The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 10, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Magazine Section, Page 9, Image 19

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Inventions and Appliances
1'ARMKKH' boartt or trado In
Northern Michigan has adopted
tho plan of advertising their land
and products throughout tho Mlddl-j
West by inwns of an advertising nuto
con lantern with approprlato slides
makes evening Illustrated lectures on
products nhd territory possible. Whon
weather forbids outdoor display. tlir
cabinet mny b0 removed to souio con
vcnlont shelter.
Mow 1'amiera of Michigan Advcrtiso tho Exccllcnco of Thoir TcrriWry.
tour. Tho car was designed by araa
tours In tho offlco of tho Northeastern
Michigan Development Uurcnu, com
prising representative farmers from 10
counties. The chassis of n largo GO
horsepower C-cyllndor nutomobilo wan
tiH-d, and u cabinet nrrnnged upon It
in such n wuy that, when opened,
samples of grains, grasses and fruit,
displayed on moro than 1(!0 sqttaro feet
(if exhibition Mirfuce, might bo seen lo
advantage. Twenty electric lights,
supplied from tho storngo battery of
the car, llliimlnato tho display for
night exhibition, mid n gns sterenpti
Tho Farm Exhibit Automobilo Closed
and Ready For tho Road.
lin HIDES of tho ordinary whcol-
barrow nro hinged at tho bottom
and tho onds at tho front nro fit
ted with a. pivco of sheet metal cut on
Each Sido or Both of Them Can Bo
Lowered by Removing tho Fins.
tho arc of n circle Holes aro drilled in
tho shcot iron near tho upper edgo and
corresponding ones in tho front end of
tho wheelbarrow so that thoy will co
incide whon tho sides nro in an up
right position. Tho sides enn be set nt
any anglo and a pin inserted in coin
ciding holes to hold thorn rigidly
AN INGENIOUS farmer instnllcd a
windmill on his poultry houso ns
ft means of giving tho fowls ex
ercise during cold weather when thoy
could not net out. Tho wlmlmlll I.
connected to a larco wheel with n
shaft, tho wheel boing hung about 3
foot from tho floor. Cabbago nnd vege
tables aro hung on tho wheel. Tho
windmill turnM tho wheel and tho poul
try chaso around after tho food. Con
tributed by Herbert S. Snoncer. Whit
noy Point, N. Y.
A systom by which tho electric lights
aro automatically switched on when nn
nttendant goes down tho steps nnd
switched off when ho comes up is In
uso for saving current in somo base
menU of mcrcnntllo establishments.
Oils distilled from tho needles of
spruco and fir trees aro being used to
scent petroleum iioor oils una neutral
Ire tho disagreeable petroleum odor.
Health and Sanitation
THERE is no plnco whero cleanli
ness is moro necessary than in con
nection with tho milk production
and its use. Hoards of health aro sup
posed to look nftcr tho cleanliness of
tho dairies but too often what thoy
do not do is moro apparent than what
thoy do. An indolont, careless dairy
man will not supply his customers with
pure milk unless tho health officials
keep after him, which they cannot do
bcenuso their fiold is too largo to per
mit them to dovoto their uttention to
ny ono portion of It. Typhoid fovor
is moro easily disseminated by tho'milk
supply thau in any other way. Tho
grocer has been told that ho must fur
nish puro groceries, and llttlo if any
fault is found with him bocnuso of tho
prlco ho charges in connection with
obeying thiB command. To deliver milk
puro and uncontaminatcd means moro
expenso to tho milkman than It docs
to deliver anything that comes from
tho cow whose lifo is passed without
regard to hygienic conditions, and
whoso milk is drawn and delivered in
receptacles only half cored for, and yet
every ono finds fault with tbo milk
man who adds an extra cent to tbo
price. This is probably th result of
looking upon milk as an unmanufac
tured article As milk is ono of tho
most important articles of food, it is
just &s necessary as anything that it
bo produced and delivered under the
most healthful conditions. If so done,
there will be no summer or winter
milk problem oxcept as it may apply
to the consumer.
As soon as possible after tho milk
reaches the door it should bo placed in
cool placo without removing the cap
till it bocomes necessary to uso tho
milk. In this way the milk will tnko
on nalthor baetoria nor dirt. It is bet
tor nlso to pour into tho pitcher for
serving purposes only tho amount re
quired, but nt any rato do not pouri
back Into tho bottlo nny milk that may
be left from tho tnblo serving or that
has othcrwiso been exposed to tho air.
Tho bottlo should bo kept continuity
capped. Whon it becomes empty, tho
bottlo should be elennsed thoroughly
regardless of what tho dairyman may
bo expected to do, for unless tbo work
nt tho dairy is unusually effective tho
bottle may bo returned to tho con
sumer in a condition that will make !
tho rapid growth of germs inevitable.'
