The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 03, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TEN, Image 10

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t i
4 Lund of Cinulllc. Misses Klslc
I l'HKSilYTKltlAX WOMK.V. eon, Jennie anil Dorothy Johnson.
Mnbol. Cora nnil Allco Mathison anil
The Women's Auxiliary of the Sonnle llefslnnd, ami Messrs. A.
Presbyterian church will meet next nergninn, Peter Oininel, Oliver Lnt-
"Wcdnesday at the church parlors.
.ui:i:t wkoxksiuv.
The Coos Hay Woninns' Club will
racct with Mrs. J. Wright Wilson
next Wednesday at S o'clock. A spec
ial meeting will be held nnd papers
will be road by Miss Dresser and Miss
Mis. Ora .McCarty will be hostess
at sewing next Thursday afternoon
complimentary to Mrs. .). Howard
Fisher of rioronce. who Ib expected
here for a visit with her parents, Mr.
ond Mrs. C. II. Marsh.
A number of North Uond friends
dropped In at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Kehoo In Porter last Friday eve
ning and gave him a real birthday
surprise. Cards and games wero fol
lowed by a fine repast. Among those
present were Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Mil
ler, Mr. and Mm. J. M. Thomas, Mr.
.and Mrs. Louis O. Anderson, Miss
Mnrgnrot Wilson,' Jack Mc.Vnbb.
Frank Miller nnd Herman Andorson.
.MHl-rr .MONDAY. .
The Marshriold W. C. T. U. will
meet Monday at the homo of Airs. F.
E. Wheeler, when u new set of offi
cers will he elected. v i
son, Peter and Chris Thorpe, .lolinou,
Hcfsland, Andrew Anderson, Albort
King, Hnrry Jolianscn, llulger Peter
son, E. G. Melleni nnd Ucrt lverson,
Mr. Eug nnd Mr. Antomcn.
. 1
Groves, served delicious refresh
nients. It wns derided that tho spec
Inl discussions should be limited to i
tho first meeting ench month. The
noxt meeting will be In two weeks
with Mrs. Clin's. Wllllnms. Those
present yesterday wore. Mrs. A. E.
Warren, Mrs. I. Unrtle, .Airs. 11. E.
llurmestcr, Mrs. A. II, Derbyshire,
Mrs. Oo. finthro. Mrs. .t. II. Groves.
.Airs. IJ. llnzer. Mrs. C. s. Kaiser, Mrs. CaiTJeS PaSSCnger List Of 34
Fred Kruse. Mrs. II. S. Kennody, Mrs. ' Creamery Products Tola!
II. J Linden, Mrs. .!. G Mullen, Mrs gg Tons f(jp Rortlaild
E. E. Itlggs, Mrs. L. K. Strnte, Mrs.
Wm Vaughnn I Willi thirty-four on her passon-
t t iwr list, tho llroakwnter left out
I EN.IOY SOCIAL. I this morning bound for Portland.
. In her hold she cnrrled SO toils,
Last evening classes 3 and I. of the or about two carloads of butter
Haptlst Sundny School enjoyed a do- and cheese, u consignment from the.
llghtful social. They wero under the ercnmerles at Couuille and Myrtle
supervision of their teachers, Miss Point.
Allco Tlokcll nnd Clias. II. 11. Smith. I Thoso on tho passenger list woro:
Among thoso present wore. Misses' H. Jones, J. Jcnktnson, Mrs. J.
Jennie Holmes, Velum Itoss, Mar- Jenklnson, N. lllll, C. II. Freeman,
Jorle Fulmer, Mary McArthur, Leonn W. Long, ir. W. Hnya, Mrs. It,
Post, Anna Downs, Wllma llonglnnd. M. Munroo, .1. (Jill, C. II. Dnnlcls,
Hnttle Itehfeld, Myrllo Cox, Wllma 'eo. Weaver, Mrs. N. Skolloy, Mrs.
llonebrnko. Until McLnuglilln. Vesta ' Stout, It. 10. Willis, A. Illll
C! inch and (luy Clausen, llul 1. ' KIHm, .1. T. llrand, A. A,
Haines, Harry Schwartz, Will Me- Tuck, I). S. Fisher, Mrs. Drown.
Mnlioti, Loren Davis. Victor Slut a. Mrs. Kelley, Arthur Mlock. Mrs.
Albert Hassford, Esmond Olossop, J. I'roctor. Otto C. Sehlndlor, C. M
Herninn Olossop. Jesse Franz. Harold t'rlndstolr. C. S. Iloopor, E. (Jallas
Savage. Howard Kelly. Fred Itehfeld, '-co Camp, P. O'Donunll, T. Ilannon,
Claude Post, Chas. Donne nnd Dr. II. T Dougherty, M. Uoddy, T. Morris,
Cousins Shoe
For Women
AVo (nkc nlciisniv in .,...:.:
fit. . . . --! II lllir vni, 1.
