1 jBmMBRmnwMm m ' " ' KMjnFrVA ggrrsiy ii ;r. . y.fctijtfy H' ft THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGtiN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION. B35EIR2I wir i iiiiitti,iirlilfc:'M-iiam I. TWO rip I 3Kv i 0 ' 0 it' c 0 d C '! ( t E i COOS BAY TIMES; H. C. MA LONE V Editor and Pub.' BAN K. MALOXEY News Editor Official Paper (if Coos County. SOLDIER SHOT Entored at tlio Postof tlco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, fur transmlsslou through the ninlla as Bocond-clasi mall matter. bk a mm - LOIR of coos m iiohtox .man iiuut. i ' U. S. Trooper Seriously In-Continues to be Largest Source A 5 M 1 SO Illy AMorltlcit Vtm to Com llr Tlmn.J NEW YORK, Oct. 0. James C. Smith, third ImBumiin of t'no Boston NatlonalH, broke his log In the gnmo with Brooklyn to- dny ana will ho uiiahlo to play In tho world's series. jured by Bullet From Mex ican Force at Naco Today of Supply for San Fran cisco market The following figures from the PI onuor Western Lumberman of tho re- LOCAL & Brings 34 Passengers from San Francisco and Shipment- of Hay for Coos Bay Bringing ."H pa-songcrH from the South, tho Nnun Smith came In late celpts at Sun Francisco for tho Inst yesterday afterinou from San bran two weeks of Smitninlinr nhnw Mmf clsco. In her ho it she carried quite Coos Bay continues to bo the nrlncl-i" shipment of liny hound for Coorf! nay points. i no iiik snip uiuuuuvu at the Smith Tormlnal docks last evening and at an early hour moved er to the Smith mill for anotner rgo of lumber. (0 AuucUldl Prna to Oxrt flr Tint.) NACO, Ariz.. Oct. C Private Lo Hoy Bradford of Troop 0, Tenth U. S. Cavalry, was struck in the breast today by n bullet fired from the trenciies occupied uy mo troops 01 pal source or supply of that market: General Hill, defending the town ofl Kir (m.i 'snt'iire. Nnco, Sonorn, from the-attacks of Aberdeen 3 434 000 Governor Mnytorona. Drndford was Astoria l,CtiO,000 ov: In a trench dug for the protection of Dnndon SSsloOO1"11, A itiitpfnnti tenmtu rn Hin Imrilt linn Irtnh.u.i.l. m.. .. . - - I '1 it T-i a It TTTV TV"1 O American troops on the border line. Columbia lllvor 2,1.19.0001 The following Is the list of pas- l Tl r. A I l I lli T.N Hls wound Is said to be serious. Coos Hay S.OTfi.OOO mongers from San Francisco: n i y,i jj. xi. 1JJ. 1VJU l Bradford Is the second United Knglo Harbor 2,700 0001 M. A. Graham, Harlow Ayrcs, Mrs. I States soldier to be struck by Mexican1 Oravs Harbor ' 780000 Oco- St-'ott. MfsB L. Williams, Mr. I.'iii.imjiI TihIiiv Tim riinnrni of 11i,1c'h flnco .Maytorona and his Villa Mukllteo '.'..'. r.Sfilooo ' W Trlrfetts. Mrs. N. Horf, Mrs. Win 4. ndoVs tpmnlff iHoioor "brents began the attack four days, prt Angeles .2.000 000 " DnnpnnPt. Miss Wanda Stephens, 5m h! d'VonTy ml w SS'tarSlv"? ?? on Nacp. The casualties on Uio-Port Ludlow .' .' .' !i SK ffio'M'" ?..?: ! or Xl."? tended. has cousu KILLED IN WAR August Peterson, of Smith Receives Sad News From The Front ifif-'&a '"""il iii.iii i ii r9-!"threPfc ""." Arthur.0 ".T JSAHLSS The first actual death In the .'oosVifr 70lh5 5&J penn wnr of the relative of any brought In from ' D k !. lint ...w.,.1,. I.. Jl... .!... I. . 