mvm I hHllliillUffPWI iilllllj llPjitll IHiJfflBHf8Bf?8ffl pnTJM 'T itrT ''Aft-ftX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSXFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1914 EVENING EDITION. ., . . .. tf"g'''a , , ' r -l , c-r i 11 No use waiting YOU'LL like any number of the fall models that are ready for you now. No time-wasting de jays; just step in and wear your new suit away if you want to. Hart Schaffner & Marx bavc maclo elollius-niiikiugn perfect science; they've curehilly eln.s.siliecl the human me and have produced models to meet ev crv demand. coiorkun.rtscUfo-rfc&um This is important,; fabrics are chosen that best suit the individual from an artistic as well as practical standpoint. For ?18, .$20, .$2.") and more you'll get: clothes a custom tailor would charge double the money for. Woolen Mill Store 77 mI ore is llic home of Hurl Schaffiivr & Marx Good Ololluat. MAKSJlbMlSLD. tfOKTll J J END - R!5 0 mwm BREVITIES TIDKS FOR OCTOHKH. Below Is given tliu lime and light of high aud low water m inrahflold. The tided nre plncod In tho ordw if occurrence, with tliolr times 01 ho first Hun nnd heights on th ipconu line or enen uny; a, compar son of consceut,lvo heights wll In lento whether It Is' high cir low rfjitor. For high wntor on the bat Ki'htrnrt two hours 34 minutes. I'JJIlrs. . 2.18 7.48 1.1 G 8.39 Ft... fi.7 0.9 G.9 0.8 wcro given the "high sign" to "heat t" They called their Inspection off ml took tho high road out of town Settle on (Tiicken ltnncli. Mrs. 12. 0. llnll and son Frank went to L'oqullle this morning fiom thoi' homo nt Sumner. They have pur- based n chicken ranch thcro at tho ilgo of town nnd expect to make' their homo thcro permanently. Mr.' 13. O, Hall, formerly lived in Mnrsh-j leld nnd later moved to Siimner, where ho had a general store. Ho died last July. What do you do? hen you want IIARIWAHH, 8TO.'K8 mid fjl'T"0 9X87 Why Sco KCItHOKHBH .V IIIM)KNtllLNl.. YOI' !.)() TIIV'. 8.IK when you wiiut IMiUMLlUNQi 11KATINO and UKNKHAL RKPAIRS. Sro . Schroed r & Hildenbrarid llniilwmc nntl IMiuntiliiK' '" . The Delicatessen Qo, ;,."' 113 Jfortli Second Street. iv iOHrs.. 3.0!) 8.30 2.55 9.20 JFt... 5.G 1,3 7.1 0.9 JljUrfl.. -1.0 1 9..1I 3.37 10.15 JFt... r..r. i.o 7.0 0.9 22IlrH.. 4.54 '10.01 4.20 It. 09 JFt...G.t 1.9 C.7 0.8 -23llrs. . 5.52 10.55 '5.10 0.0 Ft... 4.8 2.3 C.f 0.0 lljlIlB.. 0.0C G.57 12.00 C.07 3 fr 4 Klglitci-n Oiiiico Apple A hugo vtravciiHtlcn npplo weighing IS uncos wbb sent to Secretary Mot ley of tho Chamber of Commerce yesterday from tho. ranch of It. W. Lundy who linn an orchard on tho Coqulllo river near Myrtle Point. Tho npplo Is without a blemish aud al most porfect In Its Hhopo, showing clonrly what can bo dono with np-J pics In Coon County. OUR SPKCIA LB Heady nt nil times of, ttio. tiny. Ahvn frety, cooked ntul our own nuiko. I twist Roof, Pork, Lniuli,; ,9?;i ,. Lonf, Tongiio, Lnmli 8tow, Href Ntew, Mcnl 1'Ich, ', I.N SALADS Vcgvtnblo, Potato, Cold Slmv, Crab anil l',"l'v Scolloped