mm 2J55g3i DITION 'MiSh iiiidsiimMmiimiK lglP-EVENINE uot - Km COOS BAY TIMES H. C. MALONEY Editor and Pub. PAN 13. MALONEY News Editor M.. i ii ii I ! " ' Official l'npcr of Coos County. Entered at the Fostoftico at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission Ibroifgh the malts ns second-class nail matter. TROOPS SHY III A WEEKLY. Dae vear when paid strictly in aavance, tile Subscription prlco of the Coos Hay Times Is $5.00 por yoar or CALF STEALING E 111 ED IPEOPbfe'V' , ,. MH KMOW ABOUT Jl Vtn ' $1.50 ' American Forces Will Not Be District Attorney Liljeqvist Is w. f". squires went to coquiiio to and' wlfq have also jtnken npa'tlt- f nictus mere. . ""2w ERNEST PETERSON, of Haynes In let, visited In tho city today. P. P. CROUCH came down from Haynes Inlet this morning and - L0CA1 GLEANS t Address all communications to COOS PAY DAILY TIMES An Independent Republican saw published every evenlnc excopt uadar, and Weekly by DTfce Coo Bay Times Publishing Co. Withdrawn From There Be fore October 11. ttlf Associated Pre to CoosTJ Tlcrfn.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 2.- The American forces at Vera Cruz Said to Have Obtained Strong Evidence (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE. Or., Qct. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Petroraoulx of Allegany, day on business. LEW PRICE, of Sumner, Is a Marsh field business visitor today. lull Wlti,.. ' . Roberts, j !"nn. .Toenh Bet Gene Tor,,. demurer In tho Darrow vs. School " A 0aBe and R K'' District No. 8 caso. I ,.., ' Ur. .. . . . I'm., 1... -me i.. attended to manors oi business '"- aueti to Conmn m ' ""'e Int.. ' e pe obert lttatil. today for tho purpose of fillnK a Noah' Gene Terry, d TN hero. C. II. PECK was a Coqullle visitor '. in l;SS' (i i a nt itt . vuinntt Stemmermnn, .T0,enh L Scbij,, will not be withdrawn before October but formerly located In Marshfleld. 11, It was announced at the War De-' where they were known as tho French GEO. W. STARR of Conullle Is a Mnrahfleld business visitor today. ntn.nm n,Mi c... , Mv' Realtv Comnany. wero nlaced on trial . GEORGE W ATKINS attended to le- Dedicated to tho service of the ....,. . .... , ,. ro lodnv nn nn Indictment chanrlnc: cal matters in the county seat to- people, that no sood cuun sba t" '""""""" u """'" 0.-1 n,. .iih ,!.. nmt ia,rhi.liitt dav. L. P. from no was Iftct a. champion, and that OTH shall me icars oi me iucxicau civilians "--' " .....h ...... ,.-..-, . ,, Mot thrive unopposed. employes by tho American admlnls- yearling heifer belonging r. C. A. tration wno destro ror their own pro- iwuiue m uuesuu;. tectloa to leave before the evncua- It Is reported that District Attor tlon. I ney Liljeqvist has a letter from Pe- I tromoulx practically admitting the mvtv t nrM ntnpvrrj 'shooting of the heifer but in which JIKET AT AGUAS aVLIENTES. they c,nned Umt thoy 8hot an,. mat In self defense as it waB over- SCI1SCRIPTION UATE9; DAILY. tne year $6.00 92.50 for six months. Fer month 60 W. C. CHASE, of Coqullle, is In Marshfleld on business and pleas TUB GREAT TRADITION IVY NOAH was In the city today from his business.. home at Allegany on iBr Amx-utrJ Prrmm ts Coot nr TlmM.1,n.n. . r, n.L .. -,.