QSBAY TIMES! ;"vwf pw ' T ;,' ' ileFs Fromi "'HgfcjR ww hi kw HI VrHf.M w 1 . Da HiVIL, nil Phmn, SW5 Mm -Wmmimr , ta v iJMWiKIWI ;TOifir r ill i f Kl H i ; f,H, Hi '. 1 ' J ' 1. V I. C. MALOXHY, Kdltor nndl Pub. DAN J3. MAL0XI2Y, News Kdltor Official Paper of Coos County. Entered nt-tlia Postoftlco nt Marsh- tleld, Oregon, for transmlBslon through the nintl8 ns second-clnei nail matter. f1KWa.V I 1 AjTOv WEEKLY. One year $1.50 When pnld strictly In ndvnnco, tho Subscription prlco of tho Coos JBajr Times Is $6.00 per yonr or m Address nil communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES ertbcCpiin U TirU XKWS OK COALKDO. . I SCHOKIKLD NOTES. (Speclnl to Tho Times ) COALEDO, Or., Oct.12. Saturday -'- NORTH inlet news. - I - An Independent Hepubllcnn nnw- Mr published every ovonlng except1 lone Anderson nt Sum Unday, and Weekly by imthiirliiir nt thn h.inin (Special to The Times.) ; v. 0. Hliulmnrsh mid fnmllv luivo '. .K".!il!!.T ,!!!''.tl8,: jyll"J"LU'?f ",n, moved fi-om No.th Rend to the .1 the young people of Conledo gave (.omjuossor and lighting plant at w- Hemipit cabin near tho North another of their delightful surprise tlllR.i No. 7, xn resigned to manngo, Inlet landing. j parties to the .Misses Amanda and n ranch at Ihick Creek, n fow nilloa For tho next fow days vo will sell tliu WHITE HOIlAV mi, T11A LAUNDRY SOAP, (i bars for 2f,c. This Is one of thn 1 , wlilto Hoa))s on tho inarltot nml will give oxcollont Hatlaf-icti " This Is one of tho many specials thrt wo are Koltig to n"" It will pay you to watch our space ami rotnoinher that w!" "" save you money. A trial order or call at our atoro win C'1" vlnco you. ' con" COOS BAY TEA, COFPEE AND SPICE HOUSE PIIONK JM)..I. J. A. Wnril. whn In iti11niHn.r f'nna T;, 'iiStXh&xylSi!rSl iiS'r,nly rtr'8 'or ,l,,,t V'"' Xte Coos Day Times Publlshlnc Co.1 7 . can dispose of his household goods. 1 uumm-i-.u-mi- r,.MiouiuU, was noro Hams, who acted as clmperone, wore T p lllerly. car repairer, has re- Wednesday and socurcd a number ol euicnieu 10 1110 Borvico or me the .Messrs. Louie, Henry and Lynn, signed to make extoiiilvo luiprou- Intoroflllnii uxlilltllR. D"" .Medley, llnrrlson Itouw. Adelhcrt "i?"tH on ins uomesiemi Simmon. ,,, , Hotsford of Portland nlno 8h1' Johnson. Ward. Oerald and Kr.c WIN , f."0" JJ.n, Si ,!, "fi, "! Pnui DlmmS of L NoHh !.".. Hams. Mlssos Thclma llathcrlitKton. 1 tluirmiKlily up to date water system Lumber Company, woio hero Wodnei- people, that no good cause SUBSCRIPTION It ATMS. DAILY. Alta Lnyton. Emma Itouw and Myr- for his house. tin .lobiiRoii nml Mnrv .Inhesion, w'.-o For bear killing, tho family of tie ?onr $6.00 i, ..,.,!.., ... olllMlll. nllIi ...ro rno. Asa llondorson seems to have tho itirn for ai irninHm. n" n'Kcd to bitmiuit ami were greet- ,.,.,.,, ,,, M.,u ,. ,,r (1, ,.,,. ,1 ,,.... Per month CO u Mrs- Anderson, and lone An-jr,jt tnc tfi,iest gon, HBe,i riftoon, re- Sir. and Mrs. Kay Plnkorlon spent '' Mlerson and Hugh and .Mablo Mllllson. icently shot n benr near tho McClny 1 JOUIIXALISM AND SKItVICK AH spent a delightful evening en-1 P'nce with his .22 rifle, so that four iovlnc cames nml niuMe About 1 1 of tl,c f,vc 'inbers of the family Jo.Mng games and music, auoiii 11 hnvo ,1U, bruall09 wj, ,)ruln , '8-, o clock n delicious lunch was served. wnk.h thc lnttor ..,,p0(1 j,j8 last." day looking after their ties, .1. 