WMiMlWllllffSii TEN THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ifJiiPBl ULJuUlIIHLtt!''.i W fflLB --miMmmm i5i n m v iL'A. & .. i - r L o e IdtmMie Jr Sn. (Contituicil from Pago Three.) PA I TV TODAY. I r ( ij -I IXKOHMAI, KVKXIXH. I BfG RECEPTION HI I E. CHURCH Mrs. Otto $chottor Is ontortnliiliiK n few friends this nftcrnoon compli mentary lo Mrs. W. J. Dutler, who xcceutly returned from California. je 4 t . ft s : Mr. and .All 8. 1'. 12. Conway enter tnlned Inforinn'ly lust Saturday eve ning at the Myrtlo Anns roof garden nt a sort of "Get Acquainted" Kath-' Marshfield Congregation Hon ors Rev. Knotts and Rev. Williams Fine Program1 One of the most pleasant and sue- , Coos Hay. After refreshments and another short social tlnlo the company 1 departed for thdlf homes amid show ers of good wishes to tho church In general and Hov. and Mis. Knotts In imrtleiilar. There wore fully a hundred In at tendance and good will and fellow ship was everywhere In ev'dcnco. :- GENERAL-SCHOOL NEWS. The ititPBtlcin hi tho Statu Debut 111 IT Lnnmin iMu vonr 1u Pnurtti'ml erlng for the occupants of the hand- CC88f' social affairs of tho season jTht tll0 Govornnient Should Own sonic now niiartmonts. In addition vna tnc reception and love-feast ten- nnij onornte Hallroads Acting as to tho residents of .Myrtlo Arms, Mr. dorcd ,lcv -'"scph Knotts nml family, Common Cnrriors Within or Across the Several States. mlf.iaHmi ttf .Inlint.i.l In Tho seat sale for the Moose nlav. evening Mr. ajerdruni rendered a Church at tho church and new hall1 nvm-v iIIbh-Ipi Mil. v.. ,... i. .. . . ... -----.-. - . u J.... ,.. iiiu "Arizona," will open Monday at The number of fine piano selections, his ' "". me picasaiu garnering w)l00 8(at0 MOOSK IMaVY ; SKATS. 1 nnd 'lrs- Conwny Invited n few oth- Jlev- Williams and new iiioinbors nml t10 noumlnrlea of '- ' t, era in for the evening. During tho Mon ' the Methodist Episcopal) T)l0 8(nno UC8t Busy Corner. Sl JJ. LADIKS' All). The M. 15. Ladles Aid met at the church hall Wednesday afternoon to complete plans for the reception giv en so successfully last night. Mrs. Knotts, Mrs. Toroy, Mrs. Perkins, .Mrs. Langworthy, Mrs Savage, Mrs, ;i number being Binding's Serenade and wns ln clinrgo of thc Brotherhood! Mr. Wnlte nnd Mr. Silverman will jSjvtiuiBH unnco oi mo uwan. jio " -" .. w.u iu-JinV0 cnnrRC 0r tno (0nm lno 0. 4 was followed by Mrs. Conwny with "wi '"CI creuit upon tnoso or s two delightful vocal solos: "Oh for n BnnlzntloiiB. Day of Snrlmr." bv Addison. Andrw ln tho receiving lino wero .Mrs nnd "Her Itosc," by Garrett Smith. Uc" -Ml8' 'rw' d Mrs. Gldley. ,on Saturday, October 10. nt a : 3 0 ' i Hist pan oi mo evening was tie-. , CoMiillln. ii Ih Mm minimi ..!. cal Ulgh School Thoro will bo a meeting of tho Coos County High School Assocla-! IMiAX SOCIAL. votoj to un Interesting program and ,nR nml lho 0, tlon r ,, ,, Mr. .rank L. Sunnier presided In his otllcr roMl,le b,1Blncm w, ,. .. 