ttlU Ui nmmtmimLm 4i HOME AND FARM ALJCUZTN-rc srcrrnmr If i - A Weekly Page of Poultry Hints to You Here Ib a Department Full of Bright Ideas For Readers of the Homo and Farm Magazine Section. itnftltf1tl1 ! 11 I MJfOST JJMl.i.riito in pouurying III, mn'0 tMclr 'r8' m,Btn' '" t'10 purchasing of eggs for hatching, day old ehteks, or breeding birds from Mock that in not of tlio highest merit. Many order their foundation stock for future poultry operations from tho list of poultry growers who suit tho cheap est. To the beginner who enn not nfford to pay for tlio best this must natural ly bo resorted to, but tiere arc many who In starting out can afford to pay for good stock. Somo linvo tho Idea that, ni the first year will bo an ex periment, the cheap stock will do, but in this they fool themselves, ns under fair earn flip results from tlio purchase is not satisfactory, and tlio breed is blamed without giving tiny thought to the difference in tho strains of good and poor breeders. It has been tho experienco of every beginner who htm stnrtcd with stock from tho haphazard breeder that, soon er or Inter, they go to headquarters and par the price for tho real thing, and this good start might just as well bo made in tho beginning as after ono ha but several yenra nnd somo money In attempting to gut n flock of fowl that were profitable. Kvery good grower cither In tho fnnev or so-called utility knows tho value of bis stock nnd tho price nsked for hntchlng eggt, dny-old chicks or stock is above tlio highest quottttion of market poultry or oggs. As a rulo tho more merit tho breeder's stock hat at tained, tho higher tho prlco nsked for his good-), and yet tho average good breeder receives tunny letters from be ginners, asking for eggs, chicks or stock lit but little above market price. It is tfuo tho world over, r.nd poul try is no exception, thnt one general ly gets what ho pnys for, and It is out of the question for tho beginner to ex pect high-grade eggs, chicks or stock tit price that aro low. It is true that o" t Ti e early orders hnvo been filled ;; and a reduction from tho full lay (f ile breeding pons can bo made. In tho ensu of chick's, fertility is i.v high, and tho incubators aro J:'liiiig their best. In tho eao of st i-l' at times a mcrlfico must be mado to make room for tlio growing chicks, wliifh In tho breeder's opinion will r. io ns good lis or better than tho p. rent stock. In those circumstances one can nt times receive from good breeders it ttprt with goad stock nt prices under tho regular figure, but only under those conditions may poultry or egg for the foundation tof ono' flock bo con sidered. Then, If jiosslble, ono should know somethii.g of tho breeder nnd the reputation tho ntock has made. J'rces nro bnsed on tho reputation of tl.o breeder's skill in producing fowls it during tlio Into Htirliit a reduc. n is mado from tho regular price, on that oithcr win nt tho poultry exhibits or nro heavy layers or n combination of both. It is not alone tho largo breeder who possesses theso fowls, but tho smaller breeder as well. It may bo a back otter with a small flock, or it may bo the owner of a largo plant, but tlio breeder must have tho goods, nnd the kind that makes good In tho Imnds of liis customers, provided they hnvo man aged tho fowls In n proper manner. FATTENING POULTKY. POULTRY fntton much more rapid ly nnd with less feed when con fined to it suinl nrea than when running nt largo. It is llttlo uso to try to fatten n bird that has not attained its growth or very nearly. It will grow but not fatten. About three weeks before wnnted for market, confine tho birds to bo fattened In a small, rnther dark place, cither coop or pen. 8eo that thev aro freo from lico and keep their 'quar ters comfortably clean. Supply them with