ipwiipiPiW "WfJllTflll r T -mi-wy.M w m. six THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914 EVENING EDITION. j y. AT THE 6 If f Be ,f, i j. ' I ' .. I AND ContlnueJ From Pago Two. ALTAR OUILD & hi i i -r nffli Ah 4 Mnrshflcld high school will bo the '.jfne North ncnd AHnr Guild most recipient or one dozen Krnu Knrl iiexl Thursdar with Mrs. Thotnns Druschkl roso bushes n gift from Cha'pman. the University of Oregon. The condl- ' tlons of the gift nro: .(?.- NORTH REND AUCTION 't ' IIH1ROE worn Thnlmn T.vnn. Mnrv I.nnlRn Mr- tliorilllic Hint BVOIllllE by ROW Alfred GENERAL SCHOOL MOWS. ArtjUlr nn(1 ncKtto Moore. ! Hogg, of Seattle, Washington. I 1. To p'nnt them na sooins thoy SECOND OH A RE. Tho grade was visited on Thurs- ! day by Mrs. Curtis and on Fildny byj Mrs. Vnsey, Mrs. Dashnoy, Mrs. Claus en, Mrs.' Dlnck and Itov. Uassford. FIRST RAPTIST CHURCH Albert F. Uassfoid, M. A. Resldcnco C(;t So. I lth Btreut r.'J-X Ulblo Srhool at 10 n. m., will graded classes and competent tench riM.n.. ...I. 1... t... ..ll.nH .... f. " nrrlvn I l,uou mi iiuvv uuvii nvituui uuwj rg aju. . , ... . , . ..nor nnsent uunng tne monr.i are voraiii at 11 n.m. anii7:;iu p.m gfhe Auction Hr.dge Cub W, bo 5" n newVoso InWtalncd by Mrs. Ucrgman nt tho ward schools or to Individual P.0 Pn Wednesday. , with the Intbrnfntl6n that the original "e Inncn' """ on,on' ;,onn f ' ixtondcd to nil young men nnd wo '3- i.mb-j -., -.. i, ..,.. v , Mannmon, Curtis Nngol, lljnlto Nor- mon. ft--. nnuLfu nf nrieon " """. "In Payne. Eugene Samp- Mdslc nt both services by a Inn. "W w,.,r hftfn ntiiKV I ltmfcn,u of 0rcPn' ROt. rhoUtm ,,.',, rharlln Vimov 'chorus choir under Professor CJoorg. P: NORTH REND PAItT Th0 hushes which the University son, Tliolma IsonCharilo bbo. Aynj i - , will send are from tho hedge w' Irh tf.TKK Members 6f thd Thimble Club' nrniini. ,. .. i. ,...;: tho1 IW'it. Ti-j .... a,.-.,..!;,., nfiu . . . . . Thn tiunllM linvlnc 100 tmr1 rent In oiu'uiu! uciiu a.u luipnci; !'. grounus. j nis nedgo can ue seen ,.; .-,-- -- Vwlnesday on Mrs-. L. K. Slratc at iiu. n- - -.. ,i, u spoiling for the week are Mark Rbone, Ko hornb thero, that proved to be nVor tho Southern p.iHflr. E"'hcr w,8,l .0TtUm Ncff' Lornn k very pleasant aftbrnoon affair. TJi.o party took their sewing an I Mortdn Coko, of tho Fourth grade; A cordial wclcomo Is extended t all. MKTIIODIKT rilUKUII Rev. A. S. Illsoy. Pastor. North Rend Wilson, Alnm .Inrvlncn, Win. McAr-i Tho services Sunday will bo at tlnir, Ell Sampson, Augustus Hoff- Allows: poht the afternoon at needlework Central School, holds tho record In ma"' , Vesper Clrclo nnd Epworth League i iiubi" aiiiiiiiiiiK mil jiui cvui in ill - m 7 n, m, Ithmcttc fbr he wetk nre Either Wis- Sermons by tho Pnstbr at 11 a. m to Gordon Noff, Lornn Wilson. ,! 