PPPWVWmPMMW fTTr-fFy 'T t' 11" -M - 'jijinr' i-4 'i r f two I THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHflELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1914 EVENIMG EDITION. ToCAI9 S SHOALED Mw zsCT sziji w v IBS BAR 1 CAI'T. Ol-SOV SAYS Til T VOT1 IXi:WWOtlJlSKITTO n:.Aic ( i.KAit Mimas in o.k ... unri tD I Or IrnrilOM em safe orlgon mi ilu ur kilnuh ,,..,- I12I0BH LOSS Ifl ESI; El ROUTE HOI CLAIM ALLIES i;i 01 tiii: HittiiKST tiuks or "I'KftHOXAIi OVKHI'LOW I t, Tli:VHAK-MAJ.MOIllU)WHl,K. gg joN,g q s.u,nim(jll)o ,;, Fur Trading Ship That Rescued Roaches Highest Price Paid in that ho has oxl.rmln.ted a lot of .Capi. BartlCtt, WCaKS Way J"VS pole-cats that hovo molested tho ThTOUflh Al'CtlC IC3 , COlUltry POIIItS WOW .11, Au.1 o ' Tl. I ,n, A,nh.cllTr.. to -,.., Tin-r, ! ,... miiTt.AND. Or.. Oct. 21. Blue- c. v en Avr'iiir'n I mi a i . im v.- . -- - Oil.x ijvnviuwi wv. -.- fur trndln rollouts of that section. HIVING CllANDLKIt and wlfo camo Cu.ilornl.1. .mis. unnniuui hub .B - , Herman have received a "in nou i.i- v -"- Ited for the pas. .over.1 months In " ' ll saying -he l"' !' ' ""' 'T' !" I Sacramento and Mr. Chandler went J ,, lmvhlg lste,l that flguio again today when ....000 down thoio about tun days ago. through he that f. rontened bushels were bought nl mm .0I "... ,..!,.' ....ii .ii..r. iinlntH. At Pond'eton over 100,000 LOCAL OVHHFLOW r.t n V Olaon of the Adolltnt ,.,,. gnist 01 .MM. lC-iwud Mouhior- smith thinks that tho Coos Iluy ha' hero. Lb! lavo Shoaled groat y during tie C0UNTY CI.KHK JAMBS WATSON InHt Btorm. Today, with a ten-foot g lloro from rjoqiilllo today on tldu the har was brcuKliirf clear UU8!inms and nleoBiiro. i across and the onlr oxplanati-in Of It MT,S, AIIKY WINKLKU and llttlo Is unusual shoaling. I daughter returned today from n Nono of tho vossois were miu i vWt ln inrtiniiti. go out of hero today hut Cnpt. Olson ,., a ,IOUTON Is expected to re- KJo. afm thinks they will he ablo to gut out lliril fl,n Portland on the hldor. fl0r,,ooii from Port- tomorrow. Me has been thou- conferring with r " Today the G-nco Dollar and Sim.!- , flrm A, im & u.wls. i:r.,,!lIor Mortoll wnll sailed from Ilandon. trio inner MIU) p CKFON came in touny irom - - L .7b.ro. The meaner ,Uo TM ,I1Io BIld ,,. work pro. Tow.P I. njaorud . ul to at he. Port and 10 ,,.,, nn't from the Umiiua and ramu rcB.lng nlcoly on tho railroad noito " i.i.... -- - - ami r ruuuiBi-u Tore T?e 3 a Is n oderntluK oul- JJ,.r0f Lplte he wot weather. host known and most highly r.ect,d llalt0rloH: Krause and Inhere. Tne aea in . i i ou w. () , HtMM 0f Coob Hay and IiIh many Knnlng and Schmidt. !KnKlncer Morrow Is expected hero 'l 'J'.oi.uucMng Iho s.mnor llot.l VU,,,leX',rTlIZo?T Von,B "V today or tomorrow and Cnt. Olson ' wn- n yMiw llpro yo.tor.lny. She him today. III. son, Morton lower. L()8 AllBe,08 . today or to, ,, W11, m Ml.H ,., Mlll Hllli is In hero from IJurokn. llatterluB: Klepfor and todayio lie could see tho feet that' POIlrtllc,llK it In fine Hlu.po. HB ' wu'- , s hehu' detalacd In tho lower llary p. M. HAU.