:LiL ZT 8AM4 OV SCHOOL ',irT I!0-Vl,s' , , hereby s" " -"- " . ,.-iifi(v(l. Coos Coun- ,Vftl'll oifcr for unto $10, tt ... ...iiimii bonds. 20 l. i,or cent ."! - IB If" I ...l1. i .tr nt rioT.d to" i; o,od m SofJohn K. Ha". said .Yin I M. October -2 1. A .Hrnl-tOM Of Willi district i. fUht to Jl y nml all deposit ot b per t' ' in. i.iJs. to bo forfoltutl In ji thall bo awarded anil par i8S shall rcfuso to take up J . Morslifldil. Oregon, Oils 1 0f October. 19 i JOIliN 1'. IIAHIJ, .,-,1, nf School District No. 9 jiitfafield, C'008 County, Ore :(in rttflf4rW-tf-iVf-1 TUC fMlfln JWI.llBtWWIlfHIIMlBBM - -.-.i-. .. .. Jt . -.-. ..L-.......,.I -.4. . .. ,uuuua aM ,IMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, T91 -EVENING'1 EDITION eware pnn: ;r: :;?ffllJHlW!: , ! 'MiflFgJBRiPja L-;.-i . ui ?i-it$r, i if ifflw ? i ? -. ff,remfrM f 1m-In m Voters B The Denial Trust, with a Jill ifs linwuvPiil wr. i;;....i .. . J '" i'" jiiinii iii'ir.'iiiiviiiifiti ;,, ,,.,...!.. " w.r,,, li3 un) UJ Id- o "si,HKKT ST. W. ii& om is . n"w Iprepnloio"1:8 lw?." T " H it n """"i'.r.v'" ' f.i;' L- .trpsscs. A trial or- I, requested. See our now books of I'nrls fashions. Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 IcM-Xortli Hcnil Auto Lint l-rr ten minim's innii o a. rn to 1-; " i'. '" Rates for mdling Trunks linl trunks between any polnti f,f!nld nnd do general hauling fonable rates, tlUXSFIvIl .M STORAGE CO Ul llelsticr, Proprietor inrs: !-.), ii'-i. iim-u L.VEVS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS kind of llrlek Work ot I Prices That Aro Right I til Hoi It Guaranteed it 'Tho Fireside," JohnBon 137 Second St. Phono IhRingcs. Dollor Work I LAWRENCE HOTEL. Ihtat, hot nnd cold water Id horn. Monthly rato $15. Of p. Day rates 7fic nnd up. hat a few Skat players.) ipivnii mill i, , en -----w tlllll uiiriii to clcleat the denial i-oform bill. I" every towli and city iiiciiiljcra of the Trust arc out working against the bill. The Medical Trust is helping the Dental J rust by rowing nurses and druggists, under tlu-cat of l,0y,(,tt, to work against dental re iorin. M kinds of campaign lies are being circula ted to deceive (he voters. Don't let the Trust scare you. The Trust made the present dental law. Un der tin's law it controls the State .Board of Dental Examinersevery member of that board is a member of the Trust. Jn this way competent dentists aro kept out; of Oregon and the Trusl prevents competi tion and keeps up prices. Vote Yes X 340 And Bust the , "County Cert Proceedings :-"" . v -A (Continued .from esterday.) fce , . 