Ll-V-i AAJ,T.Ja ----"" " "" luintiinj, -li.. '.idtl ll'f..,.....i.l1 .. , , HOME Aim FARM MAGAZINE SECTION 13 i'f; ' In the Home - Fashions - Household Hints - Recipes Just A Moment Folding Dress Skirts. rpO FOLD ft dress skirt properly or I packing and so avoid tno crcaso down tlio middlo of tho front breadth, fasten tlio skirtband nnd pin the back t0 "l0 ,n'ddlo of tlio band in front Lay tlio skirt on a table or other flat surface, right sido out, with tho front breadth down. Smooth out all erenei and lay folds flat. Then begin at tlio outer edges nnd roll each toward tho center back Until tho two rolls meet In this way the hang of tlio skirt is not injured, thcro nro no wrinkles, and tho front breadth is smooth and flat. If tho skirt is too long for tho trunk, fold it over near tho top and place a roll of tissue paper under the fold. Kitchen Conveniences. AIUHC for tho Sink When tho kitchen sink is not supplied with nn enameled back, try pasting a square of whlto oilcloth on tho wall above the sink. If good, strong paste is used and tho edges carefully pressed down, the splashing of water on tlio oil cloth will not loosen it. Tho pasted edgrs do not curl (is when tucks tiro uscJ and tho whole has a neat appear and. Protect tho Bottom of tho Sink With a Wire Hack A wiro rack on which to stand kettles, dishes, etc., In tho kitchen sink is quickly nnd cheaply made and otico used will always bo a valuablo part of tho kitchen equipment. The frame, which is of hard wood joined at the corners by small nails, is only a little smaller than tho bottom of tie sink. Wiro netting- (poultry wiro) is stretched on tho top, bent over tho edsca of the frame and tacked in place, then a molding covers tho rough edges of tho wire nnd makes a neat finish. This rack docs not intcrfero with the free passage of water down tho drain pipo nnd saves the ennmcled sink from many hnrd knocks besides elevating the dishpnn to n convenient level for r sailing dishes. Oaro of Eyobrows and Lashes. DON'T NKOLKCT your eyebrows and eyelashes, allowing them to got straggly nnd thin. Uso nn oyo brow brush regularly, brushing tho brows smoothly nnd firmly, nnd gently brushing tho eyelashes upward. I'ctrolenm jelly is splendid for thick ening and darkening tho brows nnd lnshcs, and so, for tho matter of that, is cocoa butter. Apply a llttlo overy night, nnd you will find in a very short tliro your eyebrows nnd cyolnshea will improve. Jio enrcful, though, how you apply cltlu r petroleum jelly or cocoa butter to the lashes. Von rcqulro only tho least little bit. Tnko n match, round tho edgo of which n tiny picco of cotton wool has been tightly twisted, nnd dip into petroleum jelly or cocoa butter. Apply under tho eyelashes, working up ward. This will causo them to tako a pretty upward curl. Never clip tho eye lashes. )y doing so you will work them lasting harm. B01EK0 ETIXOIS ABE POUITO m MAOT OP THE LATEST OOSTOME! I fA pi yy yf v vs 14 . r vVVA Alt v. fr1 A) 1 ! wa t HM ft I I 9JV 8184 em T IS not very often that n bolero effect is achieved as sim ply as it Is in this in Btaneo nnd it would bo difficult to flutl a pret tier one. Tho blouse is really very simple with tho slcoves sewed nt tho long shoulder lino and tlio overlapping fronts nro simply stitched to tho vest portions. Tho skirt is ono pieco with tho tunic that flares prettily over tho hips. In this case, tho neck edgo is finished with n flaring collar in Nor mandy stylo but, slnco it is cut simply in V-shtipo nnd finished at tho neck edge, any collar or frill can bo worn that may bo most becoming. Ono could copy tho gown in silk to bo very handsomo or in wool material to bo Blmply practical and smart