m)i(M THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. fW'j;.i.'- FIVE mmrwmunw rmtwimmYmmiimmMmmimgwmmMHminBm MS IP I BLOCK T """ Thursday, Friday, Saturday Men Save Money on Clothing n ..,. uplTIMj ALL-WOOL SUITS OF GOOD QUALITY FOR $16.50 . .... of THE PARISLYN SPECIAL SIMTS that Is solrt On 01"' "i'1 . . ......i.. uni'liiir nf mi'VciiiI (lollnrs. It Is vour nrlv. i buyer '" iui " ' iuho money. TOO, on n Suit of Clothes Unit you will bo i"r- nrotlll I" N01'' Thli Uno Includes several dlf "rent styles In nil-wool llluo SergbB .oral Hox Dncks, Soml-3ngllsh or Colsseroltlvs motlols In ' Tweed" nnd Worsteds. AH sizes, to fit STOUTS, SLIMS nnd REGULAR rigures. NO V LOvi:s A TAT .MAX, THEY SAY, but we hnvo tnken par- . pains to see to his sizes in oun, muiuuiuu, uuu i iuu, un gear and Furnishing Goods. Sizes 34 to CO. To the Mothers' nml Fathers: Did you ever stop to think YOUR .... Too would llko n nlco Suit to fit nnd wenr well? A Hnt f cap to mntch. Then brine him to THE PARISIAN nnd satisfy rourelves and the boy. nnvv OVERCOATS AND SUITS, priced from s?:UiO to $10.00 D0Y8' HATS AND CAPS f5e to Sl.no VI2 ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR TIHJ KNOX HATS mmmsmmmmmemmmmmmaammaMmmm Trv BUCKEYE VANILLA EXTRACT nnd you will use no other. Th! Kxtrart win not uuko om. u m : uiiiu ui tbl Extract to nny lndy calling nt our store. COOS BW TEA, COfFEE AND SPICE HOUSE phone :ti-T. The Loyal Order of Moose Presents the Dramatic Triumph of the Century ARIZONA With Notable Cast of Marshfield Local Talent Masonic Opera. House----? Nights Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 14-15 TICKETS All Reserved Seats 0 Entire House ouc Reserved Seat Sale will open at Busy Corner Store Monday morning, October 12 at 9 o'clock. Grand o-Night plio General Film Co., Tnc. presents I VITAGRAPIIS' photo play masterpiece MR. BARNES Oj? NEW YORK In six parts The big Broadway feature. MWliWT.I ! 11 II ! $25.00 $23.00 .Ve will pay $2u.00 to any person ho causes the arrest and conviction if a bicycle thief In Marshfiold. (Signed) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Times Want Ads bring results. The ROYAL Tonight, oi'rt MfiTTn. v . ,. U.ik - turn muuw " Pn. Your Satisfaction. im.!?1 h rolmni presents the noted S?1'0, artist, CYRIL SCOTT, In Li ,, " I'Aja, uy i.uuib JU KI VaniA ir, ti T.f.1 fcFAn T. .""HUH i'lUlUIUH, rfopplltan adventure nnd a panor- ; . ouonB Produced by the SOUS Plavrra l?n. -.,..;. Oaumont oo.,i i '.i'i- L. fAii . "vv"v iui i:umuiuiu& kr4l?lnB s'lhjects; BOTTLING IpmiV. HSH' HERRINO FISHING. I ""'J 3 malley and Lois Wober PSPlcioN : - na of toUa': ON D rei3 Cf all new p'ctiires. OWPn v, ""u?.?uO . Iler . ' l. P.1. lv.c. lm r, ""'"' row nigni me worm ERj. U1M1NAL" In four reels. x.lH' MARKKT ST. AV. MRS. OMVK K, 1IROWN w Prepared to do first-class r"iwng at reasonable rates. Li.? house gowns, skirts, "muses, aanclng frocks, f aresses. A trial or- lequested. See our bow l or Paris fashions. TheKindThat Never Wears Out KeguUr Pfico 55c -r Tss&ty AJvtttU.J In womii'l DMgutaM You Will US9 "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensils always, If one such utewil U placed In your liorae bo the manufacturers believe. That la why they sacrifice their profit and we cut ours In two on tnt3 one-quart 0A Saucepan, which is yours JJ r at the Price, Special Replace utensils that wear out withutensUs that "Wear-Ever" si:i: display iv oru WINDOW. u WLDuy the bestjlR BREVITIES TIDKS l-'OH OCTOHKIt. llolow Is given the tlmo nnd height of high nnd low water at Marshfield. The tides are plnced In the order of occurrence, with tholr times on the first Hue nnd heights on tho second tine of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will ln dlcate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar Bt'btrnct two hours 34 minutes. CIHrs.. 