tranHKoai onger, More Letters And Let's Hope, Better JDK tasHUi STIRRING TIMES Are the 0 ,,nya ot war attA u,011- lnvo' full knowledge of tlio InteBt authentic news. Subscribe for The Times, mm i ..-.. w. v day wy , OI00S (df niiinjiini)uiiu;; Sag Sfatt? MEMHEK OP Tnill ASSOCIATED PUHSS Thoro nnt the ndverthf nows oM bo found 1ft womnn who "nows ItomV' if I nor nousogoic "vol. mo. xxxviii. Kstnbllsbo.i iH-u n Tlio fnn.t Mnll. CIS BAT TIMES MOVES INTO KEW HQME AT 2ND ANOANDERSONi .Left Us Talk it Over ' i Decuples Reinforced Concrete Building Erected Especially For Its Ocupancy WE FAST DUPLEX IllR It In nVnrv ilnlnll .... .. . ... j "" uii iu uiu m fitnllhtlonoftlio heating plant, oto. h. -L. tyqriwns .foreman of construc tion. Some aTlhq.wark wn8 sub-lot by .Mr. Tally to rficclhlists n tho par- tlcillar llltOfl. It In hnr.t fni. fin.- PRESS FOR PRINTING, Tlme to toll how nice It really !b. ' h'lt tho building brlni iirnl.n r.m i. l..i nunfflfp nnrl Ctil ttnvnvl n.t I. .......... . UW uuciituio cinu uvjuijiiii;iii '" u iminiur irom ovory ono THE COOS BAY TIMES, ,RSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. a consolidation or Time, co.t ; ' w ' mill roiw Hnv AtlvfrHw I ANTWERP OF SUPREME W TO GERMAN MILITARY K (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos By Ttmofc) LONDON. Oct. 12. Additional deUikifettt indicated that the dama o from shells WkM whs first estimated. AI itary critics ttwvti&d& . i. n l ..r'T-J. .UTIgTiW to Take Care of Jncreasinrj Business Coos Hay Times Is today v Tlio who views it, both for its gcnorul nn licnrnnco nnd In Its dotnlls. Tho first floor, with tho exception of the business offlco, is n hnlf bnso- tcd In Its new homo at Second ! ",l("lt construction nnd Is devoted to Anderson. , ,,u "WB ""'". Moroiypinu nlnnt, ..... i.. i t uinln w 1...1 iJnotltlllK plnilt, lliulllllir (ltinrtnru nml cans n whole lot ro -Coos '. to ' 'm1'01' 8,nrnK- Mntrnncos lend to It ioTIiiub HiibticrlborH, to Tho Timor '"" l,lu """poBing room, liuulnoss i . . . (ifflmi unit ,lli-. I f..... a r, . atroiiB, to Tlio TIiuus force and Iiii ",, -. ...... ou.u.xi uouri. act to nil I uiiirmico irom Anderson II,....,.. II ..w..,..u n lnrL'..r ,..! I...I. , nvIlltO lOIlds to tllO bllHlllOHH office. cr Cons Ja Times. ' I 'Vtl10 8,'c'ml floor, fnolng Andor- A new concrete bulldlnK for Its i"; ",u",,u tuoeu.iorini quarters. icluslvc use, n Duplex press which I. , '-""""'"" rooms, wnorc nro mi print oooo papers per Hour and!,"" ",' "" nu mm compost- llicr mw machlnory nnd oiiiiliimont ' """" iibmio.i irom ""' "uiii hi iiiiiiiiiuii io mo win (Iowh fntliif; on Second Court, the composing room Is IIkIUimI tlirmufhi all bciiii; pnrt of tho roullzntlon of kin i,'i:il hnu liiHpirod nuiny dnys, cckii nnd mniitliH of bnrd labor TO BUILD wfthout bonstlng, to construct without too copious conversation concerning It, to rondor real sorvj& to thp community without shouting and shrieking It from tho housetops, that la tho aim nnd nmliftlon of tho Coos liny Times. Seven years