-M0WIS Is here from .in.lmge 'n Open axon. Uucauss m.hsIoii r, - h i.v lnrk of the Imr ImprovrnioiiW (nn!i0 today to nttetid a meet- i,0 Imu.cd gnrhago t. rough tlm Oakland '' - which Coos Hay has Iiquii .okln. 11" ' K ,.f tho Uepul.rran County Con- ntroets or tho city without puttlns a .,$..110.11:8: C. Wllllnnu and Lynn, thmiRht Hint would ho the stroilRest r, omiiilltt'o of which he Ik cover on IiIh wagon, L. lloulet np- Aillliny and Aloxandor. nvi.li-nco uoHllttu for MaJ. Morrow ttr rlinlrtiinii. -iwnrod liororo I'onco ju.igo 11 uue. i ateni wheat, which In September 1. ....... ffwlm. fin t . f. Knilflllllll 1IUI.1 ... iiuinu "j .. v.- ..- nwnniH Hero or 1110 iur uuuiB - , Mis. Chandler has vis- -' " hnv ,,l,0ivt)ti tt rca.hod $1.12 per bii.noi. me n.K. u yj "Sorii; s heir.;;;; - ,,ll8ho.. we,c N.d ... . .. and resouod tho captain of the wreck- ceasing prices. til sioamcr Knrluk. J ( OAST I.KACri? SCOItKS. 0 I 1 Klaher; 5 a 1 llogau; t IRS. CI1UIS 1 . ACCUSE BIO o Typhoon Adds to Mikado's Loss at Kiao Chow Bay Cruiser's Crew Lost D A.i.iltil I'm to Coii llI TtniM.l TOKtO, Oct. 21. Tho navy de- I partment luis nlinouncod the. oU:upa- tlon, for mllltaiy purposeH, of the stratoglcnlly Impoitunt Islaiuls In tho Marianne, Mnrimll, 12 mt Caroline nml In t". e Wost Carollno nrchlpoia-goea. 1 .lalult, ln tho Marshall group, wj ! occupied October, I Ith by n division 1 of the .lapaniBo flout, .lalult, It 1m j explained, wan tho Ihiho of tho ene my's luarltlnio oporutlouB In .Mari anne, Ma.Hlmll nd t'1" Eastern and Western Cnrolln Aichlliolagoes. The .iMpancse found two Oeruiau vessels thoio. One sent herself to tho bot tom mid the other was captured with tho crew. Announce That Belqian TrooJ Are Hnr nn ni..'uu,l nil null rimsnr'f. Army Back Ulr Anoolalcl IT..M to Coo. H t,,,,. PARIS, Oct. 21). Ti. -. loiiinuiiilcntlun Issued yestenh, ,. torn mm unvu "in ik.i..i... . ' of tho violent attacks by (10 ' the llolgluu arinv lm imi.i ... ! L, ,, ,, " "v"' "I H nun on i'io une or t lio rhcr Yi 'nysor. There have been other 1 iflMH III till. 1'iM.li.i. i.r v.. . . - " ' i'il's, ueutf the ullled rnnoB and (ho Cncm 0 our loft wing the (Jonnans contlor 'o hold strongly their n.ivnn.. . irmmil Ullo In the direction , Armentleres. Kournca nml Iji,,. On the Mouse, the enemy endeaion vainly to drive back our ii.. POHIH." rcco've. I NORTH BEND NEWS Negress Says Physician's Wife Admitted Shooting Mrs. Bai 1 ley Trial Begun lilt Aa.o.talF.1 I'rww in Ciw nf TIi.im 1 I M1NHOLA. N. Y., Oct. 21. Colli nrmviNU CIIA.(JK Coleman tho nogro nialil In the Car- yoBlorilii'y to take tho Nann SinMh tenco Buapondcd when ho promised Mr j ,,t utthnUopf, ol the firm , househo"(l, V.w star witness foi for San nrnclsco. but ho found to at onco fix his wagon lor minim )f cooley & Itahskopf having niovwi that he whs one of nbont a do.'