S .rmvi THE COOS BAY T.IMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 14 EVENING EDITION. .' .',', t. S X' t i ,. . K Br j K COOS BAY BUYS ITS BALE OF COTTON fROIW THE SOUTH M U- Y STREET El PROJECT OP WITH RAILROATJ El I SEBVIGE HERE HXTKItPIMSK 01 TUltl OX COTTO.V, AXI PATHIOTIS.M ond ninntirnctiire It Into tho fl n lulled j f a maiwiikikm ma.ntfao- product, with tins fino new i.m- Enstsicfc Council to Meet on Golclsn Spike Driven Next Fri iHKX!s"5'vKl,loJ,,,,,MO ,,lcy ,nko co'lton nml W001 Thursday Evening to Con- dayCoos Bay Invited to ciuae Arrangements i nuyu uuiuuicwuu nml beforo coins to the feltor It Is 1 thoroughly picked nnd rlonnud and Atitho City Council mooting Mon- all dust nnd dirt is removed by Will Accommodate Smith-Powers Lino Business and Also Change Mail Route mi... i..i.i- ni4.. ,. ...... it ...lit i Whntt n irnltlnti Rtilk'n Ik tlHi'rtti Ititn eiii r w Mlllmt la nvunnlntl 1 . . ' n ItMnn.l i I .. m t I.IIHnWn ttnvt T.mI- . . 14 .1 ...I .inv vnnlnir.tt letter wns rend from imtont blowor. , iot Thuisduy ovoning wnen nnni .... i .-.... l .-..- ,,0.0 80on rrom aim crancisco wnoru the ilttlo town of St. Mntthows, This action of Mr. Hungnn may1 stops will be tnken far the opening "ro will do good cnuso ror ho wollt t0 POf01. Wlth Southern South' Carollnn, asking that the inn- crve to let tho peoplo of Coos Hay or .McKay street. The properly on the resulting celebration nnd incrrl- Pacific oflleluls rolntlvo to the new tilclimllty buy nt least one bale of know that there Is an up-to-date the streot, which has not paid tho r.-akinc for this will mnrk tho com- traln BCiI0duIu over tho Smith Pow- cotton. They ndvnnced the "l.uy-a- factory In Marshfleld that hnnilloi' mwoBamont, has been advertised for mAoa of tho line connecting burden ora lino and also betweon Coob bnlo" plan, Becking to sell nt bnlo cotton and manufactures all salo next week and this will bo car-( wltl s"" Francisco. Flvo yonrs Bay and Myrtlo Po'nt to nceonlo. least ono of theso bales to each grades of mattresses, pillows, coucV fled out unless tho owners pay tho nc, Project wns first Borlously ttli3 tho ohnngo In mall service Nov- rllv In this way, think tho South- pads, cushions, etc., ns woll as com- nssossniont before that date. Some ronsldcrod. Four years- ngo tho ember 1. - .... a. tlfltlr tlinu ...if III. 11.. ulniltnill til.l1n. . . . . .. .. . .....I - ..I or tno proporty otvnorji are uomiing "" " '"j "p '"') supi. .tuner una ;joen num. mis in their proporty, others havo arranged mnrl:B ll'e finish. Joyful that tho changing tho train service betweon for cash and It is' expected that some work ,H complotod tho Promotion horo and Myrtlo Point ns a general of It will havo to ho sold for tho c," )f Eurukn. through tho Marsh- accomodation to tho public and now assessment. tMtl Chamber or Commerce, oxteiidu that the mall Is to bo changed, Is "We are koIhr ahond with the Me- nn Invltntlan to Coos Hay to attend especially doslrous of dolus o to Kay street Improvement, suld Conn- t,m 'olcbrntlon. )rjMg n t10 iall earlier than tho cllman McLtiRBnii of Uastslde, last wlt" t,,,e lon-B r tho North- present schedule would permit. His evening. "Whoever reported to the wotorn Pacific Into