1.48 0.1C 3.28 0.57 I Ft... g.o i.7 r..a 0.2 7IIrs..3.S4 0.39 3.53 10.31 IFt... 4.8 2.1 5.9 0.2 WKATIIKIt FORKOA8T tHr Atocl4IM Trm to Cxn nT Tlmn.J I ORL'aON Fair, with variable I winds, mostly easterly. LOCAL TliMPtillATUIlK RKCORD. For the 24 hours endlnR nt 4:43 n. m., Oct. C, by IJerfJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Mnxlmuiu G8 Minimum 51 At 4:43 n. in 52 Preclpltntlon 00 Prcclpltntlon slnco Sept. 1, 1914 10.40 Preclpltntlon snmo period Inst year 3.83 Wind: Northwest, partly cloudy HORN Senivtl Passengers Passengers on tl e Nnnn Smith were nulte badly frightened while crossing In over tho, bar yesterday when a big wave broke over tho stern of tho boat. It did not do any damage, Capt. Magee says, i llcroiv Police Judge. Still anoth-' ei wing of the Army of the rnnavlga bles latine ed themselves Into the of fice of Police .tudge Uutler this morn ing iind received nn overwhelming defeat. T. M. Marston, appearing, for the second time this week on the churgo of being drunk, paid an In demnity of $10. Alex l!erg nnd Alex1 Lean, resembling each other only In tho front names, were nlso told to pay their Indemnity. James Ferry j nnd Jack O Kcofe, picked up in tne midst of n battle early this morning each wns ordered to pay a war reve nue tax nnd hurry on his way. Kin In Trouble Oeorge W. King, the Marshfield butcher, nnd Acting Chief of Pollre Will Andorson of North Rend hnd n lively Besslon yes tordny In which Anderson used his club nftcr King became nbuslve, It Is claimed. It seems Mint n bunch of hogs got out of King's sluughtor yard nnrl Inmntrn.l Hin crnriloti nf l.rntilr Hans, who hnd the hogs put In thai nlK iiniinil fnlin 1 Inlr nttumi . wlin' hauled the hogs to the pound, first told King ho could have tho hogs for fifty cents a head nnd $3 tor hauling, when the chnrge should have been $1 a hend. Finally King paid the costs. The Ideal Cafe iltU FRONT STRRKT MARSHFIKLD Renovated and refurnished, will be opened to the public tomorrow morning, Wednesday, October 7th Everything First Class First class cuisine and first class service. Fresh shell oysters a specialty. Flno steaks. "" M II 1 ,1 m Arhos, Anet & Arhqs, Proprietors WORTH To Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Wlrth nt their humu on Coos Riv er, Sunday, Oct. 4, a seven-pound daughter. PHTI2RSON -T Mr. and Mrs. Poro Pelentan, at their home on tho Colmenn ranch on Hnync Inlet, Monday, Oct. 5. n dnughtcr. Family Asks SiiMrt. Claiming that her luiBbnud will pay nothing for tho support of herself or her 18-months-old baby, Mrs. Kzra Kinney, of North Rend, this morning naked for a warrant arresting hor husband, Htatlng that he has for some time failed to glvo any money to his fam ily "without Just nnd sufficient cause." Kinney was commnnded by .ludgo Pen nock of tho Justice court to glvo bond for his appearance nt the trial, which will be set for some tlmo this week. Kinney Is an om ployco or the Julius Larson