-n garbage ' who rould not find acconunod'i- thoro sha Full Dress Suits for ltont. Unliiuo Pantitorium. ititAiii i,i:aiii:u i)ns , I II J .w.h lalK rn. In l im ll Tlri .ll..1Klfll . .!..... .. iiiir.iiur Aiiu.H, Ilrn7.1, Oct 111 re!... .i..iti. t -1 . . I 1 iiu 111;. mi in lillllliuilic.l 01 rjttl riu .111110 .Mgeuuiui lloia, forntl Preslilint of Argentina, j F. .1. I'UH.N'KY of Ilandou enmo ovei nay ami wuh fined $lfi. with son- t'. 0 wagon "AMONG THE SICK nr t 1I..I.I will ilnllvor Ills Hllli- tlllllH Oil tllO VOSSol. trate'd lectiiie'Mn III. Steps" In tho MUS. c. A. SKIII.HUKDH. w' o was North Hind Chrlitlnn'churrh i'rlday extHwtul homo this week fron ovet,iB, Staloiii. wil'os that she was 111111I1 The North llotul Presbyterian !;', to lonvo there owing to hor father, dies Aid Society will meet Thursday ' cieorgo Downing, bolug very III. nffnrnonn lit IIIO IIOIU . turn. rvi- h IB n iiiiiiii'i-i u iii.."v. .... ....1 r iii..ju Sff on Unloii Avenno. w. 8. CIIANI.I.KU can... down fron Hchool today on account of lllno-.. Mrs K V. HH l"" bieiruirr to i0 nf,.r Ihib'ih'sh inntteir. lie III atiiur home on Fhorman Apihb'J eonuiletlng some extensive 1 111- linnet Hull 11 ( Knees' Hull, Or .Mlns Kvu ond .M.rwriit llnnt wet'J ' provonients In IiIh plmc and t' Ink bee 2'.. Kwrjlii'ily Invited. Mursli'fleld visitors yesterday. -; . Mr. Honrv llowk will olitcmiy ..j.w. ...... M i ' -!- - 'II ,iw. ...."-., 0 fix his wagon for luiulln )f Coojuy & Unhskopf having inovwl ,,0 8mte tvBttrlrcl today at tho tilal The law proscribes that ((J CoillUlo hng ,rnsrorred his Inter- ',,lorullct, c'onklln Carman. .11 bo a watertight bottom .0 eBl , llie ,,.,,, J K. Cooloy " m,ler of Mrs. I.oulse "IF ITS Nl'JW" W 13 II A V K IT who will conduct the loal estate and .. .. .1 ..... ... I ...I nil. , , , , ,ii Hiilicy, nun .mc. iiiniuii 1 mi ! insurance bus ness In f 11 tine ut the ,.i,.,.,. i i..i moment ,.uno olfl.es No. -"' I','"t Sl- nlu,r A'IrHi ,,nlly lmil )U0I1 8hot, and - .,.!.! "i alwn bin." t'elin thought .... .,..,, 1 .. -nf.H,l . .'!!!' VVA'ft. '".'.V. "!Vl.VOV...irV. Mrs. Cnrn.nu roforro.l to her bus- ,il inn i mini i ,..... ...... ... -- ,,iiir in.'..', i mmi- . ...... ...... , '" . ..... ., 1......1 n r.ii.iiiii 'Pirn wllnenH snld Mrs. Carman camo to her lonm ncx' 7rr."lKHlHKAMi has AIOVKD to morning and !d "Oh. Colin. wh'U in.o.MS irj-M-iA. MtVl.vti IH.OCK ,n,j j ) tl-at woninii for. I hipv (loil wl I forgive mo. You stick to me and If nnylhlng " appens to yon 1 11 lake care of your Jlttlo boy." tc hor homo and was unable to attend i.Unj nml Tnmr'r (nnmiiy JUST ARRIVED and now ltiiW (In ml Orchis' in. I'll thu M. K. Aid Soiloty nt"lic'r'l'Mlit on north Slionnaii Avenue, Thorn lay aflornoon. This Is 11 regular soi lal mcotliiK. All members ami fiiend are urRcd to attend. Mrs. M.'