8 P. m. j Mbrnlng Sermon: "Ivopt from f Ol'ItTII (2RADE. ( Rvll" Troso pupils who have missed no1 KvonlnB Sermon: "Times of Ros- 11II0 U'nrila In dnltv nnnlllni' loMRnnn fflin l,,ll flfld.cnar, lonowca oy luncn.servca tnat room for Ulc irRCt number of W thretf oi tne gronp, Mrs. i.reves, wordg gpcnCi correctly In five tnlti- Mrr. Walters rind Mrs. Linden. Mt(,8 Hc gpoIJc(1 I60 AtooDr those taking part fif tlie stir- lr)K6 Were Mrs. John Mullen, Mrs. 4 Ilr'B. Uc'hricdy, Mrs. (Icol d. Mnh- SOUTH MARSHFIELD dlRO, iit, fi E. Rlggs, ii; IL J. j HCHOOL. Llndent ' Mrs. 0. S. Kaiser, Mrs. jjF. XJebTriJfj, Mm. I. R. Uartlo, KIOIITH ORADE. Uft: V. E. Witters1. Mrs. John in tho weekly spoiling test tho fol- arorcsY Mrt. Elmer Russell. Mrs. low'ng made tho highest grades: An- Asf: jJammontf, Mrs. II. 0. IJnr- nn 8torgard, 100: Clara Ferguson, jjofttff Mr. II. If. Jlnzer itid Mrs. io0; Lorcnrt Hoffman, 100; Holcn A) II. Derbyshire", !, j Hcbort, 100; Grace Farrln, 100; . rt 4 . . , - .. . uinnua tcrrei, iuu; .laoci iingo, 100; Ruth Golden, 08; Gcorgo Deub- ifcr, 98; Gcbfgo Hnnscn, 98; Leon a Post, 98; Charles Drianc, 98; Eugene ij. I" c)sliM"kxt ouects JU.v n u wi . T. ' osi, yi; unnncs uoane, a; uugeno JMm, Alec Campbell complimented ,-.. nP. .,.,. . r. 1W it j .j .. Kelloy, on; r ranees Lnng, 9(5; Eve- Wriouse-BuestyMM. Mary Camp- Mlrrn8'mil. nc. RlIth Ancr8on, Veil and Miss Ruby Campbell Thdrs- 0 firnot Whereat. 9C; Wllmn unr.niicrnoon wiin a sowing pariv 1, . , h 1 t. n ;'whlch .W" Invited numbers of -oflK,nnJ' Joh ''y0' 9G thflr -olrf friends and ncqunlntnnccs . . ,, . At , , ffioW was bewltchlrfgly decorated', ho studies for tho Friday morn NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Rov. R. O. Thorpo .with black cats. Halloween pumpkins ",K, 'r,l"'"b " l" ;' ftd fiiHfia symbols connected will. "I"1 lJ, ,7, , I ' " f 4 ' Kodntdmn of tho year, Intormlng- or" ,n,1,hnPd J f,mBT '7!n " ? on' kf with quantities of autumn leaves J1 Fre inert T Ibboy. Ruth (Olden. Am .i.-n-.i- ,ii - 1 .i,..i Eugoiio Kolley, Anna Storgard. Geo, Mrs. McKlnnon. .fiievKn.1 for .j,a inMn of mrm.k. Schrbdor. Mabel Llngo.Vnlerlan Vas mehls that also boro tho Ifullovosn oy Mnry McArthur. Helen Herbert ' .. . iSft.l Wllnfo Tfirfr.1ntif1 jSS6iVlhg wan tho diversion of th?1 , ., , , . , . MvthHoif. Tho gnosis prcsbnt In- ' w- Kn""nnn n"'1 A. T. Haines eluded Mrs. AV. 11. Curtln, Mrs. Eva, w"ro cnlldrB on Kr,(,ny ln0T""K- Sammlll, Mrs. A. J. Bavnijo, Mrs , Oep. Dfiobnfcr, Mrs. P. McCulliiiKh.! Tho only nbsoncos during H16 week ftrs". Chas. II, Cox, Mrs. O. d. Tor- nnsv $Yt '.?'M. JnH. Cowan, Mrs. tloiirge dny enko mounted with forty-eight Cftlnpbol), Mrs. James