The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 14, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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juipiiiiiii imyriw.nwJlw
VB" '
.-.....--.... . M. w, iuuib iiuumuvMnii wwiwi.
- J - ii i i i CiT
K 1 Doiegs
tne ue
waiHuw.a jx-mjuiiiilHaiMiiiM,;iwjww, "MnwmnniijBMa'aAajw
3 PFfltr
Misr !J
1 IPW aril
I ircosswr
i r
mato of iln.naRo tlr""!
... r .
who Blatod Hint
is ho '' wuo aiiuou tnni mimy
ini ii . .
. u lllivo noun i-m-nlvoil it I hlu ,.rrl....
...... ..' i.. ..!ir.ri.. . " " " '" '";
i acme woi.u. luuor uj .......- Complete Stivct liuprmemont
HUH Ol II rUHUWHJ UIIUS i.iv.t iil-
tho Port Commission to dig n dlttli
nnd lot tho ntcr out of tho liontl
at tho head of tho bIoukIi was tho
hollof or Councilman Copplo. "Tho
ll)o In thoro now won't cirry off
ouiplnlnts "10 wn'L'r ani' t'10 Commission, i.e-
ciirimiK to their lonnor iiKreuiui'iit,
should oiion druliiuKO from tho pond
nomiiir.ii.ui r iiw, o..( i............ to Seventh and Central."
crty leading from Front street south mim(a on Vnm nlnQl Nofth MwL Wl(h ,,,., roIlllllSM0I1
to tho harbor line. This is tho nmillllllp,i i... Mllnn A-i.i.. .. l'r tho purpose of coinlmr to n
street opening which would connect 10 Warro Construction Company, 'orinlto utuloratniidltiK l regard to t
. ..lit. At. - ....... ?... 11... ft.... Vllol "' ... . . .1 ... .. II
Willi UlU 11U 1UIIJ 1IIIU iiuiii ii9i
side. This report was
rom hast w,)0 nsko(, Umt U)o Wok 1jq ucc0()U tho ilrnlnngo, n mooting with tho
made by , rocoiniiiniiiliiMnn .,r ti... ph.. 1n't Commission will probably bo
Would Sow Clover on
Mill three
viewers W. K. Wilson. John Illntt KnR,ncor TIlh WM llIIIMlllll0U8ly hold Saturday evening.
.. . .1 n .... v iiiiuino niiuniniiiii - it - a -a
ueuiRu . iiv.9. ... ....... gnnctioned by tho Cltv Council. novier tioiiiiio is tii-uve.
weeks ago by tho Council. ,, , j,.,,....,,.,, -,.. ,i,,i thnt swer trouble on Commercial ave
SlOUnh in Effort tO Beautify Practically do"" n square Uloy ,,avo romptort th0 purbIn 0M iiuo between Fourth and Fifth streela
Tho CitV f00t l P railroad lh.onilwny 8trcot South tll011f;h clty Is uxtromoly gruo, declared Council-
J coiiipany would receive for tliolr KllRlleer nucklnghnni believed tho '""" Allirccht. At tho present time
No now addition to tho police land. There nro about 21 SB squaro ,. ,.,....., ..,,, ,.,, ..,.,,, ,,.. . a clogging of the sower near tho
forco of tho city was the decision feet In tho tract. That no action c,fy uut (,10 tJrt fmtllB llollnj, tll0 plant of tho Coos liny Laundry Iwih
oftho Council last evening when a can bo taken for nt least the 30 curji,,K lin8 j,ce1 COmplotod Tho stl,I'oil tho sower, which Is now be-
petition was handed them, signed days which must bo given the rail- i.jIlgj.K,or n80 8(atc, ti,nt ti10 Krmj. lug pumped for 200 foot through the
by 105 citizens, asking a night road to file an nppeal, If thoro Is , ,,, M , . ,, , .,.,, open stroot to manhole. Stonih
watchman to patrol tho rcsldonco any. from tho nisessment. Tho mat- am, t,1(, fm, catlm,.to wjj ))0 fur. from thlB makes living In tho nelgh-
ulshed in n few dnys.