.Moldothe daughter of Mr ami Mrs. N. C. Mcl.ood Is nulc t b up again altor holng III. Tho coininltKw of "Out to Win" mot al tho Methodist church l.mt iilicht. Alios Kva Plank will leave on III Kldur to visit-frloniN ami nl..tlvc- In 'Portland and Salem, Mr. and Mis. (:. II. Worre'l, who have beuii vUltlng idaliviK en. filends In PortlHiul for the pn-.. t weeks, are expected home iml.n , m I ?te s., ivi ct ItllPlJlll.lfAX t UNTIIAI. t (l MITTKK IIKCirUS OX Tlli: WUKK'rt fAMPAKiV ON HAY Cnmllilatra finm ltonib! ("in Part) I'or County OttUvs Will Sw U 'lliriiiiglinut Cuuiity lU'glunlug nl Nntili lleml lomiiiiow. At a muollng of the ltii.ibllc.ii County Contral Committee he il tllc nflgrnoon In, th ' office of l Sehlhrodo, pfn.s wkh put 011 fool for a week's eamimlBii ilirminh tie rnriity, thc county can ll..atti. f r f fico spwiklng at fho dirfereui towi -llulM.owlx, of Coitullle. chair 1 mi of tho County Central Com in l'. . w ' present at th meiliM. tivetli'r with Jam Wati.ni, 1 uiull lull- fir County Jud.11 and J. (i Ariin-tninR. of Ilandon, who la the llepubln in cnndldato for Couuty Cuiiimii -uner Another nulling will be held in (ho morning. llosliinliiK In North Hemi n Mon day evening, a speech wll le )n'll. . another la Marahfiohl 1 1 Ti lUy ami fromhoie the party 11 ( to" Hajiilon.WwIiiwuhiy, to Mvi. . I .nt Thursilnj Md to ComhIIIh Kiil.y' tills cndliiK the we k's iamiuL.n. A.ei)ii)iauiuK the lenu'iir spi'ii. T-' will bo C. A. Sehlbude. i U i.m mlttcemaii, ('. II ik. univ u. Krufslouul ioiiiint'1'" 1' 1 ."uu t itK Bcuator 1 P. Snit.'i ,m 1 ( 1 11 . garl -- , - . . v ' -' fmH How I Helped . -... .. fmw mM -. to Make !oney New Ideas By Wives Which Have Built Mexs Fortunes Oiio man got 75 a month ; tho wifo got an i ia a and to-day he is making: a fat salary and has $40,000 in the bank. Another wife's idea has bought a wholo ranch without ready money. Another wife is multiplying the family income by four. Scores of women have been induced to tell their ideas in tho greatest series a magazine has over printed. The first few are IN THE NOVEMBER ISSU2 OF The Ladies Home Journal Fifteen Cents a Copy, of All News Agents Or, $1.50 a Year (12 issues) by MU, Ordered Through Our Subscription Agcnta or Direct Boys Wanted to Deliver on Routes. Apply to Our Sales Agent Norton & Hansen Stationery Cc. 216 FRONTS RSET Marshfield - Oregon THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Independence Square Philadelphia Pennsylvania HINDU m SIKH DEPORTED Wm. C. Hopkinson, Who Took Active Part in Canada's Act ion Shot in Vancouver II. .,vlil PrrM In Co ' n "linM.I VANC'Ol'VKK, H. C Oct. 'Jl. Cimadlau Oovoruinont Immigration Inspector William C. Hopkinson wm s'tot and kllod In tho Vancouver court liouso this morning by a Hindu. Hopkinson wai active In connection with the Komaxnta Mnru ilotoutlon. w'en 11 laigo nunihar or Sikhs were returned to India as uiideslrabloa. D (ji:i:.ma.v shxijs timikkv aid. tllr m.kIiII ITh i r rr Tliwn.1 HOMK. Oct. 20. A telegram ro (o veil from Huohnruat, Itoummila declu.ea n Onriuwn train com poked of 1B0 trucks laden with 11111 nltlons of war for Turkey hud boon Htoppo-1 by Houmniilmi nuthorltloa on the railroad between Huehnrost and Olnrgevo on the Danube. ISPLAY In tnu' larj-c I'ronl window KXITISITK & llhJVIT(5IIIN(! INNOVATIONS -.IN- Evening Dresses 10ASTK1J IJhV VKKTWKK V-NIOCK COJJiAl? AND IV SKTS PANADOIJA BAGS