RolnndK.uu candles. Mrs. Thompson wns nre- MrsR, n. Walter and alstor, Mrs scntcd with tho club'a t.sunl gift, nj w.h. Mchldownoy, MrH. Enrl Sav- souvenir apoon. Tho gucstH enjoy ago,' Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Mls Isis Ing tho affair woro Mrs. Davis, Mm MttrShl MISK Nnttlil RllVIIL'fl. Mini All,.,. Inniiimnlln Mm nrnuiuir Mr. Cuftls, Miss Allco Cox nnd Mrs. .l.lirown, Mr"s. DuHhney, Mrs.' Kolly I l', Sneddon Ef ol Dnvls V. 6. Lyons. Tho dnlntly rofrolin.oiitB Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Thompson nnd!forni' UaWtttd -,0l "' ,,clo wore sorved by Mrs. Campboll, Miss Mrs. Perkins nnd MIsBes Ilolon Por-j Campbell and Mrs. Enrl Savage. kins and Virginia Ilrown. Tho noxt' y . 1 mooting dnto Is Oclober 29, tho nhal wnnlr nrn Vlrplnln .lnhnann Mvr. T tlo Conklln. Alfred McElroy, Cecil! Doll. Tholmn Dlnck. Ho'en Merchant. Duncan Dashnoy hnd Ero Jnrvoneii. ' Services will be hold In thb Nor- Thbso who hnvo 100 percent on tho WR n L",J10,;an. c',nrc,v nt ,!a,ah ... .. 1 .. flold Sunday at 11 n. in. week's fifty-word test nro Marshall . 2?VtyA.01.C0nk"1n,l VI5.Bl,?F'- Siimlay Bcho.il meets nt 10 a. m. ??, T ')!l?nGnUhf' IJc"' Sunday at 7:15 p. m. Alfred McElroy. Grace McElroy Nqla 8orvccs w b(J hcJ, n 1() f,pr. Gallaughcr, Gcorgo Murptiy. Lester wogBn mtheran Chapol nt Noith Post, Holt Ronohrrikff, Cecil DolL Dond Sunday nt 11 n. in. Callstn Waltors, Tholma Rlnck, Ren-' Sunday schol at 10 a. in. nle Sorenson, Helen Merchant, Emer- 4 son Ncff. Ero Jnrvenen, Alton Knr-(' SEVENTH DAY AHVENTISTS. dell, 1 I Local Elder, J. E. Quails. In rapidity im.mpllcatlon of 150, 8ovonth A vontIltt 8crvlr0B nr0 combinations tho following wrote per- conducted overy Snturday as follows: feet papers. Emerson Ncff In ! 1-2 Sabbath School at 10 a. in. minutes. Duncan Das' 11 ey In 4 mln-i UJblc Study at 11 a.m. utes Tholmn Il'nck In 1 l-n mtnutns Voting People's Society at 3 p. m. mes. nioiinn 11 ncK in 1 1 - minuins. p p Mcc( Wednesday nt Myrtlo Conklln, r minutes, one mis- 7.30 Jlt nK tnko In less than ft minutes, Wnllnco Langworthy, John Nordstrom, Lllllhn .CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I Inhiwnn lllnn npMlnnl Thnuh ,i.,o I lllflSllnn KClOnCO Ifnll mado abovo 9n pAr cent in 'ess than r, minutes were Vlrgltiln .roiinson.l services at 11 n. m Sundny and Lnwrenco Koontz, Neltn Oallaughor, 8 p. m. Wednesdny. Ero Jnrvenen, Adrnlno Gardner. I Subject: "Unreality." ! Sunday School at 12 Sunday. Visitors to thn room tho nast week1 K,nn roo' IK' ovory ' Msiiors to t no room 1110 pnst weoK e-Popt guniny8 ami Hollduys from I were Mrs. Old ley, MrH. Lyons nnd t0 4 p. m. 237 Third Street North 1 FIFTH (SHADE. Thesn puplU mado no mistaken In spelling during tho pnst week: Wil liam Kroltzor, Arnold Sampson, Ma- Ervlu Por- 1.1ns. (coos Hay women's ci.uii 4 hoBtess to bo Mrs. LnChnpollo. 