... , ffi The Fair Store !Oi:S NOT STOOP TO mStH-:iMIHSi:XTTIO.V...NVi:itYTII.Vn exactly as Advertised. CUrO, light or tlnrk colors. Regulnr price, 7c. jm M per y.ml ... i Z.jQ I.ON KIMONOS. Cropo mid Flannelette, light or tlnrlc effods. plain ' or fuio trlmmod. TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT. jirs-J CIlMCriNM, NO-FADE SHIRTS. Regular price $1.50 nr and t.vo Now omh .,.,..,....., ..J!)G AMOSKKA(J APRON CHNOIIAWIS. Ulite, G-rCa.H or Ilrowu 7 ChttliB Special per yard ; J Q KiMO.SA Cltl Pi:, Floral designs. HQti1nr yrlim 20c. a m Now pir yard '.., q, M12N WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS, Each n,. OlIi.DHl Vh AND MISSUS' DOUHMC THREAD CASH- n MLI.K HOS-H. Rogulnr price 2f.c. Now pair 1 Qg LAI)H' NAVY IJLITB SEAMLESS HOSE, guaranteed fust 1 r .,. t;ili I'tr 'iif. .rw iihii- . . . . :rz: UJt ..o"- - - 1 , . . ..ii'i 1 Arrautc ei'iTf.m..n ft. ... ..... . Green, Red or Wh te. Knch f Q 0(01) ORADE INFANTS' MITTENS, Hod or U'lilto, pair . MKN'S GOOD QUALITY (fARTKRS, , IP I,I.IES' FLANNEL WAISTS, Rod. Nnxy. Light r ,nrk (M Or iy All ubci. Specially priced J '&$$& 'ATf'?rta tho city today doing some Bhop pliiK from Nortli Inlot. TtylAI.OXn IV THE CAMP-FIRE. sirrniff aiouc by tlio cnmp-flre, mime iiiun, incKcring light, EmMS - -' ik 1 . BREVITIES 1 ' D'spnte! Ilnmrslr office -of Arthur Peck, United States Land Commissioner, testimony was taken yesterdny In regard to tho dis pute of Franklin, TcWolf, who seeks COUNTY CLERK James Watson re- tp restrain John D. Towner from turned to Coqtillle this morning' iv imnrdva CWkurr'u filing on a homestend nboe Coos- after a short stay hero. lOnuVMiltiks of many things, passed on t r . little iri i& Qr& Smith la ton Tewell clams that Towner has Old.Vlonds and times gono by; much bet tort ti , -S fn el to estnbl si Ma rntli1mir. n.U'ls unwAim ...., l i. l...'oXii il,nl.t. i..in ..,.. i..' ..... ,nucu ,,olkVi . J -. . . - .-. ..,......... ... , .u VMIUIU HO 111 i. bU' UI',1 WUMIhlUD Ullllb UHIJ JU III1U iiiviu, nun nui v u.i.uil-u mi iuiuii iouny irom 111s nomo at .Nortui .rfw peace, Wf tchlng tho 1 embers falling npnrt EnJs EHqkM-,Jf' ' ""ffartng Ujls lonely hero tonight. rrom dlphther'n, sported gret- Itlb . I Oc and has not spcrit more than $10 In Inlet on a short business trip. Improvements. Testimony will be . . at UosL'burg. irs could only causo a sigh .?jA9W?rIOX 5 nii .1. .f '.. i. taken here and the case later tried W. II. FEKNLEY, a Myrtle Point One hears a hoot owl now and then, T1, f,Au d"S- ?e?ltA A mountain Hun's startling scream: bo held IH .Mnsomc ijrm ioiuuhut. Hut through It ail a low refrain night haa bee'n changed td Flnnwk Fount! I lend. The following Item druggist, and his bride are spend ing a row das In Marsunuld. Tii)i:s Koit ocromnt. Below Is given the tlmo and height of high and low water al WriCalirtnl.t The tide's are nlaced In thn order fro!" a Sa. Francisco paper will be w,''t' Pv!NJ;ssl!Y wns '?''' om of occurrence, with tholr times on Jntcrest lioro, nB ueorge Way ror-, the first line and helchU on tho '"-pHy lived (in the ; Hay and has many second line of each day; a cotnuar- r'll,'ul ' tills section: "Oeorgo Way 1 Ison of consecutive helVhts will in a farmer, OC years of age, who MltS. D. L. FOOTK Hcate whether It Is high or low wna J"led last .May In Martinez,) frowi North Inlot on the boat this water. For high water on the bar T i, . Vi 8 ,c'om 0 ",9 ; A steady, droning, soothing dream. Hnu j QrAot thtit It thuy riot lnter- the Smith-Powers mine last oven- The sound Is scarco a sound at nil; foro wlth tn J,ooso tneBl",, , K Ing on buslnefls and nleasuie. Not llkn the covoto's milvnrlnir lmrit. at tho Insonlc, Every Elk I ex- j r ., - - - - - .--(j .,..., Hut Just a dull monotony camo down 1 0llu always hoars nfter dark. The flro Is slowly burning out; pected with hlo Bwoothearti mother, slater or wife. Como. -"yrt?wr5r Jnuffi brldesterda' The gas Jo? was " cnd .0 some b..,fK Hgh t "is "geUlV dim' 'a,d gray- 11111m n 4S 7 ar. n i r turned on nnfl Way had boon nsphyx- nc8, ''" omblom of tho human life. t-V nn on oa i-;s lated. Mrs. Way had nbandonod her' We all, full soon, must pass away. ii... u.b 3.9 3.0 r.2 husband's rooms In tho house for N. F. WOODCOCK, of Port Orford, ia,llrs. . 1.52 n.oa 1.13 H , I WilATIIKIt l-'OltKCAST I JDr AforltKl ITm to Coot liny Tlran.) 7.38 some tlmo because of his Intomporato 1 unuiis." I llictltef tin AViiy. A mossauo wnsi OREGON Partly cloudy. 1 recencd oy coroner Frod Wilson In- -' HlullAtll. 1.1. n 1...1.1 ll. . !.... M . .... i . . . " ri.lQITfT.lJ OTTI1I I.I. w it... l I nrnlm1.lv. rnl... n. I.. ...I.l I SirilCllIlK IUIU tO 1101(1 tllO UOrtV Ot "-i oyuynn ui u ruuiuKiui . ' .' "" "" """"', James Tracey, who was almost In-1 uonnett linnlt nt Myrtle Point who Is somewhat of an agnto spo- '"81 I,nB8 ra ""t.wi'itnor gp7 clallst, Is spending a few days on " home? .iy the liny. I Or do we Just keop drifting on, I Condemned, by Fate, to always roam 7 SATISFACTION OR MONIV fit I UNDID a llie rair CtNTRAt AVtNUr. NIXT DOOH 10 CIIANDILR IIOIfL block rcmss 20 Per Ct. Discount Anniversary Sale THE SUPREME FESTIVAL OF JHE WHOLE YEAR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, 1 13 14 15 READ MONDAY'S AD Increasing along coast LOCAIj TKMPKItATUKK KKCOHI). I For tho 21 hours ending nt 1 I 1.1 11. 111., October I. 'I, by lion J. I Ostllnd. special govornmont tno ! teorologlst: 1 M'ix mum 71 1 Mlnlmun in I At -.r.i n. 111 11; ! Picclpitatloii 00 I l rrecipiininiu sinco Sept. 1, I l'J I I 11.10 1 Precipitation same period I last year (.Q7 l Wind: Southwest, partly eloudv I 4 p 4 I ItOlt.V. 1 t FltlEDENIU.OO.M To Mr. mid .Mrs. Oakley I,, Fiiodonhloom, lit their homo In Empire, n tlitugh- or. Tho proud father In n mumbor of the tlroilKf Sonttlo'H crtiw. I atantly killed on tho dump of tho Hinitn rowers company Inst Friday nftornoon. Tho wire camo from Mm Citizens Unnk of Oreen Isle, Minne sota ninl declared that n brother Is M,,p,? nAI(JJ'B nrrlved horo from returned homo yesterday nfter ASIII,AM XOIIMAI SCMOOf, sponuing Kini'lny with friends .vsivm miti'iikt ijk votkkh In Mnrshfleld. heckH Anmml Muliilciinncc, Kiintl of uiif-ioiiicin or a .Mill. Qmnt jhh H w . kw tL. k TOO LATE"T0.'tiLASSiFY I I Spi'iiltm Ankle. Josslo Franz had .his aiikltt badly sprHlued during foot ball prtfit'co and rnr wiortil days ho wll have to remain at homo. GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that arc Right all tho tlmo, SERVICE that is satisfactory, DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Arc Our Business Principles. Coimer (8k Koagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 KOl'TII IIKOADWAY PHONICS !IIH-.I AM) :C!