11. Plnkorlon nttended Orange meeting at Marshflold on Saturday. ipHB nowspnpor Is the grerte I public utility Institution. llo when nil departed for their homos ' lervio his newspaper best who, wishing for another such evening, serves his community best. l'b-i . .' . . 11 -J !-... .11..... .n cniot onn ci i s ju.... ......... .n Rtonni hcr hmwc and sustained n so- ItAILS XKAlt MAPLP.TOX. tvia 1 tl TtrkMinflitntrttt l.n.l !. ' ' ...,:.r ".' : ..;"'. .,.. "..,,. Tmck living ,h, F-Ii-I. Slrclcli luistui iiiiiu iu iaii iiuui mi; ntuiv. of sevo-al days last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Lyon and family of Fcrndalo. Irving Plnkorton visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Plnkorton. thc first of this week. Mrs. Kred Sterling left on the C.eo. W. Elder Thursday for n several weeks' stny In Portland and Med- Cons Hay Line Xesii'Iy Done. The tracklayeis on the Wlllnmctte holpful public service. The good Vero sprnln of her knee and ankle. Pacific Railroad will bo nt Maple-, for(, newspaper man Is the aUorney-at-, Messrs. 8t.ll.rd and Gcdkle ex- -" - '--v Cr.. WM large for tho people, tho unsworn pect to movo their families to Myrtle finl8hed last Sundny and the rails on business ono day this week. conicrvator of tho public peao". Lv- Point. laid across that stream. There aro iry good Journnllst seeks first the, no bridges except some small eul- ... ..- .1..1.. .,i.,i,i ,..i. MviiTii nnivn ntivTi'iii! , verts between there and Mnplcton. ilL.ur Ul '.lit ilhuv.iitHftui M,i.f.j, ,i 11,1 in-, 1 i.i 1. 1 wi.i 1 inni n. ,. , , , . . . . .,. through public seiv.ee unl then! !rnt ? nea "mn.T.ni !S; IZ' Justly expects that till other needful News of Upper CiHpillle Valley A rails will be laid to .Mnplcton somo "' , '7.. ,...., ' L,. . ,: ' 1 l.v Davis Hnwnrd was In Marshflold XKWS OK (2ARD1XKR. Abstracts, Real Estate. Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTY & ABSTRACT CO., inc. IIKXKY 8KNG8TACKKN, Wr.uj.gcr FARM. COAI TIMIlKlt AND PLA'PTINfl LAXD9 A Sl-l-UI iiv GKNKItAL AOKNTS VSTSIDK fctMWY' tLlIHHFIKIil) OPKICK, PIIOXK U-3 COQUILLK CITY OKFtCK PIIOXK . TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy nav ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington Roval Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchanne' ClomiliiK, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. RlbboiiN niiii rurbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono II. Alllanco uttko. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. things will bo added until him. FOR THK MAJORITY. Told by tho KnterprNe. time next week. R OCHE9TER, X. Y., Is nbout to pr, esttnbllsh a reor, system under OeorKo Melvln Miller above Acmo on He has platted' ivuslte and has .... ., , ,. t.!..1.t I . -. ,-1 . -.. ... . X. ... IIU1IIUU IL 111 lllhU HM t. iur iiiuir uuiui's in .uuiHiiueiu nisi are cnrricu iroin i.um'nu 10 .eioina, nil,., nnrilliiir Mill Co bad a now Marshall Nay and Norman Wilson. ' ( f'l.L 'tiili''i'iriinL t0 nvn l,, 0 rnllrond. He ha who wero hero since the fair left .11 K CV1 '" Slus au, somo two ,co 11(.r(H f()r u townalto wno wero uere since 111c inir, nil miles above Lake Creek. Passengers nnm.,.t 1, iii,i,.nr ornto Junior and sonlor high schools, Tho new oystom Is classified In this ivny: A. Elementary schools, each contnlnlng a kindergarten nnd six grades. U. Junior high or Intermedi ate schools, each consisting of thrca grades, fUio soventh, nnd ninth. C. Senior high, or high schools, each consisting of three grades, tho tenth, eleventh and twelfth. v 1. ,..... 1 l 1 11.1 ir.Yi ---"--- -- - : iiic uaromcr .uni t-o. nun u new . Y.. Is nbout to Friday. Mr. Nay has sold his horse 'near Iso U la. but construction Hnfo uroU(.lt ,n ,,y tho San Gabriel jorsnnUed schoot Chng. Fostcr t0 a man from Douglas 1 ,', "ln ,'i , ivo. " ltJ8 "" lt trip which weighs .1800 which It will op- county Mnplcton. Horcnce West. pounds. This snfo will take tho Ucnj. Ostllnd passed through here Monday en route home to .Marshflold. Mr. Ostllnd wns carrying away some IIAXDOX ROO.i: TROUULK. ' place of thc old one, which wns put out of commission by tho parties wlio ,, , ... , . I robbed It some time ngo. 1 The llandon World says: llnndon At . nnnllI1i nioeilnir of tho or on as fine annles that ho nurchnsed In thi TV t? V,n,y ,flvc '". th con"0 stockholders of the Smith Rlv uno appies mat no purcnnseti in i of .1. W. Conch, proprietor of the Club ituni Telunhono Comnanv hold c Myrtle Point markets and which ho' Saloon, nnd Geo. Button. In whose i,." ail of ' Op?obop. Will l)a ley w snvs nro better than .nvthlne In that name tho Offlco Rur (owned by A. ii,i ,hp,..,i. ?h,.i rnrr nnu, lino ho has seen at Mnrshfleld this Pcll' had been conducted, huvlng Hecretary. They now hnvo free ox yoar b,." rcvoklV(1 l,,,..,,,l ,noct,nK of. th0. ehnnge with Reedsport and Onrdl onT' city council, sitting as court of nor mont spent n '"'"""B, "re. wnicn was at nrst un- tll0 fnrm of c. B iUck(.r, ,, ainith ws near town nown- f ,,ow ch.PRod to four minor mver. It was of the King Philip , 1 m! pi mni, n"0';c,, t0, ,,,avo i1'.00.". nl. tl10 vnrloty of red flel.l corn. Kuch ear id Mr. I-lnna- building engaged In a drinking bout w niv nilud with from in to fill ... t Tt u ... -... un.u . . . . jus. 11. riunuKiui ws oer iru.u unni judgment. Sn, nf .,. f,nnH. u,in(.ii.i.nB nf Mnrshfleld on business Monday. Mr. The cause of tho old Woolen Mill corn t0 )0 iirought hero cninu from Flanagan and R. C. Dement spent n '"' '.' B, nrc'. , c" ,w,ns , l, """ lll fnrl nt c- K- lUckcr. on Smith few hours on the moadnw gathering mushrooms and enn took eunuch home to have sever- at the time tho fire was discovered. u..n,,tu i,', n..,.i. r,.u. m,,i ,.i.,i, i.nu-u xna numnor of grades is not j dainty dishes of n Myrtlo Point " 8,1", " ",,""u'luo" " "HU, ,ou' to nn ear, and averages two or thiee changed, but there Is a now topplo , action product. I SmSJvh0,, dUhovJ iZ ?nrH. ." ,n ",n,k' M' , !ll,'kor my. nolnt i m.... i-,..,.ir n 1 ,i.... .. .. t k n K . :" l" ll0 11'1 f"i' neroB of this corn and nom1, , , I -Mrs. Clins. 