rwT5". iy "jt ,.f . , i iht.l.i,Ty,3,1pt)1.jtg 1 THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1914, EVENING EDITION r FIVE :T--T-"-f-Tirpfi;K ''' 'iJ0mTLm-iI:M rti tn jn pence "J- ""j ...t ,a lin rlvnSK- FoU waut i" " - ;(1 correctly for whut ;vt.r you have to do. ?0l' UUSUIWO "''" ihoro's nothing better W t Hart -Schaffner & Marx . bits ami overcoats; ind if you want Hie' best c'lotlies inaae licv're always true conoiny come here ind ask to sec them. Special values at $25 mil from $18 to $50 L): Ml WW Cuprr!ht Hut Siluffwr & Mux 8h7s purchased in this nforc will be kepi pressed FliEU OF C1IAHGM Woolen Mill Stores The Home of Hurt SchalTnor & "Marx Clothes UARSILFIEIil) : : : : NORTH BUND BREVITIES TIDES FOR OCTOBER. Below Is given the tlnio and height of high nnd low water at Mnrshflold. The tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on the first line and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. Tor high wntor on the liar Brbtrnct two hours 34 minutes. u urs. Ft.. 0 Mrs. Ft.. 7 Mrs. Ft.. 1.12 r..i 1.4S CO 3.84 4.S 8.51 1.4 3.1C 1.7 It. 3 9 2.1 3.03 T..9 3.2S 5.9 3.C3 5.9 9.2G 0.2 9.57 0.2 10.31 0.2 li'inbcr market. It Is said that some of the northern mills have reduced wages twenty per cent and aro work ing only five hours or so a day. As the Coos county mills-have to com pete with the northern mills In sell ing they must be able to produce Just as chcap'y. fc8 wivfnw ABOUT NICK WEBBER was In from Delmnr today. MRS. MORGAN of Umpire Mnrshtlcld visitor today. was - JOK FOSSK came In from Hunker IIIII today for a short stay. WEATHER FOHECAHT tnr AuoclttM lrn to Coo IUf Ttam.) OREGON Fnlr nnd cooler; winds mostly southorlv. LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItUCOItl). For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m., Oct. 5, by BenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: .Mnxlmiim v CS .Minimum 44 At 4:43 a. m 5G Precipitation 01 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1914 10.40 Precipitation sntno period Inst year 3.83 Wind: northwest: cloudy. (Jet lll S.iltmiu. Carl Larson nnd John Ferguson wont out over tho bar yesterday on n culmoii trolling trip and tainted n big salmon outside. C. A. SEHLBREDB loft for the conn ty scat this morning on court business FOR SALE MONDAY Tel. 77 AND EVERY DAY AFTER, A COMPLETE LINK OF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS. HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. PAINTS. 6lL3 AND VARNISHES, ALSO A COMPLETE LINK OK COOK STOVES RANGES AND HEATERS, .PLUMBING AND HEATING A SPE CIATiTV. Schroeder & Hildenbrand General Ilopnlr Shop Ilnrdwnre nnd Plumbing MRS. MAY TAYLOR of North Dend was a business visitor In Marsh field today. , N. FLAGG. now a Coos River rancher, Is In Marshficld today on business. LI? HOY HALL cninu down this morning from Lnkesldo on 11 busi ness trip. C. F. MURRAY, of North Inlet, at tended to some business In tho city today. L. CIMINO, of Lakeside, was a visitor In the city today on a business trip. IRVING BLOCK mmm m i i i r Our line is now complete and pricss most reasonable. Call and examine our stock before purchasing. It will pay you. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL GAGE HATS pwi Name Mnuuxci- Col. E. HofcrVho wns here to debate for the "Wilts" aniionni'ed that E. I). McArthur had been appointed Coos County mnnngor or ine niiti-proiiiimiou roieos. Buck mi Duty. (lordon Smith has returned to his duties at the flro sta tion after having been quarantined because of the Hlckucss of his sou with 11 severe attack of scarlet fever. New Serietniy. Herbert Husterud has been appointed secretary of tho Mllllcoma Club In plncu of R. T. Knuf ninn, who resigned recently owing to tho press of other business. Killed Deri Dr. A. L. House worth nnd .John La Chapello yester day Killed a fine buck on Coob River, Johso Franz wounded him first, then Or, Ilouseworth hit him nnd finally n bullet from LnChapellu'fl gun brought li 1 Tit down. CHARLES MASTERSON, or llnndon. returned to his home this morning after a short visit hero. MRS. JAKE PROCTOR nnd little son left Snturdny for n visit nt tholr old homo In Oklahoma. The Delicatessen Co. 1 13 Nortli Second Street. OUR SPECIALS Hemly nt nil times r the day. Always frwh rooked mid our own make. Roast Beer, Pork, Lamb, Reef Loaf, Tongue, Iimb Stews, Hocf Stews, Meat Pies, IN SA'IiADS Vegetable, Potato, Cold Sluw, Crab and Fruit. Scalloped Potntos, Corn, Spaghetti. Macaroni, Iteuii, Hot Drown ltrcad, Itlscults and Pudding. Cakes, Pies nnd Pnitry of All Kinds. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SPECIAL ORDERS PRICES REASONAULU THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. WARREN REED and wlfo, who haro been hero for a few weeks while. Mr. Reed was getting treatment for an Injury to his hand, loft for Gardiner this afternoon. L LADIES' AID. MR. AND MRS. W. N. MOHLEY of Coos River attended to business Saturday on Coos Ray. CI. WRinilT. of Bangor, was n visi tor 111 the city today attending to matters of business. HURT CHURCH, of Allegany, came down on the boat thin morning to attend to some business. If you want some good SPUDS phone 394-J. We also liavc some Concord Grapes, 25c per basket. Apples, (Gravenstein,) $1.25 per box. CapejjArago Coffee I00S BWJEAJCOfFEE AND SPICE HOUSE PHONE ao I Starts l.niiiilry Edgar Mauzoy has received word thnt his brother- ln-lnw, ,1ns. Hlhbard, started up again weok. Mr. milliard's laundry there was destroyed by flro a few mouths ago. HARRY O. ARMSTRONG left this morning for his home In Portland after a business trip lieie. DICK NOHLM Is here from Portland to look after work on the new No ble theatro building. October 8 tho Norwegian Lutlier nn Ladles' Aid wlllj merit nt the church hall. ! Tho North Ilond Sisterhood met with Mrs. Edgar UcDanlol Wednes day to combine the present work of quilting. Mrs. Isancs, Mrs. Rltchlo Mrs. Covey, Mrs. (lumen nnd Mrs. Mo.Murty attended. Tho Indies will combine tho weekly meetings with Mrs. McDnnlcls. L. THOMAS returned today Jront n trip to Salem and Portland. Hu reports business Is picking up gen erally, He ordered a big lino ot Vlctrolns and records. Ho says thnt the Coos Hay Hand mado the greatest hit Imaginable at Salem and Portland. MOTOR CRUSHES FOOT OF NORTH INLET RANCHER C. O IIIDS. or North Inlnt, enmo down to the city today looking nfter matters ot business, Will (' to School. Merle Stem merman nnd Hazel Cownn expect to como down f oin Allegany In the morning and will leave at onco for Oinvelford, where they will enter school ror the winter. Miss Cownn has Just graduated from tho eighth grade nt Allegany, finishing there Inst week. NDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TlUAL EVERYTHING IN THE IJAKERY LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE 42. ' New Store. J. L. Ilowmnn of tho Woolen Mill Storo Is now opening n fine retail store In Seattle. Ills now clothing factory Is going fine and his $30,000 homo nt Irvlugton Is ono of the finest ever, according to Geo, Rotnor, who has Just returnod from n visit In Portland. he Grand PRAISE HAND 0. Night rPERILS OF PAULINE." The sow Episode. The great $25,000 e photonlav featuring tho most Armlne lit tl a nrtxpaa miss pratii. KITE. Two reels of thrllllnir nnd Ung adventures. SHOWING TO- JUT ONLY. A MODERN HAMPRnV" slria. Utttng comedy. , "BEHIND THE FOOTIGHTS." A nal(l two.rnnl T.llhln riramn VL-lth all-star cast of well known play- MiUYn, 5c . The Oregonlou In Its acount ot the state fair says: "Many wore heard to say today that never has the fair had a better bund in at tendance than the Coos Hay band nf this year. As to tho quartet, their singing Is surely delightful. They snug through megaphones to ciay, nnd overy word could be heard over nil tlie stands'.' InrrciiM In Enrollment. School Supt. Tiedgen reports an Increaso ot 50 pupils In the Marshficld public schools for the first three weeks of school. Last year on the same date there were C28 pupils and this year tliere are 084, The attendance, how over, has averaged tho same, due, no doubt to the threatened epidemic ot contagious dlsoases. HARNESS SHOP MOVED. Adults, ISe BARNES OF Tomorrow mi PW YORK" In six reels, t""rBday -rim Installment of gETECTIVE HAYES' ADVEN PRES." in four reels. JliL ORCHESTRA TONIGHT. 181 MARKET ST. Vf. MRS. OLIVE K. MtOWN '4 DOW tirannrorf . An flrat-nlnsa dressmaking at reasonable rates. eei an-t house gowns, skirts, na blouses, dancing frocks, "aserles dresses. A trial or oer is requested. See our new tU books ot Paris fashions. E. L. Hopsou lias moved his I harness shop to tho corner of , Front nnd Alder streets, where I he will bo pleased to have ov- eryone call and Inspect his large stock or Harness, Saddlery, etc. I First-class repairing. Prices reasonable. The ROYAL Tonight. 