iri4siWTTJ't:? 'v it -. " fvr, i.i.ijitmnm KUAli .t j J -fsm-isr-nwmp- ' "'flll$''fcj( THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION , i .. SEVEN Commutation ' nn rickets $2.00 U News Erom Nearby Towns iVorth Bend Anto Line. ,,,n minutes from 0 . m. to IS .P- "I; V , kt8T mu. "!' INSPECTS RAILROAD WORK. lMmiMXgf&YMMi f. 'j 1.1 1 iMw'- ntn.1 ' it. ?-?-jtBSwmwnWBJ'?jijre-"i'M!;j.' ;, i x g . iBifaiMaiV jfniii HAi i La Vj,.? ' if t Afr MyjKftSffn-afni'f-yh&itAf f f. fiaMrliJ Miff? r ff TLLr&ff,? yyitt . ' rTi'TO''-rm' -tott r v r"mjww ''' irr "T7"iraii-"F--p i i J I w ml . - i . . i 'f-r . . ( Rates for vHHnGT Trunks '! trunks between any points ileld and do general hauling, naoie ruiua. tANSFER STORAGE CO. rl He isner, in'i""" ri .iV Jti.r.. fi.U iifi't -- A :.M.n PIWK 'LAUUiH "j. N. BAYLISS -:." n-lMr Work at Rices That Arc Right . .""'.,';" r ' j37 Second St. Phono Boiler Work LAWRENCE HOTEL. t, hot and cold water In am. Monthly rato ? 15.00 Day rates 7Ce nnd up. hat few Skat players.) CRP.HAWT'S CAFE Popular place for ' RnnH M Pills. rlnnc Roncnnnlilfi Commercial & B'dw'y E THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Sec CORTHELL Phone 3171. CLEANED AND PRESS- BITITS MA1H TO ORDER SlVR US A TRIAL QUE PANTATORIUM DOYLE & 0. O DAQOETT Central Avo. Phono 250-X. tures & framing Walker Studio ETH'S AUTO SERVICE AT CHANDLER HOTKL PHONE 20. BO ANYWHERE ANY TIMK CAR AN!) CAREFUL U1UVINO C8 TO CAMPING PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owner and Driver. tOAIKK tr A. II. hodgins '"PAINT AND DECORATING CO. Estimates Furnished .SOihi, AUrshlleld. OrrcoM. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Maruhfield PIIINOTON AVENUE BTADDEN STREET NOItTH I1ENR 0. A. Metlin, Prop. KOONTZ GARAGE Kdtlor Jlotorcyele Agency LEE TIRES BTOMOWLK8 STORED lu.vrrs mobt completb MACHINE SHOP INE AND AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING .GASOLINE FOR SALE FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J KRIES REPAIRED AND CHARGED NO SAW EDGES OB YOUR COLLARS ; joa have them luadere4 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ITH'S VARIETY STORE, r North Bond, Fancy and Domestic CHINA WEA'S IlEACn AUTO LINK Chamllni. Iint.i rni.nAi (tie It (Villi mill 11'.,.. ! Kr, Hel 70o Pmth Slough 7c RMtendnrf Beach ...$1.00 PlUKael Ueet Ut.OO Pooset Bay $1.00 ci.u-n From Reach at iLl1 l p M, 8.30 P, M. the beach by the Ocean Beach -txjosenger automobile leaves noiej three times dally. mng'S FAMOUS AUTOS & MfulM. fNDERSON CORSETS" iiiuij c,pai aistrioutora ta" and "CADET" HfYQF LgJENNINGS, No. Bend i ji Thomas Dixon, ,su'icnntemlcnt for McArth,ur Perks Company,' contrac tors, on the WlilnrtfoUq.'Paclflc raH road, returniul from nn Inspection trip over the line. Ho pays that tho work Is progressing rnptdly nil alonp tho line and that the recent wet weather has not hold up operations nt nil. Mr. Dixon went as far south ns Marshflcld nnd has been gone nbout ten days. Ho oxpects the track to ho completed to Maplotott within three weeks. Tho work on tunnel Xo. four, located bIx tulles south of Acme, Is completed: and tho work on No. B, near Qnrdtnor, will bo completed within a month. Tho lab or situation along tho line la satisfac tory and all tho camps have plenty of men. Eugeno Ounrd. PRIZES ARE GIVEN. I- "PROM" TEACHER STUMPED REBELLION AGAINST "PRACTICAL POLITICS" Now, Mr. I'rolil, we'll run this ochool room today. Wo don't Intend to hurt you, but wo had to tie you up ho you couldn't run nwny, while wo ask ed you a few questions. Us kids tnlkcd tlilrf thing over last night and decided that we had heard nbout nil wo wanted to of tho kind of politics you nnd your Pittsburg Millionaires nro trying to play hero In Ore gon. I told dad what wo wore , going to do and ho gnve mo n lot of questions which he said Mr. Prohl would answer. Ho onld the Prohls always mako a lot of claims they