bejwoo-n Prosper and nV, 8THICKI.ANI . of Haynes In- tor tho man who In turn throw his! warning 01 win .uriu nuiiu iinuui mr coqulllo. In nil thoy hnvo packed until tlio car was but n few root from approximately hOOO cases. Most of n".J! Vab r iinvn.- mint 'nliiic tho Chief hroimht him nown FOIUIKXT A mr on Cwitrnl Ave him. Jumping In a hurry tho man run is mor now uui more nan WM ft vUltor,ln tll0 'ry l0(lny , front of tho Wni10, UoylHnK M. nue. Knnulro Art Necdlo flhop Irliinml nml fell nml I'miilili'tnr Knr. ' .w ..... ..... .1,1,., Imuliinun trl . ... . ... ... I ' snaimii. ...vy ".""y.. ""!;?? .' leys, i no u n is n h nun ti. wiimioii dell rang for the emergency brnkes soaiiou. MU8. T. J. MACUKNN enmo from Clw. - "... ,. .,,,, . , I-'OH HUNT !,. l.nn.A ,. Kmnlrn mnrn. PPCClul 38 Cllllbru UHtl I'Oll InlllClI BlX , 0l'II.SPi:(l.l,S Heady nt nil tlnii'H of tlio day. ,lvnyn fivwh lu'lfil nml inn- own miiUe. Ho.ihI Hcer, Pork, l.niub, I Jeer luf. TniiLMin. IjmiiIi Klmm. Ili-i'f Men,. .Meal PIl'H. IV SAiaitS eg-lulilo, Polnto, Cold Sluw, Ci-al nml l'Viilt. Mlopcd Pi,tatns, Corn, Siiiglicttl, Macaiiiil, Hwm, Hot Hiohii llieail, lllsriiili mid Pinldliigs. Cakes Pics nml Pnslry of All Kinds. , I'nilSOWl, ATIKSTION (Il KN TO SPKCIAIi OHIIBH8 1'HIU.S H.IASONAHM'J JHE DELICATESSEN.CO.MPANY. I . . . - ... ... liitt ItnuiA ni liNmilrri llilu mrirti I it r I lAImn J. Jnlinsmi. nlsn 11 imrsn. Innl WAI-XACH CUOUCH brought a small oinpty. rUrttlVllfAAn B .nAfgp , .,... ...!.. ,......' ... slilniiiniit nf nntntoes ilown fraiu naSWYYCTjlB "UUliUO tho Pe-ico Pennock. Mr. Itayil, who J ,Ir"m pr mSi p.pJ viMi',l,jr,r llina Riiri-P!! In flu. Plillliinlnnii nnmn HOI1BUT 8TBINUBICIINBH, Of - .... . w. . . .. ... ..... . (,.,..... K, b..,.V I,........ ff.t,... ...n l...HA ,...,.... n, nn? lira Hum, iituu lumi in tending to some mutters of IiiihI- Nlcely fiiniUUett flvc- rooui bungalow. Modern couven- lencou. Phono 82-K' ''"a Everythinn from Pumpkin Lanterns to Black Cats hero but a few weeks ago and then sent for his flume", who had " como horo from Portland. Tho . ",,"5H; . , ., , . couple exo(t to mnko tholr honn KBV. A.I HAPSIOHI). of tho Mrst In .Mnrshflold. Not knowing any- I-aiH8t Church, went tp Coiiulllo ono hero. B. E. Forr and Homer this morning on a abort business IUiik were summoned to act as wit- r'l. Hot l.ako. Oregon, In hopes 0f I'Olt HUNT HmiNekoeplntc Hkiiw finding relief. In tho Dlack Aparttnent Houbo. W.M. 8. HOM.MB, of CooBton, wns Phono 108-H. . , a Marshfleld huslnuHS visitor yes- r"?r ' L torday. Ho wns boosting for tho vot HKNTUuJiy ranch, stock for morgor of Cooston nnd Basts do unll, ri.w -i naZ' and Intervening territory to bo Hn'0' Ca" or wrU() W" A' aaB,? held tnday, as u means of linprov- Allegany. ' . Mil. AND MHS. TBI) HALSTBAH ,, ". ."A'iT.r.. VJv. . tt:,. .... . n n. ".' ''V oi rori uoro ion tor i.-ou HBNT idirgo front rooms, newly furnished, with boat. 2 OH 4th stroot Nortlu Apply Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance NTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. IIKNUY SKNGSTACKEN, UnMKsr fAIW. COAL. TIMHKH ANU PI.ATTINO I.AXP9 - BPKClALTy GBNKItAL AOKNTS KAST-HIH MAHSIIKIHLII OKKICK. PHOSK M-J CUQUII.IjU GITV OFIICK PIIOVK HH 1108308. uni 11 . 