t i ,i JBSTSM Mt iimtA tmtmmmimMAjuMi fnsmi i i ,i T .i """ '' ' '' '..k-.wjyyt HOME AND 'FARM MAAA7TOF. nrn ti The Motor t VEIJV few do'9 something happens P nii tho nttontlon of tho think- jng nu'ti to tlio tremendous growth Df the in'"r car industry. I'Mteon cars ago ' nutomobilo was n toy. frfB yean "t-' Jt ,mtl 1,oon so fnr ,lcr' fected H''"' far-seeing business men lud bee"'"" mtcroHtcil in tlio business. Kineo tba' "m0 thousands of engineers the wnrM "r 'invo devoted tliolr tlmo on,l iniHI-t to tbo building nml per fecting "f motor cars, trucks and trne Jors jo 'hat now almost ovory man, woman t -lnld knows something about H0 ga..iiTi- drlvi'M vehicle. Automoi. ill's nml trucks, to Bay noth ing of motorcycles, hnvo becomo so fommon on tlio streets and roads that flipy liaro oeaBcd to nttracl any par ticular attention, uui cvon wiui nu hiJ tic''0 nro few pcoplo who rcnllzo o what nn extent this industry has already grown. As near ns figures enn bo gathered fcorjtng i tho loading motor maga zines wli"o nutliorlty is not questioned, there h n present itso practically n mil lion and n half automobiles nnd tho amount of monej invested in this enormous number of machines could hardly be ritlmntod. Probably fifteen hundred dollars ns nn avcrngo first coit would bo low, but this amount totnM nrro than tho cntlro produc tion of gold slnco Columbus discovered America. Tho uiomobllo Trndo Journal in a rceent s-ii. makes nn estimate in it's cJitari.il column that tho nmount of nicncy rpent this year, 101-1, for pleas ure nf"-tiniM nlono, will bo six hun Bred ni d ninety million dollars, nnd this t.V: ) no account of trucks or trac tor? This is almost seven dollars per cafitn f t every man, woman and child liukr il.p American flag. It is miroly n vardrrful business to bo built up in rr.ict: Hv ton years. 'Jl3 .lino nutliorlty goes on to stato lint at Knst ono hundred and fifty ct !i n dollar of tills enormous sum 1 3 1 : ; expended this year for light, cheap or, of tho class represented by the T r.l. and it is Interesting in this cam::" urn to follow out tho reason for Hi's great demand for cheap cars. Primarily tlio small light car is not a pk.isur) car, for while thcro nro thou sand:! of them sold for that purpose, they arc rather nu all-purposo ear do t'.gn: for business uses nnd utilized for pleasure incidentally Tlio cheap, light cars Illto tho Ford, Metz, JIup Princess Hotel 5"iS: Third and Streets Portland, Oregon. riKEi'noor. Kites SOe, 73c, 1 and J1.50 per day; f2I0 prr weeks with balli, 83.50 and up. All culsiJo rooms. Under Personal Supervision of Owners. TJIK H0U8K 01' WKLCOMK. WHEN IN POItTLAND stop at tho incomparablo HotelBenson CENTRAL, FIREPROOF, MODERN, LOW RATES Bond for frco book. Carl Stanley, Mgr, Car Industry nnd tho small studebaker and IJuick hnvo built up their business because thcro was a domaiid for tho cheap car. This has been especially true of tho Ford, which was tho first cheap automobilo mndo that was a real auto mobile. Tho result has been that thoy nro expecting to turn out 300,000 cars tlio present year. This movement, or tho development of this industry, is along tho lines of evolution. All business is built up in responso to a demand, ollmrwho it would not bo a staple business. I'rob nbly no ono thing has caused ni much study nnd thought ns tho question of rapid individual transportation. It wns this that built tlio bicycle, then the safety nnd then tho nutomobilo. but nftcr tho nutomobilo had been mo ch.inic.illy perfected tho tendency in price was up instead of down, so thnt tho poor man or womnu was littlo bet ter off than beforo until tho cheap nutomobilo camo into use. This is tho feature thnt creates tho domand for a still cheapor car and that will build up tho cycle car industry cvon fnster, in tho opinion of most authorities, than the nutomobilo business itself has boon built up. Tho cyclo car business will in no way affect tho general auto mobilo business it Is a new branch of tho industry. Tlio fact that thcro is n demand, nnd nn enormous demand for cyclo cam, is fully borno out by tho state ment that thero aro nlrcady nearly thirty factories in the Knst, all of them being offered all of tho business thoy want, nnd ono of the latest in tho first four months has sold 0,000 cars. Thcso littlo cars sell in tho Knst at $350, and up until tho establishment of tho Klbert Motor Car Company in Seattle thero liavo been no factories on tho Pacific Coast. Tlio now company is building n car that sells for 295, nnd is receiving inquiries for cars and for agencies from such widespread sources nnd of such n character that they aro firm in tho belief thnt they nro going to bo offered n tremendous volumo of huMnoiM. The geographical position should give tho local factory flnt call on tlio buslnewt of tho far Knst, much of which hns heretofore been handled in Kurope, and much of which is new bininewi. Naturally tho Kuropenn manufacturers nro nt tho present tlmo unablo to do liver tho goods, nnd thoro aro very few of thorn thnt mnnufneturo narrow tread cars. Tho narrow tread ear seems to be absolutely essential for the Chlncso nnd Japanese trade, principally becnuso they must follow nnrrow trnlls, Tho car must