'J''iitUj., ". ','!' .,.!'' ' ' rl V f::iM4;!(nJ(4i1kUYilllIllin4tMiil4iyj.!Jil IUU UHJHHUIHt I lUi lUUHBKi f MfiRffl lalmAiahWfK,..., ,,i '., - '.,.' ...... ..i:iJA.i;JAliiA4JJA44aiM4l4 . , -ri' Pi-r-,TfnmtatFAAJ,,WlJ .-..-. i -. ri-fraJMMMW IfiC ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION nnfflfctiiM uajji mi ii wiimtiBWSsgKMMftiaaiiaHfWti wioh1', "" " -JwrntSi 4I)Hf IfK "i . ... k. K a m vi ,3 r ,4 4 1 I ." .1 LAND CASE INVESTIGATIONS TRUCE HALTS IX. TROUBLE FEW IRISH IN RECRUIT LIST GOVKKXMKXT ATTOKXKVS TAUK TESTIMONY HtiKK IX TII1J SOUTIIKltX OHKGOX KVXI) CASH YKSTKHDAY. Lawyers nnd witnesses sut In tin upstairs room of Tho Chandler Ho tel most of yesterday and took testi mony In regard to the Coos Bay Wagon Road case which haB of re cent years uocomo Doner Known as ho Southern Oregon Land enso. I Gcorgo W. Gothro, timber crulsor, for the defense, was closely quizzed as to tho character of tho soil In dispute nnd this morning tho attorney expects to lcavo for Co qulllo whore further testimony will. -lc gathered from tho records there. Tho Government attorneys wcro r. .T. Smith, nt Omnhn. and F. C. Rabb, of Spokane, whilo State Sen-' ntor John Genrln, of Portland, 1m' 4ho attorney for tho defense nnd Miss Vivian Floxncr, referee. In Rosebtirg three days ago flvo witnesses appeared before tlicao ex aminers nnd testified Hint they had tried to buy land from the South rn Clrofnn I.nmt fnmiinnv. AMnr. nlcs Rabb nnd Smith arc Introduc ing testimony on this point, nnd to bIiqw that tho laud that was sold was deeded In larger areas thnn 160 acres nnd nt prices frequently great er than $2,50 per acre. The Southern Oregon innu i;om ).nny Is expected to base Its defciiBO on the ground that title to the lands hi litigation wns established by put- cnts Issued subsequently to the orig inal grant. Therefore thoy cpn- mill Hint tltln In not mililrx't In cancellation by tho government. General Villa's Secretary Wires That Armistice Has Been Declared There (Dj AMoiUted Vtftt to Coot nJ Tlmra.l EL I'ASO, Oct. 2. Luis Benavl dns, secretary to aencral Villn, un der dnte of September 110, tele graphs to tho Asboclntod Press that an arinlBtlco hns been dcclnrcd throughout Mexico with Aguas Cnl lentcs ns the neutral zone. He stat ed also that the elections would bo held according to tho first ngrcc ment, from October C to 10. These points have been agreed upon, ho said, at a preliminary con ference nt zacatecas, auor wnicn Villa's party left for Aguas Callcti tna to confer with Obregon and oth er Cnrrnnzrt leaders. Villa was met nt Zacntccns by a commission head ed by General Krttinrclo Hay. Ilcn- nvldes said the first meeting arous ed great optimism for tho happy outcome of the conferences. Villa Forces IHvltUil Further definite reports of divis ions In Vllln's army reached tho border today from various sources. A report Hint General Herrera, with an entire brigade had revolted against Villn wns confirmed. Jt 'SCOTLAND Fl'RXISHKS LAIKJKST rKIt CliNT OF MKN TO TMK KXGLISH AHMY SOW FIG UltKS GIVKX. tDr AmocUUJ Trrti to Coo liar Tlnifa.l LONDON, Oct. 2. Figures show ing tho perccntngo of recruits en listed In England, Scotland, Ireland nnd Wales, as obtained from tho .Director of Recruiting and published 'in the Liverpool Courier, make Scot land appear ns the most gencrnous (contributor of men. Tho npproxl- jmntc total number of men raised from AuguBt 4 to September 15 wns 1501,580, tho percentage of recruits 'to tho total mnle population being given as follows: , Recruits. Porcent. England 393,7:13 2.41 Scotland 54,4 1 1 2.70 Ireland 20,410 .5)3 Wales ID.OGl 1.94 also wns reported that Arrlcta Brothers, lenders in Durango, had revolted to tho Cnrrnnzn side, and Vllln's leader, To in us t'rliliui. hud tnketi Durnngn City nftcr n battle. Statement of Condition OF Flanagan & Bennett Banks Of Marshf ield and Myrtle Point, Ore. At the Close of Business September 12, 1914 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $642,163.08 Banking Houses and !Rcal Estate 64,973.94 Cash and Sight Exchange "..' 