Potato, Com, Spaghetti. Mtit'nronl, ltonn, (lI.of, .Drown -llrcml, UUciiiIn nnd Puddings. , , . $ ' ', Coke, pics nud Vntry of All Knd?, ,,, T-i''-' PKHKOXAL ATTB.NTION fllVKN TO SPBCIAL OHDKHB PHICUS HKASONAI1LK THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. mferf l - WKATIIKIt FOHKCA8T t II r A.ra.ltil I'm. la t'M. n rimn, j OIUJOON Fair In west, pnrt- ly cloudy, probnbly rain In cast, j with variable winds, mostly nor- j j thcrly. LOCAL Ti:MPi:ilATUItl2 I I iti:rom For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:43 n. in., Oct. 21, by Ilenj. j Ostllnd, KpoclM govorniuent me- j tcnrnloglst: j j Mnx'muiu Gt j Mlnlmuni 43 j At 1 : 4 3 n. in. . , 15 j Precipitation ....;....' 29 j Precipitation Slncu' Sopt. 1, j 1,914 1G:10 j Precipitation samo period, Ii1ko Hcie'im OperntloiiH Tho bucket dredgo Oregon was nioved up opposlto tha hunter's cabin nt the bond of North Inlet last evening and this morning will bogln dredging op-' orations. Tho drodgo will work nbout two miles up the canal nnd will probnbly bo finished within tho next three weoks. From there tho Oregon will bo moved over onto llnyucs Inlet for drudging, llavo Xot UotiuitHl. John Van (turgor nnd Al Sprnguo of Ton Mllo.i tho fathom of Itay Vnn Uurger nnd I Albion Sprnguo, who wcro rescued by tho Tillamook nfter being out five. j dnyn In n disabled gnHolIno Inunch. woro In Mnrshtlild today, Tho boyB nro atlll barbound at Ynipilnp on thoj flllnmook nnd thny linvn not soiu' nny additional partlculnra to whnt has been printed. j SOCIAL CALH.NDAK. k Grand . - Along the Watertronl.- p 4 - AMONG THE SICK .- last year Wind: SouthwoHt, rnlny. 8:15 cloudy and Tho Speedwell crossed In ahortly -MnU Tnplo, who was operated on nfler noon today from S.m Pedro nnd "ovorul days ago at tho Mercy Hon I - IIOUN. o-Nigh t iinor iHiiin iiiii.i irum I'uiuu una "- - " -- - i.Mtit"KaO 1 San Francisco. She came In over tho l,ltnl for "PPcndlcltls, Is recovering JJri;kB0J, ,)f oar wiinout nny irounie. ........... ThlH moriilnit the Dnlsv flniUby nr- '""! Armntning Is getting bettor, lived In from Portland, bringing the, " hnvliiR undergono a serloiiH op lookn for1 Stolen. Proixdlor l.i Tower went on a tour of lnvestlgn- tlon tlilH morning, Henichlng for u brnss propellor that was Htolen from i his boat nbout throe weeks ago. In vestigation at tho Nolson Iron Works brought no trnro of tho missing nrll- do and Mr. Tower la hoping Hint furthor unenrthlngs of tho thofta of To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar nuiiKor mil, n on. :,. ,.,. ...... vu ,,,. ,,,,,, Mother nnd child aro doing nicely. """ ' i'v.u " - i i imAitnllnK i ipropollor. first shipment of ra'.lH and bridge timbers Tor tho big Willamette Pnel fle bridge at North llrml. 8 o Is ex pected to leave for San Francisco on Friday. Tho (leorgo W. IJ'iler waB duo to cratlou a few dnys ago at tl.e Mercy Hospital. Tiilu-s lluslntH.