bo cheap in first cost, low In upkeep, slmplo in construction nnd hnvc sufficient power to go nnywlicro thero Is a fnlr road. Thcro does not seem to bo nny limit to tho business that can bo built up by n factory on this const. Many nuthor Itlci nro firm In tho belief thnt the. light enr business will within fivo years equal tho present volumo of tho entiro industry. This does not seem unreasonable whon wo tnko into consideration tho fact that thero aro over 100,000,000 peoplo under tho American flag. Cer tainly not nil of them could own even a chenn nutomobilo, but thnt many noniilo will count for moro than 23,- 000,000 families, nnd aurcly ono out of each fivo families could afford n mo tor enr that only costs $300 and can bo operated at an cxpenso no greater . . - Mr l.n..A M.nn tlian street car Jiirv. u " five million posslbio customers, or moro than threo times ns many ns tnero nro motor cars of nil descriptions now in use. Figuring on a baais of $300 per car wo como back to tlio jigures roro ensted in tho Automobilo Trado Jour nal. PAOITIO NOHTIIWEST TAIHS. Ott. 10-17. St. Johni, Wah., Harrett CarnWal. Oct. 88-Not. 14, rorthnd, Or., Manuf o turert' and Land TroducU Show. . fl.f ir.wim. With . WaiMnirton Dors' and OltU' Acrlcultoral and Induitrlal Contnt. Nor. 10-21. finokane. Wah., Spokane Na tional Appio miow. Not. 25-28. Walla Walla, Waih., 0,-W. R. & N. Corn Bhow. Nor. 30-Dee. 5, I.twliton, Idaho, North west Lireitock Annual Show, Dee. 7-13, Portland, Or., Paclflo Interna tional Llvcalock Expo.lllon, Union Stock yards. Dec. 7-12, Portland, Or., OrcEon Poultry and Pet Stock Show. OllO CXCellent OXCrClsn for tirlnMnrr into play unused muscles is that of steadying oneself by holding lightly to tho back of tho chair nnd then kicking, not exceedingly high, eight times with each leg twico to each side. It is said, too, that besides exercising unused muscles this excrciso frees and stimu lates the Inrge nerves of the lower por tion of the spinal column, nnd this, of course, makes for health. This excrciso may bo repeated every day or every other day to ndvnntago. ERTLE FIELDS THgiTWifHgii mnilo doubly producllro by tttidy InR oar romplcto course In Agrlcul turo nnd Tnilt Raising, II contains facts of unusual valiio and explains JCTJprpn In concise, clean-cut Ian-fcHi-iraSl fruago lmt to do nnd how to do it. A big help to all trlftlllllf 111 AlirM tttA linat vnaMlfa ?fl from land. Kndorsed by Home In dustry League. Cliartcrcd 1003. HooUet describes tills and 00 nthcr Dioney-making courses sent VUKK. Dept. 0. Modern School of Correspondence t'nderwood llldg., San Kranclsco. Profitable Trade A practical trado makes you inde pendent. Takes only a few months to learn. Positions gunrantcod. WATCH MAKING ENGRAVING OPTICAL SCHOOL 210 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Or. GLASSES BY MAIL (2,00 Tho inmo kind you pay others four and firn dollars for. lljr our new method we can make you the best pair of reading classes you hsro had. Send us your address and we will send you our complete outfit for testing the eyes and measuring the faco. They aro simple, a child can nse them. Our classes are of good quality, gold filled, warranted for ten years. After you hare used them for thirty days, If they are not satisfactory your money will be refunded. Write fur '.lilt today. Roger's Optical Institute 131 IUlUugswortu Avenue, Portland, Oregon. What do you think OF THIS? 3,000,000 Acres FINE FKEB HOMEBTEADS and Montana Deeded Lands $8 to $40 on Aero jicndr for tho plow. Ylolds .10 to 00 bu. wheat. Oats, barloy, flax, hay, otc, In proportion. Finest Inland Ollmato. Land Sold on Crop Fayment Flan. Law faro llomcscokcrs' Ex cursions on first nnd third Tuesdays of rncli month. Western Immigration Agent, O. M. & ST. P. ItY. 2nd and Cherry, Seattle, Wash. When in TRY THE ( HAVE SPECIALIZED I IN THIS WORK FOR J YEARS S Seattle's Greatest Hotel Lewis Audible Speed Indicator A slmplo contri vance which at taches to tho crank lmndlo of any separator and ts adjusted to tho required a p o o tL Until tho right speed is reached nn alarm boll rings; whon the right speod is at tained, tho boll stops ring, but thero is a clearly audi bio click to bo heard with each revo lution. When tho proper speed is passed and tho machine is turned too rapidly, tho click ceases. COLUMBIA DAIltY SUTPLY CO. Portland, Oregon. WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 100-8 First St., Portland, Orogon. LAitanaT auction house on TUB COA8T. SALES DAYS Mondays, Wodnesdayi and rridays. Goods Sold at Prirnto Sale at All Times. Auctions conducted In any part of tho Slato. J, O. WILSON, Auctioneer. Nice New Rugs Mado From OLD CARPETS AT SMALL COST Mall Orders Solicited NORTHWEST HUG CO. Portland, Oro. 1B8 East Eighth Street WKITK US YOUK WANTS Wi: Fay Freight Ono Way HOTEL BUTLER SEATTLE, WASH. Under now management entire chnngo in nil depnrtmenta all rooms rodecoratod nnd refurnished. Particu lar nttontlen is now no'.ng paid to prompt, efficient and courteous service. DAILY IIATEB 12.00 Up With Frivato Batn $1.00 Up Without Frivato Bath Hotel Butler Cafe THE TINEST IN SEATTLE Bcrvlco tho Best Culsino Unexcelled EOBERT J. BOBINSON Manager. Seattle mmmmma FRYE m