Kureka ffnd tho pinn was to have n mornlnx train Mars" field City Council that wo had PoIK of the Willamette Pacific 'In- leave Myrtle Point eaily, nrrlvliiB dropped tho .McKay street project ,0 Coos IIn'' ,l,lt ",,, ",oro l,ian hero soon after I) o'clock probably simply did not know what bo was ,G,) n,,,l!H '"'tween the two points and also to havo an evening train tniHnir nimiit. l..nHi!il nneiiu t'.o ,H w without railroad connection, back, nornilttlnir valley nooplo to street and so does Marshfleld. Wo W.ut-iw th's will bo bridged Is a spend several hours hero and return have simply got to havo bettor ferry n,nt,or of "'tijocture. Itnllroad sur- the B.imo day. horvlco and the McKay-Kerry Htrcet VLys ,mv ll0U" completed down tho li0 had this In mind when ho pro- iitiitu Is tho best one and It should on,ll' b"'P. branching off from tho posed to put tho motor car s-jrvlco Ypc,ft(QiP(p.'c fi 55tfiV wv. - , M icreuce between bomg vasted ou and being served When you coini' iv this .sloi'C you just "waited on." arc sol'Vc,U4 Kach and everyone of our Kiiloippoplu take Bcolng that you Kt Juut what you wmt. You may not know Just what you Want " peruunnl Inli fwtlf onr stnrn iit.,.i.. gosts and displays goods until you find what v, ....... "l --- rf -i. nuiiu You may not bo sure of what is proper ror a certat HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIH I uX. iX9-- f'V j?r iv c vi .kiSbilllllllllllH owaHH. slSSMtloa i i Kn - ... .i Knrvn Vim no Wnll flint vmi nnimnl nrr.i-,i ... . 1 ' . """ lu "" ""ywuero cite tiJ our horvlce helps you by careful and conscientious select what Is right. Wo nro not here to get your money and let y servo you so well that you can you need something wo havo, HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO l.aiulon -MarsViold. i'ot bo changed." orn cotton growers, ruination of the forters, which will bo manufactured industry; can bo staved off by find- from tho halo of cotton lliey nro lug a nihrkot for tho oxcoss As tho City Council had no uso MERGER VOTE Willamette Pacific boforo It enters on between tho Hay and Myrtlo Point. .North Iloml and continuing on down However ns tho Smith-Powers road throiiBli Umpire and , skirting tho beyond Myrtlo Point, ovor which tho const .from thenco to Huroka. Southern Pnciric will handle all busl- CltlzpiiH of Kuroka will now bo'noss, frolglit, pnssoiiBer and express,' , able to take a puosciiKor train direct except tho. Smith-Powers buslnoss Into San Kranrlsco. IJoforo the open- -which will bo handled on the log- EATHE FRrELY! OKI 10 5T0FFE0 HEAD-E We Point S05TSI1! ND ill to recuivo from tho South. Tluwo xoods Will bo sold by local fpr cotton la 'a bale, the Woven furniture store with a guarantee Wlro Mattress anil nonning uonipntiy, mni none are lienor ai me priru. lis unui wiuu iiiiout lt milos In Iongth. i Additional train service will havo Instructed thorn to order n bald and , lMlyInK ll()mo products you do Approxlmutoly tin miles away was to bo provided for this twenty mllos moro, wfilch will bo uinila Into limit- .. H,IIiro tmvr,t ,ieniin.f ., P' t J'niisolldiilloii llcfoiv IVo- ll10 end of the N'orthwostorn Pacific of rosd and this will motMi a change tresses nnd comforts In tho factory ,,...,,,,... MMlI ,,..11,11,1 ..1. 