-rrMr. Oswald, who recently purchasod Urn, Pnlnco Moat The ninth episode of tho HIIIII.S OF I'Al'LI.NU Pui!no Is tho loading light of tho nrrlvo off tho bar from Portland at :lei. Iter name means u crowded ffr tmt iniiV tinuunuolnn (nut !! II V MIhh Iluby Cumpbell, who hns been """"" ""'. i-"-" " ' Will SiMMk. Nov, fianiUol (Ircggcnrnor of visiting rolntlvoH hero, Is reported ill nt tho A. II. Campbell homo. Iturelv Contn.iclH Contracts for tho heating, plumbing nnd tho wlr- I lug of tho now Stnr Theatro, on tho "cornor of Third streot nnd Centra J will ilnllvor a storooiitlcoii Boniion at nvonuo linvo noon nwanieu, nicoru- Androw l.andles, who wits oporntod lll0 nunI0r nill school ho'nso UiIb lug to Architect Turpln. Tho Plo ou for nppendlcltls nnd other com- n..i,, , neor Hardware Company will Install "ir. Hits nfioriioiin mid It Is thought "UcnlloiiH hist Friday ut tho Mercy it i tho lientlng apparatus. Peimock Pros Wi:DNIC8UAY. Presbyterian Sllvor Ton at thi) church, j llnpllstAld Pink Tea. j Princllln Club with Mrs. Hush. O. M. C. Club with Mrs. N. U. j Hntnns. Young M,ntroiiB with Mrs. Nell j MncMlllnn. North Ilcnd Slstorhood Social j with Mrs. Olndmon. Mm, I. II. Ilnrtlu outortalns j for Mrs. Campbell and Miss j Cnmpbell. TllUlt8l)AY. j NorUi I.lend Altar Guild with j Mrs. Thos, Chnpman. A. N. W. with Mrs. M. C. Ma- loncy. Norwegian Lutl'ornn Young j I.iidteR' Aid with MIsh KIhIo Lnr- son. Kastsldo 8i)vlng Club with Mrs. Walter Itohortaon. Fill DAY. I LndlQs' A;t Club with Mrs. I F. L, Sunnier. by Kplscnpnl (Iu1d. Hnrvout Uull ut Kuglcu' Hull , it liked character tu motion pic- :rft hullno corners tho nttonduueo. Ut her tonight. rtt'ben War Threatens." A (loo. iWa attraction In two parts. A sr of n foreign spy who marries we. SIo Is tho best known nnd "ho will Imvn no trouble coming In us both tin) speeiiwoii anil tuo i(e dondo arrived thlH morning. Wo:d from tho Capo Arago light house Is that none of the boats lying, nt anchor Inside linvo boon nblo to get nut today. Slnco early t; Ih morning tho Naiiu Smith laid at an- .lAdmlrnl'H iimiuliinp! lmw ho f.rut rhor eloso lo tne noniiH, inn h i vmit In a stepping stono to hlu doubtful If alio will uttonipt tho out :il destruction. Delightful and. imssngo. '$! icmatlonnl. An absorbing ' 'or; o( nilventuro. ' "Fleeing from tho Flcns." A rlp- Nrlog comedy with Until llolaiid N John Ifronnon of tho Kalom '"Bfdy t'oinpnny. pVAYSTIIi: HUST AND PLU.NTY OF IT Children, 5i; nilultu, 15c. Tomorrow n'ght. tho (Irnuil olght- e orchestra, composQd of Coos fVi first cholio mtislclnns. FrHiiy night, "Clnssmatos," ono tbe finest productions over pro- Ned In photoplay. Mndo by Kluw ' Manger. Hospital, Is now ablo to sit up In bod. iSt J.TOIE. HOTIELS Sell IHniiN. Tho 5000 bond Is- will linvo tho plumb'tig and tho wlr-i CnnQ (,nwn fr01 Ca(c,g inot nuo of tho Hnstppv't-Llbhy First Addl- ' will bo Installed by C. A. Lang- (m n B,101,ns ,rJn 5tlon school dlHtrlct hns been sold worthy. No doflnlto tlmo Ih sot for MMK JUNNK twrW, (o ,,, ,10J1)0 and today they aro being signed up tho finishing of this work though morning after visit- ... it