MUt!SKBtfjmi j fWt'TJ'lJirT Mil'1 Mmml '" jamtfrnhA.Km-A,.ttt MM4w mm -T'W 1 '1W HTs Delicatessen Co 113 North Second Street. 1 i.. - K' . ' Cuprrifkt H.rt S bil(f i. M.n to tne o buy 4 a 4 4 bu nave your mind made up as d of clothes you're going t jl, go one stop farther and decide to buy them here. You'll be just as glad as we ! you do; we'll show you the kind of clothesweave, patterns, color, model, fit bu've decided on. Hart Schaffner & Marx ill the good models; and use all the best weaves from all over the world. .$25 will do more for you in clothes buying than lion realize., Wc have these goods from ?18 to f0 Clothes Purchased at this store will be kept pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Stores nhfield Two Stores The Marshfleld ironic of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes North Bend t a Price to Please You SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY WE HAVE MADE Y SPECIAL PRICES. COME IX AND I-OOK THEM OVER. ARK flLAD TO HKK YOU IF YOU UUY OR NOT. Kxtra Heavy Wool Sox, ir 50c. Now value, now pair trie Damask. Regular $1.50 now fit. in. $1.25 kind now per yard aoskeag Apron Gingham, on, green or bluo check. Per yiml lies' winter weight union suits. Give absolute rfectly. Tho regular $1.50 now' 9I.U3 41.00 Jersey Ribbed, now '. ea'a flannel shirts, military collar tular $1.25. Now , . . each ' Tint's cashraero hose, tan or blue only. frgular price 2Cc, now per pair large assortment of children's and Misses' Uted caps each from 35o to 0E w 95c 8c comfort and fit 85c .......;.98c i8c 75c DRArN-COOS DAY STAfiE schedule Lv. Gardiner. Oct. emnnnts or flannelette, crepes, ginghams, cretons nnd calicoes. ey have all been marked below regular selling prlco, for this M you may tnko TK.V PER CF.NT OFF. kifctlon ' Money funded THE FAIR Central Avenuo Next Door to Chandler Hotel Long's Famous alifornia Cherries (WHITE AND ROYAL ANNE) Quality unexcelled for Flavor and Tenderness. 'e have them in bottles at 20c, two bottles for 35c, 25c, also 50c and 85c. A Trial Order Will Please You Nasburg's Grocery I p.m. l:.10!..Thun. 1 p.m.j 2.:00. , Frl. 2 P. in. 2:00. . Sat. 3 a.m. J r, : a 0 j . . Sun. 4 'n.m.j 6:001.. Mon. B n.m.j C::tO . . Tues. 0 n.m. 7i00., Wed. 7 n.m.i "tOO;,, Thur. 8 a.m. 7:00. . Frl. 9 a.m. 7:00.. Pat. 10 n.m.j 7:30..Suu. 11 n.m.l 8:30.. Mon. 12 n.m.j 10:00 . . Tues. 13 n.m.;il:00.. Wed. H n.m.l 1:.10.. Tli. 15 p.m.ll2:30.. Frl. 1C p.m.l l:a0.. Sat. 17 p.m.j 2:00. . Sun. 18 p.m.j 2:00J.. Mon. 19, r. : 3 0 1 . . Tues. 20 n.m.j C:00.. Wed. 21 a.m. C:30.. Tli. 22 a.m.j 7:00.. Frl. 23 a.m.) 7:00.. Oct. 24 8:00J., Sun. 26 a.m.j 9:30.. Mon. 2G n.m. 10:30.. Tues. 27 a.m.ll:30.. Wed. 28 p.m.12:30.. Th. 20 , 1:30.. Frl. 30 p.m.; 1:30.. Sat. 31 I.v. Marshfleld 1..12:00n. 12:30p.m. 12:30p.m. 4:00u.m. 4: 30. a. in. r.:00n.m. . C:30Ja.m. .:) i:nv a. in. BREVITIES tides FOR OCTOBER. Below Is glveD the time and height of high and low water at Marshfleld. The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with tbolr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second line of each day: a corriD ar isen of consecutive helkhts will In dlcat whether It is high or low wnten For high water on the bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. i lira, Ft. . . Mrs.. Ft... Hr. . Ft... lira.. Ft... lira. . Ft. . . Hra. . Ft... Hrs.. Ft... 6,39 0.3 1.14 CO 1.5G 5.4 2.3C 6.3 1.12 6.1 1.43 6.0- 3.84 4.8 1.14 6.5 7.18 0.5 7.52 