9m 1 1 '-Si w' mm mm R I MsbM-H m XMmw r... " w'm:u ' m 4 usual efficient mauiicr. Tho excr- , part of the business transacted, two cart, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jochnk. Mrs. tlons In tle near future. Tim first cd f.om an extended tour of the of t Vl S I 7d nlZ , rthy, Mrs. Clay, Mrs., Tho Mizpah Illblo Class' of North clses were opened with prayer by Mr. ' r Wn,. Mp Z ",, , ,' Woodworth, Mrs. Caih- ond Is arranging for two big func- . H. Campbell, who recently return- wnfeson ullvMrnm Vl .!, .lit. -Mi. l.l,.l, t tlnn I.. !. .,.. r..l...... ml.). H . . - .... . . WK-3UIUUIHUH iroill 1110 811 Nelson and Mrs. Abbott were present, will be next Friday evening, when tho cast and Canada. J ' I M. K. lJltOTHKKHOOl). ', annual bnnquet and electldn.of offl- n0m Mrs. Thomas G. Leyland fa- ccrs will bo hold and thc following vorcd the niidlcnco with a very pleas ing solo, singing "Llttlo Grey Homo The M. K. Brotherhood meets next Wednesday evening at thc church Jiall. SOUTH .MAKSIIKIKLD SCHOOL 4 , Mt quality "u back. In fnn, , ? ? ""s famous com ! uoness miiquc a With YV ifln nlnii: ' . . 1,il,s'iu Miy styl 3.30 Hub Dry Goods Co I'flllllllll 13. ......1 1 ,-. """il x .u,.u iiiiiiuwiiy una rcatral Av onuc.Ia Klulilli (Jimlc. .... . . i ...i ... Thirty-four pupils in this grade UI,,nno unrunor, Alyrtlo Conklln. I - CA1U) PAItTV program enjoyed Solo Mrs. Fred Kruse. Address. Hov. V. S. Shlinlnn. Splo Howard liuhoff. . Itendtng Prof. F. A. Golden. Solo Mrs. Allen Wan en. ltcadlns-Mrs. Marlon Liingcn berg. Mr. an tcrtalned nt Bridge Thursday nt their homo a Hallowe'en party to be known as hearty welcome to Itov. Knotts and In Marahflold. Dahlias ami greens the Gipsy Festival and It will bo un- family on their ictiirn to this charge- nredomlnntod 111 tho decorations. At dor the direction of C. A. Smith, Mrs. ,y the recent conference mid to lho mid Reginald McCarberry. cards, Mrs. J. G. Mullen and P. N. K. F. Itussell nnd Mrs. F. S. Shim- many now members ami friends of l the weekly spelling test, tho miul 10 "cr cont ln orlllimotlc for Jtobcrg won tho prizes. In serving, Inn. 'tho church. .Mr. Allen voiced tho following pupils mndo good grudoi: r110 wcoK id Mrs. Henry O'.Mnra en- Solo Walter ToJauln. at a delightful evenlngi On October 29, thc cln i in thc West," by H. Lohr. In n most satisfactory manner. Mrs. Leyland l"vo been neither absent nor tardy A,to Kardell, Lillian Johnson, Grnco (Is n general favorite and was goner- the past inlinth. jaicii-iroy, lccii Doll, Neltn (lallaugh. ously applauded, nftor which she gni- ' the Friday morning drawing or Tl,u1mi IHnck nnd Kmorson Xeff, I clously responded by singing "Her class, the nasturtium wns the 8tudy, Tlilitl (ii-nilr. - Greatest Charm" by Oniric .liaobs to bo tlorio In wntcr colors. Vory Tll following pupils received 100 good studies wore done by Mabel '" BiM'"'"B "uing the week: .Mark Lingo, Tholmn Lyon, llulh Andor-, n"". ''Ornn