inipiiniMJiiiiii fTv-.M"fwfrv?f7sss: ,-. , ffir sitrjr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19 14 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT tf w P JpA I- m NO ALUM ROYAL BAKIN6 POWDER ' nntl right living. The coiuinltteo on Mrs. LJuvIs, Airs. Hush, .Mrs. Chris Constitution and By-LaWB further re- teiiBon, Mrs. llrocUmueller, Mrs. Al eominemleu Hint tho association nsU bee nnil the hostess, Mrs. Mnrhoffer the city council to nnnolnt n llbrrfry The next regular meeting will be hoard of thrco persons to net In con- heltl In two weeks at the homo of junction with the association In carr Mrs. Olson, with Mrs. Johnson to ryliiR out tho purpose of the lltimry provlile the form of entertainment. association. recommendation was discussed at considerable length and left to be decided at the next meetlnB. The librarian reported a constantly growing patronngo of the library and that the demand for cur rent magazines Is much larger than tho supply. Individuals nnd organi zations are asked to contribute mag azines so the reading table may bo of larger usefulness. The Association was adjourned to meet tho Thursday In November. 4 iai:tv today Mrs. James Holandson Is enter taining today compllniontary to Mrs Mary Campbell and Miss Kuuy Camp bull, of California. CATHOLIC AIl'Alt SOCIKTY ff 2 Tho Catholic Altar Socloty of North' third Head will hold Its next meeting with! Mrs. Hobert Hanks, tho first Tucs ilny In November. - "- ""'P ii i. p'nuiinmi jtuuijm.. .1 f" 1 An HI 4Ctea V Jj tram Hi It w0 .1 M l I V V . w N. vtO81 smkw&mmwmam It Suraly Wet on JKJNext I Hie Will u m avi i otitic; .oos B Month "AT WAY vor wry )L N'()T KPIKCOPAL CJUILI) - . xaucissi's ciAm (Continued from l'Hge S-x.) , ANXlVHIWAItY 1MKTV K Iafinlte Variety i The new Fall Shoos in our Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Horn of North llcnd this evening will celebrate tho twenty-third anniversary of tholr marriage, Inviting a few friends In for a dancing party. The dec-, orations aro In red and green, cut At the guild meeting this week Tho Narcissus girls were enter Cl urcu next Tuesday night on the Mrs. .Mary Browning and Mrs. P. tallied this week by Miss Thorn Lund referendum measures to be voted nt.uv Pnvnn wnm hnaiossos. mitortaln- nt n itinnnnni iiuv of fnncv work. tho December election. It will bo ng .Mrs. I'erhnni, Mrs. Harry Nns- followed by refreshments. Most of stOl'O U'ivo U Wider clioict (llSl'l'linill Tho stv under the nusplcos of tho Coos Bay burg, Mrs. Kinmn Nnsburg, Mrs. liar- the club members were present. Mrs. Mum cjver to tllO M..iu Ol. .1. !... ... Iiii.ltti.ini. tint -. t ,...!.. SMI. .!.. MMn .. !.. -A- ...ill 1... 1 ....... I.. "uulc" -iuu, uui tin iimiiiuuii 11..0 nai .Mrs. iviiuiu, .uiH. u iniuii, .mo. tumor vmeynru win uu uusiusa hi .,..:,,... ,.nljlil,l,.ml ' ' w r'W been oxtendfd to the public to attend. Forty, Mrs. Schotter, Mrs. Curtis, two weeks. '., ' , ',i , ,,'i: a tor WOlllLMI IIHM' UIU nun Mil I itv and dignity charaolori1. ,tii of tho host Now York Mrs. Mrs. Vestal, Mrs. Ludd, ltobt. Browning, Mrs. Mrs. Butler, Small, BOX SOCIAL KLK'S DAXCi: I Mrs. Kbbccka, Miss Keeil nnd Miss 4 ' HutchoBon. , .Mrs. Chns. Stauff and The members of tho Itoyal Neigh- houses' latest d'Clllioil. A 11(1 or moiuniy Mrs. C. . Tower were visitors, bora i.oiIkc will hold a lox x sorlnl ... u'ni'Ifiniinsltin. til' coill'SO. tho Plnnlsh Hnll next Tuesday ., .. ' ' ...i, J 1111 WUIrtUwSBU wuiiuui ui The first of a series flowers bolng used effectively In the dancing parties by tho Marshfleld Next week Mrs. Curtis and Miss Kced nt i,,i,in imlirnnm In the Horn Lodge of Elks was enjoyed Wcdnes-. v.