0.8 8.23 1.0 8.51 1.4 9.10 1.7 9.39 2.1 7.05 1.44 '5.7 2,12 5.8 2.38 5.9 3.03 5.9 3.28 6.9 3.53 5.9 0.0 0.0 7.41 0.8 8.20 0,6 8.54 0.3 9.26 0.2 9.57 0.2 10.31 0.2 WEATHER FORECAST rilr AtMtlttM Ftm ts Cm Br TIbm.) I OREGON Partly cloudy. cloudy, probably rain; south-t westerly wlnda. I LOOAIi TEMPERATURE RECORD. I For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m Oct. 2, by Bcnj. Ostllnd, special government me tcorologlst: Maximum 61 Minimum 41 At 4:43 a. m 50 Precipitation 28 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1914 10.01 Precipitation same period last year 3.S2 Wind: gouthweBt; cloudy. Anything In Salad, Meats, Cnkos, Pics nnd Fnatry Mnde on' SPECIAL ORDER Specials in Meat Plos, Pudding, Scalloped Potatoes A Inrgo Variety of Cooked Foods Served Hot. At All Hours of thG Day. Lunches put up In any stylo ynu want We appreciate largo or sunnll orders THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY. N. L. Y. P. S. at church hall. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. E. D. MoArthur. Mlnne-Wls Club with Mrs. W. E. Hoagland. Thimblo Club with Mrs. V. E. Watters. 1HI MARKET ST. W. .MRS. OLIVE K. BROWN Is now prepared to do Urst-clasa dressmaking at reasonable ratea. Street nnd house gowns, skirts, and blouses, dancing frocks, lingeries drosses. A trial or der Is requested. Seo our now fall books of Paris fashions. CLASSIFIED a revolver In the hands of some mem ber of the party. Officer Anderson at once rallied to the call and with tho aid of several spectators arrested the entire party and put them in jail, whoro one of the number, a huge man of more than 200 pounds, at tempted to break the Jail down by butting his head against the side .of tho wall. AD I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I ' IF WANTED Carpentry and repair work done by day or contract AH work guaranteed. Call 395 8. 4th. St., Phono 337-J. Anderson & Eag. FOR RALE New Phono312-X. kitchen tnvworw. Huld Communion Service. There will be communion service nt the Swedish Lutheran church Sunday at 11 o'clock. ALL KINDS of houscclcanliiK done. 25c per hour. Phone 137-L. Judge Orcein Old Friend. City . Recorder J. W. Rutlcr, Bitting as po- lice judge, held nn Informal affair I In his offlco this morning when ho FOR RENT FOR RENT O room furuMicd houM Phone331-R. I HORN WINDDIOLER-To Mr. and Mrs. waB cn'lod, on b' thro,c Bontlemcn. Wlndblglor, nt their homo at 940 two ot wnom the officers clnlmed South Urondway, a daughter, their had becomo Inobrlntcd and tho third first child. .had nought small change from pass ers-by. FOR RENT Two flats .furnished or In Madden unfurnished, North Front street; keeping rooms. also nidgv. house- judge FOR RENT Largo house In Boat' Marshflold, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L ni a H.iA.M .t. Mmi. ffftrnf.fc.n filifkii.Trnrtf nnil ' u nuunouu iiiu transfer wagons were busy today Rreeted as an old ncqualntnnco do- von hknt -Furnlslied house, mod moving the hurncsB shop of E. L. clnrlng that ho, Anderson, nevori ern. No children. Phono 311, 323 IIOPSOU from tho Corner Ot Central mmn tn Inwn wltlinnf mntlnn- .in' or 298. avenue nnd Front Btreet to the cor- n ..i... i...i ..,... I ... ' nor of Alder avenuo nnd Front street , . ...... "c"'" "' ,up to bo called down. .1. Rlrd was also up for Intoxication and Frank Receives Decree Roy Miller, Coos liny ropresentntlvo of tho Seattle Dredging Compnny, last evening was given the third degrco In tho Ma sonic lodgo. lie looks tho same as usual today. Hlggs for begging. Rlrd nnd Biggs wero fined $6 and told to leave, but Anderson drew a $10 fine and has gono to jail for five days. FOR RENT Lrn-Ro front room fur nished, suttnblo for two people. 