plenty of grit and witli churcoitl to keep their digestion good. Feed it mash of corn meal and beef scraps, all they will cut, but do not leitvo It by them ns It Is likely to sour and causo indigestion, (livo them whole corn also, to break the monotony occasionally, and n small feed of raw meat or green bono twice n week to keep them vigorous and the appetlto from getting clayed. They should hnvo plenty of fresh "wa ter nt all times. In three weeks they should bo very fat nnd should hnvo made a gain In weight that will pay for all food eaten during the time. An excellent fatten ing coop is made of a box with slatted front and bottom nailed to the side of' a building either indoor or out. In , warm weather It is preferable out of doors; In cold weather Inside. The slotted bottom allows tho droppings t'o fall through and tho coop is thus kept clean. J'ccd nnd water receptacle can bo nailed to the ends. The most usual way is to use it pen in the hen house, n box stall, or something of this nature, and keep It well covered with Utter, placing feed and water in j troughs. Tho amount of labor and ex penso necessary to properly fatten , market poultry is small and when one J sees tho quantities of scrawny pin-1 feuthery birds in tho markets it proves j conclusively that there is plenty of room nt tho top. A fat, mature bird will not bo pin-feathery. Do not simply throw tho wator out of tho drinking vessel", and put In fresh water, but wash the vessels thor oughly every tluio you change tho water. Aro you giving your poultry tho at tention you nro giving the other stock, or just allowing it to shift for Itself f Tho smaller the poultry quarters, tho cleaner they must bo kept. The Barthold-Barg Co. Inc. 127 rourth Street. roilland. Ore, lnitrumcnt and Sleel Tapo Repairing Ulh-Clais lliuo Printing Kie iuiiTK Dealers It DRAWING MATERIALS dnrveylng and Drafting Instruments, Architects' and Engineers' Supplies. YOU WANT THE gs wffl BEST SPRAYER You want l tare limn temper, trouble tiullrtM. You won! Is ra'ae frail thai lnngi tho higlwit mee. You wail to know til about our anrarpr ti?fore you buy. 4JW There it mere jrou ooshl to "ijiiow, uo tot warn le HatiliiMia 07 iittc!MAeHimeii.J Know The Price) Manufacturers lUZMorrlionSL, Portland, Ore. Lee Miller Sanatorium A Uigh-Grado SANATORIUM for Men tal, Alcoholic and Drug Cases. ETHI CAL TREATMENT. AT TUB SERVICE Or AIL PHYSICIANS Correspondence) Solicited, Heferonccs: 11. I.. Gllloiplc, M. D.; II. h. NorJon, M. D.j 8. K. Juieplil, M. D. LLi: MILI.Ult, Manager. 201 Eail 82.1 St. .V. Portland, Ore. Tako Monlovllla Car. Tliono Tabor 8077. Oregon Top Co. Auto Tops Recovered, Sido Curtains, Scat Covers, Dust Hoods nnd Cushions. Rhlp Us You Old Top Wo 'II Mnke It New. 45 14th St. No., Portland, Oregon. MM -TRADE Your Farm AH Kinds of Houses to Trade for Farms T. J. LONG C20 Henry Building, Portland, Oregon. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE MAUDE I. DECKER, A. M. Principal. 401 Commonwealth Dulldlng, Portland, Oregon. Writo For Our Tonus Today. YOU CAN EARN $50.01) M Kiearlta Improved standara Well Orllllna Machine Drilll throtii any formation! Kiti rears ahead of any oUVr. Mil ircorJ of dnlbnf 130 fetj Aaodicr record what 70 fort wa a rlnlW oo 2 H lal.datiilit) ll9cpiiL OnmatnopTal. tlretncalhr eottpped runruniniihU- FUiin(i. Fntin limlioa. Culou V3t rtEIEItSOtl MACHINERY CO., Manfn. Portland, 0f -"EsSKjaiF FOWLS AND FEATirERS. Till: FKATHKIC contains tho bodily secretion of tho fowl, which is of a Mil ty nature, ltlood secretions which adhere to tho stub of the feath cr when freshly pulled supplies it until ral craving of tho bird for suit mid . ...! ..1...1.I Tfc. I 1 c.iuni's it'iiiner ii;uckiiik. it, m iwiwhii that tho birds get excited nt the sight of Idood among n flock of