QV SSKI VMvivr 1 Hi F0UR "" WORLD SERIES I BIG RECEIPTS v THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1914 EVENING "H " "' "'" inmiwimiyiii .nil. wnin j... DJ Aivwltted Vrttt tu uooa n)r Tlmn. NI3W YOIIK, Oct. 7. No clcnror or inure nosltlvo Illustration of the extraordinary Interest taken by tho nubile In the annual world's cliam 1)IohhIiI) scries of busobnll Ramos ran bit desired than that furnished by a glance at the financial results, a statement of which Is officially announced at tho ond of each post season competition for the coveted t'tlo and flnK. Through tho box offlco Its popularity ran easily be moastirod. Compared with the mon i;io returns at the Initial series In 1 SSI thn enormous crowds register ed by the clicking turnstles show that by limps and bounds the at tendance In recent years Iioh assum ed by the clicking turnstiles show there Is no telling what it may amount to In years to come. The first championship games be tween the Providonco "Grays" and the Metropolitans may luivo been only lightly attended and thoro Is nothing on record to show what tho receipts nmountcd to for the three games then played, as I'rov ldonco won threo straight. Tho fol lowing year, howovor, when soven games wore played In four differ ent cities, Chicago, St. Louis, Pitts burgh mid Cincinnati, tho financial result wuh about $2000. That year tho fight was a hot one between tho Chicago Nationals and the Amor lean Association Club of St. Louis, and one can hardly Imagine what would be tho yield now if such a series were possible ovor a similar circuit. Of courso, In those day Rcatn in the bleachers could bo had for "two bits" and the best scats In the grand stand brought tho top price of half a dollar. Kvnn nt those rates there could not have been much enthusiasm Judging from the results. Today, howovor, prim have soared so that a single ad mission costs a dollar, or rather that Is tho face valuo of the little cardboard and tho holder of one of theno is considered lucky If it has not cost him moro than thrice that amount. ICaeh of tho winning players on the winning sldo In l!to:t, tho first year that tho series was played un dor tho conditions which now pre vail, received 1,:ilG.2r and each of the losing playors got $1182. In 1!12 tho Hoston winner received $4,022 each and tho New York losers wero handed ?2,rUG each Last year each player of the Ath letics got a winning portion of $:i,2lfi.:!G and tho losing sharo for each Now York pluyor was $2,104.22 Tho basis upon which tho world's series receipts aro divided is as follows, Tho National Commission gets ton per cent of tho receipts of each and ovory game. Tho play ors of tho two competing clubs ro celvo CO por cent of tho remaining 00 per cent of tho first four games played. Tho sum Is divided CO por cent to tho winners and 40 por cent to tho losers. Tho remaining 40 per cent of tho 00 per cent of the first four games goes to tho club owners. Ninety per cent of tho re ceipts of every gamo nftor tho first four becomes tho property of tho stockholders of tho two contesting clubs. baseball. Ho stands flvo foot, ton 'ind one-half inches nnd weighs ilioiit 170 poun Is. Last yeor ho .ook part In omy one of the five sanies played for tho championship. Schang, on whom most of tho work behind the bat devolved In tho Athletlcs-Olants' series n year ago boro the brunt of the work through out this year's Atnerlicn Lenguo soa son. Last year he ought In four of tho flvo games played In tho world's series and may do tho larg er share again in tho coming con tests. IIo Is twenty-four years old, Is fivo feet, nlno Inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. Ills experience In major league baBoball dates back Just four years. Ira ThomaB, tho veteran catcher, Is another on whom Manager Mack could call in caxo Year. Attendance. Recolpts. Clubs' Share. Players' Sharo. National Com. mon .... 100,420 ' 190R .... 01,72.1' 100(1 .... 00,84 r. 1007 .... 78,0158 t008 .... 02,2.12 ' 1000 .... 140,205 ?! 1010 .... 124,222 1011 .... 170,851 ., 1012 .... 251,001 1013 .... 150,002 50,000 08,405 100,550 101,728 04,070 188,302 17.1,080 .142,104 400,440 325,080 $ 17,388 34,170 02,403 30,022 .10,303 102,547 77,510 18,0,217 203,832 70,100 $ .12,012 27,304 33,402 54,033 40,115 00,025 70,072 127,011 147,572 135,204 0,841 10,055 10,173 0,408 18,8.10 17,308 31,030 40,045 32,407 Totals .l,2S4,i58 $1,042,534 $023,251 $751,200 $188,073 CHICK FOR IVfJRLfl LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstract!, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention to all IntorestH of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FUIINISII A I1AO AND WILL PAY THIS POSTAGE ON ITS KETUKN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY I'HONI? 57-J. AIAHSIIFIELD DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Dr