(I l.llii'iiiy lloni'il .McclN. Tho puh llbrary board held a called mooting Inst even lug for the purpoao of con sidering bids on the furniture for tho new building. As tho bids wero not all In the board postponed notion until nil tho dealers could bo hoard from. . - l Tli,t u. ....... .. 11... -I......,.--. - .... ..' . . on ins wny to Coos Hay and will n"opuii juiiuniny ior an cx-i ""ri'ii " mu ununiuur 01 you SAiiK A ltiiinov. cny ieniw. take charge of tho body upon lis nr- '""d0'1 v,at llt tl10 ''uvl UnlKlo Commerce and tho voters of Coos ,,,,, fl7 ' rival horo. Trncoy a k Med who. """' "' ,"',!"- . h.y In support of an Initiative meas- ' ho" 7' n log upon which lie wuh sini wl i.l'1 "ro wh,ch wl11 K,Vo to l,1 Ashland ; T 7 slid down the dump Evidently be- JAMKS HAUCI.AY who hns benn Nomnal School ono-fortloth of a mill FOIt ItK.VTllmiriM'fcllli l'tli. 240 llevlng It would stop Tracoy failed to' l(l..kl."K. nflor H"!"" rt"l(rl,ct work ox In support or their Institution la Norlj, Second ntroot. Jump and wuh caught between w w.,,l(ll "" "" ' N- Moon are com- nskt-il In lottors whlth have been ro- . . . . . - .- -. iiliiMtitf i.i, I... hmi.,.1., fc.... .1 .. - f III 11)1 1 rrriltl t 111 ontiltunKnln 1 1,i1.m iokh nuu crusnoa to .leath. ; - - - "', , " ,,As bland Me for 1 n .hn" AVANTKI-l!,..I.W.Mciy ..! !.,. 1 Twit Diijh (ti Itt-gMrr. With but two more days In which to register, CLAYTON MEADE, formerly In tho u. k. iinrbor Shop hero ntid later engaged In IiiihIiicrr In Ilandon, re tiirued hero the other day and has taken m position In Thn Chandler bnrbor shop. Ho him been trnv- last fow years IiAKT CHAXCi: TO UKOISTKU. Young Couplo Wctl. August Wlt te and Mltrn 10 If red a Smith, n well voters are literally swarming Into the offices of Ihu notaries public nnd tho Justice of tho Pence. Thurs day Ib tho last dnto on which one mny register for the County nnd State election on November :i. This morning Mrs. Stophon Hogors, nged 71 years, enme down fioin hor homo on Coos Itlver for tho special. Poll Close October in for Nm ember purpose of hnvlng her namo listed! Election, on the books. Judge Poiinock do- ltemember Hint the registration Clares ho will bo In hlx nrflen ii bookH cIobo Octobor IB. so thero nro tho Justice court from sovon to nlno ""' ,u fow '.llH ,u,.r,, ,n, wL',l(h t0 nvi.mir I,, ti... ..1.....1.... f ,1 leglstor for the election In Novom- o clock In tho evening for the pur-,!,,,,.. Of course llimo who registered poso 01 regisioring voiora who nro hIiico Jnnunry I of this year do not unablo to -collie un duriui? offlml need to reglater ngttlu In order to hours. Registering for tho city prl- v,oto' Mmiy1 M:?",1 .t1l,l,nk t,,nt.,r nmrles and election close on Sat'ur- pSnrTXtlo'nViS tneiKa,, are' ouy