22.73 L. 11. Sellers, labor 1 16.00 John P. llnll, oxp.'- .ejenm. ; The Coqulllo Valley Sentinel, C. B. Hnle, labor $7.50 roads - V, .. .$27.04 Arthur Mlllngson, Coffins ' Supplies, Assessors office Wright & Gordon $ 20.00 h- w 0t,t,' Expenses serving Dental Trust ""- " . Painless Parker, Dentist Bill and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon. - " - - - lERCHANT'S CAFE Pop Lfor FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK Prices Reasonable. Commercial & B'dw'y oldkst hank i.v coos countv ICHtiilillhlicil lHHt). 'E THAT ROOF FIXED Capital, Surplus and Undivided " See CORTHELL o r. tnCAnn Phone 3171. Profits $115,000 . Interest I'nlil on Tlmo Deposits s cli:am;i and phkss- -Sl'ITS JAIH TO OIlDICIt Officers: aii; is A TltlAL J W lli'"'PU. I'teslilent. gUE PANTAT0RIUM J "' TK wluiEa.ier. OQMi. & c. O DAQOETT Ceo. 1 Wlnrlie.-.ter, Anst. Cashier. Central Ave. Phono 2C0-X. I II. O. AuderMon, Supplies Poor Farm W. O. MntthowB, Onions Poor Farm Frank C. Pursloy, Jldse. Poor Farm It. S. Knowlton, pnu?s, Poor Farm 11.78 II. X. I.orenz, Sldso. Poor Farm James Hntchor, Apples, etc., Poor Farm M. II. Ilersoy, Mdse., Poor Farm tleo. A. Koblnson, Mdno., Poor Farm P. K. Drane, .Mdse., Poor Farm 10.70 W. II. Mansell, Untiling Ce ment, Poor Farm Walter Culln, Med. Alluml. Poor Farm T. N. Ilrown, SinlthiiiK. Poor Fnrm ' Coos Day Orocory Co., Gro ceries for Mrs. Johnson . . Coos Hay Grocery Co., Gro ceries for Anest Coos liny Grocery Co., Gro corlcri for C. T. JohiiHon. . Coos Hay Grocery Co., Gro ceries for Win. Oliver .... i City Grocery Co., Groceries for Mrs. Hwlng City Grocory Co., Grocqrles for Mrs. Larson 1 1.0.' City Grocory Co., Grocorles ' for Mrs. Wakefield 10. 15 City Grocery Co., Grocorles for Mrs. Negnl 19. .10 Huh Clothing & Shoo Co., Clothing 2.1.20 j J. K. Wotit, Meals for Kil Daly 2.10 Geo. P. Goodinnn, Painting I Court House S7.G0 ; Clms. Mathlson, Painting Court House 02.15 iT. M. Drunker, Painting Court House 39.10 I Claud Ford, Painting Court I Hoiiho -IS. 15 1 George Mohl, JLnbor, Court Hoiiho .,r 23.75 J. A. Liimb & Co., Suppllen Court JIouho C.75 Gondnutu & Gooinnnn, Paint Point House . .' 1.70 Kline & VonUPogort, Gnso llno, Court llpusq, 4.10 iui!iiiie iiiiniwnre uou nuw. , 1.55 4.U S.35 18.05 9.00 2. SO 3.90 5.00 3.50 5.1 r. 19.00 1.10 15.30 2.30 10.25 papers Tho Coiiuillo Valley Sentinel, Printing, Sheriff's office.. Coos liny Harbor, Printing Subpoenas, Sheriff's office Hill's Studio, Photo of Kelly for Sheriff C. A. Gage, 13x. as Deputy Sheriff W. W. Gage, Ex. Shorlf f . . . W. Gnsa, I5x. Sheriff's offlco . . . . ; Coipilllo Hardware Co., Sup plies. Co. Surveyor U. S. Knowlton, Supplies Co. officers W. II. Mnnsoll, Freight, Co 25.50 1 Will Sllngsby, labor $10.00 Anderson, Klookers & .Co., n-c- . George Drynnt, lnbor $15.00 Cont. It. I)., No. 3 . L .