.- Mil mnm.4!f&i on tho noxt NaLr fnx, Cnllfornln. I- Moves to Ranch. lllruin Wright, n former woll-known Marsliflold mnn who has hedn residing at White Sal mon, Wnshlngton, has loafed his REUBEN' HENDRICKSON, place there and moved onto tho! cany, was hero todnv ntten.1! BREVITIES rnnch of his father-in-law, Dr. Schultz. Ho has a flno young or chard at White Salmon, according to a letter that Taylor Slglln receiv ed from him tho other day. The Duke Encllili mmlcl. I.nw lietl onil toe. Tnn Kunr.'n Cnlf nr f'nrk VelvctCa.f CJuiiiH6. A fS'VltOWG- 95b Shoe Style and Foot Comfort The "Natural Shape" that your foot requires Thf; exact style that your taste prefers Perfectly united in our acsortrnent of KI " fU rttA nSHOE "A friend to your feet' to meet the particular wants of particular people at a low price for high value. Woolen Mill Store TIDES FOR OCTOBER. Below is Mteu me ume aud wight of high and low water at Mnrshrield. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on I lie first lllie nilil hnlifhla .in Hm J-..-.W..U iinu 01 ciien uay; a compar- uurg cany .Monday morning and S Fof'htf wlflof'S threl?r ""V" '-! Bi-btrnrt two hours 34 mlnutea. rlc'11 unt" "' cIoc, yesterday mom-1 lijiirH. . o. IS 7.10 11. IS C.28 K becnuso of tho rough some matters of business. MRS. CHARLES MAHAFFY and Miss Lou Mahaffy, woro horo to day on a short shopping trip. has always been more ball for' to San Francisco. iThrtfMlra.lo the than tho library management BreakwuUr wllL$t Aelyhef ? u.pply. , 1 -rr recent ilanrn belli n Rnklinff im.rtriii'rt ATHUNKKU HlliU. netted the library about S40 I L'l II bo HliPIlt In flirt nnnr fiililrn miiitra will llfl nrCRClUHK. ftt Y.nfl I Bunker Hill bcIioqUioubo thjsjvetilt at 8 o'clock by Rov A. F. Breri of tho Baptist church. The. public Is eoidlolly Invited to attend. AMONG THE SICK .. . ' . , .1 t .! "S rll llZ::t?UXS- 0,l0, AC0N "nio down' J. Armstrong, an employe of the KAR " mornlne from a w, -. h f. "" l,, . ,ont from .Mc.ionau.-vm.g ... camp was sent (U Ul0 lul,r,ST PorthmVi nn.i vnr.n,,, ..,," '.. "' uny"08 ",,cl " n ""oPPlnn trip. " -"orcy iin.pimi yos.oniny suffer- .. on tll0 .. ,.,. " " .. " "" '" l,,u ing rrom an nuccss in his lung. Ho . ,in ,i..n, tn V 1 mtinttn Vnl rtv. Tim- ...r n ..,.' . Ho Will OllIcaOr to .. .. ...... fl nuii ii .inniiRftii. .if., id ii'i'wiiuu iu uu iiuiiruviiii: lumiv. lert yesterday for tho Cnqulllo af ter sicndlng n few days on tho " liny. I I IIMIUESS TONIGHT CHURCH by T. O. Eastern Question." prove from Blblo iironbncv that "tho Turks must ho driven from Earopo before tho battle Al niUP l-.r.WATCDCDnMT T of Armageddon and alsp Slvo tne ALONG the WATERFRONT I cnuB0 of thlfl ,mUie. in. llllrs. Fl.. i r 1 1 1 1 b . Ft.. Hillrs. Ft.. 0.7 1.(12 ().(! 