in mo oiiico or uity Itecordor then encored In tho registration Though thu only normal school of southern Oregon haa been supported I In annual appropriation from the' Btnto legislature, tho school authori ties believe that they are hautll- tattltiK on orders. lMiono'Z-IU-J or call at 828 South Fifth fltroot after -1 p. m. Nolllo 'Whereat. , .1'irf . capped In tho development of their KOIt HAliliJOno Cllnkor 'built Normal by the fact that tho approprl-l round bottdm t8.ft, row boat, iitlous tire nindo onlv for n vnnr nt n .... ., . .....:. t. 'c".l. ellng through this section for tliu'tlmo nlid aro constantly In tlnngor1 , "'',.. ' . Ol IIUIIIK CUl Off im Iliev worn ri' iiiu.iB iiniuo. 1!)0!1, when all threo state iiorinulfl worn closed down at once by failure TIK .MAKKHS WANTED lon with of n forthcoinliiir uraut from tint attito legislature. I The three cIIIoh nro working hninr In hand In HiIh matter and tleclaej they bellOM) the moasuro will past. That 80 per cent of the teachem' tnidng teaciiorH' examinations lit Ore outfits only. Camp JiroVldod At site of work, clone to Mnrshfleld. Hood white cedar timber, Cash paymentH. Apply 'to Shlpman & Hunting, 1107 Coko milldlng. gon have had no further preparation ' I''" "'"'T rtiomlliK ; llOuse at than tho eighth grade, Is tho start-1 Norlh i,u,,d' cnro ot 1 1mea. iing sinioineni made In the letter .; ".. ...IhL ' V.I Ilutler. booka of thu county, but this Is not correct. II... 1 V.. I II. .11. I r .. ' " i... .i Vmi". . ":'V ;": y0. ii.1j maintain iikawiiiiukik. .......... ,..,.v,, iiiuuin mi Kniin nun , nun rui-uivcil f.xi III CI1HII lllltl DocnURU BUY THE yERV BEST Uarshfield BUTTER -icaiutiy .MAHI9 VNDEH SAMTAIIY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AVD MODEKN l'WOTOIir. .STEItll.lED .MII.K AND CltlCA.M. Royal Theatr TONIGHT AUTOHANDITS OF NEW YORK -Uomutly. lMimvn Iv-nnlnnb I..1..I v.nll...r nn.,.,1,. I .1... " -.1 " .' ."; ' .." .' ' " v.v...nu VOUipinilietl (O by tllO WttT llOlmrt " ' "" '""" i"i jiiu umur wim uiHun insi .May ami nient bocnuso tlmv Imvn fiilimi t.. wero married Saturday, tho ltov. A. the firearms have not yot boon dellv- "e"',, open tho f drawbridge I across r. iiiKey, 01 .win nonti, oriiciniing. ..,",";" " i"" ,'Vi ,Vr, , " "V U0BI ,n,IIK """t. the Coos, Hay, The brltlo Is n sister of Miss Annie JV0. Furok,, vnl J; ' '0,1,U """ & RnHlorn It.illrond Have Smith of Marshflold. and ..."n ter of tho late CIiiih T. Smith, n plo-1 or to Justlco Pennoclc's offlco. Thoro tag to It 0(1 raves nccord- neor rancher of I'e ituck Inlot. i 10 mnn, "intl satisfactory oxpUna- ., ..' ,, ,,,',,.,,, wn ,.,,, ,, .. i . ,, i , , ,. t tlon nnd was re eased. Wires sent . ll l"no lno "rldgo wbb built llolnlilyllubblttlOiei- Dan Don- (o ,,,8 COmpnny liP San Frnndsco ,n (,rnw wnH ",u '" ,)Ut ,h,H ,mB ills, brought before Police Judgo oomo tlmo ago declared tho mnn was ,' n.,,'t,;t, ,nWn. Comnlalnta were Ilutler this mornliiK, charged with no longor ropresontlng thorn. Ho rr, 11 . i i'" . " being Intoxl mlttod that Icatod last ovonlim nd- returned ngnln to solicit ordors nnd )?rt u,n,n,)l0 ,0 hrl"l! "J0 or.llf.t. up 1(1111.