Dredging company nnd his wife claims that ho receives n salary of $75 per month. Casiillne ( lieiiper. Tho price of gnsolluo has been reduced and Is now retailing at IS cents per gallon. (ilo Reception The congregation of the Marshfield M. K. Church Is arranging to give n reception for tho nnstor, the Rev, Joseph Knntts, who lina Imnii rnnualuniiil tn th! I'linrun for another year, next Friday cvo- nlng. Ilrotlicr Rem!. W. J. Rust httH re cm Ivrtl word of the doath of his broth er, C'lnrhu Rust, nt Sncrnmento. lie r. iih five ymys jmunger than Mr. Rust nu J Buffeted from heart trouble. U rnn n hotel nt Rlo'Vlstn for n num ber of years. Iltxniil Debate. A good-sized au dience heard tho debate between Rev. Selleck anil Col. Hofor nt tho Masonic Opera House Snturday night, There wns no decision and !-. .InSklnlnlt t I tl il I I it II I1 1 U It) f till I lit tH t IPIUII l lllll 1 1M IlillO III ll j niidlenco seonied to bo In nrcord- nnre with the sentiments they held Doiorc (lie tieunio sianeu Smith Hoy Not Out. Thnt several romplnlnts hnvo been recolved In his neighborhood that both his little boy, who Is sick with scarlet fever, and a nelgt bur's girl, hnvo been seen In the street playing togethor, Gordon Smith declared this morning thnt the boy U not vt able to sit up and could not possibly l.avo been out or the house. He wip-.b to quiet n rumor which Iiiih spread around In rcgnrd to the sickness. Tho hoy will bo confined in tho house for nt least two weoks yet. Mr. Smith was nblo to got out by under going n sperlul course of "sprouts and fumigations called for by the doc tor nnd Is now living awny from homo until the sIckneRs la over. Opens Cnfo. Messrs. Arhos, An est and Arhos will re-open tho Ideal Cafe on North Front street tomor row. Thoy hnvo added many now conveniences nnd plnn to mnKo It ono of the finest In this section. FARRLV IN TROL'HLK. IIMII f SOCIAL OALKNDAR. TUESDAY. I Episcopal Guild with Mrs. Drowning and Mrs. McCluro as hostesses. Catholic Altar Society Card Party nt Tnylor Hall, North Hend. C. W. R. M. with Mrs. Mattlo ninlti. Noitlk Rend Auction Rrldge Club with Mrs. C. M. Ryler. L. T. L. at Raptlst Church. WUDNKSDAY. Prlsclllns with Mth. J..l)rock muoller. Presbyterian Auxiliary at tho church. Coos Ray Women's Club with Mrs. J. Wright Wilson. I). M. C. Club with Mrs. R. O. Rrnlnnrd. I Christian Sisterhood with Mrs, I K. McDnnlol. Former Multifield Slim Clinrgeil with Passing Worthless Clieck. Geo. N. Farrln, a former Marshfiotd. mnn who moved to Portland Botno time ago, Is getting In tho limelight considerable. Tho other day ho took: too big n dose or medicine nnd nl most died and now ho Is defendant In a rather sensatlonnl suit concern ing which a Portland paper says: "A complaint signed by Jacob Haha was filed In tho district court against George N. Farrln, candldato nt tho primaries for the Republican nomina tion ror attorney general, charging him with passing n worthless check: for $30 on Halm. Holm alleges that Farrln secured cash on tho check, which wns drawn on tho 8ecurlt'' Sav ings & Trust Co. bank and that thor was no money In Fnrrln's nnmo In tho bank to cover tho check. Tho check wns cashed August 22. A war rant ror Fnrrln's arrest was turned over to City Detective Prlco ror service." OpeiiH lUHiitimnt. C. R. Wells hns leased the building on the wator rront In tho rear or Staufr'n gro cery on Commercial and