Wilson, .larl Nerd won. iiutii (lniitnti. OniiM.ii .in.n...i.r. rum, Alice McDuffun. R nm... Edward Johnson, Olendu Farrel. HeK'"011' 1'"'l,-,mo Knrdell, Josephine en Hobort. Mary Loulso .MeArlhuribim,B'' Knrlno Sorenson Win. McArtliur and Kit Sampson Dqud. Then conic Mayor Allen In a huppy iss will havo, train of thought, extcmlliig a most 11 Mrs. O'Mnrn was assisted by Mrs. Oskcllann. Their guests wore Dr. mid Mrs, I. D. Hurtle, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Linden, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. IXKOHMAL CHAT. high esteem in which Itov. nnd Mrs. Mabel Lingo, 98; Reginald McCar- - Knotts nro held by tho church and berry, 98; Do Etto Mooro. 98; Glon I community. da Farrel, 90; Josephine Thoni, 90; I -Mrs. A. II. Powers and daughter, Xcxt enmc Mr. J. E. Dilllottc In an Charles Doanc, 90; Grace Fnrrln, 90, Leaves at One in 39 Pa Portland-Far! Tllo Ilrrnkir(..i.- n... ... i I..... . . "... . -lll ... fuuui hud m.y pcrieci nt-j tins nftcrnoon for Fi ii-miuiicu unci no laruiucBs tins week. Tho following hnvo hnd perfect Krcontl (inidc. Jleberg Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruse,' Mn ,;,,, ,oft w UoIno SmJt,; Interesting talk on "My First I Wr nnd Mrs. J. G. Mullen nnd Mr. f 8al Fnncl whoro M,88 ,,ow. prcwlon. of Marshfield." and Mrs. F. C. Oskcllann nnd Ed ,. ..,.., , ,,. ...... .... Then enmo Mrs. A. II. Gldloy wl id- in a test given Monday in chics n,u""' icusoim an wcok: unrolil . tho best papers woro written by ,cil,,rc,, -M"rKuriSt Wood, Lilllo Poolp, Ith Uuth Golden, 97; Edward John-1 Jonn ul',oii, I 'ranees Hall, Etigcno Olcman, CLASS SOCIAL. a . 4 its win cnicr ino iiurso a training , ... . . ... ha. i , . ... Pnniimnn ,,., nf ,,. ,raili,i her charming voice III solo, renilerlng o. !'0; Clnra Forguson. 100; Glen- Knni8on 'The Swallows," by Cowan. Mrs. da 1'iirrol, 8ii; Evnlyu Mlrrnsoul, 87; return Oldloy was In fino voice and, ns usual, N'lrglnla Clurkc, 80. Sixth (.'iiule. i Mrs. Ella Handel, will on tho next trip of tho Xnnn Smith. dellgMod her audience, who Insisted . t t i ,k-.- A. . . I.a.uI I... .L. rt... -t .. .. 'PllAOn ml.M Knlln . AA .. . nln. Vit 1 nf Ihn (In ill.l linlhlilv M''.wV , W- f I" l n B li"v ; .... ..v h..v. .. M..v ..u.. au..n - .. uu . ,., w""" -- -. ...H . ..... .... .,.ii.iiu ,.. ... im I'nn in. . ...... I, ... .. ...... . ... . uuhid ,. i.ik .. ii.ii , ...ii imii.vii IP...M- jiirii Itnin. inv IVUOIIIlinn. Bchool enjoyed a pleasant session nbly tho foruieost designer and lad Tuesday avcnlnc nt the homo of their les' tailor In San Frnncl-i-o. thus tencher, Mrs. A. F. Hansford. Tho BiHnlns experience wlilob few dress business session was followod by ' Innker8 l1088-'"8' games nnd refreshments. Howard ,. ( Posr was elected president, Wayno' GoHiioy seciotary and Whltford Hall "Arlzonn" Is known nmong plays trcaBiiier nml yell loador. Tho mem bers of tho class aro Luster Post, that Its Original production