district. That tho additional pro- tcr was laid on tho table
toctlon Is not needed and would not l'lro 1'qiiliuiient Xii-iUtl.
wnrnint tho expense was tho belief llccauso the floor in tho fire stn
of tho Council and tho petition was tlon Is not strong enough to hold
Indefinitely laid on the table. the now firo truck which hnB gone
"It would take half a dozen men through tho floor already In on- ?ol.
to patrol tho rcsldonco district of the firo nnd wntor committee was
tho city," declared Mayor Allen. "1 Instructed to buy 2000 feet of floor
could got a petition with moro than Ing which will be Inld by members
105 Blgncrs asking a reduction In of tho firo department nt no ex
tho nollco force," responded Coun-ponse to tho city. Firo Chief Koat-
cilman Copplc. ' Ing naked for new "shut off" noz-
,,H. O. Hoy, appearing In support zles, tips nnd "play plpos" for tho .. .
or tho petition, Btnted thnt a man new equipment to involve a coat bOUnCII AIS0 COIlSltlCrS Per
ls extremely necessary, not so much of about $75. This waB granted by IlliWent SOWd' to Drain Mill
for protection against a crlmlnnl clo- tho Council. I I SlOUflh Fill District
ment as to sco that midnight fires Impi-m-omcnl lteliatcs ..,. ... , .,
gain no headway whllo the- city Is T...n r ... -. .... ,.... Tho ilmo. lins c0"10 for tl10 clt-v
r .,. Two rebates from clt lniproe- t0 cons(lor tno installing of a per-
" ... moms are on naiiu nun mo uouncii
That tnoro is an increnso ,, vagn- IBlruclci, clty nccoriler llutl
lintitla niwl iirmvlnra tinu Hint wlntnr
.... ...... ,. .w. .. . .. .- return tno nmouiitB to propc
borhood almost an impossibility, said
Coiincllmnn Albrocht.
"ThlB Is no hoys' play," ho de
clared. Kxtrome measures wore iIIb
ciiHsed by tho Council ntul ninny woro
In fnvor of closing tho laundry until
tho trouble tin 8 been remedied, ns '
It Ib bolloved thnt rofuoo from thnt '
ant nas catiaed tho clogging of tho
ewer. Tho honlth commltteo wna
given power to do whatever they
think best in dealing with tlio mat
ter. x
Mnnngor .rones of tho laundry,
has a gasolino pump working in an
effort to clear tho Bower. Tho
pump worked nil last night.
laisoiiicnts havo boon flooded with
this Bowengo nnd aomo members of
A Prediction
And Why K
niHiWU Ml CIO IK'S. Hlvlo Hi. , H',ns tfK
unci iiiwiim iluil tofalA5
you, Air. AI,, llllci A, Yomii"","08
1ml, your HuiL is K()ill.r ( J. ni
Our Stock 5s Complete
Ajlrt OVCl'V IHju'i'm ni.rwl :
in jx
They Are Here
lite pojwhu'
you can ronit. Ikm'(. with (u. XT ?
o Umt you will riml t ' nl0
want. J ' l hv suit v
$ 1 2.50 up to $40.00
os Clothes
D,,n' manont sower for the drainage ills- . , ;:"" " "" , ' , ,, 7
lr totrlot of tho Mill Slough fill, "dc 7, 1 '"' ""?
" dared C. It. Peck, who state 1 that ? T ,"",, i "" '""";
w i p i . . - .. 'UK In tno Bower uu It Is miniuwl
nml linnrn n mnn nxlrn on the forco .. .. . . . . " t,0 "Uiore IIIO COtlllCIl In tllO i, , , ,
is iicceasary wns tho substanco of l"Cy own " U, ,nl,roml Hlrcl,,8 capacity of a private citizen, nn
is nctcasary, was tno bihuiimio or p p , , nrb r U10 . . . '
tho petition which further asked .. .... ..... ., , opening f,un wns men in the co
and tho rnllrond nrc closo nt hand
owners according to the lots
d the
along tho iitioets.
in lion-hipbone and
Soolch Twcods like none
Iia voovoi' .soon boi'oiv.