or it could bo mado from cashmcro with tho trimming jpor tions of silk, for cash mero is to return to its own this autumn nnd it is always handsomo in contrast with silk or satin. Tor tho medium size, tho blouso will require 1 ynrds of plain mate rial 27, 1 yards 30, 1 yards -11 Inches wldo and 1J yards of plaid 27, lf yards 30, J yards -Jl Inches wide; tho collnr i yards 30 inches wldoj tho skirt 31 yards 27, 2 yards 30 or 11 inches wide, with 1J yards 27, ajlaccfdnclnolshrdotaora J yards 30 or -14 Inches wido for tho tunic. Tho May Mnnton pnt tern of tho blouso 81S1 is cut in sizes from 31 to 42 inches bust meas ure; of tho collar 8231 in ono size; of tho skirt 8101 from 22 to 30 wnist. Recipes Design by May Manton. 8184 Fancy Blouse, 31 to 42 Bust. 8101 Ono-Plcco Skirt, 22 to 30 Waist They will bo mailed to any address by tho Fash ion Department of this paper ou receipt of 10 conts for each. rutting TJp riums. LUMS mnko mnny tempting pre serves. Theso havo n plnuaney which qualifies them as appetizer They arc good sido dishes to servo wittf meats. Plum Jnm. In making plum jam if should bo remembered Hint nhould tho plums bo hard and sour moro sugar will bo required than otherwise. Tho pliund should be divided nnd stones taken out. Spread tho fruit on largo dishes and sprinklo sugar over them. Three pounds of sugar should bo allowed to foui pounds of plums. Let them remain la tho sugar all night. Tho next day put into n preserving kcttlo nnd bring to boll, carefully stirring with n wooden spoon. A few of tho Btoncs should lx cracked and kernels pcolcd nnd nddc4 to jnm a few minutes boforo it is flat ished. Mock Olives Tako a teanpoonfnl oi whito mustnrd seed nnd ono of labia salt to ono pint of vinegar. Lot the plums bo of full growth, lut not rip Doll tlio vinegar and pour it over tb plums. Repeat this threo days in rae cession. O reengages aro best for tlity purpose. Sweet Pickled riums Tnko n hall gallon of almost green plums nnd scald till tho skins nro tender. Drain well and placo in jars. Havo u nlrup mndq of two pounds of sugar, ono pint oj cider vinegar, a tenspoonful each of wholo cloves nnd mace. Pour this over tho plums whilo hot and oca). Plum Butler Tako Uirco quarts of half rlpo plums nnd boll thorn for fif teen minutes. Bub through n colander, add ono pound of sugnr, ono teacup ful of cider vinegar, half a tcutpoanfut each of ground cloves, maco nnd einna mon. Placo on tho firo and boil for half nn hour without scorching. Pug in glnss jars and seal whilo hot. Kocji in a cool, dark placo. Sptcod Plums Tnko half n gnllon oi plums nnd boll fivo minutes. 1'onr ofJ tho wntcr nnd add threo pounds cut sugnr, ono tenspoonful of ground clovdL nllsptco and cinnamon nnd ono pint oj vinegar. Boll half an hour, stirring cor stnntly. l'Inco in jars and seal whit hot. Ever Try Baked Rabbit? flfl For Round Shoulders. ASPLKNDID EXKRCISK to correct round shoulders ia to lio fuco down on tho floor and raiso tho body on tho hands and toos ton times. Do this sovornl times a day and lucrcaso tho numbor of movements each time. Another oxorciso is to stand in a doorway and, with each hand on tho door frame, try to walk through tho doorway. You will feci tho effect of this movement on tho shoulders. You should always stand or walk with tho bead held erect, tho chest out and tho abdomen in. This position will forco the shoaldors to bo straight. Conned. SINQ a song of canning-tlmo, Sweetness overywbere; Sugar, splco and all things nico Scenting ail tho air. Pickles, butters, jelly, jam, Load tho cellar shelves; Aren't wo proud to know that wo Mado 'em all ourselves f ANY who hr.vo ft projudico against this form of food will find