1.55 O.fi n.t2 o.r. 1.2 II.IKI i.i; li.iu n.i 12.2 1 5.7 n.n 1.2 l 2.5 5.25 1.8 (1.18 l.t. I WEATHER roitECAHT l)r Mux IIM l'rrii In t"oo IUt TIbim ) I OREGON Fair, with easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE('Oltl). I For tho 21' hours ending at I 4:13 a. m., Oct. II, by UonJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist.: Mn.xlinum 7a Minimum -- I At 1:13 a. m 19 I Precipitation 00 I Precipitation bIiico Sept. 1, I 1014 11.10 1 Precipitation somo period last year , C.!)7 I Wind: Southwest, partly cloudy roadB lAtmo tr.niKc-.N, ... ,..!...' The Nairn Smith will nrnbablv co mi 5.0 which hi somo places were almost' L' ,. ,.' ,' tlln ,;.. ,'" 'nlock on her next trip south from1 NCW1CH. ,. impassable. " mat, I 'of b,5. hwo f"r verMn.....K. She will TV'TSZluTtT" 5.1 cgH also tnko a shipment for San Diego students Monday, Octobor 10. ThlB 11.33 Father DoimI. The following from ' land tho two will extend her trip for ' school you should attond-r-tlny 5.3 tho RosohurK Review tells of tho tv t nn, i .. o. a few days. ' I nnil ovonliig classes. Como and talk O.o death of tho father of Fred Tipton, ;,';, .... ... " '... ,'.,"", The Breakwater on her next trip with ub at Finnish Hall. 0.0 n Muniiyoia unruor: "Tho funeral' n ,, ... .. .,..., north will go on tho drydock for of the Into John Tipton, who died ,i,i .., cleaning nnd painting nnd to havo a 4 i his homo In Ldenbower enrly Sat- I new propeller Installed. Sunt. Miller Blgoit tlimeo of tho'wnsoii t Eck- unlay, was hold at tho Roseburg FRANK HARLOCKER has resumed "U'do arrangements for It tho other hurt Hull, North ltcntl, HnhmM? ovc Undertaking parlors. Interment of. his nosltlon In th Vlmi Nnilmmi day at Portland nn.l then nrornedrtil nlnu-. .Miii-IIii'm 7-iiIcco on'tifntrn. bank nfter spending tlon In Coiiullle. A. h. PEARSON. his vnca tho luiniiliiH followed In the Oak Creek cemetery. The funeral servic es wore conducted by Rev. C. H. C'eaves. pastor of the local Motho- MR. AND MRS. W. .1. COLE woro dlst Church, South." PERSONAL MENTION visitors hero today rrom Hayncs Inlot nnd will attend n road meet ing In North Bend this ovenlng. S. P. BARTLETT came over yester day from Bandon, HORN. BLACK To Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo Black, or North Bend, Tuesday, October 13, a daughter weigh ing twelve pounds. Will Build. Richard JacnliBon Is arranging to build n pretty, n.odorn, five-room Iiouhu In Pcrhnni Park. Plan Enlci'tiilmnoiit. Plans for another basketball gnmo botweeu Eastsldo and Mnrshfleld, dauco and banquet at tho Eastsldo hall Friday night aro being mndo. IF YOP WANT SOMETIIINd REALLY (JOOD IN COFFEE TRY THE GOLDEN WEST or SCHILLING'S BEST AND IT WILL PLEASE YOU OR WE WILL ItlttT.M) YOU YOUR MONEY , l$m COOS BAY TEA, COFf EE AND SPICE HOUSE phone :ii)i..r. I Moves Into Home How Snn.uol Hregg has moved Into hhi new homo In Perham Park, Just north of R, A. Copple'K rosldence. Ho has JiiHt completed a flno hoi vo. DAN CAMPBELL was a visitor In tho city today from South Inlet. .MISS LEA WEIR was In tho city today Bhopplng from South Inlet. J. J. HARRINGTON enmo down to doy on business from Allegany. E. If. .MEADE, formerly with tho Mnrgarot Hos company and who has been