ago wlioti tho wrltor took olinrgo of Tho Times, ho presented tho pnpor to tho people of Coos liny, nml Coos County nnd dedicated It to thoVsorvIco of tho community. Ab earnestly nnd sincerely as It IsrjHvW to mortnl mnn to kcop Invlolnto a sajred obligation, 1 linyo ondoavored to bo faithful to luy trustt SL Todny Tho Time? greets Its faintly of rendorswtfom Its now homo. It Is n homo of which Tho Times Is proud nnd of which, It hopes, tho people of thlsioonununlty may always bo proud, for It Is your homo and tlio homo of your paper and not mine. YourAonfldonco nnd your support , hnvo mndo It possible Thoro hnvo boon some dnrk dnys since Tho TIinojA-n8 first dedicated to tho people of this community, but whonovor my faith faltered your loyalty hns beeji ns tho light of n guiding star. Proud ns Tho Times Is of Its homo It la stlllrnioro proud of Us homo In tho hearts of tho pcoplo. In dedicating my llfo work to tho upbuilding ofVyour nowspnper, t hnvo been animated by a single purpose to help In nn humhlo wny In tho development of this splondld section nfid do my share, as a com--111 on citizen, for communal bottormont. & Scrvlco Is tho corner stone nnd tho koystono of jlip Times' now bull(l)Ri Tlio Times fs being built up for Its Borvlco lo the community rather than for tlo accumulation of wealth. In doing this I nrrognto to myself no fooling of sncrlflco nnd no special claim to benevolence or philanthropy. Wo nro told that "It Is moro blessed to give than, to receive," nnd It sgotus ns If tho3o words might bo 'tnken literally when wo seo bow rich Is tho return to tho glvor. Thoso who hnvo not given of tholr money or their goods, or tholr Influence, or helpfulness, or wisdom, or experience, or sympathy, to their ro&w mod needful of any of thoso things hardly enn ho suld to hnvo lived; and surely hnvo not touched 1?5J on 'many sides nor pouctrnfod It deeply, Novor to have given Bttrh comfort as you enn to nnothcr In boreavomont, or Borrow, or distress, or disgrace, Is never to hnvo known ow hmnnn lionrls bent In unison, how tho snmo pang of putn runs through us oil. ' .. t , " As I ennnot glvo'ot money, or Power, or prcutlgo, or Influonco, mli)0, must ho In soclc'6 and Tho Times, your nowapapor, must bo tho medium of Its expression. ; 7& In assuming chnrgo of tho publication of Tho Times f had corlaln cherished Ideals of what n iiowh paper should bo nnd wlillo thoso Ideala hnvo not boon realized', (hoy h'avo never boon abandoned or altered. Somtlmes thoso Ideals become dim and shadowy outlines ot n' purposo n tlio hard and practical Htrugglo 01 uaiiy rouuno mil inoy aro over moro io ucriiuu inu on io iiiriuor earnest effort. Tho Times hits novor boon ns good n nowspnper nM I hoped to mnko It, but It hna been ns uooit n nuwMiiitunr n hnm.i f- ai...nini ...1...1 i...... .i.... i fort could nroduco nnd Its suiinnrt normlt. That this cnrnoBtnoss of luinw.a.. im. i, ...... ..,...rn.,ii...i i... ,i. re ,omo of tho features of tho story oKc nn( thQ "2"Z ' I,uo"h5 of th,s n.munlty