RICKETS (Hogs) This is caused by
a lack of llmo in tbo food. It
frequently causes eurvaturo of tho
spino, deformity of tho faco, diseased
toeth, painful injuries on tho ends of
tho ribs, etc. If not combated by n
complote changd of diet, the animal
finally becomes very thin and dies.
Treatment consists in changing the diet
and giving tbo animal two or three tea
spoonfuls of bone meal dally, and bIbo
tho following remedy: Phosphorus, 1
grain; cod liver oil, 10 ounces. These
two aro to bo mixed and the animal
should rceeivo a teaspoonful morning
and ovening. '
Rotting Foot (norso) Tho beat
thing that you can do for yoor horso's
foot is to trim away all of the dead
and decayed horn. It you can let the
borso go barefoot on pasture for a
fow weeks it will need no other treat
ment. It may be necessary to shoe the
animal when you aro working it.
Injured Knco (Colt) Before you
can expect healing of your colt's knco
it win bo nocessary to hnvo perfect
uriunago irom tho wound which is al
ready present. Tho wound should bo
eloanscd twico dally with somo anti
septic wash, such ns 2 per cont car
bolic acid water. You must, of course,
bo careful, when enlarging the open
ing to nvoid cutting tho joint proper.
Rattlo Snnko Bito (Stock) Rattle
snako bites are, as a rule, not very
common in stock. They nlmost invari
ably causo death in less than 21 hours.
Therefore, in view of tho fact that tho
swellings bo frequently observed on
varlonj parts of nn animal's body and
which are accredited to snako bites,
wiougu not causing death, nro prob
ably caused by somo other faetor.
When you are euro that thnt animal
has been bitten by a rattlo snako. tho
circulation should immediately bo ob
structed by fyintr a turht bandoirn
around tho part and between tho wound
nnd tho heart. Tho wound itself should
bo bnrncd with a hot iron, or with
somo strong acid such as nitric or sul
phuric, nnd it is a good plan to mako
sovcral deep incisions over tho wound.
Intomally, stimulants such as aromatlo
spirits of iimmonlu, strychnine, etc.,
may be administered. -'
Paralysis (Hog) Rub tho hind parts
with good brush threo to five times n
dny. Kcop tho hog in n dry place and
stop feeding kitchen slops and too much
corn, divo 1 etoIii mix vomica In tho
ground feed once or twico n dny. Feed
shorts, ground corn and some scnldcd
Wall Crack of Hoof (norso) Tho
cracks will disappear in n year or so
If tho wall is kept immovnblo or if tho
wall is cut away on cneh sido of tho
crack nnd tbo groove kept packed wiOf
onkum or antiscptlo pads in two to six
weeks tho sensitivo lamlnno will be
covored, nnd keeping a strong shoo on
her will prevent motion. Sometimes the
cracks are held together or closed by
passing small horscshoo' nails from one
oldo to tho other. Thcso nro kept in
placo for one year or moro until a new
hoof grows out nnd the old cracks are
gone. It takes pains nnd toee nttod
tion to remedy this trouble.
Pig Coughs Keep this pig jmt of
dnsty places. Feed it wot shorts, bran
and corn meal. Keep it on n pasture
and let it sleep undor trees on pine
straw. If convenient lot it" sleep in
dean plnco with shelter from rain. Hat
do not keep it about barn or thc&
whero cattle nnd horses or other hofqi
aro kept.
Chronic DInrrhea (Horse ChronuJ
diarrhea can bo somewhat controlled,
but is seldom cured. Tho qnlotcr ho t
kept, tho better; nnd if driven h
should go no faster than n walk. This
condition of the bowels is often caused
by overheating n fleshy horse, whien
brings on purging, nnd ho seldom gets
over it. Tho mucus mombruneti become
irrltntcd, nnd this seems to cxeite the
sympathetic nerves which control the
bowels. Select for him n good quality
of liny and do not overfeed him on
grnin. Ho should bo watered often and
not allowed to drink too much nt a
time. Mix equal parts bicarbonate
soda, gcntlnn, ginger, tannic acid nnd
charcoal nnd glvo hi in n tablctmoonfnl
or two nt a dose in feed threo timrw
n day. Kindly understand moro. could
bo accomplished by proper feeding nud
watering than from tho action of drugs.
"You CAN'T Keep
Them In The Ground"
JW DT TT7CD 188-190 Front St
J. OU 1 aMLS Portland, Oregon
vJ JLJL JL v v7
The Greatest Known Remedy Will
Effectually CURE The Habit
For a limited timo only wo will mail you
a full sized bottlo of Argcnito for 50 cents
in express or money ordor.
Don't put it off. Don't delay. Write to
day. Savannah, Mo.. Sept. 14th, 101-1.
I have used Argenlto, your Anti-Tobacco Remedy, nnd
can say that it will do tbo work. I used sovoral other
remedies, but they did not do tbo work. Will closo this time,
hoping tho good work will go on.
Yours truly. l
B, R, No. 4, Box 30.