never can back Up nnd never tell us nbout their Prohibition Failures. Now, Mr. Prohl, why U It you never havo told us that at tho Inst election Mnlno enmo within 7G8 votes of rejoctlng Its pro hibition law, aftor trying prohi bition for C4 years; why don't you toll tho peoplo that New Hampshire tried It forty-eight years nnd rojoctod It; that Ver mont rojeeted It uftor fifty-three years; that Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Michigan, Illinois, Nebraska, Alabama, Io wa, Ohio, Now York, Indiana, Wisconsin nnd South Dakota, havo nil "tried" prohibition nnd all rejected it. Why nro you trying to mnko us adopt a law to make men good when It has been so' generally Exploded ns n false theory by theso Splendid States In tho East? Why Is It Mr. Prohl, that Ten nessee, one of your latest "Vic tories," Is trying, right now, with tho nld of tho United States Secretary of tho Treasury, to float $1,400,000 bonds nnd has Fal len Down? Why Is It that In your "Model Prohibition" state of Kansas they nro legally shipping In a million nnd n half quarts of whiskey every year? Why Is It thnt wo have HC for overy Individual here In Ore gon to every J 100 In Kansas. Why Is It that Kansas ranks ns the thirty-second state In per capita banking resources? As the forty-third state In savings bank deposits? Why Is It that Kansas has more penitentiary Inmates per population than twenty-four other states If Prohibition Prohibits. Why Is It thnt Kansas has more Juvenllo Delinquents per population than twenty-six other stntcs? Why Is It that Kansas has more Feeble Minded per popula tion than thlrty-ono other stntes? Why Is It thnt Kansas hns nioro Homicides per population than twenty-two other states. Wo want an Answer to these questions about Kansas, Mr. Pro hl, becauso Kansas Is the Only Prohibition State you Dare to Drug nbout. Why Is It that Practically Ev ery Presldont of the United States from Washington to Wil son nnd Including Lincoln, Taft nnd Roosevelt, has publicly de clared against a Prohibition Law? Why Is It that you Keep Tell ing Us Peoplo In Oregon that Halt of tho United States Is In "Dry" Territory, when tho Inter nal revenue paid on whiskey, boers nnd wines Is increasing over Ten Million Dollars a Year and tho Consumption of Whiskey Wines and Beers has doubled lu the Last 13 Years? Why Is It that Taxes Begin Soaring tho Moment that Prohi bition Is Adopted nnd why Is It that Realty Values bogln Tumb ling, Thousands of Men and Wo men nro Thrown out of Employ ment, Incomcn Begin Falling Off nnd General Stagnation Sets In? Why Is It that Governor nnd Mayors In Prohibition States nnd Cities always tnlk Agnlnst Prohi bition after they havo Got It? Why Is It that you nover say Anything nbout the Blind Plg ger and tho Bootlegger, who skulks through dark alleys lu plying his Traffic? Why is It you Never tell us nny of theso Things, but Only Appeal to tho Emotional Side of Men and Women? If Prohibition Is Practical, If It will Actually Work Out nnd Is Entitled to tho Dignity of be ing put on tho Law Books of Oregon, wliy don't you ever toll us about these Things that aren't Practical and that don't Work Out? . i Do you think that wo adopt All Freak Legislation that Comes j Along? Do you think you can mako a float out of Us Oregon Peoplo? Discovery Nreir Rotcburfr, Cihinch Stir IiRt by Jam ex Htewnrt. Sheriff Georgo Qutno received a messago from Oakland this morning to the effect thnt n Riiltcnw, thought to contain n wlrolcss outfit, had been found at a point nbout two miles from thnt city. It wna added that tho equipment might havo been con nected with the "wlrolcss" station, n search for which was recently In stituted by tho government. When Sheriff Qulno nrrlved nt Oakland tho equlpmont was turned over to him for examination. In cluded In tho equlpmont woro num erous surveying Instruments, colls of wlro and tools. Tho