1I.. ... "1 0n il " 1 ropca Coos Hay people Is tho Corporal August Peterson death of 1'owers rnllroia ram.;,.,l W . of th.. ii crush,.,! im ,m "t1"'1.5 .illBi,.y German nrmy, whoso name appears n donkev cnoL m,biiii In tho official list of killed In n amputated. e' ,II HuslJ' Ills wl.l.m-. fiirmitrlv Kmllv "'"" 'e ui inn ....u " iu roriiana .. ' " ."" "" rnrniv tun li.u1 aniiiinra mill n lini win citiMTn... r.n.nnn' wi.i.. i ..i,i ... i... i.i.. i iiiiuu, in low BoiuiLTH nnu u mij wnu.ains nw .I4.vnnn. " '"WtVi in (llllll il IIIU UIUL'DL II11IIU .. I.I. I.. .. l a I I ...... ---... . v v v- , rwhltc person born on Coos Hay. bo- ." "S. m '". "". ."?' ? y",n: "? " wumpn 1.670.C lug the first ono horn here. 000 l.odor, P. Cardell. liii.tti 1llliil tTiiH.i.l Qtntna nrlilt nf. nrt .... .n.-. MAA I . "v.. .... ...... . w. ... J"" i ui in ...j ii. i ,x.. llllll i . fl..M.. .f.M.A.I ..!.. Il.nl lll.lM ... ... ,.wv(VVV ( Will Wed Soon. MllnH U.ehard- . .. ,'"'"""" J"""'. l"..1 ."" .. .. kwiomi. , of North IVend. of the Gorst -t ".. L " .i-' " .iii .. wiireKn G,37ff,000, ng auto lino, ami Miss K eanor !-'v' .""'"""; """".V.1; "."..'"... :".. """un usu.ouu brnii to er, dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. "" ' """",i""r. VD . '"'. ' " ,'"'u, ' hPr 000,000, tv . . - I'liiii mil mi mi- ii ii iiuirii'iiii iiiiiih. i.'n t .. m.. annAA.i' . soiunuor, ot umner, nro to :..;; :" .rJr ..... V... :' - .""V. . u" 1"kk i.sil'.ouu, rn married Saturday at tho homo of . ". V """- "' .'. """ ". """.- vjeenwoou iso.ooo visit w .. . ... in ii i ri m-rHiiiin iiv rtiRiifiiiHiiiui ir MiMiinin , p aaa unao b naroniH. 'rnoy win on- ::"":; '. T ; ;:. -! .mvhuuuhu ihukuuu NORTH BEND NEWS son Kl Seland Ghns bo tho Joy a honeymoon trip to his old home at Modfoid more Mexican bullets were fired Into Crescent City ... American leirnur.v. inn hoiii mi lalde to his trenches with the message Argues New Trial. Attorney liar- J ,nt ,c,,,t' w.()lll.cI ,,e th ,on""-v ,for 7y O. Hoy went to Couullla today to 'hc",J, whu f,,Cl1 er0 1 10 , iIr'pr; argue beforo .ludgo Coke a motion Mnytoroiiii sent eiiilswirloH lii llllllast fiir a now trial of Mrs. Fnnnlo O'D.m- lRht with a proposition said to havo noil who was sentenced a few days ''S0" l"8,l,m Mn Hint tin arml ngo to pay n fine of $200 ami to 8t,C0 b ',lnrcil pending the out- fliiontl three months In lull. It., ulll ' ' mo Aguns iniiemes peace base his argument on the claim that JIT, ""' -.,,0Vi Vei lv?i"Wnr Pros.KMitlng Attorney Mljenvlst In ( AlllV!l-i. "'wuVV'nv ?riiii. conimentliig on tho reputation and l,,,sl (,;N MnnM'. '' Biiaraeter or .Mrs. O'Uonnell wont , . ,, , . . ... . . outside the evidence In tho case to ''"K" W. hliler Lonn IiM Mght Influence the Jury. Tho second point ,''"' '" "? "'' "" is that under the Homo Itulo law , Ammiil of lielglit .,i..i..ii.i. i i- Uecnuse of an extra larice shin- ..........,., .,.,- ,.,., , ivmi. ..,ii., ,... ... V..