(1 iiibi ooniiig, nn nrovlous order hnrn tho In,ul on ount of the bridge. he had "slopped a fow ,'," " ' ". ' X'',. n,.,ir IZn T"or ! """lo to tho War De- too ninny ovor" but nt tho Hnmo produced letters nnd tologrnms show- l)nrtn,011t H "ow miHtnlim:!. tlmo was In n hurry to got hack Ing hlmsolf to still bo an omployeo , ,H, , , ', ', , to his work. Ho was given tho "hur- " ho company. Ho was roloaiod ,., ," to'" 'ie,,r, rn- or rv un" Hli-n nnd stonnod Ilvolv for I""1 rn."K,lt n, ,,oat' ProinUlns to ro- ncli tonight nt Haptlst Church. r up sihii ami b oppnii moi ror turn Ul0 mo1 from t, . , the depot to catch tho nftornoon J A 1IIHD OF A NlflHT irnin ror 0111 01 town. ih'iiichu'iki i oiiicm. Tlio contest PURE ICf . ilellvcry. . m, .umI a p. in l'tiiiii 7:1 DOWNFAMi OF MAN Ono-rcol comedy. THE IIAIIY'S DOI.h A story of child Ufa. produce! by I.oIh Wobbor nnd PhllllpH Smnllny. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS i Opnnsltp Blanco Hotel, I MlltSIIFlELD, OISKOON I Six roots of nil now pictures. A IhiillliiK tide of u penmen I nil boy. In four reels. IIOTI-X DOTsON O. A. Hniihou. Pinpi Icier Vow open under new mnuiigomeut A home pluro with home cook Ing fumed In family stylo. Hoard mil room. U fiO per week 3U Tomorrow nli-li, nt tin. i.'fu.l.o , . . n.i i... .i. . . ... " '"" . nicKiiiM ntups niHi(M,!ir, iiihiioc- - "r mo Kutunimoni against tno Hon for Eagles nnd their friends tor EdwnriU was suddenly tukon North Inlot homestend of MUs Oraco You nro expected to coniootnoshr sick on tho noorgo W. Elder in Fulton, n woll-known Coos Hay You nro exported. Como AB(orm, aiior imviug iioarnon ino joung woman wno la n momuor of ship with Inspector Fuller. Tho trip tho North Horn! public school teach- or the two mou to Coos Hay has boon Ing corps, will ho hoard before Hon- Indefinitely postponed. Tho liiBpocr ry Songstnckon as special rofeiee (tors wore expoUod to hnvo the honr- Octobor 28. Postmnster K. F. Kiln ing today In tho office of the United xoll, of North Dond, hns been dop .State customs service In regard to utlzod as special officer to subpnonn , tlio colliding ef the A. M. Slmpeon wltnosxoH In thu case. Among tlioto , with the bar diodgo Mlchlo Inst summoned so far C. E. Mnyboo, spring. I.owla St. Donls, Axel Itnth and M.f.o 1.1 T..I. .. Vffu n. . . - -"". '. .luiiiinuu, ur. ni, WdUIB IEUJ ' nnd Hnmo other pnrtles contested IbiU nlntinnnllv A t i n r - .'Oa14 ""..""" ' " " " w ' lecelved from Ashland by Secretary Motley of the Chamber of Commerce. With this argument as n basis the people or Ashland hnvo done consid erable In converting ninny votora to their Hide. They petition tho votora of Cooh Ihiy to give them support, KOOTHAUi MEN TO MEET I'OIt KENT HEAKONAllM) -Nicely nirnlshed C-room flnt with bath. Nortli Front street. , Koy at John son ft (li.IovBen's. l''OH ItENT 1-iinilhtietl ' O-room hoi.so. Apply 711 First st. North. Vim KENT Utrkv , frxuit , rooinrt, newly furnished. Apply' 205 4th Htreot north. M , ...,iu -!!'