11. lu .,m.l I'lo Serum to lluvo lilttlo Mm ,u v""i"- ll l tho gap that in (lie Coos ilny-.Myrtlo Point sorvleo. n I rflnTninr ..,. .n m.u. uumm m ihi- ivuicn win oo uanitioii on me mg- a U lit! I U SSL 'nK t)f th vroni "no tl,uro existed glng trtilns, ho decided to defer the insltuitly Itellcve.s Swollen, Inflaine.1 tli inil I MlSSr 0,,t "f !':"rok'1 " 8llort '"KB'iiB road, itnrlhiK or tho motor sorvleo. Nom, Head. Throat Yon Itiimdie I IK L.IIU I UIUL about IT. mllos In Iongth. 1 Aililitlmml tf.iln kivIi-i. will Imvn 1'icvly Dull lleadmlio (Joes Nc- liero on Coos Hay, Those products are equal to tho best mado anywhere In the UuKed States. munlty. When building up this coin- tho halo of cotton arrives 1'i-cvly Dull llcndmlio (Iocs Nas ty Dlsiliai'ge Stops. Try "ICIy's Cream nnlra." Cot a small bottle anyway, Just to With tholr now carding nnd felt- tho people of Coos liny will bo In- 'c,,u'1'0 "'"I Cooston will vote do- roi-loim, closely followed on the opera -iny additional pay for bundling the Iulljioss nnd houdneho iK mnchlno contnlnlng nil tho lut- vltod to seo It and Inspuct tho ma- ,'lt,l" tllu "Piestlon or consolidation (Ions or the logging coinpanles. Increased mall betwoon horo and Myr- l'""" calarrhal Toro it Improvements, they nro tho only thlnory and the method of nuinu- r l,1 two l0WIIH' Tlml l,,ore " "t- I'rom Wllllts a rnllrond 1ms been tlo Point and for a time, it Is under rone 1 . . . ... . . - .'fin ItlllKiutllnti nliuimr llm h.I.Iai.Ih I..1 I ... .. . ' . h been, brldrnd In tho last four It likely that tho change will bo "', ' '! L "llK "L ."l L"''r yoRts. Part of the road has boon uindo about Novnmnlir I. (....,..!..... ni. ,.n...lnn. ,.t n, i,n.i The local railway will not recolvo will opon; you will brontho rrooly. cllsannear rlt 1, cold-lu- throat will Opposlllou On Friday the legal voters or constructed through Hteop mountain Ing cat concern in Southern Oregon that f net nro by which It Is transinrmod " opposition nmong the reslilonta rompletoif ror several yoara s Ich Blood, wero Incllnod to loave tho old can uo cotton In Its original bales Into tho finished product. l loro lo tl10 mo,l"'o seonm evident, winds down tho coast through Uklnh train schedule In ofted unldss tho jnougn inero nao ooen many out- and Sintn Uosn to San Kfaiiclsm. Kovoriininm u-imi.i i,v fn n... ,i. Pntoison. Chns. 0. King, II. P. Quar- '1' urguiuentH advanced In orforts lloury Sengslncken linn also ro- illtlnnl mall to bo carried. Since teriuns, (1. Pee, M. Walker, I). I. Ma- to thwart tho election. ,..ved n invitation from tho Hur- tlio mull contrnet went Into offopt, (lee, Floyd Mason, JI. Mud, T. I.utith. ' IWllovIng that bettor and moro o coinmlltoo to bo present nt tho and undor which tliy receive nbout A. Petrick, A. Olnryls, (1. Suerrn, S. Iniiirovemouts could bo voted pro- coromoiiy or driving tho goldon iplko. ?-'0 per month, tho large amount (irassy, M. Kolloy, II. Miller. JvIcUiir they had n larger share of . of plircoI poHt fop tll0 C(lu)u Vll. .voters, the citizens or Cooston nro ..., r ' 1,n l,,)n MtlwX "" " ''". IIIKUIM) O.N VACATION enthusiastically In favor of tho move. l.Mlilt.SW.HXKI TO LOOK 1K ,.