iwaasBmmim EBnHhXbHKiI WmWi SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1914, EVENING EDITION WAR BILL IS DEATH GALLS iM LARGE CITIES never eat uut W HMD OK ROOSEVELT ON DRY QUESTION NOTEiCTED if ' ffWr ttl'divl I J IHU. i llsr. E. I. Richardson, Well-Known Congressman Hawlcy Tells of William Saunders, a Pioneer ,'v., Marshfield Man, Writes of Legislation Regarding En- Hardware Man of Marsh- ;,,;, ,,As not Vri,AREi: Observations on Trip ' Tho following Interesting lottor has been received from E, I. Rich ardson, a well-known Mnrshflold printer, who left here a week ago on a trip to Cauadlnn points and ns a delcgnte to tho Canadian Irri gation Congress. Tnconia, Washington, Oct. 2. Conditions In the large cities arc greatly affected by tho hostile dis turbances In tho European coun tries. In Portland, Seattle and Ta- coma I find business along tuo ropean Recruits The following letter liar, been re ceived from Congressman llnwley In reply to a letter concerning tho stntttB of the proposed legislation affecting recruits for tho European armies from the United States: "Your favor of rocent date rela tive to proposed legislation concern ing foreigners who may return to en ter armies of nations now at war In Europe is received. Thoro has been introduced Into tho Houho a bill, 11. H .18220, copies of which I enclose, by Representative 11. P. Harrison of field, Dies at Empire William Saunders, one of the most prominent and oldest pioneers of Coos Day, died at his homo In Em pire enrly this morning after several waterfront vitally arfectcd. Shipping Mississippi. This Is tho only hill on is nt a standstill and -although hopes tlw subject that I have found. Mr. has been expressed In order to allay Harrison recently made n speech on tho fears of those who have their the subject, existence at stake, It Is In my opln-. -i-hls bill proposes to oxcludo ner- ion, very clear that conditions huvo S0I18 of foreign birth, who go abroad Jiot yet reached tho low water murk.)to participate In wars, whether such Sawmills, manufacturing plants. ,)erBons have become naturalized cltl etc., aro commencing to close their zun8 or have not become naturalized, doors and tho Idle list of men audi i i,Uvc not heard the subject dls women are piling up mountain high.' cussed, so I am not able at this wrlt Thc largo department stores which, ,tR to 8tnte what sentiment thoro may nerctoforo lmVO been paying Sales- l,n niiinin- Hin inimlin fnr nr iiiM.lnnt .(. I -' m ui...w.., ......i . ua (u wuiuuu fiu iter nun iimv pit'iui iu hiro tho Idle salesmen who have application on fllo and who fall over themselves for tho $12-n-wcek job. Tho merchants claim it saves thorn many dollars hiring these ex- such legislation. "I have Just had a conversation with the chairman of tho Committee on Immigration nnd Naturalization, before which committee tho bill Is AOAIXST STATE-WIDE IMIOIII HITION HIS MESSAGE. PORTLAND, Or., Oct. ti. The eouuulttec of One Hundred, the or- years of ill health, brought suddenly gnnlzntlon of business men working Jn-n, lnx U u mrniUC "roKfc "'-.in behalf of the Oregon dry amond fered threo weeks ago. His family ... , . , . , , ,,,.,,, . was then Immediately called to nls,nt!nt' hnB received from Wllllnni N