B &2&ib3 BlfSii HOME 'AKD FABM ftrAGAZINE SECTION -' ' I! i.fchl.l. Ml 4WIIIM I i'mfciftl'i" J' if riii "" B New Manufacturing Industry For Partners Wanted! NEARLY EVERY READER OP THIS PAPER IS FAMILIAR WITH THE TREMENDOUS SUCCESS OP THE MOTOR OAR INDUSTRY. Most readers know that the successful mnnufacturcrs have piled up enormous profits. It is a significant fact that tlio great est profits have been made by manufacturers of tho lower-priced oars. Nearly everyone knows that the Ford Motor Company paid ICO per cent dividends this last year. Few people, however, realize that the stock of the Ford Motor Car Company went begging only n few years ago. Another manufacturer of popular cars paid 30 per cent on $20,000,000 worth of common stock the past year. Still another manufacturer, selling a ear at less than $500, ad mits earning n net profit of $1,000,000 on tho sale of 10,000 cars. This is at the rate of $100 per car net profit. e attle I " - - Motor Call en Moc, 4-cyllnder, water cooled, 2K bora .1 i v . . Wheelbaic 102 Inches. "' 4 lDch ,,r- Tread 3(1 Inches, clearance 10 Inches. Tranimilation Sliding gear, two apeeda forward, one reverie Sprlngi Seml-clllpllc over In front, full elliptic over In tL, Clutch Cone type, leather faced. '" Wheels Wire apokes, regular motor ear type, SSIneh diantmr v. , 1 1 Tlrei-Cllnchcr, m-nekld. itr or 3nea. Ignition Low tenalon magneto or Atwatcr-Kont. Horsepower Pull 18. Prico $205. Top and wlndihlel.l extra. Wrlto Today for Completo Specifications and mil rartlenliri. CERTAINLY NO GREATER ENDORSEMENT OF OUR ENTERPRISE GOUIiD BE TTAn. Tho first -round floor jirico of stock in tbist company Is 10 cents per sbnro (pnr vnltio $1.00). Tim stock is fully paid nni or,r .. Only a limited block of stock Is to be sold nt thlH price, nnd wo may be compelled to ndvnnce tho prieo anv day. In order to sceur v ''? " at this first low price, you must net now. Do not delay, but cnll nt our offico today, or fill out the coupon In the comer and mail it with' mt mittance now. "i ou can pay cash or buy on our easy monthly pnyment plan of one-fifth down nnd one-fifth monthly. If vim r,v .W.t! Imt "' deduct five per cent. Cnll or writo for further particulars. DO IT TODAY. " ' "" .Vou "7 Tho Libert Motor Cnr Compnny was organised in Settle on Seni.mk., Mb. A tempornry factory has boon established on Fifteenth Avenue W..t whero work is now In progress. Additional funds are being obtained ViX which to establish n factory with a enpneity for turnin.. out 1 000 nn moro monthly, ' w This company has designed n practical, dependable little motor ear t soil at tho low price of $29.1.00. Thcro is a tremendous demand for inch 1 car. Tho fimt nnnounccment brought in many injuiriw for can, many arnli. cations or agencies, and has brought men from Japan and Xew Zcaliji who wish to handle cars in those countries. It seems that thcro is no question but thnt this company will be able to sell at least 1,000 cars monthly. With such a capacity tic company will be nblo to earn tremendous profits und pay an enormous dividend to til stockholders in the company. Night now wo need additional capital, and for this reason we rt rnltltj this advertisement in tho paper calling for partners. Wo would like yoo to becomo interested with us, even though for only a small amount. la order to quickly raiso tho necessary money, wo have placed our stock on ills it the first ground floor prire so low that it must appeal to people in all wilki' of life. In addition to that, wo nro giving to first subscribers an option on la counl number of shares at tho cnino prico until November 30th. This optica will undoubtedly prove of vnluo for the reason thnt we are jait now about to advanco tho prico of tho stock, aud by November 30th it will bo scllisj at a much higher price. Our car has received the endorsement of engineers, mechanics and trade journals. Only yesterday wo received n letter from the publisher! of