I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE ,i fct fsszssasasvsssmsixssmsi :nminJimSBSA&zui iaivXiHi,iMtJiUiJHJam KJHKWTOSHSSKaiaiTHSniRSSEESaiailSiWti To The Younff an: 5 a V The philosopher says that youth is never a matter of time, but of temperament, which accounts for the fact that there are many old men of J 6 and equally num erous young men of 60, So it is with clothes. There are those, which, although worn t'o a thread, pre serve to the last Iheir freshness of youth, just: as there are those which show tins crow's feet of age he fore the first week of service is over. Kuppenheimer Clothes possess in rare measure the golden quality of always staying young. There is in iheir clean-cut style lines all the huoyaney of twenty-one. There is in the soft durahle fahrics the youthful at (filmic of endurance under the grind of daily wear. There is evinced in the workmanship the youthful anihition to do a thing hot ter than it was ever done before. The recipe for everlasting youth has not yet been revealed, but as near as we have come to at is this: flood difjcttliona cheery old look mid Kitjtru'liliehiicr Clothes, ill $18, irltf, nnd up lo $150. Other Clothes, sfUoO to 18.00. TWO STOW UK fiXUI Alarshfidd North llend " c-PYm-triot4 V'.ZI JCJOr KUPPCNKUlMCn iyq T3ra a IBWIWh i 1 1 ' Hi in HI 'ITlTTTn I nTi'Trr T'l H.I..IIII " " ' ' ii.m a i Mi c 'fie Greatest Heater dhow iff m A "iif& sw Co ''W wily Is Ready for You urn i'i Mirelv a trreal deal of satisfaction in selecting a heater from such " . ml J.l. ...1 ,.! .1 ...... 4 ! .v. . - be m t ii out as you will find lieie. ine price us mo him-uihi cwusiui-nmuii; ill" lvn'vs above evervthing else, anl you are absolutely assured of obtahir . mi., idea of healer value when von come here. We prolmbly sell many tins mil 1ii.i.i. w.Hiiiiilv must be some good reason for it. This reason is evi- It the mi nicnt you step into the dis)lay for really good heatoi-s wore never l lower than you will una tiiein ueru. Our Showing of the Celebrated Sterling !as?ges Is Equally Complete. mmmimm ft :4r-slto-'-?' 'Wif' R.iSii-n ! ? . n- M--: '. ;. v-v;t?--::iiyew!&a. Body "mmmMmmmmmm i"- y Cast fron ojsa You Know They Are Guar an teed for 1 5 Years "VH PAY AIOHW1" ohnson - Gulovsen Company THE QFAT1TY XAMJi WUU TIIK UVfCK FAME m V Hi RL VIM L- rums i'on octohkh. Ilclow Ih Klvcn tlio tlino anil liulnht of high nnd low wwtor nf Mnmliflidrt. the lnjttroil ninii and nintle n hur-1 tlt'd trip up tlio river by spcrlnl bont. Tmlny Mr. KlnKK rmiH low to town, nblo to hn around, UioukIi ' lu oxnoi'la to bi luld up for wvrrul WTclts. 1-nr nmny inonllH Mr. KlnK' liiu bityi pmrtlrally an Invalid with lorltonltt(i 'and had JuH roirallyl rixovcrod onoimh to sot hack loj work. I Work on Hrldu.o. Cunn. Uaxtor, who hag roUirnfrd fulfil a trip to t!:t OoiiiiIUr Vulloy. rrporta that th Tii.; tl.lnR nr tilncrd In tlio ordor Rmllh-I'oworn compnliy Iiiik tho fitlac- nt oerurrcinco. with tholr times on wor n fr their last hrldno on tlio rho first line and holshta on the g t ,,01.u 1)(. foiircl, l!nt ,,,, nocond line of onoh any: a compar-. . . ... ,,...., iKim ,.f PoiiRorutlvo holKbts will In '" ytnlny and lapt nM iiiIkIh Urrtto whethur It la high or low mujo a froahet that would dnmnito wntor. For high va(or on the bur (ho falsework. m-litrin't two hours 34 inlnutoR. .. . lfilllm. . n.12 12.8-1 CIS 0.0 wm Jlnvo ltunt,'aIov.--IUl8 have !.-.. "'.-." . r. ? 11 no boon cnllod for tho oroollnn of a i, flvo-room IningtMlow for Thayor ml ; ., OrlmoD. Tho bulldlut? will bo built WKATIIKIt FOUKCAHT nt tho corner of Twelfth and Flnn- I tnr AHwiitf.1 1'tm lo coo ru Timn. i ngnu streotn and will bo inodorn In .OOAli TKMI'KHATUP.K Memory retuect. William Chandler! umrKik ik . i. O. GRANITE WARE SALE Tel. 77 for the hnlanco of this week wo wlU'offcr bluo and moltloii ."fe Ho witro at U. por coat dUcount. It will pay you to tk "d;"" tu bo of lliirt icducllou. Wo aro haiidlliig a nifty and 'Biian"'.'