mndo u Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU Imto ALWAV.H V:HI-:i. Phono 72. Pacific Lhcry ami Transfer Comjwiny. ,1t'M' Jt .tin big ilmici nt li. sons the past week nro Cronj'lo 'No-jgloti' Hall Sudiitlity evening, Oct JO. Martin's Ouhcstiii. PKTEUSOX IX "AHIOXA." with her 3) tttmtsl coiiuticotti cargo pi Tlioo who cmhi arc: ? Jack Sawer, Cn., Hnra, $, A. Tm, I W. L, KlEtntr, t; l A. Mlntoyne, C. T, Innibek, K. W T cr, Mr. L. Jl Shrlver, Marpret D. M.urp)iy, A..WJ Thomaaon, If, h, Kay Allen, E. In ;i C9iit )n snJI the written pe;ig les most ploaslng manner. Now Siiliiuban Pastor. bio, Loulso Gldley, Junnctto Wl! In Introducing tho next speaker, son, Evelyn Fourier, Irono McPher Mr. Sumnur briefly rovlowed tho Ills- son. tory of the Methodist church on Cooa Fifth (Vrmlc. Hay. Hov. Williams, who has come "I ' Inlm ..t.nMA 1, titn ... ....! . f .1... Ulinlllnrr illltlmr tit.. ,.n. .......I. . f... .... . . m .. ... Ill ltU IHHthU .11 LI1U nuiK Ul L1IU M,.w....n ..I....IM kllU iri.ni ....'UK. ..I11J- ns "1110 star niaiicr,- irom ino inci ,k -..,, ... .... ... V, ,. ,..,. .,. ,M... ,f ..... v , tMSon. fi.o. Km. uiiiiiuu ui niiBiQiiii', ituiiKur inn, liny "- ."unmitiiiiiii, iiiirwni .iii'rur.' lauipj i wiiii, jipu itnin mi. imvc ' Park nml Lnkosldn. rDHiicinilPit with ii Fred Kn It-lit. Lorenn lloffnimi. iii.l. iin.nni nt'.u. mono i-. rnciru jiio. nioiwi, .. SUO.MI SOCIKTV OIIAXI) HALL Slirlicr, L otl SATUItDAV HVK.. OCT 10. PLATT'H N'- lfnle- '' A- Theso iiudIIh mado no mfstukiiH In OHCHESTHA. tyH'-'. J' " : . -i " lllniiawolt. W. F. Wayno Gosnoy, Purl Woodruff, Clin- Btnr of every meinbor or tho cast, !, ' ' ' " , """""'"" -ton Woodruff. Hownrd Mi.LaughUn. al JuUkIiik. frnin.tho reports -that ""-t talk expressing groat pleasure agWlford-ITSii; Hownrd Post, Ed- romo nightly from rehearsals, tho !" "'0 to " l "ttendnnce up- -" nil uiili n liniitif nmindlnu ii tw irnAtl.i on Perkins, Cleuiencc Wright, Her- LUeiy nml Triuiufcr Cmuimiiy, bert Murphy, Edward Paine. I Meat tloon't roit any moro ' uik.1i n l.n at... ...., .-.fn... T .... N-. -. .. Tllfl till tllla lidii I. k 1 ti A l II... 4 ..I . .1 . Wftnl Hnnohrnko. I.Vnn,n l.'lnnntrnn. n.llrll heralded MoOHO local talent MW uimh. v. iviiuim .' " " mi u.o r i.,HlT N llliu you gei n piano. r Cecil Doll, Herschol Cluuscn, Monroo production of tho pfay, which will then addressed tho asseiubingo, arltliiiietlc test wero: Arnold Samp-! i I rmi regis! cr at TWo (uunifitvo W:mZwtmmU L. ...n hero wxi'lnAiin, niid IK" J T T !X nLonZJ 'Sr. nT"' '" - lw, Willis Moffltt, Moody Itushlug Thursday. Is going to make a few '' 'oyulty 1 efficient help dining Rou lion ba nd. Us m Ear Hodge. iiiil n lnCni. Hits. inT "UB,,,uk . Marshfield Mb lmfilorn tll l't J'enr nnd ns- Those who had 100 In tho geog- j -""1 '' " TttX . . I 0 :.. r fanmus characters f' V " U to ruplj? U-t wore: Ned Patterson, 4 ' A.kona," none t..d, out more b, tl,1 comlnp one. During tho Arnold S,m ,. ., hrvln Storm Tyson Don't fbrgrt Ii glcs' IIaII StlnraVf i Mm Un' OrrlKtn. Don'j firgrttler i LAJHES' AltT CLl'll, - 'Aikona," none stiindN, out moro . p...,.v,, . ' . ' ... " wv. ah.