bedsldo as It was known thnt It was Johnson, press representative of tho only a question of time before the' Antl-Snluon League, a copy of the end would come. Mr. Saunders lsfonowB telegram sent to him today mourned by a wife and three sons. I. , . ,,, , ' The deceased was 69 years and 10 l) Vxw noosovclt s endrsement montliB of age. He was born In Pitts-, three days ago of tho state-wide dry burgh, Pa., and moved to Coos Uay amendment In Ohio. This message about 1 1873 and here a year later he oomcB wlth L,lu.t.al force. "I am iiuiiiivu .uibo iiuiiy iuuii', .nr, omul- ... , ,, i . .. iii dors was an expert mechanic and en- 'foniod that my name Is being gngcj in the hardware business, bc-,"Bcd by certain saloon leagues and Ing known ns the pioneer hnrdware other organizations agnliiBt tho man of Mnrshflold, whore he first CIlU80 of temperance and that state- nviii imu uiinuiUBH i jri i 1 rr Gmr u iss el ;n "Ts- r M I ! JLte J H8uldrpric, 55c Making a success In his business, Mr. Saunders after several years sold out his business and being then In falling health moved to Empire, where he lived In the building known ns tl'o Pioneer Hotel. Ho was well known not only on Coos Hay, but also had several prom inent relatives over the state, be ing related to It. L. Pittock, owner of tho big Pittock Mock In Portland, ments purporting to come from mo aro quoted to give the ImpresBlou that I have declared wide prohibition I where the Issue Is up this fall. I have made no statements of any kind or sort to warrant such uso of my namo where 1 hnvo spoken at all it linn been with reference to . .... . ...i porioncod men at $12 In proforenco committee will hold hearings on the1 """, 0,,c or u,c r",l0',s or i" "re- .-.it.i.i ..i-uuh ui u.u su.ic hi which to women nt $10; first becauso the Ml,xt Thursday. I understood K"lnn- , .... , . ' '""' upokcn and tho utterances men can be worked ten hours a that ho Is opposed to that part of the J.! !1,.8f"!',M, nver'nnionT nt ! h,,vo nmdo ,u,ullc nml "cecsslblo, day. while the women can only w.ork ,,, whldl 'J.,,, cxt.Iudo dtlzens of 0T,VV X " ,1 ' iSre iS hnmJ lo everyone. eight lmus; second becauso men stay 10 ,Tn0(1 s,n((Ja from readmlsslon. H?"' "" h v WlLi n. "Signed Theodore Roosevelt with tho Job better, cspoc a y mar- rn fct i lnv well bn doubted If threo weeks ago. Tlie joungest son, aigncu, ineouoro uoosoelt. rlrd mon , f." '"."'. 'l "L1. c. ".",.. ,rLV. l, . V..A Jnck. Ivcd with his father. I (Pa Id Advertlsomont bv Orion v. - - Tliaa flflllCIU 1VI1II Ifl HIIWIIIIII IIII'IHIHI IIIII I TYLE and QUALITY. Correct dressere naturally consider style first, as this feature is noticed and admired before others: but irrmortant as ed against atate-j style is Quality is reallv n vnrlous states fr l f 1 , ,J ii uuaia oi nac merit. STETSON HATS excel for style and quality. You m n Tho Northern Pacific shops, tho ,,,.. vi,,,,. .mv ..iiinn .,,.Hv.. nr nut largest on tho Coast, hove laid off urallzed, of citizenship, and ennse-ono-half of their help and those quctiy of the right to come and go who have been lucky enough to ro- from tho t'nltcd States freoly. tain their positions at Jinlf pay and ..0ur citizens of all classes have In Xrom five to eight hours n day and times past entered the armies of liV0.Vs u week can cortulnly bo'hcr nations, nnd citizens of other corirolulatc(I. .nations have likewise Joined our nr- Certalnly, when a war in Luropo mles, In times of war. 'litis bill pro- nlnlnr1i a neoiilo so far awuy nil noses' to change n practice of very wo, then why should we not tnkd) Jong- landing and one universally hccil of tho words of our President1 recognized, h I understand, nnioilg! and preserve our neuirnmy as .chi.uu tuitions. wo can? As I got further north II "Of folirse. persons of ono conn could feel tho tension tighten and try fighting In tho army of another could see the breech widen botween become subject to all the rules and tho different nationalities and 1 dld icgulatloiiH pertaining to war and not feel os though I duroil go Into, tnko their own risks. Canadian territory under tho exist-, f any part of the bill Is to bo ing conditions, thorefora I could nctc.I on, uh I understood from tho not finish my trip. chairman of tho committee, It will Tho sympathy on Paget Sound i,0 thnt part which rolatos to foreign fems to be abt.lit equally divided crHi resident In Hit i United Stales, while In all othor places I find tho nn.i wlm have not Income naturnllz- ouub uunui iwo or uireo 10 ono (.i, j will write you ngainsi ucrmanv. rno censor nr news by the English and French war offices Is beginning to tupp rho public against them for it Is n known fact that they cut out nil uows per taining to any w.minu'Hei'H shown t.V lmlH fniiinu ...i.l l 1 nlun .tl . - . ' -'. ...... ... ...wW ... C3...I4I. I. tnljl ,11 frtl It The funeral will tako place tonior row afternoon nt 2 o'clock from tho Dungan pnrlors, tie llcvorend Urown ing officiating. GEO. W. ELDER 1 AVALTEIl MILLKIt, OK (.'OLD IlKACII HAS TllltlliLI.(i IKJIIT WITH V(H'NIH:I) IIITK AM) IS 1'INALLV VKTOItlOL'H. The Gold llencli Olobo prints tlie following thrilling hunting story: Early Monday morning Walter Miller decided to try his luck after Thursdav Is anything develops out nf.u'. Kider docked this afternoon from n buck. Ho Hcnrcoly got out of tho the hearing on that day." I Portland. On her enmo the mom-' limits of our city when a largo two mtlMJS IIKTl'ltNINO COOS IlAV MISCELLANKOl'S KltKKIHT. HANI) 1'ltO.M STATE IWIH PASSENdEIt LIST OK i'JI With n full passenger list of 121, tlie 'lamest number carried for again ufter n treat many voyages, tlio George Goodwin, publicity department, Committee of One Hundred HARD BATTLE WITH A DEE!) irtm "Money Talks" "Wear-Evei" Aluminum UtenA In- fi.v tiT.VT0 tb ttuniJ!?! ciuccpnn, which U oL' Oft Replace uteni'JuJut' w.thuten.i!.tharWei SKKIHSI'MYKotT WINDOW. When you M D... ..! "Ill .Duyineoesu fI79mtV!)i IAliU UubjMr Bandon MARSHFIELD Myrtle Point QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel ' MAItSliriKM), ORrXOX A II IB 1 '- AMONG THE SICK few Will Call Meeting to Ornanize Team Arrange Schedule With Nearby Towns Local football fans are calling a intra nf tlin Coos IJuv Hand. The polntor put his head up out of the Kiiir will mill for Eureka tonight brush for n target. .Mr. Miller took. Ill alint nf lilu linml tlm luiM n1iln Those who canto down from Port- offcot at tho butt of thu horn and mm-tliiu of tlKlr l.ind lur the e.irly i.iu.i ivni-i! coiulug out behind the ear. on the part of this week when they wll liiL'nil Hint tlmr lini-n i'iimh un fnr HOBS blllllll IS llllll up HM . ,, ,., i.