-.I. ..'.! Jiuo in tiioir own way the snlu and '"-', "' '""",l ""'" "" """" '" l nnirinc in Amnmnnn nMjj. control of Intoxication Honors mm lrilny afternoon the sailing of the qUIrlCS 10 AnlCriCail DllllClerS linvliiR the ..ontrol hence they inust l,KJ?.,;.,.r,,i 10 SCOWC Estimates niso nave iio punisnnient. Tins is 'AT. "" 1'" ," " .. "." . ." ' fL"': out' -ii.i.i'ti ill. i .1 niii.iii 'iiitriiKi'r .1st. Thomas Vlgnnv Is here from Port- look nftor his extensfro real- holdings on the ITny. renco Klliler has returned from Ith his parents at Point Ter- I rnri. 000.000 Mrs. It. M. Welder of LnlteflliTe miiMifnil ntli Innlli 111 Ii n vltit uttt fttrti To,nl 1 1.323,000. nn attack of paralysis the other nrght. . jjrflj unrrv Mann, has leturned ! from Portland', wlieru1 slle- has been receiving medical treatment. .ludgo Sinister gave Stanley Old land' a Judgment apilnst .lolur It. An derson for $11 on an old noto the DIR1G BLES Gorman newspaper which has Just reached this city. Corporal 'August Peterson wn n cousin of AugiiBt Peterson of the. Smith mill, nuil financial secretary, if Pnnu tin. I n.nl X',. ci.-.f. ' I ' "ivs A3j kuiui iu. 'I, OlUlltin-l ary Kiiglncers. The Corporal was a young man nmt was nnined nfter, his Coos lhiy relative. Jlr. Peterson has three other rel-l otlvcs at the front with the army' and in thin same ofriclnl list of klll-l od wore the names of two of his wen-Kiiown iriends whtr went down1 in the German submnnuo boat thnt was destroyed. Frank Hnrmnn. nf I!n studio nun has a nephew nt tho front fighting! with the Germans. He has received only ono letter from him slnco the rigiitiug commenced. mils. (;i:oit(ji: itMVNor.ns FUNKItAli TO.MOItltOW l)l(Ml nt Homo of Her Dnnplilor, in First Addition, After Two reekB nines Tho funeral of Mrs. George Uey nolds, who died nt five o'clock yes terday morning after an Illness of two weeks, will bo held tomorrow afternoon from the homo of her ti .. . ..... other day. afternoon from the homo of her 111 II P II A 11 ' Tom Hooke. who hns been very 111 daughter, Mrs. ICtliol Hudson, In 111 II U II If f n n result of n stroke of paralysis i First Addition. Iteverend Albert S Ml II Hi I .caused by a fall from a roof near', Hlsey, of the First Methodist Church III Ui Ui 111! I I . Myrtle Point. Is reported some better. In North Ilend, will hnvo charge ti now point and Is rnlsed for first time. tho .Mrs Viable Malde Is reported very .III at the home of her mother, Mre. Department Sends Out In- M,ai. imiiey ami uoimrt Mercer killed ii five-point buck near Coos ton Sunday. A. H. Collander has returned to North Ilend Horn McCloud, Clillf., where he has been playing ball. The North Pond City Council win tr Ah Utfil I'rrM I Ceo llr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, ). C, Oct. rt. o is The following nre the nanios nf in i,,., .... ..... .... ... . the nnsseniers bound south' 'A V. . . ,7 "' ., "'.. .," ""' tonight to award the paving i: H M ler A N I lcker .1 ,lr tiJli K 'L?nr.VH!,U ,0 l"" ,,0,"S ,0trn,, ' Sliennn.i avenue and oth- fi.V..V i'V ,i 'rti'. i-n.i tV-'i !,,r n,"ll'l ' " to their preparedness .. Htr.ets Onrbony. F. h. Chnso. hllnli elcl , , w,iiHiniM dirigible balloons If the 4 m ' Piiko. .Mrs. F. ltltchle. F. Hltchle. ..r ..i. .....r. v .i.... v... .. - , - - ui !,, t.u.t. .mi ..nil. iiiivi' iit'i'ii iihk- i m r nni-nni inr- LIFE II BAY TAX 01 ;th i Member of Crew of Encore Jumps Off Boat and Refuses Aid Body Not Found A sailor, who ha.I Just arrived on Patent Medicines. CosmctlCS, tho schooner Kncore. of the Simpson Pprfiimpc inrl Phnwinn Rum uoet. nfter a sixty-rive .my trip mini "enumes ana uiievving bum Valparaiso. Chile. Junin.'d ovx-bon-l MllSt AIS0 Pay lost night nud drowned himself. Ho hud been illsvlinmoil irum ...o hi '. , ."".T""""""" wont mi town a nil eelebrato.l some. WASHINGTON, I) C. Oct. 11, Ho returned to the bout, which vn M"i"P u:xes on proprietary medicines niunps a .Miller lying at Porter, and soon afterwards conietlc. perfumes Hud chewing H. M. Davenport pimped overboard. Others of tho i'l s were lnciude.1 In the 1.. O. Slroniinen . orow heard him when he struck the Spanish wur taxes, were voted Into, a. (!, Horn -water and threw him u line. The " wnr revenue bill today by the. Wright & Ilentley ed, as It hits not U-eu dei ided that the navy, which, up to the present time, has confined lu aeilal work to planes. Is ready to turn to dirigibles. imiAitGm: (;irrs covnurr. Mm oilfield Mini In llullil Fouuihilliiii fur Xmtli lleiul Hotel. Hllmrger & Son hnvo been awarded the contract for nuttlni: In the foun- datlon for the Simpson Hotel nt North, Wilt S-lnrli Main UNiilltti? Frwu Heiid. nt nn estimated cost of nbouti The Tank on Hill NorlU' Mend $3000. The committee plans to; Hum i:eollcnt. Ptv.iire nwmd the contracts for the bnlante of the building soon. The bldn ou.AMPl.i: PHOTKCTION . the foundation were: FOIt SKIIIOl'S FIKK Hllmrger & Son $7.S5i C. S. Knlser .s,2." .Vcav ImpiitvemoiitM Made by Water .Morns .Miuerson S. 10 omimny riliiM People Who FMF PfiFSS RF l NEW 11 of the serviuus. Having come here on n visit two months ago, Mrs. Rey nolds purchased u ticket for tho roturn to her home nt Clnckmuns when she was taken III with mi at tack of HrlghtH disease, which final ly ended lu her dentil. Summons sent to Georgo Reynolds, the hus band, were not timely enough to nl-j low him to reach the bedside of' his wife before she passed away. Mrs. Iteyuolds was a mombor the North ilend Methodist Chu mid also the ICastern Star there. She wns born Aukiis! N. IS.'.I, at Wln- Even the old foDa dance nowadayt he new rtanccj arwt. iKlitfut, and the mu,ic Z casil an I -foaly y re Victrola iii . . . . 41. I fl lrtn ,. li , t bt.tp it a. I we'.i gl, 3 .-i? cf t - r uct JJr i di tee ru-1 i rOM, Zf . 'il !'.ri..n t- . Aknu ' . .: 1 - .. .IV .t, V .' 