I have nbundnnt renson to believe and for that , , truly RrnlofuI, ,'t , Tlio new nunnoru nun oampmoiit I n,so , n gnuon, u , t ,. . . true thnt ut times my purposos hnvo boon Impugned nnd my motives misrepresented, but over nro thoso who III take nro of a rapid Increase .In ()f ((o )U,(1n r, will snarl at success nnd cry out In carping criticism nt thnt which thoy ennnot understand. Probnbly Tho Tlnios has boon ns much dlscusBod and cussod ns any paper In small city could well bo. In tho past seven years It linn boon accused nt various times of favoring so-cnllod faction nnd nlso of oppos ing onch. It has been accused of individual favoritism nnd porsonnl prejudice, but over has It pursued tho oven 'tenor of Its wny faithful to 1,B 'lonls. telling tho truth ns Ood hns given mo tho light to boo tho truth nnd glvo every mnn n squnro (lua1, No names' havo boon suppressed In Its news columns bocnuso of any pull nnd no Individual praised becauso of porsonnl praferonco. When nssnlled by thoso nccuBiitlons ns unjust us t,hOy were unfair, I havo boon soothed nnd sustained by the words ot Polonlus In his ndvlco to Lnortus: '. ' I J I 'V I J.FH ",lowro of ontrnnco to n quarrel; Hut being In, . , ITear't that tho opposod may boware of thoo. , This nhovo nil: To thlno oyn boK bo true, And It must follow, ns tho night the day, Thou cans't not then bo false to any mnn." biudnc -i for some yenrs to como, nnd Kill en bio The Tlnios to konp some- v lint In ajvauco uf tho bualnqoa do-nanilfl, Most of tho process of moving Irom tlio old quarters on Urondwny building Cu l)iidev Press. Tho Cox Duplex Prow which Tho Tlnios hns added to Itn equlpinont will bo one of tho groatost aids. U will print, fold and dollvqr, whon o the now homo wns accomplished j Bl,C0l,ed up, C00O four, six or eight- (Wlcrdiiy hut some of tlio dotnlls ro pioln unfinlrthed nnd It will probnbly Ue several dnys before everything is i lis final placo. v Occupier Ohm llujj'illiitf. The new homo or':Ti?aTlinok Is briiliablj ono of tho whOBtqVor built In n town tho slzo oOlnrshflold for pngo papers por hour. It prlnls from ft largo roll of paper nnd Is nn ox tromely lutorestlug ploco of niuohln qry. Papers In few towns tlio sl.o of Murshfiold nro equipped with thorn. IJcni'flt to AH. While Tho Times forco probably nn cxcluslvo nowspnpoV'offlco. It Is Kl8 tl10 Krontost direct g.ntlsfotclon of steel reinforced concrete construe-1 from "10 IniprovomontB and tho now Ikuii as near flropraotNiiHramId lo4-IlPu,- iU-wIH iiumii'iniicb-to ifll on millt, heutod by hot wntor. woll IIkIU- C008 i,n' "d l Coos and Curry ci! am well fliilsliod throughout, it i countlca, whoro nonrly ovoryouo Is a la most substantially built, bo tliht) "ilir f 'flio Tlnios family of BUb 'ldltionnI storlos cnu lio nddod when wr""" nnd patrons. Dccdcd Tlio last couriih cnvci Hooh nml fiur- Tlie Times bdlldlng was orocted by try oountlos a combined population of II C Moloney. Illlljllsliur nt Tlinn.llttlnnvnr21.0lin. With nviir 2100 rimes and occupies part of tho two 'subscribers, Tlio Times' circulation is ' w'lch wore purchased by; him ono to ovory ton people men, wo- Irom the Murshfiold Uonlty & Trad- men and children comblnod. This fn.