464 Market street. Duck KenMin Tho duck season op ened today and nearly everyone who went out brought In gamo. Thero Is a atorm off the coast nnd many ducks are coming In. Rob Kruger nnd Jack Davis got eight, Win. Sleep and linns Kruger got eight and Lyle Sav age got soventeen. Go North. Receiver Watters nnd Attornoy Bryson loft yesterday for Portland and Eugene, where they will confer further with Judge Hnrrls re lative to tho sale of tho Kinney prop erties. Whether It will bo sold In bulk or parcelled out Is n question. Tho debts and recelersbtn exndnses will probnbly exceed $500,000, The FOR RENT Ijirgo front room Halt nblo (or 2 men, nowly painted und papered. One housekeeping apartment. Call evenings or Sun day. Phono 416. Evening phono 49-L. 416 South Fourth St. i. FOR SALE Will fin on Business. Hen Fisher flale of It tn bulk Is now unlikely, ow . .j ""d T. Brand expect to leave In Ing to the changes In financial condl . . 6:30 a.m.1'"0 morning on tho Droakwator for tlonB that the European war has . . .. 7:00n.m. . . 8:30a.m. ., 9:30a.m, ...10:00n.m. . .ll:00a.m. . . 12:00m. . .12:30p.m.' mo willametto Pnclflc railway, arrlv- . .is:30p.m . . 4;00a.m Portland nnd later they will go to Salem to attend to business In tho Valley before returning to Coos Bay In about a week. Atislstiuit Engineer Here. W. R. Fountnlne, assistant engineer In cuargo of tuo construction work on wrought. W. J. Wllsoy, who has had hlu oyo on tho property for soveral years, said wlion In hero last that his plans for tho English yndlcato doing big things were all shot to pieces by tho wnr. FOR HALE Small restaurant suit uble for man and wife. Pays well. Cloud reason for Belling. Only $300 If taken today. Apply A. Vt., care Times. FOR HALi; A H-rooin, furnUtHxl, tent house. North 13th street flear Commercial. Call evenings. FOR HALE Peopto'it Restaurant nail Sanitary Dairy nt North Bend. Phono 231. Hrd Trip. Rev. Robert E. FOR HALE Cider pre, neurly aei. Apply II., care Times. 12:30p.m. ed hero this morning and wbh met by Browning returned yesterday ove- uenneui uouser, or itousor nous- nlng from Clnrdlnor where he has 4i30..m. rrt fo r'Tii-an 'Z. ' Z C' 1' bee W n church, work. Rev. I'OR HAIiE Dark nwin developer attachment for photogrnphlo work. Address J., care Times. LOST . , 6:00n.m. .. C:30n.m. . , 5:30a.m. .. C:30a.m. .. 8:00a.m. . . 9; . .jl0:00Ja.m. ..ll:00a.m. ..12:00m. . .12:00im. The ROYAL Tonight. Tho final episode Chapter IB of "LUCILLE LOVE, THE OlRL OF MYSTERY." Don't fall to see tho end of this Interesting story. I i'TIiE DISASTER INT SHAFT 19"(bay by hundreds nnd to see them' .A thrilling story of nlottlnit and Jumping In front of Empire was a' Intrigue surrounding tho exploration 8B''t worth traveling miles to wit of an abandoned mine, released by.ne88 !I Bn'B tnt to recont mini V4 ,11I t IIU n . . . Lakeside country. Mr. Foiintnlnn Is roning relates n novel experience on n trip or Investigation. in a trip through tho rallrond conn- (try. Having arrived at tho railroad finidiiuttt t Allegany. Four grado where tho Scoflold Creek In evenPCfro,n .STiX) T ' "" "" Tl' the Allegany public school. School ,hero wnB