... ..... r, , , i" Alder street there Is nn excess Vnrv whli-li lm inm liomi nri'iimi
thnt Walter Condrpn, n former inoni-' . ,.ri lfi f, ,. , f .,. Nor8J wi,,c" lina l0l,K ,,cun Kod
bor of tho forco bo considered for . ,G,,1C ,flcr ,,l cost ,f llltiK for a sower thnt will drain from
thenlnce th BlrCet thr0UBh tI,0r "n8 "00" l' ' tho Nob Hill dltrlct
On four 8i.cces.lvo mornings men fi: uAlZt!ln ,! "iSLfJ nm, ,0rr"0ry W8t f t,,0rCl
havo appeared nt his door n.klnt '?' , v fh JL v, m.' i I? St5rl"8,y th C'ly ",U8t con,,,k,r
something to cat and that they ownor" on N,,lllh, BiroCt No1rth ho' tho matter at once, stated .Air. Feck.
IZS came for tho purpose S "T " m,mrcM "" fc Preparations for tho work
Bpylng for lntor midnight operations tl,l f" w,l,(,, w"1 " grout
. via tho backdoor nnd window routo, ,.,.,.,', , "" sowor, ono of tho biggest Jobs
declnrod Councilman Carl W. Evorl J.?., . ?P m.m "i , . " l,, C,ty "nH fn,ua ln ymn' Pt'l till D o u
o'n. lie was tho only member of lo" " "' ' , l,Uv,,,l'B,B Ut "": A rough otlmnto of tho coat ...ado Bill Ll tic BUSinCSS Before tl)C
tholtouncllln favor of the now po- " . 1 WM S0'"' in1rt l.y tho city Knglneer Hucklnghun. Body BHI for Gl'adillCJ
. " i dB y S I, ' a' hS':: WM "'T "n ?!0'!;000, Norlh s,0'Pe A"wcci
..., ,. Mm l-1,.,,,,1, vim . ' ''"""son iinii iiihorHiin two UtK p,.,,!,, Temporary.
..,. . . , .p .,r ,im' l dty onK,llcor was "lt't,t- The pluclng of tho box drain who.. ''"ont to I'orhum & Cldley, con
Why not tnko about K'O or ?7n ed to go nhend with tho work which tho fill wuh flrt .undo In Mill "''ictora, for vxtra oxciivntion done
less than tho flrat moiitli'a pny for ho oatlmnted nt ?2I8.8G for tho :ir.:i slouKh ,nHt yoiir WI1H vIowo, on tho north Hlopu project wuh n
n now nollcomnn and buy clover seed foot which have yet to be built. merely temporary matter placed klll,,,' Muiwtloi. before tho North
to. sow In tho Mill Slough fill?" VI,I Ope,. Town" IT s.,hI ,, , ,lI(,w , oU1 ' (, Uon.l Council nt their meeting Umt
nuorlcd Council nan Copplo. Greatl Openings In the atreot on Central rm l)oforo n ,)onimi,ent aowor was 'vonlng. Tho final decision w.,h
. unsightly trclchtw of Bnnd nnd mud nvonuo nro not only a nuisance, but ll8tnlle.l. Mnyor Allen nBaontod to ,Il"t tho work ""II o paid for
wnBto In tho mlddlo of tho city la may cnuso ncrldonts and lator dnni-tho rcnarUs ,nn,j0 ,, Mr ,,0l,k ,,,,. nnd tho city recordor wuh then uu-
Jllr ndvertlBomont. ho bolloved. ugo huKh for tho city, was the bo- lir,IIK ,lom t0 ll0 tj11)ely ',, thoilrod to go ahoa.l with this nc
--opWBltlnn wnB or.ouBe(l by this Hof of Coiincllninn Kvortaon. who thnt tho city miiHt faro tho prop..- nB to tho provloua contract.