10 v.o.. iiiu ,.i ii.e iioru- ,.... . d y .. , . f. i m... .! mt 1 irr r rill 11 nviinitiiti i i via r innrn . - : . - ' 1 - PRICES RIGHT AS YOU KNOW uVXZrZ K? Vffinwv , ", I K? oVVK TLZn niiiwuy wH 11 consignment 01 cans "".'."V.,-' vi"i, ,,,,,. 7 MnrHhVlnl.i ves. w,oro B,, wl11 v,H't ''- w llo. r- for tno Kylo Salmony cannery. The .t0,t',.,Bu .;?'"". f, VJ fH. ' Mr. I.oney may Join hor there Int- I'OH nKNT-Honms with bath. 210 cannery wns closed dow 11 owing to a "f L".VA1'1. ",or"Ln..0. ...f.0 or and proceod to his old homo Im N,.rM. ,.,.,. .!,. Anna nml lin vouan u UllliUUU. nilUIU UI1U Kuvn II VIHII. x iL .. ..1..1. M mv.wiu nvw v .... (imm wiu '"'i(i , ,,, . -. n. nv uiitki v ur n vin ALWAYS AT THE PEOPLE' 5-10-15c Store Wl. MV NOT 111: CiasSUI) as tho LKAIIINO fJltOCBHS IN THIS UTV, but when It comos to selling grocorloa and giving c0) iJl'AHTV, PHICB nud SIIUVICK, wo nro thero, and If you nt us to provo this to you, como In and boo us and wo will bo Had to see you and YOU WILL HU GliAH THAT YOU OA.MB. THY IT COOS BAY TEA, C0PPEE AND SPICE HOUSE If you Cannot Conic Personalia Call n94-J. Ask us for a eamplo of Buckeye Vanilla Extract. 3k, BE I teWISF Rlmrlnirn nf onna nml tlm i-.iuunlu JjaiHIOIl. Wlloro BIIO BOCS 1(1 VISIl. were bnrbound. , Finally they, ar- . W. 8TA1H1 1, a roBldont .of Co- w; ji V-tnbrook com riiuged 10 uavo mem nrouw uin on , -- ..-.......- a rallrond construction tralhtV Ma- morn ng aftor making this terrl- pletnn nnd were then transferred tory In the Interests of tho J. II. to a hnat. Thev arrived Just In tlmo v,owni'er('mny', , .1 to ennhlo tho cannory to savo much '3 CORNWALL and wlfo arrlvod of tho fish. todny from Oardlnor, where Mrs I Cornwall has boon visiting. She 1 Customs Man Here. Ronntor j. A. makes, her homo lu Ilerko'ey wth Miller of Lebanon, now IT. S. Colloc- oSuS.' BU0"d,"K tor of Internal novenue for Oregon, DBTBOTIVB J. W. M1TCHBLL ro-' arrived hero yostorduy from Port- tinned today from Itnndon, wherr lnnd to spond a week campaigning It Ib understood that 1 0 lias boon (inniK huiiiu biiwiui wuin iui ii'u Coach boys lu counoctlou with thn Hnuor w hiikIpm In that cltv CHA8 BIBSTnBBM. a Ton Mllo nlo- ncor who bus been suffering late ly from a sevore attack of asthma loft yesterday on the bluer ror trmnnmn 1 "r iT i T inn ri T FOH ItlCNT DcHlrublo furnlHlusl or unfurnished houses. I. B. Kaut? man and Co, ' pnny Is hero from Ilnndou on bus lies s. Ho reports that tho piling has hon driven for tho now but dlnir of Cant. Jo' nson. nf llutr Is being driven on the Dyer prop- ,mi. vt ii..uv..i.i.. ...i i.'il orty and p ling Is being hauled 1 0U 'Nr--l)eM.ruliln and nlcey lu for thu new Lalrd-Lowo build ing there, so that thoio will bo marked activity thoio soon: furnished front rooms $3 weekly; wUh hpard 7. 