-. .Meeting Calltd In Clniinbcr of Com. nierce lo Arr.iiigo Hcllctlulo To elect officers, effoct nil orgnn- Vim HJC.NT A Miiall "four-room Izatlon mid adopt a toutntlvo foot-j hoiiBO, furnlaliqd, ,Phone CG-L. ball Hchedulo, a mooting or nil fans nnd players has been called for' I'OIt HKNT Wrll-funilMicd' hoiiseti Wodnoadny evening at olght o'clock I hl flntH, Phone 443-Jj In the Chnmbor of Coulmorco rooms. At Hint time plans will bo discussed for tho definite object of putting a rltv fnatbnll If. rim Inln tlm rinl.l in moot Cotinllle, North llond, Myrtle von 'V'lr1 !! Iwe-iMsd Point nnd othur tonms In tho county! "olf-starter Indtan wotarcyeU. thnt ro(iio8ts n gtuuo. ,,eon u,'f M demaiistrator. Among tho locnl fans nro many 23B- KkuInl Son. former pnllni'n iliiru frnin l,iulli..tln.. ' ' ' i ' ' - ' i all ovor the United States. With the '-Uti'S T.SIW" UKXXi opening of tho present season tholr. MM1'1-"" Cadillac. By ontliiiHlaatn has got tho hotter of t0:nitH,' no 'n orc- Al,p,y, Km9r" them nnd thn rn.itlt hn !.,, il, "" vurrf i"W MOIBI. FOft SAL I I Q piiVi'ifiTihTio'K Not until you hnvo touted "Tho Owl" Bor vlco will you know Ita value. demand for a city tonm. I.'1I U1I I.' II I . A i BOCrOlliry, r0Qn,B. rioo Mnrlh Prnnf H(r,.nt 1 -.... v"aw '! VIIV will bo elected nt tho mooting Hint - he mny correspond with other tenuiH Fort HAMCA roonihiK Hohw, IV Dui't forget to henr Taylor (1 ., p..,,,,,,." .',,' ' ' , Vgjfl 'aill)Iiaiiy M U V Hunch ,c night nt Haptlst Church. 'ii:;8,.:-: "Z Z M tlS3tJ G0t,S Wl The Centra 1 . 3 onBlly. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue 1 flul I Russ QUALITY PSRST ALWAYS S,)TII COOS IHVEIt HOAT sKitviri: I f M'NCH E.YPJHisS I icvei .Mnhf-e-,, ,.wy (1,y , " J.er.ics Jietl ,,f rher "t :J i. in. I STEUIEH ItAIMlOW '"' IM'BII ,.r ,..vCl. (,Hili nt - , , "' ,eves .Mm tI.f eW nt -J p " ' clmrtvr (tpjily on ,w,i, ItOGEits SMITH, I Proprietors. SAVE MONEY by tideiliig the famous HenryviHe Coal ' PERSONAL MENTION I . FKANK PATTIJItMN went te Lake side toiRty culling on his trade, 1UVINO SMITH brought a homo down from l.oon Lake tu lay. OTTO HILL enme down toJny from Cooh Kit or on a short IiiihIuobh trip. Tl. H. Mil, I. Hit came down from Mk home at North Inlet on busi ness. Avenue DRUG STORE piionu-71. In arranging a definite schoJulo, This organization will ho entirely apart from the local high school team and will, for tho most part, consist of oldor, men. At Coiiullle football men hnvo nl- ro'idy appointed their officers, hnvo rourh nnd n captain and aro now actlclng ror gnmes with other iwiih or the county. tJgS m THE ARMY IN "ARIZONA" M' TOMORROW NIGHT Jig' The army In "Arlxonn" will bu one or tun reaiuros or me mg y.owo production of the play tomorrow Hot rooms and bath, 8 'rooms com pletely furnished. If taken at once will sell for 4ri0 cash, Ad dress Times. I WIIATIIAVK YOU? I . . i" I i wuiii rinse-in acreage or J will consider one or two lots; j must bo ronHoililblo. Olvo full I particulars. Address V, I,, Me-i , (!rew, 207 Jackson Apia, Port I laud, Ore., Union Ave. and I Davlu. i '4 FOR RENT . I JHCO M uDwii" ' II rjiirscninTioK iiiiiK'.ey. pinyen iy inn hiiipiii, r,,7ZZ Z7. lf '"-; ' boar the hurtle., of uustulnlug the -'. ,,;,;V "Z3TA ...V LF'JTr? inllltiiry utincBphertt. While C. Voui Mil. I1ARNES AND WIFE woro vl Bltors In tho olty today from South Inlet. Nut coal, per ton .