1-ensler and daug. tor. "booze" and charges are being pre- thnt all was finely matured It Is claimed that In nrrnnglng tho Maxlne, wero guests nt the W. C.,ferred. Tho follow giving the liquor ' wn fvnitrana nn Inriitlnt in itnmntn. 1 i t. ... i .. i.. to till llOVH Ih lint rmillifPtr. 1 wlMi nnv t titi rtt tw hm... . , 1 i nf Inn lliiiwir Intnrnutu In nnv wtiv I lion 01 1110 senior in;ru hciiooi courso week. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Scmi-wcckly scrvicu Coos Buy aud San Francisco. S. Redondo SAILS KOIt .MARSIII'IKLD PROM SAN I'R.WCISCO. Equipped wIUj wfreVess nnd submarine beii. J?nssongers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passnnjrora and' freight. S.IIS KOI 5 .MARSIII'IKLD KROM KX KR.WCISCO. WKDXKSIUV, OCTORKR II, AT !l P M. San Francisco office, Greenwich blreel pier 0. 23 and (J00 Fife building. Ooos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeohoe, Phone A. Handling I -S, M..1 '1. ZI!LJ;H . ' ritci n,.:'?' 1 KT. L.ui,.. Ucam hMi v. ' h nndP. Da, ,.., wIa,'j! nirni.MnmA Popular plaijf' oZ'm or, Commercial 1 NOW See CORTHBt rnone 3IR1 i:i siits iiS.2 ; -rrrvi: is T&9 JAY DOYLE "ill iODwatrJl Att Ri Pictures&Fn Walter SI of tho liquor IntercHtH lit any way A COXVICT'S KXIIIIUT jjid the othor tho Junior thero will 0eo. W. Marshall, tho WoyerhaiiHor I' no Intorforcneo with tho contln- Timber Co. mnn from Xaeomn. cumo guinea inrougn 1110 lormcr 01 1110 . ,,...i... 1 i.. ,i.. .i. .1. a,...,ii., ( ia .i. .,.. ...,.. 1... ....m.... n.... . ill ..1111111(1,1 1111 a uusiiiucva iii 11111111511 ..v. v.. ,.... iu i.-..m , un lutmii- iiiiiilu uj -viiiiih iiiiiii. BrntlAitcs of tho lnttor, If they olect Coog ...,.. C(, from tllL, Htnt0 fnll. .,..H .-.,.' Ho wuh tried before to remtun 111 scnooi. uut it is aino S. .1. Miller wjih nrrcHloil by Mar-' Hhal McLaughlin, Saturday evening, on u ehargo of violating a city or.il- Reeorder Insisted that n hotter courno can be outlined for those who expect to quit ItKi CARRAOi: (iROWX. Iiik Rny Diamond commltlod to Sovor' nml n Jury TuoHtlny nnd nl ng, un u imonii, ion mined to vor(ct of ..RIIIty.. WI1H ,.n(Iorn(,, 'tho nonltontlary for burglarizing -pho Recordor nontenced him to 11 the Olendalu Slnlo bank, nt fllon. flint nf Sinn Tim vnnlnin BChool with tho ninth grndo nnd n! On of tlio largest enblmgos which ,,, b ,t , , afterward HUHponded. Florence Wont majority do It If plans arc made "8 n" brought to town this '"" of .. ,.. ',., ' ,,,,,,.- i. ii,, ..! 1.. ., . I. W" brought In by Duvo Roborls 0I llle ",,Hl oxiniii on diHpia ihtrt iiy a imij, with that result In view. on S!lUlnInyi from'hi,, fnrm 0n thero. The exhibit Included n num. ' "' In ' ' AUU' Superintendent Weet of Rochester, Smith River. It measured over sr.x bor of drawings and nttraotod wide' John lloffniHii of I'nlnl Tornwo bollovos tho new scheme will hold feet In clroumforenco nnd was nn ntiontloii. llo was nwardod sovornl ' lll "P ns tho result of n fall. an added ntimiicr or pupils in Hgn i'""-,','"" . 