'l.J B! I Til I 11 tf i :'UT f.l Vu'r ,!4 1 l)li vi'i 'as, i,ftvy-w' ViflV II,-,!1 Wiley B. AllenCi Ti. Ti. TI1()MS. Mjum. llne Wnlted l.ou - Get the Most Out of Your Daf k ahi: oi'i-i:in.V(j thi: skaso.vs nr.vr and at mm THAT STAND UIGIIT Ol'T AXI SPKAK Fiiit thkmsi:i.vi:s 1S( S.I" S ."0 i .or(tt iieiui nnruor, uct, u, i : h i s ;,5 Some have gotten the idea from a .t. Kom.t Moiirrn that the now nressura ttlltur a. .11 t.t.tjii ..nil II 4Ult. Itiu --' " .' ".' -. ., .r..t ui-iuirj ... i....l - , r . v. it. . . t V. . lino nlniOht struck hint, but he waved Democrats of the Sennte Finance A building committee composed of furnished North Ilend by the Marsh It aside, declaring "I don't want to Committee Just before the measure I.. .1. Simpson. Peter l.oggle. ,r. A. Al- tMA Water Company is duo to tho save myself," and wont down with a was turned over to tne Democratic len and J. C. Hnmiuel was appointed, improteinciira tnutie nt mo uenu enille. Senate caucus for approval or revl-' Mr. Simpson will be chairman i works. This Is not true, and wnlle He Joined tho Kncore nt Valparaiso "lo. and no ono seems to know his name. Mmg Time Out. SIlPTICMHKIt WKATIIKU. dipt. Pnlmgren of the Kucore stat- od that they were sixty-four days out " D- Ostllnd. P. S. Weather Obser trom Valparaiso when they arrived vor, has compiled the following sum off Grays Harbor and receive I word uary of weather conditions for Sep to proceed to Coos Huv, Not until lumber, the wettest September In the thoy arrived bote did they learn of history of Coos liny; tho ICnropoan war. Menu maximum CC.'J Ifiul Two SlnnmwiYft. M .Minimum 47... sorni si.orcn mHi.xr n new reservoir Is being built there which will Ihi time give us better f.'ltm'YI) 111.' Viyri.'rt iii-ni' uumenwr Berviur, iu- irrsnuiu kul-u i.kui.-mi til Mni.ir .sqiaW xorth Uend for tho first time on lk,.tl. Cliems ,snne A.yli.m of mnn ' , ?'', ' ro'lo rei, ",y " !l" furnUhed Alnrshfieid. , Amid a small gathering on South' TlH'm.kX'wMc,,t7nrnSftwnter Inlet Sunday afternoon, Kdnn Html.. toT', iew Ix-lieh Ire ml. n o TS r i23ro xz ?jz "rnf. s2 7i,;to?s isrusss 2 hu nun iiiiii io ue bout to me i.in ,,.i i ,k., ,t. ,,.hii, .,-niui.o orter and Plat A nd- mnln Is laid on coilnecttng with stem nt Vlrclnla. omnn Wiere a gate vnlvo Is located. This Splendid grade Canton Flannel, blenched or unbleached, per yard, 10c to . . DRESSING CO.M11S, Kach, from toe io I.ADIKS' MUSMN GOWNS, Kncli from ."5l)e to s't MISSHS AND CHII.riKKN'S III.ACK SATKK.V BLOOMERS. PC, P.ir i.ulr. ffoin '-III.' In i U LACK OH ClirFFON ItlfFFLINO, White or colors. Per yard from 1 ic to I.ADIKS' SILK HOSK, all colors, Per tuilr. from noe to ALL LINKN TAHLE DAMASK Per yard from il.-'e to CLAIHCKS SKWING COTTON. S spools for Men's Leather Gloves (JQ p( pair, xtc ti LOU KITCHEN APRONS, 0l OP ea.. from 2.k to i). Iil Mossallno SILK WAISTS. (Jp Each from $l.f.T iJ)J 421 S2.5I 25i 5 KNIT CAPS, each fron 'Me to Children's Sweater, from 3e to LACE COLLARS, ea from ii.v co THJI llllionr.l I. Mil IW.I UIIIU'llVVAl'd AH .lllitll IllllllllllV . . . . .IIU.A . lldf Ulll ll'lm.i oil.. ,ri...t ... 1- l . mir.i fmni I'hii.i. (in., imtiv.. ci.li. Muximuui (on the SSiid) SO iniv.r..i i.... .1,..- .."'.. the water to P van wa taken to Mercy Hospital nud Minimum ion the fith and STlh.) . 