$1.00 l.uni Coitl, per ton S(l.oi) Or, half ton or both .$5,011 MltS. FRANK TANNER oamo up from South Inlet on a short shop ping trip, ROY WlirmtlTwn7 a visitor In the city today from his Home at Allegany. LINOLEUM PRICED I'P.OM ."50 CENTS PER SQUARE YARDS UPWARDS , "WHY PAY .MORE'.'" Johnson - Gulovsen Co. The Quality Nnine With the bervite Fame. i Phone 1S-.I, or louvo order lllllyer'H Cigar Store. D. MLKHEN, Prop. Hliail SNEDDON nnd family have roiurniH. rrom un extomied visit In Nobrnaku. at 158-R The Army in " PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY DAN STEINNON, of Allegany, camo down on tho boat this mornlnu on a business trip. MR. MATTHEWS camo up from South Inlot this morning look ing after matters of business. Buying Right Is True' Economy WE PRKACH IT AND WE PRACTICE IT Just Mcp In mid let un hholv j on tho many wonderful oiIiich o have lo ttffer )ou. "AhwiyH Honiotliliig New." a:ndrew fredehickson, or Sogth Inlet, came up this morning to attend to some business, People's 5-10-15c Store ovonlug. Lieutenant llallock nnd. ,,,"),"j im.vr"- X nicely fmiM ad ' Young, played by (leorge (letting roouiH" for light , J(ouikeMltr .mil Iliney Walter and Private 3GU First gtrout. ) IJIoveiith mid Central. Pkoa 47l! M.lpmnu as Fergeuut Kellar, ho. ires FOR RENT Detlrnblo fHriUli(l mr heavily In one of the best army tihar-' unfurnished Iiouhos. I, , Kant .tctorH In the play. These offkoiH1 man and Co, if tho logular army aro nugmnnter ' ,rTX" cowboy rogl- furnished front roonM. f wwkly; of the hh! w'l hoard 7, 39-1. r&virtk. No 1110.11101'' --! i ' ' ' be comply, J ;-. MlAJSUKM n the big scenes by n dotachiiient! KOU HNT DctflralnV ,,H(l Hleelv . . . m ..... -.. . - . - of Denton's volunteer cowboy rogl- .unusuou jroiu room. wtkly; inont. composed iiioutly school football team. nf tin, nrmv wmiM Itn without Sam, the Cl.lnoso cqok. Baiul "". Apjily at'ftKSSraSii is playul by 0. A. Williamson, mid tin la n "scrn.int" from stnrt to fin., -. -w ..... ...... B. -. . . .- Ish. While tho army Is called the ,WH "'' 1u-"!!m t 'iilSwkh "baukgrouud" of "Arizona," against "", 'ay' A,n,y at P'M ff?iU whlPh tho powerful -pint of tho play! & Ua"' ' T' proper uilfolds Itself, It is n real lfo' ' u. -t-- wtji backg.ouiid, and Is tho flnnl mil' .iL.'.'T'TTf nkt 'WrMMlwi m n.nster touch Which Augustus Thomas ' Nortli Front 1rJtia ll ?,U, bus given to his famdus story. I keeping rooms, Rpntu fnr lintli Inmnrrnw mi1 t - - I Tliursday's performance of "Arizona" ,'0Jrn,NnTTi?i,,nr",'r'11 '", mod. nro on salo nt the IteBy Gornor now. or 20B "m r 311, 32J The Indications aro that every seat - will bo sold boforo the curtuln Vlm HKNT TKe frorrliH Tht rises tomorrow ovonlng, so thoso ?L8. B';' ",'tJ1 for two people, plann'ng to see the first perform. MarUet ,tfL .. ' ante should make their rosorvatlona FOR ltENTxfcMr fXliiS . ,"" llt,l II llk I AOflMllnil lit tnli.lil.,.it .. I ... .. s I .1 " ""; "" loom.viu uf miviiniuim. SUIIIUH, 'I.OHtt 83-K conveu- ARIZONA" Tomorrow Night. See Today's Times f 1 lT, t Vf -j-Alt- li-.i - --tfiSw