TffiBiiimiiiii-r i" ihiW i ' HBWBa, iua i iFTtt'TT'TB3-Bggiiwra'w'BPg In The Realm Of Higher Things A PIlAYKlt. t f 4f,. , JrOur Father In hoaven, wo bleua Thy holy nnma for every Boclttt, polltlca und rellBtcus niovement looking to the bctterniont ot mnnkliul and the &1ldnrlty of tho luininn ri"o Into one fnmlly; Mint wrongn mny bo righted, Injustlco removed, nnd tho evils which besot iib bo orndlcntrl; thnt nil Thy children mny enjoy tho Clod-given rights ot life, liberty nnd tho pursuit of happiness. Impress us tin Individuals, and as. a Nation thnt If wo shall enjoy tho lespect of oth ers wo must respect ourselves by liv ing to tho highest Ideals Illustrated In tho llfo and teachings of tho Mas tor. Amen. , . 0 I A TIIKKK-MINUTK HKK.MON. In nnd through tbnp reality can his own llfo becomo a reality on earth nnd tho foretaste of a higher reality to conio In tho world of eternity. Thnt Is what the disciples of -Jesus gradually came to see. "This Is llfo eternal," sny tho Fourth. Gospel, "that they should know Thee, tho only truo God, nnd Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast Bent." Ponder over these words until you havo realized tho fullness of their 'meaning nnd inndo thoni your own. Then you will know thnt for you eternity has been already manifested In tlmo, that your eternal llfo Is already beginning In tho world of tlmo. II. G. Woods. TIIK KHIiIOlOUS SIIH OK Till? AVAIL "TIIH PKKMAXKNT THINO." "lie hnth sot eternity In their heart." Keel. Ill, 11. Til HUH Ib something In' us which Is eternal changless. It does Is otornnl changless. It does not grow, It does not fude; It Ib the Bamo yoBterdny and today and for ever. Wo speak much of the changes which tho years bring. And truly they bring changes to ninny things. They chnngo mnnnors, customs and modes of llfo. Tho culture of tho .Modem Ilrlton Is quite different from tho culture of the ancient Jew. If tho judges of old Israel wore to awako In modern London, they would find nn Intellectual world which they would not recognize. Hut they would nlso find n world which they would recognize. There Is a region which the yearn touch not, which tho con. turloH change not; It Ib tho henrt; God has act otemlty then. Tho In stincts or the henrt aro timeless. Yon outer n modem drawing room to bid a friend good-bye, nnd your friend Insists on going with you. You deoiu It a beautiful tribute of love, nnd s It Is. Hut I can tnko you back three mlllonlums to an ago, comparative!. barhnroiiH. end thero I can show yoe the very samo tribute. I can bIiow you In tho land of tho Judgo of Israel one woman bidding another good-byo and thnt other refusing to accept hei farewell, "where thou goest I will go nnd whore thou dwollest 1 will dwell: thy pcoplo shall he my people and th God my God." Thero hns boon In nl tlipso threo mlllonlums no Improve ment In love. Theio nro chnnges In the IcaL nhnnges In tho fashion, changes In tho theory; but God lint set eternity In the heart. Speak not my roiiI of the thlngr that vanish with tho yearn. There me things that vanish; but thoro Is something which remains; and the thing which remains Ik tho greatest thing. Why rests thlno oyo over on tho blank places, tho vacant places? Why art thou over Joining In the d'rgo of tho hymnlnt, "Chnngo and decay In nil around 1 see"? It may bo "In all around" but it Is not "In nil within." Tho mnrkB of time may be on the loaf, but otomlty Is In thy heart. Thy henrt Is nolther older nor youngor than It wbb In the prliir. Hive days. Thy love Is like a rock In the sea of tlmo. Tho wntorB hnvr not washed It nway. Koop thlno eye nn tho rock, O my soul, for thnt rod !h Christ. Wring not thy hnndH ovei tho desolating wave; lovo Inuglin nt tho wave. Love Is ludopendont of the yenrs; It makes equal fourscore and sovonteon. Lovo can retain Its ro mnnco In old nge. Lovo enn bo a prlmrogo nmld the withered autumn flowers. Lovo enn sing In tho night tho Joys of morning. Lovo can plant the spring nt tho gntes of December. Lovo can put a child In tho midst of tho temple's nroy sages. Dry the tenrs thou hast shed over thy fleet ingness, for thou hast otemlty In thy henrt. No Bcntlmonts on tho religious bearing of the Kuropenn war aro more to tho point than the following words uttered at tho beginning of the strugglo: "Our first feeling about tho war Is one of sliamo nnd humiliation to to think that so great n part of tho world, and tho part thnt calls ItBelf civilized nnd Christian, should be come Involved In a dealy strife. It brings homo to ub with added force that fact that tho progress of civili zation of which wo aro Inclined to hoaBt depends upon Almighty God and not upon our own weak efforts." Tho Itcv. Dr. Wllllnni