(H1K,lt , ,,y b,at frm ,,or,. '" X"tlnn to KiiHtBlilo they see ()L,T ,,()U rilKVR KWINIM:it !- TIiIm alone makos it cr load 11 Ashor Ireland, of Portland, who street and harbor Improvements ror , , " f i.im.u has noon Hiieutllug tho past row days i'". in 11 cown iiko inoirs, RED010 HERE lind such misery now Oet tin small bottlo of "lSly's Cream Halm' nt any drug store. This sweet fra grant balm dissolves by the heni 01 iwii wuw ji Duiianam OM SOUTH HaS NO Trouble 111 CrOSSing In Hohoihius and vicinity, enjoying whore mnny property holdors nro ,,,,M Woi-hecJ .YoWi'twost Bar, TllOlinh 0n3 Sea iS M "ll"l vncatlon, will Itmvo ror lmtoo landlords tho voting or l'"'"' Sight Drarts o Tnlnn flimn Cfni-ii bl bo" oine time tills week Improvement has boon nlinost nn Conceins. RECEIVED FIIES FOR FIR SO SOS Taken Over Stern Having but little difficulty In cros sing the bnr the Itedondn arrived In t'ls morning from San Frnnclseo, ' bringing a cargo of frolght and a Itoseburg Review. ItKIIKKAIIS IX I (illAXIH. LM. Impossibility. Many of theso men . , , , now argue that annexation to Knst- T, ,0 onin, loo,n,,t for n ",m,nt, l.lo would mean 11 rnlslng or taxes. "w,1n"fp " nl'rH t banks with This has failed, ovldontly, to have ?? ,,,af,H, w,,leh ,mve ,,uo f"rK" tho deslrod ..rrnnt 0.1 ti. ,.mn,, nf ,s ,ho WHI"K K"t out by tho Hurui lllllll.'M tl-'lll on DlMniit nivi'rir..Mr..-'r h.mih in.'il'l ll-; .MAiiHiiFiKi.it iiakkiiy jinx Harry navvKiiis ana unaiics i uouey hmea and Allowed to uo on uoou nenavior When Hurry Hawkins and Ctiarles Coney wero brought before Police IIiiiII McIimo Will Heroine Sole ()iv iirr, Hiiylug UN Purl hit, .lohu IVleiN Out. Mit .rtalttllt. ... u .. 1 ..u uunnii, ipviiriraiog anil in the Inrniiivil, swon.n mBta: which Hues tho nnn k.i . throat; ijenrs tho atr iiassicct- tu- nnsty discharges nnd a ftrtitir leanslng, soothing relict cow,V inodlntely. , Don't lay awnk tonight i.-i; 4iing ror urentii, with head tttth: nostrils closed, linttKlng nail Ut't ng. uaiarru or a cold, mt running nose, foul mutoui in?,-. mo 1110 nireai, anu raw draoi i llhtresslng but truly neediest 1 Put your faith Jutt ox-l Kiy's Cream Iinlm" and fMrdl r uuurrli win surely dlitpitu,; For Snle by Hrown Drug Co. I SOUTH COOS III Villi IIOH j SMHVK'i: ( j I.APXCII IIXI'IIIXS I lcns Mai-sbflcld cur; dj, I H 11. 111. Lento IkmiI vf rint j at ;i::io . in. sti:ami:ii iiainhow I leaves lieiul or rltcr iblljf it?' J n. 111. Leaves MiioliIkM t S ' 111. lor chin tcr iipply in Ui j HOtHHS SMITH, Proprietor!. f k 11 t vihLi -RAU... rt ... .....', . wn...., .. - - ,-. "- .! I..,. .- . .. .. . ... r..... . .. . .. . ... passenger list or tlilrty-rivo. Arrlv- Tim Hobnkah ronvenilon of Union Cooston, who docalro they will voto ""l,' "" fs ot rorimn.i. mis nuuminoiii now ninrivs mo close of Judge liutler this niornliiK to answer lag orr tho bar, which Is still rough, county at U nnmi'lo wa attended by nlmoit In 11 body to become consol- , ' I,B8 wrked his game in several a long dispute waged by Umll Hel- ror flrlnK ofr rour blank cartridges ; " the cm.taln watched his ,.,..,ra nn.l n.r son .i.i..i. ...! u i.........m iv. Irtnlml with Kastsldo. own? of t,!0 ""rthwoHt n-i so rr mo nnd John Peters for the owner- ut midnight Filday, both tho young P. LotliarfJ MfiCUre followml l win. n 1.1 n o 1 a .1...., .i.,.t Tbu sniim Hi.lrit i now vMn,.t l,n" ,l00 sucCOfcHful In olii(ll:i the ship or the MarshriolU llakory. Hel- men entered a plea or guilty. Iluw-1 ATTOHXCV AT UVS iiu mull iiii.vis tinner uve " uuukiu uui uui oimiu itiruier- Kins, ciinrgttii only with disorderly now nn- foiiil iit . wan r I nml ".". will in r'li.Htf 1 ., ,.n ....,. T.., ( vw..rf, ,1 firm. held on a slmlliir ehaigo nnd also foi I . .. ,. afereo nnd dlwhnrglng flronrms within the city'-' " "cUULI ....... ,. ... .,..,, .. , .v, vim tin 111 iiiu utuiiiiiK l unun iiiiiu linn - - i"" " uiiiiuui . nM . . , ... . . , ,. ... , Inrgo sea broke ovor tho stern, but number of gueaU. Mrs. Zeltn Davis, nmonis tho residents of Kastsldo nnd PQr' lho ,na" tr"vo18 ,,,M,r flv no ,in" ",UKllt 0,,t tho 8,,ru did no dulnngo. 0) iTn presided. Mrs. Kate M. S. to'r luwysr, Oeorgo Watklns, ho-' "" nnniOH, having used .those ly owned by Petors nnd will Tho rollowlng Ih the list or passen- Undo, of Marshfleld. grand prosl- vo there Is no doubt but .what "f ' J; , ' , A",,0I7M,an' f""" Ja; J- " 7"' ownership or tho Bbrs who arrived rrom San Francisco: dent. hMhiihW. H' vtmx will bo strongly In fn- "". ." Smith and T. I.. lnl- !'"foro Arthur Pck. rore ROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR Prnpllfpe In nil rOO'U. Itooui y.i, I'lttimgnn lleDBrtl n i Mrs. Segninu. Mrs. Finn. .Mr. nml .Mrs. Westmorland, R. a. Mellon, J.l J. Voglo, J. L. Hrown, Mrs. Camden HOOPIXO Ivor or the conaolldntlon. ",u'- jiwhuij- appoiiuod receiver, 'ino toti- limits, was flutfd r, for oacl. of- l As to the Intervening stretch bo- l)"rrl1'el n "nn of botwoon 3B tlmony in tho onso haB been taken.' lenso. Unable to pay their flnos the ami -to . , ...... . . ' " "-- wo ..- . .. . ... hum .111 I'm ra i in ntiiiiniinn . ..ni. ...iiiiin ii'iii mi.. 11: ... ...i.i.... .i. . . ... If you need join- i-ouf iciniIioiI i'n 1110 iwo towns, this noiiovo .- r... ... ,a -.- ,..., T-- v..D.. ...n..., UIV ,11H were anoweu to go tree ou ineir nnd four children. I. Chandler. Mrs. mhi J. U. Hrlce. Phono H. '"o oltlwina, will ono day bo bridged , ' ,'1 """ P""" vo 10m eleven "i iv.o .eeKs 10 roiers. and also good behaviour. and a continuous, road established '""""" '" ""b1 "B i nuponrnimo ...i n. muera uoio or .iu. That they had In mind no trouble. ttvoon the two ' oiiwiioaa man and line a dark -(,ii io will pay their 1. Chnndlor, Cans. Kumolll, F. H. L'olf, Lena Llnderbock, Grace Under- beck, Mrs. Kornoll, A. C. Hourke, .1. her iiU. Ilaitest Hull ill Hugli' Hall, Octo. acrosa Cooa Itlvor betv KtcijIiiMly luv (ed. MHiiMJMiMMHHM towns. "ft- V rW- lie Armies of England, France, Germany and Russia are not permitted to use a pound of alum baking powder. The efficiency of the soldiers de pends too much upon their health and en durance to risk tlic use of food which the authorities believe would be detrimental. Therefore the manufacture and sale of the alum powder is prohibited. Royal Baking Powder is extensively used privately and by the military forces through out the world. Its absolute wholesomc ness, imparting as it does, healthful as well as appetizing qualities to the food, and its per fect keeping qualities in every