-. ii.-.. ..'..-. I prominently than Tony, thc Mexican, " ' : "" . 7 Z Z " . """;.:. .Z" -vitbo imrt which will bo nlnod here """" "uu" """ "' v" --"i'u " ' .... " I .11- ?. ! - -- - - .-- - -- - .!.. .. .. ft nu . 1. 1. . . . I 'frtUf llltmlfn Union Tl....l.l I.1I..I.. The Ladles' Art Club enjoyed a by A. O. Peterson. Tony Is a char- """ ' I'ww " wureu ioqi jinny ..., ... un,,,.,. ,,,,, most pleasant afternoon Friday with acter absolutely unlquo In stage IUm1"""1 nnd Kratlflort. Tho churclt has Church, l-iniicos Sacchl. I-red Knight , Mrs. Nola Knsniusson nt hor lioinoln'omture It Is conceded by nil onJo.Vl,a n ,,0ftlthJ- Kvoytth in number., - ,,"'"'.' i""- i4 , . ' N'orthMaishfleld. Cards, sewing and n'uics o He tho greatest character b!""' " f,M0 1,,,U 1,n8 "ou b,lllt' tho T,h.0M h' "B " "r rtL' "" conversation woro tho diversions and r,... i i ........ ,..... .. " "ecu from debt nnd tho In- "c"' ".,. wn 0I0. Virginia were followed by delicious refresh- hi, the seemingly Impossible ;., !rlor of both, churcbud parsonage John-on. Lester PosL Adrnlno Gnnl. uients. Mrs. W. H. Konnedv usslstlntr n..,H..n ,.r ..... ,11.,,,J nine uuen suusinniiniiy improved and . . . '" ' iinnipilnl Tim i.uiiinL.1. . A ,.!.....!. nert Cecil, Doll, Notn Gnllnugher, 1ho hostess In serving decorated. Tho exterior of tV.o church TnoIllla Blnek, Diincnn Dashney, Wal-' I lln Plllll Will III.... ilir..... ...... ii. ...u 1.. i... ....... l.o entertained next Friday by Mrs. ,, Mr. Tfaomu himself consldora "'" " ' -een recently given a. - .- jy ana , J J. F. Telnuder. Thjiso present yes.cr- it his masterpiece. Although less , ;8i C,n , "" "' K T, "T," I II in Job on S.ri.nn lack Id' day woro Mrs. .1. A. Hlatt. Mrs. J,,, than throe pages In length, it is tho J ri Tn 'V ' ""'T " '," en Mercl it nm Wnl.a o i . ,t Cownn, Mr.. Olivia Ed.....,., Mrs. F. mbl,ln of every eharacter nctor on " Uf l ,Hr " f"vor ' 'i.rcli ' J'0"1"1"1 , J1"1 noJ !""C0 L""B M. Flyo. Mrs. W. II. Foley. Mrs. W ,ho lCKllsh.s,H.klm: stauo to nlav "" fl ol,,, ' deeply grateful. "' "' md, ,?.!,0riVll. ... K. lloagland. Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, it. Vincent Sorano, who originate l' u ine c'8 of tho program a very ' T T, "T a Mrs. Lydla Lang. Mrs. C. LaChapol.o. ,e part L leco.d, g n "Jal.H ! .;'"t Hoc.a. nnd "Get Acqualnted" ' J J ' JZZtuZf iirii v n r,. v.iimr Airu i v p m ii, . tl u o was oujojed until tho call for JOI,n Noiiutroni, virgliiln Jonnson, mro. iv. I. .Mc.Miiiur, .Mrs. .1. r. lo- r0 nor week when he was uncalled .. mv i.j u mi. . , ... ....... lander nnd Mrs. Sni.tlMind Mrs. Ji- , pay' To, AHo the 1 V Tf w,IU,,,ontB H U' UU,,h,' AW' 1 fZ SlS II Ins Larson. Mrs. A. O. Roger and formance of Arizona" ho was of-l ",qm "r ""J"''"'" wns