25.00 $25.00 .U Vy. $26.00 to any person w eansea the arrest and' conviction bicycle thief la Marshtleld. (Slcned) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY The United States Film Corpora tion presents "UNDER FIRE IN MEXICO," a thrilling production In volving Love and War, featuring Na talie De Lontan. Phillips Smalley and Lois Weber In a drama of the Texas border "AN EPISODE." Edna Malson In "THE TRANSFOR MATION OF PRUDENCE." A strong drama of Quaker ways In Qua kfir d&ys Powers "CUPID'S INCOGNITO" A comedy-drama with Wallace Reld and Dorothy Davenport. 6 REELS OOOO FEET OF ALL NEW PICTURES. ADMISSION: Lower floor, 15c. , Coming tomorrow night, the Pro gressive Motion Picture Co. Daniel Fronman presents "DAY OF DAYS" a great comedy-drama la four reels. This is not like the every day kind . of pictures but something etra, Want Night Wntcli. Fred McCleos Is circulating a petition among the 'business mon today asking that aa additional night watch be put on the Marshficld police forco and the pe tition asks that Walter Condrou be named. It is stated In the petition that the Increasing number of rob beries and offenses requires the addi tional protection. Will Go to RancliJiig. E. W. Sill" llvnn nnd Wm. E. Sullivan have de cided to go Into the ranch business as a side Issue and today closed a deal with Prank Sanborn for his eighty-acre ranch back of Coos ton. Mr. Sanborn plans to spend the winter in southern California and re turn hero next spring. The consider ation was $3500. The deal was made through W. A. Reld. Move Soutlk Tom Nlcols and wife plan to leave In December for Berke ley, Cal where they will make their home. Mrs. Nlcol's parents reside there and as they are getting old they want her to look after them. Mr. Nlcols is making arrangements to handle the city and suburban trade for the same firm that he has been covering this section for. Get Fine Pulp. The pulp mill Friday turned out the first of the first-grade pulp that It has made since it resumed last Monday. About ten tons ot the highest grade pulp was obtained. Everything Is going fine at the plant and Manager Ner drum is highly gratified with the success. ludnoe WaKe, According to a re port here today, some of' the Coos county lumber mills and logging camps are facing a ten per cent re duction. In wages owing to the poor AUGUST ERICKSON, tho well known Tompleton rancher, wns n Mnrsl -field business vlBltor today. .VR8. OUS CARLSON was In city today on a shopping from her home at Lakeside. tho trip ALFRED aUNNELL nnd his son Jul ius wcro visitors Saturday from their homo on Catching Inlet. MRS. ANDREW WILSON, of Haynos Inlet, camo down Saturday from hor home on n shopping trip. FRANK VINCAMP, of Catching In lot, was In tho city Saturday at tending to mntters of business WM. DUNCAN camo down today from South Coos River whero he has been spending a fow months. NORMAN DODGE of Myrtlo Point camo over today to spend n tew days with his Bister, Miss Lydla Dodge. M. 11. HERSEY, or Coqiillle, the de mocratic nominee tor county treas urer, has been spending a row days on tho bay. W. S. CHANDLER left on the Adeline Smith today tor the Merchant ranchi near Dullards to spend Sunday. MRS. D. L. MoINTOSH. or Myrtlo Point, returned to her homo this morning after n short visit with friends. A. II. STUTSMAN and (nmlly are moving Into the Taylor Slglln house on Commercial avenuo near Fourth street, MISS PITMAN, teacher of the school at Catching Inlet, rumo down Sat urday to spend th, week end with her parents, CAPT. II. E. EDWARDS, of the Al ert, came down this morning from Allegany, where he went for an over Sunday visit. JUDGE C. L. PENNOCK returned Saturday afternoon from Coqiillle where he was called as a witness In the Petromoulx case. G. W. 8ANFORD of Haynes Inlet came down on tho boat 8atur unlay and spent the day here attending to matters of business CARL W. DAVIS has returned trom Myrtle Point and vicinity and to day he and Mrs. Davis moved Into their new apartments In the Myr tle Arms. M. J. POWELL, a brother-in-law ot L. E. Hendrlx has arrived In Marsh field from Vale, Oregon, and ex pects to locate somewhere in the Coos Bay section. MRS. JAS. II. SUTTON and child ar rived here a few days ago froqa Port Orford to join Mr. Sutton, SOCIAL CALENDAR. MONDAY. W. C. T. U. with Mrs. F. E. Wheeler. TUESDAY. Episcopal Guild with. Mrs. Drowning and Mrs. McCluro as hostesses. Catholic Altar Society Card Party nt Taylor Hull, North Heud. C. W. II. M. with Mrs. Mnttlo Hlalu. Nortli. Ilond Auction Hrldgo Club with Mrs. C. M. Hyler. L. T. L. ut llnpllst Church. WEDNESDAY. Prisrlllns with Mrs. J. llrock mueller. Presbyterian Auxlllnry nt tho church. Coos Hay Women's Club with Mrs. J. Wright Wilson. I). M. C. Club with .Mrs. R. O. Hrntnard. , Christian Sisterhood with Mrs. E. McDanlel. THURSDAY. A. N. W. with Mrs. Mnrrli. Mrs, McCarty entertaining nt sowing. N. L. Young Udles' Aid with Mrs, K, Erlrksoii. FRIDAY. North Rend Mbrary Benefit Hall at Eckuorr Hull. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. N. Rasmussen. who Ih employed by the C, A. Smith company here now. Peter .Ionian Caught In GiimiIIiio Mo- tor ami Right Foot Ground to n Pulp, Peter Jordan, n well known ranch er or North l.nko. Ton Mile, surfored the less or his right root yesterday as n result ot getting It caught In n, giisollno englnu mi his boat. His trousers caught lit tho Blinftlng nnd pulled his foot In, grinding It nlmost to n pulp. Drs. Ilousoworth nnd Haf tlo wore summoned and nmputnted tho root Just above tho nnkle. Jor dan hns a ramlly and ono of his sons was with him nt tho time of tho nc-cldent. CIA5SITIED AD I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HUGO KOTKA, of Heaver Hill, ac companled by his son, Master Hu nar Kotka, was an ovornight visi tor In the city on business. A. E. FISKE, San Francisco agent of tho Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, loft on the Adollno Smith for homo lifter a week's stay here. .FRANK 1!AWCICB,.if. .wJflf.lM his annual vacation from his duties at tho First National Hank and has gone to Coqiillle to spend It with relatives, A. ADOLPHSON of Denmark, can didate for Joint representative from Coos and Curry counties, Is spending a few days on the Hay. Mr, Adolphson Is an old resident of that section. WM. LEDWARlThaB returned rrom Camp One where he has been em ployed for several weeks erecting new buildings. Thu buildings have been completed and the camp is now in Its new location about a mile from the river. O. A. SIGNALNESB arrived here late yesterday from Coos county, where he spent the past tew days on busi ness. He leaves for his home at Portland tonight. Rosoburg Re view. CHIEF OF POLICE E. P. ANDBR SON of Nortli Bend and H. H. Mc- Cully, also or North Bend, came home this morning from a two days' fishing trip near Allegany. They were verv successful and brought back a basket full of the speckled beauties. GEORGE ROTNOR of the Woolen Mill has returned from a trip to Portland. He was there while the Coos Bay Band was making Its big bit and he declares that It was one of the best advertising stunts that Coos Bay ever did. On every band ber heard praise for the band and generally coupled with it was praUe for toe place' from which taey caw FOR RENT House mini furnished flats. Centrally located, Phono 44I3-.L FOR RALE Rooming Iioiih nni! restaurant. T, enro of Time. FOR RALE 2)s acre in Flrwt Ad dition, fine co-lory trnct, woll cul tivated, 3 cows, 200 chickens, house, barn and out-bulldlngs. CIoso to now school houso. Ad dress J. E. Fitzgerald, Marsh field, Oregon. FOR RENT ."V-room liouwi In East side, $8 per month. Inquire 405 8th St. S. FOUND Riinch keys. .Owner may have same by claiming proporty and paying for this ad at Times office. WANTED ConiK!tcnt girl for gen eral housework, family or three. Apply Times office FOR SALE r FOR RENT 3-rooni furnished houso, all modern improvements, largo gardon and chicken yard. Apply 50 1 Ingersoll Ave, near High School. FOR RALE One 101 two-speed self-starter.,, Indian .motorcycle. H eon used as a demonstrator. $23C, Ekblad & Son. FOR RENT Four-room liouso. lUy Park, $600 por month, plenty water. Apply Chas. Lyon. FOR RENT Two flats .furnished o iinfurnlshod, In Madden Hldg.. North Front street; also house keeping rooms. FOR RENT Furnished house, mod ern. No children. Phono 311, 323 or 298. FOR RENT Lurge front room fur nished, suitable for two people. - 4G4 Market street. FOR RENT FOR BALK A 2-rooin, furnished tent house, $35. North 13th street near Commercial, Call evenings FOR SALE People's Retaurant aad Sanitary Dairy at North Bead, Phone 231, FOR HALE Cider press, nearly Bewi. Apply H care Times, FOIt HAL: Dark room developed attachment for photographic work. -Address J care Times. o. ' WANTED I IF WANTED Carpentry and rpir , work done by day or contract. Alt work guaranteed. Call 39C S. 4th. St., Phone 337-J. Anderson & Eng; m 8 t t-tt3hd