climate and under different conditions, make it particu larly desirable for all conditions of use. YAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure J No Alum own attor- but merely ahot off tho nun In fun complexion. noy's foo while llelmo pays the re- was tho declaration nf th men this Ills method or operation Is to np- oolver and roforeo and tho other par-, m6rnlng before the Judge. Coney Is ponr at n bank sooklng Inrormntlon tnor pays tho expenses or court re- 3 cowboy rrom Klamath Fnlla, where about Innd In tho vicinity, thus giving porter A.H. I.oud, who hna been talc- i,0 stated It is quite tho practice to the Impression thnt ho Is contompjat- ' testimony for sot-oral days. At-1 "shoot out the lights" unci houce his Ing purchasing a business or ranch, torney W. A. Aekermau appeared, firing of n gun a long dlstnuco from ,mn wuriwiiK iiiniBdii inio mo goon ' mi. uui iininiiii, mm Hioii' the busluess renter of tho town 10 grncos or tno name omcials this man ""' noogo, lor I'etora, the defend of ninny iiiuiioh will prosont n sight '"' mart on a distant hank and If not miTUK iii'ii.liCIl Qcnornl Itepalrlng and Ck!s MnkluKi bono 349-J. N. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. f. I. ...... M.ltna'O t "" """"' ,,M ...-"-- Hiiecessrul In getting It cashed will loave It ror collootlon, first asking t'o linuker how long It will be liuforo he enn get tho returns. Thon loavlng tho town tho gnmo Is to wait until the admlttnueo bus arrived and thon call, ror It, insisting on hating it In gold.' This much or tho transaction loks1 NOHTII HKXD TIIXDKHS HICV. AXI) .MILS. HISKY HHl'HPTION n l.A..t.. .1ICP9IA i'.vor nnu.wi . vitiiniit rtniL's or aursery. fB! ,nd S, 237 South HL i .houo U2-L. . MrMeH pi evented nothing wrong to him. fluwklna, ns nn nccosaory to tho flr lag. is working here In town and has been for tho past eighteen months. Moth men staled that they had paid no attention to the approach of .lohu Otei- liir Attend Welcome Accnilcd C!lrr' ! wero not firing to scare MetlieclUt Pator Who Has 1 ',lm' a,rar'1 bollevoa that they wore. Heeii Heapiielnted. "Th:ee days and nights In Jail Is I fine ouoiigh for this business," was 1.k. il... -t n w . . . f .. .... .... w.itu iju pciiio last nig' 1 uouoya decision yesterday. Attorney U Wrinht phot ll'fl PBiinuitnM rum U hod on lw,l nn U M ?hnw Kye. Kar, Xso. and Th A CiliASSltt l ' " ......,..-. uii tit lit. .iiarni. """. ,,uifi lllscasch or women v.. m .! Ill.nnu s.in R00101 " I I 202, Irving Uloclt. genuine nnd the slgnntnios on tr-e united In the rneoptlon accorded Rev Crave characterised! the Jail as a dratts are Invariably gonuluo, but aiul Mrs. A. F. Hlsoy at the Nortl vermln-lnfosted hole." Thoy were havo been obtained rrom tho "victim" Ilond Methodist church, the oecasloi unth liberated yesterday when some by what is known as tho "hook trick.", being In honor or his roappolntiuon )f tholr frlonda annoarod and tendor- v ' 1 Tho swindlor has mot some rnrmor' Tor the fifth consoeutlve time to tha wiuio traveling and gots him to write ehnrgo. It was under tho nusplpo his unnio In what appears to bo an of the ladles of tho oliiiroh and va ordinary memorandum bonk. This Is ono of t,b finest ovents of the kliu 1110 name uuii appears on tno draft. , over held there. Tho church w WY HAHNAHD'S IMOS Hanks &'Koltlhngon, who recent ly secured tho contract to carry tho ' United State malla hetwuon Hoso burg and Myrtle Poln.t havo prnc- tlcally closed a deal, It Is said whore by thoy will tako ovor moro of tho equipment now used by C. P. Ifcun- 1 nl nt mm.l I.. ......... ... 