-lll (utertnln. The Hummnge Sale nvonlmr nnnln will form the ove home. V. J. .Anderson, a brother day evening, about forty couples rommlttee decided on the days of nine's diversion and n genoral In- Wllllt of Mrs. Born, who nttenueu me enjoying 111c eveni which was uimor .ovemi)fr in, 11 nnil is lor 1110 saio vltiitlnn has iieen exteiuion to nil wedding twenty-three yeats ago will tho dlrcitlon of Messrs Kreltzr, Tur nnd are "rapidly furthorlug their friends of the order to partlclpato, bo ono of tho guests this evening, pen and Hlldenbrand. Tho parlies preparations. the ladles In attendance to bring Among thoso Invited are Br. Mrs. Burniestcr,' Dr. nnd Mrs. and are for I'lks and their families and Ira lady friends and the balance of the B. Bartle, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hain Inond. Mr. nnd .Mrs. It. A. Wornlch Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo Stephenson, Mr. nnd Mrs. l'ntil Dlmnilck, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. ,M. Byler, Mr. nnd Mrs Patrick Plnnagaii, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mrs.. Claro Koatliiff, MrH. Jonnle Jones, Capt. Kdgar Slmptton, 'ond M. W. A. Anderson. 4 1 plan ui:ci:itio.v l series are being looked forward to. t- IXPOBMAL l.l'XCHKOX I PiaYCHOUXDS. j 4 4 Dr. Bertha SiiiRrl, director of phy xlral educHtloti at V. of O., will come to North Bend und Mnrshflold Octo ber 2 1st In the Interests of piny- pro 11 ml work. She will lecture at Loggle Hall on Friday evening on physical education, under tho nusplc- l Mr. P. A. Golden entcrtnlnod formally at luncheon nnd an after noon's fancy work Friday compli menting MrH. W. J. Butlur. llur XuoHfH went Mrs. Butler, Mrs. II. Iteud, Mrs. Otto Schotter and Miss Maud Head. 4. 4 I THIMBU: CLl'll I 4 4 - luncheon boxes for two with their card Inclosed. Tho committee on nrrnimpinoiits Is composed lu- n. p. Drews, Mr. Clms, ello und Mrs. Win. Hydon. 4 , . 4 Cousins Shoes Mnile in N' v Y vk KOIt WOAIKX INKOIt.MAL CHAT. Tho congregation of tho Meth odist ' Kplscojml Church of North Bond will tender a reception to Itev. nml Mm IINitv nnxl Tnamlnv eVL- nine at the church, the occasion lo "' uwnt-flrt Inter. marking tho fifth year of the llov. Hlsey's pastorate In North Bend. Tlicro will bo a program and later tho ladles In charge will servo re frcshmouts. All members of Mr. and Mrs. Prank KIsoninliiKer leiivo on tho Nnnn Smith for Frn Panclsco to consult speolftllstfi rn- gurdltiif Mrs. KisntimliiKer'H hmilth. .;. . .;. Dr. R. R. Straw nnd wlf plan to loavo on the Nnnn Smith for Son Fnnclsco. to roturn by wny of of MrH. Tlioy will coniplulo hor cos La chup- tmiio properly. Fifth Ave nno iollc can do no hollor l'rolmlily she will buy hoi children's shoos here, ioo (lood I'il is vital Tor Ihom Phis is the place to ol it Buy Your HEAT Em 1 60 Front. Street, and you can KKIOp )yt Have you seei our new I ojestic Ranges? r.Phe Alonoy Can lJuy. EKBLAB & SON MvorythhiK in llitrdwaro. fsEmsmssA m 'IM Mrs. Chnrlos Williams entertained os of tho North Bend Library Assocla- the Thimble Club Friday at their lion. Dr. Stuart will also meet the customary nftomoon mooting. A mothers of North Bend nt the Con- K00j bustnoM aosslon, nt which It trul School Building Irldny nt 10 o- wns decldod to give u Halloween Klninntli Falls, whoro tlwy will visit clock and me teachers at soniu noui party October -S nt the homu of Mr. mid Mrs. Win. Yaiighan, wns 0 4 followud by work at banket tuuklntr. I IIAItVKST BALL Mrs. WIIIIuiiih had