"-'' 'i iui limn, mny
Tho Now Y,,,.k ,anurl(lju i
UK- iiiamounuic worlcl's (Vol shall ,irrH
newest vi-cMii ions. U ,h,! slo(,k of SI
From our Full llm.u ,,r i. ....I.. ..
he feet-you may supply this mZZ ffi
In ni'mirilimnn u.HI. fi.i..... . . "H Hem
""" '""'" h latest whim. Wii "
Hub Dry Goods Co
"SMART WBAin.-071Wm,"'
Coi'iiiM' Ili'MMilwui' mwl 1....1. i ' AlrjA'
"' ",m l,"inu Avenue I
Mrs. Win. McNay of North Uond
tendered a farewell Wednesday eve-
Pealmar, J. T. Cnrnoy.
wi:mi:i iiKitK.
Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Wilson In Ferniln'o was tho scene of
n churmlng but sluipln wcdJIug on
Wednesday evening when Miss Sel
iiiu Wilson becniue the brldo of A, II.
McNeill, ltev. U. Loltoy Hall officiat
ing. Tho bride has spout a few
mouths hero as tl'o guest of her
on many friends
mn pn dacc dp iiW
lUllllnMU IflUU DDLtfti
1 ohIohii Mrn. Ilinuaot' Mm. l.nPlmii.
'""i' .i. ..,,.. i. ,i.. ,t,i it i
olio. Mrs. Dashney. Mrs. Thompson, """ J i'i"
Mrs. Porklns, Mrs. Kelley. nnd j,r8.-'- J M' ll make their hon.e nt
The Mlnne-Wls wero entertained
by Mrs. W. E. Hongland this week.
nlng nt her homo In North, Uoud for "eu oy uer onngiuors, w uma ami
Clnrenco Wntklns. who leaves soon Ullth As l'.'"1 t H' ,lny work,
for California. Games and a general ,I"1' "ot "Hiinshlno" to Mrs. A.
good time were followed by refresh-1 7" "wiib, who hns been sick at the
inonts. Those nrosunt woro llowiird i liospltnl. October IS Is the next
Moody nnd wife. K. J. Arms and wife. ni M. I'-rkln- to be tho ' JJ1" ;-" , ;
Ktlltli Iliiitb, Ktta Taylor, .Norma
Chase, Vera Wilson, Clarence Wnt
klns, T. Moody, Ei.rl Hutchlns and
Hurtls McNay.
The following patronesses have
boon cliocon for the Harvest Mall
w! Ich the Marshfleld Fplscopal Guild
will give about October 1!3: Mrs. J. S.
Coke, Mrs. W. A. Iliililc, Mrs. 1-1. (5.
Porhnm, Mrs. Harry Nasburg, Mrs.
Wm. Horsfnll, Mrs. J. H. Flanagan,
Mrs. A. C. Vestul, M. O. Sclmttor,
Mrs. F. W. Payne. Mrs. A. T. Lngcr
strom, Mrs. A. O. Itogers, Mrs. J.W.
Donnett and Mrs. II. Lockunrt.
Hongland were the members present,
and Mrs. Wagh, Miss llertha Davis
and Mrs. D. A. Jones the additional
The Sunday school duMes of Mr.'
Smith and Miss Ticket! combined In
u hard times social Friday evening, '
Port Orchard, tho groom being con
nected with tho V. S. Nuvy Yard at
llremertnu. He IcU for there soon
after the wedding and will bo Joined
This and Back-field Speed
Will Feature Football"
Yale Uses Open Play
111; AnaoriaiH rrr In Can n Tlmra.)
NEW YOIHC, Oct. a- -Reports from
tho training fields during the last!
week Indicate that In tie footlmll
games to ho played today the forward
pass, togethor with speed In, thoi
baekfield, will be relied on b the
majority. For tho first time In sov.