pleas ure in u baked rabbit. This dish is coming into wido favor and many restaurants feature its oxccllenco. Should you wish to try it for yourself, follow theso directions closely: If not drosscd at tho market, rcmovo tho skin and head nnd all tho slimy iancr skin nnd the entrails. Let it soak n few minutes in salted water. Save tho hoart and llvor for tho stuffing, nnd also what blood may conio from tho rab bit in tho dressing to put in tho gravy Stowtho liver and heart, nnd thou chop fino. Soak ono pint of broad crumbs in cold water and crnmblo finely. Add tho chopped giblets, also two tablespoons of fino chopped salt pork and season it with mixed poultry sea soning and a llttlo chopped onion. Add a few gratings of nutmeg, if you like, and a tablespoon of minced parsloy. Fill tho cavity and sow tho edges se curely. Skowcr tbo legs forward so it may bo kept in a good position, and cover tho surfaee with thin dices of fat salt pork. Put it into a hot oven and this pork will basto it sufficiently for a whilo. When it begins to brown add ono cup of boiling water nnd basto fre quently. It should cook from vno bour to ono and a half. 4 When nearly done removo the pork nnd dredgo with flour, and let this take on a good rich brown. Wlion dono re move to n hot dish and pour off tho Int and gravy, leaving not moro than two tablespoons. Add two tablespons of flour and let them cook together until well colored, thou rcduco with boiling water or stock from tho giblets, and when smooth strain it into tho gravy boat. Ilomove tho skowcrs and strings nnd nrrango tho rabbit on o hot platter, garnish with lemon quarters and pnrsloy anu servo pium jciiy or cranberry as n relish. When carving squoczc somo of lemon juico into tho flesh. Mary J. Lincoln. Plum Preserves Pour boiling wntar over tho plums to tnko off tho skins, Mnko n nlrup of ono pound of sugar nnd one cupful of wnter to each pound of fruit. When tho sirup Is boiling poor over tho plum. Let this stand ovcr night; thou drain. Boll tho sirup again, skim and pour over tho plums. Lot them remain in this nnothcr day. Put over tho firo in tho sirup nnd ball urn til clenr. Romovo tho fruit with n nklm mer nnd pack carefully in jure. Boil tho simp until thick, pour ovor tbq plums nnd seal. Stamped gownts only99q SPECIAL - ORDER TODAY A' Water Boforo Eating. Q LASS of water boforo beginning to cat ia auvlsablo and refreshing as well; but no ono fchould form the habit of moistening tho throat with water to make tho morsels of food slip down. Water taken in advance of a meal is supposed to prepare tho saliva so that thcro is an abundanco of tho latter, which should bo thoroughly mixed with tho food beforo swallow ing to mako tho food ready for tho stomach, and, whilo many authoritios hold that water taken during the meal is not harmful, it docs oftou become such a habit, especially with children, that one often scch them fairly unablo to swallow a mouthful without a gulp of water to follow. This handsome suggestion for a V ChriitmisGift com plete witli cotton to embroider. (Spttify initial wulal) only 99c F&wP' Xxr 7"T? n. x AV. iff At MJf THE NEEDLECRAFTSHOP 342 Alder St., Portland, Oro. Nover lot a child drink n glass of iced water down quickly. If they arfl very hot it ! enough to kill them. Thero is no hnrm in allowing a child to suck n picco of ico, bcrauso tho water molts slowly nnd is fairly off tho chill beforo it reaches the stomach. To satisfy oxtromo thirst, such as in fever, the ico sucking is preforablo for this, reaton. Teach n child when drinking water a( any time to tnko long, but slow, mouth fuls. It is not only moro satisfying, but 'better for tho digestion in overy way,