- rtinnlnc thplr tilacp and cndancerlnc REMIER ASQUITH said In tho coimdlat uasCalStes o"n Octo- their lives. - l Ktf MOEHLER. the lumber Inspect- House or commons mat mo i,tr in will hrlni? tmrpthpr for tho it is aiso stated mat me Binte nas. '. - ." . .. short stay. VIn..... .. . - '"""h lU'inrnw DENNING returned at noon ,' L ' er nnd Cumteri k,. the Mcintosh Preserve where cd fron Coqullle. h, 'W xna fixing up "the Hanny been called n i... Mra Hunting Grounds" for ducks. He ngalnst whom im ' Ni, bagged one bftrdwhll. out. wcro 2 -"Si .M fi ATTORNEYS GRAVES AND MctN- thelr tw days In Comuu1"' H TURPP, of the firm of that name, va,n ,:" u'nnr rn Oftnlllllu flila nmnnlntr - where they have court business. ' . ,,,'0Krll Countryr-,, ( ,8 b well reprcenSr1, ARTHUR m.OCII. who linn beeu BrannB 'n tho publication 0 V emplr Vi' a time-keeper on the Coast Lumberman of s ,, WlllnniclU Pacific expects to leave this mornlne C n v, '' for Portland In tho morning and Reaver Hill whfl:'n!en,,'lt will later go Francisco for in wio morning nnu n0nVOr HIM ,w c"ll ,,,l.i,,,.,s. ,,,jrzt;xx;. w- House or uoramona mat mo ber 10 ., brinir tocether for tho British army under Sir John frat tlme a ft, reprcgentatIon of VII- KaIncd additional evidence to prove rench nad shown linen wormy or Its great traditions In recent "s- nothlntr will bo done He apokc truly. The concise of- COnsequenco before the conference Marshfleld, a butcher, Is said to have llclal report of the commnnder shows nIl8 nsaemblcd and Indicated what de- taken the parts of the carcass found that the traditional British coolness, grce 0f 8upport can be expected for hurled on tho Petromoulx place and l&jggedncss nnd conrago were fully thc policies adopted by the Mexico watched them up with bones found In mulatned by the British troops. I qhv convention which Is now In ses- tho meat that was in thc brine nnd Tho Gcrmaqs have likewise bus- Bton. thy of la's adherents and those from Carran- that tho meat found salted down In OTint"IT.iB.,.H..( "Sht- za and Zapata. It Is assumed that the Petromoulx house was from the " " JT UL L, -road .uperlntondont 'nothing will bo done of far-reaching Hodlne critter. Henry Fourier, of t Allegany, was hero on busl- n ess today. JUDGE C. L PENNOCK,- of the Justice Court, went to Coqullle ests and the logging operil( New Ticket Offlc--RM .... i.i ii.. ...... of tho nrp.-iltw,.. u.. "' m huh uiiuiiiuuu, uuiiik Liiiivu mere .". ui irruriJi I flee at Third and Alder ta hriS" Thla will o1l.l.i. ... '.""nmi ., l.BrMb ns a witness in tho Petromoulx "" '" "u iroro Coot n ,. . .....f.i. .... ... ai.. ...... hnndlml nt li a..ii... . ' w cuhu which tjuue up uu mo iiuck- v "wumern PactTk e et today. fIce t Third and Alder I ...,. . -.! uiuiaj niswu eliminate long ,rtpI(87 at Coqullle. talucd tho great tradition of thc time f Frederick tho Great In their pre paredness and effectiveness. The French have sustained thc traditions )f nn earlier day by their courageous joudticl In the field. All th great wnr tcaiHtlons have teen fully sustained. All the tin ( tions liavo shown themselves worthy of tholr warlike past. No nation ' a cod blush when It compares the courage and capacity of Its ances tors with Its own efforts In modern .trar. All thc warlike traditions! Rut thc one really great tradition, the Btcztiet of them all, the tradition ot pence and good will which was handed itfown from tho lips of thc Carpenter ol Knzarcth what nation can Bay It lias proved Itself worthy of thnt? All tho European nations now nt war nre heirs and Joint heirs of that Rrcat tradition of peace. They rc cvlvcd It beforo thetr national life Jcgan, while most of them wore prim itive peoples boyond thc pnlo of Ro man civilization. ' For nearly two thousand years that great tradition ot pcaco has been rAT i' H mBVbmv HNNF4 .THE :otels MR. AND MRS. 7.. T. THOMAS, of 3'. W. MAI.ONEY, a Portlnnd nttor- uock offlco to make resrnttcul ! . . ........ ....... ... Ht llotrnta nitJ -.111 i . . . . " ' Allegany, wero witnesses today, ney is iiero on miBiness. ne is " , --. " hi ue a flWl. a member or tho Multnomah Club 'enco to iireakwater pjtrou nnd Is said to bo ono of tho best " nmntotir boxora the club linn ever Ml4'' Offenders. Deputy Ci, I had. ..itiuvii iiiuiuag uai rued thria with District Atlorne; Lllletf W. J. CONRAD Is In Curry County attending a meeting of tho Board of Equalization. I RUSSELL DEMENT, ono of the well ngiilnBt Bud Martlndale ml cj, :. SCHILLING, tho Myrtle Point known ploheera of the Coqullle bert Coon, of Camas Valley for ll . ,1.l..l.l l.l.l .... .. . ......... . ...!.. 1 l . . " Tho Clinntllcr Hotel. .1. Forsytho. Portlnnd; E. R. Hurst, Portland; J. William Johnson, Snn Francisco; John Ellis, Miami, Flor ida; C. II. O'Neill, Portland; A. G. Long, Portland; A. W. Plympton, Portland; G. W. Starr, Coqulllo; S. C. White, Portlnnd; C. H. Alvert, Portland; It. E. Willis, Portland. The Lloyd Hotel. II. Wlllard, Ilandon; J. R. Wil liams, Camp 2; Mr. and' Mrs. C. Rrown, Henryvllle; Fred Miller, Ban don; J. J. Ktrkland, Myrtle Point; W. Crawford, Myrtle Point; E. Cllnk tjiibcurd, Coos River. Tin? St. ItAWtvnro Hotel. Mrs. W. C. Drake, Eugene; G. M. nunlap and wife, San Francisco; found them to match perfectly. Tho head of the animal, found burled, was Identified by Miss Rodtne, nnd this mnkoB a strong chain of circum stantial evidence. Number of Prescription. Attorney John D. Gosh, who repre sented tho Myrtle Point men who wero sentenced yesterday for pres-iO. E. HILL, of the firm of Hill & xnlntln.i tin..n i.nrnn ,i.i.,i it.-. . Miiriiliv rAtitrtimt tt Hrlilen vnstor- .tlril llllllll lli.llli:, oltllVll 1111 IWT ......j..., ....... - ....-n .-... . had Investigated tho matter morei 'nJ' after a short stay hero. t K 1)0x M'CRARY, who retired from thoroughly and found that somo of J. E. hotel man, was n Marshflold busi ness visitor last evening. Valley, was here yesterday from properly tagging a deer. He u Myrtlo Point on business nnd nIo "led complaint ijilait jN pleasure and was warmly wolcom- Bevnul and Jim Iloue for fluty ed by Ids friends nn the Ray. hi tho North Coqullle without B- censes. W. A. ACKERMAN waa n visitor in Coqullle today, being railed there to attend to legal business. I the claims hitherto made were groBs l.v exaggerated. He stated that the total number of proscriptions calling! for liquor thnt had been filled by tho Myrtlo Point drug stores the last two years totaled only about 100. in re-! gard to Dr. Stemmlor Issuing a largo number to a few patients, ho ntntctl.MRS. R. A. CHURCH and her son' I J. J. KIRKLAND lert on tho train thin morning for RoBeburg, whero he goes to visit for nwlillv. business here- a year or bo ngo and Close Itcsemblanrr, J, w.Bettttt has been residing on tho ranch of hns placed a new cabinet ot bti w, his fnthoT-ln-luw, Mr. Jutstrom, Tom, atongsldo one of hlmielftdn on South Coos River, left yesterday a couple of years ago. ThepoiMa for Ilandon to tnko n position In tho two pictures are about the uu that In one case one mnn who Is suf fering from consumption hnd secured thlrty-flvo prescriptions and another the Houston pharmacy. AMONG THE SICK Russell, enme down this morning from Allegany for a short shop ping trip. man who Is Buffering from painter's jflt. AND MRS. C. A. ROD1NE, of cuuc mm received a dozen or bo, no further claimed thnt tho prescriptions showed that they were not Issued pro miscuously. Lust C.e Now. It Is Btatod that as son as tho Pe tromoulx case tB completed, Jndgo t ntnnti1 f lrtlo anntilllA Tl W xtauded down from sire to son, from ,, ' .,.. ,..,. ,,.i. ...V Coko will dismiss tho Jury and pro'a TawI Ifi ...I Trkl.n mntliv -1.11.1 ,.., .,!... -J imjo, '"" "P """" . , "'""'""" """ ",U wife. Bantlon. preacher to his ock. For nearly h twenty centuries It has been a part a A A(Jtorlu. n n nceg0( w iiiu iiuii.