mill Im iMiititiiiiwu)il 1 111 mnil III I It IV. for uoiivory. , " - " . llu'on Cooh liny. hi.. i. i.. m,...wvVorkln.r for OLAUY8 DAVIS, uccompanled by her. "f V'.'f "' " " " T SSmimkA inothor, Mm. Davis, caiuo In (rom Ten Mllo yesterdny. Itl'Y A.N rP.'IX).TIIi:-.MINl'Ti: I wak map wiiili: Tin: j Hl'PPLV LASTS j They Aro (Jolng I'lit j The Clinudler Hotel. II. K. Smith, Portlnnd; W. n. Heed, Oardluer; Petor Oborlo, Port- WJCOAl laud; P. Howard, Senttlo; C. Fllnn, flold Uplscopnl church. Ilauijon; L. II. Ilnxnul, Conulllo; O. cH om ilui-eka, Tho Oco. W. W. Starr, Coqulllo; C. Kd Jo! nson, Kidor .will cut out hor trip to Kii- Portland; Mrs. C. D. Drown, Los roK this weok nnd on hor nrrlvnl Angolos; C. II. Mlllor, Hnndon. horo tomorrow will turn bark direct The SI. L'lwivnco Hotel. j0 portlnnd III order to get back on II. M. Pruott, Portland; Ted M. hor schedule. Sho was delayed by Stiles, Portland; NoWlo Donovan, Ta- tho rough bar at Kurnka last weok. Itmikip Here L. II. Hazard, tho Conulllo bunker, wns In Mnrshfleld "oro than n weok Harold Stutsman .,.,.,,.,!,. ., n.nM..r. nnnnnntn.1 vvltll llllll (lOnlOII Slllltll, OIlglllCOrB Of tllO tho building of n now Odd Fellows' fro depnrtmont, have complotcly H. J. IIU8SI0LL, of Cntcl lug Inlot, Tomplo there ' lovqrhnuled tho big stutlonury fire- cuiiio down on tho boat this morn- ...'.. c , ai ..... ...... onglno whlqh will ho tried out tomor- lug for n visit horo. r ill -nhnoi house 'thi. ov.nlnc at " "Tactically all tho valves havo hBWI8 nUIIUQOB. of North Inlet, boon roground and tho engine ih cnmo down to tho city today on n now kopt on hand for emergency 8hort business visit, purposea. Today a side approach to AU(,U8T CAHLSON. of Allegany, tho flro Htntlon wbh begun. This CJ10 (,0W) ()U ,MJ ,,ont t,,,H ,mjrn. will ullow tho tukliig of tho Binuller , f()r H,U)rt vIbH ,ir0f i. .. ilwi ..!.! ! iiiwl lull I ' ?' : . z:: ' 7 ,.k mub. w. j. Uqwap " tho front of tho tliilldlug. kor Hill school house this evening nt 7:30 thoro will bo dlvlno sorvlco con ducted by tho rector of tho Mnroh- TOM JOHNSON of Myrtlo'oTrnT'cnrhe over on tho noon tr.aln today and will remain until tombrrpvy'look lng nftor business nrfalrs., , ' W. It. DUNMAR, of L09 'An;oulwMo )ipB boon In North Bbnii for; the past two months went vdoyii -to Ilnndon this mornlnu Iq. Mt, with lila.hrothor-ln-lnw, D.. Q. Iay,worth. PETKH OpmtLIN, Inspector .of tqam ballorn for tho Hnrttord:,Irt' huranco Company, arrlvod ljoro yesterday to look nfter tho corn imny's risks here. CJTC. S 15 WING AtAOinNEB. , HIMIKIl AND WIIKKIiKft 4N WHSO.N 8oIiik MnchMies tor wl? t,r rvnt. 8ICtHND-IIANI .MAOHI.NKri of. nil Ulnils. Clennlnic mill rmlrfruc ill, iiuichlneM. W. J. IUTA, plionfe JMIUX. JJII Park Ave. " ' r V "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY it.: WANTi:i Hec,oiiil-)mml 8 It. p. Itoll or and en pi no. Ad'JrcBii Y.,t cao Times. ' . VOll IIK.NT Ncejy fiifiilliwl Hi- room hungnlaw. Modorn cqnvort,. loncos. No chlldrin,, PJiiono S2-R VOW. HUNT