sheriff Immed iately realized that tho sult-caso was not tho proporty of nny person opor ntlng a wlrolosn station, hut belong ed to JameH Stowart, a Government survoyor, who recently returned to tho Intorlor after some time spent on Coos Bay. Ho lost tho sult-caso nnd' contents, so tho sheriff claimed, somewhere between Mnrshflold and Portland. Tho sult-caso was shipped to him today nnd ho should receive It not later thah tomorrow evening. Rosoburg Rovlow. REGISTER NOW! i Registration Books Close on October 1 5. VOTE 333 X--N0 V, a (Paid Advertisement -Taxpayers and Wage Earners' League of Oregon, Portland, Ore.) The Union Market OUR COLD STORAGE SYSTEM IS SURE A SUCCESS Our Prime Roasts of Beef, Lamb, Mutton, Veal and Pork cannot be excelled. Try ono of our Fat Hens or Fryers for your Sunday dinner, that has been properly cooled, and note tho difference. J. E. FORD & CO. 174 South nroadway Phone 68 BAiM Ybuft J0& pftlNtlNGTd THE COOS BAY TIMES W'v have Jiiht received the following good in glawi tumble Unit we are selling for 10 cents. SALAD DRESSING, APPLE BUTTER, MUSTARD, IIORK RAD ISH, PICALLI, CHOW CHOW CHILI SAUCE, ONIONS; nnd If you linve never tried our Spanish Stylo Tomato Satire lu flc cans you aie missing a treat. Cape Arago Coffee COOS BAYJEA, COFf EE AND SPICE HOUSE PHONE SJ04 CULLINGS OF COQUILLE. Coon County Rwt Event Am Told by Tho Herold. Mrs. William Candlln Iibb received word of tho marrlago of Miss Bortba Frances Conloguo to W. T. McKennn, which took place nt Pleasant Mount, Ponn., on Sept. 2. It will be remem bered that Miss Conloguo was ono or tho teachers hero last year. Sho was engaged again for this year, but sent In her resignation shortly before school opened. On the suggestion of several citi zens, Mayor Morrison 1ms called a, meeting for Friday night at tho city hall to discuss somo of tho amend ments that aro to bo voted on at th coming election, and It Is Intended to go over the first six on the ballot nt this meeting. Poarlly Lund, formerly clerk In Henry Irenz' storo, has returned from San Francisco, not finding con ditions In that city as good as lie had oxpected. Tho ten dollar prize offered for tho best general exhibit In the Children's Industrial Department nt tho Coos and Curry County Fair was won by tho Coqulllo schools, TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. CWalHg, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons sd rju-boa paper delivered. Phone usyoar order. Phone 44, ABUuice office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. FINE COQUILLE MAN. v. Archie Tennlson, a young man re turning from Beaver Hill with over a. gallon of assorted boozo for his own use, was picked up last week and con tributed 120 to tho city exchequer In Recorder Lawrence's court, under tho new city ordlnanco. Coqulllo--Herald. SIUBLAW FISHING. The fishermen havo been making fairly good catches this week begin ning with Tuesday, whon 1600 woro turned In. Wednesday was better, with an Increase of 100 or a total oC 1700 fish. Thursday tho catch was materially larger and the count reached over 2600. Friday resulted. In another Increase, whon the count amounted to 2000. Florence WesU Awards Mmlo nt Myrtle Point for School Exhibits. MYRTLE POINT, Or., Oct. 2. In terest In tho fair last week was aug mented by holding a school Industrial fair In connection, for which tho County Court offored $500 In prizes. Tho first prlzo of $10 for tho best Bchool exhibit was awarded to tho Coqulllo school. Myrtlo Point had tho largest exhibit. Tho prlzo for tho best Individual exhibit by a school girl wns won by Rowcna Roberts of Myrtlo Point; and for tho best by a boy to Russell Train . of the oamo place. The liltto ribbon tor citeoso wna won by the Sugar Loaf factory on ,tho South Coqulllo, and that for tho best butter by tho Coqulllo Valloy Cream ery nt Coqulllo. v MISSING SUIT-OASE FOUND. m 1