Aiioclit! I'rtli to Ooo Str TlmM.l NBW YORK, Oct. 7.1n all likeli hood only four mon will bo called upon to work at tho receiving ends of the batteries during tho world's championship Hcrlcs between tho Philadelphia Athletics nnd Hoston Vntlonals. Each club will undoubt edly depend upon tho two catchers A'ho have given such n good ac- ount of thomsolvcs nil through tho ilaylng season. Thoy will tnke au important part In tho struggle for jb soon as a catcher dons tho mitt ind mask of his calling in a contest 'io UBsumes an Imtuonso amount of responsibility. In fact there Is no telling how many of tho games are directed from bohlnd tho pinto. In addition to exchanging signals with tho pitcher as to tho weakness or dtrongth o'r tho batters, he has to bo a quick thinker, kooh sighted, al ways alert nnd Invariably accurate n throwing to head off tho boRo pilferers. In thin deportment Connlo Mack Is probably tho moro -Mrtunnto In having Lapp nnd Schang, both of whom huvo had previous oxporlonco In world's championship games. Lnpp played In tho 1010, 1911 nnd 1013 games, each tlmo on tho win ning sldo nnd this will bo (lib fourth tlmo his services will bo .needed for tho retention of the flag In Phlln lelphla. Although only thirty years old, Lnpp has had a lot of oxpor Jonro during tho nine years lib has been identified with professions of accident to either of tho two men tioned, but ho has not been In tho gamo much during the past sea son and It Is not likely that his ser vices will be needed. Tho Athletics also have a fourth catcher In Mo Avoy, Into of tho Ilaltlmoro Inter national League team, but It Is not at nil probable that ho will bo called upon to go behind tho bat against tho DravoB, Manager Stalllngs has two very reliable receivers In dowdy and Whaling, both of whom havo been wonderfully successful this yast sea son. Doth aro young men nnd each has been Identified with professional baseball for flvo years. Tho suc cess of tho team, phenomenal as It was, in lauding tho National Lenguo ponnnnt this year, speaks volumes for tho work of the batteries and tho catchers naturally aro not to bo overlooked for tho parts they played so woll In bringing about the unlock ed for victory. dowdy, who did tho lion's share I of catching for tho Hrnves during the season, stands one Inch over utv tnni nnil wnfrrliu 107 tiniimla n . v . .' Ttu.f.lf a ' 'UH .11.1. Whaling, who Is twonty-flvo yeniH old, Just ono yenr older than dowdy,, also Is u six-footer and weighs 188 pounds. Tho season's records of tho Ath lootlcfi and nrnves' catchers, ns coin-piled-from unofficial figures, is ns follows: Plilliidelplilu AtliletlcH Namos O. P.O. A. K. P.C. Hat. Schang ...05 470 15G 20 .950 .208 Lapp ....50 283 82 10 .073 .214 Hoston Ilmvew. Nnmo a. P.O. A. K. P.C. Hat. dowdy ...94 435 155 12 .079 .238 Whaling ..50 249 80 C .082 .2fi EDITION, i Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU luivo ALWAYS VHKlh Phono 72. Pacific Llveiy and Transfer Couiuuiy. The Union Market OUU COLD STOHAOR SV8TR M IS 8UHK A RUCCKHS Our Prime Roasts of Hoef, Lamb, Mutton, Veal and Pork rtinnot bo excelled. Try ono of our Fat Hens or Fryera for your Sunday dinner, that has been properly cooled, and noto tho difference. J. E. FORD & CO. 174 South Hronduuy Phone 58 I SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEING CREDITED AS OP SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINOS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME has boon a hobby with us for a good many yean ud it, our customers will toll you whori It comes to settlor iwi!. durablo framing material at the rlclit nrlm w. vn..... ncss. Just toll what you wont to build nnd the amount ? to spond and we'll get busy with our jiencll and flrurewo, UUI lUU.IU UUI. UUJf, iif un. .,ilj,i, , , 1 C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. C i Hi. TAIL DICPAItTMI.NT CUT THK FUKL HILL 1 TWO ItV UHI.VQ Ol'ltffMt PHONIC ll0. 1H2 SOUTH BROttt FLANAGAN & BENNETT OLDICKT HANK IN (OOS CoUXTV IMnblMied I8HI). Capital, Surplus and Undividta Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposit Officers: .7. W. Ileiuietl, President. .1. II. FIiiiuikiiii, Vlce-Prehlilcnl. ;e. P. WlmhwlT, M Good Store Lighting Means Electric Lighting 1 With Mazda Lamps nnd properly amg cd fixtures Electricity is the most wi-j tory jlluminnnt ior yum bi. The soft, evenlff difma mm j - - an au.racuvuiiiwn i , .1 profitable eoinnierr'ial value. jj a ,.....! nl Will Clclfellt tM J. BlOl'O WiU'.iu !.!'" ' f1 etOltf Tf will mvo von a cool, clean, restful stor Eleetvie Light should be 'liglit. Electricity Will GiveYou A "Day Light Store I ,.. m: -o,.;." nnd Electric -wnr -- p0Dt Gas Rates are Strangers. W , Eix : : : : !- Telephone 178 Oregon Powej Company -A-' Plume 879, I Mil I I ii I I mimmmm I v-