Hoiii.okcflpl.iiir rwinw tu tho Illack Aparmdi( IIpv'iio. Phono 108-IL ., ', . (; I'OH 8ALH SO Itliwio4 fsVanil Hcds, Phono 10-J. . '' ' ' 4.. I .' ,'.'' j , itm VOl Hi;,NT, Dairy riiiiijll, stwk;r sale. Call or wrlto' , . Ohr;, Allegany. ' , i., WAN.TED v n !Fr"oV WANTUD Hooflnir ork. need your roof repnlrod boo , J, L. Ilrlco, Phono 89, ' VJ" coma; II. Shaft, Spokano. Tho lilniico IliiU'l. PERSONAL MENTION - Royal Theatre TONIGHT Dn!el Krohinan prcsonta tho colo- 'r,, film favoilte, MAIIY PICK fORD In UKAiiTS ADIUFT." A "J'c ronitinco of tho sea. of tw'o Uajr8. Produced In motion nlc- ) the Fa,s Piyor8 fh, Co. m Iiop ,nn ,,. AMumont sconlc fl.m, containing ),,,, p0i, ,,or ton ? """ i-i'nes or liriton lira n c- nr hnif ton oi uoiu n. ... JOHN CAHLSON of Catching Inlot wiih n visitor In tho city todny. JOHN NKWKIHK, of Loon Lako, ,MH8. was n visitor horo yostorday. MI18, FHKD MK88K1U.K, of Catch ing Inlet, wiIh hero shopping. Mltsj T. 8. SMALL wiib down today shopping from North Inlot. SAVE-MONEY by oideilng the famous Henryville Coal r"iue France Niagara Falls In fia"ner time. j ttVK Iti:i;i.s OF ALL XKW PICTLHKS. er floor, 15c. nalcony. 10c. "N'T FAIL Tn rwr iinniiTiM" p er woiulprrni ,,iirin0 h.-m j.1. (oii.iuim, .in... i s iransformatlniiK a UipIH in rrr foot of fi'm. Horo tomorrow fm onlv "tCh for "TDPV r fimnWllii lrreat. I). MV8SK.N, Prop.1 Phono 18-.I, or leave orders at Hlllyer'H Clmir Stir. PHONE 1KQJ? 10 Cent lJO n Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 8enkH Here Dr. Ilorthn Stunrt of tho UnlvorBlty of Oregon will spenk Claronco Wlltso, Midland, Mich.; J. hoforo a meeting of tho Mothors and Moore, Dolinn-; John Honly, Coalndo; Teachers' Clul) of Oregon horo Thurs- .lohn Mnnnhniinn, Coos Illvor, Myrtlo tny nfteinoou nt 4 o'clock, Tho Point; Ilny Doviiult, Myrtlo Point; meeting will bo nt tho High 8e onl W II. Myers. Myrtlo Point; II. W. building mid nil Interested In school WIIMiib. Lnkosldoj K. B. Dcndor, wori nro Invited. Myrtlo Point; W. Jones, Myrtlo initiate Two. I). I. Mngeo, tho II I innlnf Itllin IlllllTO. u.l.nlnaiiln .ltinv an Irtum tin mill JfllW .The Lloyd Hotel. McDonald, of IHuo Itldgo Tiger fame. JOIJN HAYDBN, or Catching Inlet II. Larson, Portland; K. Inilrof. aro to bo In'tlatcd by the Marsh- wijb horo today on huslnoBs. Myrtlo Point; John F. Matson. Catch- riold lodgo of Blks this evening nnd B. C, HAItKBIt was a visitor In tho lug Inlet; B. Young. Ilnndon; James n inrgo number of their friends nro city today from Allegany. Jordan. Lakeside; Bdward Jordan, pinnnlng to bo out and bco that tho, F. W. DBItTUAM loft today for Cal- fieorgo Hunter, Portland; S. O. Stan- Antlers aro properly Bet. I'9"' n short huBlnoss trip ley San Francisco; Hubert 8. Mooro, Movo VoiIiik Pla On petition of Z. T,. THOMAS of Allegany was n ABhland. tho citizens of Bastport, presented visitor In tho city today ou hual-, . to tho county court, that body has ne;ss. , nn he rumovul of the ool- MILO PBTBHSON caiuo down today 'ling place from Llbby to Eastport from Lakesldo on n short business where tho election will ho ho'd In trip.