1. .r..Tho regular mooting of tho Coos Bay Women's Club will bo hold tho 'first Wednesday In Novombor. 1 Mrs, o- .M. E. IlAi CITY AID Mr. Kroltzur paid us u visit last Mondriy. SIXTH GRADE. This grade rccblvod pleasant calls from Mrs. LyonB nnd Mrs. Gldley the pnst week. Wnyno Harris has returned from Wm. Smith was hostcHS to the women of tho Day City Aid U'niltinminv n t luiuimtnu n)i.i u,....i..,. I his mbnf li's visit nt Snn Francisco. . 1 .....'... ,v .. . .,.. Ma v.... 1, u. ..if. - ----- -----. 'rN()UTII REND SISTERHOOD and luncheon. Mrs. Stbwnrd was, Rhoda Andorson and Charles Snod- J , elected vlco-prcsfdont, filling that '0 entered this weok. Tho Indies of tho Christian Sister- vacancy. A commllteo compbsod of1 Of tho thlrty-flvo pupils enrolled Ifopd of North Rond, met nt tho Mrs. It. A. Chnpln and Mrs. H ' In this grado, twenty-nlno woro nolth homo 6 Mrs. Edgar McDanlol on Rrlnkley wns appointed to visit all or absent nor tardy during tho month JVednosdy for an afternoon's final of tho new uolghbors In Ray Clt;' of Septoinbor. yqrk at nuJltlug, A short business nnd nsk tlmm to tnlu thn aih Tim Tho following nunlls ' avo mndo n HUcusslon Wub held nt which It wbh next mooting will bo hold In three' Krada of 100 por cont In nil their,'" .planned to rhako the noxt mooting weeks, with Mrs. Poolo. Those nl- Bpolllng leKsons through tho work: j 1 jjveunesnay n social one, to bo hold tending woro Mrs. J. P. Maloncy Raymond Rurrows, Ho'on Lccocq ;uier nt 1110 tmnio of Mrs. Everltt Mrs. A. L. Foster, Mrs, W. E. Ferdinand Lncocq, Edgar Mauzoy,,- r. ,airs. uiHdmon. TI16 IndleB out Parks, Mrs. A. A. Allnnl. Mrs Jonnotto Wilson. "' !Mrs- Tl)0. M". Gliidnion, Mrs. Peter Sunneson, Mrs. W. N. Lyon, M m'i rr8' wn1,l,B' :'rH cvoy. Mrs. Chas. Dennlson, Mrs. R. A FIRST GRADE. rs. McDanlol and 0110 visitor, Mrs. Chnpln, Mrs. I). E. Mnjor, Mrs. John Those neither absont nor tardy dur e-srl. i.'i ,i. .. ... ... . .. . jfts.?. uonnngwny, .Airs. towani, .Mrs. Ilu- ing tno first monin woro; uionnn ah S. . f:- UNITED IIRirrilREN CHURCH NORTH HEND Mrs. R. N. Lowls. Pastor Snbbath School nt 10 n. in. Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Preaching nt 1 1 a. m. ami 8 p,m Prayor Meeting Wednesday a vie nlug nt 8 o'clock. 4 NORTH REND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. S. Grogg. Minister Pronehlng nt 1 1 n. m. and 8 p. m Ulblo School. 10 n. 111. 4 CATHOLIC CHURCH .MAHSHI'IHLD Mnss will bo celebrated at 10 o'clock Sundny morning by Rov. Father McDovltt. 