laid up for somo time as n result of a Btroko of paraly-i sis, camo over from Coiiullle yes-' tordny. Ho linn arranged to leasa n room for a confectionery and, Bodn fountain pnrlor In tho now Noblo theater. He Is much lin-' provod 'and will inovo hero from1 his ranch. I GRANITE WARE SALE Tel. 77 for tho bnlanco of this wcok wo will offor bluo nnd motllod Oran Ito wnro nt 15 per cent discount. It will pay you to take advon tagu of this reduction. Wo nro handling a nifty and guaranteed lino of moderate prleo wood and coal hentcrB, also office Perfection oil heators. Schroeder & Hildenbrand. Gonornl Repair Shop Ilnrdwnro and PlumblBff Ine Delicatessen Co. 1 15 North Heconil Street. FRED VERRING was n visitor In the city today from Hnyncs Inlet. MRS. J. It. HODGE of Camp Ono wns n Marsliflold visitor yesterday. CHARLES CROUCH camo down on the boat today from Hayuea In-' let. I Sp-a- OUR SPECIALS Rendy nt nil (Iiii.-h or Ih'rf biy. Alwaym frwli cooked nnd our own make. Roast lU-cf, Pork, IiMinb, Reef Loaf, Tongue, lomh Ktewt, Beef Slews, Meat Pies. IN HAliAB.H Yegt'tablo, Potn o, Cold Hlaw, Crnb and l-'nilt. Scalloped Potatos, Com, Hpngiclll. Mnranml, Benli, Hot Brown Bread, Bl.scil In nnd Puddlugn. Cakox, Pies and Pun try of All Kinds, PERSONAL ATTENTION (HYJJN TO HPKCIAU ORDERS PRICES REASONABLE THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. MILTON LATTIN camo up this, morning from South Inlet on bust- ncss. SOCIAL CALENDAR. MISS TILDA WICKLIIND.'of Catch ing Inlet, shopped In tho city today. JAMES CULLEY camo down on tho bout this morning from Catching Inlot. ! REUBEN jrA'ITSON. of Cntchlnir Inlet, enmo down on tho boal thlo morning. Gyp-den Call Here. Several swar thy eoinplcctloned gypsy women woro on tho streets this afternoon, nt ,tra:tlng attention because of tholr ganly colored dress. They aro part of a band now ramping below North u A, WBKNICII. of North. Bend. ....... ...... ...v .....u .... im.i i.u.,M,n.. .... Mnmhflnlil Iniulmwu vlulln I WEDNESDAY. Brldgo Club with Mrs. J. II. Flanagan. J Jolly Unzun with Mrs. Mitrhof- I hr. ' Nnrclssun Club with Miss j j J Thorn Lund. j Elks' Dancing Pnrty at Mason- Ic Hall. I Wmw j iriii NMIL &B SBWINO iMAOIllNKS I mvii.'ii ,viv wn i.-i.-i.i.-if tvit M. E. Brotherhood at League j XVUS()V HonK M(l,hllu.M tnp' ma nr irm, niAK.i iino i .ii.ii ii i.- i'.n 'of tolling tho past, f mil re In fortunes. present and &iaUlay IRVING BLOCr 20 Per Ct. Discount Anniversary Sale THE SUPREME FESTIVAL OF THE WHOLE YEAR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, 131415 READ MONDAY'S AD Coming to Bay. Roy Roolle, now In ebargo of the government harbor wo rlc hero, has been advised by Ma Jir Morrow that ho oxpnets to ho h Marshfleld October '21. Just what ib I Ih to como up then Is not certain mil It will probably depend on last night. THUR8DAY. Mlnno-Wls with Mm. Perkins. Malouey. Young Matrons with Mrs. Dan Rainbow Club with Mrs. It. A. CHURCH enmo down on thoj j Kromlnga. noai nils morning rrom Allegany. A. N, W. with Mrs. Knlsor. on business. L. F. HEUPERMAN, of Catching In let, wus lioro today on a short luminous trip, i j Eastsldo Sewing Club with j Mrs. Brlnkluy. j - NORTH BEND LIBRARY NOTES of all kinds, t'leiinliig and' repalHui; all inaclilucN. W. J. HIT, phono 12NII-.Y. lit I Park Axe. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ,. 4 FOR RENT A store on Central ave nue. Enquire Art Needle Shop. LOST long gray raincoat. Finder plenco return tu A. T. llalucH, . .. -. . .. 1l 1 A lTf IIMIIOT- ...... .. ..,.., ,.. vueiiior uapt. roller ami ouiors nro " "'"",""1 ",,B " ,,B,,ur " Tho reuulnr moiithlv Im.hI.h.hh ho -my today from his homo ntj llllM)l,B of 10 Norl ,,,, Ijiniry nnnes inicu j Ahi()c,U w, bo ,loId nt tl(, )lnry 'I li u it ! t nhiiniwKiii ri !... t r .. t Jhiistlau Church has Issued a call ALFRED STEVENS, of llaynes In- , , """"""""J """ '" ' .. . , .,',, ... , . , .. .. 2 o clock. All members of tho Asso- I OR SALE OR TRADE New type. WHAT HAVE YOU? I want eJoso-ln AcrASBa will consider one or twe tuJ; must bo ronsonahlo, Olv ftull particulars. Address F. L. M Grow, 207 Jackson Apts, Pwt- land, Oro., Union Ave. and Davis. FOR RENT I FOR RENT REASONABLE Nicely furnished 5-rooni flat with bath. North Front street. Key at John son & Giilov aOn's, FOR RENT Ftirnlhlirxl H-room house. Apply 711 First st. North. blo to como with hhi. thou . . To Reiiinlu llr.o. The Mnrshfleld I wrltor for good hnrness and Iiub-iFoH RENT I-nrHo front room, gy. W. 1). UobortH, Allegnny. ,10Wy furnlshod. Apply 266, 4th streot north, p the Rev. Samuel Gregg to remain, jh pastor of tho Marshflelil Church, for another year. Tho church dur lot, wan horo today attending to somo business. elation nro earnestly Invited to bo present ns mutters of groat Impor tance to the management of tho lib- WANTED Ing tho past year has made a most KENNETH IIOUSER and Swan !len.(,n"co " " "'"""Ke.uont o siibFtantlal growth nnd tho congre- Hon onl( ' yoHtonlay from Lake- '"' ",,,"' -.... ,..ln ..,,.1 nnlrnn. nrn ,.lnnff fr ldo Oil bllSlllCSS. I ' '" l")n,rP ''n l"0 !" OVOry Ln .. i ..r rornni ti.n p,iff v,.,- I afternoon for n week, excepting Snt U'A.NTED Embroidery nod lnttng FOR RENT A nuwII fonr-room house, furnlshod. Phono 66-L. "'.! '"'!!,r':'. ,,l',?"! -V,-,.,,r:'.an ''I'dll RENT-WrtLfH,Wl hen '."."." "".Ui "u r ' 1 f'nH. Phono 43-J. p. m, noiiiu wuoreni. Wanted A Man T0UUGS $250.00 SS SMALL CAPITAL HEOTIRKD NO EVPERII NCE HEOlHtED A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY "SEE HEIR ABOUT IT." r lOR LEASE MOST modern AND BEST EQUIPPED RESTAURANT ON COOS BAY BUSINESS "SEE REID ABOUT IT" HI SI Miss OPPORTUNITY IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD? RISINESS OPPORTUNITY ALONG ANY I.I.Mv "SEE REID ABOUT IT." GOOD BUILDING L'vr.S -JS1H-T UPWARD ON EASY TER.MS- SPEriAL INDUCIJMENTS TO HOMi: BUILDERS. W. A. RD, 150 Pront St. SJSSS'fU Mmqai 1FWISE UWf iSLB1 'ri FRED LAXSTROM camo down on ur,,By' nn,, " Batunlny evening. Tho