- -h Howard wcro In tho city todny from North Inlet 011,0, Bhopplmt trip. Mil. AND MHS. J. Q. HllinOrJS loft todny for Drowsier where thoy ox1 pect to spend 11 week deer hunting. In tho mountains. 11. 11. iibmbnt of Myrtlo Point Ih spending 11 few tlnys horol p with hor aunt, Mrs. W. P. Mur- WA.NTKD One lojiuslw wlti wxl team for heavy logging' work. 'AjR; ply Shlpuinu & Hunting, 307 CoVjb HldB. ' V TIK MAKKII8 WANTBD .Men Willi outfits only. Camp provliTod nt alio of work. Closo to MarsTifleld. (lood whlto ccdnr tlmbor. Cash payments. App'y to Bhlpmnn & Hunting, 307 Coke Hulldlnff. phy, and tlio Ijay. with other friends on FOR SALE ;r-. MI18. ItOHT. B. HItOWNINO, arim-1 FOH HALK Oil THADB Smftll farm piinlud by hor slater, Minn Myrtle for property In North JHbhilj ti' lliicli'nau, hns returned to Wash-' enfo of Tlmns. ... ,,', v ! lugtoii City for n short visit with . : -.;:.. hor family. FOIt 8ALK CHI-JAP Wigtown, 1 C. II. HALL has leiiKod part of t'.io; doors, cpmploto with frames 'and, ulso hoiho flooring. Call. .- at . t ; XOTICB TO IIIDDI.IIS. Notko Is hereby given that School tho now school hoiiso. Llbby waa bo W. M, WArbiis, or .-Norin imoi, w District No. 9, Mara' field. Coos fnr away, stated tho potltlon. that a, vUltor in tho city today on husl-. County, Oregon, will recelvo bids for very fow people could take tho tlmo now. tho construction of a building and nd trouble to go there nnd vote. MISS IIUHY CULVBIt camo down( gymnasium on tho school groi Hero fop .MratlnK C. F. Fllno. Bjwpping moay iru... vun:.....,, ..,- near tho High School, bids to bo opon- local manngor at Handon of tho le. ' ed ot the office of John F. Hall, In Robert Dollar mill, arrived In tho TOM, PBAKB, of Hnynoa Inlot mndo B Fnld district at 7:30 P. M. Octobor ity yestordny niid will attond tho u sljort biiB'ness trip to tho city yes- "4.1911. Said building to bo con-' meeting this evonlng of tho members tprdny. ,1, !... .:....,,.. .!. , lAf-tf FMiu.Kn left today for San struoted accoruing to mo pinnu ww 01 1110 omii m jraiuuuijr nu ... ..-.- ---- . snonlficatlons niepared by Wtn, O. to organnze an nlumnl chapter W. F, Squires house on ingorsoii. .....I ....,,,.., M.u Hall I llrmJ Dnlnnii K,rtl, rion.l HVr I'illll, UIIU IJi;uuin ",, i.ii.ui. ...iww,,, . w.... iiii . J 'I and family to join him soon. Thoy FOIt 8ALB OH TIIADB FOR UtAt. nro coming from Hood Illvor. Ho! kMTAT: 1913 Cadillac, .' easy Is tho now mniinglnu owner of thi?! tonna, no Interest. Apply ;Mm?rr Coos Hay Homo Tolophono Co. , sor'Forry, lllanco Hotel. . ' . ' V. MRS, DR. J. W. MORROW, of Port land, arrived this nftnrnnon on the Bldor to visit with hor boh, Drt B. V. Marrow. FOR RENT TTTJ 11 5'J' '.', , :: t nf- TSwI- 1 111 M . rtr . i... D. I. MOBB roturued today from a FOR RB.NT Furiilxfil flatsTiJind business vltdt to Burokn, coming houses, pnono 41?; iufM' lip on U0 ueooijMV uum o"u - T . 7, ' . ,L- .'.'.?'