-; t'ompnio for It last wliftor. The; ratio ot circulation Is soldom oqunlled ots l,vo n frontage of 145 foot on 'nml Is llttlo short of remarknblo uiiurson nventio, facing Xorth See- when ono considers how scattered mid street, and n dopth of fifty foot nnd how largo tho torrltory Is nnd tho on Sou'li Second atul on Second Court poor mall facilities afforded to ninny uiicn bound thorn on tho west audi sections of it. eiBt ends respectively. Tho peculiar Tirlnglug It closer to homo nnd con turn In tht, Htieots gives tho location 'sldorliur tho noiiuliitloii of Mnrshflold. Wlio bmcflt of practically four cor- tho cjrculntlon ot Tho TlmosJls most "fnl ' rnniBrknliln. The Tlu'cs building noounlos n As to tho future, what Tho Tlmos (.round spare of iGxGQ feot. It wns hns dono and Is dolnu mnkos n bottor lll mil t podully for a nowsnanor forecast than words enn Toll. of'i" and printing plant. W. 0. Tho Tlmos will bo glad to havo i itiiti rr was tho nrchltoot and bu- ovoryouo visit its new homo, but will ipcrwtsid tln fonstructlon. P. M. ho moro nt homo to entortnl svn .. - - ---- " I Mill' UIlH tlin fnfinrnl MiirinoinK In n 1nv tr Iwn Ml nil It tfl linu' --- rt"ws t-wtiiiuituti b ij . ...... "imik tl structure and complel- member It Is nt Second nnd Anderson. Kvory sincere, Independent mnn or womnn who undertakes to accomplish anything which setB tho old 'dry bones of tholr onvlrbnmont to rattling wakoBMip liumnu dogs nnd sota thorn to barking. Kvory solflah Individual whps,e Intrftstsorojtvnrinnc, jvljlibo cjimmuilul.good becomes -it cnrplng crltlcT 7t "dbbtTiot n1ftnorhWfino nnd usoful the thing Is thnt you would do, f it is something thnt Is not In lino with tho promotion of their selfish purposes It Is pronounced evil nnd thoy rnlso their voices In loud pro tost. Some people become frightened at tho barks and tho snvago rush of tho doga. Thoy aro timid, luck Kiiiopojiuitiiro nnu imcKuouo, nnu so inoy run. tiiiu iu just wiml tlio dogs want, nnd na booh ns von run tury purposes the occiu it ion of Antwe iiriporUuico to Clorniain. 'Phe (lornwn says that on Hatitrdav the (loriiian routed tho French eavalrv division t cates the. extreme limit of tho westeto twenty miles of the Straits of Dover, jg l)l'3Vi:i,OP.MIJTS IX WAlt TODAV. Lasslguy Md r I tlons conn tnr AiKKittei rrtH k cool nr Ttmn. man arnir LONDON. Oct. la. News of IhoislOito of AhlWii aorman movomonts nt Antwern nnd' retention of Al Ostond up to tho nrvsunt Ih so con- after florco fl tradlclory as to 116 almost worthless. I thcplaro VTW lout Honorta nro I'cinilni? front llnliflnn nml' rnnliwl na lintinfl Dutch sourcca of heavy ropulHos to Is well northward' 'tho (JormnUK with losses Hiisplclously - large, and nro moxcti on, witn nsit- liiMiAMVKi IlIK'o nownilnvs. Tim inntnro nf flu. u iiwuMm ri tend would ho worth mniiy Antworns LONDON. Oct