-'"--TrETirMMMmr'iffTllWTnaMMr-"tiTaM-illVMtiil Xhi niT " "r: iMnnffTr- Ml, ,1 WTi nMi'l iii .Mii i i .. mTWmMmmMtimmTWnmmTttMXrPMmXwrm'r' I lililiiliii,""-w'',T'77,Trrr1 iia.1 JiL.. "wrali t4. .... J" 15 4, SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1914 EVENING EblTION. r USIC A HKN'RIK (MURDRUM OPKNS HIS STUDIO AT Till- MVIITM-: AIOIS w&COOS BAY 4. USICAL DIRECTORY Good Stntv I: J.. USICIA u"ruB i M ND M MS p& - V Mr. Henrlk H. GJordrum opened his Btudlo nt the Myrtle Arms this -neck nnd is now receiving pupils. Mr. GJcrdrum's piano which Is on Its way from Now York via the 1lM f iii ' Panama Canal, Is expected to arrive on Coob Day shortly. While nwnlt 1ns Its arrival Mr. Gjcrdrum Is xib Ing an upright piano. WAK AND AUTISTS THE world is still discussing sad necessity, or Imagined cesslty, which has sent great artists and musicians of ger, Mrs. It. K. Rooth, Mir. .1. S. Coke, Mrs. F. K. Conway, Mrs. V. N. Ekblad,. Mrs. .1. V. Gardiner, Mrs. a. u. uiiucy, Mrs, J. T. Hall, Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Miss Esther Johnson, Mrs. Jos. Knotts, Miss Clara Myron, MIsb May Myron, Mrs. Chas. .Mo Knight, Mrs. W. S. N'lcholson, Mrs. D. I). Ostllnd, Miss Edith Preston, Mrs. Chas. Stauff, Mrs. M. A. Swcot mnn, Mrs. C. II. Walter, Mrs. F. E. Wilson. Mrs. A. R. Gldley will sing "My Ilcdecmer and My Lord," by Dudloy Huck, at the morning service of the Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday. HENRIK GJERDRUM Piano Kmstraclfcioini STUDIO Myrtle Arms Phone 356-J Miss Mnbel Hnrrlan, dauRhtor of Mm ntwl Atra T T1 tin retrrnu iidm U( iiiiii - t mi ma afi iii ii w i left Marshfleld laBt month for Ronton,! wrltcB that sho Is now enrolled as a pupil at the New England Conserva tory of Music at that plarc. She Is studying both piano and violin, tho 'former under J. I). Dean nnd the lat ter under Vnughau Hamilton. She writes that her work under Lew Koy zer of Marshfleld was most favorably commented upon, the Instructors par ticularly remarking that thero were no corrections to be made In her In structions prior to entering tho con servatory. Miss Harrlgan writes that sho Is very happy In her work In tho largo seminary, whoro there are 1500 students enrolled. She Is staying nt Gardiner Hall, tl:o women's dormitory. tho no tho Eu-1 Topo to feed tho cannon. Frit. Krolsler, says an exchange the groat violinist, Is nt the, front. Four of tho musical staff of Trinity Mu sic College In London have enlisted. Chalinpln, the Russian basso, and Murntoro, tho French tenor, nro both In tho ranks. It Is. said on tho best of authority that not a sin glo artist In Germany, Franco, Rol glum or Russia lins been spared un less ho Is below or above the mili tary ago limit. . TIicbo men nro as likely to bo Interest In music In North Hend has had an unusual growth this fall. Two musical clubH aro being formed which will help materially In foster ing the musical spirit. Tho Senior Mnttnco Musical Club Is composed of advanced musical students and thoso Interested In musical subjects, while tho Junior Mntlnec Musical Club Is composed of the younger set, most of whom are studying music tills winter. T' o Junior Club will meet next Thursday nt tho homo of Mrs. Allen Taylor Wan on, where a musical pro grnm will be rendered and arrange ment for the details of the organiza tion will be made. MARTIN'S ..Venetian Orchestra.. . A. MARTIN, Director Ml'HC FOR ANY OCCASION Dances ti Specialty Think of Us First Telephone :tl.5-J Mrs, Franklin E. Conway INSTRUCTOR IN YOKE Willi Rianclics In I'nr Training, Sight Reading, JCntiiiclutlou Spccliit Murk for children In I'nr Trailing, Sight Reading, Kmiiirl ntlou. Rules for cIus.no of four. ITALIAN MITIIODS USED Phone ttOIMi .Myitlo Anns Mrs. Allen Taylor WattTeo, Bo