292,054.46 Total $999,191.48 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in' '.$ .75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 72,832.56 Deposits . 851,358.52 Total $999,191.48 The money In this bank Is Insured ' against Ions by Night or Day Robbery. United StatCH depository for Postal Savings. nuwted to .til i "est commerci.i i .'"MiJ munlty. ercIal hj4 JUIIN' i NOSTRILS AND HEAD STOPPED IIP L m CREDIT TO F 1 L I RTI M Dr. W. S. Derby Opens in Marshfield One of the Fin-1 est and Most Modern Es tablishments of the Kind on the Pacific Coast. I Tho final expression In modoru dental science epitomizes tho elegant and elaborato dental parlors opened by Dr. W. S. Dorby In tho First Nat ional Bank building. In uppenrnucu nnd' appointments thoy nru tho finest in Southern Oregon. i The rooms are beautifully decorat ed In soft tonos, Persian blue pre-' dominating. There tiro two operat ing rooms, n rest room, a waiting room and a laboratory and all aru finished In exquisite tusto. The equipment embraces all the latost nnd most approved electrical uppll-j juices known to ticlenco. In fact, -tho entire equipment Is operated electri cally or by coinpruMiod air obtained by olectrluilly driven motors that act automatically. The hoiIok of device, are operated from a Miorlnl switch-' board from which are coutrollod tho1 gold filling appurattiH, mouth lamps, electric mullet, X-iav lump, water heater and other utllltlon. Dr. Derby says that modern don tnl sclonce hns actually and positive ly solved tho problem of palntex fill ing or tooth. This Is tho famous aiiKelosIa process by which tho nerves are lulled Into n sort or twilight eon HtioiiHiicHH which lonvo the patient in full control of his setuos, but fioo from palu. Another modern fouturo prnctlced by Dr. Dorby Is porcelain, continuous gum work by which flllliiKB nnd new teeth aru made to match to tho slight est and most dnllcute shade. In keeping with, the other appoint orients Dr. Dorby has tho most por- fect sanitary mothod or hnudltiiK his iustruments, inciudliiR the Do Ford System and tho latent Ktorlllzntlou table. Those dental offlcen are equal to any metropnlltau offices on the Pad fir. Coast and nro a c rod It alike to Marsbfleld and Coos Hay as woll as -to tho entorpilse and nklll or Dr Derby, who has parod neither time nor expense In mllim his surrnuud Ines in keeping with, his professional tklll. (Paid Adv.) NEW KIND OK lllliail Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed Nose, Head, Throat Yim llicntlic Freely Dull lleadacho (Joes Nas ty Discharge Stops, Try "Ely's Crcnm Balm." Get a small bottlo anyway, just to try It Apply a little in tho nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose nnd Btoppcd-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freoly; dullness mid hendacho disappear. By morning! tho cntnrhh, cold-ln-hend or catarrhal soro throat will he gone. End such nilsory now! Gat tho small bottlo of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This swcot fra grant balm diBSolvoB by tho beat of ho nostrils; penetrates and heals tho Inflamed, swollen membrane which lines tho noso, head nnd throat; clears tho air passages; stops nasty discharges nnd a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Im mediately. Don't lay awake tonight strug gling for breath, with hoad stuffed; nostrllB closed, hawking and blow lug, Catarrh or a cold, with Its running noso, foul mucous dropping Into tho throat, and raw dryness li distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just onco in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. For Salo by Brown Drug Co. EQUIPPED WITH WIHELKSfJ. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. HAII.H FItOM KAIIiHOAD DOCK, MAH8IIFIELD, DUIUNfl THE MONTH OK qcrOHKIt ON THK :illl, AT 10 A. M.: IOTII, AT 1 P. .M.s 17TII, AT H A. M.J iMTH AT 1 P. M., AND SI I ST AT H A. .M. 1'lckcta on sal o hII KMrit polntu nnd Inroiiiiatlon n to route, and rntcw clieflrfullr funilnliMl. Pliono rt.1.J. C II. 1ANDEHS. Audit SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEING CREDITED AS OF SEPTEMBER .1, .1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safely JJe posit Boxes For Pent. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire m4 Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRAf r CO., inc. IIKNHY RKNOMTACKKN. MnnajMir FA11M, COATi, TIMIIEU AND PliATTINO MND9 A SPECIALTY. OKNKIUL AGENTS KASTHIDK MAItSHKIKLI) OFFICE, PHONE A4-J. POQUILLK CITY OFFICE iPIIONK tPI, Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS KOU .-MAHSHFIELl) KltOM SAN KHANCISCO WEDNi:SDAY, OtTOIIEIt 7, AT : P. M Etiuipjjcd with wircVess and submarlrje LeU. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS l'OK MAHSIIFIELU FROM SAX FRANCISCO SATURDAY, OCTOBER :i, AT ;l P. K San Praueisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. P. McGeorqe, Phono 44. (IW iutf ltM Pr. to Cww nr Tln'M LONDON, Oct. :'. It Is reported that .owing to a M-nrclty of whont, bakers in Holland aru inaklnu !.- I atable, noiirishlnK and cheap" bread from a mixture of ground tulips audi wueaten flour. This Is a novel de parture, although In tho Foveutcenth century tulips wore- cooked mid eaten as voBotablos. Tho natives of Si beria today eat tulip bulbs, although they strike tho unaccustomed palato as somewhat bitter and acrid. PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL KltOM- San Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Plume 78. Coos Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS II. JAMES, Audit Ocean Dock Portlaud Albors Dock No. 3 Every Saturday 9 A. M. Mandiflfld. VISITS COOS COl'NTY. ' Mrs. Dorthn Searls. daughter of C. S. Soarls, prosecuting attorney of Grntlot county, Michigan, arrived hero this morning en route to points In Coos county, whore she will spond a few days visiting with an uncle. On l;or return sho will pass a few days In Kosoburg visiting with people with whom sho was acquainted at herl To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMKOUTAULE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED homo in the cant. Itoseburg Ue- NOHTII PACIKIO STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McOEOROE AGENT W. II. PAINTER Phone 44, Marshfield Phone 421, North Bend The Price of Elec tric Service Has Steadily Decreased RT AYars and. other calamities do not increase electric and gas rales. In season and out they remain LOAV. PREPARE NOW Have your houso wired for the greatest of Modern Improvements. ii All Modern Improvements" Means ELECTRIC LIGHT Old houses can now be wired quickly and inexpensively. Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company w.to rih V' U ADAMS j 5W 3(J2 No. Fro !N PROFESsioSr H. H. Ham. -"SSBEBfcl Phone 349-J, ""' w T TRIPPMnuii Kvr. VV",mrtk'l ," . iinown t,u: QUI rirnt. . " k 2. 237 Voutb&N nTcrj without ana 2, Phono '. M. Wright t, nuiMiixa cotp liJ C 0. Gosnev. CnVTIMniuii. ... gtaaa mr.f ;7 1?"'HII - " ir sii, Dr. H. M. Shaw Kvn. Vnw w. . . . HIT. MATTIH II c,,?J Itliienwn of Wmw.iiJ Office Phone 330 .. 202, Irtltj BH Bcniamin Qsllinii CONHUI.TIX0 ENCIXtan AltrillTl-er Offices. 208 lnlitR4 i uuuu tvi'u or JII-J Minify t. W. G. Chandler AltCIUTECI IVUUU1B ovi ua ili. UIII ManhfWd, 0:ipi Wm. S. Turoen AUCIIIIEa Marthdeld, Orttn. Mrs. Olivia Edman, U.II BM.llinil .MAMAUK AMI ir.VIi GY3IX.ISTM- von alii mum am Commercial itf. rtel Mildred Rogers Ne!s TMchrr of rim Punll of Hugo ilimfdJL! rlsro, Cal. AppllfJtloatofi wrltlnc for anpolatDttt Miinlifltld, OtfH-; loci Ostlind imavo ti xi:it AXU Loavo orders at W. R. I sic Company. (16 S. Sixth Street, f Pnrl Rilcv Ballinaer IMAVmT AMI TFIf llesltlenco Studio, 217 No. 1 i'Dona 'U ivr 1 SMITH PLl'MIUNO 'cOSIWCStl Jolt rk iimptlr aniens '!' "-- -- l-MliiuilfH tlitfrfaW; HKASU.1: Tol. 30-J. 1!" X- DRY W AT- CAMPBELL'S WOOStl North uroai rw-i rhoBf JJ9. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title ft Truat Co-. thorousniy u5"": l!W iSftTTBV c5 I. S. KAUFMANjiCM .. nllD I TO US BY PARCEL -CSiS COOS BAY STB LAUNU"' ..nnvu KTJ. "" I'jiuii"" " - WA11LKSTU3 -:. ) Leaves Murahnj1. . ROUND I""- --J,!. m$ ronr good cart jrl . 11 Bnr good cart f STlfi For d9f "fePi sv. Mlrfit serrlce, r t Hlnr -vr J D. L FC'J-5- For .View, t lTB3Hffin j