'r".'"vl " i lirj,(lll 1,.. ,1.., il,.iV(,a r 11.., vlli n wns gauiering grapes ami had achool though they aro ,,u preparing l.;,,W w,h" t0 . annllnor Cour- l ' J" " . "J " -IIill 1. tree to roach tho fruit on fnr rnii. ii 0r. union in uio uuiwiiiK dopiuiniont. the vlui). Ill somo way ho fell to iq conepe. -" ,....,.,' . lln' lliuond, It will be romeinbor- the ground ami broke a bono In his PMWM.llh n.VM.LP I l-.W. otl Ilol(, ,, cnshler Smith, of tho l'"l. FIoiimho West. KgUlPPKI) WITH WIRKLK.SM. Steamship Breakwate ALWAYS OX TI.MK. SAILS KRO.M RAILROAD DOCK, MARSIIKIKLD, DURIXO THK .MOXTII OK OCTORKR OX THK :tlll), AT II) A. M.; IOTII, AT I P. M.5 I7TII, AT 8 A. .M.; UITII AT I P. .M., AXD SMST AT H A. .M. TlckeUi on nul (o all KM'rr hiIh!m nml liifdiniatlon m to routen anil rnliM cheorfiilljr furiilhliril. PlKiiio-lt."!-.!. '. II. LAXDKRS. Agent m LAMBETH'S Al ota.vi) at mwil 1'IIONE a .VIM, (JO ANVWIimil 1 m: cAit.mcial I uiunw IIATtH TO C.DimGltl lynn mm Owner J ait I mi .,.... .. f Mllllllllll mill,. Itrlllfr nml ri. ... 1 no joiiu ooiiaio Mom in mo 1. u. - " M-i""-, oil) iti:sii)i:'rs itirrpitv WITH THP TFA II .. r. nun .liiiiiuiiy iiiKiii noiwuen i'nuii ui .ruu unni iiiu vuiiii j(to Clark and W (lentny ,Cnl. Ilofor and Rev. II. Selleck on of Ihe depository, llo lateir sur-former llaiidnulaus, raiiio up from itiZ'nTiAS, .n1ro.I to tho Cold iroach author- .-!. " "?.. !!?. ffi " amusement for those present. J. S. Itu"' nnI "o- "r l" "noy stolon - J J, ,,; '",,.,.,; , dray presldod nnd Introduced tho from tho bank wns rocovorod. Ho ook 0V0P B0I110 rnB.ocllvo liimlnrain spenkers. Iloth nro vory good talk- wns Rentoncod to nn liiilntnriiiiiini,. nnnnitimiti..u m- pi-i.- i i,....u. ers and seoiuod to be in onrnot trm n tllJ poiiltuiitlary. Rosehurg or-ln-law of .1. II. .inlmgioii.. Ho wiih for n number of yours chief onglnoor on tho Speedwell. For somo tlmo inist bo liHw Ikm'Ii coii'liict'iig an auto GOOD KVKXIXO. And full tlieuo truths eternal O'er the yearning Bl'lrlt ste.il, Thnt the renl Is tlie Ideul, And the Ideal Is the renl. nbout their cnntouilnns, mid worn evidently tnlng to earn their snlarloa but wo do not think they mailo or will change n single vote on either COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER HARDY SAILS KRO.M SAX KRAXdSCO KVKRV TKX DAYS SAX KRAXCLSCO DOCK IXIDX STRIXT NO. U, PIKR l. H. .1. LIXDKX, IVt. Agent. Tii-iimi(i Dong. "7711. Review. LOW PRICKS KOR SAL.MOX. Joaquin Miller. , Bltlo of tho proposition In this town. J tinidlner Courier. Rogue Rler KMicrincn Klml Kl.sh .. ..... ,.r i, i i '''"illy Iiiu S.il for-Tlii-iu Pn,".. fnK DRhA.MKR RA( l( ()! POSTMASTKRS APPOIXTKD. That flshormon on tho Rogue Rlv- truck lino World. In California. llandon TI1R .TOR. Tim drudgo may fret nnd tinker Labor with lusty glows. Rack of him stands tho Thinker, The clear-eyed man who knows. Ilnck of tho motor's humming, " Rack of tho belts that sing. IlHck of tho hanimor's drumming, WKKJHT CAl'SKS ACCIDF.XT . """" "u I'lBMini saimoii soason a hundrnil tons of Imv In Un ?nf Tho following have boon nnnolnt- ''"vo ninde but little moiioy was tho ,.r .. i!,.,V. L ... ..'I1.. "?..".! .l i.. .1.1. . I..I..I.: ". illutnniniil ,..u.l. !,.. ....;,....!.... i... "' ".'"" I ..