239 80. Fourth. Royal Theatre TONIGHT 1 ------ "" Marshf leid's Leading Fashion Centre. Watch Our Windows, i "THE MYSTERIOUS LEOPARD LADY" In two reels, Written, play ed and produced by Grace Cunard and Francis Ford, who a.o tho lead ing characters In tho Lucille Love series. Everyone knows and likes this duo of players. King l)aggot as King, the Deter tlvo, in ' TUB MARINE MYSTERY In two reels, featuring tho Unlveisal screen favorite. Universal Iloy No. 2, featuring lit tles Matty. He meets ox-1'rostdont nnnunvall ftar.flr. ITp i f.l.l. Nut coal, per ton $4. 0 coJn BeaChey and Darnoy Oldfleld Lump Coal, per ton 0.0 und ur0ak8 Into vaudovl.le with, 8?me It, half ton of both $..0 wonderfUl Imitations. I). MUSSHN, Prop ' "THE SKELETON" A The Grand SAVE-MONEY liy oixleiiug tlio fuiuoiiH Henryville Coal i To-Nigh t Another Economy Sale rT7 i T 7$ T oaramay, monaay, luesday THOSE WHO APPRECIATE UM'HI'ATyW HAltfJAINS "WlLIi DO WELL TO VISIT THIS STORE HUHNG THIS HALE YOU WILL FIND MANY TfcMITiiVG Ol'I'EH- ...,,..4c INGS AWAITING YOU. HERE.; Phone 18-J, or lenvo orders Illlljii'h Cigar Sioio. 158-R PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY THE HOUSE OF QUALITY PKTIHES. "CLASSMATES" A splendid four- reel Kluw Erlanger production, comedv made at Wost Point military school, mystery with Wallaco Reid and Dpr- with Blanch Sovert and Harry Wal l othy Davenport. 1 tha' of the niogmph Company lu tho Th's Is a selected program and one leads. that Is sure to please all who seo It. Seo HiIh Hj IVature Tonllil AD.MISSIO.Vt COFFEE CULTIVATION Sploii- Lovec floor, 15c. Lower floor, 10c. d'd educatlonul subjeit, made In San- Huie tomoriow nllit the fifth tos, South America. of the "MILLION DOLLAR THE DEADLY CHEROOT ' -A MYSTERY " dandy Ulog aph comtdy Here Sunday n-at'iiee and iiIk'H - "THE WOULD-UE IIANDITH' - THE TREY O' HEARTS" Last epl sode of a serial that by far excels any erlal yet shown in tho city of Marsh field Have a heart und Bee "TREY 8aurday night The fifth story of O' HEARTS." i"THE MAN WUO niHAl'raAU3U, tlUlktUMUyyiV iW1ti' flNB IMPORTED PBARL DUT70N3.- All jdzba. tho usuai 10-cent kinds. Now, per dozou ...... Values to 10 conta. Now, "each . .OUj. . . . . .'.AV, , .' ;4C PILLOW XUIHNO. Excollont ' a p grade. Wa? 20. cents. Now, per yor, . w . w,v ,, W, Extra special prices on bed spreads In white and colors. Veliave them from J1.25 up to $6.00. You can save 20o to J I on enclu BEAUTIFUL LATEST WHITE MIDDY ULOlSES, niudo nn of best Galatea Cloth. Values to $2.60. Now only ' ShOO Special low prices on WHITE LINEN ( and DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. 01.00 and up. ' t . Tho m iuG PURE LINEN TOWELING, bit wheel or unhloacliol. 1 8c and 20c kltulB. 8alo price, -lor yard 20 duzou .MEN'S HEAVY TAN SOX. Keamless, foimer.y 15c. Special, per pair X3L SATISFACTION OR MONEY RffUNOIU fhe Fair" ti '' uli imtwi8m 'lllli WUriJU- ft Jlrt.lilJUO - l- Another HlograpV comody ly (I Hi:EIr-AL''NV-rTQ.YKJH,T li- tilldrei7nt;Li . AiIiiUh. lVc' Liii.iiiWImltTiriiil'Olliuii 1 1 f HW iijiiiifjitT'rt;ir"''',"''TT'ri f- -"-rl CHSTRAl AVE, Nftf 60R to ' CHW.M.' J 3 1 i V 4 A i I i il !