iwiioiiioni ami mo uauncii iu.iuro.i protoaieu against leaving the open- hi.i()11 nf .,..,. ,lff n Rnwnr ,,,.,, Tho ontlro bill for the work will
$15 to $25
Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats
Try On One of
These New Derbies
'I'!"'" you will roalizo why m
so on luisiasll,. ulMiiif thou,;
good lo .see. a
The most vow pi, U tincolSfo.
sou lluls Hliomi on Coos llm
I ssmmikm'
f Ma rail field
Three Slores-JUmtlon
Miji lie Point
na to what clover could best bo IngH any longer. Tho Council do- "Tho box novor Hah boon n hhccom! BI,,ol,nt to H.26J.2B. and la
grown. Whllo clover hnB already clarod thnt tho Warren Construction ,i....i...i n......n titled nt tho rntii nf iwnivn .....i
Blyon tho boat results, stated Mr. Compnny lina that work In vlow at ,oavo tho pond at tho head of Mill ,m,f 'ont I'or iuare yard of ex-
wr; . . ,,,,., , y , """ "r moniy wnil,IIR SI"""" ,a "lino bolloved the vniion.
That ho has oxporln.ontod with for a day when they can do tho coiincllmnn for tho dralnago of tho ,,I,,H for tho ""'"' wore brnuglit
Sni IT r8"08,, "". . , H,,nf ftt " t,m0, w,ltor t,iro"B" t"o city garbage dump ,'oforo l" " "o fluanco
found "rod top" clover tho boat of Tho moving of the two extra mils nto tho n0I1(, , ,,;,, tJ , , commltteo. Thoy n.nountod to be-
rlVT1;, ,W"8 v t",omontiof '"W I" tlio pavement on Kront street Blcknoa nnd perhaps contngloua IIh- lwoo 500 d ?000, tho Inrgeat
George Trlbboy. No , oflnlto action near Aldor will bo done In the nonr onHog. At tll0 nrolllllt UJ0 8,ono of which was for eHy lighting, thla
wan taken In regard to tho cover, future by tho Southern Pacific Com- , , tllll0 im,,onrn,)lo ,,, Mr. coming to moro thou ?B0.
cw, ,V0 "", Co"ncl "" 'm ,,eco,r,IIK 8tnten,ent Alhrecht ap.l the muiio condition T"'lt l" ropni on tho Conno- '
Copple, "a ho the plan of getting n short time ugo by Aaslatnut Kn- ,80 mlutfl 0I1 tho H0Uth nrm of U0 Avonuo aowor whoro it orH.w
tho property owners to clean tho glnoor Wheeler of tho Company. H.011L.i, Shormnn Avonuo should bo .......i.,t.
logs and rubbish from off tho fill.1 No Clianuo In (Jimle. ' .m i.h.. ,. .... ... ed boforo hn imnrni-n.iw.Mt .i. ''" Angelou 0
Ulllllll II III! 1111 V IllWfl Tl --. ... lvrK(lJllk II IT
- "- " ".-... ...u "... " - lll,.l.,.. .. -.
ir a ifwvwawtimwnaaini !
it. i. u.
with rich coul ileposllH. Hut a hid- 100 feet of tho patrol tmlol
den, by p.ii-hasit or threat of a and gun. lio-.c Dandoa Reris
iiimpetlng line, hiihpoiiiIihI furihcr
opornllouH nnd they remain HUHpi'ii.l- ct'ltltV l'IOXi:r.ll hr.W'
1 .... ... ...... ........
en id una inij. i
Mrs. nilrulitth Zumnlt te
l'V KlltK IIOSi:. known iu "Aunt ircliie."