Mms. VOICE CULTURE Residence Studio Nonli Rend Pliouu .101 Tho weather clerk havlnir made lilnmelf as disagreeable as possible' for a couple of days got up smlllng this morning simply because ho was up against It. It was siirluora nay and tho grand-roynl-Hlgh-Ing-n-l)lnk who bosses tho weather had to take ii tmitltlit In lilnmAlf mwl lift t'nni! luw killed or "wounded as' nni'liddi' oIbc. catiso" tho Imperial Potentate from nnd tho question Iiiib often been- "Araliy tho Most" ordered him to do nsked whether their various conn- .EarilUauSearT'Sdo, trlcB nre wlso to permit them to bo nmi Conimorcial, where thoy wore metj -wasted as "cannon fodder." Many! by Salem fez wearers and the Coos of them hnvo gono to tho front wll-1 Hay Rand and escorted to tho Marlon. iti.. .,.., .. .. ...i .. M..J While waiting for them to nppoar.l ""' ;' "" "" ' "' ""tho symphony from Coos Ray known rest of their countrymen and wish n8 tho Coos Ray Rand, honored tho to do tliolr duty In battle. Rut Is Capital Journal offlco with a serenade, their patriotism well advised? A' that slopped tlio linotypes ami lenti newspaper commenting on these clr-1 0,;,1, Vl".?. i!'0. tt fhJ!,r,?,!.P ' , " , ., for tho sidewalk to tako In the spec- cumstnnccs romnrks that "no man ,, tront Tly) (milniuiit was sure can risk moro than his Hfo for ly npprcclntol and even tho devil his country ami tho llfo of a corn-bad a hiiiRo on from It all afternoon. 1 Shortly alter noon me HiinncrH. led by the Cons Day Rand and its DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue Miss Edna Louise Larson Pianist and Teacher Studio Corner Central and 8(h St. Telephone I;i7lt Mrso Mairoe Stanley teacher of 'Voice cvitvixk iffiru Hcldfiici Studio TX S'lilli Ith Tvlcplione SIMM Lighting 1 Villi Mazda Lamps and nmn,, i cd i'ixturcs Electric tv hZT? toiyillu,ninantforyU!strU The soft evenh, diffused whitcunlll .' an iittriititivoiiess to your sin, ? Ie' profitable eoimnowinl 1C wh k A sore where people will (le,iht. It will tnvn vim ., ..i i s'lOto. J ,UU1' nca. restful Elcetrie Light should bo 0r light, Elecfririhr Will r.Jv j VVUI U1YC10 A "Day Light Store" "War Time Prices" and Electric (i.MU l?tl4io .... CM . (1U ouangcrs. TlicyDou Mix Telephone 178 Oregon Power! Company to Ills dupon- niOHt umltiont nion in a n is an dour dcnlH ns that of tlio nrtUt." Tlint Ik trtio ciioiikIi. nnd yot It liardly rovors tlio iiiiustlun. Onu ninii Ih n dour as unotlior to tliuso who lovu hint, but sonic nro incro vnlunbln to civilization than otlicrs. When nu ordinary man falls In luit tlo his family grlovu for him, lint tho country In sonoral fools tlio loss only ullKlitly. Rut whon a man Rko Frit. Krolslor Is kllloil, tlio wliolo world Is npprcclalily pooror. Tho common stock of happiness Is diminished. To food such men to rnni.on Is a sonsoloss wasto of fine material. Certainly the war lords nnd thulr clioaun nssoclutos oucht 1o ho foil first, it would lio tinio onoiiRh to snerifiro the artists and inuslclnus whon tho supply of pro fessional troublo-mtikors was ex hausted. . Robert Fouton, director of tho lnrahflold Rnnd, Is here vIsIUuk with his filstor, .Mrs. Will .lonos. Tlio Coos Ray Concort Rand liold tho center of 1ho stiiKO nt tho stato fair on Portland Day nnd attracted fnvornblo attention liy tho clans of music thoy dispensed. RosebuiK News. own bands preceded by Sir Knln't Hul Rntton, inarched to Court s.rcct near Liberty, where n fine drill was performed. Salem Cnpltiil-Jouriiiil. '( ITOl'T WARTAliK," IS ARVICi: OK IIAMIIOSI'II t'niidiictiii' AiIiiioiiInIics .Miihlclans Citllino Ih Worhl.Wldc, Not Xntlomil. NBW YORK, Oct. 10. At the first rehearsal of tho orchestra of tho Symphony Society of Now York, Wnl-v tor Darn'roscn, tho conductor, nduiou Ished his elKhty-flvo musicians, rep resoutliiK thirteen nations, tl at war arguments mo not productive of har mony. Tho ninslclnns wore told to roiuoni hor that they nro nil Americans, no mntter where they wore born; to re nllze that pntrlotlsm and bravery, cul ture anil civilization nre not confined to .tho countries of their 'birth, and to bo thankful that thoy nie In n peaceful country. BrPi ii in . 