-iii'ioi. ..iitruil ihi iiuoiiiiiioiBin iii nun iiLiuiiv; ".......,,. ..-,,, imio 1. R. Cushman, Acme; Dorrls C. mo-mbers of tin ii.i. ri i . . . . umtun. I.. .. nnl iiiiiu. r.iiiiiru; inuis m. rraor. .mudio- ""ii i imiuiiuk iih ciose nuu ino wintr- ti... .i.t nn Plr.roii.ui '.uil rilll nf unlllinn 111 .ivnu...i1 Ir. .....I . "'" ." ' ' '"r "' , wl.1,1 , t o next wo wooks. t ve.v glvtug wa.-Ua . World. ....... I .Monopoly of the cu n ntr InihiHtrv SI All-. HAS l.-.DSI on the Roguo River by ono eoneorn is mo explanation given by tho men ilng Its close and tho wjntu Tho vf:8ht n.ir the on- At'TOS, iioiio MOTORS for tho poor season from tho fishor- PROSPKIfS KIMJ SCHOOL. Tho Proapor school opened Mnn- PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE Arrow Line Streamers -SAIL KROM- Srtn Francisco Pier Ni). 20. Every Wodnesday 3 P. M. Phone l7ft. Cons Ray Kvory Kilday To Portland Aud Tuosilny To Sun Kruinlsco THOMAS II. .IA.MKS, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albors Dock No. 3 Kvory Saturduy 9 A. M. Miirshfi.-M ...... - .!. .... . I . ' IIIIMI U I Illlllltlfllllt rllll n ..mI n . I Watching through stress and . J- Z !" T!l ' 2..? feS.h'S K'& lZSU, nmiwmmwnmm ? "fain, i ;, :.., "."" ,"l,,r"1 ,"'!,kot. fr wilinim during n.ent. TIib enrollmnnV m. i, ri;.i There Is n Mind that plans them- ' , ', , ' , , """ "('" Kon,,' ,aJ- " l " a grown s nco. - I ?, Hack of tho brawn, tho brain. , r ,. y , ",,toni",l,'a Trt",I0,,t LrvviTTZTcnnv n.lo WorlU. 1 MlgU of the roaring holler. f ,0 ntory of State's office r.Kl I I.Rr I.N SK.NAL ( ORPS. jivoinua una niuro ,110 uvur nuuu ii.iiiiii.ium i i.wrnr, .ii.iuiii. t. i. 8CA1FE Oil MarehfinlilPASI ",U,0""UU DfiWl Ktllii-ln YviUM -hone UUD-J, Xl-M I THE coos m i Fi.'mrr'ir of Kill WASIII.MiTUN inn I kiwi XOIITII UB C.A.Mnl KOONTZWti IhriWur Mwrl LEE Till AITOMOIIIU3 5? oosnHrrsww? MUIIIVKSW MAIIINK M W itrniHW fiAsoMXf r voiitii ii:oTST.r: IIATTKHIRi r.ff CI1AKM V)SAff0 vnvn nlli ll" If you l tt"1; -41" rVl.V CITV CTEU"1 Force of tho engine's thrust, Strength of tho sweating taller Greatly In theso wo trust, motorcycles. Of tho 15,809 nre propollod motor cars Word has been rocelved tlwt J. D. Vnughan Perkins nnd Morlo Honk, I by gasoline ll't has enlisted In the U. S. Slg.' l!STlrnr Jtt .,....!... -t i . .. in I'nriia mwl will c. r, a.. r.. . .. . :. . ". """ ' " But bohlnd them stands tho Schemer U"H",UB' "' u? ". '" no aro -- - - ; n uu.-Oi tue urtdos sistor, Mrs. It, R, R ck- K... ? ' electrics. Of tho dlffeient cars tho (,8t'- ni"' fom there will soon bo or. nt tho Life Saving Station, the Fords outnumber nny other mora ,n ,0 u' United Statog Signal ll0- s- ' Kfstor offh luting. Onlv H,an three to one. There are .398 ? " Maryland.