her house jtret- Illy decorated with cut flowers. Mrs Hub Dry Goods Co. fiiHtui ii'cur for Women i Cor. Jh'onrf irii 1 ami ( 'en I ml rnonn 3 lil. Sperry Sir eniil Arrniigemonts aro being completed lirr wns tho only additional guest. tno for the decorations, inutile, program tho monibors out bolng Mrs. Kaiser, tongregatlon nml friends of tho """ ll,u ou,ur mmrosuiiK lonuires .Mrs. .Million, .Mrs. uvcritt. .Mrs. uu church hovo been Invited to nttend for tno ,InrV08t ,Jn11 WH,ch wl11 ,UJ zor, Mrs. (llnzler, Mrs. Mnndlgo, Mrs. tho social evening. K'v,,n ,,oxt Krll,y ovonlng by the Dorhyshlro, Mrs. Colemnn, Mrs. Lln- 4 4 .;. ladlos of tho Uplscopal tiulld at the don, Mrs. Illggs, Mrs. Walters, Mth. North Bend. 4 4 BubIou' Hull. Tim affair will bo pub- (lothro, Mrs. Kunnody, .Mrs. Burmos- I K.VTRKTALV CLUB I " "" " " Ku"ur" "i4 eu" ler 111111 .Mrs. iiurue, who win uu tno ' .4 extonded to all to attend. Tho bnll noxt hostess October HO. Rofrouli- Mr. nnd Mrs. Stuart McDonald ,nnr,8 lll oponliiK of Mnrshflold'H monta woro sorvod by Mrs. Burmos wlll entdrtnln tho North Bend So- Ht)olal 8on80 n"'1 uluH fn,r t0 uo tor. aselstlng the bostons. rimiHt. nii.i. nt ,.,.r,i .t ti.i.. i.nnin llte nn event In social circles. 4 4 Dr. Straw's people. : MrH. Predorlck Holllstnr nnd smi returned Tuesday via Drain from a six weeks' stay In Port'and and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Mottlnr nnd son Austin, of Snn Diego, nrrlvcl yoHtenlay on tho Nnnn Smith to vlflt Tuesday evening, October -7. 4 4 I BIHTIIDAY PABTY 4- 4 Tho decorations as plnnuod will bo verv olaborato comnrlsliiK nu- tllnl.i liinvno .llinlr.n.lniltrirnu f.nrti til tassols nnd other Hnlloween feat- T'1U uroB. The boat of music has been A. X. V. I.osllo Gordon loft this wook for Portland whoro ho will spend n w.eek or ton days with relatlvoa and looking after business. 4- - Mrs. J. II. Stnddon, Mrs. Norls WW8& v&mMsMgLgm he A. N. W. were entortal.ied Jo,,",,n' Mr8' J' G- 'l"'" Mr"' Tl rsduy by Mrs. Chns. Kulsor .it a- I,arvo' woro K.,,0.8t8 of, M.rH W,n- Mrs. It. 0. Brnlnnrd, of North ,,oturo,, n,ul tho d"'rs are prom Bond was the roclplont of a dollght- ltml u Pl"" ovonlng. ful birthday surprise last Sunday at the homo of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, II. Shoppard, who entertain ed at dinner In hor honor. The In- XOBTH BK.VD LIBHAUY. Tho North Bend Library Assocla- vlted guests woro Mr. and Mrs. Joo on ,nei ni l" "rry i-nuay nnor Olln. Mr.- nnil Mrs. X. f!. Iliunnu. UOOll. tho homu of Mrs. It. P. Cobhart in North Bend. Among her guoslK wore Mrs. Bennett, Mm. Murch, Mrs O'Connell, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Murphy Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Mary McKnlht, Mrs. C. P. McKnlght, Mrs. Iluznnl, Mrs. Noble, .Ir. Hague, Mrs. Stauff, Mm. Hnr.fl'iin, Mrs. Allen nnd Mrs Rvortsen. Mrs. Stauff and Mr Mr. nnd Mrs I.. A I.tinniln. Mr n.i.l rOlltlllO Mrs. ThoinaB Juza, Mue Juza, Kon- appointed Inst month on Constitution tli Juza, Margaret 1 in anij Leo Iluinos. and Riigono v .... . Clare Kentlng, who has boon But fort ' l" proposod Constitution is: First, to establish, or causo to bo established, In North Bend 11 froo pub- flpuiMiug tho summer with Mrs. L. J. JJluipagn, lll lonvo soon for hor hqme in i.ob Angeles. In addition to the genoral of biislnobs the committee ,re" nlilod tho hostess lu serving tno iigiu rorreHiimeutH tliut com plomentod tho nfternoon of sewing. Mrs. M. C. Maloney will bo bostos.1 noxt week. 4 4 I RASTSIDR TIU 4 4 mid By-Laws reported In part and I riskod for another mouth's tlmo. Tho 1 object of tho Library Association, us r Mrs, P. O. Brooks, who move I lie library and such branch llbrniios Thursday from Rnstsldo to take up tlon Sit VKR TU, Tho Vre'sliyi Klvo a syver . next WediUMdnt Mrs. p,.m. H. 