-nrjvu urt'cti oi curiBiumium v n lltwi; w t WIUIIl( 4 If Lnwtou, Portland; D. II. AndrowB, Blachly; "W. T. Reese, Portlnnd; D. It. Shambrook, Cooston; H. J. Lawhorn, Myrtle Point; W. Mat n DR. IIORSFALL has MOVKD to thorn-crowned ROOMS llil-ll-in. HIVING HLOCK. a part ortho highest human Ideal! $nlck to provo themselves worthy ef the traditions of war, tho blinded kntlnnu amn nnt llni 4tiA tnMm. ------.. .v, ,...- portand. aeorKO InK: tlMJinselves unworthy of tho great- goutn jnie est tradition of. all. Eager to ollow ' the head thnt woro a crown,-thoy lost tho vision of that cnd of Palestine. Rut tho great tradition lives. Though Peace now sits In rags and cries aloud In tho market place, the time will soon come when tho wnrrlng nations will bring their costliest Tubes and gifts. 'Though tho tradi tions of war aro now exalted, tho na tions must coon see war In all It naked verity and crime. Not through any vlrtuo of our own, -nt bocniiso of favorable conditions rrovldoutlally vouchsafed, doos this nation today find Itsolf tho chief up holder of tho Great Tradition. With duo humility lot It dudlcnto ItseU nnow to the thought that makes mon free. An opportunity to do this Is by on oarnost nnd sincere obscrvnnrn of the? nntlounl day of prayor for peace which tho Prosldout hns proclaimed for Sunday and which rerolves excel lent local suggestion In tho proclama tion of Mayor Allen publUhod In Tho Tlmos today. Lot us with humility and enrnoHtiioss piny thnt tho warring nations inako tho one Great, Tradition of Peaco n Groat Truth. coed to Lakovfow to hold court. READY FOR RATTLE. iMIcgany. went to Coqullle today to nttond thc hearing of tho Pe tronmoulx ense. C. 0 Oregon Company fined to Ills home by tack of tonhllltln. mid the striking reiemblancebtttttt father and sou Is brought out plain as to cause even their most EaS mate friends to remark It. Mr. Bn nett hns written under Tom'i phfj Hocketl. of tho Southern tlw iHcrpItton : "J. W. BeswtC Dinpnny at Empire, Is con- ."jRO" n sovore nt- S. A. CARMICHAUL enmo In today from his tie-camp on South Inlet, r'hniiL'ii Rrhodnlp. Theichnlalfrf D. A. Jones, of Tho Flxup. Is suf- U)0 oca, motor car liai been thuH ferlng from n palnfut nttack of BuKhtly In tho morning to accoaw- rhcuniatlHiii. ,mt nunkor '"111 neonle and MirA-' field men working at the mllUInee- ' forth It will make Us two lint Wji bl from Marshfleld to Ilunher IITtllBtst i Gov. .Mu)tort'na AiIvhiicch on Catrnti. Anny Entrt'nclc ttt Nnn. , tDf AmocIi1 Pr (o Coot ru Tlmix.l NACO. Oct. 2. Governor Maytor- Wassoiu onn nioved hts main force to a point within threo miles of Naco today and halted, apparently to prepare for an Improves Place. -K. L. Robln- u-l.orn l.n hi., luwrn tnnklntr nflor 8011 llllS retUrilOll from SllOfO ACfC some Bhlnments lHo w,n I"'elnro n topographic map , niornlng. leaving here at Mi - PI I of Rig Creek for L. .1. Slmiwon. cr.ATu This will mean the tint tn jS. I. IIOXNET.L left on tho morning Ho says that the- strip between Mr. tu North Ileud wll be m4e t Ml I . . .. .. . . .... . - OI ... fl..A llfll'l.K MM.t frt.A KTflfl? . ... ,.... .I..I.V MM.t. Itmh train lor aiyme roini. wiiere no dihiiuuh n tio urc " m iiio nioruiiiR. khius "i" "" - . oxpects to get Mine pictures of tho about 30x100, Is being covered ' connect hero on the return with to surrounding country. JUDGE JOHN P. HALL went over to court at Coqullle this morning, being called there on some probnto work. with concreto bo that the dashing niornlng train for Coqullle. Bprny will not maKo it mmiuy. Moio PhNiwiufs. Deputr .C A Hepert. of the Warden Thomas hai recelTM tl grocory, Is Othor conslKiimcnt of phemw ai Itnllil Honie.