.... , ,, ..... her home on Sixes Riier S(
Af Mm rnipimir tnnnl.iitf nf Mm
council Wednundny night u commit- Af,or Io" hm llfe,beWl
leo compoaed of Cuiiiielliiiuii !', J. alio Hvwl. honored, trmtd m
Cliuthurii, J. V. Maat and II. C. oil. Sl.o reared her oa bokh
Dlppol wiiH appolutotl to buy Homo whllo she llicd In the bcaru
now firo Jioho for tho city. Mr. who know her, WthherH
Murk U. Snvngo, ropresontlng tho Ilonry Zimiwalt. 'Aunt De'iU'a
I icy cannot bo forced to do this That there lina boon no chnngo firH...inu ni,.v. n.,i .. luttor atroot. wuh tho onlnlni. nf n,n mUm ! ll 1 . n ,nn .,.. ,hunllia , ,, ,., ,.. m.
'.'Tl.! lr!"!8,! 11 'n0 m0mCQ'' '", Kr"'! " T0",h 8tro0t Nor,h U with tho City Knglnoor In such pounc " tho olty onglneer wn Bt "": "r"". w and .Mook; ', tho cy ,, ,,; M0 nm, rpsIllCl, conllm,lja
,..u.u uui coiiiraciora Rro now grnii- i,li: nrolort n tlil ni,i Pn.,n.i. "iHirucioii to tako thla up na soon "" """ eoiiiiiiii,. m..i with i n..i hnnt-lii f.irm .... sixes Gold Dwaw
.-- ----- p -i.i uwiiiivii- ... " "" 0.. .. tn......i. ft . ---..-.-... vv...... ...... .......... ..r,... ....-,
Joclnrod City Attorney Oosa.
VI.... .. ..o l,.L- 11......... ..... I.. .1.. -i . ..
. i.iwn ..... ...,.w. ,. ,K , i0 Hiiuoi, waa tno uocinra- mm, Albrocht
Two thouannd dollar Is tho ostl- tlon of City Knglnoor nucklnghnni Thnt mtln; ,,, ,,0 Mrye, 0
r. .-i- "'rii)rirr.,''-tfi-iift&SfiL
- "V,
"No Alum"
must be the watchword when the housewife
buys baking powder.
Alum is well known to be a powerful
astringent, and should never be used in food.
Prof. Geo. F. Barker, M. D., of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, says: "I consider the use of
alum baking powder highly hyurious to health"
Food economy now, more than ever,
demands the purchase and use of those food'
articles of known high quality and absolute
purity and healthfulness,
Is a Pure, Cream of Tartar
Contains No Alum
Perfectly leavens, leaves no unhcalthful residues,
makes the food more delicious and wholesome.
nH posalble. rrKiiclBco a l
I'orhnin mul ClMlnv nukn.i r,. .... Olilc 7 I 0
extension of ton days on tholr newer Hnttoriw: I'urnoll, I-'hiiiiIiik. Siiml
projoct on Sliorninn Avonuo North rl,Ke WI"1 SpulvilK; Knatiier, Wjilto
and thla wn griiiiteil thorn wltii. "" '"
out coinicont by tho council. Tha ,,"lt'"'l ....a (
aowor work was coininoncu nboiu OnklHinl 1 10
Soptombor 1. Ilatto.leu: lllKKlubiitlm.u nnd Hilt
."May Uepi'.li- Slilewallc. '5 Plough nnd Mltaio.
Proporty owners on tho north alda SKCONI) (1AM K.
of Orok'on Avonuo. wnnf 'nf i.n.ui-tv Portland t 81 :t
street, nakod tho council for porniis- Onlclnn! 0 B
hlon to ropalr tholr alilowallm for Uattorlwi: illnlnbotliuin nnd Kl
tho purpose of iiinklng it lnat them 0,'S Qeyer mid Ablw.
through tho winter. Thoy doclared
that littlo work wnB.nocoasary and
that n pormunont sldowaik should
lint lin f-ni.imn.ipnfl nt tl.lo llm. n.
Hll ... "', l""" l" lllngiii- llf.-man Iteinlls Iliilues ltd
this tho council iiBsontod nml nnr. p . . ..
iiiIkhIoii wna grnntod for this ropalr
work. i
TKhbK oi-' obi) iMto.iKtrr.