rotp' l Z L,or I eMo Post SrEe M r Mrs. W.H. Kennedy as special guests, feied .00 per week by another ",on,ly (k'tornle'1 n"d nrrnngod tn- "?J' mm' I t. Qeorge Mnr- , . rnauer-an, .of. sod It !, ,,k8 '" t,M f,no lttT bl"' whlrh for n ,Nelta "allnWRhor. James Lyons, I." the big ,, at .CnWs' r.r.n'ST. ,er , tf rj, 1 " " WJ. converted ,n,o .. JSrS ! Hall Satuiday oxo.il.ig, Oct JO. performance of Tony next Wednes-1 ,,0Bt "' "B room. At a J J" Jnt. I) ncn Dashnoy and ,.i- MartlnV Oivhestra. , day may not be i.uHo so an, r Z Sy' JS S- Kei-ry left fc.hool as AVatclir,,,. the social nouvieekat " wo l'ellU that ho ' ' r guests A " ,s Sol' t0 ,,ort'utl to reside. U,o Mode, C,H, Grocer, Z'SZ.Z tWt J. V. KOSKI Tailor Has Moved His Shop to 75 Marl Does First Class Work FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ; ALL WORK DONE HERE, ALSO CLEAPI PRESSING. AKI N5 1 tugo by affair was tho sorvlnir bv Uev. mul South Cooa R,vor' rtiiiH .i.viMiiuon .actor, amateur or profensinnal. "" ."' l"" " "' - " A,e Mci; . Tony, of cour,e. has a sweetheart.1 '. u f u "."t ""f ? Thu Iday r,u Lena, the ll.tle (ier.nan girl, a par -Knot, jokingly teriiieilhla "1" ' splendidly portrajed by Mlsl II ll ''"l ldny CH' ' ,r 0P",r.r,,lB h,B lessor if! . school POWDER Absolutely Pure Mads from liripsOraam of Tartar NO ALUM I lMidzieu, The pail of Lena Is a. (happy loiubluatlon of comoily ami' omotlou, and Miss Hmlx'eii plays It with a lluoness of tomh seldom' seen in uniateurs. The love sceno between Tony and Lena at tho op ening of tho third act is without doubt tho iniibt famous comedy sit uation lu any modern play, and' these two clever fictoib put it oerl as though they had boon on tho! stage nil their lives, The seat sale for both perform ances of "Arizona" will open at tho llUby Corner Mom'ny morning at 9 o'clock. Tho price Is fifty cents -no hgiber. All seats aro resorved scats, iih tho front oik-s aro the same price as the bnck ones so re member thu story of the oarly bird. entered Portland. perfect dally spoil. .exactly a enr after his arilval on ,MB ,e8S0n8 'r the past weak wero: I. S. K.UJF.MAV A CO.'S AD TO DAY LS PAHTICCLAHLV lyrKlt. i:sting. TORICS WITH SHUJL ONS" THE ACME OF EYE CLASS PERFECTION Torle Lenses give tho the v ry best results and with "Shur-on" .Mountings do away wltirall the dlscomforta pf oye-glnss wearors. Come In and let us explalu their, merits'-vlthout any obligation to purchase. i ? " ' Eya CNamined glasses fitted. " V( Red Cross Optical Dept. iu:i cnos,s djiug stohk PI I OX K Ii!U Jwst Received To( Axm-i-Ti Mil 1.A1H1E SinPMBXIl WALL PAP"! which added to our present spleudid to n lino oi KRVBHAL THOUSAND ROW'S OF- .... , : ..niniiiptc ami a uno or tno ijirgesi, "- v"'1" .,,., ....i x- x.. i. r.;i in Soutliein ii ....7 z .., .- vnu latest pw Vni mA nlu-nvs fnrtllin Ot fUWB u . tUlwrW in our line- Hee us tn. VIEXS n V PAINTS WWW 376 North Frout THING gfreet "V. ji- .y,ih? j. tVV'V V 7y;im- , sjfmm