.' i ,. lino of mnilnrnlc prlco wood an-l cnal lu-atcrs, almi office I Offfi'iHSS oil hunloiH. . . -.iKpJjl Schroedfr & Hiidenbrand :- (Joncral Hcpulr Shop llardwnro niul'lMtfinblnB-f j-y-aBBi.7 i i5 f -Hi T" c r ill iFUia ! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY if TnTrfi' llie. ,asSL? r.. 0 kJ StxSuf a-ri i,Jl , I FOR SALE , ItKCOlU) OKKOON' Partly cloudy, probably rain. Southorly wliulH. I: IH a. m.. Oct. 17, by llonj. j I Oitllnd, Bpcclal govor'ntnuut mo- j tuoroloclsl: Maximum fiS , Minimum It At I: III n. in -If I'roclpltatlon '..1.18 I I'rur.lpltntlou 00 1 Prcolpltntlnn since Sept. 1, . j mil 11.10 l Proclpltatlon namo period 101 1 13.l?l lait year . . . " 8.46 I Wind: SottthwoHt, rain. hn JukI completed tho plans for the building. j Kiii-iii Curtis Club. J. C. Kendall J 18. A. Anderwin and a numbur or I othorB aro arrannliiK to organize r nnn-imrtlBiiu club on tho liny to boo' tho candidacy of K. 11. Curtis, th ,i Progrcrslve nomlnoo for County Com mlMlouer. Tho two other candldatos I Oeo. J. ArmHtrMB. tho Honubllcau j nominee, and .!;. K. Dyer, the Doino- ' cratlc nomlnco, live at llnndon. ': Tizcn lluys ltiiHliioM.( .!. 8. Iiynm, who f, has liodii maiiMKlug tu Nulnon Iron f Worku'for tb past yr, has iiiucIihb- jj ed a control ling Interest In the bind- i ...3U It l . ........ ....l . num, il in iiimMuii:. ( ) PillCOCIIIIlTIOH IACY f-SmiKBlXVi'X rw.i ti,,.if,an!Mvit,'-'"vg casacr 1 ItuiMili llriit. U O. MiiBtere wim down from Huninor Uot a von lag lug In the repair of (he Sunrliw, .hfiiiiu lil- ...nil .liBft lllUl WMll. lift i r " - "- - --... -c. Iiku iiuiii iiaintf Mm tiiimh on ine run v. in ice iiieniiuiii. ft'.l ere wim Mho1 Ing nld- f t, which faa J"' t when I uttlni; lis- FIRST AID TO THE PHYSICIAN SQUIBB'S CHEMICALS graved on mounting. Kinder re turn to K. 1). Klotchor anil re ceive reward. USD. In- VOU HAM-: A I'liomhiX liouso1' it North iionii, euro oi -innua. Ym von ham; A Phono ,57, plnno, -eiiHy.tcriiiMj KOU ItKXT it i-ooiiit, newly papci- ' ,'.,'? or nn '" -""' "' - .. od and furnlshod, nlngle suite. Phono SIBR-H." 'Oil SAI.IC CHKAP Kiiinltiiio for light lioiiBokeoplng. 239 Soutn Hroadway. I KST.VTi: 101.1 Cndlllac.v rwejr tonus,, no Intercut. Apply Kmcrj. bou Kerry, Illnnoo Ilotal, - - FOR RENT h'i- W ' '...... ......... rf... i.'n.lu .OlT.NiiTruvolliiir mil of l.oy.,1 i'n m.i-.-............. """"',. Order of Maoru In name of AL tumWiod, $1B per month, Include bcrt ItogerB from MIbhouIii I.odgo "'K wn,,,r' s Sn,,t' ; No. R6C Owner ..my get same at K.-lilrW. front room's; Tin... office by paying for tl.1. ZvSftnwZ? Apply 105 A& ,,oU; I Htreet north. ' J'Olt IlK.Vr .Modoi-n four-room ' house, good neighborhood; for sale, sumo furniture. CIO So, 11.' ii, i ' small r four-room Av Cut- Tendon. Threo Inn- Z .... .. . i.- ....iui ..t i '. noun wra ui m mw "' " N. KlaKK yesterday iifleruiuiu nu nx. with which ho wn cutting J lt- "" ''fatx . I .... tl... Cnrlinn iiliirn nil llo t, M L.OWIs"''' . w...... ... ... - "-." rfemri: , WlVSSfiSff1 cceast coiih uiver, fiippoi. a niinnr wim "' w;vAixjt lliimodlately Biiiiimoned to attend I M.V.Mi FIarsiif leld's Leading Fashion Centre. Wk.Ou1" Windows. Golden Riile Prices T0PSY H03E, for boys ancUirls '--15o BURS0N and T0PSY HOSE for womon 25o MEN'S SOCKS 5c to 25c BOYS' WAISTS , 25c and 50n BOYS' SHIRTS ..,- 25c and 45c HOPE MUSLIN - i 10c DAISY CLOTH 12-yfcc BARBER TOWELS, 13x24 por do, 50c HUCK TOWELS, 13x25 ' onch 5c HUCK TOWELS, 16x32 Sc HUCK TOWELS, 17x36 10c