avi.iawiiaau nmlxfte !WJM4f" AmnV-WifJ IPfPiPkw-W-- vj 1 'PfUty'ipjilF i are a gdl deal like tarkeys. Almost amy woman eaim staff them STIRRING TIMES . i I i (re these clays of wnr and blood- EVERY DAY Thoro appears Bomo Item of nown In tho advertising columns of The Times iiowb of tho day's "Boat Buys" to ho found In tho various stores. Tho womnn who rontla nnd lieodB thefio "iiowb 1101118" Is tiro ono who conductB ,1,0,1. It 18 important tliat you hiivc full knowledge of tho lntost Riitlicntic news. Subscribe for Tho I rimes, ntitl read tho ovcntB of the each evening. Wi7!WTSWcfWi5JSWJ'HrHWWrlSc WKMIIKH OF THK AHSOUAlTil) PUKSS hor household economically. mH J 9 1 -v31 OL NO. XXXVIII. Kstnlill.slii'd i78 no Tho Cnnvt M!1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Count Mull nl Ptn llnv XdvoWlwr No. 78 m 1CRIIITC Factioim Fears FLEET IS ALLIES IN 4 ILUUL M FIGHTING NEAR YSEH CANAL Jl Jlireatees Delegate m liiJIMII.uyujj.iiiJ uj swtt'7w - Wxmm t,jinJty)i V 'y ok 1 DEH I II RIG Carramza Vill ENGLISH BATTLfc 0 jlOHTHWEST FRANCE Still I iolont Attacks and Counter Attacks Mark Terrific Engage- nninnn nrrri . -' wxevar"-1' BR INGS STEEL S P BRIDGE General Obregon Introduces Resolution to Move Aguas Calientcs Convention CONFLICTING CLAIMS FROM POLAND RELATIVE 10 DEVELOPMENTS IN HARD FIGHTING THERE est Advices, However, Indicates That Germans Arc Now Ser iously i nreaieninrj Warsaw Italy Denies Oc cupying Part of Albania (By ABB'imiiuu Cress to Coos Buy Tlmos.) LONDON, Oct. 2 L Violent attacks and counter at- kicks ior uk" possession oi uio soaeoasl in the extreme jiorth of Franco continue without decisive results. An official statement was received al the Sayville, L. L. fciroicss hiauon jrom norim today saying there had heen b change oi' importance on (he winirs or in the center of Bio western theater of war. The French official statement threw little light on the itimtmn referring briefly only to the events of yesterday. ! ''Kt in Ncs dispatches indicate the sharpest fighting in the Rml "w,ll ;icinit of Lille, with a renewal of activity at vital points jnrr,.fl?1', WANTS ALL TO ASSEMBLED BE PROTECTED Daisy Gadsby Brings About 500 Tons for Structure to Span Coos Bay Tho Daisy Gndsby of tho Arrow I.lno rlnot nrtlvoil In from Portland today with about 500 tons of stool for the now Southern Pacific bridge across Coos liny. T. Is In tho firu' consignment of construction material for tho hit? structure to arrive Mor of It Is In Poi timid and will I if soon. Tho big truiwo draw will ho tho hist tn 111 along tlie line. Counter claims regarding the situation in the East leave. bach t speculation. There appears, however, hut little Joiiht hut that the (Ionium advance in Russian Poland o successful that Warsaw is seriously threatened. Vienna 'ays the fighting in Central-Galioia has become more sc- rcre and the Austrian attacks are progressing. The Ital- aii gtnernnieuttodaydenied Italian troops had occupied muona, .a omnia, wmen nas neon inroatonod hv insurg ent since the abdication of Prince William of Wied. Approve Arrangement for the Withdrawal of American Troops from Mexico Itlr A0(UirJ I'rt.i I J Coo. la) 'llii'W I EL PASO, Oct. 21. Gen eral Obregon, as head of1 the Carranza Commission' I has presented a resolution1 J before the Agtus Calientcs convention, asking for guar- mtes of safety for all dele- gak's and requeuing that I 'ho convention be moved to I "a safer place." This in for nation was received today in an official message from .Mexico City, eon tears ot the Carran.a rumour that its delegates either had ';een arrested or threatened with imprison hient by the Villa faction. TRAIN KILLS TRACK WALKER; Germans Issue Statement Without Making Claims Relative to Development) in Engagements Near Os 1 tend- -Severe Artillery Duel CLAIM KAISER'S FORCES HAVE WON SEVERAL VICTORIES OVER ALLIES WEST OF LILLE Unknown