'altor, Mr. 1 Mrs, M. A Swtkt' m m as 4 4 I 4 Auxiliary will 't tho Church Vnoon, with ny, Mrs. C. uKulKht nnd hostosses. loading rooms and educntlonnl con tors as the elty may from time to tlmo uood. Sahroeder nt an Informal afternoon Thursday, tho four giving hor a llt- tlo surprise .;. .;. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Burton II. Preston of LdV-ell, Massachusetts, nrrlvol Thursday on tno Breakwater nnd will mako their homo with P. P. Norton. Mr. Proston Is a nowphow of Mr. Norton and brother of Miss Rdlth Proston. Ono ovonlng of last week n mini hor of old Ueheknli friends of Mrs W. J. Butlor prosonted hor with a half dozen toaspoous as n farowoll gift mid tokou of esteom. Mrs. But ler, lucompniilod by hor son, Wal ter Butlor, who will spend his vncn- lu California, loaves on the iyi 'H UU 'I M SAVE" MONEY 1 ly iiidci'iiiK. Hi fainniis Hcnryvillc Coa! Nut coal, per ton $l.oi)' Lump Coal, per ton tf(l.ot) Or, hair ton of both i?.1. D. .MUSSRX, Prop. Phono 1K-.I, or Iimivo orders at IllllyeiV Ciuur Slot;!. 4 4 I COOS BAY TI.MKS For Dairy Cattle A Balanced Feed At AREASONABLEPRICE Fed to Cows Increases Their YIELD OF MILK SEE 1T-- -ASK ABOUT II COOS BAY TI.MKS WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS BUY AX lP-TO-THK-.MIMTi: WAU 3IAl V.IIILK TIIK SITPLY LASTS They Arti (loliig; l-'nst OK SCHOOL roHidoneu In Marshflold ,was the Nanu Smith for hor homo In Colfnx honor-guest of a tea given Wudnos- California after n stay In Marshfleld day afternoon from two to four of soveral wneks. Second, to provide, or cause to bo o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. P. D. provided, a clam of amusements, on- proy p.asuldo. Tho iiinuv frlende tertnluiuont and rocroatlon lu thojnf Mrs. Brooks mot cordially over city tlwit will bo eonduelvo to the u1(, tea to wish her host succosa nnd reading of good books. - pleasure In tho now homo and to The playground movomont is nlrogret her departure. Among them part of tho library extension work, wuro Mrs. W. Colo, Mrs. P. (illbort was heartily endorsed by evoryono Mrs. Percy Poet, Mrs. J. A. Swan piusont. Tho Idea Is that tho ohlld- son, Mrs. W. P. Byerly, Mrs. Hobort r -, ron aro tho readers, both today and Kltson, Mrs. W. Stecklo, Mrs. M BeimtorI, S. Smith will dollver tomorrow nnd that tho right play A. Thurston. Mrs. Prank Ilorman nn address at tho Presbyterian Klvos an appetite for right rondfiigMrs. M. A. MeLain. Mrs. It. T Whltty, Mrs. J. D. McKay, Mrs. A Hortou, Mrs. M. A. McLagguu nml Miss Ksthor Byorly. 4 4 4 ... .A KDKriON' l,K(rUIIK - I A Difference in Eyes Acquires a (lil'lerence in your eyeglass lenses and tins ailTcfcnee may only ho delennined (lirongh an exiuninjition by an experienced optician. Our seryU'o includes such an exaininalion by a state licensed uptician as well as a earoi'nl adjust ment of filtiiu r (iw. i- i ...i O " mi- iitiiui-n uv tin i.ii;ri. Hi:WL PABTY llaivost Ball at ICnglch' Hall (!. Iicr Vt'.X. ICvcrylMidy Invited. BU(g(st ilniiie of the .season at Kok lioff Hall, Xoitli llciiil, Salunlay ow ning. Muilln's 7-plcco oi-eCiU'.ti'U. XOTICK TO OWLS. Don't forget spoclal meeting Sun day, 2:00 p. m sharp, at Hall, Marfchflold, Oregon. Joo SCHOTT, Soc Heating' Plants XOTICK OK SALI-: DLSTUKT BONDS. Notice is hereby kMh that School District No. 9, Marshflo d, Coon Coun ty, Oregon, will offer for