10 K with her the supposed' knowledge !?r,,n.nB" The. f,r.e i.- 0.1.1 ... i.. I.. .. ..ri.i....i .... ..iii.... (iriMit.vir iiiv ranifii ai t o... ..,i ......i.,j ' , ..... : Jtcrliorson street. ;:.. :r ':::. .: " ".v.... ;.:." i;;.L.r.;..,i..' " ..r.v" :; ""'"" . ". ",vn oai the down-town svstem m virdnia. i nun a .an umcniii- u win pruunuiy .. ...... t - ohi'k, i uniever tile itlniau w l. mi io lli I'ln ,)i. nun.'iK lh. GriMIOSt lu 24 hour 2.6Alknnir nt ilium nml l la ,.. i..,.w.,., I. ... ........... i.i ivuva !. oi r mora iirni!ittn. Li... ...o ...- ...' i" . "..L1 fT:J Is kept locked all the time and must tHiMvi'ii ,' if i Tftit ti ii i fit if -"w -- . ... ..,.,. , .. . , !"" piiu nno iiuiiir ui l ill 1111111 IK. Will a Ms natue land as soon as he recov- Hon 12 always remain a mystery. K-ioclo .. "ot b opened only n case of fire ."?!"' W",.,J.A iw.rr!. "" '! o'ir'Lirf..,:.-.;:.- lVl. "!?. f th08p. S.t.S morning iTn " Corev .! " mviii ih mil n i nr in' i HiiiH'i in- i men, v.i.uiij .... ,. - , nun ui mo n.vnns niiiruer, (aits of .,nnu nt . ...! .. .V 3M m mm " I l-.sr of unclaimed U.tor, remain- on. time she hi'd been gooV iSkln" Sed't.mt ST$tsw wou d $1 f SHINE 5 week ending October 6. 1914. ??,. ft.i ?. .' . marreil her Wauty. mie, Dong ni)0Ut 25 feet ,ower. tMnPDV BVV L'rrons calling for Ihe sauir will "or..ht,,th "ad been bad for several i ;,f ' North Dondflro1 1 SXESY KJ ' say -ADVERTISEIV d pay oB? to PmnlJe toB ihSh,f r"5!l lSrtment had some of his mei DROP" H Pi"" for each letter i ailed for: YoVJf Sil. st in.f Kl! Preieiit and attached a hose. When! luj.f-,. . l. "tHWlH WUkham, i. K. llook: UtU. Archie; .!"or,tnc"mlV1!0,!, "il examination as ,,, tho ,,ressure dropped about S fiSXr-h VrV :H H-"rk. " A.: Ooodbd. Arthur: ilar-J nBlh ", "f h! .??, She ', A 7.s inch noIe was used! I om on it b . 4 CMtfCiSSSSSJ il(ii M. J Holm. A.: Howatt. Kd- .-""" "J'f"- '""' um navo H o,, ni h,t. n , x . , A -MT WHAH - 1- w -. - - . . .., -.--.-. ---. , u ' u,mm imct SaUsfAClloB or .Money Iiefiniik'd THE FAIR Centml Atw Xeit ChandlffB1 HIGH STANDARD BUY irtt Vsu uk' - y j Black Silk 'I Stove Polish la c p ilr moil . ant . . Iti.irv t t. t . ri'. on itliitii r ! tti ni 1. Ivji.1) . miiiJjivi i TT" ' " '. ' '.iCVi J d Vtri ill in j y mi fellggfg l'iay i iU-4 tA I f.w t Kti yn v . i i. u i t r .i rBuJkMIV. li.nnt 1 iv t 11(01 4lira.-r ! .a .riWekf wfilrtfUBJ J ... r BiOlK-r. riAcV Silk Store Poli.S Wot I s Su-r'inf, UlinoU. I - PUt-k S'Ol .Mr rrm jr. . . i .1 Ii V rv I .. v i ,-... .Inuk- i um 1 tv.rcu 1 .. I I. X . .! ' I .1 I. It ta.rt ft. . "J I.MiiMa U r A 1 1 t' ward ,lonon. Otto: Lapp. Martin l.e.nin. C O : LlgUtall, Mis Winnie; MatiV.cws. Mrs. Minnie; Marsee. W. 11 . Manner. Laurls; Morrill. Guy: obarro. Luis: Pluuim, J. M.; Kumpf, Mrs Haiel: Seagron. Oscar; Seor. V.r : Sicker. Mrs. Allc: Sarrls. Nick: Varlaniou, NUk: Walker. Mrs. Pas 'o. Waiikirom. Andrew; Wilson. i"ia !e. WiMHlrow. v. 1) W. B. Cl'UTIS. Postmaster. ueen sent to the asylum at Salem had not death intervened. FINISH IXVKSTKi.VTIOX HKItK IN SO. OHKtiO.N fc.M) CASK tirely over the Castle bulldlnc. It belnc estimated that the water at least' SO feet higher, or about 100 feet high all told. v Fire Hoys, Jubilant . . ,. . 