will re model It and open ono or tho fin est restnurantn In I ho city thero soon. He sold his former restau rant on North Front street to tho fnther-Jn-law of Mr. Perry who con ducts n fish and oyster markat hore. m lor lioiut ueiiit. i.api. iiunsuii of (ho Cape Arngo Ik'itliouse hns inlsed about $S()0 by pul.. subscrip tion for rpunfrlnir III. -kimI from Nor'h Rend to the .lie' ' '"ikp. iim expecls to put the matte: unfo'"- the county commissioners at Coqullln to dpy o'' tomorrow In nn endeavor to have t' em appropriate a similar am ount for repairing tho roadway. .Mount Horns. Cal Wright yes terdny received a handsomely mount ed set of spike buck horns. Tho horns were probably tho largos! spikes that were ever seen hero. Mr. Wright had C. Lokdam, or North Rend, who Is an expert In myrtle work and put In n lot or rino myrtlo fixtures In Wilt Schrock's plnee at North Rend, mount them on n flue myrtle shield n n souvenir. Not Wood Sailors. With their decks cleared ror notion, T. H. Mnrs ton and Frank Albatonn sallied forth under tho glaro of tho Jlghts on thu "great white way" Saturday evening. Roth shipped heavy seas, tho schoon ers wore heaved about In the surging billows and unablo to navigate, tho men were taken In tow by tho police officers and placed In tho city's har bor of refuge. Thoy told tholr stories to tho Judgo and received tholr fines and departed on tholr way bound for sober reflection. Quality First We Represent Rtfi: LKADKHS OF T1IK WORLD ASSOCIATION T"rSii.MOiiiMtNufcTuirof MAKIK Of rihC MAM . inn. oio. woi crc KfOTEFy IfKMOW ABOUT MRS. WILLUY, of Allegany, was In tho city today shopping. LADIES' AID Tho Ladles Aid of tho Swedish Lutheran Church will hold their monthly mooting nt tho Lutheran Hall, Wednesday Octobor 7. Mrs. A. Storgard nnd Mrs. H. Asplund will be tho hostosscs. I LIRRAHY HALL . T. SIGL1N wns nn Isthmus Inlet visitor in Mnrshfiold today. MRS. E. GEO. SMITH or South Coos River wnu a Mnmhfleld shopper Saturday. OFORGE RLACK was tho guest or h's sun or South Mnrshricld over tho week end. SAM OTT was n visitor In tho city today from Gould's camp nbovo Allegany. LEWIS ST. DENNIS, or North Inlet, wns hero today looking after somo business. JUSTICE J, J. Stanley, or Conullle, was n Mnrshfiold business visitor Inst ovonlng. REECHER CROUCH camo down on tho boat this morning from hla homo at Hnynos Inlet. J. N, GREEN was down today look ing after somo business, coming horo from North Inlet. LLOYD ROSA, n well-known young business man oMlandon, was hero last evening on business. II. R. HAYNES attended to somo business hero today, coming from his homo nt Haynes Inlet, STANLEY IJRIGGS has gono to Prosper to secure n position In Archlo Kruso's shluglo mill, W. F. ROWRON of Tomploton camo down this morning to attend to somo matters of business hero. Of INVITATION MCHflCR or Men's New Fall Suits $20 jrnrjf iflI. fa -iV' TS&r fjj ran. viva. Seo This Week's Saturday Evening Iobt Why Pay More? Johnson -Gulovsen Company WITH TWO PAIR OF PANTS. OREGON CASHMERE! DROWNS AM) GREYS. FIXUP A ball will bo given In Eclchoff Hall ror the benefit of tho North Rend Public Library Friday ovo- nlng, Octobor 10. Tho patronesses are Mrs. Win. McCulluin, Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor nnd Mrs. D, Hull. AUGUST FR1ZEEN Is spending a row days nt Ten Mllo. W. 8. CHANDLER Is expected homo Thursday on tho Adeline Smith from