to tho Ourmans, so It Is taken for mntlou Iihh bn granted that they will nut outer tho. tho Queen of Ilrlgl' populnr uonsldo resort without fluhtJ I in: the renort that lug ovory foot of tho wny. HnglosSJ, h hot Ml uuspiio (lesporitio encounters on inu VT"K Aiovrt v tho enstem and western wings of the alatos last Thar nnitio lino in nurtiiorn Krnure todny, ijuont Jftnrnoy i the positions were llttlo ci nnged nnny v lth tho Oreat oveuts depend on tho result of withdrew' from A tit' iiolrtttl; nowon jtjqiig. jhe j LJ "L -fi'i1 AUSTRIANS RELIEVE SIEGE PRZEMYSL UNO DEFEAT (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day VriUNNA, Oct. 12. It in officially am Austrians' rapid advance has relieved P: of Russians. Austrians have entered the points whore the Kussians attempted p beatun. The Russians fled in the dirt San whore a great number were caphufr UlfiLUIAN TROOPS mAW JJSTJ (Dy Associated Proas to Cook Ollil land mini Tim IIAOUW, Oct. 12. A disjHJil ud, tjiiotes a Belgian officer as sfcjnf iniber of soldiers who crossed i'rtffnch I ' mmm Ihnlx mitaiili Itiinfiinna n fitlilltint i ,....,..-.. M...n..w I" an or yoips at ino diimngo tnoy liuvo dono and tho fright thoy havo caused. They cannot dream and 80 Pnlinot dt.rstund thnt tho dreams of yesterday nro tho accompllBh nionts of todny. oii nro meet ngr,h t0B ,,, lloR.IHo ,ymg reH0Ctnb,0( rlno 00llo , of ,,, Tho moro respoctnblo tho dog, tho ,0ro dnngoroua nnd destructive ho mv i, hi. r..uMi..ii. .... iiiiij riuinnlnlillllr ueo disposition give mm prestige and Intltudo. Uo muy really mean o harm and bo honest and sincere ... ... u..,,vB ...wnt, u,i., U.J.JT ,Iloy ennnot get nliovw tho dog lovol of mind. Tho wny to troat him Is Just ns you would nny respoctnblo dog; bo firm, gontlo, don't got frightened, nnd don't run FUI'.QURNriA ho will respond to frnnki 0)0I1( klniIly vjttlon to ,ook ,, Invpg,lirnto Hlno ,0o, nm, touch tho now proposition which liroUF0 ,,, 0)OH,tlon ,, wl tliOreiftor "nrotoo " It w I h 1 1! . Tn .vigor ho first Used to oppo.o it You will moot bin. ovory where, 10 1 ono of the tv es It tl i 1 ,Zn rnco. Don't try to creep pnst him. b.causo ho will take thnt na algn you are Kll y o ? .1 In. somo thing wrong. .Moot him boldly, frame,-, kindly nnd do not bo nfrnld 0 his Imrks T t ,IL ' nor nn.1 nowor your dronm. tho loudor tho imrk. .....i n.n ,,,nr ,in. .. .m .or ",8 lmrK8' V10 ? nor nnd umm iv "ill iiiiHnni . in !... . is. . from ovory corner. Kvory man or womnn who ever accomplished any lno .," Z " wVr,.n. i human rnco, had to meet 11.1b 8nnpp,B 1)nrk,g pack. Often thoy wero' torn Siocesy?yot"U 'dogs woro honest dogs. Tnko your history nnd rend tho story of nny stop forward In human progress. It Is alwaya tho samo story. If you would lond In your community, uo mnltor how fine your ldenls, how solN snorlfloliig your offorts, how beautiful nnd usoful your purposo, you must bo prepared to moot tho 'dog typo, for ho hns beem purt of tho race since tho beginning. If you aro afraid of dogs and tholr