-S,.; vrt.MflX STwo iinnuner .Monday propnrlng to start housokeopliiK at tho station, whoro Mr. Perkins U employed In tho sr lco. Whllo bore they wore the re- nlnlnnfa nf hmm. nn....H..t..lnil .. Willi..... it'll...... ii .,., . ..... ii i uiif,! iikiiiiiiiuiiti William Wilson, of Prosper, was f,om thnlr fr'onds who wish lnm The llulck Is qiilto severely hint In K. K. .lohnson's "I0" voyage through life. Onrdluer Tho Thinker, who drlvoa things through Dak of tho Job tho Dreamer Wno makes tho droain cpmo truo! Vf-.', Rolectod. Ford cars roglstorod and tho StudO' baker Company Is reproontcil by lfiSl cars In tho tbreo machines put V. A ...i i ....... " "J nun i-uiiiiiiy, ui which -il V wise man knows all ho tolls, I P K. m p . r i. - "- " - 'umiviH IIMU unlaw rtlot. ARM TOItX IX MILL IIKRK. To Portland every Thursday r- To Eureka every Monday THK PAST AND COMKOHTARLE S S. Geo. W. Elder XKWLY K.QPIPPKD NORTH PACIKIC STKA.MS1UP CO. O. K. MifJKOROU ACKNT W. II. PAIXTKR Phone 41, Marshflold Phono 421, North uenu i Tftr?i!?. ... v. . ui no nover toils all Ho knows. zz. Whatevor they may say about Oo l$?klt ItuIbTiob tho funny mon and ciMoonUtB with llallowo'on. V Ko man can be roal'y happy un Ices he Is on good ternii with hii iomach llif.l Hludiiliakors. next with lKli) ears nml rim Hint. ...in ....i...i .... .. , Courier, - - I iinii i uiinuautiy uvuiiiiik. JIU W line fourth with SCO Tli oo figure iiicludu all clutwoa of cars. ' k-ns fixing n part of tho machinery whon CAKd'HT A SIIARIC. iu somo way his arm became caught , ,8"l,r,!"y 1nfur, t,l,1IK tho sohoonor In tho gearing T-o o.bow w. badly I ;"' r 'n r ', '"i, l ',?" Tho Suproiuo Court of PoniiByl- u'''ol """ t" arm laid opan Irom , trolling; for Minion. Whllo thus oc- ivanln lifis ilaHilml Mm) thn iiinnin.i 01"u iu Biiiniiiiar, uiu niiiscies oe ins ?""" "i iinii-n.-u buucvuuuu hi inula has dsclded 1 at tho amount , ,oogo , !!? " Vth s,oino ,of damage collectible on growing the Injured man nnd says he will not i "SVE S?B '"S? nS" bffoS I timber itut on flro through noll- iai, ,. ,lf it. ..in,,,,,.!, i, u,ii ofl.,i V, iw... i...VBiV ?."!.. ",.V,erK yuis 0rl)eoi)Ie wbn rninn lntn Iiiu ' -linen Iu not milv- I ho v.ilnn nf tlin liu lnlrl mi Cnr lun n- Mn-nn -nnl.-a was OVOr six feet lonir nml wolirlml " !-'? w,5n nlthor wealth nor Intel-! wood destroyed, but ulso tho Injury, Mr. Wilson v lll?llli-n ... ..-.!... ...... '" ;V,u,,bo lo Kavo II Iu thu mo pioporly us a wliolo tbrough the rogulur b ame condition. i the destruction of Ue young growth, fow ilays, CoqulUe Sentinel, lor two or throo wooks ",U8 nvr 81X et lon 8lul w?ighol was filling tho place of j i"1'"0 'T,!""18; ' sl'0r' mo , ,, ., , tlint was glvon to tro ng. bos dos biiwyor at the mill for a ,., Bh.lrh 7, ,,,,, a ble, were caught, Grdler Courier. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good many yoars nnd a lot of our customers will toll you when it comos to getting good, sound, durable framing material at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and the aniuiiui you want to spqnd and wo'll get buoy with our pouell aud flguro out the beat, your money can buy, Try us. j lttr.tn ji C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RKTAIL DKPARTMUXT . . .. ..n.--.r Aim u'nnn Cl'T THU KUKU lillili 1 THU H umisu un i PHOXK 100. 1S2 SOUTH RROADWA j smiwsvjS' i.. CnnrV and m ' CHIN! h n,v iiKlCHl ... i iu oaih " i ,7.A.M-'"' Empire ;,; Tar nr" v Mussel R''' - I lIHinn fp ...in .1 M. I I 'A. A. 'haml'er '",''., rK V (i ..ffifsoii m "0WTA HOSE S. S. JENNIfg I