fowls; nil anxious nnd greedy for tho fool thrown before them, they nil go to pecking and striking nt one another, causing tho blood to flow. If birds nro led with salt in n suitable proportion in their mash, no fcuthcr-pullitig will occur mining tho bird. hi 1887 19 1914 1 1 YEAR OLMES Business College "ThcSchool thai gdi you a Good 'Position" THOUSANDS OF GRADUATES Including Leading Ilualnaia Mora of tho Northwoal Wait Jar TREE INIonstATlOS WaihinfUa and Teath Strteli, Portland, Oregon OLDEST MOST MODERN lajKijtTiiiJTirrtrTiiu'jwxMii rrrmfnn uonunn TTOffymrnrjLLu.i Scratchings Get Your i t&Ganadian Home iWn&bsz!?' from the, 2 Batvff,i-. r , tr ssr Canadian racinc a a t -2 -. ma.r ij as "When Wo Say Maderite IN AMERICA you may no suro and positively suro that it is mado ItiailT. Ono prlco always 25o Per Pound SANITATION Is the first essential in tho prevention and euro nf dis eases. Sanitation means cleimu nessj thorcfoic, "cleitu up," V. tho chickens aro not doing well. Don't jerk tbo "broodies" off tho nest. How would you enjoy being jerked about abruptly f Llco tako tho llfo rlgi.t out of fowls, old and young. Not a mluuto's com fort for tho lousy birds. Toor chickens! They nro dependent upon us for so many comforts that como Into their lives. Charcoal should be kept In every poultry ynrd, ns it Is a corrcctlvo and is relished bj tho fowls. Coarso food promotes digestion nnd helps to keep thq fowls in a healthy condltiou. I'eod as muck of it as pos sible. . . I OUUMUf Livtcinc ON'Twnstoyourtlmo nntl money on worn-out land Hint is high-priced tdmply because It una once worth Its present prlcol Tho richest virgin soil Is waiting for you iu Manitoba and tho Albcrtu-.Snsl.ntchewnn district. You can buy it for practically tho samo price per ncro that tlio rncro manuring per ncro of soil in many parts of tho V S, coital l'crlllo Canadian Weal olTora you not only aotl c( womlroua productivity, but It alaoodcra you n splendid cllinoto. cluirclwi ol all crccdi, splendid publlo aclioola, exceptionally enol mprkctl. flno liolela and IranaDortallon (acllltloa thai araunixu.-Ilu.l. Wo havo A truly aulendld nroDOtlllon to mako to any earneit larmurorta pen who w 1st Io farm nnd who nre tlncore In their dealre to iidlt lit thla country. Wo actually uro In n poalilon to enablo you to own 10 ncro for every ncro that you now own or farm -and every ncro hero will produco duuilt what a worn-out aero produces auywbcro. On lop of that, wo t'lvo you ?fl YMi In Pnv fftf It Vou caln the lnmlfor from $11 to I'M pernor.. In tv i ears io ray lor 11 irricaiioti uinricti tho nrico i fromlMio u. You pay merely ono twentieth down. Tho balanco I split up Into 19 equnl pay. menu. Tho farm wilt nmro than meet tlio paymenta and your family's llvlnir ex -pentes. Canadian 1'aclllj farms pay for tberoirlves over ntul over acaln before tho llmo tholait payment falla due. Wo enn refer you to una of lamer who paid for their farms with tbo proceeds of jut ono cropl You Arc Loaned $2000.00 to Pay for Farm Improvements! Here li land adapted to train crowing, to poultry raltlns. dnlryln?. mixed farmln; and to cattle, hoc and sheep ralalnir. You decide for youriclf what kind of lannlnir you wlih to follow. Tho Canadian 1'aclflo helpa you aeloct tho land beat adapted to your purpotea. And then, It you o deilro It, wo arrnoeo to havo Your Farm Made Ready by Expert yvou,refn'r,mn,e.r. & M an expert on tho caao and select thi farm that will naetly suit youM ono that you can farm to moat advantage loorttlll Let ui tell you about the 400.OO9.OUU buthel crop in Canada tbla ycarl Wrlu for llaudtomely Jlluttruted llucks, Add L a THORNTQN nirralcrr utvinrMTATivu 271 line Street. Multnomah Hotel Hid;. PORTLAND. OREGON "ro'MMftiiiti'WidAfflS jTjrJiiJ.iiiit'im'iauuu. ',1m i'lM;1;,,: m jT&rm