VOHPH OTtj. ffJtiHijrns MttN i.ii M " !, JMgvtJtfV ' M. H HOME AKD FARM MAftAgmns SECTION TJ t, ! .' .. It .." M"- Jfi " ) . . ff),. Deep Storage (Special to tho Farm Mftg.17.Ino.) IIILK IMtAHlViUJU " illinium that tnako any claim to progros sho agricultural practices aro flwaro of tho Jmportnnco of doop stor age of nioistiiro In dry farming, tho Importance of tlcop storago reaches fur ther than merely affording n larger mpply of moisture- for tho dry Boasons and naturally implies conditions that lead lo a deeper rooting system of tho crowing rnps. "Thus." says Professor Scuddcr, tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo agronom ist tho crop roots navo a groat area of 'soil from which thoy obtain stored jnoisttiro and plant food. Tho decpor ttorcd moisture which cannot reach tho upper layers of soil rapidly enough through capillary action to supply tho seeded sustenance, can bo utilized by lho deeply rooted plants as tho hot weather approaches and tho grain fill ing period comes. It is this sub-soil moisture which nets ns tho dry farm er's reserve and permits him to pro duco a good crop prnctlcaliy without rain. "Getting tho moisture Into tho soil Jj almost ns important as is its con servation after it gots Micro. It is at least of first importanco, for moisture cannot bo conserved until It 1h takon Into tho soil reservoir. Inducing Deep Storage. "To lnduco deep storago tho surfneo toll must bo maintained in an absorp tive, sponge-like condition throughout tho precipitation period ns far ns pos sible, ns already described, by plow ing or disking, increasing tho humus content, etc., so that precipitation will striko In mid bo carried to tho subsoil Immediately, not only by percolation but by capillary action downward. "Indeed, ono of tho most important functions of cnplllnry notion is to carry moisture downward Into tho lower, drier arms after percolation has coated. Herd again a moist subsoil is of great est Importanco, for a far-reaching capil lary inovcmont downward is linstoncd where tho soil particles aro already moist, "slicking" tho way for n mora rapid passago of further moisture. Handling Proporly, "Whcro tho surfaco soil Is loft hard and compact over winter and early spring, not only loss from surfneo wash ing occurs, but moisture docs not pono trato into tho subsoil. It remains largely in tho surfaco layers. This re sults in shallow rooting of tho crop plants nnd a consequent lurgcr growth of leaf and stalk, a larger loss by WOOD TANKS For Water, Oil, Wino, Mining and Cyanido. Wood Pin for Initios. Dtr Sriluu, Haiti Powir rtuu WE DO NOT SELL LUMBER but dovoto our time and energy to Jiroduclm? tho best tnnka nnd wood plpo lines, and when you purchase material bearing our trauo name "PACIFIC" von nro tretUm an artlclo that will glvo you complote satisfaction. Send your inquiries to Pacific Tank&PipeCo. uox m Kenton Station, Port land, Ore. Manufacturers WOOD TANKS AND PIPE of Moisture uw4.on.u0n, a greater exhaustion of tho plant foods in tho surfaco layers and, of course, greater suffering In tho dry, hot weather when filling tlmo comes. "In properly handled soils in ro glons of 10 to 15 inches rainfall, tho moisture may bo carried to depths of 8 and 10 feet nnd nt this depth It Is by no moans beyond roach of evon tho I WAS always called a crank on tho care of fnrm Implements. What moy meant was that I took more tlmo than was profitable to enro for tho tools; but to mo it was more pleasure to uso a woll-carod-for tool than somo wcatherbeatcn or rusty affair, nsldo from tho quality of tho work dono with it. Tho harrow was tho only tool that I unhitched from in tho field, It being too Inconvenient to tako in. Then tho quality of tho work it would do In cither caso could hardly bo takon into consideration! so that harrow was cleaned and well painted onco in two years, nnd it was out in tho weather about six weeks ovcry spring. It cost $18 nnd I used it 30 years. Thoro was a watering plnco in tho mnchino shed, nnd hitching up nnd un Care Of Farm Implements Ky5 ' - ' ' " " 'J"1'" " ' 1 1 i.i. 11 1 &K S3 MmrW JSbB .r.-JHpWL 9HB S3 comparatively shallow rooted grain crops. Their roots striko steadily deeper nnd decpor nnd draw upon this deeply stored moisture directly and indirectly through tho lesser distance- that capil lary action must carry tho more deeply stored moisture to them. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon to find a portion of tho roots of tho wheat plant penetrating to n depth of eight or ten feet, although this docs not occur, of course, except where moisture has pene tratcd that far, for root penotration follows only In tho path of moisture." hitching were dono in there. If it wns a cold morning in early spring, tho horses much preferred to go in there to drink than nt tho outdoor tank, and tho samo when it wns hot. In showery weather, when working in tho field, tho doors wcro left opon at ono end or tho other, whichever seemed 'tho most favorablo from tho clemontsj then if wo had to mako a homo run to beat tho shower, everything Was favorablo for It. Tho horses that took tho plow out to tho field In tho morning brought it back again at noon. Tho plow must bo sharpened ovcry noon when in use. It took nbout 18 minutes to tuko off tho plowshare, hammer it out cold on tho nnvll and put it on again. Then after dinner it scorned to draw 30 por cent easier when fresh sharpened. Whllo Malt Rainier is the Pure Malt Tonic For Mothers Who Require Additional Nourishment and Strength. ASK YOUB PIIY3IOIAN For Solp by All Druggbts tho sharp plow would run decpor, thrf dull plow would run shallower. At night tho plow was brought in. Then on tho ond of a shelf sat n tomato con with somo mnchino oil and a paint . brush in it, and it was a pleasure rather thnn n task to grenso all tho bright parts of tho plow. Thon If thcro wns somo damp weather and tho plow was not used for a fow days, thoro was no question but what it would do its part satisfactorily whon wanted. Tho samo wlththo planter; It was hnndicr to tako out somo corn on the planter than nny other way. And with tho cultivator, tho mower, tho tedder or hay rake, tho horso or team that took them to tho field brought them back again before they wcro unhitched. And ovon tho binder tho snmo; at morning nnd noon when tho binder was in uso thcro wcro 15 minutes or more spent on tho blndor with wrench, pliers, oil holo cleaner, oil can, etc., nnd I thought it was tlmo well spout. When tho season's uso of each tool was ovor, it was clcanod, all bright parts greased, then put awny in its place. It was nrrnnged to tako tools npnrt but llttloj nil heavy parts put back on ground floor, nil lighter parts put overhead. If any repairs were needed on tools when put away, nolo was mado of it, nnd then nt somo con voniont tlmo it was nttonded to. This to somo looked liko lots of needless work, but to mo it was a ploasuro, or tho pootry of farming. And it was profitable, for tho tools lasted nbout twlco as long. 1 I cp cp c c ci Z3 XiJ ci3