4 I METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Joseph Knotts, Pnstor. Sunday sc' ool at 10 a. m. 1 Morning Service nt 1 1 n. m. 1 Evening sorvlco nt 7:30 p. in, ' All nro cordially Invited. Epworth Longtin at 0:30 p. m. , Junior Lenguo Sorvlco Thuradny tftornoon at 3:45. Prayor Mooting Thursday ovon- Ing nt 7:30 o'clock. 1 I I NORTH REND I'RKSRVTERIAN I 1 I Rov. Frcdorlck Shlmlnn, Pastor . young .Matrons. 'dobeck, Mrs. Rrinkioy and Mrs bott, Eninnuol La Clnlr, Rornlta - biiiitn. Lapp, Marlon Kardoll, Elinor Scott, ' - - EASTSlDF. SEWINR CLUR Alfred Wright, Harold Roono, Mnrtha Carlson, Kenneth Green, Ruby f, Tho Young Matrons woro pleasant- I lemertaincd nt ncedework bv m. I'wnioney Thursday on tho occas- "' lu "'" ontonuineu llio Johnson, Jo 11 Potors, Logan Knox Pan BUIflmftr lliWr.,..... .. ... Tlllirsilnv With Mrt A lln.lnn ntlt- ,'4SW. Mrs. Noll MaMJIIan, Mrs. It. gl",ly "tortalnlng with a roadlng. A iMorrow. Mrs. John Ifnn.inii n.i spociai mooting was arranged for I Wright, Henry Hanson, Lolltn Lapp Emma lliuiHort, Ciirl Pnyno. Violet CT9', their ' flrst. mooting slnco (ho KnBtalilo Sowing Club na honfM Hnd Donald Iiostf. VTlm. Ouy Kondall. Mr' 1 n next Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. 9?tyM'Mr8. Otis Wilson woro Wnltor Kobortsbn. Following sow' lUtPrtJjlra. H. l. rr.fni ,.... .i. Ing and chat a nlco lunch was nnrr. Ror?aVUC8ti rfsslstlng tho host- od- Mr8, Drltkloy'a guests were ' essA'.Thaheki mmtin -in 1... . Mrs. F. Prov. Mrs. Porcv Pnot. Mm nedaoidajr with Mrs. MacMillan. Tho A- "orton, Mrs. A. L. FoBtor. Mrs . pn. ochanglng tho day of moot- F' 8- Ho!bo' Mrs- w, Stecklo, Mrs 4 j" .V'n inursday to Wednesday 'r"1 n'00''". Mrs. A. Simpson ind I "?. .1 1 rawtlng- once ovorv fwn rs. E. Vlnoynrd. Tho club will' I weeks .Jn,toad of ovory weok was ,ncot nBnl" in two wooka w't! Mra rflBcussf fav0r.abIy an(J K0St0r. Panned. to enlarge tho club. ' T "7". , I niiUi.Mi iMiiii vljurcK VIA Sundny School, 10 n. in. Pronehlng, 1 1 n. m. Christian Eudonvor, 1 p. Preaching, 8 p, m. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH REND Rov. Fathor McDovltt Mnss will bo celebrated Siindav uornlng nt 8 by tho Rov. Fathor McDovltt. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. T.nnlr linrrt Aft PnnaiitimH .1 . . '""" ""... .u you want to savo a llm0 ioni!V your grocory Mil? If so, call o i uh nnd wo will tell ya , A FEW SATURDAY SPECIALS '"" (,,,ml KKK8' PCr !,n'on r, or ,,, ,,, f((. Six bars or Whlto Rorax Napthn Soap Tor Rnnunnn, per dozen .'.'.'.'