linrki. do not sook to bottor yourself or yor neighbors, but stny In the crowd that stands still and watohos tho pauiuo nnu mo uuK , nm which you. If you wish to Accomplish somotlilnir. to dovalnn nn.l l,nrv tfncfn ti i : ..i t. nn nrin mi... i3i.,s... r,WM,lf- I lllllll IO illMIIIL -ll,VUU. Mil' Ul'llltl t,,J Inst night by Qerinan machine gun&on t ti.l, llfl l.i. i.iti I. . i. ..ww. I llnll.t.wl IH'I IHM, Mil 4 1 UIU lWt.'UUril, IIWIUIIIU. y I Sixteen hundred Helgian soldiers Reived today, having lied Jrom Antwerp. i '-r FRENCH REPORT GEM IN SEVERAL ENGAGEMEH (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Iter TtinaftJ PARIS, Oct. 12.-The following tfffa tion was issued this afternoon: "Or) Oiirlcj ongagements continue in the region "off hfxt. and Ila.ebrouck. Hot ween Arras and trail n visitors1 f0U", , .yl,r mtnamt "MB"' "ronin ""' then to make the dronm conic, t'ruo, bo prepared to give tho atleilipicd lo deliver SCVOl'tll altaclvS, W " """lvl3 linKt tlinrn In In vnn In lnnnt ntln.ik. nl. ...... ...i.,... .... . ...... " I. . . ... .. '.. v nml in. """"'' iioiu.iiouiiinimii, uurKH llllll snaps llllll Will """ ' your eiulurnnco nml your very soul. . . BOSTON OEFEATS PHILADELPHIA ' try your courage, between Lassiguy and Rove. Onth?fea boiiio i'ogress on the right bank of .Mm f so mi . 7 Thoro Is no such thing ns somot.,.g for nothing. The greater tho accomplishment Nuht. the finer , " 'M",(fV J ",P Vk I tl ' SST'A and broader and moro.UBoful tho thing to ln dono. tho moro hitler tho attack and tho hoiiMor tho price ' SoiHSOllS IlIUl to the ('list and KOlllC(llffoE,'n you must pay., Tho nonrur tho front you got tho fiercer thofuttnok upon you. Wbntovor wo nro Hooking to t l'ipflll willg ill the Vo.sgCN, tilt enemy (V5l II accomplish, you may bo sure of ono thing, and thnt Is that tho prfco In effort nnd In heartaches will bo ox- tlU'k ill tllO region of llllll Of Sllpl. '$$ U nrtlv In iirnnnrtlnn tn IIh lilirnnRK. i " ' nctly In proportion to Its bigness. i 5 TO 4 FK 12 G STfiPlrlV' III llKS l flrHl 8,)0l0 t0 Wr Cli-indlor about building jv now homo for j I ft T YY Ko In doht for It all, I mustbo cconomlcnj. j I UUil I I "Why not envo money mid put lip u brick voifoor building, It wl in. mli IruiQ ' qdI.1 UMH ' "' llni Br ABrn..le-l Phm n Com nt TIpjm.1 ' Tho bettlllg WUB tllll.Ip HOVOII Oil Hob HO." TO.N, Oct. 12. Tho Noston' ton to tnko tho sorler, and tho Athlotlca nlnyod tho Tho iinoiips: unrdist fought gamo hero todny that VI,1,"j,1,1vP,rn li ormrred In tho world's 'sorioa bldring.' If.' r ' crat yenrs, Dohtou wlnnlnif, Collins. 2b. 5 to 1 in 12 innings. Unkor. 3b. V the beginning of (ho. 12th Inn- M.cI,nnl8',lb" r . i.oro was four to four with ''" cl- tidi fi.'l.ting dgsparntoly. With !,.rr'' M- noston Mpran, rf- Kvors, 2 b Deal, so inuoli loss," said Will I'll toll you." I replied, "I'll toll you tho roul rouson build it I'tl kno guoss I gonuiuo all tho way through, Tho Tlmos I told him na I must HI look Itko solid brick and cost Thp. truth Is I nm not ft vohoor man. Wo might GEM I S 5js 'NJcfl ANNQUNC r,,ialow Im '1 I V- PT hone I I vonoor building to look llko solid brick nnd, not n person wooing It would know tho difference Jlut w and ovory tlmo I'd look ut that building I'd Bay fo mysolf. 