$2751.38 13.45 OcorBo T. Hermann, labor ...f 47.25 wnmcll0 Vavm ., fco.,' ro? ' Ml Piorson, labor ; . $5.00 tuIul , 1JBt Nd ' . . . 313 5.00 1. Strong, supplies .. ...$71.95 ,-, ' , ,. Mi ,- i.v v. .T.,t,.,. i i...J tii or. O. C. Harry, hauling, It. . No.- ... M UU....OU.I, 1UIIIIIUI . . l I.OII , n tn.i r.n ft.r.n Mt. l'olnt-DouulMR Co. Lino HimiiI .. . " . '" ? !. Xo 18 II. N. Harry, a-c Coos Bny Wag- a.oo'c. A. Darker, stumping $93.75'.," LW"' No' " '" v'?nv0'0? llnnla Hose, labor $28':oot1' S' AIb,e,rn"thjr' B"c GW"apy?'ro 08.20 W. H. Smith, blacksmlthlng ..IBO.OOL Wngon ltd. No. 12 .... .,.$307.50 ( 83.00 ilo Mast, labor $27.00, .ard Ilnrtloy n-o Coopoi 11.- JFred Jarvls, labor $47.00 , Urn ,l,K No' 17 ' ' - W0 . r. rr.G. K. Weoklv. Inl.nr Jr.nn " "".oy, n-o.K v.. I'l I ( I - Y '( V W. li. Dletz, lnbor $38.00 l,2r, Art Neal, labor $32.00 1 JO. G. Schneider, lnbor $22.00' 13.10,"nrr' Williams, team work $48.75, ICIarenco Davis, team work $91,25 lit!. No. 18 ...$170,30 C. II. Noslor, lnbor anil niator- Inl No. 18 ,.,...$23.30,, Lnliiir Set'tlim Lino Itc, No. Jl) Joe Miller ,,'.$120,00, J. S. Wheeler .' .' ,T750 in i ... T T 1.. ....!.. 1l .n am nrrirnra i nnn ii. wi:i iiiicii. iiiuur ..... in.iiu . . C. J. Fnlirmnn, Supplies, Co. I Minor Drnck, labor $37.00 J"0 ?"." t"A'll officers 1.70Krt Allen, labor $15.00 ' ' '' "ylor ''J,0 Coqullle Valley Telephone Opal L. Darker, cook ,0'CC J An L'on tV'To Co., Phones Co. Officers . . 4.50 Wloy A,,,,olo,,. labor $21. 00 J"V wSr ..':.:::: fe Coos Day aionie Telenhono ' weoitiy, roremnn $77.00 .,...,... ......,. Co., lM.oi.es Co. Officers.. 50.57 " '' Weekly, two teams . . .$97.50, " " " ;.,! M. ICdlth Thomas. Stenog. Dlst. J,B- McCulloch, rock $51.25 ",,0 or gg Atty 25.00 J- Kvormlon. labor $35.00 'j ' ' or " J . .$Mpo 50 0 00 Coos Day Homo Telephone ue0- "ronson, laiior $37.00 ,' .,,,;:,, T , ... ... . ..Illnv U'ntnriiim, Inn.., ...r.l linonn ,l" '""1. .tl. Ill u.. i iiiiiio .inn i.i.o ' I::."" . ,.. '"'" ' iVm, Smith, labor, bridge. Town- ,' ulilik lliut , I rt AA ....$23.oo t " '' . :, ":..' ..... '. ". viiiuiii, iiuiiir $.1.1. u T I. WW 11. W. llobortson, lnbor ....$39.00 F. K, Meeum, lnbor . . . Syo Dnvls, labor W. W. Gage, Don,rd Prisoners 15S.22 Dr. James Itlehmoud, Serv. I'riHoiiorn T.r.ii m " --.., ". t ,.ww ... ,. .. . . . MVlt - -.. .. .. i i;iiiic ,'iiii,,rfiv ill lift ts i:i . 