-i.,i,i n I M,.lf Inno.i Klllllo ntiln nt tint lioml nniiuliifr milt, iiffoi-t Dili (it'uillil'Zlltlllil of a C DOS as to throw out wholo messages dayes on account of nn. Infection " ' Kioromo .McKlnn'on,' AHco McKIn- u flesh wound. At tho crack of tho pUy football team and will adopt una HiiusmiHo ouier in uioir own mi in in rod arm. nnn. . arv .McKlnnon. jnin o mv- vmv, nowuver, uie duck to' am 1....1..1.. .. ,.0 .. 1... ..1..V-...1 f.,..- .....I i.l I. nf .,m... 1. ..i.. " ..."!...:;.... ... :. 1. 1. a,.. .1l...l ,..... .. .... .1.. .. .1 .1... nrnumim ui ,"""" i" i"" u.u, ...... vnm id, ui wiurv, DUKiii- n Klplliitiil. or KeillUCK III- 1V1I1I1011. lilin .MClvillimii, r rium .tii- "" "" " 't iiiuun uunu iiiu ki-1iim1ii1i( of lrillllOH 1 n irinii.1,111 tx iiiitiiiiiif iii ivimiiiii. 111111 .iiiTivimiiiii. i-iiiiiik .111- .w.i.i. .... .. ,ijii iiiuun iiunii iiiu .... .. Him' nniini. iiw. .,..,.,!,. ,inuiri.r ' " j-""" " - , . .... ., ,,. ,. mi 1,111 u ir ui ,i,i m. fiii with s 1 111 1 1 ti t touiiiH from uie sur- the' truth no matter which side It lut, camo over Saturday to receive- t,unirntl F' y'' Knusbemler, '.lohn went to within a few p'ace's o'f where rounding towns. At Conulllo a team favors. It Is rather ridiculous to """''P"1 ,r!i," .' ;iiniiiv imVo recov- Kramer, Merlo Kramer. Mrs. Fran- It lay. sot his gun down, walked up has alroaily been formed, a couch read the allies aro gradually fore- j0ll muiKo h nunii nno rtio MovSii. Uaby Molvln. W. H. ml took hold of its horns to see Kitw.luii im,i efforts aro being made ing the enemy back and still by ed from their attacks of dlptherla ,NNu.,t.1ff(i s, i,aIn,, Sam md- whore It was hit. when Instantly the "e,etto '"' r, n ; ""' consulllng your mnp discover that and Saturday iiuarantino was rals- ,in ncrmuii Phllllppl, Goo. E. End, biu-li sprang to his feet and declared ,or B'lnies ui .Mursnnom ami .win tho Germans aro a little further Into ed. Mrs. Eonlkes and her four chll- Mrs. L. II. Pratt. IS. V. Ueynoids, war. Mr. Mlllor wim afraid to let Hend. franco overy day. , n n, ut (m Umo nntl w. A. Bridges, Mrs. Ilrldges, Clara K of its horns and after a hard With a wealth of football material iii-i " iinir lur pviii-u nil euriiii .. .. , ,1 i lr Mr. oscapod by a timely troatuieut with autl-toxlii. bridges. Win. Hrldges, Frank J. htruggle succeeded in throwing h m lore Ul(, tll0 vlm nil(1 0thuHlniii of .Cook, Mrs. Cook. Ed Cook, Wm. to the ground, where ho hold him ",," ,ril,n,,1L, ........ ,, i01.i 'fnoif ir w. M. Hondorson. Dr.. with ono hand, reached Into his l college, training camp, the loial NORTH BEND NEWS I ' Gordon Smith's little son, who has j. u, Wuthurheo, W. E. Williams, pocket for his knife which ho op- fans are today ninklng a list of : Z. ili-n qulto 111 of scarlot fevor, Is now nt n, Tickner, S. M. Garoutte, J. 0. noil with his teeth nnd miido nn eligible players and assigning thoni Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Ellis nnd son. ' Hiirfcrinu from throat trouble and. Hniiornn. Mrs. Halleran, J. Cook, uttemnt to cut his throat. Just as t luutglnury