'Mnronoy, you're n tl u liar ' I '11 kcop right on being goniilnoly what 1 scorn" anil bo wo made It reinforced conoroto and solid and Odnnolly "if DEF0,IB rotlllff tllo ot,,0 n's't I snt on tho poroh of my rqntod H VflBljtedcf! D 8i,ont wo,J'or- ono" ,'!"' twlnk"ff Fimrk n great wprld unknown Schmidt, lb K"t wor(l8' al millions moro boyomPthoin, which we cannot nil y oo A... n I I mi a m r- IM II III II I II ll 'l 'I I 111 ' llL. M vrn n nn mnn mv rw w.u.11 iivuwimiiu wai..u Miirn.nvUfo. sb. thought of tho wonderful1 knowledgo, ,nvo gnjuoj, 0f vTyIo- ii. " fl W0 l,u nccf,mplisjied seomed pitifully llttlo'bosldo tho vast iinl- i - , vorso oi wiuoii u uro munis, a boiibo or iiuinan n was It? hutrinn helplessness, frnllty nnd vanity Swont nvnr . vi, What la it all for and wiisro la It all going? What wnB theuso of striving.' strucullnc. trvlnninv (Uy Associated Press to Ckt ' ' Kl'lll MISRIjIN, Oct. 12. (Via Am . , . . Tpnnmu communication suvs: In the eaKtern-Vjt,of in the north all attacks of the first thI armies on October f) and 10, Russitmo by way of Schirwindt, East Prussia,, scd and the Russians lost a thousand pj homo and looked up nt tho stura In to us. MIILions mid millions or SCO., all Ilinvllltf In nnrfnnf nml won. .l.r.,1 lfl.ninni Uftfl nrflnt ffil rnllnt .k.. - .. ' """" "" '"' " , v".....0BS minions or years, nnd will con1""10 i da so ns many moro. I thought or tho wonderful knowledgo, havo Knill0(. of tho ,,,. ,ln,i.,P)taiidlilc of thlncs Imelnnim. tn rtnw II. . '' "." "V-I'VI. .. " C3..1 . .. 11UWI1V. C. ..! 1 .11 .... !.... 1 .11 r. .--'- . " ST." ' " '"" iin iirr . . ... i. ...!. Til. ii auiiiii.K. v. -. t "' fin ..... .1.....1H u.ii. 11.1 n j .i.iun u.ii. 1... wn n in m unn...n.i ...i.r...... i.i.ifi a' Ilh'ft .,tmn 1111 In Tin fnnth 11 nil DUSh, p. Scrr.l ..... . ... 1" .... .'.. . 11..-, fimliwr. - io runs unt in ineir nun . .........., ' 'rn irado It Tour nil by Bonding First balf. Phllndlephla up. Mur- P h"r.aro?a th? p,1.a,e- , Phy doubled down tho left field lino sn rl 'hod n Storing game for Jl', . ir,.i nu-lnr in .qnhmitlt P'' ilde'.thln .TnniBO u-n Intn tlm Oldllllg sacrificed, IjlOf JO SplinillU. Nor Tjler In the elovonth. , Murphy going to third. uirpn, n r 1fo of MrnMt j - - -. . w .. ,. an, jrw.g l?,ssjn, 0j'Ci(.jaI (.nmmm,it 1 ai score: In8' satrlflco fly. Uakor fanned. Ho to trust, ot courage under trial and difficulty, of seeking for bottor things, 1 llfto-l my own soul, mind ' loi'JOS at AllgUStQWIl Mid SlllllAvlci W riwtvininiiio . o miKafd a curve uy u j. vi" xw.(..,,u ,,. ., ...,,T O -...- - -. . .....I i n IUjSTON, Oct. s'a i trdav thf V' d Series l- fs and tbe Philadelphia Athlot- ry's heaJ. c"nneu' po3 "hvhltted our QVV"- -l"?racte.r! An.d-!e.4'-U-'J10 1,CB one nofe" Jthqr fqtjipso who Wtw " , "' " eouid not oe noiior " .;-;""-; ,, nn prrmB - i wtidlv enthusiastic fans ''" ..; '"""..V" ".".,'. 