. ' "'v Phono us your orders for Rousting ?,,.' They Vrc'excepUniilv good. ' ' y Our phono number Is 391-J. COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE QUnffW "UHLIfY pfl -vw.li vn Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. MlV(,"k,LS(M'vi('c cjoos ,,u.v an(1 Sun KniiKMH,.,,' S. S. Redondo sails inum san francisco For coos ray MONDAY, OCTORER , ,T it P. M. Btjuippcrl wlt.1i win-W'SS ana subuinrlfic bell. PiiRSPiiirci-B and freight. S. S. N ANN" SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine hell. PassMritrers and freicrlit. SAILS FOR SAN FHANC'SCO FROM MAHSIII'IKI.I) TUESDAY, OITOREK 'JM, AT III A. M. San Francisco office, Urecmvich street pier iNo U and GOO Fife building. Uooa Bay Agent, 0. P. McOtoimK, Phone -J4. liflel,J.v0. Iii?i- 00,l8T I i'Klft LowRateslri nandiingT. '"' re.,0Bbte ,il n.(,,..ijj ptiui. I "Tl M i Ar, hm I! .J VS. "ca.." gfefl I PrAnfl, u 4. ---""""Il. 8T LUUlPXrr. "earn heat, hti .. .J " won. J """"P. Dijiimn, (Want -. . l"auiV I " EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLEHH. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM RAILROAD IMCK, MARSHFIELD, DURINO THE MONTH OF OCTORER ON TUT' !IRD, AT 10 A. M.; IOTII, AT I P. M.j 17TH, AT H A. M.; ITH AT 1 P. M., AND MIST AT 8 A. M. Ticket on al to all Ewsu-m mlnli hnd fnrotoiailon m to rot n) rnliW cheerrulljr fdrnHlirrt. I'linno ,'15-J. . C. II. MNDERS. Agent MERCHANT'S C L Prices Reason wi, uommerciali f- ' HAVE THAT BOOff NOW See CORTHEUl rnone 3171,, i'i COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM SAV FRANCISCO EVERY TEN DAYS SAN FRANCISCO DOCK UNION STREET NO. 2, PIER l. E. .1. LINDEN, Fit. Agent. Teephone Douj;. U77II. I :i ki'Its r.nRTti CIVi: I'S l n . UNIQUEPANTATW JA UUII-KtCOCi 28 6 Central AitFtj PASSENGERS Arrow Snn Frnnclaco Plor No. 20. Every Wcilncadnjr 3 P. M. FREIGHT STORAGE Line Steamers -SAIL FROM- Coos Rny Evory Frlduy To Portland And TuoB.lny To Snn FriinclHco Portlnnd AlborH Dock No. 3 Evory Saturday 0 A. M. THOMAS It. JAMES, Agent Phone 278. Ocenn Dock MurHlifl.-ld To Portland every Thursday To Eureka I every Monday THE FAST AND COMI'ORTAIILE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO.' .- " C. F.' McOICOROE AOENT W. II. PAINTER Phono 44, Murahrlold . Phono 4.1, North Ound TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- line boon a .hobby with us for u good many yoars and a lot of our cuntomors will toll you whon It enmoa to gottliiR Kooil, sound, durablo IrnmlnR mntsrlal at the right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build nnd tho amount you, want to upend and wo'll' got busy with our poncll and flsuro out the beat your tnonoy can buy. Try ua. . C. A. Smith Lumber. & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL RILL 1 TWO IIY USINf OUR WOOD. PHOVE tn. 182 WITH RROADWAY Pictures &ff Walter H i 2ZZ 1 .AMBETH'SlUIO"! otaki) Ar anxtuii I'llO.N'K Ml A'ir.ii co AXTWiidii Ni; CAH AM i , IHIIVIW IUlt:.STOCAMI'l0f LYNN LAMP Oitncr n(l " I -'l-!tfL -!5 on:.v hi'ach imi .. ri.tmWrr llotrl) for the Hwh