11' Dr. C. W. Kndlcott, Kxt. Teeth U1,,H' Scarborough, lnbor ...$27.00 ,,, . . .; ' 0r " Vnnghnn 1.00 J- Jr $15.00 Uk la o ... 3 50;, , Tho ComiiIIIo Herald. Print- ! '' .? " "' .,B.,,or ' L'n Fred Lockwood. labor $20.25 .J lug Notices Election 0.00 l '". niuor ?t .00 -,.. i2. rl0 , , The Coqulllo Vslley Sentinel. ! r..""oy: m,,or. Vl'U. Nelson labor J11.25 ''.. I0- J Armstrong foreinnn ...$85.00 Printing Notices Election. 20.00 The ltocord Publishing Co., Printing Co. Court pro itniin iifi'ia rtrtir . ....w to, muu O. A. Mlntonyo, Uofuntl ,.., ,1.00 I. II. 1'cnrce, Vy tB.25 . f. .i.i.p.1. ... t t... ..!.. n.... COlMllUgS 02.05 """" MUIIHIHHB, OIIl- Tho llecord Publishing Co., n,l,,H '"."i1 Printing Notices. Assessor 2.90 'MrH- K' K- Weekly, Supplies 21.72 Goo. E. Dlx. Med. Services. Mt- Anderson Creamery, Hut- i 2.90 50.25 1.05 LnClntr ... Artnur McKcown, Ilefiind uf Tnxes J. E. WnlBtrom, Cement for Poor Farm 38.70 C. 10. Stihmldt, lleftind on excess Tuxes 9.03 John F. Hall, Salary as Coun ty Judge 83.33 C. J. Armstrong, Commission er, per diem and mllengu. . 50.20 W. T., Dement, Commissioner, per diem nml mllenge .... 21.80 Win. Grimes, Adv. Coos Coun ty nt Fair at Snn Fran cisco' 1000.00 SCO i.r ter 29.40 Farmers Store of M, Pt Sup plies ' 78.05 A. L. Itlco, Heef 53.50 II. H. Drynnt, Freight am! Hauling 0.80 Frank Davis, Deef 25.32 lulling, Luiidy & Sons, Sup plies 17.90 II. L. Weekly, Freight 12.50 Farmers Union Wnrohuiise Co., Trojan Powder 11 1.20 Nelson Iron Works, Supplies (Gns Engine) ordered by Commissioners 1090.05 Dock yiiu.ry. J. I). Clinton, Foreman 00. 18 F. F. Cook, Powder man ... 47.02 Standard Oil Co., oil, It. I). No; 19 .. ... $5.50 Dnndon Construction Co., n-c- ' Cont. County Lino Iloni! No. : v 19 $225.00 It. Davidson, wood, It. D. No,. in ... ... ... ... ....$ 0,25 A. L. Young Machinery Co., drill, etc., No. 19 $5.50 (Colli Imicil Tomorrow.) lures & framing Walker Studio UX lirCII Al'TO MVK Clintiilli.. 11.1..1 . ......i h lentli ni! Way Points. A. M.I it m . .. .. vim .:. ::: 'nnV r Heoi ..r h8ioush !'.'.;:::::73c usincef i ()0 et Ilnv S!' itum I rem Heath nt 7n. h by tho -'ean Heach ' ir.vkih.r,e.e..i'ne8. d.niiy : - " '" " '..1IUI.'M AUTOh Ifn.lAio NDERSnw nnoocTCM MvvihlCll,al distributors "a ana "cadet" . -. -.- , , , "USE N5MNMGS,Jloend " - w RAINY SEASON IS COMING ARE YOU READY? THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE WORLD IS IS A BANK ACCOUNT Open one in our Savings Department. Interest paid on time certificates of deposits also in the savings de partment where deposits are accepted for any amount. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. illume iiiiiuwiiiu VjOji nuw. ,,. Court House . .,J'.m . . f. -14.12'! City of Coqullle, Water Duos i.O' Court IIouso . . . .'.Jft . . . . JJCtttf G. W. Todd & .polfPheclt,;! wrltor for clork- .. . "'. '. 20S00 Hurrouglis Adding Machlno Co., Itepnlrliig Mn'chlue . . .75 M. II. Horsey, Supplies, Court IIouso 1,50 Coiiuillo Laundry & Ico Co., ' Laundry Court Hoiiko ... 11.40 S. M. Noslor & Co., Mtlse., Court Hoiiho 13.30 Oregon Power Co., Electric Lights, Court House 20,39 Coiiuillo Hnrtlwaro Co., Sup plies, Court House 10.00 C. J. Fiihriuan, Supplies, Court IIouso 3.35 Coqullle Vnlloy TelephonoCo., Phono Lnudrelth Sept. nnd Ot-t Orogou Power Co., Eloetrlc East Mm-xhrifli! 1-Vrry Alex, llnll. Master $75.00 S.,C. Stockol, onglnoor $75.00 Isom, Clinton, Engineer ... . 35.50 Goorgo Ilhoiln, tloekhaud ...$45.00 Theo. Clinton, Feoder 27.75 fed Peterson, tleckhnnd $19.60 J'" MeDonnld, Lnbor 10.10 lili.iK.np 1 1 .,!., ,..-, Pn Inf.Va I 1 1 It V 111 f II ll 1,00. LllllOr 40.10 ..WI.V. .....1.1. ...U WW., ...v...., - - p etc $1.70 Dort Clinton, Labor 23.82 Stnutlard Oil Co. oil, etc.. . $20.13 Heilgpoth, Labor 27.58 MarShflold Hdw. Co., nintorlal $3.51 Orovor Drown, Lnbor 20.85 ri CtMiiilllo 1-Vny I I,onry VoKo1, Ln,,or :,3,8 J. N: MpNnlr forrymnn ...$140.00 Woltor Itublo, Labor 39.20 ifimvjw vi... Pmrnrt. roll...- .Walter Attlosoy, Labor .... 27.97 -w ,- - .-....- Alfred Johnson, Jr. Republican Candidate i-'on ,fi Sheriff Coos County t 1. n.!... t i., ii a n erank, otc ... $4.05 ;'; " ".' -, ' Itlveiton l-Viry II. A. Guthnrtlt, Labor 20.33 F. A. Jnmeson, forryiiinn . . . $25.00 Cn,vln ,lny' ,,,,l0r -,,a8 J. A. Lamb, cable $34.00 ',0 ,)a,Io'- ,'u,,or a-23 8. S. Shields, forrymnn, Ihillards U,B' " '. ""r ... i.. Ferry $90,001"; -1; '"'"". n"iii'n. . -.- Wyiuan Alboo, 8. Slough brltlgo i !'. "W. Ilnrltor, Von! .; ''' jomlr $50.25 "' ,v vo" uKurl vMn"Ki A. N. Gould, Co. Surveyor $32.50 I otc. - 10.75 20.18 W. K. llo.lL-o. Donutv J32.50 M. E. McCloskey, Groceries. . M. L. Custer, deputy $ 10.00, Norway Creamery. Dutter, Vlriil Wnrlc. I C,M," 90fi 3-r0 A N. aould, surveying .. . .$33.00; Mr- " llarrlwin. Milk 8.05 v. s n.wiim .i.,.,..iv iin.on Myrtio Point Grocory, Orocor- Llghts, Court oiiso 2-0n M. i,. Custer, deputy $27.50 loa 27.80 B. E. Johnson,- Lumber. Court in i.