positions. On the list William wlm i.nvn i.i.n,, viii. V r- w' probably nave to unuorgo an op- oiadys Cook, Claude- II. Lent, U ' u umnp iuu u e kiiuo oiado .,.,,, ",.vnrfl .. iiuted men -William, who hao been visiting re- crttuu wti,in a day or two. , v. Wlso. II. II. Hosa. V. L. I.osa,!lo his. throat ho kicked tho knlfo of C1K,,,1 I'luyors aio llBteii men lutlvoH nt Sumner, Eastsido and Co- a. I). W'olcott has been suffering (j8 j, n0, II. E. Ilyrno, E. D.it of Miller's hand, Bovoral feet who have been prominent players the OrcRun ten id, Jlieso it; 1 1 of tho men who will be tit for a locnl football team, t that ciKOuns.' the fnns Ii enthuslimtir support of tie move. W. IS. Chandler, ccc otll clovcrost qunrtcr backs Offjon had, dcrlnros that he ii vllllt() help In tlie cimchlnc o( luiiitt and will bo present at lb? nti of the football men nbttli tfl) definitely nnnoumed tatty lo week. quIIIo, havo returned to their homo. Charles Campboll and Georgo lllack, who woro hunting In tho vici nity of Myrtlo Point, returned homo Molvln Johnson and Harry Conro left to attend collogo in Portlund, Mrs. Gus Potorson of North Inlet was the guest of Mrs. J. Freeman V. C. Gorst hud his tonsils and iim adenoids removed, lie Is doing t very nicely. 1 1 ALONG the WATERFRONT The debate between Col. liefer uml llev. Sol lock was attended by a very Tho gasoline from a sovcre cold for somo time. iooran. E. A. Cockrnno, May S. Jes-l" tho brush, at tho samo time ro- on college teams nnd from the num C. F. McKnlght Is recuperating , j. n, jessen, Chns. II. Stewart, covering ins feet again. Tho buck ,)0t. lt I(t Lellovcd a team con bo from a sovero attack of la grippe. v H. Ivneoiniui, .Mrs. w. a. neam, .-... hvu i.uo uuu uinu aKiun, ano Carl W. Evortson has forliig from a severe cold full' fllll'K. Mrs. Fred Tipton was taken sud- U. M. llallard, W. S. Ileum. cIibb. itol tho stronger the buck grow. . BUUiniBHion iloro nnd nt ii.. i I- am or oiis ill vestorday. but SchJoburg. F. M. Warner, A. Lan-' This emphasized tho fnct o Mr.lrca(ly ror 8UUm B8,on " 1 1 reported somewhat Nn.Jrovc.1 to-'dles. It Lyons, Andy Hlllstrom. hM'MIer that If he won the fight ho North IJend. They ask for a game ltusk, W. F. RiiBk. Earl Rusk, P. realized that it would be nothing Coqullle on Thanksgiving day, n McCiihn. M. A. McCabo. P. A. Mc-' ess than suicide to lot go tho buck's , .' . Christmas and tho Cnbo I.lla McDIarme. Mrs. J. I.e- 'orn and try to reach his gun, and,1"1 "oro ." rl8in,u' Ul ' u,u viiuu, i.im .ui win. ii.i., " i, I,,,,!,..,! hi,- .. .,, .!., ?...' . ivInHiiii nf Hut Rr nrt nt Cnnui le 01) , , o i KOy, J. 1.0 lioy, .Mrs. .M. Ii, ItUX, ;- "" " iiuiuioo cimihu hi - -- lino lauiiiu nullum, ji.Mro iinvino. C. K. Chamber. Mrs. fiiu mo duck 10 wnere it wns, BomolNew Years' Day. Wlietnor lad up for ow (ias Chliniuori Mr8f H, A. Whn, M. C. thirty yards distance. This, how-iUlrt bCheduIo wll laruo uiidloncG. Ituv. Rulliii-l.- nwnlvlni- Sumner. Is greater uiuiluuso than Col. Ilnfor. on account of tho breaking Cnnt. Itobt. liress has taken a no- crank slinft last Satu iiltion on the bargo Lawrence and loft boat Tioga Is taking to takit un lilu ikiv iIiiMoh . tho Suurlso. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Worrell will The steam schooner Wlllapa was' leave for Portland to visit for a short reported In yestordny from the North , time. Mr, Worrell is bookkeeper at coming hero for tho drodgo Oregon. Himpson s ml II. i Tlie gasoiino scnoonur uuumci i-, Kry;lintr,. Tho W. C. T. V. will meet Tues- rived yesterday afternoon at Empire ,0gatnff jnko Hllstrom, It. 15. K'ln, lio was unublo to hold tho buck day afternoon at 2:30 nt the Prosby- from the umpijua. iGobhart, Mrs. J. Scammon, Theresa vn n l'an" ad use tho gun with terlan church. After the business Tho stenm schooner L. J. Simp- s.oln 1 v. (JUnott. Mrs. Gllnott.it"0 other, so round nnd round they meeting Sunt. Itaab will speak on tho son left from North Jiena yesieruny CIalr ont. HaTold E. GUnott,! wout. "tll finally Miller got his political questions which aro to be afternoon with a deck load of lum- w 'pjjor jt t Knott, 1, U, I --omy to the ground In such a way or not bo adopted hero breaking or . , p b M w j Nci Mr8 w n ovor, seemed to bo tho only nvenuo,. maitoF ot BuosItlon though Saturday. 'lho p , 'AuMn Nichols, Chris Cham- of escape for Mr. Mlllor. and he com-1 1" n "" lee. . B,,l'l'08 Hon . ,0 ng tho placo of)b Mylire j,,0s Leo. Mrs., nionced to work for that ond. Kv- tho understanding with Coqullo Is Suseo. Anna Steele, l.niia K. .mo, w umu hu uuw wouiu cuarpo inai inns scnoau E. W. Lunger, Chas. Ellorback, Sol ho would back towards whore his nurnoso of gottli Drlscoll, Chns, S. Kaiser. Geo. C. rlflo lay, which ho finally nccom- ' .. Murphy, Carl Klrkpatrick, H. S. , I'1'1'0'1 fP 'B. "rd struggle, oporauon. Klrkpatrlck, F. E. Wilson, Wm. Aftr coming within reach of his r. V. L. Ha charpo that thlls schodulu Is niado for tho ng tho leaguo Into lug. Cnpt. E. George Smith, L. D. Smith bor. The four-masted Schooner Encoro iN'lcholls. and Frank Smith of Coos Iliver were camo In over 'the bar yesterday; M'W 'It'.VDO lVUXimV down to attend the dobate Saturday morning about 1 o'clock and was ' ' ' ' night. towod up the bay to North Ilend. The mndon SXcam 'Laundry Co,, p i I has commenced the work of clear- i Inr- up the rubbish and will start the now building at once and expect to havo tho machinery Installed and ' reody for operation In about sis i weeks. linndon Recorder. tliat ho .could hold him by ono horn long enough to grab his gun and mllton has been elected coach of tho Coqulllo team Earl Leslie, captain, nnd Reuben .Mast, secretary and treaauror, Thoy Intend to begin their practicing at once, Here thoro nro available a wealth ..1.. 1. lll V - .V... .1 11UIO lllVAU UU WIWUI1U1W M ..v. SreV'presencV Sn'inrlng 'iS'-' -""I. some most fa ontlro encounter, he doubtless would I mous hns-beou and others of sucl GLASSES THAT FIT PERFECTLY Not only the way you see thru them, Hut tho way you look with them on. , THAT'S OUR REPUTATION v .Mecnuso we d'.ote our time exclusively to tho sclentltlc examination of tho eye and furnishing glasses. ' Red Cross Optical DepL. Hi:r cross mtu stork riionn SU, .Marshfield the buck's have hurt, of tho Btruggle with abrasions of tho skin below the knees, from horns.. Later some sneak thief went Info LEAVE 0"X VIllP tno bnt 'ard of Waltor Miller and Mrs. L. A. Roberts, accompanied f"1 .1ut he round of ono ham of bv her