im'J Empire i Tar ucei South Stougn . -naatendorf B Musnol Reel ... r .. n. Return From 'J V." .? .?7. k7ito(-ri .'1311 WIB. rou , -7 jjJ uto. 7.paengrl nana er " : rVui JOUST JRgl V'otr Mlldell "HPWnFRSON'C ... ...iHAinii ii i "ONYX" SW 1 s. S. JENNlNGSjy ircUSi Rov. II. F, Rongtson. Pastor. Resldonco 294 Highland nvonno. Phono 04-R. Preaching sorvlco at 11 a. in., Sun dny. Sundav School nt 0;4t n. m. t . : .-.,.---- ... .... . . Sorvlcos In North Rond at 7:30il m. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, now and rebuilt. Fox, underwood, Remington, Royal. Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier; for rent or exchange. ' ClejinlnK. repalrtu'K or neir platens, work Riuirnnteed. IUIiIiouh au . carbon paper delivered. Phone uh your order. Phono II. Allwute olilce TYPEWRITER EXCHANQP plP,SUPPlr CO. NO SAW B roim rtftjj' If yU ll' 1" rWlN CITY 8TKUI I 'l U(mllf r'"" . m ':' :r' on im"s v EPISCOPAL CHURCH, till mid Market. R. E. Rrownlhsr. Roctor- 8 n. m. noly Coininunlon. 9:30 a. m. Sundny School. 1 1 a. m Morning Horvlco nnd aor nion by tho Rector. Subject: "T e 4 .Seen tho Mnnlfostatlon of tho Un ci I RISTIAV CHURCH .. Samuol Orecg. Mlnlstor. Rosldonco. 280 North Elovonth . v i-uouo iua. Sorvlcos as follows at the Church "oruer Sixth and Contral: RcKiilar services ovory Sunday, Riblo School at 10:00 a. in. Pronchlnp service 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. ni. JjM'NNIE-WIS ?.'RV Mrs. Honry Fourlor ontortnlncd n soon." nunibor of friends Inforiuully nt Sorvlcos nt St. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic :i l Illlllllinr nf fflnnlu lir..i....n.. i ci.,.,ini, ,. , a, . ,.., ni.....i. . -- "- vjij iiiiui iiuiiii ill. uui i ii uo ill ill . iiiiii i n i .iiiurii , m... 4ril .. fl I . . .. . . ... ....... . . I lit,, i ' -,erl" bntertalu6d ," nnu-Mny inviting Norm nen.i, sun.lay nt 3 p. in. Sun- C H N A the Xfjnnl? wis ciub Thursday I '" Mr8' C lU Wo1Ib' Mrs- A- hn' sch001 nt -'30- At st- '"0' ' n , ' was IJd rgoular nicotliiK but a sno Wel,B' Mrfl' 1- A Jonos, Mrs. L. F. cluuth', Emplro,' ovory Sunday ovo r "T &'f$?,0D' W Mrs. Thomp".. Snn,l,B' M!'B J" Q' J,,rvl8' MrB" n,ng- I, V. - ADAMS SON myi'tMay. 8owl ngwasfollowe (!aoor8'J Vomlm and Mrs Jaggb Four- ,' PnMr In I mkeJmizALjLlUL. r(uL. cnlnm .. nl.l It'r'rg ''Fr:JiiiZ9ntKBE V4raJEK.KiHEi-d-M-H-a-H-Hlte XWiiM FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1HS1I. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on Tlnio Deposits Officers: "TTTiinTfl THt s : FV.rtnfrl " Sjrt vrtrvrrnEV. ! a'AVIhJ KOONTZ .. ..t "TTe" Tires. L C "- ..L, J, W. Rennet t. President. .T. fl. llriiiiicrf... v4..j.t'fn.fffftt 'I . !' ' .- .""Jt-ni.. .i..-.iM'a-., vm urn lac.-i , Bk Ui GABj !H