.W"1 rUm. ."". "" ' 11 "miNMKLL. n f Pasadena. Cal.. now' ,. ( ....r... , -- In went up (0 Myrtlo Point, this morn ing whoro ho Is expecting to got a numbnr of panorama, photo graphs. HK.T Iriw 'Yrpht'reVmSi y fmiilahccU with lieatA'Ajftrf 4th street North. ' 'f Francisco where ho oxpects to lo- 7 Clwndler, architect. Bidders will he the office of ur. mou, or orin n. , ..... ,, Uv F. W. I'AYNB and vljo wH moye Birj.ll.lir.H.Hn.l nuo ' -' i... i, tl. Anna A nn rl man II IRVING BLOCK 'tysZZldt&fP Marshf leld's Leading Fashion Centre, Watch Oar Windows. Into the Myrtlo Arms Apa.rtnitfnts 8at.urday having Icaaod tholr homo 1 nt Fifth und Ingersoll for tho win- tor, MRS, W. IT. McplI.L, returned to ... . . jnnnDi. o nariiai nhnnk rion.l Mr Plltm u'.is a member of R irniurHd iij uciiupil i-v,.,..v v".. w.... . - - - . ... , of 5 per cent of amount bid to be the fraternity at Purduo University. tojiny from Allegany visiting anu forfolted In caso bidder shall bo nHie-t City Ja'l Porhaps John shopping. .... awarded contract and fall to enter Jackson and Charles Benson had M SS ORBTCHBN IIAN8BN. of AMo. Into same within flv days after not- heard Attorney Graves speak slight- ijany. was horo today on a short lr0 of acoptance. T Hoard reserves Ingly of tho city jail and therefore VPP"S '""' ..,, ain fir home In, Ujuidon th's mprnlng ,,,, KVp the right to reject any nnu nu m wnnien i iuin-ri u m nn - - nnor n visn nero un nn. m- anil to accept n hid not f 0 lowest words. At nny rale the two ine'i .jown today for n Hhorj visit rroi qno w,)p wpU mqk fw a vIl) n ease they shall deem the blddor secured a night's lodging thore nivl CatchliiK Inlot. .In Handon. most responsible. this mornln appeared before Police J. J. i'AKKBK was iir ".., . Jf), Dated at Murahflold. Orci;on, this Judso Uutler and pienao-i euuiy 10 - isim-M nwin v " y ... ..... . IQ11 l.nVIni? n "llln too much." TllO Illg InlCf. 1 U u ' john p.' HALL, Judgo'B face actually brightened as CHARLES THOM, of Lakeside, wa Clerk of School District No. 9 the men appeared. It had been two nere lonay iuukh.s ii Matshfiold. Coos County. Ore- vuole dais since bo had had nny litialnesB. ' - 1 OAT. HU nlfiinl MrtMlt. 'l" TVV P."WV 41"IIIK ,, FOR RlJVr a newly fMrnithfd ronma wltlv hot-nnd cbid' (ite. bath, flno view of nay, closo (n, 3 per. week. Apuly 1J4G 2nd St. N phono 35C-R. m " v FOR IIK.NT... Rooms xvttfa bathCai North Focond street. DoHlpalile fiiPHlslusl ot iinturiilshed Iiohhoh. ,l'r a, Kauf. mai and' Co. r v m bo me IN O'CONNOR loft today for 8an ..0R HKCT W,A(,l?SHd liUu ranclsco Uftef rmvltjb spent spiiia (uriilghed. froiit rdoH."i3 w'flii on tho Bay looking after' wth beard '$7. ' rfi. &. interests. While horo he "?" 'lbltoru on this ehargo. men MR. AND MRS, J M. OULLBY tlmo property superintended tho orectlon of a FOR HKNT Lara; (rant room fur w i. nl.l....i. ...... nla' nil tliiltnk1 . T m . " siimmor couago ai ohihkih nira "hibm w mini 104 Murkuf f -v V :n J I Tho i gon. Inlet. I .2dUsM. , mmtammmtmsesm EjWEJ 1 Sip WfSITW