Man, Aged About Announce That Unfinished Grand Canal Du Nord is Affording bu, nun uown oy passen ger in Bunker Hill Today .i NO lOKNTIPICATION. No luijiors wore found on tt.o hody to OHtr.lilisU tho Identity of the dead man. Pulleoninn Itlrh uidson mi Id ho had had lit tit In Jul I Hoveiu! times for Intoxica tion nnd that ho was Imdly Intox lented Inst night and also today. Germans Much Aid in the Vicinity of Roye and and Arras Huge Evcavations (By Associated Press, to Coos Bay Times.) I inning the gov- MS AB IK GEI TO VACATE BIOS m Capt. Smith reportH Hint ho war lnrbound at the Columbia Itlver for two days and that It was still von roiiKli when ho crowtod out. Whoa ho chiuo In this morning, tint Cook Buy bar was pretty rough, but be took advantage of n brlaf smooth spoil and mado It In Kood shape. He doubtod If nny of the vessels lylnR In the lower Bay would In able to i got out today. Ciiiik for Cannery. Tho Tallant Cannery wns about to close down owing to n HVnrtngo of cans, but tho Gndsby brought In a consignment which will onablo Supt. John I.amuro to Keep tho plant op- oruiing. in cioso tmwii uu whh.h .,1lllllrwll,j ,,,.,,1,, i. A........ hnvo caused them a heavy los nwlnjs V '""bV"u , " ' V.T..1 ' """" ti Iho hlB'mn or fish In Coos Illvcr U'llU CollSlll bllhllinil IUl(l latoiy. 'General Aguilar for with- VACATE VKKA OKUZ ttlr A.xkI.hv) rtn lo iiKdi P! TlmM.) WASHINGTON, I"). C. Oct. 21. The Mexican Nat ional convention at Aguas Calientcs has approved tho An unknown mini, aged nlioul six ty, wiih run over and killed by tho outbound pitsgoiiKcr train about 2 o' clock this afternoon. Tho on Idrut oe curred Just beyond the Buukur lllll road erorsliiK Tho nmn was walking on tho track bound nway from town. The train i was ruiinliiK slowly, Wiving just left (he station, and Knglucer (lllbortson I thought that tho psduslrlan woule get otr the track. He whistled for , lilin to do so nr.d not until f o train PIOPIilN, Oct. 21. Severe fighting continues on the Vser canal, according to an official statement. The. Al lies' artillery was supported from sea by tho warships Northwest, of Nieuport. The lighting west of Lille con linues. The Germans troops, taking the offensive, repuls ed the allies at several points. Tho Ge.nnun resistance in the vicinity of l?oyo and Arras is aitled now by tho pos session of the huge excavations of the Grand oaiml Dii Nord, now in the course of construction. It. is sixty miles long, and so deep that the Germans are able to move largo bodies of troops sheltered from fire. KIIMNCMI THOOl'R ARID GAINING (By Associated Cress to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 21. A Paris correspondent says the latest information from the front indicates thai tho Kroueh are making progress on the right bank of the was almost upon l.im was it nppnroni jiV(.,. ,M(M1(So nnd that a great battle is raging in the north il... .1... ..III..,- I..l ... i .l . ......... " o o but as yet without dot mite results. that tho man either had not hour! the signals or did not want to gel off. lie was (load when picked up. his body being unite bud'y mutilated. Acting Superintendent II, ,1. Mohr natd that be lutd been Informed that tho man was lntolcated and t. Is WAit ur.vKXui: iiii.ij (By Assoclntod Pros to Coos Bay Times. I LONDON, Oct. 21. The Exchange Telegraph ram lias given out a disnatch lroni Anisterdam Coni-which (IlT AmiwHIM 1'trn lb Vnnt Hit Tlmm.l drawing ' American forces might explain his failure to gt off from Vera Cru,. Carranvca tnuk is expected to issue a proe- SCCUSE FRENCH OF CUES AGAINST GERMAN HGSPITAL COUPS Ris that an arrival m that city lroni Isrussels is author- lt for the khileiiionl lluil llu Geciiimi miliincv ('(iimnnnfl- r in the Belgian oanital has nlacarded the citv advising Voti tr.T ,1,0.N,nnt ' . iiii mii'ii. i mi imiiiiiiiiBB K'O. 