-rAC Conner & Hoagland building it homo. In 'First Addition. fr0m tho state farm. Part ol V birds wero taken to Dr. Dirt rasci , IM.'IIMI.'V'U HWM.' i.'tr3ii IIALL.'sATrRD.Y.' 0(4oilKR . or as logo, -... . . I - niuicK on uenurni inn b uarranza nr-,nvniir.i.' tWDi.n In down from . v.n,,iii nr Ki my of 1S00 men entrenched within i"';!!? DanleVS camX? a'fowl The lndiM of tt KMncop.1 CI.IM on tho upper Coq .l e DUJ the town. Hill stood rendy for nn ns-l days owing to tho Illness of his of North Hem! win hold n food had six birds tnnt TO !V t little dnughtor. Hho was some- mle nt the Coo Ray GrtntiT- Katur- purcnasea a J l Jr hl" ;,,, il what improved today. THE MODELI CASH GROCERY L "Good Things to Eat" Give Us A TRIAL ORDER RED CROSS AID. American Hospital Ship Roaches llor )ojui Today with Aid. tHr Auocltt) J"r (o Coot Pt Tlmra.) llORDEAUX, Oct. 2, Tho Ameri can hospital ship Red Cross arrived nt Pnulllnc this morning from Fal nionth nnd brought tho Red Cioss units. hlch will serve with tho I'Vfliich nrinlos, MARRIAGE LICEXSF.S. " Wm. F. Adams and Ida Davis. Albert Potra Stamsos and Madge Ibno Golder, Frederick Georgo Knox and Ashing Jasehiorh Torp. - William Oscar Olson and Flora Vi ola GUI. A. Jt. McNeil nnd Seluia Wilson. CnqulUe Herald. and you will then know that wo carry at all times a full line of Staplo and Fancy Groceries fresh from thc wholesaler Also everything procurable in Fruits and Arcge tables at lowest market price. . Big Piano Contest If vou wish vour friend to win one of these bean- tiful pianos buy your groceries hero as we are the only grocery house in Marshfiold who aro giving these coupons. 6 Commercial Ave, Phone 433 biy, Oct. :r. ARJmlles of Um church bo released on the " e" of are nke.r to contribute, ranch at Falrvlew and the clkw PJ I s on tho Frank nowron ra"hlT" . r ..... ...v...., ... ,..,.-!, i o.'miio. With tho co-operation ot MATT L. MAY, representative Haas RrotherB In this territory, ...., . ,,, umm. Mm co-operation ol nm! wife hnvo moved from Tho RIG DANCE, baflketball GAME, at, Mllo. With tho coopy K-:.'f!,,!Lft.M riJiJ,-T ,n KAST8IDB FK!JAY. Roat leaves hunters and ranchers. W v..u,v. ..u. .u ,. -... ... Market Ave at 7;30. Round trip. aic. j that tno birds will rapimy my' l lit- .11.1 I lit' illllo, 11 III. Uiliuca KINDLY REMEIBER AND GIVE TJS A TRIAL EVERYTHING IN THE BAKERY MNE 1MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY 133 NORTH SECOND 8T- NEAR CENTRAL) AVKNUK. PHONE 4M. JBfo>Mfo MEN AND BOYS JUST DECEIVED A shipment of Rain Coats. A beautiful dark gray, extra back, inside and weight enough to answer for an Overcoat. Well finished. All sowed and welted seams. Positively water proof. Price $18.00 AYe are showing a big stock of now Fall Overcoats, Rain Coats, Craven ottes and Ralmacaan. Prico $8.50 to $40.00. Call and see our new Fall Suits for men and boys. Qualities of tho very best the market puts out, and PRICE of the very lowest that yon will find in high-grade merchandise. Marshfield's Leading Men's and Boys' Clothing Shop. See Our Windows. WHY?-Because We Sell for Cash Women and Misses MILLINERY Big lino of Tints just iwwv 1. 0 ing to late delivery we have obtnuica concessions from the house wlncli en us to place them on the inn at one-fourth less original seuiub price, thus giving the purclmsei tnc benefit of the 'low price at the i) height of the season. The greatest variety of Suits nei brought to Marshficld and tliojen v latest ideas in stylo and ninto jnl V all made by best New York dwign ei-s especially for THE PABISW . Prices from $15.00 to $85.00 COATS A shipment of Now Coats just to. comprising tne mie jj " "'iioSOlo just out. Newest moclois. $45.00. '$10.50' i i d i -T3