no "W t0 croM' nni ' Supervisor F. A. Golden went up ter wnltlng for severul hours with on the boat from the city nnd wns no chance of a boat coming that present at tho exercises. Those who wny n r.i0 raft won fniiKtrurtmi graduated wore: Hazel Cowan. Ivy .?' " ?. ra, ?" C0'nIctPtl Noah. Lonzo Stomniermau nnd Ha- w,,h tlu5 n,d of f,'llow iravclew. zen Price. Tho diplomas were pre- Though barely holding up one por- sented by the principal, Abe Hueuer- son. tho rnft saved tho dnv nnd gardt. The remaining grades of the pr0ceodlng to Reedsport Rov. Brown-I WA.NTKIV or 5 nxim school will close for the winter lnllur , n . , ' . . ,. r .. house, rent not over $20. iiiinut wnnir i " --... .. -... -. .. .v. ...v .vv . I of tho stranded party. Big Salmon Hun. Al Nichols, ot IXXST M-knrat gold, agate set, gn tleman's ring. Finder please re turn to Times offlco. LOST A iceutleninnV niro contala tng $4.80, Return to Times offlco. lOST (ill I'm neck clwln with licArt shaped locket attached. Rowan! for return to Times office. WANTED i Empire, was in Marshfleld today mfl hyCK, basketball OAME. at and states that tho run of salmon EAKTSIDE FRIDAY. Boat leaves In the bny is tho greatest It has Market Ave at 7:30. Round trip, 25c. been In ten years. He snya yester-' . day that they wero coming up thol Freslb j Warner's Features. In three reels. I "VASCO, THE VAMPIRE" with Little Matty and juvenile support, 0 reels JOOO feet of Independent j Pictures Rust tlio'Tnists, ' ADMISSIONb Lower floor, 15c. Balcony. 10c. havo Improved tho here and Empire. road between CA X, enro Times. fundslied Addresi WANTED Mjiii und wife to work oh farm. Caro Times. WANTKD 300 fir pile fifty to sixty feet long for bulkhead. Pug et Sound Bridge and Dredging Co. N Ahks for Retrial. Declaring thnt new evidence has been gathered In connection with tho rase of Ole Anderson versus William Borreo, WHOLICSOME AND TOOTHSOME. Peanut Bar, pound , 10c I Here tomorrow night The second 'episode of tho "MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY." This serial promises to excel any feature ever shown In Marshfleld, Sunday matinee "The House of Bondage" and the "Million Dollar Mystery." I the motion for a new trial was ar-; Peanut Butter Delights, lb,. 10c gued this morning before Judge Fruit Square, M pound 10c Pennock by Attorney Tom Bennett,' Cream Wafor, Vt pound 10c appearing for Borreo who yesterday After Dinner Mints, pound. .lOo! ,was fined $50 nnd costs for larceny,' Fancy Jelly Work, Vt pound. .. .10c' SUMNER. nANrr DYr -"- Sumner Hall Sat. Evening October 3rd $25.00 $25.00 Wo will pay $25,00 to any person who causes the arrest and conviction of a bicycle thief In Marshfleld. (Signed) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY it being claimed that tho manager of tho Nutwood Saloon failed to re turn change out of a $20 gold piece belonging to Anderson. CreanwDellght, M pound 10c j AIAVAYft GOOD. ALWAYS FRESH. PEOPLE'S S-lO-ISc flumblei-H Quarrel. When about five Austrlans at North Bend could? n't agree over their card game at an early hour this morning they began a fight and one ot the number recelr- Ing been bumped with the. butt end of .RanOoaMyrUe Point Luhfiel(L 7:45 O'clOCrC D. Hi. MUSIC BY SUMNER t ORCHESTRA Midnight Supper 25c TICKETS $1.00 . EVERYBODY WELCOME Launch Alice H Leaves Market Avenue Dock at Marshfleld at iiAiiliiltfillttiiifilili'ii f. "trriif -gi!" tJg-"T' Mia. c. .c w m "T" ..aJ