orn years Yale Is using tho open for
SI. l.n,.l. .. .. M,ll
Wnrtlngion i, PhlluJ
Chicago 0, S( J,b,5
lloston :,j New York p
Cliirliniatl l, rn,lkrjt
1. 1.1a I.mI.I. ..m .. .,l...l ..'I.. I .. l...uf
,., ...n .,., ,lv, ,m,H ...u .it ..ur mntioiis and tho game with the I'nl
home In California. j . ., ,,,,,,.,
Iverslly.of Virginia today Is expected
j . to bring out tho extent to which the
Jolllest kind or a time. A lurxo
crowd of young people was out, In
cluding MIbsos Myrl Cox, Velum Iloss,
lUttlo Itehfeld. Marjory Fulmer, An-
tin Mmi'iiu W'lttfi IYf.ii.1...f.l.n 1
, .... '......, ,,... niiiiuiitiini:i MTiiiiij
I j llolmos, Mary McArthur nnd Looim
Post, Miss Tlckcll, Mrs. Fred Holmes, '
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Moody en-. ,.,, Ksmond, Olossop, Harold I lalnos.l
tortalned at their home In North lleud j, owar(, Kl,,yt oriimn U0lWo,,, Al
lasi Friday evening. Various games ....... I1Kt,f(.,i JllMO ,,..., ,,,,'
Mr. and Mrs. Henry O'.Mara will
fttittittt n 1 11 tit ftrir1at n Kil 1 In
dressliiK In costume nnd oujoyluu tho ,,.,,,,, . , ,
...ii... ....... . ... .. ... . ? Murshfleld noxt Thursday evening.
, tenm will depend on this style.
w ' ,l
San Kranrlfto J
Jinucries Ocjtr.Pnvi.
under; l'crnoll, ftmltom
I ! ItinlUKB.
vonlco jj
Jiattcrlet Stroad ni
Henley ami Elliott, JlcUk
Los AiiBelei-l'ortltnd, iitf
CAIH) IMllTY. nmI ",ll8,e woro f'Iwod by n sump-' ,)av,8( cl,Hi ,)on10 CIlMtor MrMn.
tuous repast. Tholr guests woro Mis- ,,,, ,,. .., ......... Sel....n.,zi
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Qtilmby of North ses LoiiUo ElmiiliiKer, Carrie Stovons,' WK .MeMnlion. Victor Shaw, Fred'
Jlend cntortnlnod nt n delightful ove- Constniico Clarke, Kttn Taylor, Lola, 111,1,1, (jlaudu Post and' Mr. Smith.'
lilng lit enrds Tuotulny, Just prior to Smith and Isabel Lonnon and Mossrij. K '
tho departure of Mm. Qiilmby for a. .Claries Moody, AUrejl,Wer."fferhert , . - p,n'jv. "
visit in Portland-. - .-Mmoiik ftiolr Uowon, HUintort Stovuiii, (ioorjfe Tay- 4 ' " J;
cTicalSvore Mr. nnd Mr. J. 0. Honi Inrmid Karl Drown. ' I j,., .;, p. i.ejloiix was hoste a I
And Mr. mid Mrs. James Perry.
. .
I -
'nu. Mn.'ahflnlil Miiimii I.oiIhii nil Id v.
Mrs. J. I), (lost Is oiitortalnlng at nl n Indies' nlnlit Tuwdny. It was
dinner this ov-onlng In honor of Mr.
Goss blrthdsy.
L. Y. P. S.
Tho Norwoglan Luthernu Young
Tooplo's Society mot for tho usual
evening of church huslnoss and so
cial Intercourse nt tho church Friday
evening. Following tho huslnoss dis
cussions a program uas eujoyod,
comprising a piano solo by MUs Jon
nle Johnson, a talk by Mr. A. Dors
land and roadlugs by Peter Thorpe
nnd Jolmer Ilofslnud, Miss Larson
and Peter Oiniiiul served tho evo
jilng'a refreshments. Miss Mabel
Mathlsnu and Oliver Lai son will en
tertain at tho noxt meeting In two
wcoks. Thoso out Friday wero Ilev.
And Mrs
xlveu for tho prime purpnte of pro
moting n play, "Aii.onu," to bo put
on under tho uuspIcoH of James Mott,
a brother or Dr. L. II. Mott or Salom.
Thore wns a good attendance Tues
day evening and Informal talks were
nmdo by I. S. Smith, Chas. 1. Itelgard,
Ilev. Gregg, Mel 0. Duncan nnd .las.
. 4
The Norwoglan Lutheran Young
Ladles' Aid will be entertained by
Mis. Knud Eriokson at her homo In
Dunkor lllll noxt Thursday evening.
Mrs. 1-2. D. McArthur was hostess
It. O. Thorpe, Miss Delln to the Art Club Friday at tholr Inl
' ' tlal meeting, eutertnluiug at needle
work. The ladles discussed proposals
for a cleanup of the school grounds
and planned meeting with othor wo
men's clubs, without making any def
inite plans of procedure, however.
, at a eiinrmlug afternoon at .".(Ml 011 ,
I Thursday at her home In Ferudale. ,
The docoratlons rofleeted the aut
umn HiiiiKon, with many beautlfu1
dahlias setting off the effect. At
cards, Mrs. Henry O'.Mara won tho
first prize. In serving, tho hostess
was assisted by Mrs. T. E. Harvey
nnd .Mrs. wm. Schroeder. Among
thoso Invited wero .Mrs. II. L. Craw
ford. Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, Mrs. T. 15.
lUrvey, Mrs. Win. ScVroedor, Mrs.