the Cyclecar Ago In New York, in which they state: "Thoso roost vitally concerned in the cyclecar Industry have for toxt tlmo post felt that some livo Western organization would bo formed to pro dnco cars on tho Pacific Coast, and wo extend to you our heartiest con gratulations for having entered tho field In such a largo way at a time when The KIbert Cycle Wajon fills a long felt want. Carryinc rapacity S0O pounds, Tho Klbtrt Cycle Car U a Seattle proJuct. Work on model No. 1 la now pro gressing and a ear will bo on dlaplay within tho ne.it few days, A conservative nutomobllo journal recently stated that tho present light ear and cyrlo car movement la "Tho third and greatest step sine the begtunlng of tho automoblla lnduitry." Another automobtlo Journalist recently mad the prc-dlctfcn ' "That within tlvo years' there will be several cycle ear manufacturers whose product will exceed in quantity that of the present l'ord Motor Company," tho possibilities of this rapidly expanding Industry nro tho greatest. At a glonco one can boo that in designing tho chorals of the Elbert Cyclecar, con sideration has been givon to tho very latest developments of tho business and specifications compiled to suit tho demand of tho cyclecar buying bnpllc "With a car of such specifications, tho list prico of $205, without equipment, seemed much lower than should bo necessary, but the setting of the prico so low la a clear indication that you aro prepared to go out after business on a very largo ecalo, and havo set the prico low so as to maxo the Elbert tho universal low-priced car." ELBERT MOTOR CAR COMPANY - ,- 355-357 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. : ---- - READ MOTOR riKANCE MOTOR FINANCK li publlihed by the accounting department of the KIbert Motor Car Company. Its purpoie la to giro tho publio and the Individual a gllmpie nt the huge tndutlrial and economic aide of the automobile game. It dismisses In 11 light, breeiy way, Jiroblema of interval to everyone rom errand boy to capitalist, who effected In the allgbteit degree by the word motor car or cycle, nil ont the coupon below for free ssmpU copy: ELBERT NOTOR OAR CO,. 355 Empire Bldg., Seattle, Wash, Pleaio tend me without charge and without obligation on my part your monthly magaiine, "Motor J'lnanee," for 3 montln. Name,, , Street City A HANDY REFERENCE Caab or XnstUlmeut rayment. 100 shares coit SO. 50 eaih. 200 ahurrt coit 110.00 cash. 250 shares coit J33.75 eaah, or 125.00 in 5 equal month ly pa) menu of tS.OO each. 300 (hares coit S28.50 caab, or 5 equal monthly pay menta of JO.OO each. ' ' ' 500 aharea coit S47.50 caih, or S equal monthly pay ments of $10.00 each. 1,000 aharea roit $05,00 caib, or 5 equal monthly pay ments of S20.00 eac,b. 2,500 tharri coit ?237.50 caib, or 5 equal monthly pay meuta of $50.00 each. 5,000 shares coil $175,000 caib, or 5 equal monthly pay ments of $100.00 each, 10,000 thares cost $050.00 cash, or 5 equal monthly pay ments of 9200.00 each. Other auiounta in proportion. No installment aubieription will be conaldered unlcn pay ment of at Icait $5,00 per month li made. payments may be made, one-fifth down, balance four equal monthly payments, Itmit in any way convenient. Personal checks accepted without being certified. Kindly regiiter mall containing currency, SDBSORIPTIONK TOR ORGANIZERS' STOCK ELBERT MOTOR OAR COMPANY INCLUDING OrTION AGREEMENT KLRRItT MOTOR OAR CO.r t 855 Kmplre Building, Seattle, Waib. 1.. I hereby aubierlbe for l,,",,J"Z.,.u Elbert Motor Car Company, at ten (10c) per (hare, aad riii remittance of w 5 put payment for aame. with the understanding that I !'"' granted an option upon an equal number of th"" ' "',.?? pany, at 10 tents per share, said option to be without oftUgs tlon or liability upon my part, and 0 hold geod I until f"6J 80, 1011. When subscription Is fully paid, mall eertmeate n Kame "" Street.. . . . .v. "-". ;-. ... .r. oit B ' Bj m . I l.n.ll. I 1 II