San Francisco. MRS. E. S. DEMENT and Mrs. E. C Roberts nf Myrtlo Point uro uhop- , h n Mnrshfiold today, GEORGE ROOK, of Loon Luke, camo down mi ' '-out this morning to attend to some matters of busi ness. MR. AND MRS. J. C. M'CULLOCH wero down visiting this morning from, tholr homo on Haynes In let. E. M. HOWARD, or Salem, represent ing tho National Cash Register Coin puny, has returned horo ror a Bhort stay. DR. It. W. MORROW nnd family will move Into tho Messerlo Iioiibo at Eleventh and Contral tho last of this week. MRS. GEORGE GOULD and hor daughtor Millie, woro In town to day from Gould's camp, looking nflor somo shopping. DR. J, P. KEISER, 111 charge or tho Smith-Powers Emergency Hospital at Raker Creok, camo In last eve ning' -ror a short stay, HILLIS SHORT, accompanied by his daughter Rlnncho, was a visitor In tho city today on a short busi ness trip from Ton Mllo. R. II. SMITH, who Is now conduct ing n harbor shop at tho Hunt n Powors now enmp on Raker Crook, spont Sunday with his family hero. if et', W Of) U InesciiiimoM . , niiAnMAov-. I THE DRUG STORE YOU CAN DEPEND UPON Nationally A tl v c r- Used Goods The Central Avenue DRUG STORE fi owi?- nneacMfmoK fUOTIED AD I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WANTED A middle, ngwl lady who la u lover or children, to care for tli r no small children. Phone 381-J. FOR SALE Ono KMI two-speed self-stnrtor Indian motorcycle. Ileen used as a domonstrntor. $235, Ekblnd Si. Son. l'Olt RENT Knur-room house. Hay Park. $0.00 por month, plenty wnter, "Apply Chns, Lyon, FOR RENT Two Rats .furnished or unfurnished, In Madden Rldg., North Front Btrcot; also house keeping rooms. DR. J. H. J ESSEN nnd wife, or Sa loiu, arrived horo on tho Ooorgo W. Elder yesterday to visit at tho home or tho tatter's sister, Mrs. L. L. ThomaB. GEO. W. MARSHALL, representing tho Woyorhausor tlmbor Interest, was hero last ovonlng on routo to Coqullle to attend u meeting of tho Coos County Hoard or Equal ization today. ASSESSOR T. J. THRIFT, or Co qullle, was a Marshfield visitor yesterday, getting data concern ing tho hoarlng of tho Coos county Equalization Hoard today on pro tests by some of tho big tlmbor owners. TWO STORES MARSHFIKLD NORTH HEND M. S. IIAMMEL, whoso parents nro Intorostod In Tho .Simpson nnd Tho Galllor Hotel doals, was n Marshfiold visitor last night. Ho wns In charge of tho Gardiner Ho tel for a time, but retired thero u row months ago. DAN M'KINNON, representative of Lang & Company, or Portland, Is wearing a broad smilo today us a rosult ot tho arrival or Airs, ale Kinnon and tho children from Portland yesterday. Ho will make Marahfleld Mb Headquarters. FOR RENT Furnished house, mod oru. No children. Phono 311, 323 or 298, FOR RENT Largo front room fur. nlshcd, fiiiitablo for two people. 4C4 Market atreot. FOR SALE Rooming liouso nnd restaurant. T, enro of Times. FOR RENT FOR SALE People Restaurant and Sanitary Dairy at North Hend., Phono 231. I IIIIIIIIIIWMPI.1 l'Olt SALE Cider press, nearly now; Apply II., enro Times. FOR KALi: Durl; room dovolopor attachment ror photographic work. Address J caro Times. FOR RENT House, and furnished fluts. Centrally located. Phono 44 1 3-J. I WANTED WANTED (NniiiH'tent girl for gen oral housework, faintly ot three. Apply Times office. FOUND Hunch keys. .Owner may have same by claiming property and paying (or this ad at Times office. i iu nrTiniait