'xvW- tl AT T,OS TS ITOAVV "' t ii iUp Kaino. noston Is-plnin- nnd night to arcompllsh somothlng. ta move the peg-ono notch higher whon all thaV-wo could do must I til In n tow short yoars crumble back to dtiBt? Just thon a dog Wont -trotting by. I had my answer A dog . could not drqam. but only bark at tho stars. I, a man, who could both droam up to'tho stais and bring p Hi of Poland the advance guards of our ajnnital' tho Vistula River. Near (Iroiec, soij V Oisw pturcd 2000 mon ot the . . . . , S: K ."! ami neari it dok niKiier nnu nearor io narinnnv with tim r nr itm ....itorso. i wnuiii imvn imiit uf..,,,.ii,i.,.. ' r.w.t fii..t , n ' r,. .. !..,.,;.... .....w,.,. ii: xit i..i nni. " ' " " '" " '"" - "'"i h iui-1 ii.ui.iii' uiiiiuui iitmniiiii cuiiniiiaw .v.r rr" 5 0 1 ?,l01e SZ, oVf wpond Tiler to that would not die or qrumbie to bbIios. and In Its building I would gain that was worth gaining. Tho llichf.rl jiltniif trtminnrlniitt rlni'irm nf I rnift 10 Coo. D.T Time. 1 llns WftS picked Off BeCOnU, 1W " ,,, ohnfo u. , .! .t,. ,., .,, , ,, ,. " r,or,c un ' ". .. . r,hIMA llDOIll 1 1 OIIIOIUIOUS (1010.1 IS III? IfllCQ 1" Fenway "Park Evors. One run pne WL one error. - - " - - - - -r .....i,. ... u.,. ...uui ........ -., .v ureummg una torbci'L' VOllcllCS for their lllck uf vLJvtM . tiiiTir 11 i !?!, Second half.-rMoran popped out then doing will live long after us, ror ,10 step forward In human JtrProvomont Is ever really lost, .nl- il , l,) V, " '"J: 'J l, l"'1',, ,1 A-l . A rn?' batw-Hnn tho UDston to Collins. Kvors singled over oar-, though the tangible evidence of ij: in stone and mortar may long since have crumbled, Vou are bulldlnc UlutuiiiiO 1MUJI" iVAtVflnrJ 7 v 1 (J10UMAN IOSS IS irEAVY Philudaii) 1 a. lyier iouk .ia. iH..itiuui jjVsij j-w iiiutx y x i C j I f lT.imlra.lB kwnrm. SlllSSn 8IIU uiion . " ' Tl'XTllliXl I lr.f 1' It icaf.ifnr. f l.o. 4-1,. fi ..,. l.j el ai mi 7.'.. ".""V..." .:; fouled out to Sohmldt. Sehang HIOU uwn t-w, v. t. .-, o 0i.vvn nmu uiu-viihiii lit, lOhl v" in an hour after tho tinraservod out to Bxera. 9 runs nq "Its. fane's Mere flung opon. ovory seat, errors . ..- tn VJ (,kr ..,, --, ll.1 ,l,u ItnHtt.Il MflrOll Ollt, llokCT tO , .... - r. , ,. ... J. 111:1,1.0 iui,r.., (Dy Associated ProBs(to CooijfL. PARJS,.0ct. 12.A (levuuui ias S1 A U nU.'OPPed botiilis Jictwcen twoii'iuhi, Every Klk and his Mifo. mother,4tlie act of lmlHllir out of tllo'Norft ias s - -1- . .r"'1" ttl'QOp 1 (Ufa nnd nressed aeoln-t the i(.niinued on Pttgo Sis - n,4p,Q00 men during the attack 'on Forts Waolhenritiid AVi",0fr,,,lrI1,,wwth"hl are wp0B'wl ,al "'J'ho missies did not explode and vcj'iaiw,' -Mr-I vre St. Catherine at Antwerp, says u Cnnfn,l News disJ UiS vSEeiaJ tfSTVi Z wo feet in the earth. The IrAins ll patch from Amsterdam, f .r glad rage nnd come. songers, ) ' Itoprc tvmt Ifil iretrtM' M1 m lit'.. i ' il' es arouiid t c re.n oujiiei.l K t L. j x-l4' :wm X