salo ?10 000.00, 5 par cent coupon bonds, 20 your payiuont, optional with district after ton years. III1I3 to bo open! at the office or John P. Hall, In said district at 7:30 P. M. October 2 1, 10 1 1. Tho directors or snid dlutrlcl lesorvo tho right to reject any and all bids. A deposit or .1 pur cent will bo required with bids, to ho forfeited lu enso bonds shall bo awarded and par ty bidding shall refuse to tnko up Owls' 1 bonds. I Dated nt MarsliXleld, Orogon, this 13th day of Octobor, 101,1. JQIIN P. HALL,' Clerk of School District No. 9. Marshriold, Coos County, Oregon. j 15 KM ,, 11 1 IPH , jvBffisfiw iimmmR & yi'Jfid'fifXffit -J::.tJd3B5 tin 9sv tlr k ttSnW mi W - .iiirr s ti vi a m ii yi W mmB ijiiMiiwrfrL,';'ltIg:JJ Celebrate Edison Day in your own iicu v Tha moc i could pojji-t of Edison on October 2i, ov:J. in our homes tho holiest devclcv; greatest inventicn vfJ 1 1 1 1-"'' -'enttfb'S T7 111 1 s . .- . u 1AKK RVKinT PUWOiMJTlON known lo optical ftiumcQ assure oni- patrons absolntoly eor Tect glassy.. Examined Glasses Fitted Red Cross Optical Dept. HUIK nuVQ HTOIU) PHO.NIO IU2 Mrs. I. B. Bartle has Invited a row rrlonds In ror sowing Wodnas day coniplliuoutury to Mrs. Mary Cninpboll and Miss Ituby Camp ball, who aro visitors at tho Alec Campbell homo. OAKD IttUTV Mrs. II. A. Wells has Invitations out for curds Tuesduy afternoon. 4 JOLLV DO.H.V The Plouoor Hardware Co. of this city state that they aro putting lu more heating plants, both lu husluoss buildings and roslduucos, than ever before. This bhuwK plainly thai puo- I , pie borg aro fully abreast or the times 9 1 nii.i iiniii'ocliitti 11 cl(i:in nvon anil tii'O. ' liomlcal method or heating tho wltole hoiiHo at a tlmo or us much or little as desired at any time. Tho boating stovo, with its dirt and nuhos, requir ing constant watching, coimtnuti) varlug in tomporature and only ef fective lu the room whoro It Is placed , always was a jnuUunco. A good heating plant put in right much h-ss tluin one woitl l Ir much cheaper to run They will che rfully Mrs. Prank Marhoffer was best ow and Mrs. Davis eutortulnor on the occasion of tholr first iuooting for threo weeks. Mrs. Davis onter talned with soverul selections on I the piano. Sowing and lunch fol- costs lowod. Mrs. Suiilro and Mrs. Butz think, and woro the only absent monibors. Thobo than stoves. present wero Mrs. I'miUno June, a give you an oslimute of tho cot with 1 - - - - . A -I ,- I it..... -..-.i I GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOB ALL MAKICS OP CABS !I7 Centnil Av. Plume 7!Mi rniiiwrimni . rm &? MAZDA 1AMP& tff(W V tSUM4M il" V- ""- ' . n.l? Electric light Is now nn i.iexper live 1 'f'.t JaefJ - ... . j.rt 1 1.... C' L' 7 K1C.V: r. - -for KDlsurs ivumue.o iv. U k.?r slecf' : . . , i, x-i,.ww hiah.pnst-of-Iivir.g ar.U tfzxa 'l e w ' Li.flhosl!' ...... - -- -. - .0 r.lli.JI'6"T EDISON MAZDAS pivofrom ,3 fta arycaroonian usiv T""--- ;y v fares runt mn more !k! t Witliout auy PILES CURED AT HOME BV NEW ABSORPTION METHOD, If you sifftr from biatil u,;, it-iuuy, blln or irL.i ul 11 h I'il. s, r u im y ,ar aUtrftfl ami I yi 11 toll you l n 10 euro yoi.rsclf a Iiom by tlio jow than t'o.n t catuitut, u. Will alio cnd umio o( tuU h u," i catr-ien-fri-o for t 4l yjh refcrem from ju.' own ical ty if rw)ivteil I s rs report Iu luoilla'B rll'f and jjiieeay cures. Bond no 1 Bwiiry, Iiut tcl others of this ciffw, Wibe f" XT V4 A .,- -w, - - -y- lighting bill. hcW easily If your house, isn't .wirod-J us tsll V nc n. cheaply tho work can be done. Telephone 178 egon Powef Company Or Ji!"iaJii!-' U' i