- un.i,.n ni...i....... i7 r.n Hullng. Luiidy & Sons. Hilw. ... ... .w..nw, .t.t...... .....T...UV II. L. Weoklv. viewer S 10.00 ' Hlllie 10.30 .If elected, strlel euforceiiumlrbf the Inw, with impartiality Kiinrnn teod everyone. " If election, ocouoiuy In tho admin istration of the Shorlff'H offlco guar anteed taxpayers. l ' If olocted, n square deal guaran teed every man. Your support nnt! npproviil of this platform will bo appreciated. ALFItED JOHNSON, Jr. For Representative in Coos County 1.75 NO SAW EDGES on rOUn Cnrj.ma r" l'e them laundetc CTV STEAM LAUNDRY I -r 1 IIouso ISIilott Flshor Co., Hook Type writer, Clerk's offlco .... 193.00 Oregon PoworCo., ???????? ,. J Peart Dros. & Co., Coal, Court j IIouso 4. no ; Iliishong & Co., Supplies County OfflcorB 1C.00 Wnltor Culln, Salary as Honlth Officer 20.98 I). L. Hood, Salary nnd Ex. Co. Senior 20.75 II. W. Dunham, Ex. Juvoullo Court 12C.96 II. W. Dunham, Ex. Proba tion Officer 8.00 Nick Johnson, Ex. Fruit In spector C9.15 Raymond S. linker, Ex. School Supt 25.95 J. J, Cllnkonbenrd, Salary Attend Dlst. Doundnry Hoard 10.10 Coos nay Homo Telohono Co., Phono Supt. office... 5.25 Glass & Prudliomnio Co,, 15.90 10.50 10 15 11 75 22.75 PvAIl-13 4T A. ft iir.il-iA7i. i -- .wA..r i Bhfield m and ,' Tr ULV.UHAIIPIU LU. t!iiuiipo n i. ,...., -. v: -. . uiiui, vrviiB , KLlC.9S.H0TJEL r'-N&TO AVEXUE Xn.f.u 1' STUKI-JT J5leiUn, Prop. The Union Market OUK COLD STOIIAGE SYSTEM IS SUHE A SUCCESS . Our Prime Roasts of Heef, Lamb, Mutton, Veal and Pork cannot be excelled. Try one of our Fat Hens or Fryers for your Sunday dinner, that has been properly cooled, and note the difference. J. E. FORD & CO. 171 Sou(h Hronilway Phono r8 Wm. Weekly, rodninn In April $2.50 Krn"k ,,"V,H Muat8 It.mil .MiiMcrt Offlco George Ilniighton, Stovo P. M. HiiII-LowIb, salary as w"(),, Ilimil Master $ 1 50.00 1'? Sohroedor, Heef . . . Porry M. Lawronto, lovelman .$15.00 J- n- Clinton, Expenses It. II. Thorn, rodmnn $20.2.1 Coqulllo Hnrtlwaro Co., Gaugo Sam Armstrong, flagiunn ....$7.00 Cllasses G. Holbrook, chain and rod- , Coos Hay .Homo Telo. Co., mnIl $2.50 Ilcntnl and tolls, 101 .... Hugh Hnrl'oekor, ehaln' iiiitl' rod- , Mnck I,aUor' Con1' (i,'- man $30.25 u'wl H"w. S. F. Henderson, lovelman ...$55.13 T- W. McCloskey, Lnbor .... Hugh Harlooker, truiisporlatlon I " Hryant, Coal and haul- $8.75 '"K Coqulllo Vnlloy Telophono Co., I Sugar Loaf Lumber Co., Lbr. switching for $1.50 U. Crusher at Hrldge ... . P. M. Hull-Lewls, stamps, otc $1.75 M. Pt. Transportation Co., Wm. Weoklv. nuto hlrn 15.00 Fl eights O. A. Holvorstott, auto hlro ..$20.00 Myrtio Point Enterprise, pub. not. Perry E. Lawrence, trnnsporta- I Cont $ll.05i tlon (( $2.00 Nolson Iron Works, supplies nnd It. II. Thorn, transportation ..$2.10 ropalrs $98.80' C. J. Fuhrman, stationery ...$2.20 Nu'80 'rn Works, cablo ...