'J ho news has not been con t0 ,0i.rh su 8roement ill (Ioniums to leave at on irinul. The Germans still hold Ostend. 1 l! !.! L WAaiHNOTON, I). C, Oct. 21. lllllllll Mill giving gitiinitiicch Tho war revenue bill, hb rovlsodf by'to citi'OllS of Vera VvU'A who the senate, wont to tho' Houuufof served the United States. action. It was accompanied by a Fennte for a con- TYPHOON HITS .I.WS nro oxpectod ' nir a.iipj it. m r,. n tioim 1 on the bll' TOKIO. Oct. 21. It Ih iinuouncod WO By EB1AN iNf CRUISER El H DEIHIKS I SHIPS soon nnd tho npprovnl of tholr ro- that a typhoon struck Kino Chow.j port by both Houses Is expected not destroying u landing pier. Twenty later than Thursday. .lapaueso sailors wero drowned. j PILEll!ER,;i SWWWsiSViiWWWW (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON. Oct. 21. Tho Gorman cruiser Einden has iig.un been sinking British steamers, this 1")0 miles Southwest of Cochin, British 1 time at a point India, according UNITED STATES PROTESTS 10 GLASD AGIST SHIP SEIZURE (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, O.'t. 21. The United States has pro le a report received by the Admiralty from Ceylon. She tested to Great Britain against the seizure by a British 'in to the bottom the British steamers uhillcana, Troilus, waishm of an American tank steamer. .John I), uoekolol- and Clan Grant, and the dredger Pourabble. 'I he cr js nnnouute llemiiohi British steamer Oxford was captured by the Einden. EBMAN OBPEBO BOAT BBSTILE SB BiBIN ed today bv the State Department. As the hockololler was American owned and Hew an American flag and no change of registry is involved, the American Government considers the seizure unwarranted. She had American officers and crow. The ship was bound from one neutral port to another, leaving Phila delphia for Copenhagen and carried illuminating oil had not heen class-1 noxiiuv i:.in: hh x . m k u .lOIINSON I.OSKS I.IKK IN NOHTII liAKK, TKN .MIMJ BODY NOT IIH( OVHKHO SO KAIt. An ouglnoor named .lohuson, on tho Sout'oin Puclflc pllo-dilvor on North I.nko. Ten Mile, was drowned jesterday when the -iillo-drlver top pled over while lifting a big pllliiK Johnson's body lias not been recnv (red nnd It Is believed that It Ih tin dernoath the pie dilver In 22 foot of water. Johnson hrd just gouo to work, having been sent out by Burt Dnro iiiiih. He whm a straiiHer lioro nnd nothing Is known about him. (Bj Vrsoclated Press to Coos flay Times.) BIORUN, Oct. 21. (Via wireless.) The 'imperial nt has sent a formal protest t. Franco and th nations concerning alleged violation of tho rules nova convention bv r reiich troops. Tho Gorman government charges that the French killed and mutilated Gorman soldiers; fired on ambulances filled with wound ed and bearing a I fed Cross flag; invaded German hospi tals and robbed the staff and had stolon equipment; killed doctors; captured and treated field clergymen as common criminals. The protests were accompanied by affidavits from Catholic field priests. ........ .. .. . - JrtlU KRJ lH J i II M I I Hi 1 11 1 SUeiABINc S SUNK BY GERMAN M T W EH IJI 0 BTTI f wlu,'n a(,tnu? Secretary Iviinsing said m I la liH Mil ('d s a contraband in any notificatit U III Ufl I ILL (;v(int Hrjtain. The vessel was taken (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON. Oct 21. An engagement between fi'iiu torpedo boats, and hostile submarines in the P''a near Kugen JSjaJid, off tho Prussian coast, was re ported from Stockholm. No details ot the light or results. ation received ironi en to the Orknov Is- - lands. Lansing said no representatinoshad boon made Disabled Steamer From Willa m case ol American steainerurindiiia wiucn was recently pa Picked Up by UncnailS H.n dm: captured and taken to Halifax, but as the cargo was the, Near Columbia River ..... .- ... I )r.,.l til lull itiiiit-liiii iijil-iirit ii yt'krijttfl ,iij i game us liio nwiveieuer aiiuiut-r jjiuiumi in UApyriun. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) LONDON, Oct. 21.- ('apt. .Johnson and sixteen men of the steamer Glita of Keith, sunk by a German submarine, arrived at St. Avangor, N'orway, from Skudesuess. John- ill Tflll TfirHV Mm sa.vs t,,(' snbinarine, N-17, suddenly popped upalong- I fU Uy mi lo the GlUa ill the North Sea Tuesday. They forced tho, I IB lull I UUfl I ,..(w to take to the life boats and then sank the vcsscl'by opening her valves. vas mjen i. y MO KB OIL SHIPS AUK SEIZED TRIANS CLAI TQ llffi GAPTURFO LARGE RUSSIAN FOfiCE.SSS (By Ahsoclatod Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) , A aISTEB DAM. Oct21. An official communication; 'issued in Vienna vesterdav savs "The battle m Contrail Galitia has inccenscfl in for e. esncciallv north of the Ktruhiz vivrti. -n-linvn nv nthii'ks aio lirogrcshing. At- (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW VORK, Oct. 21 The Standard Oil steamer Platuria, flying the American flag, has, been sei'.ed by British warships off the coast of Stocland and taken into Stornoway Port in Lewis Islands; according to a telegram received here todav. The Standard Oil Company has ro- luested the State Department to make another protest on although no wind is squally. aturm, which is identical, the company unistances attending the seizure of the Brindilla, which is held at Halifax. The Platuria, tor merry the German steamer Diamant, changed her shortly before sailing from New York October 6. (I; AuiKlati-l I'm., lo 111 ll; liroua I SAN FltANCISfO. Oct. 21. A wlreloss from tho stoamor Cornnadn, postod hero today by tho Sun Fran cisco Chnmbor of Commoreo, roporU' tho stonmor Uaymoiid, fiom Wlllnpn, for San Pcwlro, disabled flftouu miles north of tho Columbia Itiver, and Unit i sho was taken In low by th stuamer Cholialls, bound for S.tn I-'rouclsco. ' There Is only a moderate sou runnlug, ALASKA LKM-K ttll,h I'ASSHH I IMS QUELL HKVOLT JX PORTUGAL (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) Provident Wilson Sluns Coal .Mens mi1 Wat- Hastens It. 1)1. 4',o,u1 fnM lu t mm nmi Tlln.i.l i WASHINaTON, I). C. Oct. 21. ! Presldont Wilson has 'gnoil the Alaskmi coal land leasing hill open ing tho coal fields of Alaska. Bo- FRENCH REPORT ALLIES HAVE r REPULSED GERMAN RIGHT WING (By Associated Press to Ccos Bay Times.) PALMS, Oct. 21. A French official communication this afternoon follows: "Yesterday attacks of our oneniv wort! particularly violent at Nieuport, Dixmudo and La Jassee. . I hey wero all repulsed by tho allies nimin with great energy. At other points the situaiiou is with out any notable change. LISBON, Portugal. Oct. 21. The revolutionarv out- cause of tho restrictions put on the declares ' - a . .a . -m -m w r . nntMn.Wr. r n t 9 its I'llKiillll IA t . . -. r II -l.i . I !..... !....!, i. J-U,, ..i;,., ,.T Uiuwoiurm ...wl I .. I ii.wloi. l,. IJUIIII41 Ul n ui JJUliI v uuaou lu iupts oi lfussmns to regain .ungiera ueigm in ihh-h ...-.m m uh .-ucs i "'"", "' -wli, ...,.-, - AlMka gnio h Kuropeun wtir ,)0. repulsed. AlalJV Kussiuiis IMIM- neell caprureo, uu-iiuum; iL-uuiiMiip u Amnuu. i-,i. tunm-i it ii "" gan. the bill was hurrlel through M'lf Gcnofiil Tir Vncrt-i'i UK u.illliicd StlXl, JJ lhlles prolUptlV plU lcn, acrortling to 1111 olllCiai announce- e.ingros oi the re.juesi of Secretary Siii.tlnw...i ..( l n,.,i.n.. .liient todav. Luiio and seeial Western Senators. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlniea. GJWMAXS APUUttAli JJJtrVW BACK LONDON, Oct. 21. A dispatch from Flusliiiiff todav the Germans apppoar to haye.boen driven back in an engagement at Middlokorko, sjx,niilcs southwest of Ostend. The dispatch adds that camions Imvn Wn t placed near usienu aim most oi mo llevtnaii wounded ., are remoed iiloin Lruges. ..mV..--a:. v M --.. - . ... -- j. A .jHfct - -i sl ilMXikiAU, PBMgTTliWrTITTTTTTininni Bmaaasrsmm I