7" ' Chief Chnso said that If the fire. I Ast of testimony Chen and lawyers company had been furnished with Ixnve in Morning for Portland. I pressure of that kind when previous I Having completed their Invoatlga-' firos devastated the business and1 tlons on Coos Pay lu regard to the waterfront district, there would have; Southern Oregon Und Cpmpany. the boon little question of their being1 attorneys who have bn In this vlcl- able to save most of the property' nity for the past week xpct to leave burned. iWK ' On the Stage In the lUOrnlnc for Itnso-: Th nnwsnrc uhloli wan bo am. bnrs. I ressfulllv demonstrated on Slier-' Itiiker and Malheur Inlae. to Hold Together the attorneys for the gov- man avenue will be the same all Annual Session WeiluoMlay eminent and a representative of tho ovor town. The company has in- :r! Or, Oit. . -The aunual ! company have piled their In ves- stalled a check-valve In the main con2utlou of District No. 25 of ligations, have examined Into the1 near the Iron works, which prevents the Daughters of Robekah of Ore- hamcter of the land In question and the pressure extending farther vir.th in Baker tomorrow. nave met with witnesses. Thus gath- than that point. UEItKK.VHS WILL CONVENE I HI.(K SILK .STOVE POLISH 1 1'or Sale by I Paid Adv.) TO KUKCT MONl'MKNT TO PIUS. SCHUOEDEIl V HILDENllUANn Phone 177. gen w ill meet There will be e'jht lodges from Ba-iring their facts, the men will uow kr aud Malheur counties represent- Place their evidence iu th,e courts, ed In conjunction with the regular' For the government. Attorneys C. business sessions there will be a J- Smith, of Nebraska, aud F. C. banqivi tor the delegates by the Rabb. of Spokane, were fcer while' Pope Heneillct Names Cardinals jo Bakr Klxe ; Senator John Gearin of Ppr'land re-j livpav Plan. Mi. Kate Lau lo. of Marshdeld. presented the Southern Oesou Land ROME, via Paris. Oct. 6 Pone president of the Rebekah assembly Company and Miss Vivian FUsner.. Benedict appointed a committee com- ot uregon, win lane part in tne con vention. Follow lug lodges will be Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Wall Paper, Etc. OP E. F. LeMieux FOR Painting, Paper Hanging and DeconW plume iiJ-1" 393 Xorth Front Street. Give Best Results represented: Baker, Richland. Orew sey, Malheur, Sumpter, North Pow der. Haines and Halfway stenographer, acted as referee. I posed of Cardinals Merry del Val, lni'Atl?4Mnnc M.r. m4 U.a-' Dli-lntl .n.l n.fftnnn a nAv.AA .l.n burg, at Coqullle, w ere M e re.rds to be used In the erection of a sepul were especially examined, and in chral monument to the late Pope Plus Marshfleld. X In the chypt of St Peter's. JLI r CALIFORNIA vAst muss .caurorBvg uiU)UW" RJR -CDTWilt lJ..J flKino kneBXS ... -i . .rt-i rm riiir. in fcTAJura vuiuiw-' Jr7?mk i lrWCOptmy cauiv- m th 1 to-pat rar i