1 1 ii ilkiii m ()Ti:i VIOLINIST IS NOW RRIRfii: (JUARD Tho music to ho sung nt tho Kpls copal Church Sunday morning will bo: Pnicfissionnl Hymn 3S.". "Holy, Holy, Holy.' . , , Hopkins Vonlto Lnuslug Gloria l'ntrl Lnwcs To Uqinii Road Jubilate Schilling Hymn GIU. l il Papva- Mil... OI.I..H ",UI "v 0"",-l,;'1vinml adds i uuiir Hoprunn solo, ' Jorusa'oin, Thou That Klllest tho I'rophqts," from "St. Piiul" Mendelssohn .Mrs. Franklin 10. Conway. Hymn I0S. "Jonualom, tho Cohlun" I.o .louuo Offoitory Anthoni, "1 Am Alpha nnd Quiosn" Ollbort Progentutlon of Alms .... (Rlbort Reooeslonal, Hymn 480, "Ploasant Are Thy Courts Above" Klvey Mrs. Wlljiuin Horsrall, Jr., nrgun 1st and ohdlr dlroctor. ST. LOl'IS, Oct. 10. A letter from Albert Stoessol, a St. Louis musician who b studying In (lermnny, received by his futhor here, says: Krelsler Is guarding bildgos in Vienna," a Necessity Tho ChnniliiBde Club met Friday morning at the home or tho dlroctor. Mrs. Will. Horsfall. Jr. There wan a largo and enthusiastic membership present nnJ tho year's club work started most auspiciously. Plans wore, made for n i coital to bo given by tho club Bhoitly beforo C'u-lstmns. Those who hnvo attended this year to date are Miss Evelyn Andqrson. Miss Bessie Ayre, Mrs. Perl Riley UulHn- I)o you regard music as a luxury.' hi "hard" times," when you feel it necessary to curtail expenditure, do you think that music, t least, is one thing; you can do without You i-re mistaken. Music is one of the necessities of life. Since the birth of man, among- civilized and uncivilized alike, music more than any other influ ence, has? soothed, inspired and stimulat ed the race. It is time that you awoke and realized that you need music now and that music in its most enjoyable form, is at your elbow. After the day's work is over an evening of music in your home will amply repay anything you have to spend to get it will rest and strengthen you and multiply your riiis is supposod to rofer to Fritz efficiency. This is an established fact, recognized by leading therapeutists. W10 A.WY A LAKGE LIJN13 OI? PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS AND .IL'ST KECKl VEI) LARGE KIUPMRNT OJ1 YKTKOLAR. Wo have th' standard makes of the world and sell tit terms to suit vour convenience. Krolslor. tho well-known violinist who rocontly made an Amorlcnn tour A letter tells of Oernmn victories "For tho first tlmo tho (Ioniums UBOtl their new cannon which they kopt n secret from tho world. One shot weights 120 pounds and dostroys a fort, goes through thd strongest stool nnd costs KQ.onn marks. Two locomotives nro required to trans port tho ennnon." I GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THR CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALT. MARKS OF CARS 347 Central A v. I I Phone U7.J-L I I HIGH STAND. BUY Paints, Varnishes, Brushes Wall Paper, Etc. ' OF E. F. LeMieqx FOR Painting, Paper Hanging and to WW North Front Street. PboueJ Give Best Rest TJhejr is Not that will please your friends nnd retail inlU", PHOTO. That's tho kind we make. . io when, your friends go for Ql'.U.m' riW QUARTERMASS ST Front Street Oppwl" ' $ H Km Tallrlo Thonuifi About It.' L. L. THOMAS Manager Phone Phone I ill. J 1S-L Sperry Surei A fiaianceu MSmmm r$ reed Nr AtAREASONABLEP IFed to Cows Increases vift.D OF MILK SEE IT- -ASKA' ife... itvr fomtiu$nm Jfr