Henry Iloock, Mrs. P. Miller, Mrs. J.
(!. Kinney. Mrs. L. F. Donning, Mrs.
J. W. Illldenbrand. Mrs. Klrkwrlght,
Mrs. C. II. Wolls, Mrs. 11. A. Wells.
Mrs, Sylvostor Jonos, Mrs. Hoy Har
vey, Mrs. II, Fourier, Mrs. Porry
Dodsnu, Mrs. Henry O'Mnrn, Mrs.
Noils Jensen, Mrs. J. H, Stndden,
Mrs. It. N. Fonton, Mrs. Geo. Orn
ham, Mrs. F. 15. Raymond and Mrs.
J. Q. Jnrvls.
Thirteen club niombors were present,
namely, MesdumcH L. 0. Lang, CImis,
LnChnpelle, A. L. llnusoworth, W. II.
Foley, J. F. Telnndor, Jas. Cowan,
W It. Smith, L. F. Fnlkenstoln, J. A.
Itlntt. F. L. Stininor, F. M. Flyo, Ol
ivia Edmnn and W. 11. Curtis. Mrs
N. Hasmusseii will bo hostoss next
..... 1 w
An examination or tho eyoB of uU,- TIII.MULE CLl'H.
000 pupils In tho Hurrulo schools 4 r '. 4.
revealed tho fact that or this ntini-J TVo North Uentl Thlmblo Club en
bcr the eyes or from 20 to 25 per. loyod a delightful session with Mrs.
cent needed thorough attention. V. E. Wntters yostordny. In nihil-
Many tlmos tho eyes or children Hon to tho regular program, two ox
nro appnrontly normal, but as a j collent vocal solos by Mrs, A. E. War
matter or ract, uro not. If tho eyes! ten, who played her own accompnnl
iiro not perfect tlioy aro a great! mont, woro enjoyed. Following this
handicap In school work,
Tho Optical Department of tho
jtt'tl tJfcJlls UrliR StUrb Is Ih clinrjje
of an export optometrist, who has
exceptional facilities for tolling you
1f glasses will Improve your child's
eyoslght. There is no charge ror
this service, and they are ulways
.glad to do it for yout
(Paid Adv.)
there was a genoral discussion of
"Wlntor Gardening." It wns decldod
that (lib cliili sliliillil take charge
of tho beautifying or Lincoln Square
and as soon as the woathor will per
mit, tho members will plant some
more shrubs and plants there They
also contributed a magazine to the
library. At tho closo or the nrtor-
'onn, Mrs. Watters, nsslstod by Mrs 1 ho will spend a few months'
Mrs. It. W, Morrow and llttlo son
arrived homo last evening from Now
York, whero they spent tho summer
with her folks. ,
Warren Painter nnd wife or North
Dend returned today from u mouth's
visit In California,
Mrs. Gcorgo 1). Mandlgo, who has
been quite 111 at her homo In North
Dend, Ih Improving.
Mrs. Louis Gorr, who suffered a
sudden attack of appendicitis, Is re
ported getting along nicely, much to
The gratification of tholr many
Mrs. .1. S. Hanson plans to enter
tain a few friends Informally at sow
lag Monday afternoon.
.Miss Delia Lund ot Coqullle Is the
week-end guest or Miss ICIsle Larson
or Fomdalo.
Miss llessle Flanagan, who was
planning to teach in tho Cunning
ham district this rail has been elect
ed an Instructor In the Hunker Hill
school nnd took up her now duties
this week.
C. II. Walker Is expected back
ul a weok or two from Kansas City,
whero ho hns been visiting his moth
er ror the past month.
Mrs. A. "T. Unities loft this week
for her old homo In Oklahoma, where
Students of political economy
students of domestic science
students in every line of
research thinkers prefer
Ghirardclli's Ground Choco
late, not alone on account of
the physical good it does
them, but because it tastes
better and is more easily
assimilated than any other
brand. Get a can to-morrow
and note now good it is.
; hermetically
sealed tins,
Ghirardclli's Ground Chocolate is the
only original ground chocolate. It
has been used m Western homes tor
over a third of a century and its
popularity is growing day by day.
Since 1652 San Fronclico
The price of other necettitles
Bay increase, but our price
will remain the same
during 1914.
A F11 TW nf
ftliiraM1i's OmanA rwrtW nr4 All Orlw Nationally Advc
Ii mi '--- "wM '
3jir-" " '
2SSS am-
R' v. 4 '
. ... 1 l. tWV.tA