1U- ::l nS t ' ,,:,,,,:r " ... r m . PM,Pi. , .,..... . North Hond gcnornlly to have .Mr. nn. ai most attractlvoly docoraled In groenr and dahlias. Two lioatulful holoi wero rendered by Ml uahr and Mla Anna Truman. Next on tho program wore excellent roadlngs by Miss Mc Donald and Mrs. Fltzpatrlek. M. M. Kxerltt In behalf of the con grogatlon iloltvorod tho ndilrosa ol -weloomo. In his usual hannv vol.. co oxpreaaod tno plensuro of th CtJXSL'LTlXO KiJiE i, 20G IrvUiS P10" Marshfleld. OftJ orricoa houo ioa-j Mrs. yoar. UUoy with them for another hoadqunrtors in tho bnrn now occu pied liy Mr- Harnard, at the cornor of Wusblugton nnd Hoso streets. Mr Hanks statod tailny that tew changes u'milil li.k moI. I. .i..t..4.iAl.. ... "" w ..... ... .....uiivtuiK mu ,.,,,. .., . ..., .,.. .. . line, and that the buslneae "". A H . ' .lUtt .ul,pe " stage line, and that the would bo carried on in the same enrerm mannor as under tho man agement of Mr, Harnurd. Most ot tlu present employes on tho staw lino will be retnlnej by Mes nnka nnd Kolilh.tgen Husebur Uevlew, Uev. Ilisey rosponded. saying theli work In North Heud had been mos .1? the coming year would be Ugliest li the history of the congregation. At the conclusion of tbe program delh lous ref 'eshnients were served. s appoarod and tender Qd the $10 ball in each enso. A ehnrgo of assault with a dan- ,. gerous woapon was first laid naaiust 1 N. 6. Chandler .. tho men hy John Olrard, hut Proso- 'J'j ''''., 'cJke UW cutlng Attorney Uijuvlst, comlug. 00'"8 MBrahfleldroreJO" M inini Loquiuo yesterday, talked with I ; . - the men, heard tholr evidence, and! .. Q -r.,rnpn deolared that thoro was nothing In WW. o. 4iVrTi TFfT .ho oaso to warrant such u cbargo. I Marshfleld, Orejon. Mrs. Olivia Edman,'Mjw I !. Will ' . JWKDISII I- ' ""'.VvtsTlfS Oil ; AM. 1'S S ,. ...orchil UtP' llw 1 -f j:J7 Coniniercliil iHenrik Gjcrdrum imaxo ixsTHi-mos 1'llOD 11......... it. .11 ... ii....i ..... ...1. .--.. iu.i in Ladies- nan, Ucti.i her Uil. Ktotyboih Intlted. IS HICNIKI) AD.MLSSION. Concerning the stowaway who nr--ived hero on the Rnooro from Chile ud who Is being cored for at North, 'end, a Portland paper says: "Christian Pedorson, a natlvo of An inavb ml. . n (..,.,! v? m. . -- ...Wl .. , UU)tt WKU , u oiuw-M tJo Anns. awa ou tho schonor Hnoore. Las . ' 1 nawll dunlitil nili.tluslnn l..i li, lTnlt-l il nntCnrl .rt d States by Immigration Inspector piANO Tl'NKH AM ."iurfU l. II. Harbour, who said this morning -eare orders at W. " 1 ii.it ii,i,iorc t ..f , ' do Company. . Di,nn " .... . .. . ......(, hum, -a b streei - t.... oviiivt uisfnaB. i no liiuuicraiiuu .ffkial has iintlfitd Capt Pahlmgron iinster of the Encore, that fill ri'Silin ihlft fni ttin i1Mi..tlnn i.i . .. .....,lln - - .- iCAHinnnrn oinm"' - . .. . t-ientlon rn .iHirtnlico Studio. 2U j 1'edtrt.eu abua.d tho tvsael." 1'boac l" i X.