T. Manning. "Think you If Jesus Christ were really onthronod In tho councils of tno nntlonB wo would now bo tremb ling under tho pall of this awful wnr? Think you If' theso nntloiiH which profess Christianity really re garded Him they would now ho em barking on thl nwfnl carnage?" Tho Kov. Dr. John Stuart Ilolden. im:aci:. i WIIRX Life's hard storms ncross tho path aro breaking Tho heart stands shudder ing midst Its fenrs, Closplng Its threntenoil Idols closer, And day Ib shrouded In a mist of tenrs; When hopo llot wounded midst tho crash of forces Aye, lost ncross tho darkened way Ho who gunrds well ench earth bound stranger Honda close beside the lips thnt prny. 4 Ho may not always stay tho storm which threntens Thoro nro some Btorms which we ourselves havo brought Ho knoweth wnll tho greater kind nosB And hnth no needlosa storm-cloud over brought; Ho may not lift to llfo our fallen Idols, Nor bid the wrenklng, blenk winds cense, nut nt'our cry will bend down closer, To touch nnd Hush our shuddering hearts to'penre. OAMPIXfS Ol'T. Tin: coxsnorsxKss of irri:nxr. TV A Mi:i)ITATIOX. WHENCE do wo got our nssur anco that oven In this world of tlmo tho consciousness, If not tho full comprehension, of eter nity Is within our reach? Wo have It bacnuso there Is betweon God mid man u likeuess In iinlikoness; be cause iiiuii'b lower propensities nro eouutoilmlnucod by his higher aspir ations; bocnuso mnn has nn un quenchable thirst for tho eternal and the abiding; because, at his best, he feels u pure Joy In the thought of be ing In hurmony, In union and com munion with an Eternal and Infinite Nature, which satisfies his deepest longing; becnuso ho feels Intolerable jinlu In tho Idea that there Is nothing permanent or satisfying behind this chnnglug and fleeting world of sense. Could this thirst, this joy, this pain, man asks, bo so Ineradicable In him, could they affect him so profoundly, could they point so unmistakably to tho hlghost ideal which he can form of life, unless they proceeded from something real, something too vast and deep and Illuminating to bo a indie figment of human imagination? On that reality, man feels, all that lie most values in Ufa depends; only Dropping down tho current In n leaky boat, Dressed .In faded flannels nnd nn nn- dent cont; Luncheon In n basket, plpo between your teeth. Watching sun nnd shadows slipping underneath; Sunfish, minnows, bullheads, red fins, too, In schools Yanking speckled beauties from tho pobblod pools; Later In tho twilight, frying pans of trout Thnfs tho fun of cnmplng camping out! Looking through tho tent-flap at tho marching stars, Getting well acquainted with Jupiter nnd Mnrs, Listening to the crickets piping from tho sod, Feeling xonioliow,nonor all tho tlmo to God. Seeing how tho woodlnnd's every growing limb Through tho htorm nnd sunshine reaches up to Him, . Tnklng tlmo for thinking what It's nil about That's the best of camping camping out. Exchange BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER creamery MADE UNDEIt SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free (Wlrery. 8 . in. una a p. is. Pbone 78 VLircks EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ttli and Market. H. E. Drowning, Hector 8 n. in. Holy Communion. 0::tO a. m.. Sunday School. 11 a. in. Morning Service nnd Sermon. FIRST HAPTIST CHURCH Albert F. Bnssford, M. A. Ilcsldonco CCIl So. 11th street r.o-x Illblo School nt 10 a. in., with graded classes and competent tonch ors. Worship at It n.iu. nnd7:.10 p.m. with sermons by Pastor Dnssford. Young People's sorvlco at 0:30 for ono hour. A special Invitation is sxtonded to nil young men and wo men. Music nt both services by n large chorus choir undor Professor George Ayre. A cordlnl welcomo Is extended to all. METHODIST CHUHCH Rev. A.3. lUsoy, Pastor. North Rend Hi I I I ill Tho services Sunday will bo as follows: Sunday School nt 10 a. in. Vesper Circle nnd Epworth Longuo at 7 p. in. Sermons by the Pnstor at 11 a. m. and S p. in. Morning Sermon: "God'B Plnn for tho Perpetuation of Ills Church." Evening Sermon: "Overcoming Handicaps, A Practical Sermon far Young People." Mrs. A. 11. Oidloy will sing nt tho morning service. A NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Rov. It. O. Thorpo Services will bo held In tho Xor- j weglnn Lutheran church, at Maish- fleld Sunday at :!( p. m. commun ion. Sunday school meets Saturdays at 10:30. Services will bo held In the Nor wegian Lutheran Chapel at North Ilcud Sunday nt 11 a. in. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. I Local Elder, J. E. Quails. Seventh Day Adveutlst sorvlcos nro conducted every Saturday as follows: Sabbath School at 10 n. in. Dlblo Study at 11 a. m. Young People's Society nt 3 p. in. Prayer Meeting Wednesday nt 7:30 p. in. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ChrlHtlnn Science Hall. 237 Third Streot North SnrvlnR ut 1 1 a. in.. Sunday and S p. m. Wednesday. Subject: "Unreality." Sunday School at 12 Sunday. Reading room open ever" dny oxcopt Sundnys and Holidays from 1 to 4 p. m. I UNITED HHETHHEN CHURCH I NORTH REND i Mrs. R. N. Lewis. PnBtor Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Christian Endenvor nt 7 p; in. Preaching nt 1 1 a. m. and 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. . . NORTH I1EXD CHRISTIAN' I CHURCH f Mrs. S. Gregg. Minister Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Dlblo School, iu a. in. fr - CATHOLIC CHURCH MARSHFIELD I fnKn win bn cnlobinted nt 10 o'clock Sunday morning by Rov. Father McDovltt. - METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Josenh Knotts. Pnstor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning Service nt 11 n. m. Evening sorvlco nt 7:30 p. m. All nro cordially lnvltod. Epworth Longuo nt C:30 p. m. Junior Leaguo Sorvlco Thursday afternoon nt 3:45. Prayer Meeting Thursday ovon Ing at 7:30 o'clock. SWEDISH EVAXfiELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rov. 11. F. Uengtson. Pnstor. Residence 2!) 4 Highland avonuo. Phono 04-R. Preaching aorvlco and communion at 11 a, m. Sunday. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Services In North Hond at 7:30 p. in. - CHRISTIAN CHURCH .. Samuel Gregg, Minister, .. Residence, 280 North Eleventh I'nono us. Services as follows at the Church, corner Sixth and Central: Regular services overy Sunday. Dlblo School nt 10:00 n. m. Preaching service 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in, I NORTH REND PRESRYTERIAN I Rov. Frederick Shlinlan, Pastor . -4 Sunday School, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Christian Endenvor, 7 p. m. Preaching, 8 p. in. - . I CATHOLIC CHURCH I XORTII REND 4. Rev. Father McDovltt Mass will be celebrated Sunday morning at S by the Rev. Father McDovltt. HOTEL DOTSON O. A. IlmiHon. Proprietor Now open under new management. . nlnirt wlfli tmniA Ainlr. lng served In fnmlly style. Board UU rUUUI, fV.uv 1JW. nwv-i 1 j'L.1 'i -----li Pli FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ' OLDEST RANK IX COOS COUNTY Established mm). Capital, Surplus and Undivided - Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposit Officers: , J. W. Rennet t, ProNldont. ' 1, 11. Flanagan, Vice-President. , R. F. Williams, Ca-Jih.,., Gen. IiV VVl..,.i . ... . '""'t, ami, Cnhfl r. RAINY SEASON IS COMING ARE YOU READY? THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE WORLD IS IS A BANK ACCOUNT Open one In our Savings Department. Interest paid on time certificates of deposits also in the savings de partment where deposits are accepted for any amount FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxen For Unit. The Loyal Order of Moose Presents the Dramatic Triumph of the Century ARIZONA i With Notable Cast of Marshfield Local Talent Masonic Opera House- 2 Nights Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 14-15 TICKETS All Reserved Seats Cflr Entire House 0Ul Reserved Seat Sale will open at Busy Corner Store Monday morning, October 12 at 9 o'clock. mmmaammMaMMa9mmatttmaaakmmmmWmklkmWkmWkmkmVkmWkWkWkKKtkWi rtlYIL. " TO BEAT THE BUILDING G has been a hobby with ub for n good many years and a tot our customers wilt toll you whon It comes tu Kiting jood, wh, durablo framlnB material nt tho right price wo know our ness. Ju8t toll what you want to build and tho 0n' J0 to spend nnd wo'll got busy with our pencil and figure out uewi your money can buy. Try ub. j, u V. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, PIIONI r I'm Air. nrcPAllTMKXT ct-. m- in xuo m; -, Ideal Summer Trips ON LAUNCH EXPRESS LcnvoB Mnrshfleld ovory week dny at 8 a. m. STEAMER RAINBOW W Leaves Marshfield ovory Sunday at 8 a. m. and ory - IDEAL "FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS nrInB your lunch baskets kodak and f si. b jcjl i days' outlnB. Sunday School and nP,cnicorcrcnarter and pfe Excursion to South Coos River overy da. l-or cnan arrangements, mnnr uu u.. THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE TELEPHONE DIRK GOES TO PRESS ABOUT OCTOBER 15, 1914. APW TISING SPACE FOR SALE. MAKE YOUR BBB TI0NS FOR SPACE IN IT. FOR PARTICULARS WRITS OR CALL. ' ' Coos Bay Home Telephone Co. Marshfield, Oregon -z-, COOS BAY AND EUREKaItEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER HARDY 2. riKR ,lj '-"" "$& a'z; . ,..n,.,v i.f AL'ollt. TCT""": l' J. J4li !'. -" 316'-? wuwirk ,A-'---fj-tfii-trii ... ...- ... A U 4UMAWAkmVXmarULiH