$12.00 T. A. Wnlkor, services $22.25 Ju"llB Inrnon, dredging Wlll- F. 8. Slnglo, auto hlro $10,00 nnoh Slough $1542.50 Supplies SllPt 4.G0 F. N. Henderson. truiiHiinrtntloti J4.00 L. " MooRS, tlmoKeeper Oil F. A. Golden, Ex. Soli. Sup- I First National Hank, offlco i- rolKo Oregon $32.50 ervlsor 28.45 ' rent $7.50 c- w Jl'". timekeeper on C. J. Fiihrmnn, Supplies Supt. j .Myrtio Polnt-Coqulllo ltd. No. UJJ I "dKo Oregon $80.00 Office i.bo.J. E. Conger, labor $30.00 A. coiner, uiuoKceper on , IC. II. Holloway. labor $31.25 "rouge urogon uo.uu 8.50, Wirt Whlttlngton $30.00 A- It. Leo uud O. C. Leo, labor W. M. Coy. labor $30.00 " Bubsarlptlon $100.00 C.SolLester Norton, labor $30.00.8- C. Hrnden, huullng lumber, I Milton Hoffman, labor $30.00 MoMnllln brldgo $5.25 15.00 Tom Sturillvant. labor $20.25 K- Jl"8o. lumber, MeMulllu Den Darkdoll, team work ...$37.60 brldfio .' $10.73 0.30 'ira Anderson, labor $30.00 ngoll & Hlllstrom, Cont. wk., iThos. II. Manly, labor and team I McMullln bridge $1200.00 Clerk's office 33.32 work $30.00 J- u- ovo, uoni. wk., ii. i. g A. F. Llnegar, Stamp. Env. Clarence Dllllngs, labor $27.50 o. w jio.uu Clork's offlco 87.04 Charles Stowart, labor $30.00 " b. I""b. . ' "- Glass & Prudhommo Co., iW. It. Robertson, team work $02.50 2l $300.00 Supplies Treas. office ... 10.15 Walter Dllllngs, labor $20.00 J- w- Lalrd' Dal Co,u Rd D!at- Coqulllo Furniture Co., Foa(h- . Vern Hazon, labor $12.50 No. 22 $325.00 or duster. Assessor's offlco .GO Will Ward, labor $22.50, '. "-, i" i". VOUTH Coos Day Slaty. Co., DIuo 'It. W. Catton, labor $10.25 uu- lJ,Bl- wo- 6i " -u--u Print Cloth, Assessor's of- .J. D. Roberts, labor $7.00, """ '""" l " lHP 9l rjp-' 'n fml M'"'lt'"Kij 'AMw.,l3Pi .20 zl iiei HL i.'jJkwuBXtt kkkku 15 ir ffiVdH 2.90 9?Ve 5C-25 HqPKSEH 12.10 HFiHh 29,51 HH The llecord Pulillslilng Co., Printing, Supt. office .... I Tho Coqulllo Valloy Sentinel, Printing Supt. offlco .... Norton &Hnnson Staty, Co., Supplies, Supt. offlco .... Glass & Prudhommei Co., I Suppllos, Clerk's offlco . , . K Jamos Watson, Stamps, etc.,, J. TOM HALL Democratic Nominee Horn ln.jOr?Rt)n nd a Coos.-Cou , ., -iioueer. - :QUALrrNOT ONLYflfTAxS tion hut ;n all thnqst Yiiiii- volovlll ho iUH-eclHte!W''.' (Pajd Adv.) K00NTZ GARAGE : Excelsior MottuvyW"'AKecy LEE TIES ? AUTO.MOHILV.g fTOItBD OOS COUNTY'S MOST COMPLBTM MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOMOR1LB HlIPAIItINO OAHOLINK FOR 8AI.S L'H KRO.NT BT. PH6NK 15J HATIERIES REPAIRKD AND OlIARQHn t U i 4 Judtio $7.00 V J -M t ) ' ' ! i ... S U..1. . t JKtf :tfv;., i. 'ib'ikJ t,i . 4-