AltlO.VA TO.NKJirr.
road Survoy to Hoseburg,
ningor ilormnn, In n roceut nrtlcl
urging tho coustruotlon of n rallroil
from Ilnsoburg to Cooa Hay, snya.l
"Throo yours ngo whon tho Halm
survoy for n railway to Cooa Ira
Tho first porforn.nnco of tho big ,,,ow "0M,,TS W"8 ,n "roro" co"
Mooao produotion of "Arizona" will t,niIa f,r a,mo"t tU' yi'arB ut K.r?a
boiiln nninintlv nt S-'ir. ihi. nv ,. c"81' """ rniicH nuiu iiuhiuv
". .... ...u.t..., f fJ..,.,.rt ., .,.,..,. rtM l.nt,iA,ll..l.
IU 1IIIHI1. IHI DIIlIUI I. Ill) IllllllU'lllll.
construction, how quick tho publb
IntoroBt was nwnlcenod!
Kindly and roadlly, in many acctlons
on routo, convoyed n right of va
If you want to soo a ronl produetlon
of a ronl play, don't miss It.
All liullnntlona point to a packed
I.oiibo to groot tho local players to-
I1 1 1'll t . lOvnrvnnn milni-u n ..uil.p
good play, and tho of "Arf.,1 ,0,,orJy V '"!" 1I,,,plroc,nU;d1 " "'
zone" la world-wide. Only onco or ""U,y fan",i"g lmAu clia!,K:1 ,,inn,U!,
twice In a century la auch a play a8yo""B T? Wr6, ' " , ', "'t
"Arizona" written, and na for tlie'?8tat? ,,0a'r8 ,W04re b"8y ln J01"
local cast that will act It thla ovo- ,n8, 'ors nn.l tonnnta on farm..
.,. T-n., .rv.i.i (..... m . "nil nrrlvlnls from abroad In our
n t. v-vii.iH iiniui nit) uilllllll.v
ovor without finding its oqiinl,
Tho orchestra for "Arlzonu" thip
evening Incliidoa Mohsrs. Clnudo
Ttickor, Horhort Ileauor, Hon Plat!
and Ait niauohard. A siioclal or
chostral program liaa boon arranged
fnr thla nrnil.inttnTi
Qnt0 .. M.I.. .'....... I fabric of a dronni."- to .basis for
nco wuibo ; .rr1 cS t,i nio tA.
nor until 7:30 and thereafter uas"ry 8 n f th, mSt VV'T
aalo will continue at the box office !uld moat IaslU,' an ""'I'n '
until S;30. lowest grade over tho Coast Range
j Mountains to the son, nnd along a
OH. llOHSKUth has MOVKI) to ,0U, f,nnUP(! W,,h ";U,,P"8e, fn
UOOMS 1 11S-I i-i.-s, lliM(; ni.OC'Ii ,10r nrra- n"'1 n """ rl.ild
rices on
1 B -
.ens ana dovs
Sweaters & Underwear
Mon's fninoua Itiiff-neck Bweator conta, made by a m05'
.... ....... .. .., irU t 1150 II5MK
nio aoiory, wan goon aaaoruiitiu m t- -$r..oo
m.d ?u.oo.
Dora' Ituff-noek uwontora at 51.50 and J2 00.
Mor.'a fliinnol HhlrtH with flat nnd military collars in Btivl"
oia, $I.7fi, ?a.00, J2.B0 nnd $3.00.
Hoys' blue flnnuol shl.ts with, military tc-Uiir, 1 50
Mon's union suits nt 1.00, fl-BO, $2.50 nnd $3 00.
Fuir lino of Mon-'a two-ploco undorwoar at reasonable pr
Alio boys' union aulta and two-picco iinde.wcar at
Bunker Hill Dept. Store
.city ' dwellings". Our city folt tho
llmpulao In every direction. Work
laud waa tho order of
tho day. A tonnntlosa houso wna
difficult to find. This wns mostly
nil Inspired by confidence.
"But nt lougth, liko tho "Imsoloss
Abstracts. Real Estate,
Fin nmd Marine Insurance
QKNERAIj agrvts mstsiw
V '.