WIDWSIIAPKI) SILK CHUDLKS IIAIli ORNAIKNTS AND HAND HACIS - puor.xix uitil KAVSIlIt SII.K IIOSIKHV II. H . laciJ. nto.vr COIIHI.TS -SATIN SlAi'IMSHS AND SLWv CJLOVKS- I.O.NDOX (iKIIMAX HIOT CASKS I WT AtwwUlM PrtM In Co r TIm 1 I.ON'POX, Oct. '-'I. More than :til prisoners jero arnilgnod In police court on charges grow'ng out of the nutl-Oorman demonstrations and riot ing In Oeptford Horough, London, Sun lay. The prosecutor said bo re K rett el appmirlng ugnlnst cltlxens. the object of whosa nttack was Ger 11 nn shopkeepei-a, but ho explained that gieut damage had been dono to I'iikIIsIi promsles ns woll. .. ... .,iv vim. in." pi.iMi-i) ilui liKAIHXC (ilUH'KltSlX THIS CITY, hut when It comes to selling groceries and WI (!0()l QITAI.ITV, PUICK mid SKIIVK'K, wo are there, and I JO wnnt us to provo this to you, como In and seo us and wo ll glad to soo you and YOU Wll.li HH l- THAT VOL' C'AMI.. -TltV IT- COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE " Yon Cuiiuot Conic PvvmmtUn "" :W !-- Ask us for n sample of Huckeyo Vanilla Kxtract. CKIt.MAXV (!KTS llICi lU'XS. III. ra.vt.IM Prf" In ! Time 1 LONDON, Oct. 21. "Tho ndvnnco gunid of the (Ionium forco threat en'ng the northern Fronoh seacoast h:s been haltel for the moment." says a correspondent of the Chron Ule." The Gorinans hnvo sufferod hetvlly In tho recent fighting and ate now- short of munitions and stores. However, thoy are prepar ing to strike heavy blow. It la 'irolwblo they will attempt to pon etrate tho defences of Dunkirk with the cbjoct of oorrunn!iig the Fronoh coast as far as Calais and Hologno Tho hoavy slogo guns at Antworp are bolng movod toward tho prosent llonimn liuo while large bodies of Oeriran troops aro holng pushod for ward Dunkirk is calm, although tho ilty reallsos It Is menaced. All lon the front of both nrnuee, duty In the tranche Is mode more un l iciihaut by heavy rains." Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. FAHM. COAX. TIMIIKI1 S) I'l.AI'flNO WMW A SI'SC OP.VKItAIi AflhNTH KA8TSIDV MATtKliriKM) OFril'R. I'll OS K t- "ogi'iMiK citv own k i-ii"-" " TO RFAT THF RllliniNf, TiAME -' has been a hobby with ub for a good many yea" a" n()i ,0uof our customers will tell you when It comes to Gettinw b ba,j. durable framing material at the right price '"", y0U ant ness. Just toll wlut you want to build and the njn"n' i tle b"1 to spent and wo'll get busy with our pencil aud fl.ure your nouey can buy. Try ua. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co ITT THK Kl-KL H.M. . TWO 11V 1 hlS Aw I PHOVF IIIO. tH- sen in XOTICK TO KI.US. AH members of Vaishfldd led' and l lUnz Hrothors are miue tul to be pre cut at touuht'i inn tin; Pen t miss H B'll TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easyRLat mqnts, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood. Rcnung lov V Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or e iMrlMiN pnper dclHeml I'luinn usjour order, I Itfln e i TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE ANU burru. - TOM JAMES. S c t