I " iiij'jn . I ru it in gKESSe I ilnti ling, CO. The Ideal Cafe Ola FRONT STREET 51ARSHFIKLR Renovated and Refurnished Is Now Open for Business Everything First Class First clatm culslno ami first class service'. Fresh slioll oysters a specialty. Flno stoalcs. i Arhos, Anest & Arhos, Proprietors Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIKNItr SKNGSTAOKE.N, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMnETt AND PLATTING TiANDB A SPECIALTY. GKNKHAL AOKNTS EAST-SIRH MAIISID7IKLD OFFICE, PIIOXB A4-J. COQUILLK CITY OFFICK PIIONK 1B1. GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory. DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner b Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH HHOADWAY PHONICS 3I8-.1 AND !2 I TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay l ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, . Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Clean I iir, repairing or now platens, work giiimtntccd. Ribbons and rrboa paper delivered. Phono us your order, Phono II. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. RAILS FROM 5IAItSIIFIKLI FOIt SAX FRANCISCO TL'i:.SI)AV, OCTOHIJR l, AT tt p.m. Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 2tf and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeoroe, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM RAILROAD DOCK, MARSHFIKLH, DURING THK 5IONTII OP OCTOIIKU OX TUP HRD, AT 10 A. 51.; 10TH, AT 1 P. 51.; 17TII, AT H A. 51.; 2ITIJ AT 1 IS 51., AND JUST AT 8 A. 51. Tlcketa on Bale Co all Eastern jiolnta and Infoi mailon to tumten and ratcw cheerfully furnllie1. Phono 3B-J. O. R. LANDERS. Agent PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE Arrow Line Streamers -SAIL FR05I- San Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Ptiono U7. Coos Hay f Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco TH05IAS II. JA5IKS, Agent Ocean Rortc Portland Albers Dock No. 3 Kvcry Saturday 9 A. M. Murahfleld. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THR FAST AND COMFOHTARLK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. P Wrnnnunn AfiEXT W. H. TAIXTER Phone 44, Maranfleld Phone 421, North Bend Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San ftrnncisco; S. S. Redondo SAILS FR05I 5IARSIIFIELDKOR SAX FRAXCISCO feU -- .Am MkSl'XDAV, OCTOHKR II, 1:110 IS 51. Equipped with wireless and submarine boil. t Passengers and freight. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS WILLAMETTE VALLEY UtDDIKS , COMPETE WITH LOCAL HEXS Parcels Post 5lay ll.ing Them Into Direct Compel It i n to Put Down Prli es. With tho usual winter ballon nscen bIoii of egg prices, dealers nro already figuring on what means must he tak en to ward off the Inovltahlo high cost of "hen fruit." Tie pnrcolB post may ho tho solving of the problem and tho means of getting cheap eggs here for tho Coos Bay Housewives. Yesterday a local dealer declared that often the price on n dozen eggs hero Is nt least 20 rents nbovo tho cost of eggs In tho Willamette Val ley. Use of Uncle Sam's now mall system may put the biddies of tho Willamette Volley In direct competi tion with those of Coos Ray and help greatly In keeping at least enoug eggs In tho pantry for seasoning dur ing tho cold winter months when the prlco hnB often befom been boosted to 75 cents a dozen. Egg crates have Ijpcn perfected which allow tho transportation of eggs via the parcols post routo'in n method practically safe. Coming by mall as booh as tho eggs nro laid, the merchants declare the produce of tho nens will reach hero In a fresh condi tion and be much butter than cold storane eggs. NEWS FROM ROSKUURO Talking over tho telephone, at noon today, Dr. Johnson, president of tho Myrtle Point Chamber of Commerce stated the people of that vicinity were much pleased with tho nctlon of. the voters of Iloseburg In Voting JjJOO.OOO bonds with which to nBslst in the construction of n railroad between Rosoburg and. Coos Ray. Dr. Johnson also stated .that ho believed the people of Coos County would lend their moral and financial support to tho project. Mrs. Oswald Heath, of Vancouver, Wash., arrived here yesterday to spend n few days. She will go to Coob Rny later. Mrs. O. T. Render, of Myrtle Point, arrived here last evening from the north and will visit for several days with her brothor, Hon. Rin ger Hermann. She Is accompanied by her young dnughtor. Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Endlcott, of Randon, spent last ovcuing In Rose-, burg. They wero registered nt the Unipn.ua Hotel. Rosoburg Uevlow. FALL RAIN. TRACK 5KJVES A MILK A DAY Tho Willamette Pacific Rollroad Thursday was within six and u half miles of Mupleton, at tho headjiof tidewater and was n mile nearer that night. The track layers' crow has progressed n mllo a day each day this week, according to tho re port recolved by tho engineering offices In Eugone. Eugeno Guard. Tho torrent pours down from the sky, and moistens the earth hard ind dry; and tho farmer envorts In his barnyard and snorts, "Why didn't It come In July? Ah, then wo were pray ing for rain, for baked was tho mead ow nml plain; nnd tho corn and the oatsjlost their several goats, the hus bandman Buffered a pain. Then Pin. vIiib sent not a drop to rescue tho perishing crop; but now, when too late, It comes by Numerate, and falls on the cornfield kerflop." And that Is the species of thanks thnt Pluvlus gets from tho cranks, when the faucet ho wields nnd refreshes tho fields with the moisture ho keeps In hts tanks. The pastures are growing and fresh, tho cattle nro putting on fleBh; but the farmer Is sore nnd ho inlses his roar, mid sorrows bis spirit en mesh. The soil Ib In Bhnpo for the wheat; the outlook Is cheerful and Bwoot; hilt the husbandman weeps as lo stables his sheeps, nnd kicks up n fuss nndjepent. Oh, why shoitld we grumble nnd whlno. anil shod sundry firkins of brine, over things thnt are dead? Lot us all look ahead, for the weather Is sure to be flnel Wnl Mason. XEWS FRO.M FI.ORKXCK Tho Patsy brought In n planing machine for the Point Terrace mills, Slusluw Pilot. John Whobrey, tho Mdo buyer, en mo up tho bench Thursday. " "tA 4 'Said Admiral Bob Evans , Regarding Prohibition "I would rather take my sailors to ANY OTH ER AMERICAN PORT THAN MAINE'S for the Reason That My Men Return to Their j Ships, NOT SO MUCH DRUNKEN as CRAZY, which is due to the VILE DECOCTION. OF DRUGGED LIQUORS they Have Supplied to Them (by the 'Blind PiggersV) Register Before Thursday, Oct. 15 Vote 333xNo 4gainst Prohibition HMuaaatuMtaaiai Defeat of the proposed prohibition amendment will not affect the present efficient local option or home rule law. ,-J! (Paid Ad-vertlaeraent Taxpayers and Wage Earners' League of Oregon, Portland, Ore,) JUlUZTJuT'I.' ' J jirff-" -'- Jtfffisi