daughtor, Miss Rowcna. and '''s e p,uck. nd carried lt away. Master Russell Train, son of Mr. Wo t0"8lde1, ,?uc trick as low and Mrs. A. T. Train, left Tuesday U(w" aa 8te'lnB clilckens from a morning for Sdlom. These young widow woman. . pooplo were awarded tho trip to tho ..., ,,.., ! state fair In tho children's Indils- T f 1'OU 11UM trial contests at the fair hero, and J. L. Kronenberg. Dr. R. V. Leep. ! Mrs. Roberts was appointed by Sti- s- G tvtB,cli ,and Arthur Elllng- porlntendont Raker to act as chap- 80n left Wednesday for the Wlllam- orone. After the fair Mrs. Roberts, ette Vulloy where they will spend a i who Is Grand Chief of tho Pythian eok hunting China pheasants, 'Sisters In Oregon, will make official grouse and .othor ,gaino. Bandon Ro- i visits at Ashland nnd Medford and order. ,thon go to attend tho Grand. Lodge , , tJ - .meeting which convenes in Portlund . .''"I'J'V .'.'' lnB liinit ov 1,avp on tho thirteenth of this month. I.'V1'""" lHhl' I,lone,W. Paclflo' ! Myrtle Point Enterprise, Mvciy and Tmn-ffr Conuwuy. im. 'ii. k TnTrrv. ttoxttst Phone 11S-J, Room 204,'CoVe Rldg. 1 been seriously If not fatally size and weight as to gratify tho but as It was ho came outl,i.ai0 nf nnn sinu-nrt nf o. A. C. ..!.. .... - "- " .--.. - on tho legsior Coach Bozdck- of 0reKon' OKI titai-s Aviiiiaoia 1)11. HORS1WLL has MOVED to KOOMS llS-14-15, IRVING BLOCK. "Tubby" Nlles, for soveral years nn All-Northwest full back from Whitman, Is coaching the local high nl.An ,.. ITa Iu rint Atllll fl dviiuui iciim, iiu in iuv v.... "j clever player, but an exceptional punter. Pat Flanagan, quarter back from Columbia -University, Gor don RasmUBsen, .half back from O. A. C. last year, Bab Kellog, one of tho greatest centers the Univer sity of Oregon over had these men aro all available. "Jumbo" Hunter, who taught In tho high school last year and Is now living at Bay City, was captain of the Washington Stato College team In 1910. In the engineering depart ment or the Willamette Paclflo Is Allte Grout, for several seasons on wim. .nvi:irris!:'ii)K IIIIIS (l.V iflll.OfiU in ci.ii.il ii. .ii. I i.'umtU Soon lo 1 Money for New IHcb &WI lifiiin; riiun. To advertl'o ct onte fer Haj the 1 10,000 bonns lor m ; school gyninnsiuni a u.. Mn.w.l.n.l i n mfiptlnff of lUt i lliailll-tl l " M.VV..-0 -- i. ..n.i i.l.l In lho nfflraof JllOStt Saturday evcnlni;, For 'f"J bids must ueau ur ..-.;-- ond or inai iuo v.'-,7jl These are the tondi autbotW bo raised at tue eiecuua .-. ... nAn In Rulpnl 10 ?K.0-. "?,""..!S".,-.i;mfUt ?lo,y"!"",.s.,v:7i.saii uie mums " --- ..- the state, but they re ig with the staicniciii ""'- that no funds ere ic - , for the purpose and JftJ state would take over no 14 W at ess man six i " M q, Othor matter. coinlBB be" i school bouru were "v." 3. lrtrt i business and the , utnortiiw tho payment oi u'- r at .THE WOT The CWmller TlNJ' ,, i o...ii. rvms River: r " ni-fi UIMIlur i cm th. LOW '" .. Coos River; & ";r" i,;0; Jot ? Sam Allen. San Fran ' Coaledo; II. AJ"Kj' P(,(ot; J Lewis McMuiieu. -'- , nnodwln. Coqullle. L I Harry Fleming. .fJU W Masters, Sumner, J- bUrg. ,. i.,d II0' r.l1JJ Itessler. Portland. .... iiiiiiiro iv?" ifBi 'I I1C "" .if AHir. j -'. . -r witvi .tun. r A. Rodine "".,,;. a, iv