TI. ,MAI,;H WANTED Me.. Willi tho boat yesterday from IlnynoB B,"""ual ""mnor oi noons joaueii in Inlot on business. i ""' ouo nftornoon Is twenty, oxelu- . slvo of maguzliies, for which Eeio FOR RE.NTRooins with lwtli,,5WH mitfllu ii.lv Pnmii l.n.vl.loil nl "tl ain.111111 DIHHH. ! .......... .....j. .....,. ,.........' ... site of work, close, to Mnrrthflold.r A. II. COLLVER aud C. It, Collvor. ha8 ,'00" ft Hlond' calK l,0sons sub or Catching Inlot, woro horo to- "gibing for popular magazine will day on n business trip. confer a great favor on tho library ' I management by loaning or donating MRS. W, J, BUTLER, who has boon thoso magazines to tho library, as , vlslt'ng hor son, Wultor E. But-1 - lor, and old friends hero, will lenvo Good white codar timber. Cash FOR RENT ! nicely ftHitld puyineutH. Apply to siiipmau &, Bunting. :i07 Coke Building. FOR SALE 8 Men's Hats The Grand FOR SALE A iconilug Immimi .it North Bend, earn of Times. SAVE MONEY by ordcilug Clio famous Henryvillc Coal Nut con), per ton gt.oii I, hum) Coal, por ton $(l.i)t Or, half ton or both . . . $r..im II. MUSSEN, Prop. Plioiio 18-.I, or leave orders lllllyer's Cigar Store. at We have 'em In all the LATE STYLES and NEW BLOCKS $1.50 to $3.00". For the Best Hat Value on Coos Bay PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 158-R' FIXUP Two Stores j Marshfield North Bend T-Night Six Reels of New Pictures FEATURING ; "THE BILLIONAIRE" j IN THREE PAHT0 FOR SALE Ouo Clinker built , round bottom IS. ft. row boat,, worth ?;.r.. J3T. takes It. Ad-' I dress TIiikiu. ! I'OR SALE A piano, onsy terms. Phono r7. FOR SALE Ouo 1(11 I (wo-six-ril solf-startor Indian motorcycl? Peon used as a domonstratoi 2 M. Ekhlad & Son. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR HEAl ESTATK iyi3 Cadillac, .wb) torrim, no Interost. Apply Einor son Frry, Blanco lintel. lOR SALI'2 Rooming house, 1(1 rooms, 38a North Front Streot; FOR SALE A rooming bouse, 12 rooms aud bath, 8 rooms com plotoly furnished. If taken nt once will coll for $450 cash. Ad dreos Times. rooms for light houske4nc. :ir.2 First Btroot. " T FOR RENT Modem ft-rnom limMo, Eleven th and Contrul, Plicate 47-L, FOR HUNT lleslrnblo fumUkwl er unfurnished housea, man and Co, n i i i i ii FOR RENT Des-,ibl nrt. Nl4f furiiUhed front rooms ISV.wwkly with board 7. 239 o JourU. FOR RENT Two fli.ts ,rHli)i iinfuinlshnd. In MailHan nu. North Front atroetj als' beusV I, 8, Kattt- i.. -;' keeping rooms. I'OR RENT Lai ko h-oHtm Ur. ills ed, suitable for twe"nonlB. 101 Markot atregt. r",?'". I-'OR HENT NXoly IiiihUImI fTe, room bungalow. MocUrai i;oHvea. Joncos. Phono 2-R. I Timet, Want Ada bring results. SOUTH COOS RIVKR mT I 8KIWI0K 2 LAUNCH1 EXPmsgsT leaves .Miu-slifleld r)-' aj H n. m. Ives head orher 8 p. ih. , STEAMER RAINBOW ! leaves head 0frv. ,l,ii uI , a. m. Leaves Iarhh'fIIl ttitn m. For charter apply"1 eH t. HOGERS A SMITH,' ' proprietors, "ARIZONA" T0-NIGHT AT THE MASONIC OPERA HOUl .vi iml 4& M y Vv- r IVPNPPfoiiTS