AM0SKEG, all-wool Serge, yard wido 50c WHITE CHEESE CLOTH, yard wide 5c STANDA-RD OIL CLOTH, not tho cheap Kind 20c nHi T" HJI. lO) lie vmoiioM KOU HKNT KiiinMieil lioiiickeeii line rooms. Clone I... Hit I Klrst Ftroet North. l.OfND llii(f of adJiiHliiblu thread- l.'Olt HUNT A house, fiirnlalind. Phono RG-Ljf , . ' m VOW, mjNTHoo.im with Imlh. SilO North Hecond Htroot. ' , KOU HUNT Modern .Vroom lnuiso, Klovunth and Contrail Phono -17-L. . -. " f ' '' cuttiiK die. Owner may same at Times office. Houuro .m HK.vr UcHlriiblo furnished. or I unfurnished houses, I. B. Kauf man and Co. KOi: KAIjK :'.0-ri. froul Kit, leveled,, ready for bulldli.K, lew than I KOU HUNT hlnclt from Hall Park. $r0. Cure, TIlllOH. Dcw'iulilo n'nil iTnlcely ' 'furnished front roon.B $3 woeltly with board $7. 231) Ho. KonrOg- WANT HI To i'clmiiKe rliu iiiiinlry homo, modern dwelling, laru bain. ' r neioB bottom laud, water way.l County roads, schools, ehurch, pout office. Host of tonus. Hiihiirhnn or city properly up to MQOQ. Wx-i cliaiiMH stock iiiurclini.illBe and t,wo , good dwolllliiKv for Cmw liny prop-i orty, dnlry farm . prefurred, what have you? Clom to Central ave. ' lot on !th Nt prlco nf $300. (lot busy U you wish to loeiiru your ! unlit or Investment In "NKW IIKO I'OIU) ADDITION." You will at It any way and by .ilurorrlng the time you will pay moru for hIIo. HTllTHMA.N & CO., 13(1 N. Ilroad-. WANTED I 4 U'ANTT.D A flat-top oak desk mid must he ruasoimhle. Phone 7 1. WANTKII K.uliroldery nnd tattln on orders. Phono 'MO -.I or call at 828 Month Fifth street uftor 1 p. ni. Nellie Whereat. I'OIt HKNT Two flntM .fiiriibdicri (H, unfuinlslied, In MnddoiiiJ IlldKN, North Kront utrtfot; b,Io hou keepliiB roon.B. - . ,4 l'"Olt HKNT Liiiko front room fur. VnlH'ed, siiltahlo for . 4wo "pooplw , '4Q1 Market street. '. T"" 1' ' ,',-" KOH'UKNT Nx-ely fiuiiMicd five room bunsalow, Modern conye.g !oue.08. Phono 82-lt. .. ' - I ....., I LOST AND FOUND, -U ; ,OKT Hilnrli of h )". .Hvwaril If returned to Duncan KorKUHon, 1 58-R PHONE 1 0 Ceit Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY COOS HAY TIM KM I WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS j; B HWfKWWMWl MWiwiraiinnfiwi For Sale For Lease Business Opportunity Are you looking for u siiiall liuiise ut ii iiinderalo lenlal'.' -H 15.00 per iihiiiUi will HUY a new foiir-rooni iiiodgin Iioiimi on Iniprnvfil htreet Why not buy InsKsiil of payliiK rent'.' HHIC UHIII AHOUT IT lUwl eijiitp'il re(iiuii4iit i C-oos ilay. Hjiinljfoi' biislii'i'H. flood lo cii(i'in. ' ;I;nj; ftmt'ln low rent. SISK ltlll AHOUT IT : Hjtiiull cnpltnl. Old IMalilisIied Itu. luth. Heul lnikliioH impoiliijiity on llio Hay. -S KK) caMi.wlll liuiullu. SI4IC HHID AHOUT IT (iooi) ni'ii.iuNr; lots, boi, i.kvki. $!.- up W. A. REID, 150 Front St. Ofriip Ojeii KvciiIiik. VIERS VIE Paints Anything Anywhere at Any Time. Docs Fine Dccoratinn. VSERS Paper in Coos County VSERS VII VIERS Has the Earnest Line of Wall .&.; i ,., 'vftll 'Mi.' . ' 'el - iii f.r.i . , - . . , r- ' 1 1 riirnisn tsumaies rrce. . ' , ..... ,.: is tne man 10 bee lor Anyoi ine , Above. J O ,'S May bo Fount! at 376kNtirjh ' Front street. f" r.i'-- V'.' '- .-,. mmxMrmxxsBmssa'ma.Tsmsmmi to H O'Cloik GROCERIES of a Hlfih Standard of Quality , PRICES that aro Right all the time, :. SERVICE that is satisfactory. DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Aro Our Business Principles. ';,., Conner d& Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. :"t tyfil V 'Mr? 707 SOl'TII HHOADWAV PIIONKS aiH-J AJKKtflM X We are Making Photos MA W kality Photos. Opposite Blanco Hotel Front St. MflLfc. 1 MAKE YOlMS LET U. mi6 av, 1 I W for Christoas . . i f f Otitic fr ss StUi - ii iJipfti,llWJllilj :i!